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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Oct 1897, p. 2

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e 'i beauttul cyes grow duit aud dina Au the Swift yeart Steai away. fleaotUful, wllovy ferma no auna I.eae fairnesi wih every day. But she euh la queen aud hath charme to *pare Who Wear* youtb'a corel - beauthful a.nd you preserve your yonth. "A woman l.as old as se looka," «sy the wqrld. No Wroman looks as old as eh. la if her halr ham preserved its normal beauty. Tota can keep hair from faflUza out, restoring ite normal oolor, or restore the. normal color to gray or fa.ded hair, by the use of Ayer's fair Vigvor. CORRESPONDENCE Uxbrtdge Jes Ward had a very succestul sale on Mondsy, néarly a hundred head et cau..le bigsoîd, sud a lot of bermes sud abe:. GoJ pra s. e realizéd. The sale wau welI «vertised sud wua ttended by an immense crovd- Those File Evérybody notlced thé large numbér of bothersome lutile filés m at fi led thé ait- ou the wartn days receutly. Thepe tire calléd aphides. and their présence in auch largo numbera là eidie b. ow iug te the latones efIrosi, wbici géuorally pots au sud te thena. TIhe uphidea usual eeveî genorations havé coes pon us sud tbey bavé gene ou mnliiplying by flffié. Il vara veather ubould continué they wonld fill thé air sud own théeosrth. ont o0f. We regret very auci te hear cf au se- Mient te M r Thomas Fsehby. Treasurei et thie Township ot Uzbridge sud Vieé Presideut o thé Northb Oniario Agricul tonal Boeiov, .by vilcihé e 0esthi flugérs et bistright lian). Ho Wall, ou iug ensilage ounMonday air Dr Forresit fsrm near Mt Albers, vbeu lhe .ecideci oceured lu the usual vsy. Thé tintai ansd firat tirée flugérs wero laken off be 1ev thé second joints, thé ltLle inger hi ing left ou. Tbe doctor vas present ani ne lime vas lest lunstéundiug lbe injurie bot ne ameunt ot cané eau replace ieus flugon .-Jourual. le t. t b e. se c -nint Mrs Irwin, an old sud ilgily rempected residsni of ibis district, diedon P rida3 ulgit ai heois ednce ot John MoKinuon. Si John street,, Canningten, sud vab boried ut Nooropolis ou Monduy fore Doon* George IieOormlclc, M. P., aund .ngos MoLood, of Brsceleidge, bave obtsined tbe contruci for supplinu Lie Grand Tounk Railwsy viti alCLe ies reqmmred for ici. systemùfoniBelleville vesur, WVilliam. infant tao dcfMr and Mmm J R May, agen) 1 year ô mocai.sd 27 dsys dieta thé fsmily résidence on Suturday, 1«4aI, sudvu 'buried ut Cedar Val. Clemeery on Mouday aftémon. Tie nirents have iths sympasby i fmmn> Thé assuere etde.: Iliseuesfor muni' ofte Ontuio distrctsba,. buassm.d bot' OR puflodos mot appeur lu ithe lit, Boof thîe local isser ae -.à B144e, eson Pll; wia 'wdi*a Minden;# W Prosi, gauburto; ;" Robinson, Bobosygon; 3u>laa Ntt, Port There vasamouler muwv esespfrorn a tli asedoeousi thé >les"4 ouimou- dey. b O'Donell. th* foièaan. vas vorkiag aruadIhe b$g teu. pile driver and vas etooping béside thé pileslait, upon ic pred Dowawel1l hLil. rturned leoCalgjary' fMin Bulieèh ýOceabit e 48 tlfl'-ühé h *mploy of -îh* O.P.l painieé Sua d etbeïw4*Q tmprovb.4 iII5. Thé, loascoverlng on the Barry bridge M~ill continués te ataflOy uhose Who ire oompelled tu drive ove: it. - T Brown fioa purehased aà 150 acre farm lu WhitchW*rOb tud viltaire Pisselkqn of thé smre ilié fanl. Nichoiaè Burton hbu beep ill for a.weOl but we are ulèad te hekr tisi ho ais aibout bis usaai ork again. Kirk Beelby bai been very ill for a fév days, aud bis flrieuds are suxiouàily aet- ing an improvemni ishe ouidit.ion, Mrs Gerow and Mr& Murdoek roturuen) from Michigan thé othor day, alter éipend ing a week or me with Mmm Bell oftbtat placob. Ge Gerew bai béen confluod te thé bouse for a wéek wîh a very severe .oold po.sibly la grippe, but is nov aomeî'hat botter. Lait Sunday à uum ber ot our boym vis. ied John PReads place aasudmneeéded iu breaking bis new windmill, much te the cbargrin et thé owner. Grapo itoalin g bas benome very prev aient lu ibis plaue. How rnob more respectable il would bé te asir for thé fruit. Thete wouid b. De refusai. Miss Minule lMrrell, of Toronto june tien, after spoudine a fév veeke atOCairn- brogie thé guéai of Misa Liane Graisam. reiorned boeeWeduiemdayi Lizzié Walker Who hasbeen euïployed witii M1n D Forsyth was taken litIwitb Ityphoid fève: thé other day, sud was re- moved to the home cf ber miter., Mmi Joues, et Baleani. Sho la net considorod in -a dangeroue condition. Borné lime durlng Tbursdy nlgbt, Relit ÂmAheuhurist bad soe $41 stolon froni hie ' honie ou thé Brd con cf Utbridjce, sa short distance uorth of hore. No ope ini .thé bouse heard thé burglar, yet ber suc aceeded lu gettiug away viti thé cas~i James MoFarlane roturned îrouâ, the north the otber day with uluieteen iead fo f feediug cattle as Wall as acmé sbeep. iThe Joues boys have abso purohaned a numbor of thèse cattle. The ucrtbemu etarinere are nov uisking thé mistakç Liat hours did a fow mnthiaàge. -Thé romaine cf the laie George Jouet Dwere brougbt boe rIom Uxbridge andin y erred ai Bethel coetary sfto: whioh s ýmémorial sermon vas preacbed iu' thd baptiet ciureh on fiuaday. Decesei ywasSt ue lime a reicbent of tbis localit: aud wus op ini years ai tIhe imé of hi AI s meeting et the board oet analze fIent et ths Clarémont Publie Lihrary, heîd ou lié événing eofici. 29îh luit., it vas deéided th& a fumicier 'brqase et books b. made, sud Liai thé SU uo f oe bundréd sud "fy dollars hé up$irpriat- ed fer Liat purpose cf encueenîg lie ouroîlment et uéw niembors, Ls riée ei ticketsfInca nov te Dec 81et1.j 89,be issned ut thes aum cf tveniy-4v conta eaci, wiieh eau ho procuréd rromn the treasuror, R P lHoppr.-News., - I Of t hm tlW' £2. Out W*f et ed , e i] «UN V cOmeww 4ï0y lbas :eote Ashop,' Y'.0 N'I'sslooke4 i andôpe.d ce ext.enisiWely sas. moral Merà tit aiWoburn. neh.fam'_ý d il reiid n th',-oê,luodiog#, trosi Plàkeringýýrediwl epesdt er WhatHîs mproed -ornoo Ltai# aVenture, hasproved a succès. What is Ipro~ Homeo A very marked revival lias occnred in Iýpathic Syster» Has Doue te nsci the Ârioioht rder of Uoited Fort he PopÎ- o Workmou ulunce the lut session of grand Canada.lodgéowhen the graded assmmment sys- te rsadoptod. Thé Pickering con-. tingent havé hâd the pleaurte of feeling a qore vigorous mernbership, and expee* SICK -MA"IDE WELL tat~ions are that eeàtohr 'a oàb 81tKeM D W ,er aeon he ooks llb Trosof R ne nvlde and bhaveOniatorlally incroaaod. - Sévorai casés-etwoep-----o-gn.n-v *-Sufferera Te wlleir Glad What tha People are Sayin~1 t r s I t Mr James Grant, No 248 Monroe St., 0! Toronto, Outart, mya: -My dn.oghter W waa se bâi wlth dympepsia thât for sev-q oral veeksat a sti.aithe ould osstrie fod ndu asobuîgéd te malbisi on l- quids. 3be lad sasmur stoinaci sud the. focod coold not b. rete.inéd. Afioruiugp two boutles cf Munyon# DyspeposaCute ah. liai oompetely recovered sud cap nemi est auyt.hing. Wé cousidor lier curé wonclerlual. W. have alec oaéd Mun- yoes Rhéurnatlsm Cure witi thé béat re- subis. Ne- porson uéed sufer from dis- eue. whou théy eau obtain Hon yens Remédies." Mnnyon'e Rheumatimm Cure oeldeni ailla te rélieve lu eue te tire. honte, aud cures tu a fév daym. Prie. 25c. Monyoun'e Dympépeas Cure positivei3 cures ail forms of Indigestionensitem 1 soi trouble. Priée, 25o. Munyou s Cold Cure preveuts pneu - moulà,ansd breaks np a celd lu A 10w bours. Prioe, 25c. Munù'sOlacungi Cure stops ceughe, nigla voats, slsys ecreueis, sud ipeed ily ioula thé lunge. Pries, 25. mu"uyn's Rxidnoy Cure apeediîy curés; pains -iu thé back, loina or groins aud aIl frins of kiduey dise aie. Priée, 25c. Monyon'à RHéadacie Cnrs stops head - acbe lu tirée minutes. Price, 25a. Munyou's Pile Qintment poeitively curés al -forme et pilés. Prie., 25e. Monyon's »l1ood Cure eradioa'teî aIl impuritiés et the blond. Priée, 25o Munyc'. Fernale Remedis are a boon te al vemen. binuyon's &sthma Remédies relieve ln 8 minutes and cure permauéutly. Price, bssu reported heroaboutis during thé past fév veoks. Complaint lias alie been made te us that smrn parents continue to seud thé clildren te sehtool sfto: îhey bave discovered that they have the cou taglou. Sucb couduot is very unbeconi- ung te say thé leait, sud. uniess thé mIles of propriety are more strictly observod, ne will have a general epiclémio of the nhoopiug varioty. For the past week a Oovemnmeut Sur- veor bas beeu at Fairport making a com- plète draving of Freuchuisus Bay. The questinn for what porpoee ces the govermnt vaut thèse messurements. Burely thé var departmeut Bt Ottawa have net concelved thé ides that the Americans are couteuiplating a raid on Canada, sud tiuk that a fort la neces- mary at Fairpori. This stranger f roui Ottawa ils net lu thé leait demmanicative. -News. (Crowded oui las! week) m ies Evans ield a fine youug herse for a Miss Mary Smitih spent Sunday lu Clare- mont with friends. Mis Mary Pugh le speudlug a few days viti relatives in Claremont. The inspecter called on No 14 On Meonday. Rie found thingsinl good runuiug order. Ex-Aîdermati Bates, Mrs Bates, Mr Coady and Mns Coady of Toronto Sundayed with Mr sud Mns J McAvoy. lu reportiug last week we forgot te men- tion that MNIrsud Mme G Gilroy were away a fév days lait veek attending tie marriage of Mr Gilroys brother. The remnaius ef the late Mr Jones of Good- wood were interred lu Bethel cemetery on Suuday lait. The funerai sermon wai preached lu the baptist church lu Clare- ment. Dangeroas Poisons in Plasters. MnvnbCaar emdo.ovr<i. Belladonneanmd Acouite psuiters veald Montarrb Cutrriedes 5c.-r aite nô e ho oed at alliIf their dangoroup ll îarhié-rie2o-eaiae qoalities vere more geueraliy Irnown. thê disease from Lie syelem, sud thie Ca,- I'hese drugu msy ho absorbéd by thé mym- tarri Tubets-price 25c.-cleanso surf tem sund causé sermous trouble. "Quiok- beul thé parts.;cue a enrom nd sbig Munyon's Nerve Cure le a voudérful ue a enrcomu'da en uerve ioule. Pries, 25c.éniirély frai frim anyt.hiug which oîîild Munyu'sVitlize retors bot vgorpossibly injure a cbild sud ne pIauLer re- Prise, ' Viaizrrstns otvio oves pain me quiekly- Thé 50c aud $1 Persui er elPof.Mnyui ie pots of "Quickcure" hold 3 sud 9 aud 18 Albert a., Torot, auewored altimues éqaut ltilmnsdo viti Ire. medical advice for suy diséea u tiei.érd o- Oberrywood NIEWOASTLM Miss Ferguson bas been re-engaged Mn Seymnour Wilniot was in tow » for another year as instructor of the visitiug at Mr Giabraitis.1 youth of our section. Mr Chas Tamiblyn aud vif e, of ChL~ Mrs John Heuderson 15 recovering cago. are visitiug ai Mn Rich Varcoe .- from her receut ilîness. Mn Geo Douglas. of Stratford, s By invitation the choir gathered at spendiug a lew days t is fathers, ~r W Taylors in houer cf Miss Sadie and T Douglas.b spent a pleasaut eveniug recently. Mn Thos Ratcliffe had thé bad m+~ Thé farmers seem te he having an fortune te break is shoulder; hé wr~ easy time just now, as lu s impossible att"dçd by Dr Farncomb. te do auy plowing ln this neigibor- Mr.Robt Alin lias returued from T hl<O<d* route, viere ie bu beena sort tie atteý4ing ccllcgc exainatieus. f SQIENOE SAND BKILL Mr Wm Gayand his brotliers w re - lu towi! ou Tuesday. Thyvredu4 q DEVOTED TO THE PREPA RAT101Ç ut tIic bus-lI of iter umther. vwe aO F DiA&ÛONÏD DYES. iuterrcd, la the Por Nvcstlocefc hoRevMr Danlela, of Port: Ho Ic, h le moaiblé for tife malter. et lai cULM 1c4 ,e~ulplt On,S mnday lt; utain sud d2 *ai, rut bythelput c Wcolor erhospe dyeing * hr 4e n mîta ofvntth mu ieré= iRv >Canon -Parncombo, %id b ydep. o sAiciAt-eint i attwawrd pended serviceîs lu x o ti 40 îmth "h" Orommo, il St Sa#iora cizurclib vdork. w8wiatbe i soimenfo mon of thé but -uin ethe- chemli*ryeiWf giv. îh Thur Win sibefrS Dow isda udroerh bathmstàdesontfor ith* pweparton ofD*smond DY*. ~<asd thé iproteçoà a -"etthm evboP. Mo___ uh1iov y" ûe, - o t a e 't t. i i Cakes, OUDI10ful s U, u sAila tlrmal c') c a 't . 1 1 Oae e Cvunte ihe ee odlmu se cupEul mlases al o puu uàflt féee, in which in dimmelved oe oiI agpocfül acdâ> 0ivtWo and,,OeehalU oup 1 sI fleur, one 01 railsibrl neeoetcarributit le quarler Pound citron, one te4oi1peié oh cinuamon, cloves and- nutmneg. lavor with leqion, Bake iu a moderato oen nearly one houe?. Layer Gako.-CrSlfl together oneoCUp i butter, twe of sugar ; addcoe e upf ul ?et milk, four oggs-beating yolks îaud id whites aeýprrately, adcing thé atifly eatéfl wlitu laut. Sift two teaspoo 1u is fbaking powder wlth three eupf na le ur aIré in tins in bot oven. Whon *uffici. ntly cool spread, with fllliiig. For a amon filling (delicieus) tcake one grated our appie, one cupful isugar, irrated pool nd mie cf olue lomon, oee otn egg 1 et it cook until it thiokonh, trring un- il doue te avoid burning. Spread as fur Il cake. One-haîf of the cake recipe in ifficiont for a tbree.layer cake. Wlth i.e addition of a little fleur, this recéipe aexcellent for patty patn. Blackr Cake.-One pound fleur, oeeof )utter, two and a hall etàch cf raisins aod wrranta, ene and a hall of citron, une of ark brown sugar, haîf plut of molaseB, mie eggs, two tablespeenfuls oach of cin- sinon, mace and claves, eue winoglass- ,'i each of wine and brandy, fou r oranges lur louions. Brown haîf tho fieor. Mix Ill the fruit togethor and put int cake 1e laut îhing. Pour the wine sud bran. y ové: the apices biefore adding. Bake ýwo heur. and beave in pans tili cold. rhm la a famous old Hartford (Ooun.) recipe. Snow Pudding.-One good third boxf ai gelatirse (Plymiouth Rock preferred) dis- olved in a littie cold water, oe ucpIai ugar, juice of ene lemon. Strain sud et away te aool. When uearly stiff add, wbites of tiwe eggm boston te a froth. Best ai well toeéther and put lu earthon nold te cool. Take yolks of three eggm and white of eue, béat and add eue pilât uilk. Mako a soIt cumtcard sud Savor wit vanilla. Tamn thé joIly iet a glass dimb aud pour thé cuatard round it. This in botter macle thé day bêer. uaiug. Tapioca Oream.--Soak two heaping &Puensf l tapioca ove: night. Scald oee piut sweet milIr and add tapioca, trring ail thé Lime. Âdd yolks of two eggs. well beaten, with hall cuplal saugar. Ceook a few minutes, stirring well. Then add whites of two eggs beateir te a lroth. Flavor te tante a Russian Oream.-Hsif boxtul eélatine, covér wjth water sud let stani fil teor' minutes. Oue quart inilk, four eggs oee copIai sugar, Beat ylk of eggs sud add gélatine aud sugar, with smre milIr. Ré- maindor of milIr should ho boiling when this jsestirred in. Loti the oustard ceok ai long as psible without, curdhliug. Whon cool str ln whiies ef eggs boston te miliff roth. Flavor wîth vanilla. This eau bL madle the day before using. Chocolat. Cream.-One quari milIr, oee pint cream whipped iight, hall box- I ul gélatiné soakod in oee upf ni cf the inilk, two eggs-yolks sd whftes beaten separstoly, one cuplul powdered mugair, four tbbepoofuli grated hclate, va. alla te ante. BSld milk sud stir jte it wie Smill in aSêSU0éathe askéd gélatiue aud sugar. Bout up once, aud whev gltni.quit@ îsoled - stramn.W.i upeooae with cd wator before put. îing lto bot mik, $tir thotouglly sud reltuirute a unena an sd vien imokins Dhe Ontario tOé was held -a r and Saturday The attendance terest was mani, ings throughout President Nu !t-s9iGn by rezc ijire, atter wfi. last meeting wg The aLddito)rs Y idr Gale of Whi adopted. PRESIDI rMr Nuttingo -,Public scbool, proper by prese sage. The Presider ed his remar~ Teachers As out the two ph dernand our me< -the one bein acter of the wo anld the otner terests of th< sional standpc in the past ouf whoilly directe two aspects thought it higl that we oywe aI a to the publ division on th )ffat it should1 association asi this end a pri SP ared dealingi f greatest dIffict ordinary work should be had promote dis4 S monotonouse W work is atri teachers wîlli discussions. was the duty amine. and ci partmental rei ciulum of stuc sional trainii present the p trarîce cover Trhis tends gri in his effort thotough gr portant subje position, lite rnetic. He moval of hisi siderable re< arithmetic fo Regarding subject the had f requenl that not eue to the promi year to year, acquai ntanc number of among teaci mining and exist, mighi velopmeflti - among thé- ffcations foÏ b eing dofl 4îvae riw L F Or MILIK 1H COW& 09museIt5Q Dic e:E O lANTED-TR-USTWORTRYÂAND ACT- VV IV E = ftém uor adies -ôtae 1 '.Ifor 8re puIi~cîbihd hease 10u OnIatie onîhl $6500 sund expeuss.Psiiolay Referec. Enciçe self addressd aamped en- veIope- The Dominion Coupsfly. Dp.YCi cage. 41-Sin. *bwnatlsin & flyspOP18p u rd 571 ST. PATRICK ST., OTTAWAý, JULY 31, 1896. To the Phrenoline Medicine Co., Led., Ottawa, Ornt. Gentlemnan-, - On thé advice of a friend 1 uied eue bottle ef your famous rheumatic remedy. Phrenoline, and te, my surprise it cured me of nieuma- î ism, from -which I have sullred for many years. luI aise cured me et dyspepsia. fs-cm which I was sufferiug at the time, se 1that I feel now like a uew mnan. 1 have tried several remédies for 9 rheumatism. soe of whîch didme a .certain amount of goed, but uotiing Bthat I have takén has doe se -finuch 1fer me as your Phnenoliue, and I have ,mach pleasure iu recommending icte othér sufferérs. Yours vos-y tnuly, n (Sigued) JAS. CARROLL, tForeman of Works, RideauCanal. d Manufaclu-ed oon Hoes- ud 861d cmi es-t, 9sold in WhÏtby only by 1. K IL ALUN M D9OIT d e

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