4 WHITBY, ONTA-RIO, FRIDKY, NOVEMBER 26,' 1897. NO. 52 LOCAL NIEWS ^LETTERS4 "i [St Reooived IBARREL P (IRE NOR WEGZA N Cod Liver 0 0F, 50c. per pint. This cil je prepared wiîh great cari' *nd nîay be relicd upon by physicialis -,nd others to be of the best- rualitY, free froin strong, uniplea.sant Odot- which accompany inferior quatlities of A.H. ALLI N, CHEMIST & DRUG'JIST, WHITBY, ONTARIO. WINDMILLSJ -AND- WIRE FENCE Geo, A-ox o-,.d Selle the {}Genu1ne ÂER- MOTOR, of Chicago, and the Ketaeman Wire Fence lutendlug purchasers ahould exatmine <is mîli befono placing their order. Du flot Ici an agent put an imitation ou you wien you cau gel tic Gienuine Acîrnotor, thorougfîly igivatisled, sud warrsnted, for ls monry. 1Mare o!ibeso millesosld lu Canada to-day bhan any otier maire. Tic Aerme<or Co. CIM Ib onq hal ueho#qm4lQ ind lm the i he çe tu 0 Ma h thewoti, aithtecprosont Ail styles ai Wood sud rou Pumps for sale. Any Information regarding these outfits w iii b. freely given by writiu.g Ic Foi 7, 1897-6mo. GEO. ALLIN, W HItT BY. WANTED-Induitnous men of characier. THE LINSCOTT ('0,. Toronto. WESTERN SANK 0F CANADA. Whitby, Ont. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. John Cowsn, Esq., President; Reuben S. Hamiln -Esq., Vice-Pres.; W F Cowan, Esq.,- *. F. Allen, Esq., J. A. Gib- on, Esgq., Robt Mcintooh, Md.D., Thos Patterson. Ebq. T H McMilIau ... .........Csier GnueraI Banklng Busines sacLed. Drafts lsaued, payable in ail parts of Can. !%d* United States, and on London, Eng. lakpayable In ail parts of Europe. 3 % P r cent. allowed on Savinga Bank Deposits * ~dcredlted haIt yearly. Sp<ial attention to collection o F4rmwe' sale notes. E. D. WARREN$ Manager of Whitby Brandi. iWÂÀNTED-Thru Iles uto Introdoce a I hmold w0ficl, endid retaus 10o speapersons.1. GAIIOWAY. Toron". Imityour grai--oMs. :bsrkcv. vheat. Every klod that you gofor wgib* the t-p 9zc- iii ba aL4. Secor mute ~ Wet <f Wodtut* otel. n. zIg t, COHEONWLE onass.osuncz Mlanohester Soargeanu W Butooks of tho Queens Owu. To- rento, was visiting ovor Suuday ai tic Revere Mrs. las. Pearsen ha been ou tic slck liai fori the past îwo weeks. We hope 10 sec ber arounud agali 5000n. Alter spending the fait iu Dakota, Mr. John Parka returued <0 bis hume bore lest week. He sp,-aks well af liai paru, sud aya ho wili go out there next year. The membera of the Mainchester Sabbath school intend boldînq au oysîer upper sud en- tertaiumOil< bore au Xmas. Out readers should beur this in mnd aud b. sure <o attend. Throtugb a stight error wo lntimated tiat Mr. JaA. Pears;on la goiug to work for tic Msssey- Harts Co. Instead. however. ho ta golug <to look alter <ho Interests of equalli as good firm, tic Noxon Bics. Cc. ofIngersoil, 'off for the Klonudike and the goltI digginga Messra Suas Fiîchett sud Albert Christie sud the bed.eerng butîuess suddenly look flight last week <c Z-pbyr wbere tiec business will be puai. cd to ut mosu capaclty. We wiah tie young mou every sUCices5 We are ludebted in Mr Walter Boys W.r a choice pieceocf veniscu. He weuî out this se- son 10 Party Sound district for a buLl, sud leat warik sent home a niagnificant apecimen cf deer. Vour scribe would be pieased to go along nexi trne, sud no be aile <c report <lie many exploits of dcci iuuting. M r Geo Ewers la making many improvementa& on the iniertiror f thet own hall, lie doors are beingz tiRzhteno<t. tic windows fixed as as te lift up aud down lu hsudy farint,sud two windows are beiug pieced ai the back of the stage, so <bat thc ucile memiers a? the council board mav more eas:ly sec tirough dâfficult questions tirai arise from lime tc ime. A meeting af tie officens. directorusud aIl those interested lu the Christmas fair, will ho held in thc sttng.rcom of the Revere bouse ou Saturday eveuiug of thit week The date spoken of ai present, as being <ho meut likely day upon whiîci o hoidtheticfai, is Wcduesday 22 prox. Et is hoped tiat s laige number may be prescnî atltie meetins. Who said that Manchester could net bost of ieudsomne young ladlies ? Of course we have tiem, sud lait week some ai ibem succeeded in distiuguisbiug tiemacîlves, For s time tic Kickepoo Indian Medicine Co. bave becu lu ses- sien et Prince Albert. aud uearly evcry eveuing a large number of out young people go over to bear the concert. Au anc oi tic cuertsiumeuts a prize wss giveu tote cbot lookiug gjirl pisEt sud tic wsy fut was docided vas by ballot, tbat i oaci one present bad s vote. Mima jenule M asters of Manâchester received tho larjtest uum. ber of votes, sud Miss Minute Coulier. aiseol < ils place came dangerousl y uar i<. lîta said thai tic Krt Ferrysca kew wbat îbPy were doing when t4"e voted for aur irls. Ausiten eo tTimbe-le seres. The underaigned bas roceived instruc. tiens ta seli by auction on Tuesdsy Dec 7th 1 897. at lot 14. r Concession of Reach. about se adres ýof Hardware Timber. nsearly tilmoale, ud balancIerebaoreuhoad Ileo Male, nd balacce Tem-focash al hauled away. Pairbibka & Baird Ancý tioneer s. Manchester, Nov. 24, 1897-clu 'Il r-' t a GalOXWOOD Mr A Meen succeededt u haggbng s fine fox eue day reSnuiy. Mr snd Mis Sam Disney, of Mt ZVan, spent Sundsy with MIr sud Mrs John Seldon. Sîigis were rununug on Satunday but the fine weatier soon caus e icsuw to dîsappear. Mita Crummer, ai Brooklin, bouse for ber irn<ben Will, wîlie Mii Crummer lsawaay on a visit. Messrs Ememsu andI Harbron have returnod mcom their diii hum t..Tbcy found tic deer very plent1ful sud cousequeuîly brougit us homo as msuy dcci as tic iaw woulci allow tiemu te bnng. Mr sud Mia Fred Lavion vbo for the past iwo or tbree years have been living lu Pet». broke bave moved loto ai midat. Fred uv- ing bt-en cugeged as F L Groonls >e. tailler is nov butiily fulfiliigtic dues t giat office We exîsnd a hearty welcome 10 sein aid tii». inonda. Tic beague is preparng for a litelffr metig an Wednesday evensng I>ec rît. Tii acussittes are doiug aIl 'bey cant lehave a chois prograni Sevenal ai tic otier lbagues arce xped tgolie, prellenu îa &mst s50a getuerai gond d usemy h eccîed. EverVane la ieartlly invited t0 spuusd an eveuing vii tictheague. Mn H EF. 'bevenson wvie bas heen eniployed iu tic big ttIl for tic pat tire years bas er- yod bis conuection lite aud 11« nome t osi" biii fortune elsewberc Donna~ bits tai bare iaroid bas madc maoy fiionds suid Il la ith deep regrt wevo bai h" amOil filto taee us lu bimencfolt bal club <of viiets e vas csp- gain boosem. o.ofl its aroost playemi.M ay ho minrwith unuoulided SucameJ l twe i0 bis muoy tblende.1 sayrtu. staume. Mr i MeMTagamrjluit sec ibait daii coa sat vwece sfIo, a tv uays alcineis ii Meredthitluet presi entu "gvsber daughter, Mns Frak Hammon au i. C p & Our yonne frieuid Sinmaclagg4n rtbâi u Saturdu, sud Sueday uai<hm parseMai Ste Prince Allbent. Misé Lulu Sumahs wasso WIWlt esk *5 unedm=l aid vas uoght neooaar, bw a wglue iy npat ben muaih er mos». Mr ThoruonAmrander, vim amsud fi=*0 Misiceuri, vere vlà *usg ai bMrIP F eu»du Mr& Phoeb &%W W oashOng *»s"i«&-1 Sonait Formssan Trstols-aud«mcd à * C Pl R bec ver- as Banismît anl day Modsyt0 vee l bebpiug d* e â &c atur 6 %> Tho seemîng déamed by (ammsle "ilioe f(W ceamebram Sffd nu"sis CT*gt Luhdmm 10 tadesi camaaseW et S . -I1b l u blymi.ý,b lMIai usmMouesdsen eSUiglh bOMs bu* blltb MiNadVs... If M mam us wsakm. Iluem i ibi isuia *tis 161v om, vesSé b910441p r t '1 1 0 D s b a ao m a - o o P o n b w 4 t r = & a P m P m , . ; M rrom Uxbridge, together witi a number on town, attended un enjoyable party lai Fnl. day eveniug, sud voie tie guests cf Miss NarIne- Hein ge. lie eveniug vasb speni ver-y ploasantlIy by aIL Glat t meet, soir> to part, but hope ta mecl again. Tic choral saciety la ptogressing; l te vot sy encouraging ta note the. inttreut taken a lascertalitly th.e 1 4 s (om tiihe n Society retu thauka ta the 1-pubiera!M6 Observer for a donation of prlnted ilgu1e, 'TbePort Foiny Choral Society' wiich bavel heen postoti on lie books, addlng 10 their appearance. lest Suaday at the close ofthe. metboiast sabbstii uchool Mn W Rose, superintendeut, read an addross expressive of tic regret of tie rensoval of Mr BIM Brlsbin (rom lb. tovu t 'iip nov boome near Coîhorn anti couveylag-lo lat gentleman tl i hestet ln whWh hoe vas helt b y tie sabbati achool sud'ch rch. Mr Brisbin has. sinco bis resi- douce Lrr~rt Porr>', beets an eainesl worker in the church sud every gond work and cause. He made s repiy tb the aUireas. Ne wilI ho greatiy missod. Mfr Wm Rase bas set up a nov seed me- chine in is cievator vilchinlafar aheud of anythlng cf the. kinti ln ue eretofore. Il will take eaice choyer straigbât (ran the tir»sler sud sepuiste tihe timotby, clover, shils, ciOt, uet*différent p les. Il do«s about -as usucb work es vould ubreeor four ordinary fausuisg ig 11kla ulsese&»a vb.u our grains are diay sucb a machite wll prove aofithe blghest value-lu tact la lu. dispensable.Wuus by pover sud âbe suf- Sicout capuclty 10 dean ail16e seeda lu hin part of te couutmy. hi la viti dlacer. regre t rcitisens bave -learuued of the sfrath of Mistardîli, bIoved vite of our laie iownamsu, jio G - rdlh1 wiich occurrurd lu Petes boroa selsw days ugo. The. doceused lady vas acter of a vtry strong ctmtwtou, sud when thse famuily te% moved train bore ncsrly a year *5%@ tise who vere aid aoqtaatntascea hittle tbooghî that bira, Hardill would so seau b. cailed ta ber lut restlng place. UI elasardiba the clulsena aofPort Ferry sympathise viii air Hardilitl loisk aiofau afieckmeanesd doutaI viffsand the twa Utihle &tden lu tisa lmsof a lovlne mother. DIvision cout wuvasbeld bemeon the rM In.- befmr Judre DastaseiLTb* lav cre prenaat mers -RKGrantToroato Gens. Orilia; N P'Pattsrsoa'&u, T WC--à -i snd F Katus. Uxbr'de;, H L-Wbeleti 1K Y6road, Port Ferry.Tise d.d.t vas tarait thirebas bossnMaur menthe, Tb@ coÙ esewm erld a»i dlepuîeof: t bmAC 9 lees* sud Bitish CamiuaÃ" L..o C,>-Af5ti Mrdameage.s. oplalsag IPM Fuý Coat Lo8t Aý-Walars Fur Coet vas 1081 a few days ago.on the road between the firat cou. of Resiband Greeos,,mil, Greenwood. The findetvmlii b. sultable ieewarded by retur c- ing j>i e t tb PbIUI> Parrott. The. coat oq #ý4 lft ,at Asuburn #.0. PHILIP $25. The Problem-solved. People are fiuding out that we toroieli a fonenal and se thoni $5 10 $25 suneci order, rmugng (rom a cheap colffluto a fige clati esaket. Why la lb? We are mtiafied vitha living priofit. Tise de e aunbebnrledilu an appropriai. cofin or casiet fanr a loua prive tIbm bau beten sud lanov obatredby thse majonity o! ondertakers.Our Undçr- takingaýprment in anc of thse béat euat of torouto. AJIlarchersdelivereti sud receivo prompt attention. Wo bave thei BUST 'HB1ARS19sMd' CASKUT WeGON in Ontario county iJ8Bop Furniture Co# W. J. NOTT, MMAÂGS. Port Perry ont.1 ~8DAL5 ht -e0ods$~ ia env lJa od plasiait newa sud tisaIla abatthe lb. o f liI n. upl laumaSOaUbat Sslshed bis engagement tibiai viba ut sipusu af Caningeu uoëid lef cqming bom Ifora Wlale te.oei uias Patteuasbasbeure.eeaa sb«Sd teber ofteeisool hems, Md M6plsk. g*IIl be> - -hu aitheé R"ïlaIrOt. moduaez Ib ise (eodfuttise smbsi*saeioO tar.Ialk. T1se o<issln&atuest..osse aied i w_é taler. - TO Miss Brodie of Clamrernil visiting at Mr. E, REddys. Mr Wii Tomllasou returued 10 Toronto la4t A Thankotiivlng seîvo-e will b. boltI lu tic Metbodisî churai Ibis (Thursday> tuuruiug ai 0.30. The *xeutive of the Whliy ti'wnshlp Sun. loy Schooi convention will meut here on Friday 261h lInt Feit boots, overahoea, lined rubbera, uow lu îr'ck. Socks sud nubbens for 81-75 s Pair, 'at H Ijliday B ost Afleia, litlit tciken cf our love fo« yon tsud the Master Ohester Kelly ls vlsltingfrienda lu v Caihltèeen lu whieb you arc held by aemy tg"ngMember of aur soclety,,And we trust Cuhe. tht asY00 lance over oufeames you willl fTe* aeybenWfrvotlng pp05Poesofitr up 'a Pma to 0our Eeaveuly 1ather there was no sobool aS Wedncaay luat. for li. blessing ous our work. We féel se Eld. C R Iiuet deliverecl a very jnerestlng esured't i t l t are.-au lu the pust, we snd instructiveds ourc nSundiay evenîa on *biflfind sn inventive -b greater carneat - the subjeot e BIr ntI suocesa,' basing bis DésibY' Your«eamplebofluteresting devo. v sermon on tihe tort lfound ln Luke 5. v. tios 1ttglorlous cause. W. shallbe lu. Mr Chas W MoDonaitI ccompauied by Miss splitd ulth gretter confidence and courage d Nete Reso, ialed . murîleSt bis urunidantt4faith ln Goda prom se Nseol o he 7t con . ouil e hs ad06blesslng ou our work. And we shu opnuth@ thto on Wcdnesday afternoofl shal 'b. beueftetd by your wise counsel and penttheeveuingt with friendsinl thatt and tdÃiotîion regardinq the variouqi vîcinity. phases of work connecteciwfth our mission Mr. andI Mia. Epi. Leiman sud MesseW. ary Cterprise. Dear slster, we premeut Reesor and N Howard, wbo wêut 10 the North- yoi5 wltb this quit accompauled by our t west on the harvesliers excursion returnAd lasi eatteist ptayers that Gode riceet blasinq li week. Judgiug from the aniouni of avoirdupois 'motP test UPOn your worthy hugband, oui tissue whicb îhey now carry we would judge 1110o ver$ llhiesteemed pastor, and your i-lu. be a country of whicb the cullusry depaurtînent la toresttig sud* greatly beloved famil, as A i . They speak in giowing ternie of the couu 'well .as où youruelf. M pearce, pres{dent, try and lîs resourcea. A G, Brown, cor sevy." Irs McCamus Mr Goo KeLly, who bau been in the emploi c1 itmdi & very feeling rcply, tbanklug the Mr. F. Spofford bait severed bis counection with ladle% 'for their kind remembrance snd the latter snd witb bis famlly bas moved dowu wOtild Éttcully bear iu mind bhe donors. tu the 9uh con. His place la beiug taken by Mr The (0llowing la thie record of the Port Ooouey of the 8ib cou., who wlth bis family Perry hih chool for the year 187 Foirm moved bere on Moudsty. Âiîhough exceedingly 1- 9118 j BOyue, Etta Id Bryant, Eliza Cor sorny 10 lose such good cititens as Mr. aud Mra. niai (holrÃŽ). Jeanuetta Fercuilon. Ethel H Kelly, we exteud to Mr. and Mis. Cooney the M Fleti*ue, E V Gambie, E M Hambley, right band of welcome andI hope ti: stay with Elva E iloltby (honors), A F McKay Wj us may be pleabaut and profitable. Kelly (baotore), W E Loftus, 1 L Mchrieri, Mr sud Mrs D Barkey, au aged couple, bad a A D J *t'thur, P F McLean, 1 Morrish, narrow escape on Saturday last. Whlle going M L Parkin, Sophia Parr <honora), j A Rae, down Mapie ave. the borse sîumbled andtIhoe A Real W G Rosa, E M RuntIle, E B StiII, bit broke. The horse, a youug bossu, beRan te C H Vv y. M0 G Vickery, R Watson, E F run and of course Mr. Barkey ciud flot coutrol Willa%4J C Wilson. NO. wrltltig, 3.1; ni). hiîm. However, the horse was stopped down on pasa. Form 11, Part I-Lirai. Bard, the 9h con. by one of our souti end residenta, Robt éd B H Bedford, Bthel Blrkets, whost naei we did flot learn. Beyond the Jennie, *-Wî, Bertha Britton, R BruceJ fright sud a severe sbading up, wc are gladt 1 Chrltt@4 k DeLury, C Fetguson, Everiey say no damnage was doue. Foy <honorai L Hoooy, A F Kay. E M Ken- pl PZ"Y udt ~sH.McLaughlhn, Euphemnia PORTMafrl : Emi* Parr. S E Parr, Sophia Pari. Miss Berths Brîtton ia very ill sud cou- C E %-Je, )Pekiu,. F Paxtont, E Savage. A Oiued ta ber room. E Shiti, Watson, M Wadc'oll, Lfzzle Miss Bertie McLeau bas been iii, but la WNeir, L-tr& Weir, j McCu!locb. No. %%rit - now on the moud. ing, .t suap. pased, _3o. Part 11, or primai '* Gieucaîru Camp Sous of Scotland wi 11 exanllntüo-L Baird, B H Bedford, E have iheir annua I St Andrews supper o11 Birkttb, jennie Britton, R DeLury, E Fov Tuesday evcning at the Oriental botel. <(hoà *) L Hooey, A F Kay, E MArtin, C 1 Rv onkn illdeivr te empracéF P~,~haPafr, M Waddell. No. writ- Rev onkn wil dlive th temerace ng, 19 ; ho. passcd, t2. Foren Ill, junior isermon to the societies lu this town, Dort Leniing- Robtî Bird, J no. Christie, Lizzie Sunday evenirig, lu the methodist churcli. D d Ethel M Kennedy, L E McCaw, D The topic in tic senior epworth beague B M-cQoeen, FI. Paxton, Emma Parr, S E asat Monday ovening ou "Thankaglving," Part, Itivs Savage, Lirais Weir, L.aurzt wss read by Miss Annie Whitlock, and waa Welr. NtO. wiriting, z6 ; no. passed, z2. au Iuterestiug papcer. junt9r Matrculaon-A G Chiristie, j Me. Some person or persons thinklng that they Culit&'.A llais Wallace. N6. -writirt, 3 would like to enioy (?) Thanksgivlng, enter- DO.jPsbftdt 3- Form IV, Part I-rplc edth ie Ice-bauseofo the St Charles botel laut Hat sou. Sr. Leaving-Mabel Armétrolig. Friday cveuîug sud stole ten pair c fducks Engy? McBrtde. lHonor Matriculiatioin sud a quarter of veulson. It la a pity some Emtt MeBride (smoud vclas honore lut of the boues will flot sik @teiW-lescasss mathematica, Englisi, German spd wbeu eatlug the stolen fruit. ilst* . NO.wiltIng, 3 ; no. passed, 3. A numbehr ofI unîir laditeand rentîêman . ~NoTT. W. A. I. BE4LL. SI. - Iuuv of lI<mta¶ J4o.usss. ReaIdeno. opposite 'rovuHaII,7zw W A KoNustr, 1D V S.-or4dn&1te of the Ch>. *rr4B 4 s 4soam o! t , d<mz.sllated animals by th.emt a bod math". Alo "d~ 4.ontlslsy.Dai or ugbs Bus romptuy attend"4 1o . . s *d reidonos Loolin We -Have BJ~NKJTSlu whlte sud grey, woloforom a t prives a gln godsfront7 pabe* palrm ite Oso3ilewain $11 obes, areym di or o er u. GROCURY DUP'.-New Ralsln1gCr ranI, Pcels, etc. Fige,3c. 1.b. Cod- 118sh, 30 lb, 3 lbs Mtxed Biscuits 2ec. 8taudard Granulated Sugar, ai lbit tor $i Cus.Brlgbt Yellow S pgr,26 Ibe for Si Cas. Our Own Spclal Baklug Powder for xsc per lb. HIGHU'r PRICESsFOR- BUTTER ANI) EGGS. HoUliday Bro8.,- W~Brooklin, Wlutw e"Leu" itbenshe, 0. 14 (aslos.d ttet athe maena «clelu-danDclc« ad. Goodr La li he.v-@ lfm it is too short at pro sent, A clause wlll like- y lhe luserted to prevent ringiug lu playe 1r0m outside towns. Tii. admission of Bell. eville and Trenton vill also ho considered. St Auidreers Sociebi Will celebrate the. annlvcrssry of Scot- ands, patron saint by a bouquet ut lChe R elhotel on Tuesda'y evenlng, Nov 301h. Tickets $i. Msy be obtained from the offi- cers or committee, or et Rose Brou, E j Joiuaons, Mathison Brinud R S Cor- mlicks. The banquet is open to ail nation- alities. Great music offer. SentI us tie names aud addresses of t uee or more perlormera on tie piano or orgati to- icetier wlth ton cents lu sîlver sud we will mail y ou ten pleces full shoot music, consist- ln% 0< popular songa, waltres, marches, etc. arranged for tie piano aud organ. Address - POPULAR MUSIC PUB. CO., IndianaSpolis, Ind si-6. municipal Polittes With tic exceptions of the Indications a mniorr iofthe inon i'otncil0i'i affora by acton ln tie îowu counc ,tiere le uotiingC visible on tic surface- aif mnicipaIllitica bore. One thlng one 1em on evory baud, sind tiat la a strong expression of hope whicb launuanimous, tiat Mayor Rutîcdge many stand for th ilvlc i'hair anothor year.- Even tioso wio wauld naiurally becoine aspirants for is place agree liai ho siousld ho returiied once more, Aunusi Meeting of the Onturio Agricultursi Expenîmentsl Union. The anutual meeting oais ii'union will ho ield st tic Ontario Agricultural college Guelph on December 8ti, gti and rtt. Re- Iporta of tie resulta cf the years ex perîmeuts in q griculture sud dalrying Wll ho pro- sented andti lscussed. Addrosses will b. delivened by. Dr jas Mille. C C James, M -A. deputv minister of agriculture, C.C Creel- mRn B.S.A., andI otiera. Excursion rates bove heen arranged for with tic G.T.R. andi C P.R. campanys. SentI for programme 10 C A Zavlîr sec. agricultural college, Guelph. Dont Miss lt-Sons of Kagland, Jubiles Supper. Sussex lodge No. 5, S. 0. E. B. S. anial suppor wlll b. held on the. evening cf Tues- day Dec 14tii., in tiecocuncîl chambers, Whitby, A gond programme la being an- ranged.- Speeches, patriîl songe, recita- tions, antI musical selectîcas. ?Ar Barlow Cumberland, Supteme Grand Presîdent. Dr Hadgetta, Siapréeo Grand Vice Presid- eut, John W Carter, Suesrem'e Grand Secy., cf Toronto aud ailier promineut - gentlemen will- give addressos: Everyoue go aud have a jolly nlght w1tb the Englishmen. Tickte 35 cents. Subscriptios Rates, x%&5 CuaornicLucuti nd f If8(nov) $1.00 CHRitoNicLE andi Weekly Globe 1.50 ÇHiRONiLE sAndIWeekly Mgail î.bo CassoNteîc eandI FasmiIy Ierald 1.80 CHROtICLIB anti Fatn sud Fîrosîde i. o CHntoxncLr.anti FarMing {weekly) 1-90 CiieoNiâ&e sud* Farmer& Ativocate 1.90 Csoix cî su,é d Montreal Vltnes i17P ano$~ n d TaotooWouid 306 CatwiLCrand Toronto, DulY? star ii.oo. CuatoxMt*0s4d venng mlti .3 lt-Agents Of t isé CHoNECLcW m pleust malte a note of lie above rates san a c- cardiiugly. 131-of-Pare of St Andrevi fi enny put ib. Kettie ou We'l ail ha. ee,, MWenu-Oysler soup, Scotch- brou, tuba/s tntfil P celery, bloc pointe on tbhaiMrabol, beet sud chiciscu islad, blietioor longue, totuato sauice, tripe, -pois sud leens, roosat b.d, baketi ham. champagne sauce, billd talles, bawlei, stewet c-orn,.saumau ald, Young bulbIyJoek, êaub.rr sauice, mallard dock, aipple mtiee, chappit *»"p, chappit t aties,,gieen pesu, macaroni su cheeff. leson, toirto# puddi lo w-e suçe, rusb, aipple Pie, m'Ince pie, fiaupacisa, ciiolate Cake.,icant cake, ast cake, cuitant bon, casuiSts, jceOuï vantila ic- creamf, wbim 1iemte, èp*e, atIsol brase, (ta ordties, mlka ls risns, banissi e nciserskeis. bocki. IPeoi bèbuna £owmoald 4aro10obains«ï>u bllshed sA evbook "Tg Ut#d iTlimnt; xstory (or the 'CInb sid 'Society, 0» asnd ltme <tivc' mra." Tisa st0tY I5tle 5 aOtito~hîi XLqrI il lilial The Presbyteraa Sundty achnol scticlars will be given a frec social on Fulday cvening, bv tic ladites af tie W.FPM. S Mr. Wm li-ar, frem ucar Myrtie bats rented Mr. las. Liddles fai au 1 bas iateiy been busy doing sme plowlug on iî. Mn Elerry Bidule hai givetu np bis leageecf the Litdîse faim sud bas advenîised to sadI bis Iarm Gtock and implementa ou Dec 2fld, Drr. Lamhly wlll preacb s special tempernce sermon in tic meuhedist churci next Sundsy mornlng In tête cveuing tbore will be a tianke. glving sang service. is Eddy annotinces <ho annual Xmas clos. ing ai the Ir. Dept, cf Brookl in %chvil to tnko p lace on tie a(ternoona ai Thursday sud Friday 1 Dec 16 andI 17 P4trticulars Inter. Big pnices weereeau:ed ai ibe sale of standing timber on tic Hall propert, on Tuesdsy. The wood lu mostly soit but tiere was a brisk de- maud for il. t: bnouit double tic price tiat &orne adjoiniug Iota were mold fon Ista l. Tic Birookîlu akaîlng nink le lilcnly te soon ho asomcihiug more <han talked of, The fipld back cf Miii& tin shop is being tmade rcady fur it, and if the cold weatber enntinu--o It le hoped thstt tbere wlll 8000 ho a good sicet of ice for skating and hockey. It will net ho covered. tie Thanksciviug 'cri givon by <ho W.F.M.S of tic prrabytorian ebtîrci wlll he ht-Id <bis (Thursday) evoning. Rev. Mungo Freser cf Hamilton will give bis lecture,. Froui Exypt 1a leniiialem." sud Misa Fraser, wio ia a staleuicd elocutioniat, le also expectpd ta ho present sud take partInlutie programme. 5