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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Oct 1897, p. 7

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aY.ar »vôught 4rls At, 'k. WMt1 InoreA*tng 8éotfty -tnti g s4W *ýPhysaçI, lWaok E th*un, Bellevile, r and i!rt W R Kelly ar. e opte Who d e lgrateg for a kibnd ittet,,,U. 4UPovlence whm4.eký the lite, o nt Mu tr I Rsry, a i b in ntor si! known ondqtrt on the Mldland ion ot the G T R, sud la now resid- Itidrinthis, nlty. A Son reporter having di, of the cure cf th. littie fellow u t*joy o1 bis parents, calîsi! at their hoïe andi Vas met by 1M. Kelly, Who uo, boing iluformsd.of the ebjeot ef hi. vlslt, at once toi!lb ta ory et the cure ndhow the~ resuita were attalnsd. W. wore living in Mladoo ýwhen our boy wua 'ý_bout fove sari cf age sud in the sprlng 1 went tocall irlmoee morning. R~e ré. P.lied b. wny call by saying he oould net rime. 1 at once went te h iru and found that he was unable te waik, Medioal Mid bolng summousd we dimeooverod that I ntlammuat.ory rheumaLismn lîad otir littie boy in Ita graitp. Ail that attention and dootors oould do wus dons sud the at,- *ack passed off, but, th. following spring whi1é, in Peterboro he waâ açain sieized wiLla ' t. dread disease sud agin we were la& 4errible droad cf loing the cbild. Whin the warm weathsr came again b. ttallied, but wua very wsak and only a Mw~ow of bie former self. Despite al w. could do b.ovau &gain sttacksd in tb. next apnlng. Yen eau imagine the foinr and dread with whioh we watcbed thee recunning attiokas acb oeemono .evel-e than th. luit, saâeach oeeleaviug our boy ln a werse condition than those that veut before, His lait attaok oonfined hlm te b.d for three monthsansd bis heant vas dangeroumi>' affoated. Rie «uffeningiu vers terrible, sud iL vwu piti- fui te se him trylug te carry food to hi. mnouth. Hie nervous systena vasos ohattsnod that a form o! St Vitus dance had affeotei! hlm sud hi. baud sud arm trombiedme that e. couid net-ied or aid iamssîf. Berne frienda advised me Le try Dr Williams Pink Pilla sud reoom- nended thena se hlgbly that my husband «u! m 1 lMdeided te try tbsm. W. gav Ohm teHarry for severaîl months aud wbeu the sprng camai wstcbed an. xiquuly, fearhbg a returu of the trouble, but were thankful sud deligbted ta se no0 sj? ptouas e! it, non bas ho been troublid for the paut tbree yeaft. "WbaL la Lb. condition et hi. bealth at prosent ? '- aked the reporter. 11 Ho i sas turdy sud s boa) tby aboy as par- eonta éould wlah for. 1 attributs hi& ne- eovory %10J prisent bsaltb Lo nothlng but Pink Pilla, su ad I oheerfully reoommond tbm to &Il.,, Rltauwatlsom, sciatica, neuralgia, par- tiel parillas, locomotor &axi&. norvous bëadaohN, nîrvous prostration, and dis- -eue& dopeuding n on humera lu the bloodt snob 0asacrof uls, chronic irysipelsa, ,etc, &Il dIsapaear before a tair treatineut 'wt rWlîm ikPilla. They give -a hoalthy Slow to pals sud sallow corn- plixions.. eld by sIl dealena sud poiL vpaId atO0o s boxe or six boxes for $2.50, b>' àddn.uing'LihiDr Williams Medicine tOBrocki7lllî, Ont. Do net b. pin. ý,**adid te tako some substituats. 'A ,a Lisoombe ila l ithis wiek. Mn. John Ccvieis amucb impreved. UfniWales, cf Reac, least W Moi- govie. Urs Mochin vws witb Toronto bMonde i U-saturdy. Wbh Bodoil vau bere ove, Suaday 'rýw for a vieiL. Vupotite rot bas som.whst spoilid ne Wilson, of Oshswa, la enm wth ifor a few days, EfRe Bodelo of Toronto, la bore $ lth bber fithor. aud Mis pur4>, ,ofKRuiswlkare ber' son, WCol ïolp Ko*Grtgor, of 'reoïtt i ,l wlb« a tr Un R I8 blîpe. » ýBWR& buha.bien tud peeIfo Mn Geo Stokes a"s 'réfUedafjo, Peterboro, where îbe baL Miss caii MichîIl, ofLoton MacitnI with er cousin, Ms, 491e, Mr aud Mms Knox, ci Oshawýa9 , r wlh Mr and -Mn. D >1ïpper *a a last weck.- Misa Chapman, of Deen Parkç, ts wthj ber frleud, Miss Gibbons, ic. oul cf weck. aoul John Leslie and daughter, of- Pirker. ing, was here on Sunday evening with Mrs Kennedy. Andrew McCreigbt aud vife, Mark-ý bam, 'were here over Sunday wkh Mrj and Mrs Jas McFariane. Miss Jessle Thompson returnaed frouaý Buffalo on Saturday. after spending aà few weeks with ber sister, M.. Crooker. Mrs Wm Miller, Storm Lake, Iowa,ý an old resident ef Atha, is visiting ber many I rlends in this viciukty at pre- sent. The niethodist people are havlng their parsonage rough cast and other.. wise repaired. It will be a cosy resi- dence when completed. The bridge gang are expected here this week to rebuild the Glen Major bridge. It will take a montb at least te complete the job. Thos Paterson bas purchased froua his mother the bouse until recently oc. cupied by Geo Astridge andis ruaking many improvements te the same. Mr Geo Middleton received the sad flCws of the death of his young grand- son at Elmnvale on Monday. The little fellow was betweeu three aud four' years o! age, and was a son of Richard Middleton, formerly of this neighbor- hood. M rs George Russell has decided te join her husband in Dakota' witbiu a couple of weeks anid ha. therefore cou- cluded te have a sale ef ber houscbold e flects. -News. ELAGESTOOR The football match between the Vic- torias and the so-called Cadmus tean bas ended. Ail went well tili the Vic- torias got warnied up and then the Cad mus boys could flot find their cern- bination. The score ar-the end o! the gamne stood 6 te i in favor ef the Vic- torias. ONt HMONEBT MAN.' wrlUeu 1% 0uS nfiaauit IW ClA "&iBs*Ud etm orn lriuaa Sa fun.bnthamnaa.ub wu Ws.I ro; r=n wIa r, "Ibo orussi t sia&111 50 ~ lw - sersImasetcr ueusa et. TO UI.Ibateatkg eeiudwnupa. bu objanl blirrb tonvussoakb gae 7e...r asyTrulsMrcIboy A sibuIBurg e d wo hepba to0 by doge.u Mr and MissEza Hl, OrofPickeit-, viid MrsMrJessey ullulI.nl Mr and Mms OEal, oron, 'visitd edMrs We T urti. Mr and Mmse oDfkle cfOsha VatC SKIN 1Is EAS'E si Seconid cor wsmot i Cid è- R&UW&y Tige Table, Oa«D TR17UE AND UMWLÀ11e )STEARNS' d ICYCLI£S 27 Cgrettes GOLD WATOH ESý GIVEN AÂWAY EVZRY MONTE Your Grocer will givs yen partictilars, or drop B postoard to LEVER EROS., Limiteci, Toronto Reach CouziclL Met Monday Oc& il. Communication@ we re rad froim the following : Prom the CIerk cf the Peame giving tb. nuxuber of of Jurer. to be selsoted froua Reach :-85 Grand Juron for Snperigr Courts ; 85 Grand Juron for Ipiýor Courts; 77 Petit Jurern for Bnpetior Courts ; 77 Petit Jurors for Inferior Courts. Prom the Bureau of Industries, Toron- te, asking for statistios fremn the Couiec- tors Roll for the present year. The Collectera Bell f or thé present year shows the followiDg tetals, irres e. tiv, cf the non realdent :-Oounty iRate $206 47 ; Township Rate, $2567,00; Sehoolsi-apecial grant, 02668.47 ; Peer Rate, $892.92 ; Sehool Sections, $8251'.. 44;s Drain-cons. 5, 6. 7, $197 70 ; Un- performed staute labo, ,$54 01 ; Doits snd Bitobes, *874.00. Total, #12674-88. The following wua ordered te b. paid : G R. Âlezander, 64.50 for 90 loada cf gravl; Hugh Gregg, $9 95 -for gravel ; Rich. Corkibn, *1.60 fer filling waaheuta on con. 8 opp. lota 6 & 7; Geo. ProuLice, $8.50 for filling washout on con ô epp lot 6 ; Geo Jobuston, $4.05 for building cul. vert on cen 5, opp. lot ô ; Mr Crouler, 75 cents for cedar for colvert on ooný. 5 opp. lot ô ; Mr McDonald, $25.14 for 419 load of gravel. MURRAY LANMAN' S FLORIDA WATIER e 4T -Un-" b Uts, "Beu4jel»Shape OA't&6aus 'lest M. W. C --mkes the foot look sienider. taihsie sole-Mful box toe, ridged at top, in latest mode. Roomny but narrw lookhig. Lace, Buttoned, Congresa, or Oxford. Black, Tan# Seal Brown, Carmine, Win.côflor, r3 leaeta'iS '-z3 halfeizes.-s widths.-'Goodyeui Welt "Te Slater Sho B, BQIJ3 t WEITBY. 00oS Express Dail>' Mail .......5:50Oàut ~é ~ng?~R~Sundasy ..5.. u N:1, zpnes, Maiany..... Mr%,u TU8tlNm*se NSiVwAli» Se.;gpres, af1 , exoept Sun . 8:04 a » sot 2,xgEpréus, tmail, daly.... 0:8p KIDLAND DIVISION 00136 iç0Ets-unWLAuu TATION - 0 ... ........... ..... 8:08 ams. Itizo! Prom Linadsay........... .8:87 au DOMINION BANKu Capital Paid -UP * $48000006 Surplu, - * $1,500 OOê Wbitb7 Agezicy. ~*enew az aklng lat«est obfowod Bt hi0hsut ounerezat»ie. Uonotoî cof wltbdrawal roquired FAIRBANK'8 smal prime «gie. u i! otnd ee .of solda'vr laa LOTS-To b. sold, lots 2 ude~~nrs ward. ROUGHRCAST-90 USe-Oln Ath treet nor±h word, wilb. o-liap "i >1 Poits Onems tmedy Whiblon bas Nyer ?awI Tried aud Tet OttmtS. hecafue otlrer allipi! nemoeo e for piles. acrofula,, ecematlee t.pLoues acsld hosd. oballg, b"ak b.ade, -551 rheum au4 skia diabases gmray b Oiutmmnt. It bhsenaver beeask.ow ta tait. For Ia ,Im"0 tfoos 8Mat Msyen.buvg, Out., wltes: 1 used Dr.. Obsie'. AIL til Item ngPiles, sud «A ero ms.dh hlgbly. Bliu gILIby perfect freedfoilu tm $» 4m* Peter Vaallen, L'Aiable, Q I bM the ectema for tbnee yeam .g* ii tbs'u decen, huit eiv,le One box , ofDr. Qaesw tàwee boxes et Dr. <iima elge -#I bdui coapltely- 1ar. 6ýei hie legs se be4y, btt tbe ot . men 10 remoned tliem. n. w*ll teno Chaise' Olutusnt ua wd 6"dealer or from't : stneet, Toronto. Prie êol"et, Dr. Ch*as'.Osp ii wg4wdnî rre~4l Per Package, Il e Illýý

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