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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Oct 1897, p. 8

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110W DORS YOIJR Wv ATCH RUN? - DOES ITý tREPAIRINQI DOES IT KEEP GOOD Ti ME P HAREthe Watch Spcoialist, Can Repair it and Guarantee Satisfactioni. WV No charge for examining a Watch. 3 Do ors North of Western Bank, Oshawa, Mis J A Vaudervost, af Belleville, lu the guesi olMrs jas Butlaud for a ev days. R A J Kitîila le cing lu u cholce line ai woois. Ho le gcttlng In a good vurlety or shades. A few zephyrs bit ut Sc an as. The artisea orblug on the sconery af the music hall eay It le nearing completion sud wili be ready for the fus:t play lu about a vceb. George H Flint, Eeq., genenal manager of the Linotype Company, Montreai. spent Sun- day wlth bis uncle John Hyland, King street east. Mie Oliver Hezziewood sud Mia Houle. vood vent ta Torouto Wednesday wheîe the latter le ta have an operatlon perionmoti upon su oye. At the -Oshawa bouse ou Mouday eveuing a few ai Mr A E Morgans friendir gave hini a faneveil dinuer. Whill this vas but .a emali mark of the hlgh estecm hie mati> fionda hold hlm lu. vo anc sure ibat the ex- pressions ai regrot thst veîe tondcred ýon this occasion viii enable hlm ta faim a fair ides of the goad viebes of the many frieude ho le leuving, Wiilo th. tavu he losiug a bight bueiuess-Ille youug man, is many friends are panting witb a "'good feilav," who certainly visb uiGodaepced lu bis future waîb af 1f.. Messrs Couteard, 1. P. Owens aud E J Guy' sang sevonal sangs lu thoîr admirable way, while F Lambert, W. G Hagaîiy sud T Miller Jr., neplled ia a fit- tlng va y ta the leadlug toasts. No amal share ar the eveuings enjoymetut vahLb severai "Ibrilluant items" ou the menu vhlcb the bosssa had arnanged lu lavlshcd style XI le amueing lu the extreme for a disir.- îoresîcd puni>' to watch the stiuggleoaver tic Osawav post offiçg, The Liberals are ail int cach othens a hirith the Reformer as the orgeaone faction aud the Vindicat.or tu set tie other ou. Tho Vîddicatar goci Into the thiug witb deligit, and buiries tie GriIso a ch othens wool, but the Reformi- er han no appetito foi Lie figbt. It bas becu mouthing lu a reservod sort of vuy fon the Bosbery party, but bas tabou caro ta uaL commit tiseif verystrongi>' toa aythleg. Au v. pointed out once beforo the Reformer oud ratier tee imes over. bave advocated a nov postoffice ta be built by goveoumont, with a nov postmaster Lo be namned y gov. ernnuent sud bearng the. namo of M uaL Macble. It le tao bad ta bave La forego conditions vhj&b exactly Cilme lu vitb aue ove hopes anff aspirations, and ta have to support a echeme for aomebady elsei be-e fit. Thun for doviltirys sake tue.VlhdicMtr le figbttng tb havo tho office rêmai veshi le, wblle Lie Reformer le a vworseta. baif-ý hearted vay la defonding the maTernent ýfor s change, and Io alsg caré sot ta express too clue opinions. in Lie ameandtheLb ovuer althe buildng viere tie pogooce la located le bestirrng imacif ta fi,%up -tie place. tieriare seversi bolues M, Bas. vnywh aut tic postoffici moved t ir promises, but tbey did not tilok ofthie scieme unîi Bosbery hadtils plans ut sud, drled, andi nov luaider tg dolent SsbrYý hey are oblged toail loin baneain faoai leaving Lb. Institution viieeit lel. The. Vindîcatorimmnbi uis titis vee to complais af Lb. Reformiera tactica hit prlnting anosymu letton. This covarle pracdtic-covar1 youhiepat oftbe wrlter aà well as thi.pub hr sm*lgl ii dark titrougi tie 00pae01u bvme< camniolu Obava nt tettena bhave ho- coremo a(foI. tbat "en tic edfit Or o b. Vindiestar bua IoadMitthiat a letter _V» tout la («I puogca a ouutraeouuin lis toe mtbat ltcold not beprluted, pv thie Vin. COeouasnd chargea tia Refoim«e vib rti 9itl;IL Un 0"etters. , Of course vu huve iaigu ht»s»pct sU misai groam"Y 1-dhr rï wilpo. bvilfyng sroi but vous Bren Nichaoisnmiah th§$ abarrel beSase e okaova hroepeloS athial salib tbtlgasre so i a me=Oue? - doeo ai matluvusalasmer awai'dam tsa anr J OBHAWA, OCT. 22e 1897. OSIIAWA PAGE OBHAWi. New mouth organe ati Utiles. A J Maxwell, New York, was in town lest ,weekr. Black and other rephyre Bt Littles for Sc an o9. John T Gould was in town lait weok for a few day.. Miss Alice Kyle i. spending a montb ln Port Hope. Taireyour navele to Litties and get them changed. J A Thompson, of Belleville, le spendlng a few day. lu town. Geo Phîllîpe, late wlh E 1 Rowee, left for Winnipeg ihis morning. Mines R May le epoudlng ber vacation wlîh ber cimier lu Chicago, 111. Mies Violet M uuday in homo from a pro- tracted visit to relatives dit Deneer, Col. Mr& Hugb Rose of Toronto, la epeudiug a iew days wlîb ber brouiier, Mr. Murray Adams. Mre Hyiaud wheelod down froin Toronto set weok and speut a few days with friende iu towu. Mis Wm Hyiaud and Mis Allen wheeied fromn Toronto, anud ent Wednesdlay of lait woek wlth Mre John Hyiand. John Bryant, of Oshawa was ln town tbis weok attendin.g the funerai of bis brother the laste J J Bryau.-Lindsay Warder. Miss Sopor, who huas becs speuding some eke with ber aunt, Mia Rame, returned ta, ber home lu Windsor on Monday last. Mi W B Nott sud Mr Wm HolIiday of Oshawa, wero lu tavu on Tuesday of thie week atteudiug the fanerai of their uncle, Mi) J Bryau.-Liudsay Wardor. Artbur Jonkinson foîmerly with M A Ebv, but lato of Toronto was lu town ou Wed- nesday leit for a short cati on bis way ta Broobville to abo a sluutatlan thero. Ma yor Haro roturnod tram a trip ta Chi. usg o last week. The futures of life the .Windy City that mout lmpressed hlm w the irequont daylight robberiem tbat aecur> red on thoe troota. Wo' Ma COD ratulate Mr. L. C. Smith on Ihnev poorn IlToYsntiîl,"wblch appoar- ed ln th* Mail au the. î3th and lu tho Globe o« tho xth. It la ant of the buit pieces of maicusm lu verso w. bave smou on Ltue popu- ig taplc of Uncle Sauts Davy. T1%0 lecture by the. Rov J J Rie of Bow-. rnsnVDI*,luthe. Metcali St ciiuruii on TUes ,day ov.ulug aller the. barvest hoise super lu the basèment vas veli attended. e çbhurci u i tlod ta the doors Tiie leetuire wus ane ai the UMaMtIutetestlug of tii. kud board boe fr so(imre timesnd masy ire *'umpria.d vie liedrew bi; addremst a closeto ndthbad apokousoary a boui audsa baf. >Dr Plack rtiined (rots bis trip ta )4ni- toba lait week. H. maye tbearmeet home ba aàInl sud vwais 1ved vîUthtatdarng. Tbiold -Munotso heu7 mainfor mer y.mrs but th Pte*leb~ttrand tii. kismer viii bave"ima.to show for bis sommas. voik ,han ou ordluary years, - The îtul ways and otbr toli duus et spalrpan of lb. ,fariera weukb. $Ilemyîrrn, Onrtario vouId praeUtice m» oe couepsio th1yam elimg toi. mubuit te thue e b«y At lb.barveet oe selVUMa iuMelcuvl $pte& 'rbo M4ay die fram is eInjuries On tb. lut faight Of théb akhbam (air, two woeks ago, a Toronto barber$ namoc lames Williamns, lot luto a dispute wilh sovorai mon wtio bud boon driuking and lu the fight that followed ho was knocked down and kickod, bolns badiy hurt. Mdouday It wau roported that bis condition was serlous and County Constable Burns la at Markham in. vestlgating the case.1 Cancer Doctor la Trouble. David Boyer, a Marlcham man. whobo as almoat a continental reputation as. tio pas. sossor of a plaster wbich cures cancer by drawing out by the roots., wan charged by Detoctivo Thomas* Wasson at tht Police court, Toronto, wlth havlng commlîged a breach of the Medical Act. Nothlng was donc beyond adjournlng the case. The pro. sectiton will cal I Miss Rose Cates, 392 W1* ton avenue, as one who was treated by Boyer. Bayer was discharged, lt belng sl'own the plaster was sold ?or cancer an that ho dia ual preecribo it for the cure of cancer. EVANIVILLU Rumor taika 0f a weoding. 1 A Lawrence attended the convention held at Uxbridge. P~ M Chaputan and 1 H Madili called on aur pedagogue luat Priday. kMiss Myra Holden la home after sDending the summer with her brother iu Markham. We congratulute Robert McAvory on ob- taining hie senior leaving cortificuto by ap- peal. Wms Hopkins leaspending a few day. at Sturgeon bay. Re is thinkiug of movlng to that place. Ou Thursduy week aur worthy trustoos met for the purpose of engaging a teachor. The resuit vas that our present toucher I A Law. redce la engaged for another yesz. Relatives, from thia place, of the late R Sadlci, of Cla.remont, aittenidod the funeral on Sunday ta Salenm. Deceased,. was a cousin of the late Thomas Sadier who dled here a short time ago. W. belleve that more pupils could attend schbol titan there are ut' preseut e Wheu childreu are 7oung laetLete ime to moud the m to scitool. Be punctual and regular If you deserve succeas. Last rriday the pupile of No 14 orgauized a literary eocietyfor te flil te.m. Programmes every t woeeks. 13verybody welcome. Thfi oo'Ing of- ficore vere olected -presideut, tMe ILin. ton - secretary lames Coatos- committee, Idu McAvory, VTresaie Taun, iimnteLinton, Wtu Hopkins, Robeit Sadier and John Rob- erteon. Firet meeting this Priday, toucher chaurmas. Mns A Hoover, of Walkerton, vislted ait Mr j AHoovers lust week. Mr Y F Bootbby returued laut weok (rom- a viait ta frienda lu Blesheim. Mr and Mrs 13Ree«Sorcleil 0;«nee River friends -on IPriday lIsat.- Donald R Botn, township clerk, vas hoe Priday on butinese p~ta1ulsg to ,the voters list.- The gipsies visîted ou« tavMis aaino, Monday. Tbey kuow a good thlsg witenu they sel t Ilessm B Reesor sud C Maodanald and Misa Nettie Reesôraspeut Saturday evesing witb Stouffeille ftiends, Mir -Reesor vau day.. La Monv us on, Saturday, eugned lu repairlng the. bid. lugson hiesfarnthore - Pzssk Hoover, oa'I Cedat Grave up Isaresideuce heré vititL, motitern, Mi S ovor, and la, thie acsdemy» Thi est beef of the beefrlmg out ta the .rlngers ou 'Tuesday. IT bai bee a gaodo te *ad re heut Wlker bas giron goal mania Tà t»Meatuaat i Lastvwek m vitit ~ bolb utaot bo»m smv wun L juresiii -Mis. Tha Solder, of Aylmuî. pays; 0I bava beemi a great suferi«o a poid many 4 yaswitb Sait Rheùoum 0bdat timas iL ws impossible for meie owah a dlab or do , az bousowork, but afier takng ose battis ai Sloan'4 indiao Talc, i t wak ,vory paticle 0i1Uthe<11 easa out ai mv systems,and made a perfect ~qre It has naw beau four years Sînce I bob niediclue and tie disease bas not roturced yeîÎ Price $i , 6 for $5. Ail dealers or address THE SLOAN MEDICINE COMPANY# 0F HA MIL TON, LIMITED Wbllo doltlng a lad of iiarlay at -Plckeî.- lnt -oneot f-r îmerm tell beiwen mihewagon sud elovator ad hurtbo hady.asto be laid off! for a timo., Mi R M McAvoyo ai Kinsae, led the or. wortb loe aunTuesday eveniag. Mi. reniai n wore interotiuj and beoflcial ta ail, Mr R Packrin noxt wook. Mr F M Chapman lidt tuas weok ta take a course ut Toronto uuiveralty. Another af oui Young Peoplo go abraad te win bonor for theni. selvus and bring arodit to thil homo. Tii. work of ast iroshor le not- tao o nvied, especlally ia thi. 10 wben a mans boat efforts are met witb a oontinued grumblilngby bis em- ployer. No macine cau t9reai gra In cloenand speedy Ifiii la vater îoaked, COUOLTIOM Mis Marvin atteuded the W M Convention lu Potorboro. Miss C B Littiejohue le vlaitiug at Rev Liddys, Keeno, A E Ruadie rocently vlsited hie brother lu Detroit. Mi S J Courtine bus roturnod ta brouta University. Proceede of the suppor ut Ebonozer vas ovor $71,0. The new officcis af Ebenezer E L are :-Hon, Pies., Rev Dr Marvin; Pros., W R Courtice ; 3rd and 4tb, Misa C B Littiojohus ; Secretary, Cecil Worden; Troas., C 1 Gay; Organist, Miss Vioia Rundie. Mr jae. A Weiry, D.W.P. ad Miss Nora Werry, Salins, oficlally vlsited Mt Carzweil Division. Tho new officers are :-W P James Baison; W A., Editb RunrIle Treas.,*h â an. cock;, F S;. SuiaB aIson ; R S., A jGay; A R S., Elaie Balson; Cap. BJ Gay; Cou., Gus Taoley; A Con., Eçourtlce; O0iS., G Armour; 1 S, EOGay; P W P., F Gay. BAMPTON T Ward le seîiously ill. F A Cale spont Suuday ut Port Hope. Sonry ta learu ibut Mies A L Armaur Inteude severing conoction witi aur public echool ut Christmas. -Racent visitorea- Boddy, Oshawa, ut Mr R ruylors; B Ferguson, Blackstock, ai M B Ory- dermens. A public tomperunce meeting lasto bo held lu the towu hall Frlday oveniug, te ho addressed by Rev E E Howard and Mi A D Weeks, Toronto, Grand Troasurar of Sans af Temperaco und others. Tic tbfrd annual convention af tie joting peaplos societie of tihe-Bowmanvlre district wats hold hemo on Mouday anud aslagely ut teuded. Tiechoaimirg ng crowded at tie even- Ing service. Newly elected gTL. C.E. officos --Hou Pies, Rev E E Howard;-,Pies F M Cryderutan; zet Vice. Misas Reave ; anc Vice, Mise A L Ash. ton; 3rd Vice Miss I J ilin ; 4tb Vice, A B 0ryderman ; Stb Vice, Mies M Rogers; Seny., Mis Bila Orydurman ; Treas.. Mies Rosie Rob- bins. BowmsUvlfl Miss Effie H Bond of Oshawa, vislted rela- tives lu ova luit week. In tawn on the zoth lut, the. vile ai Mr Walt. Chantian of a daugiter. Re"i R D Frasr M A, and 1 j Rue exciang- sd pulpits lait Sunday mnorelng. Misses M Mosetta and Sophia James apeut Sundsy lait vitireatives ut Oebawal. Bovuiavillo là- ta bave a&nov set of veigh saies. Net belaie they neodithom is, lîr. Mis, Ethel Reid returaed bains frani Euglasd lait Frilday. Sbh bai a vry rougi voyage. Mr and, Mrs Thot. P. Japos, and Master Frank, viaittd at Mi Tuno Buckicys lus Tùuda>'. Diled n Bowmanvllle ou Oct z6tb, Muitha MoNà. ,reictoth hlme RaitSteen, bspd 84 years. Mi. sud Mii Rici, Trenougi vere la Qabava laui Sundayq guetiaiofMi. and Mis. Thos.1. Sheridan. Mis Gerge McTageriaud Mua Ibos Sago ai yrte vieguesîs kat r W B Blokeli. Sus. MrsSe*u bas réituroed hoMeeS à averY pleumaâti it viti ber dsughtu, UMis Rev) H Bayiey, Melleville. N.VY. T1 Mnioetbodist imurcit vas 11Usd lait SUA&y evein ibe Ïe.ev1 Rt reaabod the fiâi ', ie.in B~mmnwiIm le Ot "i. Més'Wi. su.. BROOK 8TREET, ObWHIT8YO FOR ALL vOL. fis 1IBA PURE NOR~ Cod Li 500.p v- This ail la preps antd may lerelied udothers ta lie( L!hic strong Boat, Rail or Ocean, A. He CHEMIST CALL ON WEITBY, Miss Gertie Stevens is visitlng Osh- awa friends. Mr Ernest Foley is nursing painful felons on both hands. Dogs have been worrying slieep again, killing and wounding several. Mn. and Mis. S. Banker and Mamie have been visiting frienda lu Toronto. Dr Marvin pneached a splendid ser- mon Sunday afternoon on the Apos- tolic chu rch. Two candidates were rec eived into fuît membership Sunday week. The debates to take place in the Sons hall next Tuesday evening is excitiug much iuterest. A llvely time is ex- pected. Subject: Res. That the Press has wielded'greater influence for good tha1n the platform. SOLI1NA Mr. Sol. Williams is veny ilI'; it is thouglit to be typhoid. Mr H E Reynolds ics manager of a big cheese faetory at Welland wliere ho is rendering excellent service. Recent visitors at Mr W. Laws; Mr. McDonald, Tynone; Mr Davis, Whitby; Mrs and Miss Elford, Fenelon; Master Claude Law lias a new bicycle. BnnKszKILXEI. Miss Grace Rogers, Toronto, ie visit- iug friends here. Good programn at League last week and a better one this week. Mr H. Rogers has retunned from Cavanville where lie speut the summen. Mr and Mis Frank Rogers, Whitby, were guests of Mr F Rogers on Sab-. bath. W TAN'ED-TRUSTWORTHY AND ACT. IyVE genlemen or ladies ota rvol for respousîblo, estabiished bous. lu Onlarlo, Mouîhly #6_çoo and expenso. Position sîeady. Roforonce. Enclose solf..addremssotamped on. velope. The Dominion (lmpaay, Dept. Y CUi ca90. 41:-10. E. J. JOUNSON, LEADING uNDETAEà WIND. WIE Geo. fl MOTO&~ lutending purhae mali belon. placlug tt as, agent put asniit cati gmt the. Genuine st yles "C-f W" sale. Asy infomatan n vuili ho fÏeely given b Fcb 7,z897-6mo. For tic"Shool WE. HAVE. A FUILL -L W, P. STERICKER,ý Oshawa Ry. Co's Office, OSHAWA. R. C. Carter, Agt.' AGIENTS. I Tle Bout Popular Lif. ai Hor A 1ay bave ever seu," writes LÃ"rd Laine, abouqt "Qucen Victoria." Sales uspre-. cedented, Easy ta make five dollars da 0'B commission. Ouîfit fre o tacuvassers. --é BRADLEY - GARRETSON CO.,- Limfiod4 -Taranto, Ont. FA RbfTO fiENT zao acres, sortih ait Lot z69, ocn.I, Plker-. Inî. il. from C;6romnt C.P. s tationi. Qoo uildings, fonces sud orchard ; weil w'vter- ed av& land ÃŽvoUl stvated. Apply ta De , M BUlBAÂR]), Claroat P.O. Oct 24, 1897-46 310. 8TRA YED lut*11 tbe-r*îMtshof lot to, eau. 1z, ok (1 b e ta, &Y10of Aùg. ,, Çà-9s Oct q, 1Ï897-46-3in.- TO LET Thot onsanud carnforab1l Iselgbaue sud preissesau enPrry atreet hsMu1ýedfaàt1y- auti of it 1Wrée;iue !Rmalbsts. m A. IR

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