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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1897, p. 7

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BAÂRD WW4 B1OIGBR 09ÂàBM VUE ILLXXE&8. bramé Wes1tws-Dr WilluanmmPink Pilleobute t< her Relisa. Aer Ho. pitai Tzutnt ', p . Wron t he porti Wllist Journal. lu the, town of, Port William linosaa1 ,braye wlidow, -Who tor years ha.by dinta 'ofconstant labor kepitho v olt frein the ',door, sad her little tarnly tôgether.t V Iront morting 1111 night ahe toiid ta I~rovide conforté for bar, icned on. until yiaure ab lait protteatad agaÎit. sno a contant drain on'ber strengîb, and s0 the begau te loue bealîh. Soon the sIen- den tratn, becom. unabis ta bear is daiiy load cf toil, sud thé poor mother vas at laiti foroed bo giv. up the nuoqual conesat, sud becants a burdeti where as had once* besu the chiot support. Ner- vous prostration, h.arî disease, eonsumnp. tion, aud other naines vers gîven ta ber viaiady by local physiclaus, Cut nontha ipastiod, during vhlcb te. u ffered untold agony. witbout finding any relief trein baer cufÏeings. Palpitation of the heant, .itzzineisà, extremas pain ln the ahest, loua 'of appotite snd nervousnus were tomne of the isytrîptoans of the disea, gatheringa that oaused exoruoiating pain formed aL the kice joints and other pointe of the body, and at lust ch. became perfectly holpiease sud unablo ta vslk or even sit 4up. At this esge abs wue advised l.o d enter the houpitai, that ah. might have the benefit et ukillod nurses as well as lbett uodical treattnent ; but after spend- ilig mone lime thons wthout obtainirîg aiiy relief the pon woman gave up ail hipe of recovery anddasked ta bc taken hjoin. So eînsoiated and weak had as become that ber friands wore shocked aL lier appearancs. snd no utterly heiploea was ber condition that i latilts mock- ery to speak bopefully of ber ultimata re- covery. What then wue the aaîonish- ment of ail who bad known ber dreadful ,condition ta hear that asebad at lait found a rernedy whoae magicai power at once dernonatnsted ths tact that whore there is lits thoro la hope. The naine of th 1saromedy that warked auch a wonder- fal change in sncb a short lime waas Dr williams Pink Pilla, sud after talting fi ve boxea she vas ahie ta walk about and v'îatber fiaonds. Hon atrength graduaI- îy but sursly returned snd in a few nionthe (nomn the time abs began using the medicineîsus wwa able ta resume bier work. The subjeoti et Ibis article, Mrsg Jane Manceitte, lu wslI known, and ber youtbful and bealtby appearace ta-day causes people to excain-wondens wîll never cesse. She sttributes ber restan- ation ta hon family, soiely ta the virtues to bo found in Dr William@ Pink Pilla, anid ber experience sbs hopes, May put Borne othor sufferor on the riglil road te health. This great remody enniches and pur- itieis tbo blood, strengtbens the netves, and ln Ibis way goesuta the root of the disease, diving lil from tbe syslom, and euring wben othor remedies flau. Every box of thie genuino Dr Wiiliame Pink Pillsasa the trade mark on lbe wrapper around the bol, snd the pur- chaser cati proteot himmeif f rom imposi- tion by rot using ail others. Suid by ail dealors at 50 cents a box or six boxes tor SONYA r Farm Sold. Mr Jobn Beeeroft, aoting for Mr Aioy Thorburn, bas oold the farm at Sonya formerly occupied by Mr. Thorburu, to Mr Hector McDougail. Mr. obnison, of -Sunderland, ha@ purebased the sbop and d weling at preseut owued and occupied by Mr Mr MoDougali, and wili s500Dak charge of the blacksmithy bers. The repe In this section theb yield of wbeat 11% ho low the average. There bave been tmre good returna of both sprlng and fali whêat, but geners.lly the returna ore Iow. Oat andpesas are generally good, and bay yieides heffvily, but oeb was in jured and torne rotted by raine. The cantinuedl dronght ensuves a light root crop. Mr James Watsona hop crop thia year waa good-thê boat for years-the yiold b.ing larg i n quantlty and good in quality. Mr Watsofl, bowevsr, intends to quit hop raiuing. as the low prioes. and the unoertainty cf production in this cli mate do not lkave a 8suffoieni znarin of profit. Mr Walson snd Mr. J. Ferg'usrn will both maredustbofr yards to a suitable fraotion of their preSefli six.. Persoliul. Mr John Campbell, who hbu beenIDI, je reooverlug, sud I w.. pl.as.d 10note, ,was Mmin able to attend to bis dutise as eretakêr of 'the churelh on gunday lust Mr Bobt Kirby & formera 00oh uem -ed resident of Son». and 00v Of Bar ilon, iis visitig blondAs ad r iSBLiTe n tiei section cf the meoutt$. Dr T Wyli,, of Torontos and litsWylla, are viiltiug st Mr Fergauce, KÎarpois. The latter, Whois a Iery cld '0=1 14AStaipreut in -very poor h.slth. wu are &bill Vrithosia u"ta dMinuter and .1111 ;he " -pul gw o. Wé bave -lad a Mr lioDoupsIlfront Queb.o Muthé lado Ivo 8bbathot and b b h.pumhsd vitb gréat aoopisaoi. TholId atm Y01 #Omc*b ka Pm 'Pmmth*4 Vrs ý6 -Ptinj- , , It W.da~e4ayafien i the reuldenoe of Ot xKw Grxurt44ag hhobeis grand lsuohter, mile, Ssyah ?hafr, eeli Isught.er ofth.eli.Ja Phafr wvauit. ëd ta marmiage t oe J XKennedy, 0on. of Solie eMost prospérous eYoung farmers. eM" oR 10 Four sheila It i. foUy to 'le"vo one branoh cof the lAve stock. busines for auother', wben other met are dolng the saine thing, so thimi prc.a aare uîtWlry demorilised. Notbing but baos eau be the resuit of snob a pmoedure. The lii. to buy la wben every minuwants tô «sl ; lthe ta seLla iswben every mnuwants ta buy. à. short time ago stockmen vere umbling over one another trying te dispose of ebeep, practioally glving thein away. 0f course, auy mane man oould se ibat the out.eome of snob a practice mnut, sooner or ter makeshep paying property. Bo juet hold on ta your sbeep tbatist, &Il the beet of theni. Tihe sooner the oulle go the better, but the good one@ fecd np and breed up and be ready ta Labo the reward. Mutton selle well, even if wool je Ico low for profit. Deatti of James ]Ru4dy. Not altogether unempeoled was the death of Jornes Ruddy, of Victoria Corn- ers, laît Monday evening about ten eciock. The oid gentlemen. wbo wag iteventy five yeare of ago bas; beeD in po healtb for about twa yesrs, enly h.- ing ahie la ho out araund s few days at e ime dning that îtervat. Deceased was a native of the Caunty Tyrone. Iroland, and camne ta Canada witlî bis fathen when qunite young, and settled au the fanin in 3rock Townshîip wiîicb the deceased awned and occupied at the limae of bis deatb, sud wiîere ha erecled ane of the irgt Baw mille in the township. Sbortly aften thein arrivai in Beach tbe deceaeeds father sud mothor bath died, leavniu bu a young lad in ai etnange land. With the pinot sud energy wbich manked hiseon tire ifs the Ihan lad sot le wonk to akle s haine for himeself, sud ai the age of twenty lbree was united in manniage to Rebooca Hendersan, the daugbter of a prosperaus, Braclt farmpr ; and who stitîs survives bum. Bosides his widow, thA deceased beaees a famiity of thirteen to mouru the oa of a kind snd indulgent father. The sans are, John, William, Josephi, James, Robert, Charles and Tiiomas;; and tbo dsugbters, Mn Wm Doble, Mns Aaron Maditi, Mn@ Card, Mrs Win MoCully, Mrs J J MunIe sud Mn. F Dewar. Witiî the exception of James and William lb. entire fauiily were in aI- tendance at the funeraI -Timos, It was ever tbus, but shouid mot be. A few rnonths ago an Uxbridge citizen transacting busineiss in anothen town got int an unoeemnly alteratian and it waa reportfd ini the paper ai that town. Oui of kindness wê omnitted it from the Jour. nal. But we neyer beard a word of thanks. Wîtbin the pa6t montb the sarne citizons naine was omitted frorn Ibis paper in connection with a matter that lie would like it to have appeared in, and the resut t was a burst of indignatin against the edîtor. We dont daiim that, in the burry freqnently incident to the prs-pamlioil a the paper for tbe pross, tbe Journal or anv othen paper cannai mte a nitlte, but we we are alway@ willine ta take full responsibility. At tbe saine turne it wotîld bo well for ppoplE who feel aRkgrieved ta retiect if tbev bave nat aitsaine lime@ or otler received 0 kindnAess frorn the papen Ihat îhey are oc rendy to camplain about, and if the3 have ]et tlîat fart influence their mannei of inaking coooplaint-Journal. f s p I I I k Out-door lif e and ScoWs ERmulsion of CodliverS01!it Hypophosphites have cured thoundaof cases a consump. tion in the early Status Th"y cure ol1, advanced casestooj but not so oeany,nor so prompt-. ly. Wh= a cmels &0far a&- vao.cd that a cure caaiaot b. ma&e, ven then SCOTT'S EJUION checks tii. rapl ty of the disease, relivea tise pain la the cb»4 Srdmuethse niglit aveatu, and miâutheii cougli «due. 16 td=s. êâusil anfotssd prolet* gît*1 Don't zoet f ua that destroy the dlutin. Pi your lfthto tii e eesdy w"c lahu =THE STAN DARD 7MR OVM 20> YEAIw. Bo&k aboe t f Aeafer tdu. e*ag FSrma"sby aU 4druIstaat Orad AhsFor Iaady sou. t i r r 'fotAppealto, Hîm A] ini Vain. TH -E:NUMBER CURED Increses Eiach Day,' Until a Re- cord Ras Been Made That A8TONISHE8 E VER YBOD Y. Plhe Vidtima et Disease Who Have Bosu Rstorsd Vo Health Bleui the Naine of Munyon. Mn G McRay, Sutan West, Ontario, Canada, iasys :-"I began using Mun- yons Ours for nenvouaneas somsmime &go and bave experienoed splendid ne- suite. 1 bad besu tudying very bard for soins timo sud wus in su excoedingly nonvous condition as. a consequence. The constant aIrain wus t.liing on me severety. but one iniali vial of Munyons Nonne Cure gave me relief, sud I1bLave no hesitanoy in neaommending Ibis rein- Munyon's Rbeumnatism Cure seldom, faits la relions ln one ta Ibres heurs, and cures lu a few das. Prie. 25c. Munyon's Dysopuia Cure positinely cures aIl formao Indigestion and stoni aeh trouble. Prias, 25o. Munyon's Coid Cure preveuts pneu- mnonta sud breaks up s cold lu a few houna. Pnios, 2.5a. Munyon's Oough Curo stops oougbs, night eveats, alisys sorenees, sud speed ity beaue the unuge. Pries, 25a. Munyou's Ridney Cure speedily cures pains in the back. loins or groins aud al forme ef kidney diîsue. Pries, 25e. Munyon's Headache Cure stopa head- ache in tbres minutes. Pria., 25o. Munyou's Pile Olutinent pouilinely cures ail forma of pilies. Prie. 25c. Muuyon's Blood Cure oradiestos al imupurities et the blood. Prias, 25c. Mnnyon's Foutais Reniedies are a boon ta ail women Munyons Asîhia Remedies relieve lu 8 minutes sud cure permauently. Pries, si. Mnnyon'e Catarrb Bemedisanover fail. The Catarrb Cure-pie 25c.-eradiaee the disease frein the systein, sud tbe Ca- tarrb Tabiet.e-price 25.-cieanso aud heal the parts. Munyc' Nerve Curs is a vouderful nerve tonie. Price, 25a. Munyousa Vitalizer restores lest vigor. Pries, $1. Persousi lettoe to Prof. Munyon, Il %nd 18 Albert et., Toronto, answored with froc medical advioe for any dioeais. Miss I. Sugdeu la the guesi of Mists A. Pickering. Tbe enlargemeut to the Bunday School s nearing its compltion. The ne open- ing et ýwbich will take place on the 141h sud 151h prox. What migbt have proned a serions ac- cident ooursd ou the road botween Scott sud Uxrbriaue tovoshipu. Mr. P.- Rynard sud his motber, Mn. W Bynard, wbile returuing honte frein Uxbnidge on Saturday, vers ibrovu violantly froua the buggy ito the ditch. Mmvi Bar reoived a fev bYuices on the head sud a sprein.d valut.Théeberme beomns ffigbt- ensd at a pi« An the ditcb. The baudl concert vhisb vas heltiln the bilonIthe151h fuel vas a complet. failore, thmr. be&W rnly about16 proet. Was it t.hat timer.WuasDot a good pro. gramePNo.Il astwat eth a hav bi s.voialomStrllu ibe coua P&140 m su * -pw itaI"fo tben t te heM 4 7wulèb. uotlI but shoot tuW#tlOu o'ti*.,Pnblc.' 1 Wm plopmad te ci&f elb bauD aot oon- sutiS eutlsely of snob pople au would try t'O ltpoosimthé, pooPe, but ou ti*. ooursrlb lRge pow1m@, f tbe val oppoite a he T u ot au nderï laou - b est prs' Ii'alyag.lslb vWsbssotlm* ab.r m l oa1» « 0 ie(tte b era tiIi b b.l« e ja parOtl1h"1alwys bas had~ ~ ~~~o SIi0 iOW ~~ DERBI Ciarettes 5 Cts. Per' Package, £ lv Rubber.. Weather! 1 'H-ate to weat 'ern-'hurt your f eet- j. 'injure your eyes-feel cluxsy-'stick \ý in the mud-'fliU with anow--cold, clnrntny, neediesa (Rubbers). New leather shoe-wet-proof , anow-proof , stylieh, warm. IWaO by the faxnous Goodyear Welt process, which gives el"st- city to the sole, and durabîlity to the shoe. $5.00 petpair Aa f« mte .. "lStater Rubberless Shoe." M. W. C1OLLINS, SOLE. AGENT FOR «WHITBY. [The Flow of Mllk wlll be Increased. Why go to ail the troubleoof kep, Ing cows and get only about hall the milIk they should produce. IIKS BLOO» ?PURIFIER strengthens the. digestion, end lis- vgorates the ,whole systens 80 that the nutriment 19a&l drawb fions theI. fod. It takes just the smre trouble to cure fer a cow when the, glves only 'thte quarts um when s ah. ives ul lkaBlo uiIrwI pay back Its cost wlth good lnterat' lu a fow we.k. LieuMint, MIL£$ a Co.. 00 OENTls oiK L-agune, MON'wCat- 'A #AOKAGtr ýl , Pme-, tlioae COUNT? 0F ONTARIO. bol Jb~. a ptredéa o à*end th* ranige cf bâiieio &Il î.barrku'=*sJzt aidêdllry businesS vl isb.dong le salis Coin ollars a specilalyt Oall and ges ny'shop and stock W. OALVEBLEY, S3econd door veut ol old shoP. Dunds Si3reet, WbI Kailway Timo Table GRAND TBtJNÇK AND MIDILAVD No 8, Expresse Dally Mail. No. 9, Looaij oxoeot Sunday No Ill'Paenter NO: 1, rexprs, Mail dlaily. 5:50 a m 8:.50 a m 2:88 pun 6:80 p mu TRNS uo0G110 ASTWABD No. 6 Express, daily, exoopt Bunl .. 8:04 à No. 4 Express, Il 9:57 amn No. 14, Passege 8:08 Pmr No. 8, Localf,er 6:17 prn No, 2, Express, Mail. daly.... 10:08 P l MIDLÂND DIVISION 00130 NOBTE-NILA)oND 8TATION Mail ................ 8:08 a M& Mail ................ 4-,0 Pm ?Llzed To Lindsay ............. 6-85 p m 001110 BOUTE ?atIxed Prom Lindsay........... 8:87ar Uail ......................... 1:48 p m ..........................9:0Otu DOMINION BANK. Oapftal PaId up, Ssurplus, $195009000O - *1,50 000 Wbitby A gency. General Transoted. Banking Busfinos. TREA8URER'8 BLEOF LAND FOR, . potub sh Eenif th.y b.dtiis they have "sMal80 Ul iet ter that the.pMubfonsa poupouad. by muftîog viii t The 0pouaiablnouto ah"sde tiu Its musem'P.lOMM-0h àeolte' q"l no mr. eha mm iI tte M'dj SAVINGSB DPAETXENT. lutereut eliowed ut hlgh.al ournat rat«. Nonotis. of wtthdrawal roquirsd E. J. THOINTONP FAI RBAN K'S Real E8tate Column. Smali Frame House sud Lot, corner of John and Byron streets, Wbltby, WIlI be sold very cheap. LO TS-To b. sold, lots 324 add 258, nortb ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Ash stree% north ward, will be sold cheap. Cbeap. A. fine two atory brick bouse., wlth brick stables. Sftuated on Byron st.,. Whltby, the fineat reeldeutlal street in the town,-wlthln three minutes walk.of he Lpost office. There are tbree lots of land wit au eutrance on two streets. Mloulaperfict repair. For particulars apply to L. FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent, Whitby, Ont. JNO., NOBLE, -D&ALER IN ALL KINDI OP- - Ijuae adrgi* s )MOI&Ail ordtirs orinforrnatfltiCm b* obtslued ýfrontj 'OUN 14OUELEt DiUnd& StretWbltbyr opposité- Hz. A*ý C.- Wil o. t,4rl . 194 IDENTIrM 7 oKigêV ig .?rao ri

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