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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Nov 1897, p. 8

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UQOES YO1JR WATCII RUN ? est:wtshes and several goodiýwil o.tis lug I- DOES IT KEEP GOOD. TlýMýF,*P"*e RARE, th Watoh Spoocialist, Can Repair it and Guarantee Satisfaction. W* No charge for examining 3Doors North of Western- Bank, Osha wa. mA - EIRE- 100 novels at Littles for 5c each.th The Oshawa ministrelu beid tbeir firs un wpractice on Tuesclay evenlng. They have du fl~decided to give a concert lu the music hall bu on Jan 14, 1898. m re iged lnthae a psitin cwichTbsphing ru dI~UflIAIfl E leretLewis, boas been engaged II~ lI 1 h A( a peM akCuryoflurotoR bla ms Ce te osia-t V~JAL LL& ~tno ory sio e p erulnrte ebasr etned __________________________ rigedy. oval disposition wb. aformed mg an orienaln a ont o-boeswo r sn Thebr e alnwirs, ocal, beld lu Ibeir i Mis M anang pen SudaySt ugg efrie an nts he Rxce llenas os ac-th wl br arets pogram hme Tneinsbacuetas. l etndfaucet Mm Witb andsou ofPortPery rendly p ladspo msi onule Sunmd ay M ibe uess aiMrs.1 Bne.Frend Ds agibe Kingoe.ssiwonreToron- Mis Ali Kle asreunrd ras erta, we i coduc then servie. kp visit it Pot Hophrelatves. idney wrkrs scalwell*knowu youngw Mn Deaiband suoan, of Port Peny, eà leg ed ss tbusic.hie 201h yr He the Clnsts o r ejBnertimn o lafreîavg iiet the Kiagfav.ieion, hioronw MnM itcehaelldofaMiell et . port ed causelof hie dtw aa pudeuismolao.J havebtbis mothe r oshuain tchell, 1mai heladieait hrdayol Sn cois . th oîs. e H Manpby and Harry Weeks srnived following officens wene elected for the comiug a homne on Tuesday frona the sortît wîth ive year : Mrs W T Dingle. pres ; Mns Keddie, 1 deer. [est vice; Mns John Sykes, 2nd vice; Mrs -W I Mis Grant, or Toronto, bas been spending Ellis, secv Mis reTaniblys, incas ; organist, 1 the1ma wek iibbe.dagbtr-n-iw n M rs J G Scoti; parsonage com., Mis Wel- Whelasng. h e-auheri-awMslington,Nois W H Thomas sud lIns Joli Now that tbe year la nearly ended, renew Ls rdyngtMsABDml asr ajour subscriptans ta ail weekly papeN~, etc, aato stberay nigbt Ming pemli ace et Litles.college. St Catharines. Few women wlll bic Being very buay this week we have taken mourned and eismed as Mrs Denaili. She the liberty of clipping sevenaliItems firm the wsa beloved by ail ber peaplis and with ai, vindicator.t whom she camne lu contCact witb for be Min M Lavis eR ibIis week for Provi. christian chanacter and loving pympathy foy deuce, R.I., to spend the wisten witb ber ail who were lnt trouble. Mn Demilis mas> sisier. Mis G E Hubliard. frienda bere sonnow witbhlm lu bis great Miss Rose May, wba bas been speding a mfiRictlau. monih ln Chicaawltb ber aiter, Mrs The Reformer will persist lu speaking Moody, retunned home on Friday night. lIghtly of s ueweapecs conductinl publlsb- MrBoys, of Manchester, Mr and Mrs isig anonyrnous luttera bItting et peopltr Young, of Wbitby. and Mm is Cby, af Bow- lion the hidlsg place of u editors sauctum, manville, wene lnn ls1ai weelr attending Tise manwbo *lil[ write such s letter ve the lunerui of their relative. Mr Chas Kirby. hoid to lie a coirard snd as sucb undeserv- We nte y th Breder Gaettetha MrIug of consideratiosi excepi îith a hors.- Robt Beitb. M P, Bowmanviile, Ont, scoe po r the l bnasesiysd acrbu te e sncb a great victory et Chiesu Horse Show. wbo wl rsel n petiy sre uh1 0 coward, sud iurnush hlmn with space Iti which fils favorite backney stailion; Banquo, wnta ventila. bis fithby sature mthtéeou * fire prize over ail conapetitons. blame most. A great. mauy editona cooliy The concert, under lb. auspices of Vic- claima hat tbey are not to0 Naie for auc taris iodge, No. 55, L.T.B., beid in the Do. abominable attacks upou people at tie band&. mnion bail Mondby nlght, atlnsfted àIlare ofcowards, but we bIdtheb.ma uit pub- crowd. An excellent progrtînme was given lishes such esUachu as being werse tissu the. bv thée fOling: So118», bY Meusrs GOd. man wbo wnies b, for the latter eau ouir ail, Mothensili sud Cleverdon ; Instrumuental, seat oseepv Of loutinbte tie 'voY Puesi Walker, Bennett sud SootCma; wbereaa au editor eau sont abroad hendredu moutb orgas solo, joe Rombotugi ; recita pr Ibgfflgde asube =»sas c . ss tions, Misses L Durk, Sslliug sud bMr Job 3Aa snb menu s ren MuXfyili no longer Murray ; veutiloquîsm, Mr Phoenix. 'The make thein paperi sewers for sach filth tise chairwas fllet by Chu Rov P?"cyFletcher çlajs f on ho i. eek 10 besnireb people lu bhis usual happy manner. fom bidlng placées lua evaper sancties George Arnold, s g inst wbom the grand yull ces. C exiot. Jury lcuud a rue Nil son»e two -or - ibW .Whehber lie Inowa it or ne Mn Lonard '~ yetasgo for nurderousiasmiton Turnkey BursettM PIl Iesoretbbuwh vr Bruce at Wiiby jul pailédlivered te the îbank<uI eroWu Thaukub*v gday. As asîbontîn e WbIty on Pît.> iaI. ~ <.iga stand lust »o, bu .pes tis l uold frhsd boom senvng bis trs et London rallier awvd 1: lIn rtard le ibepost. fartstpailpg a bicycle, sud ' aiethe end of ote tov ben*. The Vbiek ater - Re- bis ternithon iae d <W itder armeht, ad îo..er hîvo tgfguj4j onon the quen suMd brought Ce O»t4flo çognty <Iouaver 10 th* b*ve ben bombardlng lin a ugfou sb*po. cbarge1bat bas boen, bangt!pgot II.hie .ed 1TuflS« st bul w.,bellev.e b 1l" 'bel lore. Tii. officer visodellvered bis *0< thank(ut. tforbotrever, but b.cuft st 1141i 4soo reward for bis jappeeltmo. Arnold nol .uiswen the. persoumi md 'f te lb. w *fili b.up (on ýtrial, ln, ail probabilopola uere ite Ilt n sic«y f o vp December, sud standsa gond ctiuui9 et office endd materne bildng, eb"e b? ~ ge<îlujga long teni AtI gtf% Ou wlikih m-taiuly would bave douïe bai mot ohr~e' uîkhlY dgsrvu.* UubOtuu&tO1Y ên bleuSir esta puledt limi apauL la tbis vwxtd <eo' eliver vill not b. Minister of justice 0eigt pi.often laite> ihey bave trouble ào.inud, yqr h e ht ave Gouirge ýAlgr lckbu t athseausMe. tl ile.=uesu tl e end bho umuec toess.10 eeciebis u m mdgl înoulel bey have «Mk tendeuces, msuy otbn ofgréater cUfbM L tf(Afet . Lut- we. e .t'neerd tt becatItut seorfdaii ttd m a <VIeIMOstedS ivo- lit baunmtsof the*ctut rtnk, j S Larke, 1 flamey, GO Wlncott SiddPeùeuy, P =rIl P'Zyle. j Anderson, 1% Wlki*uton Buckley', ï Jýd4s; loDa -,TRitter, WMlryJugy Ér, Brewiî, j -AdaMinCs, ler lugiey, - 1 C1iautera, Mouuef, j '09uon. g Ie'ls eaves thitteen to be te- a e oas the vompasàyýw&a fî trong 111118ve Of 3 cmlssloed oicers. 0f unes here givexs the foliowilug bave swered the lust roll call:-T lÇirby, W T agie, D Riordan, T Ritter,,W Mcllror,1 Dustai, G Cmansd j RichaBrdson k Iled as puat sumuier by B steBin Ibresber. We ft Oshawa thé saine nlght but owîug to ne delay did lnot ariveinOl Toronto tili ýe ociock meixt mornlng. W. reponîed et edtlll rhed et the foot of Slmcôe street, )ronto, ut o oclock. At that titue Oahawa Ld two companys -(rifle. and lnfantry) that aid uot be excelied ini the Dominion. e goverument -bas decided 10 issue edBIs to those who servèd Bt thse front in 6E. In eaue of desthis ilei oniy fair that ebadge of honor should gd 1th le family the deceased. Win Dickie writes:. If eveterana of 1866 of No Rifle Compan i11 cail Bt my office sudl give me their Lmes and addresses. (or any other of that te beiouglng tb other companies,) I will ive them lpiced before thse Imperial'coins Lnding oficer. Mr Dlcklesays bis coin any was given orders by Col Peaeock un ediateiy upon their dlsembarking froni ýtrain 10 foris the- Une ta naret tbe iemy. Thse Feniassý wer'e crossing tbe ver at Hollande Landini wlen thée United stes gun boat arrestedl theui at midstreait id afterwarde turned tlaem over ta thse nadian authorites. Thse'Fenians bad Aded Canadian farmea before the vôlunteens rived and in consequence very 11111e pro- eions were lefI for thse mets. About all iey bail 10 est for thret dey@ was fat park ihardtack. Thse dey tise Oshawa rifles rlved three men were mwanint acrose a lowed field sud refu9èd 10t hait wheu or red to do so. Tisey were flred upon sud ilied. Two were Fenians and ie other ,s a resideut of the locaiity. ýTise eniaus. ,ere crossiug Iu open fiat boat& and .>y on e river three day@ before beiug turned ver 10 Canadian authorities. Several mec Pho served iciu o ý, Coy aire stlii resideuts tise town and no doubt many wili yet Par thse badge of honor lo be awsrded for atriotlc service. Tisose *ho served iu No 50f~as Mr Diekie couid remsember are: U G0ibbtons, Robt Morris, W 19 Mark, Gus acobl, drumnmer, C W Smilth, - Thsomas lhe filstrenglis of thse cowpauY Wu 48 1ficers aud men. Another volunteer of bt time furnishes the folowitn liaI for the fle coy : Cep B Warren; Lieut W D [itchelli; W Dieiie, M Duglea,J Robson, LP Cameron,J Hambiy, Ailan M cLeais, D [cldeau, j Gibibons, Jake Peck, W Patter. or., A Burnétt, j B Keddie, R Demster, NN ýog. as Wood, Sain Wood, G.Pris g le, 1 G eGarth, T Colemaan, j Ciaig, Riciare Dillon, RobI Dillon, j Mitchell, R Morris, A Wc Lean. -Vindicator. -:000:- SL. VIOKEiII, babrber. Simace s#tet.' BROORS' LMVRY, aElmoos twne>eiolh wuM. ROI, ýhameau miker,à" mué t i~.B. OT~RICILLbuther Ziaget., West. On. Pàâmasox, Dential; oMééusover BowWes store. k. J. ST*L'nx-Domainion pianos sud organs, aime"e Street. WuéLLia J. DuÂNI, Dominion snd antan o Land Survopor. CIlvil angmeer, Boz 57, Qala. OoxumeoLaLHA-Ji. 0. Woou, ursir Modert hostelry. nustai o c rl equippet. 0. ML. Toi.-Oatem rfor Balla, hss=mbhtea, Wed. dinge, euppers, et.ia. .AiseU ai hndiof le. oiLox Whttby-O"ba Ssua"e lim Leaves Oshavest S a m nisd Spm, sud WhlItby àa1 iOKaand 4 pm. ffemUm Buwuspatnts Md 4seom * 41. Dere L. îOuxoxr.A. EnIt, . onlitu 8b.st, Oshavad Mt rjohp Lyle hot-, been. appoinied townclerk lestead of of Mr R Windatt, rçsigned. Hie lohg, expe rioenée as a bùs'itiess man and councilor Sbould serve 11m, weIl in hiestiew position. Two vacancies now in the council. A new fire committee bas been appointed and the resolutionrecinded about buy- iàg a 'ntw engine. Chief Jarvis caugbt anqtber alleged horse theif Monday, bie suspicions hav- ing been aroused by bis conduct. The horse and carniage were sold to Jno. McRtoberts for $io. Shortly after an advt -offering $2o for tbe recovery of property and apprehension of thief was seen ini the Toronto World. The owr,- er lives et Jordan, Lincoln Co. This is the tbird borse thief Chief Jarvis has nabbed in a months. He gives his name as Geo Hawkins. -Statesman. EmIlakIeOn. Mr N Byers has removed to farm and Mr John Pye into house vacated by Mr Byers. Messrs W C Tole, Morley Cawker and Bert Souch, young druggists of Bowmanvilie, visited us on Sabbath. Miss Etta Gilbert and Miss Mary Virtue took part in a program at Ma- hoods school, Cartwright, Friday night. About filteen teains took part in the plowing match on Montgotnerys farm, Monday. Some good work was done before the rain. Reuesî of Mn Ws:MiWosîonMiss Dave Toot oM Mis Bon, Mldiss, gue orMntoJibn Miss rwiBlliams, Bow-s ofMn1ville Mn andMis Rllimcsiniey Scugg iMrand Ms Ehelcuis, Tyrone. guesîs of Mn jas Pye. The f ree lecture and social was a great success church being full. Rev j j Rar delivered a most interestisg and instructive lecture delighting every- one. If we do flot mind oui own bus- iness it will sot be the lecturers fauit. About $2o0 was subscnibed towards the balance of the debt. Aongmn ibealclb ilb organizcd bere. Miss Emiiy Courtice, Courtice. is visiting ber aunt, Mrs S Ashton, for a short lime. Rev j P Wilson, M. A., of Oshawa. preached a splendid missionary sermon ber. Sunday nigbt. Mn W j Cryderman bas leased Mns R Marsbs farm at Ashton corners and is busy ploughing. Miss Mowbray, principal of Tyrone scbool, bas resigned aud -will retire troi the. profession at Xmas. Ouerc about $3.000wortb of cheese o Moda.e hehes abotk ot fce beong loaid up e sev en ougmer tei vlageusrndoung n-dayfuihe u bollae the neot ofriacheanom 450 in ail. 1 se. by tbe CHRONICLE of- last week that cream is beavier than hiilk, hence it goes to the centre-ofl the bowl ini the separator.' That ixs ot bow we bave Icuownil <o work. According 10 c>ur expenience the cream, is' the ligbter n s gos ta the centre. the milk being heavien goes <o the outside. Tise Town Connili has donaled $fvsud- exemption fronu arep, aseslarge résidouce 'ou lffôleotd avollues ua shoiter for tise Chiltreus Aid Soetey Modyulght btrgini 'broke tisrougb ea <erl<a oon loto R Wells ,beot sud aho. 1 storebCUls toekal oi on'gelt'is noq kooo wn atws sut<eq. This - ideuly the Wonk otuuiatottfl Tt Price $1) 6 for $5-, HE BSLOAN MEDICINE COMPANY,0 1If Ari LiZing for an appropriate Holiday present don't fail 10 inspect Our large stock of Watches, Jeweiry, Siîvenware, Ciocks, Spectacles, and Silver Novelties, at ail prices, suitable foi aIl purses and people. We have no Old- Stock. Ji Everytbing ncw and up.to-date. Couic and see uis, we wiii please YOU and sel yau goads cheaper tMan you bave ever bought, the same qualltY befone. ust a Word on Watch Repairiflg Are You Aware There anc nore Watche"-poiied by In- experienced watch-makers, than b Thonge, rIt f '6nt4 Or Sio- aag îubied *IthWa Com»pllpOtk rcidlsaesuand wse -wested>b s evétîd ofcbr bestclty, dooara< îrled àl i indgof p to t#4C ftbut ré%eve go bencdit usd1 i ried- SLOANS INDQ ,rt4,NiÇd1 dIat' ome- U4 t* 1l ) t nirvO. Ly ii idi st 6o ue. W5toàà pa5aly, -,aÏ,14tues 5srmIr abit 10 IDo*VI and bail to be aUludin i<rsSIt, >eke~bad, used ose bô0à. my besithBImprp'Ob u ie, ediclne eflec4ed ComplieS ùUtt 1 eau bigbl ecO1d-,U< e ANS oetALç TONIC fOr il0evO1 tIâTUýitlasIdea~ Blood Ptie tfrStd*wIlI4bSd b is aclafet f IL. 1 wiîibe plpâesd,,to give siy Isfonsio I eas6. 1 bvit ei d gtatly in welgbe, au cow enjoy petEt bealtba. Alil dealers or address OF HA MIL TON, LIMITEÙ FOR A LL VOL Xi >~BAI e-od Lil 50c. pel G K N B Boat, Rail or Ocean, flALL ON actual wear. Remember w. are urul- %d. ab quarter for Presentatiat Goode, Low Pces aud Watch Repaining. W. P. STIERICKER, 0V EJNIS ,+ Osbawa Ry. Co's Office, The Jeweler, and Higb Grade- O$HAWA. Watch Specialist, successor to J. 1. BOYD, OSHAWA. IR. C. Carter, Agt. Rubbers8-" Are out ag the 116W8 Sthe same c eain this season in new etyles and in Shoe Shapes, righup to date, but w da ,weat like fro 'qualitiest has aiways oharaoterized them, beoause theyE honestly made of pute Bubber, SE SURE YOU GET GRANYSTIS, Stoves, This oil is prepar and nay be relicdt and others to be oi free froin strong, which accompany i oil. A.H. CH EMIST &J WHITBY, WIRE Geo. A senls the MOTOR,. the Ketal Iutending purchasu miii belore placing il an agent put au îmits can gmttlb. Gcnuue. gaklvaiut, sud ver hisbaû any otiser mei lim. 'Ail styles of Woo sale. Auy information- will ho freely givon b Feis 7, 1897-6rn0. TE Wh] BOARD John Covan, I IFasulu B are-<s week. Ma ýl Watch. Petorbe» tnby

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