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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1902, p. 6

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r fot lave? ijthough hle Or La Love*. CIXAPTER XVIII. Witli an intolerable sense of lheme and diagrace. it sucddenly occurrod ïto Lady. Caraven that lier lot *in'lite Was quite. diferent froni other pe4- ple's. It ;seemed to Pneu over -lier with a. uclilen, terrible commotion. lShe had been so ocr,:Lpied before with lier etYorts as regard.ed -ber hu8lban4l, her plans of ref*riu,'.li er schiemes' for the benctit of others, that she had tiot given miucli thouglit to her own position - as a Wife' wlose'huisbarn mande fo Iretenseot loving lihr. The knowtcdge of lier real status came to linew witli a' keen setise-cf intol- crable pain,- yet. she would have borne its bi#tters -but for the fear lest the briUliant, heautiful blonde should becoine as wise as'Iffrself. That woulci hav,,e aeon intolerable. Whlat She sùffereei !àoui tho fear of hir rival cllscovering lier secret none' but ki sensitive, tender'-heart.ed,ne glected wonan could qpderstand; &Il the worlcl night knor, rather than the blue-eyed 'coquette, wio woulcf xmille and say- to herseif: :.'His iie in not beautiful *enougli to cliarai Iiln-." That would be iritolerable.to lier. Whepever she saw lier husband tslklng seriou.sly to Lady Hamilton, she finiagined that ho wLIs tellixg the story of bis unhappy nirriage. She wvatcheil hlm nccnMSSantîY; if he. Wnt anywhere wltli Lady liaxùîilton, she iiot only cortrivecI to be of tho'par- ty, b-ut also to be near theni. Sbic watched their. faêes anxlously, to ind ot l rom the expression if ft wore of lier th.jv were spea-king, Un- der tbe P ain of this silent broodiltg, icalousyv, tiie beautîful flace grew, paie, the dalfk eyes seemedIto ls their Iighit andi brigrhtniess... Ile iniglit not tove lier, but .-lhe lhouild l ot love any one elcse. HO' i4iould not lmugh bocause she waq J Jealotis, lie sliould nôt .admire thie. fir womnan while lie su cruelly ne-j glerteài ler. She worked lierseif ii-11 to a frenzy of jealous despaïr, Yet i iiutwardly calixi and. proud as The dinner party at the castie that t' diay wa not a large une; miany of I thèe guiesýts lad let, Lord and .LadyIi Pahiners had returned home. Lady Caraven lhWd drefssed lierslif with 'UA- isi care and attention., She wore - 0, btrnutiful dress of amber satin "nd& black lace which sutited ber d.irk brua- y nette luývelinees. S'he wore her fs.y orite suit of rubies - rubies *het bhad in therniaIliglitike deePOO IIune. A, grandly beaurt!fUl 'vc WOn tiý4 heard tiiexu tnIking nerriîy- Was d bt '-iIiwhite neck. toit Lady Sadthc carl.'--1hceni-Ten jlotr -anawmrild. tctsa ft of lier?- WoLqtl carl telling lber I 1hmitoulaok up at iim -wit h e, a id heThesem tstnd$h-w J je-- t bt his wife w as c l n ? An a cmut~ i g l. ,- t, r d g ia n passes thioug l i t , T c t i- to it o !f 0 Young . nm an t f ireetAndbyac 1cunistanJes te 3eurndy ihe isughipg beçause thc veryc-enf'yçeily"scaid yu actîc -tic - next moment it i î&-ý, c- J -ate - - - teeAstiylia rithut -liaving lad of tie jest iras thatlier liusband did ;f quit-q.ignorant cf thse fashie i. ark. lc J taiawt not care fer lier? ldes10Wica caf. .r wntchcd ienef~ii i air chance ;ta 'nae-lspq.t I Thcnshe berclf.darkfigu-e_ tood otôle>s and gr fhs 04e , - Tht-n ew,,.-islianed o!ybe-sef reat gr'ati(nnîebers drewr thcm tigit- su im I u, i iifictfe~~an ht Sud isuspicions werc unwortiy of> ]y stretched acress thc shoules-iSt sec etn iceïe eafoi-cible manr oh-pucsea hi-r. She tricd te baisi thernbbut; we lîke theni ln this fashion." ot, t t d to I pari-et nd i.hey were toe strong for. ber. When- flaising lier airn, sic wound Vie b e -th- iencane laei dby -* dint .of- persevera nce lie hcd ad itbnutifuî and- curions, andi tien tauigit tic bird -te repeat, çiith Cr heswet oun o iick arusshdin 4e bithtai eost at once, it iras clark. vaiity oet înedulntjons,"Wil you erte ice oudetm~ca fne-a a s, îain tc rgît j <. l ' ýrr E ? T 1 li gter caine te iber, sic fancied fface, and niaking ici- look se îutti ohm yte-ôpc, c o-si h U t atshe ivas the subject of the jcst i ly1,veautiful that Lord Caraven cniet - dLod aaven; andti site re- Pari-et. te c ir'.Ho iied* - by ut.ti hi er jealous pain giew intolera-leut in admiration. rnbered tint the long avenue et cable - thc single word .4Yts."1 Mie andi sic coulti bear it nu longer.f 'That is capital,'" le sait- - "la- ftes xese etc eygt.SI nts idt 8a.hrt e .was n relie! to lier- men shc couid dies alirnys know wliat is pît 1 couid walk ainxost sido by skie uwt îJthe st ciy 1of an undertakr ito give thc signai and the ladies could eque. - - tlen, yet quite. unseen. j alling. lu lave . iti an irman whiose withd(raW. -Sic 'Wanted te 'be alonee 'Theyounig countess saw. them quit Thelia d net Iieitioned ler nafihe. I usbnnd lo had buried, pirgposM. te t-o thlnk. thIc o togetier. Sic i-esoIvedl lýsic lave. been wronginlebr fr a tiecent interval, enîy tel - I1r tic contenlcnce 'o! une of the upon following h .Sie board I-be suspicion? .1 ad sic mnistaken ber ifind tint'ho ladilicu rsaltb guess irbo - as ieaving they bnd hus'band say, îaugîingly, to us-eaux- lsadsiada luekier nmaux. djised a ittle carlier thon sual. panion: Thcy ucire standing at the edge o! Inlu~.ecour--e, leirever, 1le, uild %Vente aie eund h da- Xe w2llgo straigi.t-toe clake, the:iake-a cod, rk shetof w:ter husanN. -'2, and, tbs tine,ihav- rýuddylight rom th suLady Caravenallwdelayea '.only taelfcwe tý estern sky.It would lic cruel, LdyI enfeîdte lier tînt tihle r olo tcaan nade un offero!hsîn at I el, paid, te spenti sud a warm', tmoments -i rst g ebrren a-wmn' edatsîudr iiart. -Ho wias- once more -toe late; loi'ely cvenIng ideurs. The gentle-1 for -a largoeclark shawi tîat ,sliouid sorbet all the ligit tiere mas. Pre-'it. fo cs oulebde1i mn, ~ thlnklng tic sanie thing, lad hlde Ici--bidte'camb r satin anti! seuitly- shc di-cir near. :. Anotier pime the oncaprofeer ft d huriic frean,ý their iie, sn3ing that - ild black lace b ide ber face, and group e! trocs separated lier - fi-cm pi dtcioun-o c-tî it wonîd bc a pity, te bec thc i a$t iheai, Bu tint any une meeting -er f the tire ina iere so unconsclaus a! mýate, nmade lis position aure.by' gleaniofet unlight. should luite failite recegnize ixér. loi- resn -lre tes'iiproposisg -ircitl tor tc "«Let uq gatier the roses whllc ire 1"Orceping aleng -in the tai-k, whe 1 sway.iing - branches; tiru tcxtcfiincrai. inay," sang Lord Caraven, ln is ii know me? Or, if tbey anoir fniglit wind broughit evcry word te ricli, nlngiflg tener. m,-ileivl aofrui? i atl-. Tluey ,taîked oniyofuthte lilgtT ucr ey~t~t ]BDut betore thev ment eut some 0O10 te lierseif. ou * the mater, andtihticsudden da tUCai--W i sud aMlte cunre or eaeh prayed the carl te sing one gong. UWhcn sîxu reacied lier ron sic f055 tiere --'ut 5011e une w-ho ladw and abRéi-y foi-m op-teîng, "1T wilil sng n duept.>' le said, ilftogu< a message there trom Sir.J known anti lovet l Ldy Hamiîlton lie- bleediniaiâdpmt rdiag ptles; Lady Hamilton wili Icîp- me." ilaoul, ask-.ing if sic m wuid go tuis foi-elier- maiage. Sic iaugled ~ciAtIcuw, have gurnteed f tes It was uselcus, ho tixougl, appeal- apartments fui- a short tume. ýShe cequettisîýkly uvri. -Lifoiasl iredli -osamuascyour neigh. ouwathytpik ofiL.YuueI n iwxq toe iwfc-,Th l i e icsaiçi te iciself,- '#Ne; - mithliier- Iemloog mas tinat nonsense te whadealn rxbNET oo->t liad asked lier to sixg iritIhlm sicheart and -seul in a ferment, sho last, thîe unîap egiIeaskc dea rMMOBT ô.oo la etsg, coulçi -net talk to SirlRaoul. Sic herseif. Heur long iraSss-e ta stand O)re Chiass Ointmieéât, Ledy Haaxàlto6n was only too pleas-; lid a dian idea tint w*at sIc iras under tIc darkenin.-vnn -sis e&~ mnt e Ic iao, nd~ubutte-do iras w-eeg, undi*gn-ifieti, fwiti the great aider-liuancîes smvay: - v-ciy soon the tire beautiful veice-s'uuigenerous., She couit net lave 1ing t-o apd fi-e, tic Sougiing ot thc MONKEY PLCMN meene4tefi»thoreni Ldy.Iia-fpereveotlixlir prpse -lad, she icmnti i ler cars, the li-e o! love, tic Aitlougli monkeys are amuslng- as 11tom'aclear and ameet, tic caria - îooli but Once -in -thec caîni noble >madness o! jctalousy raging in -ber wcli as,' intelliget t-i e I iici anj musical - wmliitht, young f lae gj-tih mn ho wanted ber- to J ieart -hom long? It iras tirnost custon t gcndrtiet as ptitue couit.ss matclied then iwth bunglng jb*aeon.-- .-iubarhc ScfItlndte ci- I a toiy u se!u.Idethm s .ceunrtic ~ptîI!uleyes. Tliey tvere ulngiug d'Tell Sur lRaoul tiat 1. arn a geiJetti Lmenet. iclin et rgangIiners ssi ont i abot abou loe, ove hatwoud neer uat~t- i-ec-a, bt 1-lît w il ec jber fingers, site bit elierip, then sud- tc - .îy asscysantig" a.bliing (lie, love. that mas immertal. Mbrc î'I lr1ater on in the evenîng, she dcnly iý-hw% cardthetIc 5und o! ber bt,,acrin e- raeir l ilunu once the unhappy Voung Wife'S1 ; but,-- nxe-1r iie aie- H! txr r (îcs ilr -~ ________________________i Ïiiidustathein r le of Po1i&@n8 3ýpOOdicitIsl, Pertonits-and Other .Dreaded or, Pille, thO oiet amlly Mediln. ta£ pergon 1S!Ubjîocteà No moe-ely cathartie medcine oeau Ltien, but appendjCitis, do mure tian relieve, constipation. inflammation of tih. The bile whtch le pouried into > tbe chronIe dyPspia are intestines by 'thc i'ver ie natur-e?» SuIt et neglcecting te' cathartie andticunscqucntly îcaithy- Fdls -x'egular anid active, li-ci action. l e-seentiai to. regnlaity Ix* lidele shênîti moi-e of the bowels. Dr- OIase'a Kidncey- Sday, otIerwise the Livei- Pille h&,veýa difrect action on- on feit ln thc way .e!ftire liver- and kidncys as, wie» q9 the loadache, diz*iness, bexiels, andi for this leaBojn effeet a e and <fiiïim.. -_# - 4 - ---1-.l they* are Mate irseful. ý-in Ilindustan tîhey do police. duty, ate u fshon and ete n -rcaly- assist tIch fl e l queliing- disturbances.or suppressing rta -Sontetwines -Lies<é' four-baundet-, 'Policemen 'act n s pretectors te the meink - tnt Id pes, s thls -incident Win show :At-Agia,-on Uic plat- erxo!a- pubicwa-couse, -a littie street -arab haa spi-cat ils rug in- thc - lade et n stack ot countr-y -pro- due, and lad.-jus-t dr-oppedasec miben une outhtic weai-tixy rosi-dents etroileti up- itîx apet léopard that bat cai-nedtot accoxnpany hlm in gl his i-ambles..-A 'treop --o! monkeys liait taken post- on. the opposite site o! the shedi: but at sight et the spot- ted intruder thceirlole gang diargoti -long thc Platferm, ant inlstantly- !urm ing a semicircle about threlttie -èleper, facea -the --leôp~ wil bi istli-ng manes, evidentîy resoiveti te doent the siispected purpose ct lis vusit.- J tiare -,n faueet. neaxËthe bottom- ofl4cidity conimnon thc b.ai-i-ci.Aboiiý the taise bottent' rarely tail- to m Pince trec indhes o! char-ceai, broi- nxd nsh pile ifj ing 'domn a piccco! ceai-se clatît. CAG la ýyer ofetcietii and four or fi For1.P- inciesde lani, me -uasicc miet or' pecuilai--Ci ryc straw. Above tic strair Put, a 's ne0.ter'tai cticulr te adwo si@abïZhtigWiIhtmay;,saa itis -la place. TJ.urn mater: into, I,-il aeii th bai-iel -a nti -. k e p - it iun ing ]3"eo pi ele e .v cry tltrough-. Until----it ise uïeystahdavd ofet iei tastelcss. - wýhin tllisi 1 ac ce m p isl If it d ucPs n et ri coI stcflter.miii . 1liccom Ïolecrckd orcii edtic fulter is ready ter use. of struck with tic.J lhen .it ,rnust bè reclargcd WcutakOit. - t -is >propryfiltred, the citeçr -ill lie 1wihtn riends is m fi-e. front alburihous and mu ilagn- J 0i-àa ick o! thii e us miateria, nnd , wIl kep- 'nucl an t l in tis iny better thi - min - n t'trentet. ils decr-eased. , Si lu asmal Wn a ag1*t hnvybar o! sait is so, ca niton :- flannel may b o - ung -over a tIen t c na.e tub n d thtic iqu le fitered t thioug i jcait.iidg s. -T ir this. ]y flîing :tuis .bagý,witî - pa-s'for oee bar o! skt per pulp- the openingg lu tic -c]oyti - - 'Can be so comPîetéiy ciose t tîat - SOCIET) Tnotiing but tic pure iju'nd i1 1i get -- Helen - -"Clarf t îr o u g . f a g r e f ? sClâaa- "Giic -SECUIIINO- WINTER FEG 0s. c&tesm ert. tiens. le jr_ qui- STOUT IN- D o! it. uiJ Sidney - -"Have' -shoulci --ability o! any kind? moru- Jil ]odney - "Weil,1 Ilxust bave iwri-n, ceuxortali tors, _9001d foot and pienty !ccding toi-* wintcr cggsliens lav e a airi-m masli. in tic for tus ing, - ttotiiing gives mc bot.- midoirs froni mari-y I 'il -giver IN A ainge k s Ln b-a bout -liai ig to pat ir resp the-v m)nctiin s iave ait -4-- Y. SOI x-ocki -c g,.h~i a..~ ~~ -~ W. 1awlee. -.gy net ...,-wa» ,indiffrent.- cw3,ghý h owned that shë,. . wascrese Th ~y thig was t6iat she had re-> jealous> of hin? %&oghAthm 'nry6-9il and her rival fIton jestngabout lier; The nrxt moment- tlere was the Ã"iOuhpbr n s4x0et n aè ucwheor't, '. .tiat sliould neyer be.. -sound of a ahot-sume'hit seemd 1ag nuhfr6 wcwie go ri od She went tround by the Pusteru te rattie thru the aider-branches M~ Wilia.i- Steingrabie. _I1liegin te àiust b on.o door, and ini the distancé she augit, -there was a low cry, a startled cex- feed the a Ébfr lxy ae b r ml a ond . rv 1 et tlwrwhare 'dresee.sain thamwtIun. by gi ving tIc ewes oats and bran- aheils« and grit ar te silver veil. lt was a. most .pc-"Treaeochsinteoo, with sone rots once a day. 1 usu- portant. One oft tI eaw the widow look at lier Su9band; cuirngt tayuhr timie she. aIe thought; '4he willI9gô in seardli ol iyfcdbotnepinlo!rtsaa good- warmi miore than once' there ca ie toe ler a jwould have been lost in won or andi thenra nd t e ie wl in e!" te eah ewe., i)o n g. the of oh b nt i a t d t be d w ld im pulse, a. lng ig to îtrike t c dei lt - 1 0she tok. ho heed. Th e She I turned . tu ly; 'n uw that there If r a bi g t c feddfr t e w s f Q1dat. T e fair face. W hen the song was over, {ea th -semed - to be-gro wing..darýk ,was te thdn e f bi g a g t s e s o lt le i c e eed , f r- t eie ated i drf t w rTh it was tin o t go.4nd wac I huiê tIclightt iingercd in the, sky; soee.ed to .walke te_ a. mil coISJIhaýve runni.gatrlmybrCoraytotes unt.fireiswta erh-masso! rmsn.clouds. .edged fiess -o! what scws on,'the andthn gecr wate nm an1nnrr etesJ bnst. d i ld e ca s a dy tHa it r ue-_ sPe:- Pis J d thnk ev" m n ho d po"'ie wh gay that artl1c radd o eane d ea' er a anti dgold, appearcd toelie bare- tact that 119aslstnigfor- this - If at al possible. The ewes f0lstender and fia. si4e. fie'rmie ebrsayîng m in beti for thc sun te li1on;4èeiniedicoeete lerah i adnV- begin to drop thlciiÈ ambs. about I have no such trou "Wewil wadlitli~10pretih roscate liglit eemed. te igr;c-docbre. SIc turned, .. afl:Februar - Iput the ewes into ]3edg. ian the lake. It is une of* 'f anieng the trocs and ,flowers silencefo oraahn tn ol b o x stauîs until tclxlsguc othece-1liobtaip sig>ts ot Raven-c¶e." reigned unbiroken; iîh the far dis- vould sIc ie eaugltthrmSctotei arns.T etey. rinenswin ae Sh i e e r La y H mlo' tane the-water È o! 'tIc lake shne wanted te asten, but sIc coulîlti Jl V .,$ocid otbct LdyHail-nlÉnot; placed in -a large stali away froni soMe Object lu view ans.wer; twl gie ilsiîïlng ilike crimhsen"and geld. It was une it was as tiiougl gi-nt -_wihso th wsWîcihvnt rp aruet hs lis nt auh!g ys.Wa i erutths. igtswentî.darkness iead were fast 'ened te, ber feet.- fier their'lambea.' If any of thcewc tfr t-his reason pur1ý m rbid fenicy, or did ale rally -lhear! seems to cone -o n luaI wMinutés- brain was dzzy; thc unusuial excite- e 'v w n .i ds w î m u e tterthn10ngo ber hughanti 'say, II"Yes, and-I iwiîî 1When it descends -swiftly and sutiden- jment, the ,frefizyr of love, and leal- :1cir in à. stancèhion,>take éaw*,ay both tînt a firCt cross xi tell yeu 'thc slory of my mariage?" l'y, "as tîbOugL- the 'sky werc fnliing J.ousyi lad been tua n-uch'teor -her; lier I ambs :5set-tt ce natsec -ithnelther of thUi She did mot' wait te ask herseif if-j and cevering tIce earth. There was taîl, graceful 4glurc - swayedl for a theni fr afwdy, ve I il n ctrc es it ivere mere fancy. She bedhe-ved such deep silence amrongtIc trees as minute like a icaf in thc wind. a l-w w .lyaw ne,.I>rlastheewe mbeerucakeso that she lad hieart i t, and the i-dca'sic went gently alongtit 1t eem- moan came from.lier lips, -and thIen, l-Sote nlkPndtn s the. rereea-jtis akeT~s 110 o! it -drovcèlber alrnoe mati. They c e lld> 'secteifaca sinWa di-eam, the white, angl-y face on Vwc lave iten assistée by fpeOd-- bieeeing is nu bett] w ud nweie enetrn he cen o tlnk th at lier i a l d tit o fcr e r h a . - tè potai-dk galon menur - SHex.s pa ion wlh th te-, y of lihe snmadircgnz ît .slvr vi a es!(o-teChineiey atis-c'oy o fi ngml- --Skpar.uj ng -the fie lra d t e 1itI ho l d wor n d t ' r snce çs i n.la d h rs e er i i Argodw, bî av n igi ctra~ - - in n c -i n er s a u î e r o c s b c e n a t s er re re: h erc w n s o t I t la n bs it 2t h o u rs af- t s r ter givlngat thernsc nirtid.ot crueeareî. - e!stht ot. 4~~ c d 'e h e ato r i n o fe r c su n i i -. , r e a s ,e- . h r I u s b a n d d- v id n e' e v e oer s o - e M a n W a y sE r n l o e d l a is g i vest if a cgtaodrl 0 : e a . f a e cm riage howbati he loiad'td'espth i k e wlrn it selo, nee . . -d o-f 'by Sitorshep trii)jct. n~le t a d ti ri al w om ic l d " Iat rov s wh t lttie notce l a.teno n - a nic. h tl, b , eing u f-e a y a,; q nrn. diavlkcd ere gteîng i h d t e ha e stowed ab o n the " Ic tho auht ]3 ge uYS o PSee n e a e rN ch d q en îy ne rl al ig t. T, e ca t k i ]y.1 net ti -G cd i msl -y. e -ec i g ligter. i tt h v e ô n z- i ii a Mute-- u t ~ c q c Ol pn n u t c g t g od ca e a , o t n ran îe e ofier s c 1.'C and ast-seon s telasare rpnt, a r e;g tanks scodW<il ýt!ed'q lear-anbain-%,oreon ire ic gs rots favnsudieroeeSinter o!tdeviuing originaly ofWbs1gv te-agrâ r le 1 An Idea.uIefl occrre tot-e u.n . sI a!al tic. Maha - Jb le s, tie bcl ed -laugiate ber;ishelowte ut tic taîl tocs e celd Ticteepenela rdlce -f.Tîr tfdps-- -icdp iý ùhcgloe antibhe rivalousy shul d t hàvtk q rtevuseep by tl ntic car e n pret eoe i w s usd o té a bs gô l a d- gt fe ; bei .,Sp cia -LL1j 'tic t ank su th b ~ s ~ r f o r ti e m S h e w a u i d t o i- b i s o m p a n i o n . T h e w e e t - s o tt h ' r n P U p e s c , a n & \ ~ h n t I c p h o n g r a p P r e a r e d I t . s m! d m a k e p thceu bnwr g e a n d e b li nulanbs -cantsteteashave wil gro Jerifet wbef oe -', w lîcn d th ey e g a n izte laugli ov er lie :'br gst ao erwo med --eone cr ad m ea ie - 1Y su t rs lacnd ca .p u e bu he f li a i an ve y i c s i st ry s c eu d on re t h ni a d ha ce w o ds b t o e t ugtîe m we e d u t age, c f ethc l o w m tn co ra e t .î d i o e r, liay;c ( àxce1" i ià oran, b - tic d p i g 1 ar2 tîîe nthe a u e .em vebit t erl. S c d d n t w n e ls e p n u r ! t a f l o e e t n ltl nan n"-.t h dding w ii ji go ul Wathoc lie a g ui i. A Il ti ~ p id 0! li r t t ii- c o v oi st sh e o n y isî aic ra n go t d i cri s e. - s er l ste a of a l- Oi-. Can dv f, a nur e wa s aru scd. Sié c W ld t-dthe T e pr even t th e s r o er gar T e -e a c i e s ab i hc n st n escan h e I u ua l se - cat-a u i'ce r ing a tc s - pi'- by i er i usband and e r rivl,nticd w l ow, m usic al ugteîn et L i ge ,o hé ýtsady lier i l t -,t e:ý, hou"d n t lug at ' er;;sh ltr o t e- alltressh co ld Tri e nd - nc e hd ' a rad em bin ;mea>,unti h a m isn. h e lcre d -,h 'di s. ele ct i e i SI-ia e idict- ntbisl ia utnece ic-rnnPthn tc - tIc pckaes le t hcrcfrrn - aveit cat e ll.o'nIt feed ts ad nyi g wlclii Bbc lo a d er br n e ro seif to m d et J i-ici it. ng o le r y h es l d ao c nd i d in e tre y sfif c or un ion . C r n -b a , e u l p r.. I e cd pe-i t ht ank w oei r b t m o me t l w h cl Ic ece niz d t c W uld Bou d ç iee ily lu Ic ath r p s ase n m tter of r cord tlat my s ccp i a y aitt gi aou el t e.* ~atuc. Sc wa bni Sdercd by i atecm. like UThc sew o fe. iciaette gir;l ad e itdr tlcm dç hud 3 e çpa , f!heov ntcsmre!TerlidntbnunWrdeewgteteodtpropoais fol-LabcOtielING Cas'IDeyIill - t rc ofe riOto ber ý he î l usy. Ticeoiy d e and ite.ici- yt -tcrcoely rath la fsta.i cvdb i ujcs i do g et irovdbyfler 0 ~)nr te 1e m d ns tî t ie l s- bee ou t t o le - tley lad n w Te Mralnl e v iabe o! tak ng' i noaodon a i -clos-tam terA J whle r. th c item. n o! mg ve e 0n i e t .-tmbsors h 2 l e 1rcc thue p<i.. a k te Up - a i t ai y e a r s e t e r e ; a n d n o r t I c y s t o o o n ' oPec t c C i e r o p o s a e u t - n afmi i . T i I~an ani,4 is'nes sh u t etm gId thae bei d s ,.ut nic of lakee , d Ic nîal ienft nd tic- n covi g h r lf ii e-o p i s a e roeti, îo accu er it o s daW hei e ai eing oevesntadfcrbeentr. S. te mt n ato d mmd'n sP akit nd tic ruosanlas - ec:î bettle r - iii13e ic dr n tlîl-, uae1 i ber ben mnis . clthe,psi l dé fs ent foi-c gners tint e ook tly ik s a e ri se ote tit i lasec m .,e art 1e m d fo , t ile s a aan ti ig coll qua tte ~ ~ar, nt i ia u oz a co cl bi od S c lu .dced ne tc 'd si pi or a as is ist actes ! CltbieI m il m sî s <uepol tti - hti-cea i, aIk riwa litrîg xts wo siivei-y scn gîQirevnfe story-e r m- osauf ni r eve ai i -largser vatces-a nd r Pacetepi fer IzÏth -u a w er a lun d a It- i011 om b in tc W Some d r.es ncht 5i c ted o alr fe sin aci - t j te er bs rsuts ar oli root t on -adlirria.tceie vl.Sh aLa~ e'-bnnut4lea mangdail wal ntcd iaroille scs-tiàogî hr'd by lier gad w"t ve ~, in, mic, lgtey of L duc tthe e olhe-aaeteùm-t- s, h-i~paxy e e hikeat. h.n-.r She - os bla tld?" be asl vd ht e Hamnilto en hted lier, and ten het he .nac kageo s S. ou is the nt m h alu- tey. -T u l1.-ýn licn I fé o -nd sh ai id *n ter. Tice She hd,4. ".been ersef fr - t 'loory .Lôrd. cornaud. bran ehin1

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