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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Oct 1897, p. 3

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pr acpl fUxbrdge iab iwit ogl, open4dthe procebdigr soat1 recltIný, the -"nual mes- rident i lmaddress confin- te o' remsarke to the subject Of wishes 'm Associations, He pointecl ways P t&phase& of the subject t vertical out nost careful considération at al - flne belng to imprave the char-beg w*1 f the work clone by the teacher, pnh 071he o.ther -to promote the best in- secure tl te the teacher from a proies nment. Ist.andpoiiit., 14e atfirmed that sidCthe8 epast Our efforts had been alnmost esr 1Y- dlîected ,t4 the former of tee pend1 wl aspects of the subject, and he Theé ught it high timne for us ta corside eer a 't vr owe a, duty to ourselves as well.gnl tW the public. Regarding the first rsn visiofl onr the subject, he intimated importat at 1: should be our airu to make the OBJ sociatiofl as practical as possible. To Mr D ..bis end a programme should be pre- Whitby pared dealing wth subjects that preeft duced oi grcatest difficulty to the teacher in his not only or1=ar work, and if necessary resort the Ont sol e hàd ta aggressive means ta irst appi proilote dIscussIOn. Much of the the teacl rnonotoflous character of association tertaiflit wotk lse attriýutable ta the fact that last tirm teâthrw-*Ll flot taee active part in the ofi hisc disc~ussion.' He aiso clairned that it follows: was the duty of the association to ex- Thec aminie, and critîcize if necessary, de- may be ~partmaental regulations regarding curri- ýFirst, tt cqlum of stud les, text books, prof es- languagi ;alonaL, training af teachers, etc. At Secon present the program of studies for en- for itso trance cavers fat too much ground. Third 'This tende greatly to thwart the teacher wards ti lu hie* efforts ta give tne pupil a A lit thoraugh grounding in the more im- would s partant subjecta such as reading, com- any wa position, literature, writing and arith- these ai mette. He would recommend the re- other et ioval af history altogether, and a con- In th n 'tiderabie réduction in the quantity of bath ir arltbmnetic for entrance work. aclvanci Regarding the second division oi his ously t£ subject the president stated that he flowers had f requently heard teachers com plain pias. that flot enough attention is being paid In th to the promotion of the social élement. points Meinhers attend these meetings irom series year ta year, without even making the any, a -acquaintance of more than a limited turnei number ai their fellow teachers. thèse h SMgch of the unfriendly rivalry and de. germin cidedly unproiessional spirit shown witht arogteachers, in the uatter af under- favarai -1 =nland underbldding anc another, degrc . 'whlch he was very $or 'toi affirma did theesi exist. migbt bc overcec by thre de- plante lvelopment of a littie k dIier sentiment sou. r Iamong the membeka ai tie association.. of fert The speaker ncxt touchcd ripon quali- tion oc iýficatione for entrance ta thre profession. plants H{e claimcd, that grave wrong was manr .bclng donc by licensing an ai my af of tbrý third cdass teachers every year, and Thesi wouldurecommnend that efforts bc male art00 to induco thre depgrtinent to discon- cours 1:tne thre use of third class certificates. these, à Suporannuatian Teachers Fund was day, is next dealt with. It was claimed that Carot 1 he cutting off of tis fund wàs decid- telligt ý '; dy against thre best Interests ai the notaë .prteufon a dh thought. it thre duty* which *1t the -moclations, by combined cf- appil lor ta make an appeal ta tire govcrn- hartic 1 mint witl a View ai having it rc-estab. pro )isheàd oIn a sompwhat cifferent basis. <mntt ibove - sbject. Atter ceplalnlrtg iow Iapaxi.d that ire was selected te n o ,~.tuia abjcthecireseker -sid :- w . Oo ar stemo igl .#bô.ýwt ticareful study ni th irei#J ho#.t, author a 'of sy' ei o ýýs sleOThe.advocaces <>1ver. m u1tnasme thft ail thre war .là ' t h& t"h ta accOmi#ht4i$f roves ire *nuperlOrty1Y writeo,, can . 1 times and p1a«e cornpeiled ta havé 4 ,Iich ta ret tdteamft*!ÏtOr the a-aldmu~lt By placing the. arIû closel .have cotn QLodj hen wr lng' discussiOUn thet' f4toweg and proved that al the tîe are detpIlinrati nt subject 3JECT LESSONS IN 9OTA14Y Dent. science -Imaster,,c Coli. -Iititute, iasr neat n tire above subJect. Tir iy Mr Dents, ftrstcend taria Teachets Tnatituteit pearaflce on tire pragratufi chrers gave every évidence ing tire hope tira t it i ie ire will ,give$retheab expérienc.Mr Dea-v-" P cirief daims of any Objeàt considercd as mainly thri the Pestaloaui ai* ot9ý ge by connecting Word an Pnd, tire impartinf, O$ t own makeî._ -d, fortheifr bena.ftçialefi ire general cuteo 1 uIctl examinatian, he t show tirat abject lem'_ muld corne as nea t tg aims in practice, aà7'ihâ subject. ,he first plaQe lang9iage,'t n its carlici. 1t&â$S' and" fi ced pupils migit 'ibe a6 taugirt by tire use ai pIs splaced in 'tireandi of~ 1ie second place chere ai wiich tmighc be =&de CI, of simple iobtect Ièeàcàt tknawledge oai'which >v- d ta Practcal accounte, héin enciôned thé ptacé sation and grow-th r rm 1 tire conditions favorable ibIc, and the effects of, ga of maisture and iceuP simpler .4acts. -oi- te, mgt awiîtb the1r e l îtî fi rotationi di crop& 4r -1 atitïc -tiliaersi tire mechoda o.01 A seedi, particularly -of, a; tire i@tfet~' r wild plants,vitih î, à eîr habits antd -i i à o 1 iamong man) th e Tresprccuca -l a~ bhé said, muet t 1ï is not tire day ofthé' Ig, P cent knowledge iddte, 1n a otire axtibut fibë ,h lorinthei r iaunc1ationt cle not anly ta tatimi iculterfoicrMt :es ai garden'ingtý t.otwhat it !ar'ned -ôftb anied pr *4 alyan w on. Theikgr't-ihý J. lnca Jon sItll b. -làid for natural d ftte ; sujects are onl it cadàél O e. i'hse who ai b8IW'-' ' dkki1d subject. *qthe -eyelopbrerit atir.. brai tenseg. MIl vira argue in th, ~cga,-,t nentàl develol hie vira in the eIigitcstdegrr hâ. ddýa6n~tirte high sciroo he eittnis an eerny hrrcy Oduaionsyaeinfuic sty aui vialysrltivofeata >gl' parc of aureation altsysce ýtion,,<n be knrued, %ýitirôft i lungs ô! out systein. Ail wc chat moral education should un end af al education. I: -éh i oiaràcWr. aIould ire t 4 all' Eêit~ ducation is ls soniething chat thmnks, ti bhat eila nd when unltcd lea on..lt tind ý tarts, and t ýaeS on. and an ami on and lt arrives at tie4ivine nacu gfe %151ît uityand ends w enWitniIntelligence P utalvni hýaà te not a m an via0fallae-tire patir ai d ît as tire star is tire true m ýevejppment of manirood 15 w çdtM" the salv&ùiQit ai tic st. trarnhté hotd begiù- at Fewc parents aire educat Fýh child leavea cie parent aracter iras been iormed. 1 emswerc educated we would P aÎîonize tire moral conclitiot ôncntry., Early Impressions ýcabje. ýEVcry day in tire ho la>m day a! judgnient. Tire c ,, Ainatorp and aima a reaso e-is an -organied commnun ity chbo ' à elrargnited commu Lgr rowbth%. On tire cea tire la'rger siare oithe respx rbf motal~ training, It is tirei ýà,iarejrto éobýlpetateitcirte ôt only in intelhbct.ual raî'niný jumoral .craining., Ordet b dvjpmoral cirxacter. S >fc.say ehre shoud bno coen t~4 ~ p4 ,,hqome ih -tivé Pi, ý±téY.It 1 ~ei Chi&tp: let., k'hlav iboh 4 hier J',, 4-.

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