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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1897, p. 5

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,t4a ità te eaest ami!te suit ~~~~~h sI11gt4re b evteipos. ýIeéubr ~tonfé1 the wsrer Rand- mëIyr ïz4nhedwith 1h. nüeveat style tomplesnd the id b.very iii ~ ~ i qyltyo ezss adwrrte Jus. Barnard) JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, EyGlass Guards inGold, Rolled Plate and 811k. Tiiermometers.. Wye Glaise ..... Omfotal Oouuty Organ.-Lamts irua "on of s' 57 '" " alp03 115C na FBIDÂYo OCT. 29, 1897. LOCAL LACONIOS. Councilor W H Crosby bas been on the siclt lisi for a few days Mrs j N Norton,,of Chicago, la vi'iting ber mother, Mns Holden. Mr j W Brown bas mcured a situation lni a gcnte furnishing store in Ingersoll. Mrs R S Hamilton, Gait, la visitinq wtth relatives in town, the gueat of Mlr and Mrs j K Gordon. The Globe announced, on Tuesday that the Ontario legisiature bas been calied tu mneet on Nov 3oth. The four year oid boy of Mr Jno. Pogmon, while playing with bis baby brother, a few days ago, chopped a finger off the baby with an axe. Mr Jno Sullivan, of the firm of Gass, Doe & Co, produce merchants of Boston, was ln town last Thursday andI calleCI on the CHRONICLEg He left on Fridity for Boston, accompanled by hJsý father of Orillia. Miss Wilson snd Misa Eva Wilson spent Stinday ln Toronto with their mother. Mns Wilson bas been [n Toronto orne time re-. ceivIng trestment ln Dr. Temples privait hospital. We are pleased to say that she la so far recovered thRt Ih will be but a short ti me before she will corne home cured. At thé Methodiat Tabernacle The Rev Dr McDiarmid wlll occupy the pulpit of tic Jabertnacle morning and eve- ning on Sundray and will be at Almonds in the afternoon, Happy Homes Cuil snd sec our Happy Home ranges and other stoves, and get ire clay to make and repair your own fire licings. WU BRYAN & SON, Whitby.-47 3in. The Leader of th. Opposition Comiug Mr Whitney, the leader of the opposition ân the Provincial bouse, will- address the electors of South Ontario on Thursday, Nov. 4th, ln the anusic hall. The Liberal-Con- servatives holCI a meeting on that date te select a candidate to content the ou' ridlng of Ontario for the seat lun the local bouse, after wbich Mr Whitney wili speak. Ontario County P4owiuug Association The Ontario County Piowing Association will bold has firet union match at Myrtie on Wednusday, Nov zuth. Ail the plowîng as- sociations i n the couhtry arc now amalga- mnated under one execative, sndthue firet match of the. united body wilI b. held on the date onnounced above. Thie match wl 'embrace aIl the usuai classes, aud the post- ers will b. huni on Monday or Tuesday neit. This abould b. one of the beit matches held ln Canada. $30050 Pire Sufferers Warden Chas King laut week received a telegram frorn the Ottawa treasurer of the fund for the relief of thc burnt-out people of Prescott aud Russel, asklng for lirnuedlate ai d (rot the county of Ontario., The Wàr- den consultted County XcKay and Couaty Clerk Farcwell, and teicplio ed or wros to the différent members of tUic oUat '- tWId and wuaadvsed to forward atonee a cheque fr300-frsh reiefof - esrfe.rs Tb dlaims tte li possession i of n î qvId4Chë which viii rebute ithe-suildeso. 0< rêor the vitucas for the. dofêice inithê e.lt.strial. Mr ou'Mut phy, Iobltl au p ployed cm the Gi.., ~devl4.d tggo 1* Chicut sudwviii Der iM bli'.bousehloI furniture for fsale on Satuwday .afterooéon, Nov 6 at i o'clock, -etbIse resId«eup, W.Ilint. ton street,* Town of VMbby. For *particulars sec posters. The. Osgoode rugbY fooball dtublhe Mr W C Mlcrhll le a leading hkik dfet cd Queens univeraity oni Smnrday et Toron- toi and stands a godchance et winuig the charnpiouship of anada, mon Chu' ?its- Patrick, Solicitor Genort of the. Donion, wns Rresent on Saturday snd spoke et lir Michel!asu a Samson, requcstiug to have the pleasure of meeting bkm; Thos Moore, for fifteen ycars a resident of this town snd formerly a reslideut of Picker. Ing, died on Tuesday of cancer. Ris deatb bas been looked for for monti ansd the. dis case was se (ouI sud so Certain te terminate hi@ life tht It wamsa greât relief to th. de- ceased sud bIs frienda to' have death corne along and dlaim its victis. Mr Moore vas a stone mason awJ wau a vcry worthy man in every respect. H. b0aves swo sons and one daugbter. OragevMi ntermedla"champions The Mai kharn lacroame teas was defested at Guelph on Fridsy lait by the Orangeville team by a score of S te 2. 1 vas the decid- iug match lu the C.L.A.-me for the inter- mediate charnpioýnsbip. Halloween Noet Sunday. The boys wiii beout for mauiy a lark, and blood will be visible là the mye ef many a citizen on Monday rnorning. It cost the town $.so [tat year tor replace legislative halls and other public bulings. HamryJames itae tee menthe. Harry James came before P. M. Harper on Saturday night 50 rececve sentence for steal. ing a bicycle In the faîl of IP95 frorn James Trullo barn, the property of William Isaac$. He got two menthe at bard labor. Sorne oiher charges vili likely to sifted whcn bis terni of imprisonrnent on the prescus charge expires. A Smo Toucb Up On Pl-ldar of laut week Mr. A. Browný Inspector of the college of pharmnaey, To- ronto, vlsited Little Britaiti and ficd two shopkeepers there Sm ac ai brsellng car- botte acid eontî-ary te te provisions of the &et regulatint the sale ef poisonous druga. Iu one case the inspector found that.the poison was being sold very carelcsaly. It was offéed to hlm wftbout a label and with only a paper stopper. The shopkeeper ne doubt diCI not realize the danger'of thc unedicine tbat wau offcred for saie. AiU i encrai stores handiing drugisbouzid Care- rnily read the act reguiating the sale of the saine. The Rice damnage case. Cbief Justice Boyd bas given Judgement In the damnage case, Rico vs. Town of Wbit- bv. Contrary to our legai opinion as etated 'est week, bsis lordship awards the plaintiff $1t75 damnages witb couusy court coss agîns the town wbich may be figured out as ne cois et ail. Then the teen la awarded judgensn foi the $175 aud county court costa against the thîrd party te the suit, T Devereli jr. Il wlll requîre smrne m.te figure out the standing of the respective par- der, but it te supposed tluat the lawycre vili be the only one who wiii reap any bencfit (rom the suit. Town CouncIL A special meeting of the counscli eau helCI on Thursday nigbs, A communication wus read froms the relief conuritec of Russel andi Preacott counsties appeaiing for fundase ne-e lieve distrts lutiie burnt districts. AlsÃ" (roms Meuars Dow and McGilllvsry, solicitors for Mns M A Colineua, climug damnaeso accounst of an accideint casused by a <ail ui defective sidewaik. Coun Slow-resd a me rs fronthe. town property coennitteui ad lhows:-That tenders for cea have b.coë received as flliews :-John 1llow 87,Dow- ney & Ce $5. 7&,Groïss & Grauuger .7,W H Waruer $3.5, 8, ani 1o>Thât lu repiy se a comsnualasoneMadilBras, Sundsy sexs will be bserved as antuiver- sary Surdty lui Ali saluts diurvh. Th cburch vas openeti (or çvôrèhlp '1i>r tc itst tiene 00 the -irat Sundly luneXvember z867; 'Naturslly erts are btiag sïimde'te obetv th1e 30th cosmmorative lu à worshym inuer. 1'h.-bbr hourietservice viii b. 8 and x .rn., 3. and 7 .nTii. preacher oftsbc day vili b. th. Rev H P_ Lowe M.A., wbo in5 the canîler yeaoi e bniunisry laborlug ln the Muskoka district sud who bas becu working lni Toronto.' Ail made very wcl- corne. Curlersmeeting. The carlers viii mecs on Tucîday even- ing neit at the Woodruff housc for the pur- Pose of orginizatlon. A tull attendance la requested. A Sad Bereavement Mna lenuluge. vife of Mr Mark Jennings, died ou Tbursday week ort yphoid fever, ater a two weeks illaes. The day subse- quent te ber death hwo of ber childrIen were burled, vîctims cf thc marne malady. Mn jeunings has tbesy mpathy et the cutire comrnunlty lu bis îad Ios. Sulng th. Gardon City. On eue of ber summer excursion trips the Garden City, It viilbe rernembered, becanie disabled sud the passengens vere sent home by train. Many of thc passengers left their wrsps lu the boat. Is 'appears that several Port Hope ladies have beeni unable to ne- cover their b.longlngs, -one lady iosing a valuable fur coat. ln cotusequence several suita have been Instituted for the recovery ef the bast articles.-Port Hope Times. UnIes. the articles lest werec cbed by thc boat management, the chance of recovering the Ions lu very srnall. There were a number or Cobourg people wbo ieft erapi on the boas, but ou t c arrivai et the steamer ou the ucît trip, the officers of the boat cudeavored to find owuers, sud ve kuow of several cases wbere lest property vas returucd througb the local allcnt.-Post. Henry-Linten ?iuptlia. A very pleaaiug event took place on Tues- day eventng at theborne of Mn Francis Lin- ton, wben his daughtcr. Misa Dchie, vas unlted in marriage se Mr, James Henry ef this town. The ccremony waa perfonmed by Rev Dr -UeDiarmiti. Only relatives et the bride and s tee Intimate fiendi were~ present. The bride Iookcd ver y pretty ln a geen of coves suiîing witb vertha ef canary celored chiffonanti carried a boques of whe roses. After the ceremony the pars>- resireti te the library' which s very tasefuily deco- rateti for the occasion for lunch. Telegramas of congrasulations vere read frein thqee un- able to e b.prent. A very en oyable evcn. ln u a spent, after wbich the. happy couple left for their pretty beome oh Byron ut. The large number of beautitul presentaseen were Indicative of the popularity et th. bride. The bride wiii b. athborne ho ber fiendi Ibe second week ln November. Mathias Macheys Déati We are sorry . o bave se annouance tiie deahl4 et Mn Matthia amMclry, oldest son et Mr Sylvester IMackey,, vest o e tc ev. Decceaed madie s great struggle -fer fle agalist 5the hopeles rivages ef consunàp- sien. His brave beart could net yield te the inevitable. As bis -physicai itreugtb gree leeu he gave hinisif more ho exercisfl etthe' minCI. For the. tait year or two be ha# gl'.n, miachtluneant d'y -teBundaytichool vprrl suti religionlsutdy. uriiig thé. saue perioti U.bas aines acceptabi1y eritteui the CHIitoi1cilO TownUaLne correspoadence, bis work lui this Une beluug regarded as a tiodel of kindly, shouigitful andi useimi ocom- ment, Hii week rvisite su the. cditserl OUR STORE IS. FULL of, interesting items at meut intere > tn~g prices. We m ention a tew in this advertisement, mauiy more. Every departinent offers Seabonble Autumn and Winter Goodi that ve$igating; YOu Oc do ne better than give- us a cos. What the LADIE Samy ef our -MflANTLESU. but we have are Worth in. That our Mantie departient stili leadu in its vast variety ef Novelt.iesi and splendid value et low That ôur Pall stock of Jackets & Capes for '97 is, if possible, finer anid more extensive than ever That among its 200 Garn.ents every figure *may b. fitted te perfection and every taate satisfied matter of, style. in the Ladies anid Misses Navy, Brown, and Black Serge Jackets, velvet collar ... . Only $3.50 Ladies Blacks, Brown, anud Fawn Jackets, latest styles.................. Oâly$5.00 Ladies Nigger Head and Curi Cloth Jackets, in Brown, Navy and Black, Braid Triuiuings mand Pearl Buttons..................... ?rom $5.00 te $10-50 GOGDS..M 15 For soine 5 years- since we ÃŽrst started to import our Dreas Goods direct frein the manufacturers wè have enjoyed the reputation etof crrying thie nost complets mand choicest lines ef Dress Ooods of any houa. in this county, and considering the exoeptionally high character ef the goods, our prices are ex. tremaely l6w. We have DRESS GOODS, double fold, from 15C. te $2 per yard. 110W IS YOl -We show exceptionally good value in JR UNDERWEÂR? t Ladies', Misses, Men'. mndd Beys' tTnderwear. I Every SaturdaY Tonnsa S Seping car Route CommcncIng mels Saturday nighh, and coutinuing cvery Saturday night thereafler, Midland Route-tourx-t cars en route se Col- orado, Utah anti Callfou-nla vili leave the Chicago Union passeuger station ert he Chicago, Wlwaukcc & St Paul rallway'as t0 eclock, runniug over the Chicago and' Omuaba Short Line to Omnaha, thence via Lincolu, Neb., Coîdrado Springs and Lcad- ville> Cale., Sait LaIke City and Ogdçn, Usai, Reno, Nevada, sud Sacrarnento, Cal., arriviug aS San Francsca aet 8.45 p.uû. Wed- ngsday. As wil ii b. noticed, thia route le MîdianCi tbrougb N6ttheru, Illinois, Iehva, Nebraa Kansas, Color-ado, (threugb tbe beait etofil. Rockies), LUtah, Nevada sud Califonnia, affording a pefleci panoramic vie of prairie, unountain and coast senery. Thest popular, every Satmrday Ca1iornis excurions - for both finSt and second.ciass passengeri (noS foreigu emligr4tutâ> are "esnlrcôùuduted"byntlie, o. 'n.ceurtàw 6teo c nra» vhowtt ttet'O c nt fai asngers en qeut.. TiiswAsanlà lel mvfeîtuon. e spanor service sand vii be greasly$ apre rafteàd by familles, or parties êt f:r 'e' tr vgingtetueror bj ladies travelling a lon*" Paucul attetionlnpaid 1te _tIi eau'. dfcltren ho-umuùaflv aatuowarv on0,a W B Pringle & Co.l RAS IN STOC3 WALNUTS, PEAN4UTS, ALMON D NUTS, HAZEL NUTS, VALENTIA RAISINS,t PATRAS CURRANTS, V05TIZA CURRANTS. Gua-ranteed equai ta any .foc, 7'a. on the market. FIRST FARMTO REJ ÇLASS OS'EE IS 10 DELIEVE I1 Cali ol WM. TILL aad b. envlneed Shat am iegot lUne cf FURNÃŽTURE UPHOL8TERED808 is belugsloSsa doi'pceteke lnuc endu viîthI tic D TI, HAVE IT, DONE 'NOW- beoethe:ru sh BayCarniages. Pri *t0 $15. .l-e GSWLTR ~W, tOOK, WILTBY 11 q DRESS p SEE

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