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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1897, p. 1

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k ONTÂiRiO, LOCAL NEWS s MaJohn 'M Butas wtfl represeut ,the preabytie igu B4taachoolat ire provrin- The. Rol Templar. of Temperance Iiold' Ca iffystmeeting neit Tuesday couOCil st Whitby. P mUo 1eV 1 N mocamus, port Perry, district couUCÎilof theIL.R.T. 0f T, vas liorefor ta short Urne on. monday, ou his way te Pic- kerin, wliere be went on busines cou- iiiiÎwîththissociuty there. Mr Y N Debart, superlutendaut cf the methodiat eutday Sohool bere, and secre- taiyof the. SouthOntario Studay sohool as- sociation, la attendtng tihe provIncial con- venition lu Ramîlton tbis week. -Mas A R Camapbell, of Hastings, treasurer of the womens msijonary society of the Bay of Quinte coaference, wiii give anad drees on missions lu the rnethodist cbnrch Ou Sund&Y evcniug Dext, 3[51 inSt The methodist niulsonary soclety are sending a box cf quilitsand pfillevu ote Windsor relief committe., fcr distribution aLnaong smornf the. sufferers by the. recent disastrous ftre which destroyed that tewn. A atimber of valuable sheep belonging to Mir James Crexaili ere worried by doge ou Snnday nigbîansumre had te be k ilied, vhlle others have ince 4e..M1r IR Tink of Columbus, had a few lu the. Bock aud vas aimes louer. Mr WM GGll, eldemî son of Mr sud Mas Tiios G111 ot tus place, who has been'for a number oi yearu with Meurs j Clegiioru & Son, Toronto, fruit -and fimh dealers, has started a business for himucîf on the corner of Yonge and College streets. We wish hlm sucees. Meusar Colwill and Hortop sold fifty- thre. feedlng» cattle aIt the yard at the Mua-, dion on Saturday sfterncon. Meut vere disposed of by ri rte sale, but a few were buctioned off b;'%Mr Fairbanks. A large number of boyers vere in attendance and good prices were reilized. On Stinday morning somne boys were p ,(in about a car leaded with lumber, on thle iding nemi thie station, snd ucceedid iu loosening the brake. The car Man dowu tili it Struck tic stopping block viien it lefI the rails. It iras drawu ou ugain on M on. day mnorning, little damuage having been t ýReooivod I BARELOF NOR WEGZAN Livor 011. 50c. per pint. Thiâ oil is prepared witb great care Mzd muiy b. relied tapon by physicianu ldothers te be of the beot quality, ~ree frcm trong, unpleasant odor fwhich acompu.ny inferior qualities of oi. A. H. AL LI N CHEMIST & 4WHiTBY, D RUGGIST, ONTA.RIO. WINDMILLS -AND-- WIIRE FENCE. Bella the Genumne ÂEBR- MOTOR,; of Chicago, and thie Keleman Wire Fence lntcuding purchasers should examine thus miii before placiug iheir eider. Do net lct au agent put an imitation on you toben you anu gel the Genuine Aeî 'noter, tborougily galvauaized, sud varu-aueed, fou- les. mouuy. More et these mille sold in Canada te-day tia an>' other maie. The Aermotor Ce. dJaim they sel eue balf theu number cf vind- mili outfitu old lu the venld, setlteept-sent lime. Ail styles of Wood sud lt-ou Pumpa for aie. Any Information regard lng these eutfits wiii ho freel>' given by vu-iug le Pcb 7, I$97-6m0. GEO. ALLIN, WHITrBy. W KANTED-Industrina um nof obaracter. Y'THE L[NSCOTTr CO,, Torento. WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA. Whitby, Ont. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. obo Cowan, Esq. Presiden; Reubea S. Hamîha;- Esq., Vce-Prcs. ; W F Covan, Esq., W. F. 'Allen, Eaq., J. A. Gi-. sou, Esq., Robt Mclntesh, liD., Thos Patterson, Esq. T H McMillau-----------.... ...Cashier Ganeral Bsnklug Busaneai rnmaoW. irafts lssned, payable lun>YI parus orCa. it Unîtetu States, sud on Lendon,' Eug. payable ln al Parts Of Europe. 3%1 u et. alleved on Saviage Bank Depoaits ndcredIted hait yearly. 1,pecWa attention to collection Of 1l"rera' sale notes. B. D. WARREN, Manager et Wiby Brauci. ANTED-Thiee isolesta ointroduce a bous0ebOld vok. Splendid returas to ut poisons. J AU.OWÂY. Toronto. S hrh ait lot 533 lu Sti Cou., Wbitby. ,and, railia>' statlop on lar. Rent goed tenant. F. R. B. Hiayw.rd, 4'00- O/YEN AWAY Of Word@ « o f thm phias, 4"neY ~Wadrburi,##o mo, D. Ma ru1i* f ickeig lvas ;lu tovu on Tii. a ist choir vas pbobomrpW aeL grcup 15t'veérk. Mr Wëse bas been back norti vlstlug tb. land of b*sbcybcod, Mr 1 J obs~ol, sr, who bb een=vimltng hlm daughîer ln Michigan lateiy. Miss Mabél Lagiin uf Obsrryvood vas vlLbflMonde bere laut week. Mr- W S Maj or pachud a large number cf feeders aI Aur'ora last veot. Mr aud Ma-s Conuors cf BrouÉbam vers at Mr Jacob Tumneum on ëuuday. Mr A Thosupson lu at presmnt suffering witb quit. asegver. atackof scistica. A gros: naany turn ivihobubaa-vested ibis veela.Tb"y are very fmmmllin iiibssection. Ma-a Levi Cooper ilu veZY lU a,î preseni lu Bul- (glo, slbo Mss Dr Frtaney of Minneapolls, Mise j ane Thornton bu asef for Michigan, viiere site vil mspeRd ibm vlnter wlîb relatives. There vasu ite a largeatteudance te the leagne on 1Mohday nig~lait suad tha'pro-. gramme. Tihe methodist 8 S vili hold tbeir Christua entertaiumeni ori heTbursday butor. Xmna. Partculm slater, Mr Joseph CarW ui bs sll in abis'possssoa the 5 IeRggeê paîtit Xis nov about izo months oid sud ia d&lag . I The exta pedai lameli sud undoulqaed. Mr loba -Wbit passed tbrough ber. wlîba flock cf 15t> Iambe te féeed.They ver. pur-. chaued on Toronto market. This is thc second large batob lias-be bas bougb: Ibis fali. '8pay'asqou-gclbs Ilare beig orgaused lu many t 'towns suàd vilages la Ontrario. Tihe mnembers agiee <o pledge sbemmelves to lucur no debts, and <o parcas.. only sucb gootis as tbcy eau psl, cush for. DIcd, ýat OMuilaAmrn Tool agud 6e yeas, By soni mistaie -hie relatives bore 41<1 not te- celve w4,',d, aud the corps. vwas sent and burled lui T r~e.Od Tuesday -Il vas r&Intera-e4 lu the metl 'odiat cometery bue.. On *rday Ma- Es Sprlug vas bers ang bough: o f, bay faounM r Hugli Pngb. On 'sa *ayv-wile veliblng te.saine on the cii w'vebscales h. vas séqueesed bêtwae <be to "d th lo ofbâyans u asInter. In ju ri es be a c lv d Mn to 14 is aseaKImLE n Choir practice boeuhmachsd every Satnrday evenlag. Reï Clari euhcontinues the special meetings s: Mt ZIeu.A Mr- s,0ci is Chos Mackey vlshed friends at Eufield blai lbarb7, Mr R -Moera,. of Broolelià, bas been Ibrongl hore psching &pte&., Mis Clank,'Dwuubmo, vas thc ges: of -Ia-s Harisn attbî. Agood dâ tgrain pase trlibero dal n 9outefor lie &ookhu eevate. Pas- theiriUrne lu aasnY unthbibm tfouudry lookl d s f business ver. golng ou. Ili la àow ettated <bat apetadions fr111commence lu a feto days. Thos Cook l9uaetlng a nov building te bu used for hi.slcrasngbusiness;lmissoft drinks have a good n= 2e6sd the resui lu te bu een lu a larger building. The church f the ascension as bad! placed! lu rlositîeu lu <heu cautertable churecla cccithie k, Wiiiarng à SoU excellent pipe organs and pissent.s aoea-y creditable appearauce aend toUt add grcatly te the siaglng and soug service of ibat chwrci. . B Lsung moon Intendu opmnlng out a bard- vare store ln the building foa-mea-ly occupled by Laiegand Meharr. As ail theolod stock vas bougin by RJ1Buce, Mr- Lalng vili show a brsnd nov stock of evea-blng ln thc hardware and ion line. Dont birgot the piesocal on Menday ulgbt at Prince Albert lova hall under Lb. auspicesof <ho mous * f tempeisuce division. A, good lime la promied; oodorder snd a fia-st cisas programme i ;i h b11L o-Brlug aioug yons' but girl sud dont torget to bing a pie. The firts:picving jnstci ofLt.enwSenth On- <silo Plowlng club wiii tee lace ou Mr- John Catibefmn uarthe C PR, Myrtie, ilaa short lir nsd wviii hte bost ever hcld lu ibis aidng, as the execuivo ceaumitte, axe vorkers snd are lmaving ne stoe untnrned te have cbis tbe fit-st matci a grand succes, Hailovea, Suudayevenlng là bailoeen. Tii. boys viii bave tbc ilttletfun ou Mondaylhoreîseeon Saturday ulgit. Be?so bave a ed lune but do net de mess triaIt, yuu-nos oui>' do yoitr uclgh- bor au iujury, but aiselever vont evu self re- spect. I vo yearm mgo smre bays-ordasarlly caiied youag men-wuns fua-shet tbasasudaceut sud bad te psy rather deas-hy for ibuir supposed fun. If tbe saune tblng la repeitod tuais leu t viii cost mone aor éeusmort l=ias oe>. Congratulations teoOur aepecred .toivuaso, Mr Jésues Stouebouse, Who labu es uoes la securlu the positioun aag«s l. lrg cr.mery ia the Dominkin. ,,,hups sao bbu as eca butter ni " e t i <ue çsmu e,* Balertos, snd bis excellent v*ork th re bas ne doubt secured hlm the abore poition. Theru véeu rnsny applicaits for the. Place, iud as - .1 aliwaym ehe case b esi mas second is; l; aina, sud geod cbunnà" see "tdl lu -evey'wlk1 Otb or luas>' aalllng, <radce or rfeâmoà. :Tht dad s s'im- s1ito= eus t thcbomlcrnof tb. For severals 'wecks psut eadiers sud corres- Ipodeas oe amCUgMoxCtltbave-sue te e. suits eft thanevsystou to fust114F9AP posu li he realng matter. Itmay bêall ilgit for tbeuwvbelhk; , f for 1 oi Idc mot ýlie , ,,#boit fitus bit; * Thosu vi. o rl. Ikjwv vis nesnn",but toben a~ o sl rs io only Iodas cqum rbat, vutosound Very quie r'Z ote editoes moUsseambis *va>' demi to rmftri Cid vayiu<thknopfwut= e TOI u~stlochsi tu If ti-crres osdens sud *mUers1 Tht chd alu a ob"of et ugle-now bekngt Uiozngbi <eoasd snd lusnoved4 , Soe-- teaie 'fnswTht sthev , 'f OuzoinaiLu Oonausowuuxoa, Jas Hodgsau goem a-buntlng next Mon. day. Meetings utill continue aI Mt Zion. Much good la bclng doue. Wm Edwsrds sald a valuable driver teý Ira Bayer, Claremcout. The Klckapoes, at Claremout, attract a feo o ut yeuug people tiîber. Mrs Pearson, Toronto, leaspendlng a futo deys toith her dsughtca-, Ma-sJOs Wlghton. Mr F M Chapman cslled ai oui sciool on Fridsy. He lu nov puasuing is studies at Varsity, Toronto. The hot supper at Mt Zion le looked for- wai d te vith a great dcal cf pleauru by lic people lu this locality. The beef-ring association met la <bu uchool houue on Frlday laut 10 ucitie Up the sesons vork. Eteîy one sseed uatlsfied wlîb the mannua- lu whicb Ma- Baladon killied and dîidcd the meat. A ccv slate blackboard ban ariivcd t thie scheol. Balsarn uchoal viii oon bu lu a posnition te compute for tic dîpiema avarded 6ythe educatlen departiment foi the best equlpped achoel. The (armera arc buslly cugagcd pulliug sud housiug their rmot crop. The ammli boys are required lieue days »s a turnij elevater. conuequently the sebool allen - auce luaurnailea- ihan mals. The pupliu efBalsani uchool gave theur Brut lltersry programme lait Fiday. Their next one viilb. given tbe fit-st Fridmyl1 November. Ail are velcounc <o thesculcet- iug. Why net corne sud encourage the juveuiles lu their voik ? Town Liso Miss May, Oshawa, bas been vlsitlng st Mr-s Keniptorus. Mu-. sud Ma-n. Hopkins, Columbu, speut Menday at Mr- and M ru Westa. Mr Thos Wrauy. who bas iad su attaci of pueumnonia lu nov able te mit up again. Mr sud Mu-s John Amond hiave moved ou te Mr- Wu Oie. faim. Mr. Almoud will wo-k thie far-s under Mr. Oies supervision. Miss Dave y, nurse.ln-trslning at New York hespital. i orne for the preseut watt. iug on ber brother Byron, whe is very ili witi rypboid. Mr- Richard Brawa han rentcd the. fatm tiaI was advertized te rieut b>' Messrs Win. sud R G Oie, but ovlug <o somze hitchinl tie affair, the faima bas now been rentud te Mr- R T Phllip sudis sou Edgar. Mr Matbiuj Macke>' paased ave>' peas.. fr11>' on Mouds>' moring hast. The evere altack et hemoinbage ofthie lung vici i. bad ou tie previcus Monda 1eft im lu a veIy teeble condition, sitzoùgi miaterthie attaci aetlizuts hc appeared to gain iu strengli. On Suuday bel tapi41jgreto woise sud eotinued dinolumethe. end came. Tic tuneral on Weduaesdsy ms s large eue sud bore testiuiony tow the . h esteem ln whicb ie vas beld b>' ail wbe iuew him. Hehiid been supernsteudantet Aimondu Sabbdth aciool for sonme yeare, but bis iii healti preveuîed hlm frouatah tending the last yeat-. At the lime of his deati becvas truste of Uic publie sciol heu-c. On tic casiel vas placed s beustifl fierai ancior wltbhie words t"GrSept,"- s tribut. of reépect fau thfe' Sbbani Sohool. Thejiali beurers wetoMerSL Breon, D W Cutbet4, WltttMo x or Cias Kemuptioru sud Àa HWst eex«.1 tend eut- deepest sud muhbcaielmm palite 1frUnMackey sd icirtvo cida-en, Arthur sud Mabel, la li.,tr heur of sorrow- Oua- sciooi teacheý r, P. P'tave, bas bearu hlrcd for another je&-. Mdisses Jennle sud Mar' Mastr e orn to spent Sunday ber, vlîh-thir parents. Ia- Alex McCuilogb aud daugbuor., Viola sud Lottie, vere vlslîtg Wlest o i tMa-sA temptîbie housu ad <bey cugb to e uasbard cf theunselves for umlerlug such a-ctes sentiments, IL là, Do voude- that the churces«, epvorth ieaguemsud christian ondeaver moceties and cm- pet-suce eiganlzasjcnm are e tprospeiug as <bey sbouid vhen men (?) belonglug te <homo branches cf cburcb vorlu viii, on the sly take <ht-r grogt, sud stalid up for the menmuaWvo vic- iat. <ho 1mw sud the Sibba:h. For <ho lam six mentis 1 ama safelu saylng îhat'the lav bas been fiagratly vlaedlîn ibistoton on tbe Sabbati mon bave g eue te morne of oui batela on that day sober sud befor.ethe day endsd have gene home ieellng druai lu mone cases so paWayzsd Ihat ihey &àdhaau4 von climbîug the uat heïr homes. Week aiter veels beys lu their teens bave hiad that seductive liqulo wblch man puis loto bis mouti to steal swsy bis bralus. Net only bas liquor been soid and druuic ou the Sab- bath, but mnen sud fathers et familles have us <io beur ai nighe gene homne lu a maudlusétale sud lu many instances veresomenolsy <hat <hase living on the main stetsveto dituibed by thoi yells sud whoopm, 1 heleng to an aider called. tie Sous et Temperauce, sud 1am ithin my rigit lu deuandng thatletbelsobey the lato, es- peclliy Sunday drlaldng sud sellhng te boys. ]Paent bave eneugi <o contend vlth lu guardlug theiu children froun haroa vithout having te cou- tend vita the lquor .111. 19 lus àface veli kuovu, <bat If oua- boys cais b. kept from lquàr sud tobacco until tbey st-e uwenty one yecars ot age, liat the chances a-e more favorable te chas. boys nec being user.oe eltber sUter <bey became of q e. If tic temperance sud christian 'people cf Paît PMhad bakbue enou te bock up tidir professions of lempeauce and obrissia principles not a botel la ibis toton vould dais violat. the lato elther lu soilg durnnr- blbited bonis or tce nlors ; man) >e mn seprns obe atraidt ibis tbey vifi lose mametbing lu ths vay cf trade by standing up for tia-Pria- ciplkW sud <hou uris, dud tebea-unît la, i<home v'w violat, the iquo -avi are clauckliugte <beunsves ihat <by are omuaatvmiy auto from pieecdos. teshas beecsmre ai e as evangeilst oomiug <o ibisplac te hold 'ru. vival -meeings. bu canuot corn teoo0,s Sea cf thome so-Called ciristisu sud <empermuce pe. ple may <hua find out abat tbey ars tan ding on a foundatlos of od so fras tîeiiprsc f home ive viatues, chtsstlanlty a0il cempueranco aie cencerned. Ii. diffianît> seus o be, ce la afa-ald sud <buothea-la ditio. i bave snsivied thu quesutit o the bea4of thM aidci."Wbai le yur nmoive,,*sud I couslstenly chaîna ibis 1 have icot ssked fer mayublg utreasouable.II 1 v oieliotiug~a irbpon out boteasIcas r.sdy se beret1 "d b band ; IL îlsat and right stbngnare -os-le".Su iaSnis.r.g the as 4lhot avee a mséd f i u44ujaSPv ,I vis m t e Woui hotelueansd -Shig 4 per), U <bas 1 baV6e lac Ugs a-tC4sadhas-ddlis ot vaWu aur su*oot s uy tinaor bout sMd If uSed bu te lock luto any, place of bseus ess y vin- dcv vidion u gsociýsj cf sp 1uS. 'lreplut againi thai latu netubera- * y sor ai nkernrla n,!yM s 1se Ibave bi ore 'ibat ies I.1go uai alier ibm -thrt o <els1or u t mst le,yustino "lSI facoadou a cre hà0sà* : q-. tft -"t Itii, rumored tiat a change wil sehertly taie place lu tic runnig maagements ou this section of the. G.T.R. systesu. Accord- inicth report the suoring¶ train fa-cm Witb>' oUt go througii te Hà urhon., re- turnlug ah nlgbt. The train from Lîudsay will t-un dowu ln thcernornlng and back lu the. evening mad aua extra freaght train, witi gassengea- car attacied, viii ruaxadown sud b= ometime dnrlng iii. dsy. Tic small flies, or apildes as the-# are ald te be toben properl>' named viti vici Uicair ha. taecnfiled for dte last tvo wecis or more, are.-mtliihure Wisunffie- lent numbeu-s te b. a real nuisance. Bicycle ridera appear to suifer more fromta liu than an>' eue cisc, but on smre days au or- dinary >pedestrian cauot be ont fer evena-a few minuttesvithont gmtle" yc, ars sud Dose parti>'filled wlththe iMttieMs. In the preubytoixlan ob uesiin. eveulun Rev Jh Cli ohu f Dmbaton, dellvesed a very futé mîstlng addreée on the. C. Z convention ieid eaiSas paaclsco lust enamuer. The algit vms 4krh aud' thc at-- tendance was tbct se latie us iia4 b.èu ex- pected, butiouî t.5owerteren~ese the lotas adr vaswu It ots-etive sud" lstcsestcg and toms appre' claled :b>& wail i aid teli Ue or aits. i gto lt Mn Cbuaholist. prepate4 to give thaddresstW Christianend4yorisocetUet tirong tihe cotry->. Otb.s' places sbotald ara-ange for sImlmi meetings ,ta the oce lie *boad n n, s u b as bou MWrWahu uaed W F là ýWe Bfti nime *u~ ~ DZALZ.. S. -Issuas et MSTWiS¶, 8et4s.eeopoe~. ~owuIm~ A contesl uuder the ledurilp orMassa« Lily Munroe sud I UiluaMis-lyn vIcom- Mense at the Sens ot Tenpesasce lgodte on Frîda>' eveulng ocf eui veei. Soaod Ioped tbr mal bm a laiis atedSoat each meeting. Ancien amies heu -ben quit. nomrous of late. Ou Wedsesd&Y -'ektt-be 4" of tic catate, &r., cf <iii lie Wna ?es-.was, held, tiat cf tie lie.John Cides, S esaa on Frida>', sud tiat of lhe laie le. ÇraÎ7s on Monda>'ofet ibs veçk. Tb* wvber us-s fine sn ulre iubersattended mach. -Tbe. stock, ec, wt omsgcdandl opoqendsy n- alized goodkfrlces . -- 1 The Out. Ce. sa*" mh. uatchi vii be beid osnbmfatshe la-aCspudmu snd Hubbel a Myr os r cesz pos eo-,ôe at Ias*y tutet ju«setc.: RNnlPa t*&- mogft ietares; M Dooliti!,Co Stokes. LEst Witbsy tow»Nsp ; Alan SZI là=; quis, KBrouJ0004 W.t1l. *1% co m it a u d D o , e - vaUable and s l loch mps-usent, h&b be thelargSewra'tm tbe 40etybb - Ms-.i XLIO PU(RE NO@ 48 70

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