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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1902, p. 5

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*..see@. I *FOR X-MAS.. 'ERFUMES-We arc> oftering- a beatiulli I ! erfuaies by ,alLbh b-t nikters andin Ehanidsome pack- ,gcs, f romn 10c. te $10. 11km BRUSLIES. W, 1ld lu'Price ai quality. tbony, Satfin Wood sud Olive Wood b.-cks.. Ailprices. SPECTACLLIS and EYE-GLASSES ln, goid, gold fWlld, nirkie und alnm- inum (rinmes. Eyes tcsteýdand propel'- iy fitted. PIPES-.1 large assortmeflt f rom .15'. up. TOBACCO,ý CIGARS ANDU TOBAC- CO PotUJS, ini boxes .iuast the site for Xuas gift.s. Cigar c-ases, etce. Call and get onýe of our'. beautiful calcudars for 1903. DRGGSTand OPTICIANs B3rcck 54.,Whitby. TOWN TOPLCSe Next Thursday is christmuaisyand we trust yenoi, ay cLjoy 5 ve1W imerry Chiuroli Notes. R.eserve Friday oveniîng, Dec. 2tb, for -he amas tree sud catâtata te ho Igilef by "<Sauta Clans Defenders" in the Baptist churcli. On Sunday mnemnng neit 3ev. V. Il- iEmory wiIl give au luteresting ad- dreas te the membecf tth* lSabbatli echpel. Members or Lbe sehool. are !req-sisted to te in atiendane,,and te ocOcipy the front meats, irà the Tabel l3rlatLcas - Se iii 100O. cie t perft regular 15ý. Two pair beavy iyool soek& for nt ItosuBrus.' Alliis Beef, Iren adNieL bust toule. 80c. per bottie. el (an -i I K v - a healyTail WDol 25e. the Servant Wu, Goo whe DweWi tuMra ]ELB Two pIeuanUt ftrot rooIa, furnih- edor unfurnis4ld, with Use 0 >aO., The cottage on Ce.tre aStreet oppos-* it.e the Tabernacle Sunday achool. Ap- p&Y ýat th: office. Ladyla gold watdi, between Gilbert and Centre Street nôrth. Please re-> turai to this office. .Whitby Xrw's lPair. Sweepta ke pria-es for beet' drauglit and be.st 'agricultural horme or mare on halter. Open te il Whitby Christmas ifaIr. - Thie.winter £air %tVhitby on Dec- culber 21h will be 'th bst, ut any yet held. Be isur and remember the date. Come and. maire it' a success., On YFidy t'Noir..21s t., old. rimmed spectacles between up-town station aund Whitby Juoction. JFinder will be- rewardcd by leaving them at this office. The clection eof fticers for'the cil- suing year wil taire place at the next ragular meeting on 'Monday, Dec. 22ad, at 750O p.m. sharp. A. large attendance is requested.» Nature Stîi4y. Watch out, foi! notifeS of a great edicational' meeting to take place in the town hall at Whitby -on the even- ing or jan. lOtbh, the siibjeck -being nature study, whieh Sobool finspector ,Wau.gh is,-taking snch an active in- tere.st inla& oOIIntion wjth the Whit-ý by Fair. Falier particulars in' fut- ure issues,, but reserve the date. Mr.s. L. Brown -represent.ed the s. o. Wome 's Inétituts at the-speciad session )el< La conneotion with the Exppriméeatal Uion aat, Guelphi, and reports a ve ry 1 nteresting.- and en- thasiat.sU aUiering of the delegates f rom th. différent Inatîtutes of On- tario. Miss Bessie Li#ingston, of the Normal -Sool Ottawa, was present and addressed'tbp meeting. ConbinaUon Sale. The subscriber. bas teceived instrnc-. tions f rom Mr. V. _B.Woduft i by publie auction, at the Old Âflll- strong -flouse, Whitby, to-mor.row,' Saturdayt: Dac. O0th, at 10 o'clock a.M. the. folflowing articles--bcd rogom settaûcompIeteý 1 iur, 1 sîdeboard, 11 dinixig room table, window. bii!uds,ý 1 kitchen- stove and furmiture, eook- I.ag uteasis, .aIP Icarpet, parloir car-' ret. bàAroon>,. urmt. atout 10f bar--l Beaverton has bien. Xne possible Liberal candid the. late Angw McLevf North Oâtariô. FiremnaWns Bail The. seventeenth anunal hall &è eupper of the Whitby Fire Brig"dt will take place at tue Èmusic -1 Whitby, on Wedzkosday, Decembeè 3 1902. A'Dfist-classl orchestra provid The comn.mfttee are putting forth every effort te make this occasion oeelot the best .yet held.- Supper wlill be prepar- -ed by Mr. John Perrin, it theéouncil chamber. A cordial invitation cxtend- ed te al. The dance will comamence at 9 p.m. sharp. Tickets, for- the baltand supper 81.00. tCommittee et Manae masnt-Josepli. ùeard, 'chair man.Wm Smith, A. Bandel, IL. Blanchard: Jno. Stanton, chiÉe!. W. E. Hewis, captain, ASitsecretary., Town-LUne -ILP-ms. UrM. Chas. Neil, o! Claremont, 'ls spending a few d.ays with Mr. WM. Hall. miss Maggie Emow n lef t last week for à a cntlis výjsit with, her relat- ives near Londion. The farmers around liera are, hav- ing their elover seed threshed, which is turing out good. -Mr. Arebie Ceakwell, wlioh as'been helping bis uncie ut. Brookixr this jsummem,-ishoeeagamu Mise. O. Cmiw!ord, of tbe b ase Uine, spent. a few; crays h.ore With Mrs. Ed- * win Atkinsoa lIast week. Miss Ratflerrord, our school teacli- Ot, , 8le'rvirg un ar Xm.as. 5h. rha beeri a vety succesul iteacher duin~g lier stay here, fiaviag pa.sed, quite a few. scholars threu'h the. ent rne WA aýre ail sorry te Jes. ber.- Base Lino East items. - A 'pleasing event ocurred at IMi Pleasant, the resideu-ce etfm.and Mrs. J. 'C. Smniti on.%Vedneîsday eV 'en- ing, the iOth mot,, wlien bctween, 60 and 70- invitea guesta assembled te célebrate'the 1Oth anniversamy et tie' marriage eTi tiat worthy young -couple. At ter al having partaken of tlieSnp- tuons repast *prepar.d for them, theý gnests wcro called te order, sud Mr. 1. Hnggins, on b6half- etofthe gaets, -presented Mr. ami ýM m. . Smith with a number of valuabie articles, both 'useful snd emnamnentai, whichlin L a amali way showed their apprecia- tien o! them as neiglibors sud f riends. The eyelirng was.spent in conversa- tion and games until the -eock. on the mantel reminded the rnerry crowd that. the.-'wec ama"' hours had _corne. .When good-bies were said, the gucts depsrted fer- their saveral homes,'. leaving behind them :the best - wisieès' fer a long and hiappy site fo r tlieir host. andlioetess. -. va Oe ru& tore.tb Wn New-- elothÈ, -ii11ow shamns, sea,- ersan léÉbgrey Prize -lists of, tue-Whitby christatas fair -witl h furnished-by :lb. esecretary Bile Beain e -'re bilionareas. -25C. per. box. J. -E. Willis,-<ruggist and oeti- Bteguilir 35-,bottie jiÈerfumne now ffOly.durirg hoiidày-sIàon. A-- liea., drI4gstore. Mi~Wgrelsm< cpsmuffs aàMd colîars. Aise ,Wluiba boas f rom' 250. à.nd liQ rds. -A.'M. Bossfr - li lx-bttlelof Ileef Iron andjWVine aAf d rug --s ter«. -Tonio'- land eimlnt. '50c, par bottie. ani~mi.bd handrehiefs, mocha a.hd kic'Iba,-,ci-oves. A. M os Every person soa6ld try. aù(l bo .presEn.at at the ,Whitby winter ýfait ýon tic '24th of Dec. Don!t- miss, ir. SacWet Powder, -in American .roses, Pinkicarination-, jockeyl-,Club, - violet, eMc J.E. iltsdrgist and eptir cia. Juà t- iciha-na, a -com «plete- range. o! ladies'. embroidered Jjandkercbiefs in white; and .black*and,%Vite. *A. Beef, Iroji and Wiqe in50e-.!and 75c.ý bottlIi s.-A st rengthenling, and, invig- orating tonic. J. E. Willisi druggist and - Opticiaa. * Willias ' uproved baking powydcr 1. suares succeua Lvour christmas Cok- ing.- 25-.. per lb. T. tE.1WIlis, drug-ý gist aud optician;. *The Wbitby wiuter-lsir prize are larger a d better.'than evc>. Specials .14 bute, ay rvedraft and agri- entu lJi ri i pirize lista, which wilt b. ,:reýadY luaà fewv days', and ail information, wiil be £uniLcib tesecretary " oubi'm cation ii teferejcer tteWh#bý. christaias fair'. - -- Miss Pattle Smith Intends holding an -ar-t rcedle-work exhibit at her. residence f rom n ow. tilt Xmas. She will ho pleased te show hee, work to azy Ope desiring to e seit. Miss Sherman wl continue lier classes 'on thc -mandolin amd guitar. Methedà nie3t efficient Ifstrumeits rentedt te, papils.. Terms moderato. Cai à~ ddress lierut MÉS.: !os. -Luke's, Mon4hlys andzTe:as Do net foýrget the o14/Joiks1 at christ-. mIfs. time. Their i<are -not a-s good as theylused to, e., Get ýa pair et ssOvlffieýs for thrên at WVillis'. They ms, - Here are a -fei Ladies' Eiectric Seal Caperines, $5.00, Fine largo Salesud. Ceperines, *.0 $10 a-ad $12.50. h Grey Limb Caper- ins at $.O . ILàWs'fine Ladis'- initia-lcd. silk be Gents' white ai colore kerchiet 25, 40, 50, 60, 75, Lde'black-aud colcýn e5,6,7 1.0 12. Ladies' black casbmerà. ~woolgloves,25, 35, 40, SQ- Ladie.' black eu'r-!c mhitts 75, 90, 01.00._ Ladics' ýgFey - lamnb gaui chiid re's -do 8.50., Ladies' electrie ss! al a Ladies' opposni am ntl Gents, do 30 arn Gents elica bue Big bs.rgsfam incblldren'a kuit wooi' lwosd3 &pnd qoapp t elceXt nly,,25cecd. Ge itai ned kid and mocha. gioves soc., .60., 75z., ;I.0, ;e.25 and -01,50 ut Rosa Bre.' How. about a fine Electrie Seul Ceai as, a christmas present fer yonr wifc. Only,$45.00 ut 11085 lres'. Owing te ii11 beaitb thc coànbînafion sale wil net take place on the 24tb as advertisect. L. F!airbain, auction- At ene-thi md regular price we, ef- ler LIiO balance o! our children'a kuit wooi jackets4 at 26c. each. X -M Boss Brou' dry geodsa store wiii ho opsu for tbe accomodationef tsauta -claus. every evenin< next week ejcept xoe.as.1 À uilce present for a lady-An elec- ,trio Seul Caperine.. Tea can 'bave ehem ai $5.00, %6.60, $7.00. snd 7.50 ai, BosB ros'. 1Ils going Vo b hebe boni fuir ever hldin luWbitby. Tes, iii. Wbitby .Winter Fair. Ererybedy welcome. No ,fees for ,ntrleg. Sauta cusnlieadqnarters àappeara te, b et Rosa Brou,' ,$adging Irom iheir choWe display o! ta4cy goods suitable for paas prennta., On WeduoIday, 24ttbLsec., al Uich people wi-shlng te sec tbe greutest fuir eler ed liera will ake irseka for Vhithy. Corne eanly., Wedfflday, 24tb Dec., 1902. Kcep your but Poultry for this fair. Larg- or prises >th an over, including p- 1*tu..for butter aud lady drivers. Làadies' flannelette wrappors $1.00, 01.25, 81.50 ; nigbi -dresses PO..76, 01-00 ; aleovefess cerdicar Jackets 41 ; ladieis' veas 25, 35, 50, 75, $1.00, -ai: PousBBros'P if thoso Young menansd boys wiio ,tbink themuIsvea young mon who chlrp at ami ogie youag woRaea ou ~the strftt were muade ans-zample o! it raight teach them, a leasos. net Oooû forgotteai. It -insmuply diagnat- ing -that arty yug wo»ma cannot twalk our streets without having »oUng oxaa t the. biackguaril. I shoud beput astop to5i tonce. 1 U.sutlfnl- Bibles aL4 testaments a t lialtrogular prie. The. unsold bal-. anc,.ô stock of Bibi. Society booga, lm. for anandaa w yt wi b. loue as lut ideuice eoftth.secretary, *toa,4 on Perry siroot, gpeued of sb haiftheii.reg, *andiag putobasira ah Jas. Renais &Son, of 1 Wbitby sepArate Schoi. marks obtainesi dnriug Nove-mber- Fourtb CIs-Total ý1200-M. l3reen 782, L. Mcîntyre 648, M. Stewart P70, L. Burton 51Ç5, C. McDonald 462, . X. Gould 390, MK. EolmeS 114.-. Third Clas-lotal 85I Long 060, R. Cotffy 625, F. Moelutyire 615, B. Goal-i 5s2, V. Burte;n 561, J.O'Con- nom 481, M. OConanor 446, B. Barton 439, *F. Paquette- 412, G. Paquette 380. Second Cass-Tôtal 600-M. MeDon- aid 483, E. Long,396, W. IXrCIntyre 330, A. Fallon *328, P. Cotfey 321, Walter 0'Co*nror 24(5, M.Fallon 230, W. Bar*- toný 210, L. Paquette 212, Willie. «O- Connor 195., - Part Il' Clas-Total . 360-E.* Mc- Gireo 242, J. Stewart 220, K. O'Couner 208, COCoom14F.O'Conuor' 'J1% B..Âdew 8 Jleware et Impositiox.ý W. demire te lnforin the pulhic that Castoria la made snd put np lu thie Laboratory *et tb. Centaur Company, New .-Yefk, in butoe a izeb'ottie aud on thle outiside wrapper tlie formnula la Prinied and.itUic Fac-Simiie Signature e! Chas. H. Fletcher appears ou the faceè. No otber preparatiofi offercd as Casionla genulue. To counterfeit or imtai.e itber in tue name or signa- ture in a criminai . offenc. Castoria' bas becomoa varuabie staudardtaxa-, iiy meOdiclue with the OndoYsement of sso e the boni physicians ln. the world. Den'i alew auy oene te "Beil yen anythlug-elle on the piea orpro- mise that t la <'1just as good,!' ami will amwer every purpûle, etc., etc. Castin a sseldby ail r«eCt4bIe drug gista snd dealers lun medicine. Do t bo decelved when yrn buy it, but look well ai the wrapper. sud se« il it bas, the Signature oet'.Chas. H. Fletchier. No ether can.lie genuine. Casions, with&t -this SigatumO lsa aBase Praud. 111gb' Tariff Vs. Lomr .Tarif!. The:great.questiobefore,,Cardias ,today lu tue tarif!. -IVtem ioe end te the other er this brea I Dominion ,the ques tion ef a higlior', 10W,' tairif! la, being di3cussed., gorest discussio n lu what thi e pre-el Canada *wart.,, #will bo intemest[rg te know, that tue F'anIlYjlerald and Weekly Star -o! Montreal bas epez4ed iscolmua fr- a fuil and free discuMlon a£ this i=a. portant question.- The. leaders oi both pollUes! pêtfies are iavitog te glve tieir vlewg trermA.nfta- tures, !mx>nteM ,etc., wtl!bave an oRlOttLaity toe gxprisM bemselvos. The. YamilIy HerI& 4 ýn a purely J faim. On moion:, e Lawier 825 was, voted.- On' motion or Messms. Mitchell and- ]Blow, thei. by-f aw te st p .up111g street and sell tha saine te cCounty of Ontario Was given its final rcading. On- motion et Messs. R ichardson -ami Aunes, $125 was voted te Jordan and Easton for their -claim, -on ac- count of the înereased price paid by themn for ceai ewing te ceai famine,. oa Lie uudestanding thatiliey waive their dlaim fer -. extra service., 'Mr. Ané eot frt« wgr wrscornmittec me a proposai tu negotiate for the. parchase et' the el- ectnie light wo'rUsý in o rder te tfacili-" tut. the -beat sugar factery idea,but as the ether'members of ilie commit- tee» had net been consaltedl in thie prep- amationi ef- tbe report t ivas net- -r-- ceived but was leftctoi ho deali wiib by a joint meeting - or ih edcclncil ami tlie; council ef the. board of-ir-ade tue next eveaing, -but se- few t hen as- sembled that there wus 'nu meeting. On met'jon ô! Messrs. Lawler ami Blow, à by-iaw -was passed ta* grant all owners o! farm lancIa'et twent4-y acres ami over art -annualI our smil flat rate off Lhe generai tax rate et tic town and te -f e sucli owncrs trom auy future deberiture- indebted- am for w&.ter works, bonuses, etc., tbcy, et -course, te - be -debarmed frein votin.g on sny sncb propos9ais. AssUlis plan" la natisfactoryt, te the farinera la generar, kt la hoped thc accession movement lias been amicably settled.' heeacceunts -wee passed-J.- H. Downay & Ce., ceaI, $9 ; A. . ?ringlc, & Ce., livery hire $10 *; Wm. -Pringle, supplies, 70e. ; E. R.' Blow, ceaI $17 J.; XacCari, work, f7 ; Robt. Plasitt, Work, #4.73 ; J. Iruvener,. teaming, $4.50; J. J 1O'conne:, repaims, SGG.45; Wm. Ma ahai, shatrPefin9 saWs, $1.95; Gee. Rice, work, -9.50 ; T. G. flevercli, work, &9.2 ; WV..J. É. Ricfiardson.'40.; Municipal Worid,- stationcry, 12.35; sund -$4 each te ihe ýfoIlowinýg1 poling bootha ne -the, Prohibition vote_,-Jas.' Long, J. R. PbiIp, D., Omisto, . Y. Sm.ith sud Miss Piersn.ý On motion of Mn. Richardson, -Mir. Blow took -tic chair, when- Mesurs. Ricbardsr aei sudMOCllan ý .meved me !loig resolaution-That 'the mein- -bers-e! I bis cenneil desire ,te .place ou0 thi ecor1ao!ties -ouacil their ap- preciatiou<'er tbe,very 1valuable ser- vices renderectby AndreW-M: Bss Eosq., the present Mayor, euring -tic mainy fyea lie bas held, a seat ait the -council -boa rd,, sud hereby tenaders to iim-their uhaaks fer Ui. ceurteous and able manner- in which, b. bas-pre-~ sided over hue delibrations of the osinoil during the. preseut yoar. This resolution. waa carried unenimoualy. Mayor Ross -TepieI, sund alter revicw-- Your, A requist. with y' that 1la necessary to obtaia our new -n handsoniely *111usta'tcd lt wifl put jeu la- touch wth, 1h.fasiasortmen t .1FINE JEAWÉY canada legivmwth «h anlice, pis the 4 Of e "éh. d.esd l e W. chweefufy r.und your a~yriBr"".- YJ .Twqr DEBENTUBES FOR SALE-Teëndem" wiil ho -teceived by lie nnersigned- un~ Le .nen Docember iSti, 1902; fer tie purchase et $ 1250.00 of -Debeninr .es issued -by- the. -T-w»sbip of-EBssi Whii- bY, ami hoaring 4-per-cent. bterest; repayable Îla 10 -equal, anudal -mantai- inents. Nu tender necessarily .accepi- ecI. Win. larves, Tp. CIerk, -Columbus NOTICE' TO CREDITOS-Pursuant- tte B. S. o., 1897, Csp, 129j sce. 38 not ce s blereby given ibat ail per-. sons liaving daims against t-b e s- taie eit Jamùes lisynard, laie of thé Tewnsiip o! WhitbyL County ef Oji-.. tari% yeoman, who died oni or about tbe Fennth day et November, 1902,1are I requstedte su- o tIie executrix,] jmr C. E» Maynard, Brooklil, or thé mnssi.dWIxitby, on -or before the Ust day, of ébrua ry usai, 1903, ful narticuiars or their cdaims -with ibeir .0t 12.00. men' Black I At New C iCarpet Sweepers 12.50- 'C 25e.1 85e., 45c.1 9k5e.; Ui Srates 50C. Up ; spring i Kulves sud Fors, ing ,Seissrs-and S hears 25C. t Sets iu Cases 80e, 40e.,Ë CORNF, $10.00. .-lardwaro; Sedour i ROGERS C 1' ranging in prici $5 00. with. or vni desire'd. A F.bw Surz0 PearliEus r-doz.; Pocket E 1 Kuives 25C.1-85 ai Grinders 81.7à - u; ockey St 8100$1.25, si. Boy's Air Guns r i -; -~ Tewà Couneil lDoingsQ. Trhe tewn uclmeý ta frmufts, 'va] %brQwu;soat L 1 1 -

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