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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1897, p. 8

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WATCH Su1 -J ~L. XI KEEP, Can Repair it and Guarantee Satisfaction.ý L.No charge for examining aWatch. 3 Doors North of Western Bank, O8ha wa. aw- mu REMI iSt Georges church harveat home. OBHÂW Â, OCT. 29t 1897. OSHAA-,PAGE O8*AWA. Mr and Uri Geo Bort are botb down wlth Mie Norman. Holmes, Toronto, la vlmtlng relatives lu towl. Mme A G.rsnond la visitlng ber siter4 Mr& Steecy, of Wirton. Mime Plo 'Coulthard bas returned> from Nielting fMonds tu London. Ulm eMaul, Somnerville. ot London. lo the gileto Wr WmîorCoilthard, Mrie M D> Campbell heu gSae to Rocheeter Io qpend the wlnter wlh ber iter. R09,Loveklin b'oront General Ioe pitat u4r treilment for typhoid lever. Mre fruak Baker, ofiW«eetid, NSY., la lu ipevitiUg old acquuintancee Sr a uab- Mr& AnaIreW Wycott, 0f Watertowd ,N.Y., .a4 heré-daught*r MiUme Lipla sud mo'n, Qd*em JO$Lg p ls oomÙ, - 14tC HHortman, of Irgu tiord, hem se. cptaettIg*I àétlea wlUl Mi El, Rowst' ud - teaÉchargi, or the.drue goode 4çpst;Man aId*etdiVr4Cirs*II 9pb&* and t1' Natue xw.ctrint bl aut- iop ccntlnthe' sOt Som of Tous pernce. 1J -A'branch lôeded with fine eta.wbenrla bas boeujls &Il week lu the window of Lftdés 9fmUooru tore, cunnm d(rMm the -thon4ëriïÊ@m.n w ee Îýd1îSina. i The harveet bomne festival glven by the ladieoi guide on Moudsy evening-ne theumto u bae af the congregaticu waxmasapleu-dld suc. ceea. The proaramme wams4 varled oue ccnslmting of piano soloce by Mise Blanche Caraweil, dueta by Mr and Mie H T Cars weil and Misem Bfmbridge aud Geace Ped. lar, aolos b y Mr. Richardson, of WhitbY, j P Owens ànd M r Putabeon, whose '<Cothim on asatrinug" brought- down the houae-reel tstlcne by Mime MandMeMlîso i-mdâRab- bitt. T'h. accompaiMente waère ezceUentlýý playati by 1Guy Dinle ev Mrn Uartley gave a speech coueliFabsf~ ieret lmpres- aion$ cf thisCe uty wewre vory émus- Ing. Rev Mr Talbot actatiese chairman in hie nesi b tappy'style sud auncuncati the formation cf a Girls Guiid wh Inend to ive .an entortalumeut ou the, avenlug of T'haakogivlug dsy. Tho entertalumenc cloed by aluglug cf the â4tbcusl autheau. Mr j O Heury witl roon have 2o,oo berrois of winten apples stored"I l hiaîg wsiehouae at the unction ber. Hait ci these ware bcughn wemt cf Tproubo sud 'half est cf that city. Mr Henry hmmbeaun psy. lng very careful attention this yaar to. fi eut the setuai results cf spraying, and blûde that lu every casa It doubles the velue oi fruit. In one archard wbere be bouaglut sS barrels from s men bli. packars fouâdtW-7 Spye on ona t*eo spotted and lait tbem.' Upon reporng the matter te the owneîpf the orýhrd ho amked Itho trea titi awhte rik ied round onea-,cf Its, bsuheei. A bojt_ vaS$ w o iean5.,d t nur<7ed ouin't se (armerud blsa a nsng liluli ian eut Wé ail the trees iha beau doua. but taa nue,. and rbe pi t .to te a.lî'tbe ,& b an, dlfrua.I htibcu n yed tWice baera ewltb Uic othars. That crchs:d tiie aprayed wuasthe hast Mi Haiory truck",tbis a -s~ no 4P*abnt ts ri excaptou a yoar 1ke t896 wheatiiê g"àt b4g yiold401.; dprimes.r For yoeru the Clas4O& " ". tblily catliig attention te the faet tâ bouses are oct pleardeti iccrdlng to liv lu this tcwaa where contagious ditea*e*pre!* vail. Sver hncelu a white, theatown cm cil boath o existence of "a ismU.siaèd Dltiasd oties out a musclat heMlth tu-. etto 0 ceet h ly tintodlaoft seau cut; ols. gas cbîudeUeirW makae hi ài. tive. - The stage lo emblemai period. Aboya k ara efouar fiai noted parmonh cf the aga. (lm sein 187antsud ea1819, Slr"W lerl' Promior, z8g-. andti S John aid PremierMi6. l'huomoa *iti union Jacice milistlallY arri progra mme fendered *wae n< â teartiose pperuste thu. tàe'-Miss jemstAle exinda- more, appreciated aud- ber-sal vanbod, muteti av.ry o, h Idas McLeana firet appearsaïù Oshawa audience ber -reat1b enthusolastle., Her,,lh 1 vote aundi 1>"« Muifaner won cauteK be smai e de% mî 'vlth his -efiectively tond The Ombawa orcestra' airs MrAO0Goigar«W.l panlet sud leader of Ïnhê0c ed bis duties toe tù tiru' on- bis saterprise lu fittle music hall anti the aucc entertanunt.--Stat air The Rtdimptoriat Fatbe mission in tht.parish anM 3K0t andýtiùontnutil hç ûut îhe weok.-- 'r i» florin% Lautr.1 Srawci - nevetl i beltig >1'. ali', reesve ' lIvely 1of al aiuîâteti n thoîr ýucdavl lea it ut owaleuvlII outhe ont lest r lath ýifidt -daughttr of Mark su tlidick, ctf btrolt. hidi., spent Um pan Of thie weekiu towti with b iwfe, kimiIt1,ý )mru etoma on Oct. tt, the wifs of Ur. eltaof Mir laeïube i l1llu of s daugb- I e cedugtr r. R McLaco qUiotes chool Bt as ta study !mýp4clne. r John VanNest, Jr, is remnodelling .iterlor Qi bhis residence. lae,:T HIancock 6 'i 'ickering, spent w .y ýp!easant week wfth relatives. and as9ter -Claude Law visited relatives ý*Wmanvllle and finds at Foley trW W&rry bas bougtht a second iey-- coa for his dairy herd. She 18 DËhfleyflolds. hati a jolly husking henlght ît. ralned anti W N Paacoe one. just as lively. ,aakusNW Pascoe, Toronto, bas ra c ted pesldent af the Trinluy legse lltery, ociety. fr and Mt$ Stephen Hogarth, Mid L LaW' and lit.tle Miss Bea, vislted* di 'Samuel .Alus îecent!y. )a dit that, Mr John MCuloug aof à*a -Normaïl 'School has been an' ýe to teachSatina academy for 1898. Ir -d m Ca*WkethÙS boughtýtbe finit . Durhiaingî_ade beéIicr t Bowman- t arfom MnWWeîry foi Christ- e gve hi pre t i the i . Ixuba"i luq -k. . 1 r, »eutlà*> .Domlnbou tans a t, by ,.t-oùn1 setefi iam"a kt%#bme or~ae0 aima ud th d6es#h - nt r Price $j,6fo$.Ai THE BLOAN MEDICINE,0OOMPANY,. Whooping-cough la qulte prévalez .It here. Mr John Horn, Pickcning. vlslted bis friends here Sunday. Mr T Haggaith, Woodstock, 18 ViSit- lng at Mis Thos Rabbins.- Mr H Elllant, jr., and family, wîll remove ta, Bowmanvllle eaily in> Nov. Mr John Molion will shortly mffove into-the bouse lately vacateti by Mr C N Ruse. Mr Paul Clark, Pictan, was in the village tluls week looking afteî hie evaporater business. Rev, E E Howard andi Mr A B Cry derman wiIl be the delegates to theTS S. Convention ln Hamilton; Mr 'R Benson, Picton, vislted aur cheese factay last week, negotiating for the balance of the semions chasse. Mi Fred Lane, who is subj ect.*tofits, wblle crasslng the min-dam r 0115e day lust. week was seized i wlth a -fit and- Wban -in convulsions rolleti Into the ,pond andti no doubt would have -been drowueèd-had flot Mr Hornt, wbo was in the tnfl, heard bis cries and- came ta thelrescue7. Mi Thomas Ward, -who bas beaei pon hsalth for a number ai years,, dieti on Thptsday m:orîng. .Hile lainerai .On Saturday ta, the'niethodtile <emeteny Wu, largely atedei. É*L Howard conductet asor srIc a he'honte and i asa offilate4d at the i n omnt. 'the, deceàseti wss ,a çonsjstentr - 'em b4er ihern.taichrbats dealers;orçi.dre. 0F HAMILTON, LIE FOR ALL- 1~ r Pt R& 1IBAI RE NOR M Liiï r 1< SBoat, Ralil o'r 50C. Pei TÉîs cil 18 prepare andr may be relicd ui and others to be cf Wl from strong. wM~ch accompany il O',cean, ý.H GALL ON We Pu.>STERICKE R, O'shawa Ry. Coa. Offic, IR. O. Cartere,  To Wliom tMyCocr I bshfonld*avoego~or yeuemi to Mi., CHEMIST & PmTBY, V IND] VIRE sella the MOTO%~ the Ketole uteuding purchamer ~bofore placlng thei agent put- an Imitt m getthe Genuini !vaialzed, aud vanne long i an :~ ~ oad*i, 1I0UW an"d;~exe inte ot auite. %,a styles of Wooi Lny Information Il ha freely given b3 b7i 1897-61130. VANTED-Indust THE LUI Lth tho h

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