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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1897, p. 4

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T.' r' -~ I ..THE,. Leadlng Dru~ Store IN THE PROVINCE. I~"We have eue o! tue besi equlpped Drug Stores in the Province, and ou>' stock o! Drugo, Medicines md Chemi- cals la the besi ihat cen bo prodsaced. Proscriptions and Rocolpts A SPECIALTY. OURFR1018 M~1 RIGffT~ OUR GOODS TuE .BEST. J. E. WILLIS, OHEMI8T & DRUGGIBT, MEDIGAL BROOK BT., HALL, - WHITBY, ~L~irrnnch. WHITBY, OCT. 29, 1897. Louai Option lu Pio~rtag. Por the fourth time lu four yeara the peo. pie of Pickering are compeiled te go to the poila on Nov I7th sud vote for or againît liquor seliing. There are alwaye pleut>' of dry moutha to aigu tht uecessary petitions. Beaides these, there are many ttmpers.nce peopie who lend their sacrtd Rames te tht trafic because tht>' vaut te pIeaae even tht uzoît cvii diîposed. Man>' vonien petitioned for thia vote, several of whom, ve are told. were made vidova by drink, Tise moat ardent aupporter of liquor can. noS psetend to se>' that opening the bas- rooma of Pickeriug viii beutftt a singie ~ erson exctpt tht brewers, distiller, sud arroom keepers, three cleasea otusen viso bave cursed this sud ever>' other civilized country. And while bar d~nking will do no deaerviug porion an>' good, It viii do ever>' respectab~t person harm. Those who do flot waatt their mont>', their time sud their livea carouaiug viii have te main. tain public institutions for tht benefit ol those who do. Itis hard te stir up people to a senat of their respon~lbility lu thîs matter. Do insu>' have the appetite for drink, se mmny vert not lsow seon the>' coutraci tht habit, sud so insu>' opponenta of drink are hypo- crites eneugis te stand sponsor for h rather tissu tissu speak eut that il la a isard ftght sud neveç eudtd. ~,la veali eues grow dlrcouraged vheu they'~nd that tht abom. lisible lava et ibis Province force them te take tis, trouble md tapeuse of four oses. nana lu four years. Such peepie muai up. Drink bas been pretiy ucîl squeesed ont lu four yesrs, sud if ibis vote fats 1alnat It ibere wili be iio hope left te>' l'icktrlng has alvaya gene againui ilquor, sud tht greateit tovuahipîn tht Dominion muai net break lia good record. Not oui weuid they live te bitttrly regret thei' action, but iheir cases p le would do untoid damage ci s lime wben tht prohibition piebiscite is bon te be taken. The Eut Sugar Zu4uusry. Tise Toronto Wojid ou Kouday of IbIs week psibllaised tise follewlu article-Usai viii interut nisu>' readers of tht CKaorê ICLE t-Tise tiret augar ever manufacîured lu New Yens vas pro4uo~d lait vouS at Romue. Tiser. ver. about four tous of cita>' visite gnanulsted augai la Use rue, and Il vas mnade fromu but. greva In tise vicluit>' of tisat levu. Tise facior>' la naw lu opa>'. stion. and it la ezpected about lesi tous ut aranulaîed sugar. viii be turaed oui fr.uu il d alty. Tht produet la dectared te is moud. sud uit (acter>' us.nsjrnn.uî fuel ver>' proud et lise asiccalis site aed, , About iveuty îisousapd tons efbeets viii b sud attise Remue Iliciory ibis stases. An aual>'ilcal eesmlnitlen o! tise sugar.beet greva lii Ganesa.. cousit>', Mev Yens, shows tisit îhey coulais nosu bouesteus te utuiteen pue cent oS augar,*blcis la (pus te Uv. par cuti suera tissu itini oontslned lu tise buts ralsed lu Califorula. Nshraafra anal j~t,.w Ui~a..à.. IUErWATRuDouP Di 4~5W~iiÇ5 iD 1U5~ W ibese tIi1tigi~ a.tssnd~ts wu promut. gaied. h la nov soute yasrs stucs Arcisbislsop Clair>' et ICtupteat esade a s~slurge, audm good many people hsd came te tise conclks~ Ion tisai h. b.d drep~dtisat sort o! tislug. Dut h appuis tint. ot oui dots tise aged clergyman appear te b. hopelessly addlcted te inakisg spîsirgea. b ut ha aise appaira te have tise ~cuity ot suaking a Rat et biniself every Urne, fils lattai beats tisent ail, Rt. centiy a youny lady of tht Roman Cstisoilc chureis St Kinguton auended tise veddlng ctsemen~ofa Protestant couple. Hlm grace 8ev off t e handîs ~t once, sud ha. lssued s pastoral leSter torbiddlug Roman Catisolîca to attend Proteatant veddin~s or foutrais, lest îbey bu gulit>' e f monta mIn. Sncb e ridîculous piece o f tym'shny la ieally amui- lng. Tise Toronto Gio~ pute tise tisiug very veil visen h asys tisai it lia good tisIng~or tise Catisolica ef Canada ilsat tisey lîve Protestant country viser. their religions rigisti canuot bu taken svay mcm tisees by auybody, s sentiment vhicB neanly su Casholica viii endorse. Tise question et luspectlug and llceuslng bouses et prosiltuilen bis been brougisi ver>' promînonti>' betore tise visole vend by tise action e! Lady Heur>' Somerset, vlce-prepl~ dent et tise Wenlds W. C. T. U., lu approv- lng et tise nov Bnîtisis srmy regulaîlona iii Ittdia, which permit this system te b. adopt- ed. Aithougis unslterably eppoaed te Lad y Flourys vievo la tise malter, tise vends W. C. 'lis' U. la se convluced et her honesty et conviction tises aise bai been no-elecsed vice- presîdent, Ibus untortuuîîeiy iendlng greit atrongi b se ber position, sud exposlng a ne gretahie voakuesa lu tisemuseives. W. put tht llcensiug ot prostitutIon lu ibis qvay: If a man bain tarer et Ibis idea bm muas kuow tisai good aud pure vomen have te be corrupsed te stock tise places, md be sisould expect te centnîbute e aliter, s dingisten, or isia vite if ssàcd bu te keep iheni runuing. Every fesualo cislid is boni dean frein the baudet tise Creater, vise viii requin. a tuli ~eckoning trom tise individuel or Use nation visîcis lunes tisai cislid or girl te vice md corruption. One mans aliter, or motiser, or vire, on dîugister is as good as thet et au- oison, md, if prostitutes user. muai be tise>' sheuid bu selected b>' conscription vthout reenence te bintis, timily on socIal distinc- tion. If Lady Semerset <s convlnced et tise necciait>' 0f mucis lustitutlons publici>' lîcen- mcd, aise sisould souk te bave coutrol et ibein or te bave ihees nuis b>' tise W. C. T. U., anc~ shoulti select womeu se 5111 ibemu vuS. Tisis s but a logical picture et visas ber viova Ioad te, but tht more ibougisi et aucis a con- ditIon et tisînga la se hornifylng tisai ose abninka tnom preseutîng il. There are ssii- lieus et mois vise advocite lîconaing hiquor dnlnklng vise do net vint their sous te b.- conte tise drînkens; Pleut>' et mes adrocate hlcensed prostitution vise wouid profer te set a aliter, or vite, or diughter burut ai tise staSe nitiser ibis have ber gives Se Usa service of tise InstItutions tbey tivor. Mets, a-it, sud vomen tee, commît tiseesseirti to reveltlng Ideas sud achomes vlibout taklng sufflcieut ibongisi, sud baif Use vonld toilew5 their iead. __________________ Eflsr TisSu invite. ED, CfaorucLg, Sut t Tisera le seese agitation amengat Torosie business men ton a (ast Iste train ou Use Gsind Trunk h> Mos>. intel comrespondlug te ibu tiyen lu taise op- posite direction lesving Mouireal uightlyat xe.s~endsnnivlag lu Torosieît7.suexi morniug. Tise Montrèsl-Toneuto flytriS lirgel>' patroulaed b>' business men vise are ebie te have ail de y lu Meutreal, bava ibrat heurs tisent sften dianer lu tise eveulsg sud tison catch tise irais. lit-sua oves a doulile tnacked une mou o! tise vs>' sud maSos nons et 6e miles vitisoni a stop. hi dots Use 333 tulles las ~so inluttita, or choisi 37 ailles au heu>'. Mas>' iraveilors are voudarlug vises Mn Hisys viii maSo lIme sauta Improve. meut ai ibIs essd md ki people leave Ton- ente ai re.~oer liter ai ulgist0ustead o! 9) sud pull up lu Monirtal mi 7 lu tise suerstlng. hi vonld ho Jesi as usuels s couvesilesce et ibis end b ho chie te bave tisses boursin t4lsLtbe traits rusas sd-. vantega te rasidepta lus Wiskisy Osheva~ Bovuisisvllle sud othertovus ISnilsa>' test o! us veuid ho Use çsslbuhlt~ ver. sticis s son. vlce.eaat freux te provldud b>' lise Orsuit TiseS et geiilng boitte tise assis aigist frein aiteudlug antaseuseats, lectures sud athue ewuisg~oetsbueuts lu To~ ~2rslsUs~tew,~. meutloisedwllt appp~e b Ms E 8taphen~on, Wisitby, bas tlciseîed tise~1g~I~wwk t Mita BleSSe, Wltlî. 3ame~ aistiedie (bayer oTWtiîîby), Whltby to ~S, A Ceemba, Plchening. te Londen ~ Ms md Mss Sulîlvan Wblîby le BostOn, Mass, ' Jno Emeserson, i Harisson sud Ms Huae~ut, Brookilu te P'roist CiteS, Muakoka, sud re~ Insu; Ms Joues, Brookîlu, te Scotta Jonction Muakeka, and retissu; Levi Fairbanks, Wisitby 10 Maucisestmr sud relumu; Mss J S Barnard, md Miss Wiiaon, (O.L.C,) Wisltby te Lindas>' sud retunsi. Tise foremîn et eue et eus daliy papera hy miatake mlxed up an as'alclo ou "tise conver~ sien et tise heathen" wltb a receipi foi '<making tomate catan p," se Il nead Usus t- "They are sccustomtd te begin their vers by securîng heathen cistidren md oducatlng tisebi. Tht esîloat sud beat vay se prepare tisem la te tiras vipe tisent vitis s dean îewol; tisen place îhem lu dnipplng.pans sud baSe ilium until tise y are lendtr, then yen wlIl havq ne difilcuIt>' lu rubblng them Ibrougis yonr aleve sud Bave urne b y net belng obllg. cd se cnt thees lu suces md couS for sevoral heurs." Fîvo yeans lis tise peuiteutiar>' le tise mets- Sence paaatd on Thema. Lsplerra,~ud hi. wlfe of Sherbrooke, Que., for crutît>' te tise formera huit daugisser, vitis tise objeci et gradnahiy lciIIlug hon. Tisoy put pease lu her nose sud let thees aprout. They teeS ave y ber cletisea md torced ber te vear essly a tis lu, tenu dre~. They medo isen sieep lu a garrot Into wisich wIud sud suew blow tisrougis tht cracks. Hor atep.brothera sud sistons wers oncotsragod te tle a stnlug sreun~l ber longue sud te boaS ber, te make her mu about ceuîsanily for heurs, vithout ultilng devis or standing stîli. Tise state express train on tise New YenS Central nailvay pinuged tlnto Uic Hudson river ai Garnison, N. Y., ou Sunda>' menu. ing sud se passengens vert dnowned or 5111. cd lu tise avfnl vreck. Tht cause of tise disasier viii neyer be kuovu but h Issnp. posed tise retainlug waU et ~ bridge gave t~y. Thrte cf the sleeping couches mIna. culoual>' remaiued on tise tracS, tisus îavlng aixi>' livea. Bots tise engineer sud Dreman vert drowued. Tht only eyc vîtuesses te tise disaster vert the crev et s~lnging boit, visicis lusmedistel>' vent te tht ses- cnt, sud saved mais>' lives Severai Ton. ente people vert on tht trapi. but fontun. aid>' escaptd. Tht Amerleani bornaS et evor>' great insti- tutIon tisey have got. Tisent la s Çanadlan InstitutIon, isevever, tisat hem opêhed tise cyta et Amenicaus sud otiser peoplo .11 ever tise vend. h la a greas weekly nevepaper tisai la a niarvel et excellence sud gesîlng better ever>' Issue. It le te be (0usd lu tise homes o! Use visest cf our people lu a'veny tovu md tovusbip lu Canada. We rater et course te ihu Fam.fly Iierald and Weekiy Star, Moutreal, Wbivh ibis yw bas a great picture as a pi-emînes for overv renevai sud uev mubacniben. Rudes. et tht CHSON ICLI bave an excepilensî opportussfty te gai tue Fàmay Heratd asd W'eâty Star club. bed vus Use CMaoNJvz.m fer #'75' Tise ICnapp seller beat solle& suconastuil>' on Use Toronto bey' pu Thuradayafténuoeu lest, md la consldered by lia Inventer sud buildera te bu s succeas. Mo ~t*e~pt vas esadeat red. Tise cnah, v lais %~weIiss, about ibrea fut wfsIIaelltug, htlsoquipjsed vlUs tire tee -bosa. power boliers an ivo pairs ofblgis.prasmure, bigis- spued englues, escis pair et ente bavlug a capicli>' o! soo berme poverS boa coat $s5eoo te bulid aud~equip, tisa axpanses isav- lug been boitte by 1<>' 00cr G~odvttt et 01- lava, tise veli kuovu oeutnactor~ et Use Soulsugea canal. Mn Knspp sayabe mil roi conatruct a isuge ocesa roll*r ~bqat ai letat 750 feet long sud i50Jeeî Jo dhauseter> Usai viii travel ssftly et tise rate et a aille a mInute. ~omsa CaUseNt Miasios. On Sunda>' neat ai r: ocleck R*v~'slisor Gre1¶auvlll~en a mIssion vblcis.wtlI b. cisureisise~ ~beveek ISUsOtaUsOHO obleci ofthemi~Zih~¶hanasuaa,.u'a D B s Fancy BEFQ~E, SEE1~NLi oua SPECIAL" This Corset was purchased by us ~reat reduction, the, regular Price c- - GoId Filled Spectacl< * Fitted with the great~ j, the sight and give th ~~le oomfort te the ~ 6mely finish~d with t ~Of temples a.nd epringi -' beet quality of lenses, b WEÂR FOR J s 'Was $1.25~~ We have secu.red thern at a price which enables us to seil thern At 75 ~ No such value has ever been offered in these goods. Corne and examiri~ thern and you will at once be con4 vinced that they are* a J3argain. Andrew China. A Large Stock of~W Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, ~'ùl1 Line of Fresh Grocerie~. Àlway8 timisul>' banda: a ae~ M. Here le a flocid Thing. Variety t/w 4argest I - Quality 1k Choicest I Prices t,~e Lowest. are the three points whioh Iead the FURNITUBE trade. Re-upholstering -dons on shortest notice. ~e1iab le. I ~T GIBSON'SE _________ Brock Ste, - Whitby. but litho oore~ qed 67 yesrs. acres, nea~' Aud~ev la ?lçherhigîovn lm. Pies, b is~-~Ât Lot ~e, sud ('o~. o! Wbhby .bfp. Good Isssd, suh~ le butl4loge, pienî~ ~evnship. ou MOuds>', Oct. a~th, :ti,~, Matisiaa ~1~ter front ~w.1it sn&sîre~su, gjood or y are us. J Maobey, qed ~ yuars. inuutard Poa~emsfosdo plow ai ___________________________ oaco,~ Pull posseasîca. neat21>'Ing. À~pi~ tn1'uu,~ A M~ft.~* ...~. ~. SB JEWELER Eye Gises Guards in Go1d, Rolled Plate and 811k. Thermometers. ~Iye Glasses. j ~!% OS~r Oniolal Oeunty Orgau.-l tien et su>' luesi pap< FRIDÂ'Y, OCT. LOCAL LAGI Counciior W H Crosby ulck lut Son a 1ev deys Mn J N Norton, et Chi ber mother, ?vtrs Hoiden. Mn J W Brovu bas secur~ a gonts furnlsbiug store lu Mmm R S Hat~,IIteu, Gaît relatives lu tovu, tise guesi j K Gordon. Tise Globe auuounced lise Octante legisiainre ha meet on Nov 3Oth. Tiso four yean oid boy et visile piayiug vus bis bab~ .days ego, cisopped e finger au axe. Mn Jue Suilivan, cf UseR &Co, roduce mercheais < mi Tbunsday aud CHRONICLE Ho left ou P accompanled by bls* taîber Misa Wilson end Miss f Sunday lu Torouso vitis ils Wilson bau been lu Toron <olvlng inestesent lu Dr. - isospîtai. Wo art pitastd sofer recovered tisai h v time botore abe viii veine I MiSs Mitisodiat Tabereaclu McDiannsld po~tbe~abituacio nlng onSundisy and viii- I lise atternoon. lli~y Homes Cmii sud ste ontiiappy eiSenstein, sud gui Ire t-opel your ovu fine liniug Box, Wbiiby.-4731u. fle Leader of tise Oppisalta Mn Whist>', tise leader tise Provincial heuse,~ elecors o! Sentis O.ntarlo~ 4111, lu tise mualc hall. servatives isoid a moelle select a candidate te i ose, Tiser. lassoS tans, *aciIsg tise MIdiasit i veeuWbkbya tIsse-taM. us. esree Mev belsa Ross.

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