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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1897, p. 3

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nta4CE CO., Lro. 1 eprise artBs" 4 Plngedto Death, _pÇoRzs OP POPLE THROWN INTO FTHE HUDSON RIVER. ý,Ju&t before dawn on Sunday morn- 1tig the State Express ran off the New Yàrk Central Railway embankment neer Garrison, N Y, and killed nearly 30 pape ugers. Thstate express leaves Buffalc 1ryi nghtet 7. At Troy and Albany J& P$ks up passengers and takes on Mr- ping cars trorm Montreal and Ot-c a. [t ie tined ta reaeh New Yorki ýý ln the morning.1 4it is known that it vas a trifle foggy 4Pd that the track was not visible, but there was any break in t'he lines of ýteelI k intlhave been o! very recent îappenlng, for only an hour before ,tbere had passed,, over kt a heavy pas- senger train laden with human freight. Neither is there any explanation medy.Al is conjecture. The sec- tion ot road vau supposed to be thei' very best on the entire division. There vas a great, heavy, retaining waîl ail aiang t he bqnk, and while the tIde was high yesterday kt was not un- recedented. What seems to have appened vas that underneath the tracts and the ties the heavy wall had1 gIven away, and when the great weight of the engine struck the unsupported ýtracks it vent crashing through the n9ct of the vaîl and toppled over in the river. As the train plunged ôver the em- bankment the coupling that held the lmt three of the six sleepers broke, and :theY mlraculously remained on the brok1en track. In that way some sixty 1Fves wcre saved. The train was hauled by engine 872. ,and couslsted o! ont Amnerican Express car, one composite baggage and smok- ýng car, one daý coach and six sîcepers. 'This was the make-up of the train when t left Paughkeepsie, the last stopping plarcpwbiore thecdisaster, at 5.ao a m. At <býis time there was in the smok- er, in addition to the b iggernan, Fier- mani Acker, o! Peekskili, who, was in hist cotn'partment, eight Chinamen, en route (rom the Canad ian border to New York, and a middle-aged man, suppos- ed ta b. Thomas Rcilly. of St Louis. Ail of1 te.., except the baggageniaster. ptriahced' The daY coach contained 18 tO 20 pas.euers, many of whomn were womnen aï4 chaîdren. How many o! these es- feed iseflot knovn but et least twelve vere drowned or killed la <bis car. Behlnd the coach vere the six sleep- ers the Glenalpine, vith ifteen pas- soaptar; the Hernies, vith twelve pas- sengérs; Ui-theNiobe, vith. eleven; the Diane, vkh wbout fiteen; the Anita. nearly full, and the car Sackct River, wlith nto passengers. The total cargo of human treight consistcdof somcthing over a hundi-ed peope.At Fiskill the train lesseaied Itsappd,ý itIo tscustaom to rua tram ~that point té Tarrtown at thc rate ut about 2s Miles an hou,,. Most ot the u' pegers vere asleep, <hase in thc eoa belnq lu their berthu, wvbilc the ,,tççpantscft<he caach and sinoker ere for theo mt doubled up in their gencgiacers story of the accident neyer b. tord. He sud hi& fit..F led at their posts. cduetor Parish, who vas niaklug sa report lu nne ! the cars, vas ered unconsciaus by a blov ou tho 4Whcu ho recovered ho vas t seats ahead of <heoneanc u hlch àd bçin sitting. ýeye Svtcucèse e e noue ex- ,the crew of a tug boat passing I tow. They sV the train vith gheas kt came fiashing about the M sud <heu saw <ho greater part go Iuto thie river. Sanie .afthUi Wlth i clsdwndows fIat d u K., ~sIlngfor Ielp, cast off its Ir ad sat<o t4se rescue. CAUS*E OF THE 'RAGEI>Y. et Colae ald titis woring <bat thse ùlay bave given away, sud <hat it ,poiýùbte <ats dnlviugrod Road Master Otti, wh'i0clflÇ î one of the rnmoSt exýP:ett c, lde in thiscouiltty. tvas, lng hi$ epinioftiau s C*ilC causes of the. slnklng tt.- ros4b, but he told a 1:efr.s nt av. <>6*- - AssocatdPross4hat la w>-uuoprq arily to some 1ti Most ïmkiýÏnta action of the water ýoit lîh ment. The sand and gra' 1- t*d a washed out, leaving a crust u*dr t track, which collapsed as ioon snt weight of the trrln vas on It. Mr Ot could flot understald -Why the m~ail Ing wall o! solid masonry gave"way1 it dld. Ob? LIVE8 IN DANGER.' The Timo for Action and Orea t Capot Pains Oelery Oompouad Bhould Be UBed This Month. Our changeable Autumu weather bringa f sar to the hearts oet tousandaof rheurnatic sufferers who are unable to go to warmer chines. The present month with its vet, cold weather and ehilling north eut winds will, without doubt, in- oreaso the agonies ef those whe are atiited with acute, chronie, inffamma- tory and soiatic rheumetism. The urie acid in the systom, which the kidnoys have not ronoved, is peiaoning the blood, cauaing stiff and avoilen joints, twisted loes, armes, fingers, and oentraoted cordas. When it reaches the heart it generally proves fatal. Rbeumatio sufforers, why romain in agony and peril ? There is a sure cure and a new li for ail if the. propor agoncy is made use of. Tho. true aeoncy, Paines Oelery Oompound, hbu.triumph- sntly met hundrodi of casses far more subtile snd dangerous than youra ; it wiil surely met your troubles. It as for you te determine <is day viiether yeu shall b. free from sufforing and tàke on a new lite, or romain in a oondition of helplestsas and torture that, may drag you to the grave et mny time. Boar in mind that Paais'& Oelery Corn- pound cures ail forms et rheurnatism, and dees the work ao veli that the dis- ease nover returna. Mr& M J Vines, QU Barrie, Ont, aya; 11 arn happy te say tbat I have taken Paines (elery Compound vithi geat re- suIte. I had sciatica se hadly that I oouid flot turu in bed or walk without help ; and for a peried of three weeka was bel piessly laid, op snd suffered pain that at <imes wasunbaîrable. 461 tried many medicines, bu' ail in vain. 1 vas attervards reconimended te try Peines Olery Compound with groat reaulta. I had sciatica se bsdly that I oould net turn in b.d or valk witheut help ; and for a period of three weeks vas holpiesaly laid up and snffered pain that at timos vas unbesabie. III tried many medmicines,, but ail in vain. I vraé afterwards recommonded te try Paine& OoleryCoempound. I used six bottles, suad amn entirely cured aud enjoy good health. 1 tae. groat ploasuro ~in reoemending tihe valuable niedicine. that curod me." An Untroddon Canadian Wildr- none Tii. voit country north ef the Gulf of! 8t. Lavrence la, tote-, i.ncmoeercisi explorer, the moat interostlig région on thas contineos, il " no lu ii ved. For nealy four centunlethesha e cItA. vaticu bave ailed ,by i, yet, feeps, at- the very waters e4se, bore hbu boeu w lutruslen upon i. ,Tii ierawMhl our forth froni evety openli t Wtiielab aiC vitneas that th* book eeuutay As a Det-. work et lakeasd vater course. A*k the. commissloner! à( oreun- -lands etf-tith grfft province of QUehe. <e-ay wbat bis departmeutks ef.t bat ragictuand hé viii tel youti"sItiathésI.ast knovi portiona et Northis Âienle; thait oui a lewof he aIsahave been survoyed ; thettwo e:plofià tls ibae meotl f-W< thest of t theii.1 ig,)«m traverse haita IdWm#qmae- mil«iseoit tennltory. 8Suamme t* U « Lake etJohn is y-ra. ii trc tcuutmfo wey o~ arao pse i ~ <i w4c ieauz lic lI .bto#~ 1 Zuow asaset that 'a COv pr@petiy -féal &and kept ean r v.s.mlt1 of apleuaut oio.ut if m ek10iý ravu -instâbls as l'haie tsun thein 'a4alIove. te stand In au opaun peU or cau terqutte -a while It, vill acquire a '"ccv st#àbly" or ; and that la what- the. bottemakersniefls whefl ho stickt hie nos. Ato thi.e au-sd telle th. natron te leave the. inilk nncovered te et a Ye"oey"odor escape. Would ho toll the. patron that,,unies. heo leaned eut bit titab1eu and kept them dean his milii coeld net be nied eo ud strike nearer et the reet of the. matter.-L W Lightly, in American Oreamery,., The. duning varin. Live'Stock Pointers. feul pig sbouîd b. k. Pt by ltaelf the wînter, fed veil and kopt If food fon stock la cooked Bt ail, IL sihould b. ceoked and net simply vanmed. If yeur hog i saick, a vermif uge, snobi as vertu sud, vii very likely reacis the case. If y ou have a halter puller. arrange the halter se <bat iL viii choke. That vii cure.C The safeit plian ia te get id et cattie that have sveuing on the jaw. IL may b. lasmpy jaw. Smokusî and aaltlag tise meat wiilnet- kill tnschîuae ln the centre et pork. Oooking aione eau do <bat. Two littene of pige a y.ar, or ho weuld tir, o ethéIi. in, us tas, as the. position s noted breeder takea. The lrmier should masufaotune matL butter, cheoe sud&eggs eut et bis grain.F Thai is profitable farming. My hogat lidevt coeav uearly fit enouitb for the. pork barrel,' aya w breeder.- Fat aml tlieir lAves ve suppose, <bat la in a dlseaoed condition' froni the b.ginnlung. Whou asbheebegins tu coungh mn st the. nosesud have acres on him, iL s probably famoyi and sbould b.oseparated., frein the well herses. Wash acres wlth s& three parcent solution of carolieacid, fud generouly-batut e on -fat torrnlng feods--and gpvea, streng lIod purifier. There Are About, FMteen Thousand, Sanie of Thcrn Vory Valuable. Plants useful to mani are estimatcd te number about iS,ooo. Among <hei ame 5,o00 roughly dlassod as econi and food Iplats. ,--Tise above ,includes i, too edible fruits sud berniies aùd 30Ã" edible se0ds, Fifty are reckoned arnong tue cereals aud 40 s.utvat. edgrminaceous scodi. 'Four lind- rcd aud twenty ame classed as vege.- tables sud ealuds,,sad 260 arclsiéd amnog th" tube rs Tere are-ý 3etoftihe <mien goup tnâ, 32 o! S1Tow#OOt., -FrOua39'Plants fugarMay beobtainedinpyiigýýqi8n tjties. Vinons drinks are obtaÃŽned.from'n 200 plats, 4rpQtDticà hem 26. -Titar sSe Sc aubttutes for ç00fee and s9 fou th lard, b t t appeaus to 1filhbil,> aud t As nt te b. wouderèd a bat paciiers are ..llintfeor leu fat pork. Iitiïg ce te iproduoers pat rt e tùO question, ve'have ýâany ftuba endesvened wîova thmt a pquol fpork pan,.b. , P duoed heapero e Under 200> peunda lu- weight ,thau atter theyl have pmsad that stage.-Sel'iedhpar. e more se4ble for ti ar amrs i eanutî th <eWate -produott froeinti dslry -téeto d!autage.Exper.mnt have pneveld that Ii4og1sai bï rMsed as ohm*plyonskiais _il- "s'r 'u paua on -Cern vien t i. ted atone. Tii. cern beiug nich inl carbehydrates, prod - sfat pork. whIle the Mllk ration A thl ra tei, aud predges 'More lesnu eati At hâ "ep' bild 1ig sllarg fébme, udôtalt ztonger. boue sud Mmsle, Corn-b hghaves* weakcoentittua Miare more sul4ecb <o disle.. 'Th. potition lun-wbich the: farinmerot thia ýoôntiy' are plscéd_ for- pWouiu liiti, len pok, -and'thie tats ofthtéi consumer hapjUly ruta -in uthe. mre directon, *h<ah sruastrceis tare quit. in keepln¶with the. u6ny otberadvn togu hobï,taken together,,.ctve to mase ou -buinessasfarnerare Opro. WbatDpds K1duel PRila d dforsa Brookytile Biï - se, ooud notLdtt vitu Great AgovuJ Now Reaou LUt kuevu bnbtobw, et t leity. vas <hi Victor in. a liing estet a fev aysq Wai i ambes thtet eue oU nuusual81 P-1609fë soI tha Iset- ihat, ter vam Mn 1Woe h*bas #.aa pÃŽoma- l, 1 - DEU ~SEA8EDI 00O-0' I. TOW4N OF WHITBY". lu Il auy cuni 'bal eue 'e.' 'e ~6 Oh. ua MMUM

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