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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1897, p. 4

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WITIk -THE .THE..- Leading Drug store 114 THE PROVINCE. llWe bave one of thie best equipped Ding Stores lu the Provincçe, mand our stock of Drugs. Medicimies and Chemi- cals is thse best tisai can bc produccd. Prescriptions 'and Receipts A SPECIALTY. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. OUR GOODS THîE BEST. do Et WIL LI, CERMIST & DRUGOIST, MEDICAL : ROCI ST., HALL, -WHITBY.1 il l, cQ~out WHITBY, NOV. 59 1897. RefrSm alvays takes people by spamns and vbon hit s uweepiag thiogu euh a tond clamor ht is always $mt to predici tha" cor- ruption and lawlouss iareon tiee" ovf becoming razpanL Four years &go DIk Crw*er rulod Nov York and Carter Har- rison Chicago. In êadsh case an invemi"lga9 tion revealod a sixte of tyranny, extautim 1 and robbery vbh m ppmfled ihe ebolo wog id. Thon Iolowed a grestibakiiig up.1 Caner Harris= wumsassasioated, and Crok- or vas deféatod 5u efioctualy tisai Tam- many vas suppoeed tobe tome brevet. The reforu uovement did net lamilong in Clucago, but Col Strog.an able sud cou- soontuea*bas for uryem gives New York honesi and tzood goverumnt The American ldo-vhkh bpmis in Canada &ud tho United Staies-ihat nemrly every- body onmtbe vluulng aide muai bave a pulli ai the losmes mmod fBhes, soe aued al ubo vote dlappoinied tu iheir hopes o( a guab in thse cme of retorus b mate vith Crocher lu Nov York and a y<ager Carter lier- tiou n iChicago. mand tise v o emeuts of Iavlemmm arelutatfl dinuthe goverument cf Nov York and Cbkago For the sext font yeffl TsmmaMY lasurnMred ci rmie la Greai ew v Yok, sud it laestumuti dthaï, à viiibandit S «sceoa( cf UepoIe taxe. lu th" t iss b.de eajasIl;" more mecured by oxioffloSy. Everybody viii uov bave te Bock to the balisoMTammymdpaytilsteadMcmg te t,.med for but a relguofitersor. Wlsmi la terseila vide open potly ier ho uiaug- urated vhkb mesu tisai thre wviii o Iav fer those viso ar e osthe uigisi aieto viso vii pay targe mm of Ucuey for tise pivi-legeofivWt o f i av. AUls m"& to m.ov boy u.* peop eam e achooneLýx rouleovelinbis negofiedocaûib&a sdop- - dboSe.t cipurpme. A cem - f oe monment novawen cf dogu and ducckss mdocîde by Lawyct Fwuuk Douta. of Tc0180, mduas Mmbomtituio Judge Danueil ut Cssslog t weeka ag*. Il wu hises ibat Mmersd«etni Shien u* ock lomm e caermmau oreuomm sud vSsrnehtdockginq. Sbéer cbassd hi. c& Tise bruie ugabu ppesred after dinet. snd vhde ilUnlb. emlowm *- bot mdi.db7 SWer. Tb* jecdgueutbeld miaiSkie«;r bad s» igk me kil »e dS. sud aboutid pay iSUler p,5 kr doi.g se. o do M 1" Iobi.t**. ecqsloo tame h£MWl Ftmuhs M utertiof ci belac, bot WC bave -a' - ideas ta tbrovcu. ur dine isesdo«g uv-em, tbcWsbwMvu"tN be bad c e md mipme eqabut *e oulue; but ise huitta otspibeCaMe b after elmmer h sis tsebrumf t ., 4md bemi"o§Lt.Ne sbomlauoder ta prmet bli jropeny (om bhuLas u 0tm b imqs t4"ammm vho prevesed àh'l a do« la à»& .Deem t k *u n If uo ari@01, boy ekuOMsa a*n.dtohe sa a pehaaUmmne'ha n dmm Ib oW&. MMtbS vim I u s nemib »d m e unmutr <o <wus a dM@âtrot 151s, -M - - - - flmv islmaamad f Ysigor uter -Io& Party maud lmendvismed Yo>ums ci"lata tho dislideiL ove.nlaw bou wmmi*m< te. *90, ovai <155 M up mise d"1. miaitho uuiom*Oum go %D'WU M Jisomopuy ol*wssi l cd'masriw vry. sMd hmo eN rtasmâtqgsls mis1000mola dildenda ms. podloe&.On me h.d ce dem daissumi 1hié O - vas bdagit Muki- out »uY blta JO MM:osM ise otw MMIss M4ovat ecdelm atis M llsd iiih lssvused by miss mimmetiua.Ithle a ih wusmsansd >meVUat rmer m. aeve I .f r pas ; DOy for defmat. ottrl aum Collae V4 cls-ca io oe ocki suclpile. la 1891 a ulsemne fSr mhqarggOcuarlà"Ladlsaageelm flomtod, and a uiotmiubckfor n$moeaiduiamal miel vwu opeusd unesadmhv cia mation assoeg ouiser W H Hollaad. h. oMM$&"co temiseOeuc huai ms ue. iibe mra. Ilis bo ref"ses to pay cethe road Qtuthmadeoaà - odlo wih D cDovefl a9"iDr Har at tse » uhof mbs« g mc tishe e t ithe vhole$Socoa vas notmoRlised a"mdtise ou- lameusam artdinutwonyu"s 1b i olu vus ta ho oencelled. Ilis agmemeis thDr MoDoweil sud Dr Haie duuidaoduqvUshfied tas, as isey sud misa la theocasesci meverm ouhomu vsa ote spuia tand testil tedma iiey hadsepiihoue asialù* aseas au regards mise mec ye.ms fmmnDr Mkfvmy andb> Haieàs. mthe coesdhim a pos ubih issy momfeb& Howver, HoIlmd did oa rst ho mmas omly bod as bhowvauim o<ifed ofii, He als dhanms bat tise dirotous oftie collage ktamed aise terras ad iher cuiter, visidsunaid "b n [furber m-i Pc( atocohoul emaoemtilthtie original YS.aac d basaa*Bassebsi sand hall paid up. It mm tisai at <be dms th. dî- reetors ordered miss p&Inmgc s e àMWmbwdp. ah.n 01 Ss0ooo lala"rtisaitishe aaina 1 , bai nmo a mii aUhoamibai. sud tmsai>-00a vould proue momh. noMoe t uip tise encaao. vhw1 mm ad tl e semedioftb- lavi could ho pâmd a ms oeedg It sd na tbe ueson facb=as w îthe cosdâtoeas upu whebHolad auibeisd. opa.siis Politise eridenoe Is vuy oemdwiictl.ihe cm s issulu. uionsonu ci la., sudjudgmon a m .««vs Dow for plaum&; Mina liTSS«u4eforde. Mens, youtlas amnd ciildons ouadervour ai ieeMpionaily loc prive. ai W G Wallons. Tise Toate daîiy Globe aud daily Mail- £ampire bave reduced tisir prie tb $4 per year. Grand raies Monday sud Tuesday. Tise rveds received a tisorougb vasilng, but âare agalu dry, Mrs Mammeru, of Omlawsan sd Memms Penlisud Dlivel, ParisSale, vetotise gucats on Sunday of Mrs W L Barne&. Rt.ustaaNs.-At islmliy, cn Mauday. November to, m8g, Maria S Mf. boimived dugiter of Mt A M RcmdsuW ged233 Mr Wl1 H Rfrhardmm isited Erocifflle on priday lmu itisthe Vauuky foothail toe sud Yrems thim a fkv daj l î lug fiemds Tis eooctie comitee of tiseDay ci Quinte couorence epvorb loea»elS a meeting lu tho lecturero f tmie taiser- sade e ouTburuday.Arnemnsvueo emiered lamem&bd mise otl.. ci tisepo oramme smaSo 6w tise cauveia oftise lougue m boiS llu Febraay seat. Tht cammume.basdd.d tisai iescefatS de gaie. aberaIS p-UynSir cem ex usabis ci ~ ~ tb wuirtlutel be etmo omakemi ta ihl tise peakers«Ily, tise mmem asu dou etaiTOras.lau mmer. tle, iram Men oegsl,aOtâb4I 91w Mr 4" un 9rbIJ abw Te"? peswh. Sueisus bés Me or tiséa Z tuieuS vo . i iMmd tis Ceuomctzba».toil a* tu log& .Com. to wumbyO o u&ane.W. Imme uNt vo mY. mm, *0 aa tm.iwy eatuotesilu sp Te Réi Valiser J.<oi i asssalu services tb" art telebeahed i cmnéuecttubmeet- jopý As lmeedeofthe lotereu tt la1 q aer ïoa.d k umay homuibeeitisai thlrty mes stts h i.e aid mone slms at 4vmi-"«t Iv. Tburay morulug. Tise meêlspvii h e tilued tisrogb -tise Amimat Mimy &Wm op. fiers ano b4l b fand to-day tisaatise Tae"e.d issue ci iseWby Gzet am au llluatrstle. ise Second and tird pages vee bpruted lu Toro"tdemi kuoa whm,,ncdgeneralreadiogmbamtrwbkbci a y mmelyh tewuued aged. Tise firsi page le p.eto go telccal ineya but lu ulue- tots ad irtiemueut. Tise foins page is tise one vo vlsh todiscusu.Tihe Gazette pretends ta puini iiree calussus of Iresis nova items tier., sud ibis it boys fS o m i s eclussu <rom a Torato agouc. If auy- body viii taise ap Tuedays m ssueci c eatem sud ,ead tise liii..coloras.aifnom htemson tise <anrtiSpage, ho vill bain tisai Sir Richard Caitvrgsms soc dled et Ladmay a thing wviiciocturred tau iMa.h It ialsn reorted tweco la tise "mse mu tisaiMn Ths H*uby, GT R gent at Kingumcbas died. lie dled las May. lA Item states that tise coroners jury bad eroisemted Chief Guard Houghes inm kllllug tise cakrelt Heveli la Kingston penlteutlmry. Thia happened vists parliamnt vaSsiting at Ottava lms Wiater. HmosephMattin in reported as leaving Ottava for uln peg visicis ccSrred lemt Mardi. 1<touei thie public ihmt Finance ministr ?leldlug lu gaiug ta Loudon 10 iige a inu viseeashobas tis laecou tractedl long ago. Franks Erne, -he ptWIim issuisouoed itise Gazete cf Nov sMd 10 fgi tlm Popp, olT oto, on Oct sud, W. teautisa u atterupivam ade tomialsPresi- dent Diazo f Meilo, wviiicb tully vas dose tva momts. mgo. Captai. Goerald Weylor, of Cuba, la reported S dedlarlmg ho vii puidovu tiserebein lu(for montisawisl annouacoa esthodid suakeil u e stssansd mimr Six marabho heh. iaiied to stop tise var mind h. hemn recalled ta Spain. We le u n tisai u ouea f ShortS Ucintyre, o. Corucail tank Place and vus lsrgeiy a:- touigi ; ibis vas lu April lm. , Tisere is no ssomncepment «gthe nuicipmted var bet- vem Turey sud Greec, became tisai var as smm ovesakod fbr vsetisGazettes oensplate. ver. maade lu Tcrout6ý We migit ato tisai osec c i fties. me plate qaed lu tise Gazette of lms Mar sud vas aid then. Tise otierivo calomas ~esrd lutiseGazette twva nrsatmo. sxMa mnthu ad colomnu sbeon prlited dea m m uovubo mauy tisses as fremisneva sud n douist tise tva mouise aid plames are looked upon by ErerNewton as isong as tocd ussnov. Every tisse a colams can ho are pametisu ions to-ehoudsdMr Ne iolatise very boy miso -Aiovs h. Tieela"<so ouogb atoaly frmroandint lu tii eeka Gauette ta cam oe maiuies true every yard nofisth blsumootm e ed- log malter beroum cuem ontt lmu roIs. As atiÈclà 'suac"a great- e rulueximsten Y tcdytise segroi aumber «ino pmrMpoeu. Iffa Itoema amm bk ,0 §uem &mp DIle aveDdsoeemi for jean Suovefts okofbrveuemma M ue George N Martg, bOuta. ]lIts leeti la amedy voltkaov bythe lrecirde 1 tenders -vis. --use tise ooiiStt Glaie vibw ber qualt, aedvotrul £nue atm",eaci quiet menury vhinuCui Useraibm pera" tiiofNirvrk u lteNcglio m ave'su milvisbave beés hItut. eoaqk tored tisas. 'lIo.ri Soq *mmvid;Mdwm * gied - aar onua. u, M t te.*md J A D B s Fancy Âlway8 ~i'o~ SEEING OhiR "S PEOJAL" This Corset was purchased by u4 at a great reduction, the regular Price Was $1,1.25~~ We have secured them.at a price which enables us to seil themn No such value has ever been offered in these goods. Corne'anci examineSI, them and yOU wilI at once be con- j.: vinced that they are a BaIrgain. Andrew Chinla, Alarge Stock of7mu Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, G roceries. B eliable. AT - i«viii à& Meoéob.g.. Aberi vu stemadytïgo& mgo cki vn r-bbiy"C« mâta. mmie. visis hm umm 'e lho my autie UV-MI, m uitej 0Mlu1 GI BSON'SS Extensive Credit sale 09 licus..CamdâlplSele FaMIM oe.- Tise sbmeilserbasreauveti h branS THOW 1ROSSto unli l do1 sbareie.me âmse mm ci ofTUESDAT. N0VArr eh lcuszhoasymaudtS OB *a-owmgduvet.M Ma Rosse' JY EW- -1 imtend; --AMSSuço --am nd i -stOck of --give a dis Cuif Buttons Victoria Cha Brooches and~ Gents Platec Scarf Pins a. Links & Colla Golci and Sil Gold & Silve 0F 25 PE sjeS8Bi et e OMM" tc.uaty orga. tien ci MWay I tPl FIDAY, NOI Here Ms a Good Thing. Vrwt1k1 Largest I Qua/ity 1k Ckûiùest!1 Prices theLowesi., Iare the thie. pointe wbich lead the FUIMNITUR trade. Re-npholtering done on shortesitice. jE. L- JOHme", Brock St., -Whitby. FA auV TO RENI - 2w met, mer nkq 'pkeluiwtc- sii.Good hud* W buiIdIemntyý c<w«Wer fota voAd ab"M4iauss odo oe. Feulpom.emsiou'nez' t pis. Apply te TInr»Q A MWk7$ 8 Tuo T' -or- 8d LOCAL ILA Ur W R Basse, Bau MLm eb cbn pair me W G Wakema en= mc» W G Wal mu W aBfia&m mr% - m li d oergac Mtxm3 h iemarer RE a eff4. iùu ihLtM cmdbc- mdumii% ..,u w tmite ob Full Line of Fresh

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