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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1897, p. 6

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Moore, M Dr; 14 Wurou, M. Wli~1b7v Bro@kIlfl. 1 (,ssrs Fluttoàorfelt and Kilàard ve berd asa doP'tallo0ru a mUmbriMl counoil relative ro o14Ivor on, io"uluoe" Trii oOiIttée o oOpiod cf iii. ea,. !ud %hlrddputy neyavppointéd -t 1'h.b luait me,"«D£ hovinsg rPortd,,soigaets tuenut with J3FnoweL ro Local Option oosatt for *,ti ofltneàds the. paym.tàt1 Iob hl cf the. sasseb ln Seulement Io 1fr Basre, as ohairm" nOf he . ldigmnt Sesmittee, secur.d the. pasuagCof ett. following aoooonute-.-N 9BatonouIdeD, for atteudance suad mediolue to Aaron Lisoombe, $1. 50, and mediolue to Baril> Palmer, 60 cents ;aid to Mns Proctot' froua September lot, 1897, to October lOthi, 7 wooekésta 50 conu epar week, $8560. Mr Barnes, as chairman ci Contingent coumttee, seond the. passag eof the fêllowiug accoucaIs: -W. J. Cick, 650 notices aud advertislng Court of Rovision at Brougha.m and Piokering for the. year 1897, 69.25; James Hubbard, on aocouns $800 ; the. reeve, selecting j urors, *.00 ; assuer, $5.00 ; cierk, 810 ; recru, ex penses ta Whitby r. local option, $8 ; third-deputy, expeases to Whiltby re local Mr. Undonhl, as ohairman of oom- mitte. on she.p killed by dogte seoured the passage ofh ii following accounti .- W. Harvey, one sbeep killed, $5.88; Ouhrles Barclay, one lamb killod, 85 ; Wm Thom, one abeep sud oue lamb kili. ad vîlued et *Q, leu *8 for salvage, $6. Your oomoittse would rooommend tbat bers after ouly ovtdence cf ratepayers be acceptied as valuation cf sheop. Suid amonts b.lng two- thirds sworn value. ,Mr Baries, schairmân pro tom BOUd arfd bridge committo., seourod thoasu agof ti following accouaIs - W. H. coes, paroi suppald to road divisions and contractons, 246' yards st 8 cents, in oluding nlght of way, 11968 ; Jobn *or don, work ou Ringaton road, 1.25; W J -Bassin, spikes, naîls, and Wine sopplied to pathmaistors, 90 oes; W D Gordon, tiuaber snppliod &0 the followiug for use on roadis, . Gordon, Wm.- Morcombe, J. Ricbards, Gao Parker, B Ring, Johu Bmi. clair, ooemiusjonors sud overseers, *26.79 W G Gerow, Irons uupplied for sewer et 'Whitevale, 66 cenlas; Go Match, gpi. troling sidad between lots 4 sud ô iu 9tb cou, betwesu lots 4 and ô iu 8th cou, between lots 8 sud 7 iu 7th con, b.twe.n lotse 4 sud ô lu 7th, con, 858411 ; O.For. eyth, grsvelliug near Claremout station, #29 ; F. Bowdou, r.parnug cuitert noir gravol pit ou tb con# $1. 60;IH Thomason 'irpain to road machine, *1;à Jackson, tnber supplep for building oulvert opp. lot 85, $1;1 A. Baen.., grave> .supplied on sidoroad botwoen lota 89 aud 88, Includ- Ing rlght cf way, *8; 3 1 Baladon, repaire on towullue betwe.n Pickernug snd Whlt. by# tii. latter- payiag li, amocut, fi1.75; V. 8adert dtawluig tîmber froua Clara.- mont, nepaàlting road sud cuiter betwe lots 4a à ina th cou, 68875 Juoo Tool Igravel supplied div 47tt*)> J S Con. Bor, gnvlllnghobeftu lots 12 sud 18, 14165; Ger<e hil» urpikiug, draw. tugr timber froua Caremout snd repaininat bridÏée boe.n -lots 16 and 17 ia cou 5, i#18 75, also duawiug sud furulshing grat. .1 ou Otb conceuion' opposite lotse 17 and le, 88-86; John iche»l, rDlg witi -road M'achine, 412; John COltice, re. sudfihb l n uunon1ïop oslte loi Coumiey, ré->aukiUÎ petticoatbrdeo Rilagton . etW.aise drawlug grat .1 oui road w.sîof Douabartion oppost lot 84 *880;JHIlOonor rpalnlngroac ~10 a>. .D. ,ond$ay, 1poit4r (WRITTKN VOlt THE CIUOKICLIL) In the oteglnig Goci ad, ",U. there b. lightt-,- andi et His word- ther> was, lilht. Stiti this wasnot sufficienii ly definite hi the accompltshmweuî ýof Hie purpose 1' te tii coiînc mighty unIverse. At' His' word the- sun and mbon sprang into existence% taktug their places in the- firmament, there ta bufll their mission until tisse shall be swailowed -up lnu* eternity. Before thus ail was darkness and con- fusion aud the firet requisite ta brlng order and harmony out of chaos was light. No matter bow perfectly. tii. mechanisua of the universe had been in ail the detale of !ts working,al1 would have been a disappointment without the light, whicb this great luminary sheds over the whole,. Harvey, in hlm '<Descent on Crea- tion," says: -Thou suc, inexhaustible source of 11gb?., heat, and comfort, without whose presence su univensai gloom would lensue, and horror insup- portable; who, wlthout the assistance of r-uy other, fire, sheddest day througb a thotasand realuas; and not confinlng thy munificence te realme oniy, çx-l tendest thy enlighteniug influences ta surroucding worlde; prime clearer cf the animal, anad great enlivener of the vegetable tnibes; se beautiful ln thy- solf, so, benefikial ini :by effocts that erricg heathens addressed thee with adorations a-ad mistol thee for thy maker." Scientiste t.ell us that the blood ab- sorbs the iron froma the suce raye and everyonc knows the. value of good, healthy, red blood, which gives elasti- city te the step, buoyancy te the spirits and a healthy Inspiration to the brain. Moses said: -The,. blood le the lîfe cf the. flesh." Notwithstauding the. Levolutions through which science has passed. it can gave nor better definition.1 An emilnent physician vliing a codusin1 in the city observed that the lieusei was sem shaded that he cculd flot sec objecte distiuctly. Ht soon sain that h;s cousins wife and childrcn lcoked pale and listless. He took bis cousic to task. ' Ht said: "John, you arc ai man of bralu, a teacher of aîtro;nomy. acd with other astrnnomere take care of tht solar systeun, but the. homan system ofh Uzzie sud tht children lier. is a lesson you dont read. Their biood le like Orange couràty miik after it bas betu to the pump. Poot bieod, litie streugth, poor appetite; alurmys wanting dainties, or look wistfuily acrose tht table for soe sauce. te sharpen the appetite. If your vite cries easily and thinke ahe le goiug te dit oh heart discase. dont ho the lesot surprised. The brain San only give eut lu kind as it receives. Give it onl>' pale blood and weak. glcomy and fithul are its thougi4t." I remember a fnlend inhese daughter became iceit, Mansd limp.,, Her me' lber took ber te a doctor, inho gae lier a tonic iithout an>' benefit.. Siteé took her te another, with the sanie re- sult. At lut she.bad a frienti couactel isit ber, inhôo en disceveredi hat the,' invalids hodrcom couaIdntrcceive.cne ra>' rcm the sua and- sse Uvlsed ber mother te put ber la thxe sunnlest on intixe bouse. . It wiaboct Iong before bier daughtera fu>mer h*lth retumreti.. No intelligent fartuer viii alkvw bit stok t U otieilindark sgables, as bc kuoin 1 tee veil hat they wili mot thrive sud thefoodi given îhem #il bc lesýt. CansaIse amproudly Oonscious of their supérlonit> baupdupon llfier lot, 70#& Msd matunlty li e Msy1v. tô, a gréen 014 age, aMdt .111'b. ale tes"y with-ý ~beoute rulh " an' achilti uahself.ýt, la not a question of expenlmucs. ela ha»îeis ud ealth làsyouth. 'fe heatby îiorold, iffl behoa£hi pypeel sou st"imple malter t etllh.r& there. r es Golden Medical s t ter> ul.greatest cf healla anchers an&i boalta ers. Il lu lthegSealblood-anaker sud £esah.builder. Il maies lhe appetite iteen, the digestion asu asilation per.- W4ihetl. liver active, the blooti pure, lhe, muscles slroug, the brun cear the serves stadît and every vital organ Yn lhe body' iteatia' su vioneus. tl maies firin, heuthyfleb, ut dees sot make corpulent M1 more corpulent. It dm o.nt maie th iSIIluke ood 11,cr cil. It purifies Ih bood snd drives eut the pM"lsosof .mîasria and rheumatism. It-is the heur remedy for blood and skisi diseases. Il cures ge perceot. of ml cases of c6nsump. tion. Gritefu.l patients, who laid been given op te die, hav permlttid tiacir expet. neaies, addreuses sud photographe ta b repraduced iu Dr. Piercip's Cemmon 'SeueMedical Adriser. Ite sufferer whq 'vishes te investigfate m> rte ta îny o1 theue The ' Goden M eal Discovery'1 la slId by aIl mediclue derniers, sud cml>' unucrpulout dealers wlll try to50Induce a cusloiner te take some worthlesa substituts fer the suie cf a hei pennies added profit. Scnd 31 oneceist am tmcver oeil cf malilfig and cutomfas nfo a opy of !>r Plrce '~. pge Comn Sebnue Medical Ativiser Illu piprcove..Ad. tires. Dr. IL V. ïire,ï-Gao. N. Y. Butter for Wlntor. fHow ho Lisp It Wbere Cold Storage CaLuot b.e fad. For keepiug butter for, winter useý where cold utorage canuiot b. 'had, no plan is sure Wo resunt favorably as i<n mnrng the pôund prints lu stroug: brins, and if a tniftis c saltpoter le addedto the brins tii..p ian wili appear W o bsa&er. Buttter wiil net ab sonb sait froua the. bries, bere the, plan 4of the little Imualin inrappens, or (botter yet) the lit>. paper box which Incises the. pst of butter lit. a clese-fitiog onveloe sud p.ê sthe butter froua gsttîng bruW4eia-lab t .W. thiak.we -have b.fore rrnmoum«ded the stonilluebi ns iummply stioug brins bolied; aud ifter cooling, pieng tii.. patu of buttor in - il *ad looping lu s cocl plac, andi takfug up the. butter olui'a urauteti. Whre onu a a try colti roco fni forua tempenature buttercmaxi ho packed lin oefttn mi pcae u clemly covonot afe psclng .on lte top of the butteor ot -ti"layers Of butter ppror a'peste - unade ory volt mit, opret yevn ovor ie surface bsfere puttiagon thio oover eloWei. The fade are: taI uotbl ve>' a eau o . dluooVered about ho 'keepiug îof butter net kuovu ho Our mothtr,, ýu, urite .okw .torrng.la tbi iiâ, tlt u> hti ocnmmd 0oomparative»' feév; oo.1 o4'.taudby neopes bave te à,brougt oit and inlupreain tetitpublic vie'r. thef lsworet .,ad ent- om *l ~r ur.ounedby ea4iihof runnfng ~ water, The. typ1cui. t.wo-acrut Beigium k Iarm ic0ftiiflîa Patch of wheat or eroseuie an4tuitiir h iariy~another frîU p~lugrows potat6esA row oh ça1ppag gowsai grôuind on the tic,> ~nzsldes of thé ditches, wlth a row of bnlons just Inside,' leaving, bar* walk. Ing room betwen them'sud the grain, The,,shade -trecs rounid the house, are pear trees. E ryfoot oh igndle, made, to produçe. He keeps pige and Chick- en&. We' refcï to this as Illustrating the possibilhiles 'of landi production. ti B , elglu m 6,aooo, ooo -people, chlefly <arwers, 'ilve on a plece'oh land thre size ot tht state ot Maryland. They firulsh an objeci lesson on succeseful farming. Ourious Customs. A cunlous marriage custom prevaile lu the Island oh Hîmia, just opposite the Island oh Rhodes. Tii. Greeke, by whom it ée peopled, carra their living by the spongeflshery. No girl lunthis Island la aliowed te marry until ah. bas brouglit up a certain number of sponges, which mbst bc raken from a certain depth. In sone-of the other Greek Islande thus demoustration of ability le nequired oh the mec, and, if there are several sultans for tht hand of à maiden, ir father beslows ber on the man whoz.an dive best and bring up the larges?. cumber of sponges. Pa lly .iith<ellR Cure Dlar*oe, (rao, aind- Pain lathe alugha, etc., etc. Us.d Ef*msly, 1*Cure$, Tocthch, al. a heFac'w Nuraia,, Rhsumait.m, FM$oWd fat tour ,."Imm# ay dt tMWaffin'4 10Pan Euiglsh chow-chuow* t. Tho te11 aM. oBp ieatbet ~ ~ TiJéhM5d ~. P EOQRTe ., 0.A Bewar i« Whenever, in need of kidney treatment,, always bc true to yourself and refuse any substitute or imiitation of *the o>, lgina and...geuineý UsYour Or have you palpitation, throbbIng or irrogular beatlng dizzauessh ort broath, smotherlng or choking sensationt,pain,10 the breast or heart. ' If sa, ypur heart, ls affetëd sud wiIi la turm affect- your nhrvesi,-causing nervocausnessleeplese- ness, msorid anxlous feeling, debityi Cure all these complainte by regtlatlng theo.heart's actipu and building uvp: tii Dervous and muscq4ar systom te perfect health aud ostrength. Price Eoc. perbox, or 6boxes-fof*840s. At aU drugglsts -FOR. SALE' BTl- ýCheîansd Druggis Brock Stret, WHÎITBY. y' W. ADAMS, cOýDENTI ST., Rcoms over obF - moeus clohhig store# ResidneCONo.TC Terrîce, Byron St. WhitbY. Jan. 2gth, 1806. Dr.H.Wightman, DENTIS7'. carOpen ever>' batarda>' ulghî BIilUof The.Divisioli Courts. fjVX1Tjý 0FOXTAMI 86 WarnY-D C. sctoneil, Wbltby la Jan 8 Fb.S-match 8; Apnfi l ; a7 Juu'e : :î> BoSp. 2; OOl.BS; Nuv.81ý 08AÂW-D. O. lMcd.omill, Wkitby, Olork au4Ylob.'4-oMairché; Apil, 0; Mse-4; june a ;JulyU bop. >8; Oit. 8aNo 1 Dac. 8. 3sooalgEA,- M. .Gloson, GeuO 0Ienk,ý-J5a'O 6 Maoh 5; May' 5; Jul>' 9 Sep. 4;NOV Peau Pana?-3 W. lurim PorÉt su> 0 ep. 98; >v.18 Clork-au. 80 Maoc 24; Ma>' 101hj; hi>' l4Oot Id;Dao. 16.> Js imarh 2b4aY2O7 ocir 15;; Duil.; 17t lerit-MarOb26; Ma>' 1; -Ul>j46Ooi 16LOI Dec, 18, UwT3ROcYTI>~P. I*&la pterpO' Olek,-irc 2; My22 li>'17 etl DlodO. -e 7 O12 sy1 4 Dao 19.u' Ootobir 11h 1è954 pWk oft. FWeX '/1 s o thecryofger Affection',@u. Wheu ardent o No microbes cm lu OW hippy they' The germ.f id-g$ Ayer's Che le the. standari of the world fi .and li>ng dies paMlative, and put up lunama it la put up for the housel more but cure Fads corne thcory or fa43 th. foot, that 1 *for allcold, oc and lung die! Cherry Pectpox A SCIEN -AN INTERVIEW~ FR11 Hlm Mauy Dutius Break Down-l Rostore Hlm ho Froua the RepubUi -The. Rartevilla ab Hart4vihe, ladi aga -in thé interew ren churoh, urben The. colege lenvoii ,côuntry, former' înto all parts oh t W. 11.W1 DE4~.ZNIN vbhes faef 1f Mh the Btoèkuimt By ozd

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