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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1902, p. 2

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ay Mince Meut. - Three cupa chopped beef, six cups tait applm lineIy trt*»» f*ff-a", ara -Ãœp ech go.r ard eider,, twocups aclraigine, nolasm an Orearu Of Chicken Son. andeci amui', half grated nutmeg JOlives Oelery Salted NÃœts and hall tabepoon. sait. -Bake iu Roast turkey. wlth oyster two cruets. Cra.nbrry' Jelly Pluut i )4 Chieken and Oyster Croquettes. Cataiap Pickles Chop cold boiled chicken very ,fine, Potato -snow Cre amed éqdW eason-to taste, add a 14tle mlnced SCa1IOped Caulilower parsley, and inoisten-witlh cream suf- Qlioken algd .h4le stat ficient to make a paste. Add- u ne Fmui puddingMIfnS e t weli-beaten egg to each one plut Fruis t cake pw rZken. arbol laÈge oysters- and 0W»!?.. two or three to each croqvuette. Sea-' --son and coat thickly- with ýtie chic- SUPPER. en çroquette mixture; -dip In -dry' Ohcken and oyster croqutteâ Lbred rumbs, the,,n eog and ýo1t OMWn reaàand butter sandwiche. tl ra rm».Fyi epft Sttabrres u 1.17 esci ~ arud drain 'on brown ýpaper. Gariiish Ohaecolate alnut cakewith paraley. Tea Coco. eilci Trille. - Make a. sponge cake with six, eggs, two cups sugar, oe Ormof Chicicen Soup.-Wse tablespoon'lemnon juîce. half cup houl- laM, at hiken -carful 'ut ft Ing water anid two- cups sil ted fleur. lnargefatphikettle y> J> ineBeu$ tjie yolks a nd Esugar until light, 98jto a soupaoketgie winhteontigallon J cold water, and let lt cornu loIydflo.oigteytr tifyWh- to~~~~~~ ajot d n.tapo poil whites,- next* the. hot water, then 4 si 1î La eflour. - Bako 'in a larg loaf. and skum care u;1y. Letn it tae oot he entrlev @lQwlky until thre chicken ru quite e co aeot h e'elpv decthontek it p. M og >an iich rim on aides and - bot- up on>amal miJcp~l nlon a sched thre cake rather full of 04mmr alf au hour loger, -'. 11I 'i*~de and outside with pink* frost- sêrta.Retru t t tie ktît ~ ing. l)r1intire syrup from pr"srV- hall t.acup rice and two teaSpouarS e oceeti avsai iitr sa1t. Cover thre kettie sud 'et , the cnyt ftb ak it hm Onup bli until the rice s ladQoe, &en Spinkle with a few blached - and, Wf a littie strawberry.syrup.. ýDo 1iýO a en-ound tureytake onte serving. quart breai! crumba, hall cup butteri , ocolate. Wainut Cake.- Make a Sin bita, one toaspoon finely pW>"- ood layer- cake after an y preferred dered summer savory,- half teaspoonI recipe. 'Pot- the fillig whip -tire powdoed thyms, 'and sàit and peP- iwllites of three eggs until. very Efiff, per to tastie. Mlx al .weU. togethe,ý add confectioricr's sugar enough, 'tq Rut, the .turkey wiUr sait and PeP- rmake r ather thick, 'hall teaspoon per, thon put in a spoonful ofthte ortalson mle h-1 crumba, foliowed by a fow, we1# aillanc1 hr'al .cp .Eish alnut'ho lrodng olut th"ed latters(rl- meats."chopped, ffne. Place betweeni lovng nepi.t te uttr f 'Dr helayer-s a.nd over the cake. Decorate turkoy), and continue tis uritil the with 'ttlved Englisir wainut ýmeats. bird la full srnugh. Do. not 11ti It Loo fuit, or the -atuflingwlll bc bmevy. Daste thrs turkey wîth t4 A CHIRISTMAS GAItDEN.- oyste iquor, and cook until tender Thce ider u nes -were t red of the, and rtctrly* browned. ëonNentionaI Christmas troc,' but net1 Potato Snow.- Beat into oz* lu have- one would disappoint the' quart hot mashed potatoeï tour'4a~- tls tolks, for nething ever tried- bleapoona butter, hait crzp cream 01. 6ual.9 a tree, to their way. of thiu k-. .pllk, one scant teaspoon salt ad«-u i g Many plans, and- thinga wero daak *1 white pepper.. Beat -t ti 4ked uver by a. certain. Suinday6-' ougt4y ,wlth a tork, thon hast -, An sçwol commlttce. Tbeffie -Wero ,al -ýqU1t*lY t *stifffiy whipped whit W ofl 4. Why cin't we hav~e something êgrethrougft a hotd %eý,?" a.nd the speaker. suggestoçiua soedra~,serve ut once., eo ee l"nstead uf one large -troe,I the potatSiii 411àback of te t caý" everal sauitone&,~"Tis fi/1l * Il t I TEE NEW MIii£ER'S PRESENTS. F - - HIISTMAS CANDIES. -For tirs more fa'rcy caudics tlrore aro two ways etf making thre crearn that la tire foundatien etfîl Lite' varieties; eue, uncooked, by usilr.rg eggs tirhe othor by beiling'tire, sugar. Tic latter la tre best for Gandies tirat are te ho kept -several days. Foundation fer Caudy--Xo. I Separate tire wirites of 2 eggs fwromù tire yolks, measure tirem -sud add thre same slxrouut et watr. Str un- ougir powdered sugar te'make -a paste. stiff enougir te mold -jute FeuudatUon for Candy-No. 'Put into, a sauýcepan ,,twite.- as mucir granulated sugar as water,. ay 2ý .cupe water sud 4 ut sugar. ' irerr.tire sOugar îla about t!is!gblvda set;thTë psu on Lbe steve snd beat-7elowly.., Do u'hé',iTn iýâtre nf1eMj-m tscOok.f;ii- -brother ansd their famies,, aunts, uncles, sud cousins, to corne.. over early to-morrow sud est supper, sud for eacir te bring somotiig for -tire! "Eill, tirey came .and tirat early; t seenléed as if tire message was ailj ViraL was u eeded. We were moady aud iad soon -set bofore -tirem the usual Cirristmas tfare, wfici- abounda lu good tiigs. Tire. supper. over, aud tire kitchen tidied, wve distribut- ed ou r preseuts te -ail, aud I , pro- ducod my "jokers" to jellity tire oc- casion. 1. tien turuned to our cern- pauy aud said: -"If Jacob don't caýre, we will havýe tire boys set-tire diuingf table -sud chairs eut ou tire porcir, se as te mnake,. room for - an eld-fashipned.-gaine etf14inl-rnau's buft, -sud aU will pl$sy, rom six . te '5.years '-eld" tirat inclucled -ail). They all couseuted, even. te Jacob. 'Weil, of ail tiré laugiring we irad it tirat uigirt. -Yousgrpûld-,have ireari -the-chidren laugir 5ud clap -th.efr- EE<-EEEEEigar-case, cigarette case, ir ciarette ash-tray, smokifj s tag namieplate, coat-hanàee, The approach o! Christmas,' whjile ring,- tobacco, jar, pair siùspE ft is -.tooked -forward to by meet ipa ;-e sae, tc pn peopflb a the happieat time- ut , tire iseaxnpin, hand-kerchief, nèCctic year, bringa with it mary' attendant pers, books, qjýamp 'box, box car%_ses nd . anxleties. C'rying out gastoaçpoucilyo tire Di-vine rmessaige of Peace onlets, fur-capi glove case, hltdd] Earth, Gîoodl-Wjll te Wen, it lias bè-l case,-lBible, 1Collar andcuff lices corne tire customi, as a token of - the 6 rush,. clothes brusir, silver good- wil' man bears to-iris fellow, smoking lacket, bath robe,ý dr to make Chrristmas Day kaday et tgroéwn, or smoking cap, feasting, aud honor At with- tir - do-i. A yeung lady migdht -hcoeü nati on..of presets, * which irLve!e yapi fbae lppý1 taken znauy an heur in cheice ajnd pbyi a ir oet bfaedo.d sli e preparation. Sca rceiy have thre-- di- pettieoat, s àilk blousýe, silk gestive organs, so sadly ovrerturned new!'hiat, J. ace irsudkeorchi e, inl anv 'casas, not -se muet witW Vtire box,' bottie of perfume, w o quautity as ÃŽvith 'the .quslity of .tire'o et irzlatest books, sofaý Cu Christmas viands,* been restored by Ir-amy-day coat, burnt leat hpri m-edical aid .te theiîr. normal . con- grph holder, -4pocketbodlk, dition, ere thoughts are -turned te f faucy, bolt . buckle, toilet set, - the next Christmnas. F(Qr-tiwith mnanyt cure, set, pull ox salve box, have- been knowii te start point lace-.-sLretcher, -WhIÃŽst- counters; . handkercifs, or'1éeriteëpieces.. and atgrottes,*saltsibottIe. perfumie1 great variety bM taucy w ork 'lu pre- ink-well, pi-.k ac tt paration for the uext Christmas. >ring. pen-h, rae, nc. saè Otrnefot sef ar-seeing, màLe no, Chain,. neekiet, ciratelaine,N such tiougirtful pro.vision, -and beave r stick Pin, ,. papçorknebo tire queâtiôn -of ~e sents, until, they shoe. horn, 1buttou-irook, j realie thatý Christma4 la buta. week in9unted Wiik or brush, er Smore uway. Ilow ,often one irears j cr,-..ors, nail polishor, nailjýsci '"Whatever will, I get 1)ar':-11glove darner,. silvor chat( Wonder - what Jack. would ,-like 9",f thimble, tirimble-holder, nuýed) <'hat'll 'I sent, te 9 »-and-,So3? hat brusir, opera glasses. 1t5se Som etthee xprssinsare -utter- brcabac china., lorgnettq, ed in tire deepest déespair. Qi~Ie ae miniature brFooch, 1lira quently .th1eý fatnily take counsel-, sterling._s!lver chain pré startlng off -wiren 'dad»* 18,out, sud imirror or irand brusir. wheu - a dé iien 'hra been, reached, FORU CIIILDREN. "da" i clled, -i and "ae"i A boy may be plea.sed wijir innocently away calling:. o r shop- et skaàtes, -hockey stick àand- ping. Tirus ev»ryoUe knows. what Uenty books- Boys' -Qwn, knil the other las goirrg te get, but is. QI *àtdicr suit, silk .scarf, I Ir left in sublime, ignorance as -te' irs chief,, football, lacrosse sticl or.. irer own presents. ThiSI plaÉn suit-of clothes, pair of boots, works well iu inost cases, but oc- buttons. watch and chirin. air casionally a -younger membher efýtheire parler: game, set of boxii4 I Arb cespir'cy eveals -tire gréat pair fetiirocassins, aegjb serto r tauningWy- aye, ý Oh swetr- sud toque, box of p kneW_ htyu'egi-te gie".bü h Ié*' antern, tolchest,i 'Now, you -mustn'1t toli-if. you 'do I antern, dog -liatrness, crayoù~.9,1 know "'chiures in,. somebody. board. Fer boyýs noth.ing bette Blesides, tirere are people wiro write' be sugW>eted ,tirau 5soie nièchi down a list".of alIle peet they t ly, wiicir arouses invent1%tone would like te haye, given them o'n t youtirful mind. lu tis iine Christma. Fe sIbdsr us e o, suggésted a. littîs enginn n-raking preseutaitioïn-s cati pick eut ýsteamiboa.t, torpedo boat, 'r.ý et tis list a; certai n present -snd ie hp g gu ein ectrical appar-stu sure et str ikùng s. omethinig-- tire re- ias been- aptly said apytiig cipient will likeà. - will ýmake a noise or a racket 'TO mall bys, sucir as toy pis4ols WIIT -. CTOOE ainuonbugle, or hen.. Vet agin aret o e w o a e fo Little. girls have a. - reat'ýfn tire remotest iàe-aî wht presents te for -dells: sud tiroir 'app urenu buy or -get, sund it is for those'.,u-n doll's; set, tes set., set our ;nauy ',,a., wory heur- of brain lwory pet sweeper, doll'n caririagý- that tba toÃ"iovinLy'1, LP.aa+nnna t I Own.An.nu&mi hnks n f vnI -1 tnt» iuni the 018hilaîfu, thn upoutrl Avo'e ne ou» thlck Whte saucecov-1 er cWuly, and 1>oke in a. quick OVCQ fer 20> minutes. ý Ctrickou Salai.. Mix togetlher two CIups dicod celery, twd cuips diceu I coIdctiikeu xulhall cup blatnchedi and coarsoly chopped almonds. Mois- tonr with mayonnaise and keep very, cold until tiarie to swrve. and theu turn into a âalad bowl. po;ur a. lit- tte mayonnaise Over the top,a a ga*'mliàr wkh clcry sprIgS.j ~OfeeStraww. - Utoil pull pastC ose-fourth inch thick, sprinkil. one-1 hatf wlth grated chec'se iS>açntýd wih sait and cayenne, fold,- rOI1. ad a«aln sprinkle with ,the 'âeason: ed chem, ;repeat, eut. in strijs, rivel ladikm by oke-fourth inch., atid.bako ina bot oven. Serve- 6n a doiiy ini litite rinigs of pull paste. Plain -Pudding.- One pound rais- Ina atoned and chopped, one pound owqants washed andt dried, tlree- quarter pounit broad crumba, hall j": t go e w l ---an t--- I'- *>""-"in" whi Wte. sud' stlff. .Takeo 4ut tire iug ua a -gooa tie. Our neiglaber woIcan trlnre ith paper- flowa- spoon sid kuead witlr.- tire bdnd- un- B eald hire enjoyod -iimeëlf Lie,: best ers. glt sud ethor or-flarnouts. Tlirf 1t ls sooth andsoit t. I t bc- ire ever ¶id lu-;iris lite, net ex .ejptiu 8smêîl gif ta iruig on the branchres, cornes to liard at any. tiirné, add a whLeu ho was a young man. So; you. At their trunka lay tiheiroavy pack- .~ rp tbtwtr - sece, we -did celebrate. tiges, 'About -tic gardon wa.s a-hedge Cocat CrasMt-sera - 'of la~urel wit-h wild, overlastiug flew- fsik ef-hcoaeb reku nt T HRISTMAS TJ-REB. ers, dy4,> varlous colora,tidetreh brucur.lutrewidwssd -aote ta, and puttirrg thireuinto a bowl,.There lu so much jey udnd eligit and set o-ver a, kettie of boiling wa- to tire cildren lua, Chiristmas tree the gar-deu were vegetables, plâoed tm.Wllrir hooat, la x -neltiug trti rpympayà tire trouble of for artistic - 1ect.Ail the roorus were~~~~~~ fetoe n4hevrrefo- akb a cream tfrom. recipe No., 1 and proparation. I i a agreat addition wercfesooled . hévegren, low 1Irorn it mold a. numbor eto thimblo- te thre children's pleasure te let t-hem ers, bittel.swcot .9orn uand fruit. Iuisîape bu nml og hel1p, mak-e'-i ready. They can st-ring thegaren or- alitie oy ud ir i ot her ona uttered pair to dry popomu sud crauberries, polish -tire clesedlucotme wrosevewlLt fo'r ên'. oum. Thon, -using: a wooden a-pples, rý.ake tire coruopias fo0r noutirer pair, as -carriers, takiugtiettpikolîd them n i aicaudy sud cut tire paper -for -long pî'sents. as Sauta Claus calld -tire plece into thir meitod chocolate until fest~oon, aud enjoy -tire work. naines, to tiroir owners. DBofor thre;i1rogycatd Futem nth Long strings of white, and dàrk - r-nts were given, a iiterary and patr-fgî ni iecrclt c iseppr unid o mk xi';.icîrl pregi-ain was carrlod out byhy - s 1a- strings long errougir for festoons, the ciliren and young people. Nîit Cd.-aeaèe by usiiîg folded once and tut noamly acro!as I Crid-'Mke ~rarnfr-oui oach .side -inu altorriate alits, Irocipo No. ansd lrou it ruold a Cityý Chap .(aiigrily) -""Look nrhrelite alslav rad openis into a-gracoful opeuwoiçk trim- liere! -You wnrrsnUNd thiqIrorse -to. - uior6 îgis ant. u rg. Made. of tinfoil tiis ià-won- me to teLe etirely wrthout taults-.f hehllofa u o eci id y .~prtty -on tire trce, but ,tiis andno 10 Ifind thtî h sde al pes1gte friy i Ile. ia rnust - ho hau-dléd carefully [Iinid!" Country alis s(cretlly) Illilupessgdsuga*fr-. sunPci.ad- net laid'down alter iL is 1strétçlX "Wa-lbindines aint a. Isul it is fAohr dodu u- ad d-open. -Pretty -festoolha are aise an, amHiction. raelycopn n ic fni imade by itra .grings of gôd, o iae ..o'ig,.. -kido ut iv int-paer actings o p or 7n - ~~~~fine and working ,tîrom thmougli tiresre ap.-Stug 0fnL sd anlraisins, are oimnav#eontal1 as well as creain -Thi4 s la uoldod.-squa-re. andtootlisorno. - iu-ineedle sud coàrse eut jte sces u mc thik. Itîrad str-ing peanuts- and raisins al- Figad Date Candios-These c an- kter-uatoîyi, or pOpoOUu and raisins..- dies are made alinost like nut -candy. 1 ntbr-1rmo eoain st Tire figs-are torn-lu two, and tire wr-sp peanuts iu fringed squameso creaur rmade by cither recipe is ru- gay tissie« papers ançl tiè thern, fo serted. Thre dates have thre seods ýi tt cord or colored string- by leop- r-omovod, and ýtheir place is -filled I inq tire cord arouud thein with onre WILt. PRtOVIC>e î-1th r crarn. ioppedfltgs, dates and iknot They fook ýpretty citron eau be used exactiy like tire -GeL some - English- waluuts. and choppes] nuts sud are tirougit to hoe spîit theui. Take - eut the oas - more delicate by uîany people-. iich wiîl de fertire. ChnjaLmras - 1candy or cake. 'Write a *'fortune" A SIMPLE, -iFÂUlY CHIIISTMÀS. for eacir nuL on a- littie slip, of ps- -u-per--audgl thLe sheils- togetlier IL .was on Chiristmras e-vo -ami agari, î'th tieg"fotune" naid, fols ra dciednotLe'hve ou jWork a tack into tire steo end atter - annuai gatherinrg, - but as t-he - time tire glue la peýrfcctîy dry; tis- ilii r - - r-w uar,'I hg~ t be tatWOserve t-o- suspend --.iL frorn tire tirac,. -' ougit te have sente celebri o irits trre'swle.~ jthen gild the; nuts ailev er qknd bang, fà-ner, f- .fr-ouithre bougis' witir nar-row rlb said té) -Jaàcob, "I belle v--,'v ougit i hou. --té go ote owrn a.d. 1ùG in ZL ew ope or- alls ar-e.iretty on a tree, - 'Chrristms joyg." 'So >we went, and.f and 'these aunl s littie homerna-ci 1i ady .*ill - h-o ut. lu thae decoms- Ile- eeiu aticles adrni _sh in sd r _ ing ef a ,iittfe troc. '1isides nuts anI a0.1got pink',î ctlren can bhe exciu-ded wile tire 'nee sund iid'itebôs *ihte i dr-ssed and, the proS-ent9 ýput !,nedleand. red yarrvto irold tire jon su ad it W-ill be.-juat as beautiful, iliidreu's caudy, nuts asud popcoru. sud wonuderful - te - t4xem as f t hey - .1 had taken1« r ii evërýIa nice yollow t ri e rle 'eàrayfr L - -roil-z etobrbiLter, Ebut I}lid flot sayj I money cIIISTMAS MOIiîMiNO VirennL ea mti -re retur-ued 1in-rade ral n Chirstints - Uoruirrg. darkor c ~ :3' Christms .-resaud dr-ow tire sofa mirite, ~, arross thre corner- lu friuL t ofit. - As IThee homie.is happy, eyes ar-e hr-ght, 1stood cooking sud thinking if ouly Faces mnerry, voiceS gay, -* ur let! reatve tIdneiglibors Speak Love's blessing on tire day. S weuld core, Jacoh rernarked: -Are . ~ yeu looking for tire beys and their Oun Christmas meruingi be iL spent folks over'?" "We never know wiro Where tinta et -brigirtest June- ar-e may tore,' replied, "sund auy- bleut --wayp thre weather is 50 cold that 'fropic tashien; ternpest tossed$' - cooknng wil'-keep, Iel. But stili.-IR -Inbejeweled, gumd'ii ret -think eue ougirt to ceirbrate." Af-- ---ter dinner I cal.e my-YO'Ugest ,bey Ou Christmras mcruinz &His fair were l a w.oonspoon, snd' ceine witil oye giasses, ulUuinbrellarts;su cigar-case,. - having aj)paratus-, ce>ru wrte, and. s;crew, -cuff-linrks, set' oet studs,, p reite-aL . rntbcoset, - te bacce jar,, fur opnon. cap>, fur coat, g.untlets, ' signet- ring, Masoic or- beniti- ring, ýpair- of a ialy cu llîtar- brusires,-cigar -ash-tray, mau " oti hag. tag. coat , ha.ugor,- pair silIver- wher-e outb lm ùu ted - r- eilk s-asp enldo s,.-.place.of I pin, silk muffier, match-case, -p air îniake< ,.yc t elippers. inkstand., box oet cigars, eped aruichair, desk hiottei!. or, yeur oc ho a&. subjE For mo{irr-or, an' eiderly.lady, s thswh sýuggested, carviug fset, bread-f ork, tre1 . roast-f or-k, .tes-hall; 'ber-r-y spoof, picture gal soup-iadite, ceese-scoop,.- - cuL-glass b4ar-n bcrr-y-boWl, vase,. decanter, vinegar- -et-her peoç bottIe, car-afîe, kuife and,- for-k rests, auprised sait sud pepper ,set, -.- canidelabraqiu rI chaflug disir, bisc.uit'-jar, runarmalade poular t pot,,tes set, f.rui.t set,«,1butter .dish,'batyo fsncy sirawl, tes- gown, ihouse geWn, -- Umhrellaý_ shawi,, fasciniator, caà,pe, - ua-co irouse'slippers,,*fur-iinod. gloves, ilk erected b. scarf, irandkèeliiefi, tirimbleJ, spoc- 1husband, t ace case, wr'itiu-g. cisk, 'ver-k-basket 1 in*s l rocking ch'airi ptckage-.self-t-h'reading Jagain."ý 4' ___________________ III 'i 'V1»k i - j, - F i i. mors. - lto tiroi-r ô -he . ý4em by th£ y MI1 Lheir-ears wlý, ôniy tireruselves ah4 as ïn work. You nèx ul tuted, tactlul ina4r- kr-hop" -lu societ-, aside etfiis or her c blusine ss. If you WiI urseîf - agrieshle t. not makie your 4i lcuPittiiw, NWatever ocçt et converstiýv m IL cannot pessil ead," thimk, observe, Illeriles aud nmuseur[n' talk about tiringsl ple 'viii enjoy. Yo4ý te find low i twxill in;tke yeu, n i-.viii ýadd te tire e your 111e.- rtain. ce.metcry- isW )Y àWiduw tdher heariug tisinsrIl Cpeaco --untit m ':~Iî~ I , idum ý f

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