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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Oct 1897, p. 4

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$2E .,THÈ.. Leaing Drug StOre IN THE P'ROVINCE. g9rWe have onie of the beet equlpped Drug Stores in the Province, and our stack of Drugs, Medicines aud Chemil- cals le the hest that cati bc produceti, Prescriptions- and Receipts A SPECIALTY. OUR PRICES ARE RIOHT. OUR GOODS TPHE REST. J. E. WIL LIS, OERMIST & DRUGGIST, MEDIOÂL -:HALL, BROOK ST., WHITBY.1 ~1~e ~r~ruîuae. WHITBY, OCT. 229 1897. short Notes. A drunken mati tried to shoot Sir Wilfrid Laurier on Tuesday. We are glad he did not succeed, but it would be a good thing if every time a drunken mani tries to kili any. body it would be one of those who legislnte ta maltehLim drunk. We would soan have prohibition If the lives of the politicianu be. came endangered. Charles A. Dana, the British hater and famouâ editor of the New York Sun, in dead. He wae the brigbitest and maut ac- complished newspaper editor ini the world. But, like ail the ather tail-twisterâ, Dana bas g ont back ta tht dust without ac- complislsing anythitig, wbile Great Britain moves grandly and proudi y onward ta hier destitiy as tht final civilizitig influence of the wonld. Onet may or nuay not believe that Ponton was guilty of stealing the $32,000 from the Dominion batik at Napance. He was teller atid had a pretty good chance. H1e was ac. cuaed of the robbery, and after a searching inquiry has been'dircharged. Public sym- pstthy was entirely in his favor, even amjong those who-vert haif convlnced of hie rilît. Tht Dominion batik pays its stock. halders 12 per cent. pet annuni laye away about $So,ooo to "reiat,l) and a ïarther sums for contingences, besides making good ail lasses. Besidles this, the etockholders have a further advantage of haviug their stock Iticrease ilu value about 1,5 pet anauni. A mati holding Dominion balk stock te the better off forit by about 250*/o pet anim, that le, ln tht long rua. Such men as Pon. ton do ail the work and exervise al tht skili and cane in maklng things so fat for the stockholders. Besides tbf., Ponton and other tellene bave to live as becomes their calling. which means that their living le expensive, and Ponton had the support of a wldàwed mother entailed upçn hlm. Added ta ail this, he paid hie debte, vhich wae proyen at hie trial. And hov much do you suppose tht.. 25 pet cent. tockholders wereallowing hlm pet annas? $6=o Ont of this he would pay $2oo a year for board, '25 fr laundry, 75 for clotes, and Stco for other "'[pense aud for poktt moacy. Ht could nat spart hie nother morc thtan,$200 a year at the outeide. Hie vas à6 years of' sgt, had nover etoltn a cent in hie life, and liadt Mansged ta ketp bie head aboie the surface of difficulties ho had to cootend with whilt tht etockholdte of tht batik llvtd on which h. and the 11ke of Mi cas. ed for theas. One aight tht baak vas rob. bcd. Suspicion lastened itecif upon Ponton. Ht wau fired ont of the banux.and tht Pinktrton lenth houidse st spcn hlm. net haudedtbem his private kens, told thona ta scarch bis efféets, and left town la order that his presecce ,ay sot hindor the loves. tirationi. Dotectives dot bitu. A fev thinge ttu sop 'wih the detectietsa am able to magnify loto suspicIon. clrcum. stances. Pro>bably as meny nutowaatblsgs would have tutuc up agalust any teller whose cash bad becs unce oltou. People who are houest do =ot ged egalu suspicion. Ponton wus titd before aM able and Impartial magiétrant. for a *tek*sud liberated. Nobody knows wbo stoW the #3aooaý but the quostIon la, viiithtmonu De mine p out of the * ecent sat stockhoiders, or mnt of the 1 semame pit. tance. so.callo alies) psid, to tht- Ponitos ito ae sti1l eft Io dé *tho mo maktult of the Dominio batk ? If Pouton 414 sot steel, If nons of tht other bcIf.puI4 Potons of the Douuluni'butk ste .dieted to attalla haow 1!W WMthey be able to live cen ssalats (?> wthont stosiug wii.the dfr.eozrs ve tnOmboxu sals aud the. stockbo gala ausi per cent. ps ru Tii. a 15PvU poration. ul. n asà thter. tué," (oitd# d) QGalloway vs Ril O"ud "id others. Âctlons ô tomoi Ue uld; " end i l goould pttUx. bridèe b restote 10 theto*uW ,oft Vxbrdge.rà tain ime or mony la*tsliy psld tt mui Goulds by thet ovai.Und- tu6aid fet heîweep tbe towu ai Usbridkeand 0G6ati ore, prodecessot of, the (.ôotlda as#ounel'of a millpond and milliug busIness, lb.town. was t have Certain privitèges 0f usiag Watt: from the miilpond for fire purposes on condition of peyliag certain ams tocard keopiogt ht Humes lu repsir. Pluintifi alleges titat tht Goulds aode oxpensîve repit s oubeir octi book sud eh&rgsd t-htcorporation about Goao un ont occasion snd Szo. Thon anmee odims veto stcred irom lthlova îhrough tht couacili heing gunder ibeir Influence, motubers af tht Gould family holding alitht chiot offices et tht timo the montys voie paid. Oto Whotler îesîî lied that ho bailli tht original flume nader the streot, and afiervarde stood tht costof streugtb* oning Il te permit the town t latae a doopor embankmeat. Tht oouncll iètsrerde jainot hlm sud naîtd bal of tht cost oft nlargiug~ purt of fluas. te malte a greâter htad of waîor, This vws in z884.. Whaî v'uedont ln z884 cost tht town about $zoo, ln z883ne- newed andi ealarged tht balance af tht flue cbartffne tht councili 86o. Aiea madet s non bargain wlth thetlova. He oxmluned tht nov hlume built ln z893. sand estimates that tht 008, wonld be ove: S6oo for 66 foot. Tht actual ceaI wat #62&. Madet on estimatci work dont by cauncil ln 1895 aM $446. This wus rebuildinàg, but the agreement was merely for the counati ta repair andi not ta rehui. Belleves that tht owner ot tht mill shoulti pay hait of anch ne. pairs andi thet own thtebaanc, but as the brai hlume lasteti 27 years le of opinion that tht sec. anti hume shoulti not have requlred rtnewing ai the endi af elght years. The Goultis wouid e considerable ativantage froin this, as if the glume foul entirely lnth eir bande they vould not have te repaît St again ior many yeurs. His iordshlp salO s vcry clear case of collusion or malversation muet bc shown in onder te recover manies %petIbv tht corporation s many yeane ugo. Tht council appeans te have doue svcry.. thlag aboie board afier full discussion la thet mant open andi public manner. There uppears ta have hotu a goond deal of trouble lu building, rebuliding sud hteping up ibis drain. The concaîttool, the malter out of Wheelers bande mati' ye are 5<0 sud epsined ti l.Afterwarde the council founti that Isa action la placlng se mucb dini an tht hlume destroyoti h anti renderodt ib tewn liable te an action for dumagas. It thene. fore appeared i wsdom on the part of tht council to do exactîr what they tiîd. Tht action vas dismîsseti witb cosie. Ritititî and Higgins & Douglas, Toronto, for plaintif: Holman fon the Gaulds, Chappie for tbe îown oi Uxhatiie. M cPhadytti vs. E nglis. -Action bto ettle -.a dispute ovr iovnersblp oai mrndsuinluBrock township. Tht parcel la dispute là a etrip ho- tovetn tva arme. McFadyen bas a deedicalllng for land in Englishe possession, as aboya by a late survey. but tht latitr olalas Il under tht statuto of limsitations. Tht matter vus helti over ta enable the parties ta compromise. Ewant vs. Doble-Action ta necover deed andi possession ot loi in villagt of Canningion. Joseph D Evant,, Cannington, baugt a lot tram Bohi Doble in April, 189,tht lot in question, for i ta aue proceeded te bulld thertan He pado edevu, adinla onk anti aoney pali the baance ail but $35. before the tati of 1893. Ewart daims ite thon tridta socune a boan ai $zoo from Dobie, ta ho secureti by mnrtgagt, oui ai whicitho v as te psy Dablo tht S13 etuh dût hlm om tht purcaee price. Doble voulti uo ae a monigage. but affered ta take a dooti until Evatri vould topai' hlm. Thisevasse tht plan carre ott Ewart finisheti a banco ho wu building on tht lot and ootrotlti filsud palti the taxes unti z896. when Doble took possession sud bas since moioti at. £wart adasits thaï be wesDobe ver ao onota rdebtsendat clim tathetodeelbIm s in aaieontof principal and lattresi, sud demaudeda#deet whicb wus roosoti. e aocammfsf t lae. ment cibles accouai wit Doble anti for a deoti ef tht propsrty la dispute. Dobl Iir,à-*- Ewarts statemetat o athet Sîco traasto lut that Itlvas ta covor $jc.omon tatuvi 0 w d h m a st i l a i Ba uen o es h m otw or se m at mo wu a sgrotd tIoerthe Mate te 3utieb Dali 0figuraop tht acouaIs ho. your aiid tuai! Dîr Mèckieuburg O, T. D.- R.Ã". ,tht ainineant ey* apocilbt> of New ev ok wll ho at TaylojoweietY, store où Thuredây Oct. delctio ogb. D ba til ta gel your cs flîtdb isboteoln hr.thr a. C osultetion and exsmtrtlo fte )4'. Richar'dson la rejalrlng ber bouse an Byros oit lit iraI cau style, lb vil h. veneered i cth brick, àastone colian placoti underneath anti tht roof raiseti. Whoti tom. -pleteti It viii ho a firstaises iolllug bouse. Jndge DatWUla l Pruidtt. At s meeting of tht Provincial Curling As. socîtion au Tuediylu Tarante Judge Dartuelvas elocteti presidont for 1997. We congratulate the Jutige upon tht honor se veli tieserveti anti so visely conferreti upon hlm. Whitby la groupoti for the tank. ard cempetition vlîb Belleville, Cobourg, Port Hope and Bovasanville, the playing to came off at Cobourg, Miilbrook beiug uni- pire. Disti lu 3.11. Olti Jimmy Eccles,. ethorvIso kuavu ber. as Jimmy Post, vho for a great asany yeans rosided cith A A Post, ancbitoct, befote be meved avay tram ber., tuidin the jail ber. on Sunday et heart disest and drop-qy. Tht aid teilow vas taken charge af aI tht hanse of providence, Toronto, about tva ycars ego but took il mb ibihad ta leave there, auci soeu founti hitaself lu jaîl as a vaguant. An inquet w as held upon hie boud yon Mouday by Coroner Carson, sud a verdict reporttib tht Jury declaring tbat h. died o heant disease and dropay, as tes- tifleti ta by Goal Surgeon Warren. F O Mytra of Kingston bas covereti 7,600 miles on bis wheel ti s season anti hopes ta make te lr1,090 mlles. thois heaîlng tht venlds record. Hie mode 2,5oo miles lu twenty-four tiaya, a fcat hitherto unequaHiet. Hie holtis tht un pacoti records, bath Canot- ian anti United, States, fan 100 sud 200 mie asti those he hopes ta lever hefone thbe endi of tht seaon. His centurie are ail mode bolveen King stan and Belleville, thaugb at tht fag tetnd-thocentury lhe lias matie 13 mlles ln 34 minutes. Moyers le n baker. Hunters excursions going dates Oct 26th te, Nov ist gaod te return tilI Dec 14th ai single first clame fore. Peneîang, Midiauti, ail pointe Severn ta North Bay, Argyle ta Cohocouk, Camneron te Halihurtan aIl points an Mtiskoka lakes (via bosts$, ail pointe on C P R, Mattawa ta Nipegon andi Spauisb river via Nortb Bay. Se. Ste p boa. son (opposite Hatch Bras) fer tbrough tickrets anti fui iparticulars. Aiea citeap tickets ta anti Iras Euglaad. Irelati, Scoîlati, B C, Manitoba, California, anti ail U S anti Cati- adian points. Anywhere, everywhero. Chnice aIl steaashlp lInos anti rilway routes. Ste Sttphenson, Wbltby, befote travelling. Hugh Pnghe Charactor. Tht fragrance of chriatian charactor pet- fumes tht îuemory for many gtenrâlons vIth the virtuts of a pieu. parentage. In the YtaRfZ842 Mr Hugh Pugb came tram Radoushre, Sonth Walee, to Canada with a large famil>. H. setteti lnthe tovushlp of Picerfug chou. b. tuidait théadyanca a y.-Mr Pugh wasjo » a ieeely ln ailtthe precopte ai boly it.-HI1W fsmily altar was not ntglectod, tam vbch, the iscease of a pur.eoorlug aséstiet twuce a day e, thte t glaarfal nations. Go4oeei h ltowofHçavtn sund poureti doca a tangibi. bimalgonbis pestoutln l sucer to préyer. 19c l -dro anti gatibblidros artenov the vouIthlist famliv circl. lu thet»tonmbp. Mo~ta ivohîcits go every ,siubdiymorle to tht Ciaremit anti Wblttvso apiat - ïrhe in banor te Mr Pugh asti-bislosa nal vil, wbo lUR, au'exantple wou-hî of ituita. tdon. Ithe reteiet-Of suchlahone> (bit thar responoîblU ty voulti la> np troa ares lu boavon b> fotng Gode pon chilti'ý ren * 1ngrattud leo a- presumptuonsswcu- SCdar f de *lus~rK~ -~ - - w CI«im, o» our~I4Ygê~ IVeil I SeIec S~ach, of New Black Serges, ini plain and figuredi New Tweed utne ev i ol Shirtst- and Drawers. Ladies' Undervests-i bouglit at mil pnoàes, régular. price 75o and $1, now selling at 50o and 75o. Men's Wol Se a l 10eipe pte Men's extra ,value Cashmere Sooks only 250 per pr.Hev TwldFanlets for the neit two weeks 'le per yd. m.esee..auee.eueeseUs5e555Ue Our Âssortment O-~E> Scotch andl flnndin Snitinos i. tenne.thm. and TrOwBering, GoId Filleé Spectaci PFitted with the greate -- thae sight and give the ef!b1e cornfort to the m a0*2ely ftninhod with t: cl tginples and springa héquality of lenses, WEARFOR il às the Iatgêst and beat ini town, and we can furnish the boat of testilmoflialfi frm those for whom we hamve mad lot lthig We. un.antee a fit. aood trimminge, andd nroi-class workmanship. Mr Wm Sinitehhi c harge of thisi department and we are pleased to say everybody is sati.sfied with his work since lie took charge. Ail Goods Warranted as Represented or Money Refunded. 1 ANDREw Fancy me China. ALarge Stook ofO8W Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full bine of Fresh Always Groceries. -:- Reliable. AT GIBSON'S. -4iadsay tevu council bas paased a bylav lmposlng s fée of $p0ou al petilaru asti havkers doiu¶ busiunes vithia the limite cf tht carporat an. T.r. LWaisho Hmq-, tht veterac tovasblip Clerk of Brock T H 'Gleuidloiting Seq, anti Ifs Anderson 1hsq., of Sunderlandi, vere, lu té«a om Motiday atteadlug court sud drap. ped la te set tht CisomiLE. New Locke. Tue::DominIon batikt la flîting thb. imite of ,hl agencys wltb -targent antid esitt tise kacs. LThese otlis affott-Iarnoot ab- salatprotectin, niaklng Il nex o W10lPOSO sible Aou ai outriace to b. ffected. Chasd11c et for mboottiug not use thosa nn& 'bseetio à.affiaAdWa" i THE FA8M'T PLINE BETWBEN TORDNOaiBFAO 8 Solid Vestibuled Trains aDay. No.el. -No. s. 4!- N 33 Ar Hamton 0 -10 A0 .naxooa.MA S.op«,M AI Bn&1 10Z~, 5 .M . îa0a.ts 7,ispI ArN.w ork.. . 10-00ooP-414 7-304-0- Ada44y, -B duly oSopt Sunday RO0 S S. Bal JEWELER AND Elye Glaes Guards in Gold, Rolled Plate and Silk. Thermometer .. BIye Glasses ... I à cuâa ouaty Organ.-1 lion aofs»y loc«Ipape s e H lere /8 a Good Thing, Varly ite Largest I Quality M/e Choicest I Prices thte Lowesi. are the three pointe which lead the FURNITUIRE trade. Re-upholstering don. on shortest notice. EJe J-OH[NSON, .Broclc St.,ý - Whit'Y. MONEY to LA ai a per cenit, Frost &Wo' BINIVÊSI,, * MOWBRes. .andaKà". AU ki,ïds ofFarsiIm lemenis AND- ILOÂD, - rmlQmjs. FRIDÂY, OCT. LOOÂL LAO The college advertises laundress. Mr A O Suiclifie, Tonawi cd thraugh bere on Wednei martb to visit (niends furthe Mr J. J. Rosse yul pneacb tîst church next Sunday. ing will be continued eve week,- Tht Grand Trunk time .publisbed canrectiy in, Cut il eut andi paste k iu ence. The dretige Nipiasing -operations at the barbor went to Pickering bairb 'tiretige Quten ta deepen tl Frenchasens bay- Rt,, Dr McDianmnid il Hope next Sunday In behas Missiotiary Society, antiý wili presîde at tht met -Quinte Conference Idissk Mm, Jesse Brown Hiltai ton University, Illinois, o: ta the W.C.T.U., viii prei iat tabernacle next Sua( ,evenlng. Miss Rose Wood Anhor, Mich., atd Mrs. att1he Ontaneo Ladies Col soon et 3.30 a'cbeck, opta 'Thé ostoulana Consi'derngithe droit wveatber thene cas a fine 9 thear tht Bostonions la 1 'Wednmdal nigbt. Tht, imost unique eue, enigini liote. Batba Impersans W ifttht aperatlc p rima -.,1ltêary aud musical Icathetine Rtc gave the m migbt la bier vbietllng 9sali iht banjo. Anale Frank. -of the firs1 ordor, sud,ý plauie b> ber strikiug r, pretations. Tht board of the - il ' li holt sanual mee imacle -blert, comeucli eeolnlt et 8 'clok. 1 frantht ila ifeeut pom iiomes byth.1:laieis-Of ieoclety bau contrai of a t -and - etnpinyunder t1 tulelosulestatli" I ffathe enar neod la Cm* uod ld b. ww&s frou engr beetsrabsella "Io.try apeeiar. conm r"ett itit is Pushble to _Iaa.ies. f- IL* taing ssch Whb~y, Oc~

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