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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Oct 1897, p. 6

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TES WÀX TO 11.0 1I. Âmoag thé plues an the. $houel of Yack BeUnotion tb. KlondykO trailithoedead bodycta aa, iutwning ut, a topés *>l. sud ei t'ô ita hl b.ôd breait le a faded pbotopraph and a leck of baby hit. The 11o1y1, u t ofa Wm G Martin. gé gave lms addreassas St Louis, Missoliri, but it is foured that the vittin ef the goid tuglom 1ev Wals a native of Beayertoi>, Ontario. A. Wm G Martini ieft Uist protty littie town on Lake Simca. about Oive yuts a, aed whon lest hourd of, about thi'OO yereog o h. was in St Louis . Hlm riands have ber> making careful enquiry but the circumutaflcom render ideuti gatienjrathor dililcuit. à hndird mil". saway up tle. mail bis former cam- panions are taîling &lang with> item oyes and mirthleas heurts t oarde the U od fielde. Ttaoy hanged poor Billy Merin, léft him sud furgot huma. Tii. body swings and twists in tb.e montuif wir>ds. It gazes with sîark eyem rip the. long, stany truil its compaviofls have taken. It turnes agate and look& far acrosasth. pins bille toward Missouiri, wh.re a wite ésud litis boy are awaiting a happy returu Nobody who knew Bi3lly Merin ever droumnod h. wonld gain the dubious distinction of being the. firet uata lyuched in the Kiondyke. Ho arn yod mlu Juneau laie in Auguot with au outfit weighinar about onee hor>sand poumids. IHsWR5 entinn onSta St t oece for te gold ftslda', but waa oblige'] ta watt the arrivai of a belui.ed party Hie eoomed a quit. tliougbLIiti sort af mari, wih neaîiig wrong about hum. Thore were about tbirty mon in thb tparty. All but amie of thE'm wero sterui brout1 shomidered, bearded rmer>.with stout heartsanad iromi muscles. Theoze- Ception wae a ple.(aced. etudiois look ieg boy named Ferry. lHe had a cougi and wba'never h. becamne over .ired or> of the big, wbiskered gioets would swine Lb. boys pack stop bis own with a Roo& tutured iéugh and curry iL for a mile ci two. IL took the Party Oive days La ge acrosa Lb.epusa. In the Lmeantime Mat tnd d vl ently dlscovered ththob. a made a aisoaicuiation iinithe matero provisiona. His stock was run>iig low aad it vus only a natter of a few day bofore ho wouid either bavé La roiurn o starve. Ris iight ont ft had alroudy si tra.cted saine attention in tb. camp, ai bis solitary sed proocaupied manner ws commen ted upon. "Hot@ia littie deffy, saad ane. "fIe@ta in love with bis wife, etaid another wbo bud een bim nktaing amui aand dtngy photÃ"graph. Camp fo lowed camp in monatonoues uoeosicl There were th. long datly tramps o', thé diffienilt tri, tbe boura of dogge detperute silence, thé toltd dreéme ROI d, the twiiight of awtui moriatair thé gimmering camp Oires, the troobli lumbérsanaad &gain thé sunrieo and tI long ma".roh.0Se i went, until the par piunged deeper an>d deeper inta the wil ornées, came upon tb. shores et La' Bennett. On the. margin of Lb. lake t camp was made, and tb. eveniag fS woro iighted. Thon whoa thé min, woro pro parie« La cook their frugal, past, Amnber Davis dîseovered that sot tody bad stiolen a aide of bacon fram1 ,Outtft. Davis atrode aver theb.camp John Bagua, who was regardod a. leader cf thé partyad made known1 laie. - "Dont say aeything about iL ai aftor suppér, Amber," advisod Hog, "Tho vo ih old meeing.if oulOt wui lnipoolid, but nothlng sui ions vas fouind. "Wbére lu Mat camp ?" mdd.nly sk.d os.etfLb. milLe.. "That làsom," oxoladmo nt ,'Ho la oamped up ihar luaiii, brSk mu vinl fxing roucdhlbitireth"a e lut." Thé éocaiittoé elamboeed up biLdo cte oIoitary oaip. It ut in thé e.etofa dons. Clump of el parmi ca mountain gorue. MarLin stîlli "ntu. Thé imé wu burule EBvérythin vu vm rtoon à-yoar found a fudul piio oi oIed machltcdllg cd a lou o y* liair that bcd bsu olll Item a b4 béaI. 1tho a u. loato au oh> leitu a,b tag.Mtn iMo iaip wu vs poued.Tv. 'pi. bamon ui.otud&. O0"evu ummcl uhio sud uOcvy. la1vas Maillas Othor v*s largo mcw strokiy tuda' look apoc. It vos Dbvises, I béon markeda14à, 01,lut ith* 1.1 obipped .va viti*a adeit. Auc Imeetng awu Il 'I M Eoem s.tot., Weâwu es o *s dey.TIigu the . uo -taoi& -9 hW bL u tnet Iadisu E*gaa "D.tb tduitip.. "'D¶P .17mdic %Gtitb mnotOh 1 t froid>Iî'1 Il -Io iyongt S<»iàetUms we allo% mainc t" 4 lce.é rwthe ' ' lk, 41frtom wenth uidb uàodt ti«ilo VVA H ES ot 4*100,but more oftej flOt et ail., 2d ikt to k#tbw WII*e 1raM thee ow a! ma 1 hoand Rive the. ouf your m3ubuerged finger Ur %b tm*taieaPMlu*4k~. Do nb o .ln a horry; tb. yonng ut h 1aci flrlilght stop eytGrerlyh motion, loto tii oe01frsxbusaerbrh orlyte ped Ferrtqàhél in à ao.i boy witb tâe .EERY MONTHI caif will emeil and tato the. mllk ad ait iffl h. e WhieU a yio.ths T ESE. lD ~IE~ stck the. finger. Withdraw the band Bris 1o ,61 ±IBmes obo a u whit.Voéa dsatb.Pgradally, and after two or tbree imes it Par wua hait a whiep"r, "it wuBme wili drink without the finger. It requires 3o thoe ti. otd.tll r i e nad oifo *good stock of patience, because, gener. Lt Martin go. God ailrwr o o Ll1y, theoeal objeote to put down itl; bfad, it. That pour man ta rytng to gtteL.wbile natnre intended it should hold Uns Kl>dk.lie hlm old ail te had on earut odo iL. Hs bas a wife .and baby head up ta get et the teat. th T h eo ld r t h e caif is w h en w ea n d - do 1 si hom e. It wau O ly a u rrr u u g , that l, if it bas drawn its rations framn bo e mentIls e d dnot have eouogh provi ei sp h igbte- the dam direct, the barder it wilI b. to a siens, a.nd ba evea ot ipsore. ReW~ ween, unies& aid ênouRb to est grass or PIL. oatolng Bah ta ekeOft soe bey. Sc afBol eal d tried to bu v provisions troru you, andw Th w"m btdon. (ast lhait a day ; thèn it 8hould be given a i, and 1 wauld vote for the Hie of a dog b. more readîly. Follow op the hints Dad( iidrLb uec1ODiéDe Iwould e voler for aneof you i wregor agiven ubove, and ebove ail jrn eacb case av1 votefor ny o Yeu ifyon ere oing10 eparate dem and caif nd l tbtem neot boit b. kiled by your brother.. Thon Ferry Your Grocer will gir. you purticutiârs, or corne together. For a calf a manth or broke down into B fit of cougiting. and drop e postoard ta m;ix weeke aid it l5 difflicult ta tescb iLta put bis bandkercbief ta bis 1tacs. Wheu .I hcg I lie took it away it wus .reeked with LEVER BROS., Limited, Toronto drink, but it eau b. doue. nsc ae L b9ttr wbn bebave aimao a box placed so higb that the b)lood. "flou iku botrw be eeuh c annot tread inta il., and in this box - growo p-w teol ometmd Milkweed. keep e bandiul or twa of bran ; put grass by the riners, as tbey began preparatiaflaote ot fth on higadi foqh lcto.O b uickly Meny will learn ta chew it, get tbiraty and then oivilizstiai> affairs of this kiid ae uckY M ypeople w'»o>have îivied inr>he drink. Handle the animal as frequently arrur>gsd. It waa nat a naisy crowd thai country ail their lives have yet ta learn asp sil an e o tt â u ar n t werded iLs wey rop the bill. There ws.e thar the ,njlkweeds, out down as oumber as possi b a ind.abhta o r o notbing of the frenzisd, maddoned mob ors of the ground, are bath besutilul anc a-eem bt M fId cool, and te leader carried a rope. and mornir>25. Were these rare plants, Under the sbetteriag arme of a Pne, we should cultivate themn as we do çau witb bis face gisamng in the moonlights nes and cdahlias. The orange red milk NN Martîn lay asloep. The. black silhouette& woed in more shawy and mare beautif ul olz1 ofhi ectoe wraiabu i thau the zinnia, an>d iLs ricb color and e or>. of tbem, sid ta have been Bernard abundant bloomu wauld be thotight vory Ou.., rougbly kiokod the sleeping Man ornamer>tul wero iL uaL lasaodin ur le mtter, baye?" qneraedp? Whats oie minds as a wed. The taller slecis wîth JLI < jheý îgmate, o@ "quridMartir>, siting its pinkly purplih umbols, is more deli- à . e sot Drup and blir>king sioepily. ,Oit op," r. oately coîored, yet more impsini Tasthep sce l k plîed the lader, roogbly, "we stand no pa c.The fiowers of thee se * ha.ds ueWC ol scuret in A. sk stesiing in this camp. Yaur time bus parbain construoted ta serve the~ word . aicuen&dsa e Ti oome. ".ltuhyaiso;Mtàr' beurio f te laînt, and deserve to ho unless WC can keep up thePa- a tinros to isfoot, i face O e nkr>wn us the cîroos of aur waste places. titis tregth. Aiàd t of Lfbth moouhino like curved marble. They are fascinating ta boessand other wy onewa; to dIO thst-ýfecd liv w' Twioe b. trisd t. apekak nd Lwilee hi. ingeeta, often fatelly &0-. i. But If the S'yStCM refuses ac YB voies failod biw. "Do yen want te louve Heur what th. lut. William HamiltOn foTe s C T er message te your friendsP" asked the Gibson, who t.hough deed, yeti speuks t o o d? The0n usf C OTT'Sv C -leader. "No," mid Martin, in a hall Us f rom writings stili in publiahors hande lIYSO f o-ie > ad whisper. "Do yau want te pray?64 bas t asay o: this weod" atcptin srw iaxrr ro 'nm BLs , t oD. t a s N o , " r e p i i e d t h e d o c > m e d m a i > . " I f T h fo w r i b u t a b r i g h t u t i a o n s p G H P r T m B o D r," there in anything >'Oi want osgy, Y -an ex pressin of hop eo in the. beingý otti was ng re n le it uc, said Lh. spokesmai>. A slip tiie parent plant. It han but on. m 'ission. thevtlOpsnili nwfe S kr>ot hud boor> made ut the end cf a long &Il its fragralnce. ail its neotar, ail is evi r m .nwf 01- rape. and the noase was put ovor Mur beuuty of form and hues, are but means s.nd 90 tenderss. hopeful fi ght 'u ide head. Rie wus ibsu led Ont tram towurd the consommation> of the éternel possible s.a ant AW IYdiuasse vrur>der the pin. tree and under tiie fui. ediot of creatian-i101580eand mufti- Espcalis tuis 80 in bron- cf I lht of t he moon. Foar a while b. stood ply." To that end w. bwe &Il the. infinite dchii snd ungtroubles, ln tii. ' ofsient. In> that brief interval bis oxecu- forme, desîgne, tinte, decorutionis, per- ralif s.nd cureof which Sott's na tiotiors oould heur thraugb tb. tror>bled fumes, mechnisme and other seemingiy E uso iswnisrpt. led blow af the pin. foreats oie monrnf ni rut' inexplicible attributes. mlohuwnf C t& ho of wild wolves in theé wldernes about _____Bookbout____r ,rt the camp. ,Boys," Martin began, in b asEUStgn ytfu ike faitering voîce, ',J aint a bad man, and 1 i ofl aa Reaint a natural born thief. You know igtiith the bow itlai.when a mai> mortqngea bis ail, pliauOIL. Ii.hlm Ourtrede-> res starte for the Kiondyke, and seo" thaàt h. r o w nLe rfl i lr ar> g. there. No mu erw. teryoFr" t5 ud$.b a 1e dont cure, ouly for ny-my"-. Hère a heMartir>s voice broke and fultered. Thon sco.ri & 8owwî. v£eont. oh threw bis boad back and oontinued u ulie ,_ _ _ the aruptl : -jve gat q tbousand ponadî u b h o f s t uff a S k a g u a y , n d I p r o m is e o n F ý tiê ead iertcarry î nje ~fo lot vESeaker aved1 Her Drunken Hiisband. ea. youi-l-' "Enongh of that." interrnptod ilj le telaerougbiy. IL wonl Dopaee -k r1 it hlpoktt andk[» iut tsoder>,. ne. wparc withMr T C Brown. a e hmawe)-S e 'O' bu hors IL up, saving ol i..wIp i onr u oce, a oi lble tioppeld riuking àl ther pnIledoff ci ofoCh, u P. Outr.egg for anoheryarastc"ul4é.bsomge *4ukn andlcclng ith. nvelontu i leasni sor. tnboana lat. a gober, is$o ippy It, 1'slnthmoollg tbeollolua: ~ Jhncowje le 4owg ivth se 17$ oie~ tsaIvIb L* mue ~ yphldlever. Sbout t ý ?hey wtt> .undEa ufo**r V m aaki la tti.Kkomidke, suor"fh Vn go101 ltOIObd t #0b~1~ clit clof b. door and love ratent tbroagb JmsHgebus .hualg1eciii. " D. H Zu* oi Va<OW. I left jets. KMa.Ted but oCr dy miarceuftbc bas about3.D-X nOMe t»hlma. Gia. h a Loobeba f cor:i hused. lu 0017 a ooi e vord*,but lz "W"Mca- W c Ma4hcws, Totonto, wd owa % A epeMvÀ<lii@I&. 7UIS. libt.. tisttheaoy Iouaumvln. 0Ucother day huntilng and 'took hab »tiawites t, "Lossuq ehoie.wovlko c *04er1IcdÏ a bag W »oî mesdow 1Ia i vimi i'u ~ W~Z~ ~Stanley GerowMastaiTorôoi ehis » t ..e ~urday plming viti Uc fe îtnd$a"ts! 8 oti es ofoa M fi-a mmd tt inktoAtmv ii~Mfo s sudpQ Tba o b u efaifîtli tlvcrid ài vm mu braWO$hed - .0ionm ore îiitn* ami 5«b 'N WMt nt au fr&dit tmg e11 -ý f ýtlow vieui oaa A l t i. WyIUr ug m it on , i e e ïft o rf i. be ,eam5um.Testi ats le o~!Wq4U o v0, - * O u m W«t o gw«» 4 S'!'fe fiai &'ons p ~ 3 thean ary OrBanand ght's Disease, Diabetes an ralyclot and ail formS 01 )od Poisonins. pire p11UpUn arg » t eotnte. satd by ail f r-neyer by caurit or In but a dsn ve other amea mDDDIDI Dodd'a MedictCi1 o.,Too% entemen-A new mnediele caled Id's Kidney PIl bas beeýn recoinmeld. o me by ny physdciB.fl. and, hy hlm ice, I send one dollar,th ePrice of tva ,ce. Piezâo senci Lhem wlnOut deia-y. Tours Lruly, ÂNDREW YILXNS- enton, McPhei'oflCa., Etia. Spu'lngTirme qt Pur'. Blood by usine B.B.B Noa other remedy possesses sucb per- ct cieansing, bealing and purifyiig riperties as Burdock Blocd Bitteis. not only cleanses internally, but it ais, when applied exterlal1 i res uicers, abscesses, scrafulaus gares, btcbes, eruptions, etc., leaving the tni cean and pure as a babe's. aken mnternally it removes ail morbid lete oi vaste matter from the system, nd horoughly egulates ail the aigatis 1the body, restoring the stomnach, ver, bowels and biood to healthy Ltion. -FRLEBY r. i. -W ILLIS, Chemist and Druggist. Brock Street, WHITBY. MIADE ME For Sale in Whitby, Ont., by Juut RsLosIv. 2000 Rolis Ame~oanPapeme, Wîth 8o*fdroto Afat.ohe-wbioh, will b. soId oheaper tlvS-n eVer thLis year. Al»e a ot of wîhwiff be soi1d at coQt Band »ndêr. riD4y u agaasLy wsth us. Dr Lare Moe ~~oé atit5 9. . n. Ooee heurs Il uni to 11 &.mi p.. p. r,»OGART, I.P,.. ph andAcouoche te. 0bi2ch, puandea Street, Whithy, . i DetlSurgey in il iLs branhes prom'Ej uttendOd Le. W. A DAMS, Cý5DENTI ST, Roomni aveir John Fefg UsOf'a Clotbing store, Resideflc-NO. 1>, The Terrace, Byron St. Wbitby. Jant. 29thy 1896. D.H. iWigttman DEN 115T. ý O pe n eveu & r 8éltd'Y h. Bijttitigo 0f Tue Division Courts. COOMMTYOF ONcTA.3IO 1896. wgrrnBy-.D. o. meodafli, Whitby Clerkà Jani.83;Fob. 8; March 3;Ap1i2;£ly 2 ; June 2 : JuIy 7 Sep. 2; Oct. 2; IN uv.8; Dec. 2. OsnÀA-D.OC. Macdoneii,,Whitby, Olerk ; Jan. 4; p.h.4;- Marché,;April 8; IMay 4 Juae 3;Juiy b; Boep. 8; OCT'. 8; ]NOV, 4 Dec. 8, BSOVUGRÂI - M. Gleesen, Greenwood, Clerk.-Jafl 6; MgaroVh5;May 5; July 9; Sop.é4; Nov. f6. FORT PlRu - J W. Bnitihem, Port perry, Clerk-Jai. 29; Mris 9; May 1lb July 20; sep. 28; Nov. 18. z....oz Jooe B. uid, Ubridge, Clerk-JaS 0 gob2;My125h; 3nly 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. ~~5~GTO.GeTgeSmith, OantingtOfl Jan. 81; March 2b; Muy7 20; Jniy lb;- Oct. 15; Dec. 17. 9 raEoim .Ge. F. Bruce, Beaverten, Oierk-March 26; May 21; July 16 ; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. 'UpTinazovi..'1hos P. Hart, Uptergrové' Olerk,-MXch 27; May 22; luly 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec 19. BI ordér, 1Octaber 7th 1895. Cokoteý"0 9W.a H.aW ARIN ER. LAMI LuisB1; smNGLEW, For tbe- PEOPLE'8 COAL 00., TOUOLQ1TOi Office and YZard just Eastof Uptown Station.è Wbitby, Ooe. 2Sth, 1,94 ASK YOUR STATIONZl. ~PÂ r&îei' i v A -Op- AIER'S e CherryPect4 vould include the c every form o f d i which oaffecte the and lunge. Âsthftia, Bronahitis, Who Cough and other complainte h av e o t her mediomnes yieldod to Ayer's Cherry Po A KINGSTON MEN THE PAINS 0FIF UHB It Raed A fficted Hum for Tee Years and Maey Rei Tricd in. Vain -Dr W Pille Effected His Reuaw Froin tie Freema>, Kingat Fifteen years ugo Y O'Brien, the p-peler 1l tilor, was one of the mai mou in Kingstomn. both al and otherwise. Elevea 1 -comnmer>ced business and wards was stricken witb whioh cuused him imuch psu an sd negiect ot business. ho tried many doctors au cines, al t tone avail. Ova friend advised humte to t Pinkt Pilla, and thougli h confiden>ce in them, or ad oîne.ot any deecription, st ~quest of lis f riend ho deci, I~5 e$le a tria>&4 aeri itvas am lcky eit'. box liac been takén, 0 tii. change, and vho beon flniaiied Lth) reuti 1*i satreiguli baci reLui bod réuved. mvâ -~1zumti'i am kn«im ý J. J. ifoores m. ib., VMtby. 1 q i. X. WILLISO vvw. --- Cýr Open everY Bsttrdsy Dight. Ëll;aeoilàlllttlnçi. 6 Drugght

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