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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1897, p. 2

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Seeme Do'You Use it? It's the best thing for the. bair under ail circumstances.i Just as no 'Mau by taking thought eau add anuinchito his stature, so no preparation can make 'hair. IThe utmost that can be doue is to pro- mote conditions favorable to growth. Trhis is d on e b y Ayer's Hair Vigor. It te- moves dandruif, cleauses the scalp, nourishea the sou lu which the hair g rows, and, just as a desert wiii blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, when the roots are nour- ished. But the roots must be there. If Yeu wish your hait to rétain its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lest tint of gray or faded hait use Ayer's liair Vigor., CORRESPONDENOE Hereaftr parties who have sheep dam- aged by doge in &bis munioips.hcy and de skr to recover two thirds trom lei colin cils must have a ratepayer ag a witnees s to the value of the animal&. Whl, tno refleotion is intended to b. cout upon tiic>e wbo have been givixag evidence in th. put wbiie not ratepayors. chia rule will b. striotly adh er.d to lin the future.. After a lingzerug ilmes and muh of ferlng. John -Bemmer, of Fairport, died BaturdaT afternoou (rom cancer of tiie stomaci. fRe wau ln his fifty.fifth year and untili a few moucha ago wus ln good heaitb. Re lia been a resident of thb viowity ail bis tife, haviog boee bote in the townsbiip, and was a man i hghly es teemed by ail wbo knew him, aicbough lie wau a quiet-even retiring-disposi ion, yet ho made bouta of friende among botii old and young. For a time bis dis eue was thought Wbc b indigestion, but au it developed the -trutb dawned, snd hope ci bis reoovery was dispelled frouw 1lbe mmnds of bis friende. HRe leaves a wife and one son to mouru th. departure: of a lovzng and indulogent tbcer and a kind sol tiioughtfal busbapd, The fanerai took place on Tuesday al waa oonduoted by the. Pickering lodge, à 0 V W, of whloh suoiety he wus a Vorthy member. S Miss Neilie, eldest daugbter of J E -Couners, Esq and David MoGraffin, o Toronto, ver. murried h liBo1om Cathollo oburoh on Wedsday morini by 11ev Paler Qai!tther. leiaDes. anond, of Oshawiva a. as bridesmaiul vbuld Tiiomas Conna're supporwddthe groom, wheu suoi services were roquit- ed. The oeremoay vas pertorrned ithe reeno of a luarg umber of relative The. brle eil OUand favOrably kciowu in tht.. vietnity, and L th e t nwbeh *ho waub * a I viden*oye i dplâ dô«uatedoueheie eeof ber nnptîi da.Tii happy Vpaill itake ophoc» eoeyToo mUch pralu 0notlIf0llu tend.red Paotior, Canning for the et. and attentioni . g-Avyo..yraV lus lhe bilîdren for lus important saûraîàaeuý The elergy preost tu adaito 1pFthe Whiney snd Pathi, CaDanu, vr~ire RoievVioe? Doerai 1MaCaOnu, t SI Michaëls Qatluedral, Toronto; DoanÀ ogn f Barfiée; Paier Menya, of Oriia;; FatieêrModBse, of Brechil. The coroli vas trongod,*quite a uum. ber boing unable te ain admuttaii@e. R L Gaugisu, principal cf Breabilu ý oblo sebeol; Counecilor McNl to am, be Misses Maddee, Messrsa on- neti Donnolly, Fratk Maddee and Wm Ciappoile, cf Orillia, vwere the guest cf Mr and Mrs F J Gillespie on Sanday week. The seventi division court vas ieId bure on Sscurday week Judgo Dartuel presiâing. The number of cases triedî was larger thati usual. Ie the case, Doyle vs MoKontie, a sait for damages enstained by doe akiling sheep, tie1 plaintiff. gotjudgemeut for hait value o! shep sud coats. John MoCosi for plain- tif, (i D Grau% for deondent. Ie lobe. son vsaLicDonald, plaintiff recoived judgo. unent for 6100 sud côste, D luglis Grant for plaintiff. Ie the case of McDermott vs May, judgement for MoDeroeott., B D Guan for MoDermott. MoDouaid vu Wiseman. soliiter for laintiff failing tu &ttend, tie case vas Ieft over tfiI Deit court. BUNDzKa"ND. Lt in our nad duty to chrouicle Lie deat.h cf Mr and Mm Deo Roses little daughter, aged i year suda tire. mnti. The funeral took place from tie family reaidence on Sunday veek te Pine Grove oenetery aud vas atteuded by mauy f rienda. t la cuir painful sud nadl duty te re- cord th. death of su cld sud respected citizen cf Lie township et Brook, that of Mary, beloveil vite of Mr Colin Miller, aged 63 years, 1 menti sud 4 days.. The. foneral teck place Friday veek at Ivo oclock, to Lb. preebyterian buryiug ground, con 12, Bescih. Mr Miller bas the aympathy cf a large nember of a.- .q uaintanees. On Weduesdy week a number cf the. ladies eft te presbyterian cliurch cf tuis place attended the. meeting efthle W F M 8 fer Lie Lindsay preebytery betd lu the churci aL Wick, sud vhici vas e:- 1ceedingly volt attended by ladies frein ail parts cf the presbytery. IL vau addreea- ed by à lady misieuary, Dr MloKellar, o! iItidia, vie gave su lntoresting and pro. litbi acountetmission -erin ludia. The visiter vas giron 'aàte& ln Lh. base- ment etftth. churci atL Lie câor cfthe Lmeeting by tie ladiesfetlt econgrega- 1tien.-Glaner. .1 Gun Goes~ trfrgà. Sc~sIGkupu ALL THE- 1LTEIIMUNT-i ml the Test%, sud the 1!iouto&ids e Absolute, and tUqusstioned',Oureb That Hlave BeOn Made bY MuuYOn i Canada. Mrt John Merrison, No 152 Euclid kV., Toronto, Canada, asys :-6"Fer serera years I wvu îroubtod viclu a coter. feran o, kidney disfeansd for Lie paityear si rheumatism aise. Atter tryinq a naumbgof etcher thinge and not .hezug beneûitt.d, I vas induced te lako Mun- yuus Rheumaîism sud K.idney Cure. On. bottleetflie former anik ve bottles cf the latter remedies entirety cureti me sud I am nov as volt as ever. I can heartiiy rocommend lie Muiuyou Remu- edies and am dolug 50 daily te xny re- latives su hdtred.. Muayonuie BboumatisnuCure seldom fails to retieve iu one te Lire. heurs, sud curea in as tev day.Prioe e. Munyou's Dyspepseia Cure positively entes ail, forme et Indigestion sud s1cm oci trouble. Pnice, 25c. Munyoe's Oold Cure prevents pneu- moula and breaks up a oitdinuasfuv icurs. Pries, 25c. Munyon'a Cocugi Cure stops couglie, night aveala, alisya scrnesan sd speed- ily bosla tii. lunge. Pnice, 25. Muuyou'I Kldaiey Cure epesdiiy cures pains l ie h baok, loins or groins and ail forme of kldney dlsosao. Prieu, 25c. muuy6u'pHeladaco Cure stops iead. ache itbree minutes. Prie, 26c. Muuyon's ]Pile Ointuient po'sitivoly cures ail fermaof piles. ,Prise, 25e. Muuyeul'BleodÃŽCure eradioales ait Impurites ol lbe blood. Prie, 250. tmunyeu',s Pemai. Brumedlos are a boon Munyon'a Astlima Bemedies reieve ie a minutes sud cure permaneutly. Pie, #I. Mouyon's Catarri Bemedies neyer tait. The Calarri Cure-pre 25o.-eradicatea tli. dhsease i the systein, and the Ca- tarri Tablets-price 25c.--cleanae sud heal lieparts. MIunyon'eSNerve Cure le a vonderfut nerve toute. Prie., 25c. Monyousa Vitalier restons lesit viger. Pnico, $1. Persouaile.11.5 10 Prof. Monyon, Il sud 18 Albert stt, Toronhe, auswered viti free medical a&"ce for any diseate. bite. U. E. Batoeon la lrnlipoWbedLi We regret t tte hatiJ oin Pull?. vieva elIy t*kenw1lai D.kUtaIl ysl uabe0leo bis b.&.jj Dept.ev ilr i tn li nierfetit, cf U:xbridge, vèe. ber. et Mfonday, aud -gave et Our Ï4polsolon Tii.Towusip- Ttiupeér*ce Alliuc mçet'bm 1uston T r,<-but the. sIteudaib vas ï. 'eysl.The. unimeeting will;b on I~s.mbe au4 t ~gl. ) Mrs lamueWîdd4ingham,, of Toron-ý olà v'isitlng vith friende herei brGeoRcussellw à jieher bius- band lei Bottineau,' Dak., ln a few days. LJosbuà Bunday andi vife -have, re-. iucied f rom 'Ma ltoba' much pleaiedi ,withirt. SMrs Thos E. Pughli t for tie city -te ôther day'whire she. výil remain ,fbrà a .m le h hobpe that lier heaith may bipovecI -Henry- Madil bas returned from a fortnights ' viuit with friencis ln the states. Miss M Micheli has returned from Cincinnati iere she went ta study to bc a nurse. She likes the profession, but an lnjured kee requireti ber to take a rest. Her friends regret that ber studies were thus disturbed. T B Hughes has resumed hie duties at the station, and relievlng agent Mackie, who bas had charge for the pasc month, bas gone ta Havelock to assume a position there. A tramp about 45 years of age had his heel badly crushed between the buffers of two coal cars Monday while scealing a ride. Although h. received a severe squeeze, it te a miracle he es- caped se eauiiv. Tramps vilibe rather careful le the victnkty of this -station hereatter, as kt bas a reputation of bc- ing severe en their hind. Thos Sadler, aftcr a severe iliness, died at bis reeldence on Friday. De- ceased resided on the. 4th of Ufxbridge for many years and did weil. About thirteen years ago be retired from farming and moved to this village, where bc bas since resided, a peaceful and respected resident., He was a mac of mature years and vas higblyv esteemed by ail who knew him. >M funerai cook place to Salem cemetery and vas largely attendeti. 1There was quit. a gathening of saw- bones here on Friday night, there bc- ing Drs S Freel, A Sangster, W Sang- ster, Rowan, Ira Freed, .ali of Stouf- ville, Dr Darling, of Goodwood. and Dis Brodie and Eastwood of this place. They ver. cailed together te discuss the Provincial board of heal law. After conSidering the affair from al standpoints, it was the feeling of the meeting that tii. by-law vas a larce, and beyond giving a f ew otherwise idie men employmett, was of ne practical use. These consultations might be held more frequently, a& they v.oula have a tendency to cultivate a bette: feeling between -members. of the pro- fession. While returning home from churcli Sunday evening- John Reid steppei upon -a loose plank ef the sidevatk anc feu heavily te t'ie waik. He tay tiiert for some time unconscieus and. whet -b. recovered bc efound that hie faci was-badly cut, while tbc vas otherwisi badiy shaken, up. For the. past fei 0.e, e hvebeen catng atteetibi ' tec delapidateti condition of the sta tion sidewalk'and-- poitlng uttic fac *e c hat untes thc -saine vauattenedt * there .v-oultib.c ouic persoe luuri That person turned -out te be Mr -Reid ton yeartansdisvte ldidffereul mtedi- aines, wlîtuut any ý-r$Uef. Pluslly 1- as persucaded le try a ,box et Helba Spar. ague Kiduey PlUs et Clark BrcolUogi Store. I have been oured of mly tivoer' trouble and relievoti of My ne rvous cou- ilitien. My nervouseece came frein veak kidneys. Aurz; Doxiio-i 263 B. second Sb, JamestoWfnt Y HOBB nspaao Bdo us Dr. Hobbs VillesFoi Sale te WEIITBY, OHi'., bY A. B. ALLII4, Ohemiat sud Drugtigt. 8,a8sMa ut111sien. W. are oorry t la y liat Mis e hnte Wilson les tilI dang.roniy ill. Special servlcosare sîhîl geiug on at Mt Zion. XL yl take quillea vilete gel lie mombors .warned uP. one eveuing tact ve.k se J Ward sud W Arbuekie ver. uuovlng them thresblng machine betveen On 0sud tqe o oýk they came seresaLwo suspicions looklug char- actera who upon seeing hem bid lu Lb. tance cerner tblnaing th.y vere unobeer. ted but J Ward sîopped bis herses sud veut te Lie feelce te see vio lhey were but they startedIeo ruq fer the lives but Arukedeterminod te ose wvlo the woe.gave chaos but tbey voté tee swift for bim n d finally geot ot gbt. Ar. huakleie ks b o eoeves greal praisfer savieg tie Ivo Baleam stores being, rob- beit but lith e Niloveturned eut le ho 1 *o prodainent yeung-men trou lUt Zion vie hi4 been seelng tbefr beat girls 1home. Our teý firmo ompooedoetPhilp&Z lils .are nov busy paokieg.applee. They r. .port apples quit. plentifuli soms parts. Mr Pllkey is ainlg grest improve' 1mente te hie buildings.' ;e W.e pec ohave proaclng aBa55r 1proacher. 11 A fev bave cemmenoed îtaking initheir , eots sud report the same le b. ou the »amatI aide. Mr À Joues vas vliting st M.r Holdenis onSunday. - 571 ST. PATRICK ST., OTTAWA, JtiLY _31, 1896. Tc? the Phrewline Medicine Co., Ltd., Ottazba. ont. Gentleman, - On tic ativice of a friend I ta-led eue bouile et your famous rheumatic remedy, Ph-eruotine, and to my gurprise it' cureti me of rbeuma- tism, trous viiicl I bave suffeetfor maey years. lIt alsoc uted meetof dysepie fn whici 1 vas auffernug at tetns that I ted nov11k. a new: man. 1 b ave, t'tnid several - remedtes- for, ricumat1'e M',.$ean.et vluhch, did, ase a, certain ýamo ntt of good1 -biit uotiiing tuat 1 have tàkee baàsdon-e Ã" iý for- me aà,,your Phrcuoiae,-1 Tha1 mucb pleasuire lareme n il W 1 t ether sufferers. Yours very truly - (Signed), JAS.,,C ARRQOLL, Foreauan oi Works, Rideau Canàs1 Maufactured on Hcor sud od~tt celt lu Wbltby ouly by'-, ýPYNYMPOr Positively Cur COUGH8 and CO in aà surprislngly Shbttu endtfiOcettainÉy, tlea"idru Mud hoals nis egecu. W. C. Mecougg.a & sa .Ooe f cbmdc chaO tubel, saja" curud W. GCL Ma .IL Huv".CheMIW, 328.10=90 St., Tcro genecul cougb a"d luu iumumtala DAVIS & LAWRENCEC Sole Proprwmor ATrainload Plnnged SCORES 0F PEOPLE TH] THE HUDSON RI' j ust before dawra on S in, the State Express ran York Central Railway near Garrison, N Y, and~ 30 passengers. .Ttie state express le everynight at 7. -At Trc picks up passengers a ~exng cars frorn Moni lw. t is timed to reac 7 in the morning. $t is known that it wa ,»d that the track .was nc ,4_jthere was any break i Acil it mnust have been o1 happening, for only ai heehad passed. over il senger train laden with h Neither is there an~ ready. Ail is conjectu tion of road was- supp very best on the ent There was a great. he wail ail aiong the bank, a tide was hîgh yesterday Yprecedented. What se happened was that un tracks and the ties the 1 given away. and when th of the engine struck thi tracks it vent crashing rest of the waii and topp, river. As the train plunged bankment the coupiing, lust three of the six.sleed .they miraculously rem broken track. In tiat1 lives were saved. The train vas hauIled; and consisted of one AIR car, one composite bg lugcar, one daýv coacha0 îThîs vas the makeuo ki Ieft, Pouglikeepit SplaSebefère. tc diBaste I Atliistime thetewý er, in addition to thb man Acker, of peck bis compartment, eïghi toute from tiheCanadiM Y-ork, and a middie-age ed to be Tboma Relt .INCRUS(STH FLOW OF MILK M COW& TANTED-TRUSTWORTHY»ND ACT- VV IVE gentlmn rladies <o0.tissu f«r respeesible. escblisebomseiluOnuailo., Mohly $65.ee and expenses. Position steaýdy. Btefreece. Enclose elf afddressed s tampeti oen- velope' The Dominion Company. DepL Y 1Cil- cage. 4:-8an. RbunitilnM& Dy$pOPsiaCUîsd 'LRDAC WATERD AND)ENDURI?40 0F ALtw PERFPUMF.5 FOR~TI iNfll<EflHlEVL TOULT :OR 'BATH. ~v # t

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