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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1897, p. 6

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.- WmDWB »y Henry Glendlnnlng, Manilla4 On.t Alsike clover la regardcd as a dmos bstvacn îthe ted and white or Dutch clav*rast iifrst tntréduccd Into Dritalnw from.the south of SWeden *bout fifty years ago, and bepgaiý ý6 at* tract attention ln this province about twenty years later as a valuable trop for ts seed which c6m~manded a high price. It was auso dlscovcred that Canadian seecf vas superior ta that ira- ported into Brktaln from any other country. The plant is ma perennial. but in thLs country it Lu generally trcated as a blennial. it wiII grow upon almoot any klnd of soil, but the beit results wili generally be obtained when grown on cle-in, rich, clay loamn, weil underdrained. 1 wish to em- phasize the word -clean," as this crop diflers much from red clover, as it makes a very poor cover crop to smothcr back any weeds that may gr:w in the land . Therefore, it is nec- essary to have the land as clean as possible to produce the highest grade of seed. The farmer should be caret-tii to get the best seed possible to sow; it should be large and plunip, free from ail other kiqt4 ef seed and particular care should bc takeri to see that it con- tains no white ciover. as much of the seed oflered for sale has a cor.sid- erable mixture cf the latter. So far no *machinery bai been invented that wil wholly separate those two kinds of seed being of the sanie shape, weight, and nearly of the sanie size. The seeding is usually donc in the spring, sowing the seed along with some kind of grain, or early in the spring on fal wheat or rye, then harrowing it in with a light harrow. It wili be found an advaatagc ta keep stock off the fields aiter harvest as it usualiv does flot get a very heavy top the first sea- son., The following spriug the land shoild be rolled as soon as dry. When the clover is in full bloom, it will be found profitable to go through the fields with a sharp sythe and cut off the heads of any timothy or high gRowing weeds that may bc found. Te proper time to cut the crop is when a majority of the heads wili strip easiiy off the stalk between the finger and thumb. A table is attached tô the rlnower, covered with a taise bottom raised a few inches made of strips to allow sheîled sced and chaif to fal through to the bottom below, while the bundles are. being raked off by hand. When the space below the siats is filed up the chaif and seed are rcmoved into bags. The seed obtain- ed from this chaif vili be found to be ot the finest quality. After the crop is cut kt phould be allowed ta lie until thoroughly drled. If it should get get wet with ran, do flot attempt ta ,turn the bundîcsu asthe heads yl l al off the staîksanad the seed wil chost. The wagon rack used for liauling ta the barn should bc closely covered with boards or strong canvas. The bundles shouid be picked up caiefully with barleyforks and placcd on the wagon. Do flot attempt to use a borse-rake ta put kt in vin rova or the bulk ai the seed will be sheiled off and If tvci or more quaiities of seed are grown sucb as may result from winter Lkiliag vhlcb shows weeds ta grow up in sucb places, it wili be fouud advis- able ta barvett thc crop in sucb a way tht different quaaites can bc threshed sepgrately. The reason for thia viii be obvious as tbe best seed viii be easily clcined if the -foregoing conditions have been attended ta. but wbere kt lam been vinter filed, foxtail and other veede are ikel>' ta graw up amonget the clover. It vili be found Ho va Such casier ta dlean the foui seeds out She vasi o! the vbhoie lot. Wben the secd is Tbcy bai cleaned and nearly aIl ofte anme tbe librai qualit>', t ehould be ail piaced lu a pile dinner ti upon the floor sud thorongbly mixed tired sud belote offering It for «aie. But Il one upon hi, par l pute and another mlxcd vith draveily. ford*Iguseceda, euch as white clovcr or *'You1 hulled timoti>'. these lots ehuuld flot meC, have be balked together but each offered cd. lor ale upon itu merits& If mixed the ""No," wholc lot wIlUl lkely be reduccd a grade auec1Icc îr t1wo and the prîce correpoudingly than I di Iowered. The. ordinay faànng-mll "Wby viii generaliy b. found ta dlean seed the. leq rnfllletly veil for maiket, prvlding dont yoiu It la properly,, tanage. of y ! uclcH a wind hoaldbeus&. vlha&tpp wl "O14h, -sleve u8x 18 pmobes tthe 'c, d a plicdo bottom vi"wter eo fflû u2e. 2 = Iesto and b.. ahe Inch.ie Tbics. irthieusual sMm. gldfiai usd. Soti».ysars the. sced ay bc.'CatigiL" turger or emaller and t viil b ond wuvI aieceSSMIto " he tic aise0ofMsh la ittlitýa the uloves and scr*eus. la auy sec- YeIlow hb tuons of th ecoun tr crtare c who asked: uiake a speclalty ai cleang, sund as as 1EIit, iuéthbst resulka wIU bçO btsldf tt<rbait1 by havlag it ced btiem. Tue $ýdi ,ordinaryway doJiss good a dapgsd job,, but ?cspcslouc.la votti a g de] , in'clnittg siuike moud.Ut deceon the Iand tibas mbeen lu 9 -17v s~1nê 8~I7lngs ~bouî tll&Oemmon of Two Centurlu À~gc #We trïoga tue seconi c CtIasý, -cut un ïoLg a he Intt*<dudil O~of ttu <ýlôt ueed nide hc & lcyred l the state Of INew Youk lutheyear 187#f' and lu thus province lu r-,882, a'tne which tine it bas tptïd ô&Mr the entire claver growing section ,.cuilng ra bs ta the fermera -who *cri enae in raislng seed. The ravages of :hle lnsect can bc guarded. aginat ta a con- sîderable extefiL and a gOod 'crOofp -( seed secured by pasturlflg tic clover field and turning off the stock frotn theï firet ta the fifteenth of June, according, ta the forwardness af,* the séason, indi earlinesu or latenes of certain sectiônà - ai this province. Red claver is 50 well kuown that ta give a detailed account of the harvest. ing and threshing o! k would be-super- fluotis. but one matter I vould ike to impreus upon my felîow farmers is the danger of purchasiflg the seeds ai weede along with claver seed, that were unknown o the majority o! tartn- ers a few years ago. Such weede as curled dock, English plantin, or ox- eye daisy. These seeda with the ex- ception of the latter, are difficult ta dlean out ai red ciover. Fartunately, large sections of the province are free f rom them, but farmers cannat be too careful in procuring seed ta saw an their farms. MARKETING. As ta marketing, I would say that Britain, and the continent a! Europe, are the markets for our surplus alike and the best sample af red claver. The margin between the price paid the tarmer here and that obtained ini Lan- don or Liverpool is camparatively smaiî when the amount af money iuivested and risk involved is considered. Us- uaîly the farmer viii do as weil, or bet- ter, with some local dealer lu his own section than looking for a market a distance tramn him. If a united effort were made' by aIl farmers growing either red or aisike claver seed tg pro- duce oniy the best, and in that vay irn- prove the standard of the seed export- ed, a better deLnand vould be created and better prices obtained for Canadiail clover seed. D. &. Dama, cf Clinon., sys: "u.CEA W8 Orgyr vin mmcuSat Rhm irben ail els hu ahiled;-,bCllevevat Iamy andiry i. DOu' go on suffeiug foryefflm rdLd mm .F. Pmm, n, lueéCOodOnt.,#&yi: -MY> baby, ye montis od bdecSera ver> b"Y> on ilsh fand baud.1 Imopreed tir oxe oc thie Oist m d iAM bea byiadhmua aui aigws of <le &OMM adlapere No0 b POsb Ls a crua:y aId bachelor Of 45. bis nicce, a fflte tot o! 8. A been living lots o! fn ils try al] the afternoou, and as ime drew noir sIc 'became Jeicepy. Flnaly lic.took her as lep. She Wakcd to hlm havent gotau y litai. girl but e yau, Uncle Hart>'"ibe ask- lie repiied, "sud il 1 did bave "ud nat love her au>' more d:" have alai girlri py cbld coantinucd, "Wl>' i get married l1k. 'cmuin Tout. [arr>? Dita ya 1ws ý'W "Tho e os o undri es, uere r o t as miîra s lu tic m luislase l 9aI aluto or 'ooger befote the téad, ke'tup ahm und* ffatm, dont Von ti"ki lb.Ilfih h Tours ai 96th1I mat ta hand. I vould fin say thtt ,1h. aqtion o!f rHo pasu Irdney Fi1. l rnycase was1 -= tUlactiloUs. I1 Jacaret 1895,i *4s PArâlyaed on My loft bide. 8hortl1y stteivwardt My lest aud 11mba commene.dj swln.A .ur ago I came hors irom P. t.. dis at my danghteris bonis.1 Ipansed niarly a yoar ofi sufforing snd abot Pbrurylot I vas vithout ope. I bail not lai» dowù for mouths, vas ver>' bsdly swollen, my legs measurod tveuty-alxi hsi &round? thoe ives. My urine coutaiued over 40 per cent albumen with other impurities. The firet box of tb. pilla removed nearly aîl the svslling, aud 1 have gene te b.ed every niglit smo,,. Nov, aftor takiug four boxes 1 eau vaîk a mils vithont stopping, and my general bealtl is e btter than iL lias been for six yoaru. 1 am still takiug the medicine aud do nothiug but talk it. I have been the cauée cf quit. a number of perions using iL with good resulteinii every cae. My dootor i. ueing and re- commending thbe pills. ,il. wss ver>' îmach sur pised at their action aL firat, having no faith in thom. You caut know hov thaukfnl I arn for My recover>', andi My praise o! Lb. Pisenover ceases. Wishing ynu al lb.h suoceslu the worîd Tours truly. Jon P ZitLNEi&, Orab- Orchard, Ky. [Mr Zeiner viien lie re- sided at Paducah served as sheriff and county commission«r of licOraken (Co, Ky'.] i HOBBS Dr. Rlobbs Pillas For Sale lu WHITBY9 ON r., by A. B. ALLIN4, Cheriit and Drugglat. Pickering Township. DONT WANT THE ROADe On QOt 251h tb. Ontario (Cabinet viii n e s .apectacle of a towusbip refusing to aooept the, gifteofo its cwn property, vhich anotber township vanta te preseat ta it. Within Pickering tovnship Ithere iu a road sorne five miles long which bat; alvays been ininded in York ccnnty roada kept up by York ccunty. Wben tliq roada vote handed- over te tii. miner munlcipalitios tus s eilos fou te the lot cf York township. Tbe latter, dos not, vant it awl proposed te give ilteo Picket- ing, within whieh township it lies, bat Pickering vont bave it, Nov York hau applld te tthe Cabinet tc, mink Pickering tat oit. Tii. latter la figbting againet tb. spplication. Another anomal>' in conneotion with the case la that there im a tol gate on the. rosd. Pickering won tr tbe teli gate removed on ibe uround bliat th.,v have been abolisisd on. YorktconLtt ruade. Tork sasyathe gîte la mot on lui boarders but in Puekering. -It net oînly relue.. ta taIt. avay the gate, but thicat eus tu exact the. maximcm tolae if Pick erlug dose nott akete roaL AuInter. esticg point la couneein viltiithemat ter in tbe fiel that Hon John Drydens. eonstitue»i.qylludes Plèkerlug aud te, aide wibl i otk zmay la.. thb. Miler votes.-4arkham $». It.Preserves Bide&. Au Important Dlsoover>'la WbichPam oeArut.utd lu tnigbide. tii, écoou ta M do..y whibb beimwltb lbp detb cf a anImal, sadb. ate W*ýboltsi viib. tii, Is.they. ,A Mbui .iI AMI w senttoaeawry.wor1 n~n~Il rime Ibm bib. =*Pm biug lesud ' o depteel .12.Iu , lbon" sts 711OW l tebi. o ongeu andd*U*W-,bya nuoi tîsrd troplo 41 Àouïîoaaogl1d- alinauao pblithod tu thi. COUu12 :1700- ,ivOS t'alw rule# for prognoaiaing the wedther: 1!The sddgc tii. lîlbttes#&ipon the éhot,.-*bd tLitguritir, of virais in' the #rodâ without appateAit wiQdsshow wind A murmr ut ci et aves port.ondeth the The ohsonîring of the smalltr stars inaa uiga ai ttmiiest. AIse il the stars seerà to shoot vind viii corne item the. quarter the.star oame from. The. often ehanging cofLthe wind shov- eth temupens. If tva rin*ivu par iL vii train. à raiubow presient' after rain denotes fair voather. If the sky be . ed in tue marning iL is a sure token o! vinde or ramn, or both, because tuas. vapors vbich cause the redneis ill presiently lie resolved. If the sun or mon looks pale thon look for ram ; if fair and bright expeet fuir voather ;if ted, vind vill corne. If a dark cioud. beat sunrising in vhich Lb. sun is seau after iiidden, iL viii dis salve iL sud ram i illfoliov. If the sun seem greater iu the eat than common iL ià a sîgr of ramn. If in tii. voit about s5unsetting there appear a biack cloud iL vill tain that *ught or Lb. day folioviug, because that cîoud waill vaut beet ta dispese it. If miste corne dovu froin the huIs, or descend tram the. heavens sud seules in tb. valîeys, iL porteudetii fair, hot veather. Mista in the eveuing shov a bat day on Lb. morrov. The like viien vbite miste arise froin the vaters in the ev.ning. The aircles thaL appear about the sun, if Lhey b. ted sund broden, portendeth vind. * White and ragged olouds appeariug like herses nianes sud tails fortelletb great wind&-eveu s the sailors long have saîd, viz: Shagged oloud-like au aid mares tail, Make loi ty ships te carry 1ev ail. Thunder lunLthe merning, if iL lie tteb southwestvatd, and the vind b. tiiere, denotes many imesi a tempestuonsi day ; sale a îaiubov or vaLet gali in the veut denotes a stormy, voL day. Tii. "sun dog"~ appearing in the mern- iug or evouing ia a sign of oold, voL, viudy veatiier, eapocially in vinter ime, A vet siuminer is aivays folîoved by a froisty vinter, but iL happons occasionally that the oold extendu no furtiier. Every vinter, vitii excesaof veut viuds, iu folloved b>' a cold summer. Break Up a CoId in Time *y usina rPYNY- PIECTORAL The. Quiek Cure fer OOGB COLDS, CROUJP, ISHON- CHITJ, HOAXI8ENE911. etc. Mit# Josipil Noicx, of 68 SorareaAV.,Toronto, irrites: "pmn.Pectoral bus nvor ed ta mmcur 1 iy Ipiser 1a to a~ IItmdc tioqs eo"por basu. a. 0. Ba.asUa, of Litle Roche, N.B, irtes: "As a M er iiocauPe4ctoral la the but aeilamw iOn 701i My OC. DAVIS &LAWRENclCCO. Lme *prs. , lian i otD*nciplui more qu loysiqureirIba ny hr known mae 1h'~opd#.OBt <ontain tht. ud irete' qln APTES TEN YEARS BuPMMNG Tveo 330= O>ro MILVERtToT, 28TnJUTT, l8M Gentlemen -For the lait ton yean I had been troubleâ wlVh kidneT disease, belng so bad at futervals that I could net lie ln bed at night nor stoep to the. ground. I had tried aU, the remedies 1 eeuld flnd wtthout effect, but heard of Dodd'a Kid* ne y PUIs aud rocured a bo= Samn Most happy to Bay It for' My own sake as well ak for otheru that 1 arn po6 ft*ll cued after uslngj tour boxe&. JOHIN BLM DEARSui,-!can htghty recasa. moud Dr. Pewier'a Extract of Wild Strawb.r. It cured my baby of diarrhoeaafter miiother meana falied, $0 1 give It orat praise. ILtla excel- lent f or aIl bovel compilants. MRS. CHAS. BOTT, Harlo'w, Ont. THE HEAD MASTER j GENTLEMEN-! have f.und greatV satisfaction lu the use of Dr. Poirier'. Extract of Wild Strawberry, sud coun- aider It Invuluabslu anh&Ucasai of dlarrhoea sud summer coxupiaint. It la a pîsasure te me te recommen4 R. B. KASTERTON, Principal, s. igh Scho.1. River Charle, N.B. :S = t L 4 pbi.1-"+++ -FOR SALE BY- ci-. :BJM MiWLLIS Chemist and Druggist, Brock Street, WHITBY. Juma emacIe of thoge vory beauwifu Amarktan Paope wlth, mer DM& WarreO Î arM Y. 0%00 aI. 4' 0006ceheurs 12-SMii bu .m.t. à p.m. -Phy siosagsurgeon Maa Accoutcher ae. «ece and Beoidflo oê ; *te il a4.zt'e I (Jlurohp Dum655 Streeht b>'. N.B. Dental surger>' u in 61uts râ hspo~I atteiidod te.- W. A DAMS, ~3~ENTI ST. Roorns over John FergU5oI3'5 clOthlng store. R«IeàsidOûC i., The TerraCe, Byron St. Whitby, Jan. 2th, î8g6- Dr. HaWibtai DENTIST. over GrogskGngTU Whby Car Opon ever>' SaturdaY night. sittings 0f The Division Couts. COUNTI 0OF oNTABIO 1896. Wnmyu-D. 0. Mtacdonoll Whltiby Olorli Uan 8; Feb. 3; Msrch B;Â Xi 2; i.>' 2; Jne 2: July 7 BeP. 2; U01.2; Pl'8 FDea. 2. osxàw-D. (J. maoiell, Whitby, Olerk;je -Jan. 4; Feb. 4; Xrel'4; April 8; '&&y 4; June 8;i July 8 sep. 8; Oct. J;Nv., Dec. 8. BsoluogBÂ - M. Gleeson, Greenwood, Oierk.-Tu. 6; Usrah 6; Msy 5; JuIy 9; sep. 4 Nov. 5. Bmin Pr PoR rit I J . w. unim P Pevr, Oierk-J5fl.29; iMardi 9; iirY 15; july 20; Sep. 24; Nov. 18. ,U]O]FIDoE-j0uh B.Gultbxgo cloki-Ja. 8; arch 24; M87 Ith; 3ÙI7 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16, (,.'àNIqmaon-Georg Smlath, C&nningten, Jan. si; Match 2b; MFSY 20; Jul> lb; Ooti 15; Dec. 17. BEAEETon-Geo, F. ]Bruce, Beaveten, Oîek-Marcb 28; Msay 2.1; Jul>' 16; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. tUiTREGEovE-Thos. P. Hart, 'Uptergrovo Olerk -Maxch 27; May e22; luly 17 ; Oct. 17 Declbà J.3. FAIIEWELL Olerk itfhOeos«e. Octobor M h1895. COAL 0êsýOALOgý Offce nd Lam, ts f uptwn-ioýLUMn'eE Whtbs âb: 6*'8mNGE .yDWOD OSAER~EO HÂDWORK BRO N;ervoum Prostrati treme Weakness- pinls Galus te ler pital Treatment Faili Prom the Fore Wlliam In the tova of For brave widow, who for y 1 of constant labor Ikepti ,d door snd ber littie Prom morriing tili ni Prcivide comforts for h Iaure a laut protes constant drain on her ahe began to loue heal t der frarne becarne u daily 1084 of, toil, aud was st lait forced te g content, and became a had once. been tb. ch vou prostration, heart tien, and other naînes Mnalady by local physil paased, during wbichsa agony, -witbout indii ber suff'erings. Palpit4 dizzinesà, extreme pain of appetite and nervou1 the symptoins of thed that cauaed ftleruciatiî the kne. jointsansdc body, and at laut she beipleis and un"be 1up. At this stigea -e nter th. hospitl i ,the benefif, of iskillo>dt bout modical treatmen ing somne ime there any relief the poori hqpe ot recovery ani home. Bo einaciated become that ber frien lier appearance, aud was ler conditibu th& ýery to speak hopefully -,covery. What thon enent of ail wbo had 'wonitiou to heurti feound a remedy whos once deinonstrated there is 111e there in thie remedy thst we îtil change in such à Williams Pink Pil', .6ive boxes she was ali visit her friends. He ly but anrely retur monthe from the tia the modicine she wiu work. The subjecfr Jane Marceille, la va youthf ni and healthl cause. people to exci nover ceaie.8h. sti ation to her family, . to lie found in Drn'V -aud ber experienco. so0me other sufferer This great remed1ý dOes the blood, atro sd in thiswsy go 4isease, duiving it fro «curing whon other re ,Evory box of the g Èink pis lias the t wrapper around the 4chisr eau proteet N tion by ýrefusing al a * dealors at 50 centsa $2.50. IM&MBOUL 110* 'I By ord 1

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