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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1897, p. 7

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Flfty Yumrs Ago. No thlecry of germa to chili .Allctiona budding bls..; 'Wheà ardent lover* took their 011, lie microbes on their kiases. IZow bappy they were Dot to know ehe ge r m-ad-So 75.11 sf. Ayer's Cherry ectoral la the. standard family remedY et the world for colde, ooughe and lung diseaees. It la not ai pallative, eand le not therefore put up lu emali oheap botties. [t les put up in large botties for the household,. They oost more but cure more. -Fade oome and go but no theory or f ad can overthrO'w the. tact, that the greatest cure for alclds, ooughe and throat a.nd lung diseses. ie LYOr'I Chierry Pectoral. A SOIENTIST SAVED. AN INTERVIEW WITH A COLLEGE PRESIDENT. Mas Many Duties Cauised His Health to Break Down-Dr Williams Pink Pills Restore Him to Activity. Prom the Republican, Columbus, Imd. The Rartavilie Colloge, situated at at Hartevilie, Indiana, waa founded years ago in thc intoreet of the United Breth ren church, when the etate wus otly a wildemnees, and tho collegos wero scarce. The college in well known throughout the country, former etudents having gone into li parts of the world. PROF. ÂLVIN P. BAINAEY. A reporter recently called at this fa- -inous seat ef leamning and wuas hown tdnto the roon of the presidont, Prof. .A lInn P Bannsby. Whon lut seen by ,thei reporter Prof Barnaby wau lu deliqate healtb. To-day he wum apparontly inithe beet of health. In remponse te, an in. .quiry the prolossor ssid : "Oh, 7cm, 1 amn ruch better than for ,amre time. i arn now in perfect health, but rny recovery was brought about in rather apeouliar way. " "Tell me abo)ut it" said the reporter. 8 "Wdll, t.9 begin at the boginniug," 0, maid the professer, -I1 studied tee bard & when st sehool, endeavoring te educate & uuyself for tho profession. Af ton coin-1 pleting the common curse 1 carne bore. and grmdumted from the tiqologi'ml conrse. I entered the mintrymandSe- * cepted the charge of a Unitedrothren obCurch t ac mmdl place in Kent Oounty, Mich. Bain gof an ambitions nature, I -applied nyseif diligently to my work muid atudies. n turne i noticed that my hemlth wus failing. My trouble vau iu- -digestion, and tiiM with othor troublas brougbt on uerousnus. Mfy physioian prescnibed for me for bomotimno, and advised me te try a -tbmnge of olimot. 1 Idid cm ho requesied, and wusm re irnproved. Soon mter, 1 -carne here asiprfesser iu physios and chemistry, and ater wus finaucici agent of thie college. The change cgreod vill me, and for a while rny health.vas boiter, but rny dutles vere hemv,,and uMain 1 found ny trouble raturning. This tian it wu more .savere and l ia hevlrstîrI beomme eomplotely prostratad. I1 tsd 'varions medicines sud differenbplayalo- lans. Finally1I ablhe te rotura le 'mny duties. L nthpeuspning cf,1896 j vu .elected presideut of the colloe. *ga0, I 'h&d oonsidermbji von, sand tbe, trmou1' wbicii iad net bosu ieutre1y-1uedbPi te affect m.ind, sudtsifol) oollcpse. IL 'bcd differeut dootori, but. bute 414 me .sny Rood. Prfofesr Bolrmaun- vho 1 professr cf natural science. bld me of 1is OXp.n$uoe vith Dr William. 1Pink Pils fr Pale Poople sud urgea me tè Slve thein c irfai bsec..,'hey h"a1»8. ;*~e4bua.tusal"Sr «».case,>*oow will b. the Mou, i*Wî4 iu the Domînloe~ for bie neVwite 4 depsrtuw 1 bi trous of E]MOU< Wmn mlàuoi à «iUel, mn eaused wuoh-paln-éý *v Wm Mrt ndtî 1ba b the rotinds cfthIii %#ýPyýyl Kiondyke ouut4YOf >a1iýtik W true verslinOfe t ii. c powmiin bli journal Oct 7tb hc the identty Of ibe Unfortiat. ineru. wibt fWimlim, who lefi ame "Mrn three. years mgo ïaud lately, bat xnot been hoard froin. Ho wmclsbead cf ou itii PacifiecCoast SU&d hi yot.utà asM.g oén. quiry about hiDÎled mltY Pafi 5,bIii are alwayl ~s open "iimatioualifit on. neot hlm witibthb. 0lra e.ported. » sd mfair. W. regret te ieam. cf thea dMi*- &P te jolhn Gilbertsou, cf Gtii onuj, Terh While assistiJ2g at thre'hln i o Dermide on thie tbàIifg cflb ,1ý4'th-nmt. hiel band wum omughb la thé. cylludor <of1 the machine muid se meverly - iibedbat th. artu bad tW hi amplatatid about -eiwo incbeo below the elbcw. Tii ogaion wae preformed bY Dr A OtGotul of b.aver ton, assiôted by Dr; Granüt, oDi WodvilIe. The unfortuuiie YOUugmran le progreu. ing favorably tovard1 roovry7. Btzth DivisIon COurt.b A Sitting o ef ii ml ivis ioun<>or1t wu: beld at Beaverton, ou WFridaii,,lôtblet., Hie Hiouer Judgé Dirinîlipraslding The dooket wu lïgii.-Molaciieru vs Rutherford-Aotiofl l' to, "or value of note.-Adjourned. omohêrvqth. ford-Aotion te réOOVUr note, Aimo md. journed. TiIIvas Hsràlao-Âo to le cover vaiue of note giVmn lu purohase for- boraoe.-S6LIl*d oui cf oouait Baulitu va Muray-Âctlon, to »er ,,$895 wagea.-Jldgemuii for- d4feuautwith Costa . Diekinscu & Co. 'Vs.,O'Boyie- Action Le refor- coenx., *54.75.- Judgement for pIlutieft for mini cf A addeath. iC J MWler buas reed frein Piitsied, Mass. the newm oi lb. suddi doatb -on Frldmy, ef Bort Muoore oc sou of M Sbd' Mr. E E Moore. Ilit.jt . ek @ince Mrs Moore sud thé deoecsted 'u Man left Orilla af ter baeog lb, uesti fer smre lime cf Mr anutie u0-1O7KUtor, On Thursday of-lait weeh lie UWotonatel you th engmged inu>a blonçi v sie, wlt)> a companien a»d wp $bvfn. O8cm. time after the wreiile hofsiula but came round. Ou n tiay thoae'vas a -reur. ronce cf the faintig spalsleu oe of wilieb tha Young Muadit& PeodSl la Portos se. Peroy Bacon, son ca wm.Baccu, cf Manorfield Faim, WMas thevktog'i cf a' peocular acciden m nt s t e'Vo1svenchcl on Thnrsday Icst. A tbi it a lachool acidonlly htiui Perey luaLiie oye witb a Joad)peuil,csd tihera.l'a la, uIN iity that tb. aigu of the injura opus* may be bast. One Ttiemday Poney va taken WTê ýooto, wber. aàn4oye ip.iist wii e oouuited. Feou frou a Ctrudte. Themas James Grene, 15 yoara 114 son of Andrew, Gnese, 86 Barrie road*. feu freina treiLle lu the T4dhp.nnriage warerooms, on wutsêtre,4yetrday moruiug,*ndsqmwa4 ed,, ooffiMfrac- ture oftheii cri. -, euag Uflû w oe mad villa bigêa>*e bVj.lutlm l oeiiing cithie watmo=uu nlt ol ont oc"med. Tbolftoautr. amay résuit lui Lb. boy p. uuIn ki u te use of hlm ari. "1« $~Umi John sibbl, a mà ol vaInnp$We ing "0ouluth. a17 ýwt*,Tom and Lci rW ~ coiuattin uaste ~e$ut4cr tao4 roll a i elin. la gtooping emuigi &dao i Il gery a e Il soconadeor xi Raiiway I Watohos If, g" ot~ce, KIng- Mr CE a eap Lyon St.,i Ottawa, ij- H, Maldeti, 25xý Church Street, Belleville. Mr W J Houph, Farrans Point. The ab veo comp tition Will be cOu-î tinued each mnonth Of 1897. LEVIR B3ROU., Llmted, Toronto Moudmy eveuluit Inspotot John Short bogh a Yeung girl nammd. Esobsi Bednorilu fom near Glenarin, obarged :wfth belng a common vagrant and plaoed ber lu charge cf gosier Jackson.' At en cariy-hour-Tuesay moraiug the girl gave birtb to a baby boy aaly te th, surprise cf Mr Jackson and biw ssistants. Tbe uufort.unate Young mother, it is unneces- sary Wo sa , wuvasmde as ooinfertable as possible by lb.e goaler and hlm family. Whiouthe news remohed Ufr Short b. ai Moti oollaps.d msiho reallied bis uarrow esoape. from a mmi uuomfortmbie pre- dîcament. A sbort lima &go Oblat Ocustable Bell rffeivea ca description cf a Young man nained Albert AAuUs. Who vas wauled et »owmnimuilie on a obarge of harleg stolen c ohet.uut mare, top buggy' and arnese froin W Glovers livsry stable. cous. qoently Ïbei.cot bf a. beau keepiug c vaboustfor any -on. ansveriug ihe Ldes oription glin, mand wau eocestul in looating bis man ou the above date wbeu Antis found eut ho oould net hum bug i thf WMy furiber hb. admitte thbt!h b 1ud âin te Sundeniand, ai wbioh #ofut hoira ftld-ed .buggy for a road cari. H. thon drove. to Kirkfleld udi fromn ha p Oint te Fenionpalle. H. added te tek. lapastures uew sma eoid the. bon.s a d cari mca !eploqufarr usmed M]OlnUD$s,. wiim b, gel to tdrie hlm m tewu Ou hia arrivailu Lifta- sayh hopro ed. o r ii> . it ligotteii gas. and atrprohiimlg c ral.iwy ûtio, ào u. cntre, vimitid Sutoliffe i -SoustsMd invested lu* a uew Sat. WaboIyafter thif ha vm busiiy engmged È.gatiig him"Iseiwth 4a piste of -,ystuns lu a dowu 4towu r«turantwhonu h., as idsm op. by mthepuli.a* ua ldgéa in tib gaol wbere ho vas beldutil the.ar- oiiuim « me fom the. vinuly ofLittle Bnialu. H. if aime waaied'at- Markhaui 0**..-for. 'rReles e.. e e e] * " .s, o e 'arottes 5 Ots. Per Package, 'Hfaie lto wear 'm-.iihurt your fet- 'injure Your eye-feel clumVsy.'tck iu the. mud-Iffll with -cuow--ào1d clamy, (Ruiies).New by the. f=moiicGoodyee.rWelt proffe, Wbich gIvelai City to themsole, and durability to thesthot.$.Oepf dislaterRbels he M. W. COLLIIq S>, SOLZ ÂGBNT ^FOR WHITBY& COUNTY rREA&IRER -8,8A LE 0F, BV vIr bo GlAND T]gtINK AX191 MW lql>- l Dàüymai 1:80 5:0 pm lo.O Exprlessul, 'ezoopt àSun ..&04B Seo 4 Epes," :7 - o.1d, Posseng!r ' 808 w, go, 9, Express, mail. dly..10:0Pm BiIbL&AOD DIVISION1 ............0... .. é:20 pus Id To L indsy .......... 6MSym commue BOUTE Ied Front Llndscy .......8:87 a s ................... 12:45 pus ......... i.. ......... Pm DOMINION BANK@ Capital Pald up, - 10500,O0 Surplus. - - 19500 OCO Wbitby Ageulçyë* General 1% king BuMn.e Trîaaoted. Iuit#rs0 loed at higbest ourent rate*. M. J. THOINTON, Mmaas FAI RBAN,K'8 IReal E8tte Oiu n Smali PFume Riue sdLt o f Joh nd =d Boù eets, Wbitby, WIU be LOëTS-To . l"di lots 3eR4tDd 258, n*tbl ward-. ROUXGEICAS? HROUS - As b- .treet, 1 j 0EP ONT44II0 4 NO FOR -TAXE80.rpsr Table,

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