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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1902, p. 7

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E[IPS .~Bi npt Reprisai for Outrage to Union Jack Pollowed, Puerto Cab)ella, Vetezuela, dem- i- gays:- The Brit.ish cruiser >bds anti the Genoau cruiser La boimbarcled the fortrees here o'clock on Satutrdayatterri-con. ire was returnod, but after a ard-imcnt o! 45 minutes the tuelan guns were silenced. The cas. le composed o! ýFortsS -c>- a4id the Caette I4bertoidor. Af- ,o firing cea-,ed. the Charybdis miarlines tu ocpupy the*ca9tie. fortre0i wA almust demolishod. probable that only a few per- were injured by the shelling. commander of Ctistie Llbertador bom token prisotier. The cruis- re Stitl hure. 7 o'cloclc Sunday morning tie ybdit3 and -the Vineta arrived sea<rchiig fer V*éezulan guni- 4. Tic et w o enris,-eras séit thein Eb Into the Inner port, but find- noa guriboats, the boats nturu- 'Ibe captain o! théeBiltish mner- Ssteamer Topaie, which ýwas à by tlic. mob.lhure lest Wednes- tien vlsited. the coin- ere on board thec CharybdLs, anid yl a prote.st agalnst the viola- of -l" sèip. TlîeBritîsh cap- returnod an heur later twjth a iiment of flfty .marines, who charge o! the, Topaze. Tie lace were, grcatly exclted at'this ont, anti raLae»d tho cry, "'To >11 but tlhere wua'ne disorder. T1RAGE TO IIII1TISR FLAG. a llritisili commodoe tien se&nt ,srtge to tie authorities at te Cabelleo demafiding immediate Caotlaon for thie action a! tie in having lhauletl down the Dri. Rs« tram tie, Topaze, soying if itisfactlon was net !orthcominig ro hours, ut 5 o' clock, the fort- and the Customa b ouse would'b. iarded. On tic nccclpt o! ibis 6id the authorities sont a nmes,- to Pre.ldcnt Castra asking for istions. ommittee o! merchants of Puer- .Iabello tien approached .the rin Consul here, petltioning to intervene. ,Tho Consul ac- idi tliis mission,, andi vleited 'the er», but ho coid obtain no al- Ion ln thc declýii ofo!héiallies. a. qutarter bef ort 5 a reply- was veui trnm Fresident Gastro, who mirrd thc oliîef official bore ta the British commÙodore -amnple MoCtion. Defore hils anewer 1 be communlcated- ta the 'Axùeî- Qoumi the heur stlpulated for receipt had arrîvoti. The cruisî- knuodlately openeti tire on. the "s. The ire was returned fraie kiolanmo andi Castie Libertador. el.,*9 emeoutlnued tier. Was )MBÂRD FORT.1 -'FLOOD> OFCHÂRITY. fl JÇJJ )ýMBAkD FORT* British Purse. frinps Loosend in H f. Aid ofrPoori 4.ÀLondon iespatch says:Chit reso qanCtle d at Sandwich.- crose the. river tram 1imastide in 'Great -Brltaln Pr.omlsm e Detroit. The. *rma.ry object 01 tii resolve itaelf Into a struggle to, avert I Trade Centres. pant will be t bulld boas or~ the tedahcftosns ipol Uuadan Paciflc, but. k ls al0cthe Ifrom. .COld and- hupger. Oharity ze BRFJA)STUFYS. purpose. of the nel% Comipany to enter lpouring,out money lkewae, ud aronto, Dec. 16. -Wheat - 15 the~ field, for, .gênerai contracte for th collection of furtiier funds'is pro- steady ta firmaer at 681c ta 69c for buildIng andi i#palr work. Xearly ceeding. 'The C4"ity. Organization o 2 rad! anci white hast, and, 68jc ail the repair ~wçrk for C.anidiaui Society alo0ne will distribute S$1,,-nkdefegt. oseltely t vesu~ela ig'ro~ doue in Amtrican 00 iailth ix , wes h 65e for No. 2 east.- Spriùg la tèa.- àhé 1 ~Sàlvation Army )lus thrawn,-open, as 'dy a:t 66è Jor No. -1 east. Maaitoba 1 ___________ free o! charge, and is night- lis firnler- at .87è asked for No. 1l WANTS SALOONS CLOSE.ly feeding the multitude -at a. price -bard ,auid85foN.1nrten farbeowcot.gfri<lin~g ln transit,-and 2e lesfl ail Russian Say ~oopoîy ~Bath "the Establisheti and Non-1 rail NrhDy Confrmit Curehs ae daftng Flour - Isfirmer ât $270 bld for creased IDrunkinés.,'arishioners for- the service of re- carsof 90 pe-cntipt nts ubu A. St.. Petereburg_ 'despatch says: lief.- Boards of àuardl=s,. and «Bor- ere, bags east 'or miidle. freigbita., Many provincial autborîties, are pe-ough Councils are pushing publiechoicej brands: areý held "15e ýto- 20e titioning M. s. J. Witte, Minister of works in order te give cmPloyment higlier.- Manitoba foeur la steady eat Finance, ta -close the State- saloons. to the needy.- Idie, noble, 4L.d ais- 4 20 for cars o! Hunga.rian- patquts They assert that' the G overumentltocratie women -are organizing cem- an'd $3.90- for -ftrýogg ba.kers',- bags- vodka monopoly has resulted iii t iittees to collect funds and are Includeti, on the traék Toronto. -, secret sale of! spirits everywhere, andi planninà.g bazaa.rs on -a large scale. Miled-a tdya$1 fQ in a large increaso of drunkenncss. Te]ihpo ono ttsVa cars of shore' 'and $14 frba <'Formcrly," says a petitioner, * h pealig delntrton o u -east or mitdieé freights. Mani- toxîcation was seen onîyl acn.caial eeigi lotupee 9a miilfeed issteady, at'S19.50 for Now the. streets and publie Jplaces1 dented 'in bis long experience. -He ars oi shorts andi $17.50 for" bran, are frequentod by drunkar'ds. This'hopcs that niuch May be.ý a.complisli- sacks included Toronto- freights.. sad condition o!of aars is.directly dV;iiaetems fmsr Barley - Is steady at, 45e for No. due to the prohibition of the con-"n 3kes us aysetosl extra and 42e for No. 3 east or gumption of liquor where U bas been the metropolis. middle freights.. bought." Further, the monopcly On M Onday a conférence will take iiuckwheat - _Is steady;, No. 2 is klias been- abolished- on the ground Place between the Independent Laebor quoted at 5bld anand. et 50c tha itista.~~ a lucrative source 3 andi i3orough Cucls adhigh, frelgh4.s west.' o! revenue froma the schaols and glw% guar-dians and other representative Rye - 18 steatiy at. 50e cast, andi ingit o ie Sato whch a xpeet- men and women ta devise mean» for a 9j idefegis ed 'ta dîsmise the petition without arousing' public opinlôon as ta the Cr sstaya~c~frCn 'much* delay. The vodka monopoly necessity for initiating practical ada new yellaw, and at 58o for ai14 Increases 'Uic Imierlal revenues. The InPaeures for the reduction of the un- Canada yellow west-. American is ~annual Incarne froi alcohal was emnployed in the country. firmer at '55c for new No. 3 yellow -80,000,000 rubles- ($144,200,000) lu and 65e for aid No. 3 yellow on the 1897: Iast year it amnounted to 316,- track. Toi4onto. 000,000. rubies ($162,740,0001. GRE.AT EGYPTIAN DA1P1 Oats - Are steaklr at 31c ta 31je for No. 1 white, ea.%t, 30e for No. -2 TRAININîG FOR F4.RMERS. OpedbthDueaiDces white higli freiglits,« and at 304e H3al a Dozen 'Agricultural Col-- Cunui.mlidle frçights. ConaUgt.,Oatmeal- Is steady at $4.10 for legs Nede ii Otaro. A- Caira despatch says: The great cars o! bags, $4.25 for barrels on the >A Toronto despatch says: Mr. C. Assoluan dam was. opencd' on Wed- i track- Toronto ýanti 25o more -for CJamesf, Deputy. Minister a! Agri- nesday lia the presence of the Duke brokien lots. cultuire. in commentingr on the sPcl .ai Duchese o! Connaugbt, the kbe- Peau - Are' steady; choice. No. 2ý cf D)r. Mills, -President, of the -On- dive, E arl Cromer, the Britilsh Agent mililng are quoteti at 74ic east' and tarie 'Agricultural.,College, -Guelph,iiEgpndCueeCrmrnd t74milefegts delivcred at the banquet of the Mid- var!ieus.-Consuls.GeneralI. The Khe- winter Fair Board, contended thiOt, dive turneti the key, which by an l l- COUNTRY -PRODUTCE. with 175,000 .farmers in Ontario, geniaus cantrivance set inu motion tbere .was -ne ed o! bal! -a dozen mo *re the electric machinery. Several- Butter, - There la a scarcity ai 'Agricultural Colleges, -such as , the sluica gates gradual peecan heice dairy lu -tubs and.rails, anti one in Guelrç4, -wbich is doi-g such volume o! water rus-:hed out. On the1 prices for these are flrm. jhe slip- splendid . work. 0( cour.se the ex- invitation o! -the Khedlve, the Ducb- 1ply o! mediumi grades-.le large en- pen9e involvjpd- in such an unider- ess of Connaught laid a stone comn- ough, andi there is an abundance o! ta.in mde t mpacticable, but.ý he mnenlrtieo th evt.A te commu~n stuif, cbilfly lin tubs. Creani- would fayer. utllzing sanie O! the day was- Ramadan, the great, an-.,ery la flrm, with, a keen demand. [11gh Schools throughout the coun- nual Mohaniniedan feastthc cere-. Quotations. for all sorte- are unchang- try au. training schools for. thase who mony diti net take pla.ce until' four ed.' wish ta de-voto their liveg ta agricul- o'clock ln the afternoon, conÉequent- Creamery prints....23c to 24e tural pursuits. Tl was aI-ang the ly the proceedings were somewhat do solids,. new -. 22cý ta 23c, sàne liùe as 'Hon. Richard Hax- curtailed.. do do. aId........20e ta 21c court's suggestion a! turnîng the This great ,work, wbich bas cast Dairy tubs anti palis, Techlical Seioal Into a noii-ela-%icàl between £20,000,000 anti £25,000,- chToice .i ... . ....16C ta 1.8c high shdoi. Thtrend of the age 000, willssemte riainim . do medium........1.4e ta 15C waIa towards apecializing ln educa- part -secuiy- rp, n tblt do cammon.. .......12C ta 12*0 tion as lunailier thlngs. ta barvests, and widen the area -ý- o!:d on &l ....7 a19 ________the Nile, lande. under cultivation. The do l r c rals ... .... ..16e a 7 ifs'Jannual flood, witb the fertilizeti sult Ces'-Ti aktI tay MRS. 1. S GRA~I bAL).andi soil,'bas already passed, at ihago demand. Prices are un- -- tue eluiceà 0o!'thé Assouan dam ar ehangeti; jobera quota, large at 12fc Widow cil P.mous 'United States now closeti for th,& atarag& .ao water te 13c and twrins et 13e ta 131c. for awing is the. rang~ ve stock at *the Tor -yards: ta-day: Gattle. Ebrport cattle ... ... ... $4.50 S5. Do.', liglit ...... .4.00 -4. Butcher cattle, choie. 3.75 IA De., ôrdinary ta gooti.- .. ...00 3. Stockers,, per cwt2.50. Sbeep and Lambs.- Expont ewNes, per ewt- Nominal. Lamabs, per c . 3.75*4. Buc.ks, 'per -cwt.....2.50o Culled e ach p ..ea.h. 2.00 3ý Mllkers and Caves. - Cows. cdi... ....35.00- 60. Calveis, cach.......2.00 10. Hgogs.. Cd-hoîce hogs, per cwt 5.75 6. Ligui hog,, percw . 5.50 6. Hev ogs, per cwt....f60 5. Sows, per cwt.... .15--.4 stage, per ýcwt.... ..-.2.00 21 110W wu 1ARE DIN ario'Ws Rat e of .Nortallty L Ot esti in-the World. a-wagon. >.00 AToronto despatch says: Mort lty tables are noV usually cheerful fascinatlng subjeets,'but wien Bryce,* reglstrar-general o! Ontai begins ta speculate wlth them VU .bccome not. only hopéful but e-, fasclnating. Th.e !allowlng ta shows- how -manjy people dIedinl, Varia lu. the, past - fve yeare, Sl 1897, when- the- ne*w Act came li force which bas'made tic- -retu: practically complote: 1897,.27,61 1898, 26,370; 1899, ý28,607; 194 29,4194;;1901,p 29,60,6. The rIate thousand ln 1901 wvas 13.6, wbîch onc o! the lciwest, if- not -the vv lowest 1tieath rate -'W the waî Scotland, wblch is_-.a ealtby-Col try, b.ac!au -average deatb rate 18.5 la Uic thousand for.-thVia t' ycars.. A dloser examination o! these .1 utes goes aVili further Va prove. 1 healthful- ebaracter -o!-Ontarla's mate. > n 19 .00 3;800 ý.people c! o* ver -70 ears* ýo! ýage, ,anti 3,099o 80 -years o!. age. .That le about> per cent.: of the deathâ were tbo se persans ever- -70 years o! age. Ne.r 25per cent., or.7,163, 'of -the,-deêl wYere - o!felildren uiider anc yea*ilA1ý deatie o! thèse under onc yoar o that le, Infante, and, <W --persa-ns; 0' njet ».uang to rates. lars have been conipanies- ai freight rates.q 'roéducte from1 al to' the.-seabo ')ntarlo, Departi -Irirng eggs - froma Canai a 1bout Pclee 1la-and. i .White Mortimner, TSULOU ut £d Oht,ýquC' Ipurchasedti en acres bal! g~ontli o! Grand Forks, B.C., w il]ipt4 a drilling plant wit --bject o! boring for ail. H.e inao etencied observations on occasion o! several vi-qits, expr( tic belle!! t4~t the Kettie River -Iey la underla.id with oil, kGREAT BRITAI.x . - Lord Lansdawm eexpres 114 opinions regardlag conditions il land. - ~Wdesîread distress amnong p~nemplôyed la reporteti throi4 Britain. P er-msson ta reside in Canad been given- to a large numI arniy reserviste. 'Duriug boings near Beernn g rociksalt mine was discove*etie depth o! 900 fcet. 1 - E--izht.v-fiva thouisand dolawrs on e part o! thee sMi.e, VUhi - e.erl tp -b. proof tiatoGreat "a wie.d Germany Intenti forclng te British inarnnes purpoSe ta e uec of thc- cannon lu Castle damainge was donc te i town.' [EEN TO DINE WIDOWS., Xa.jeaty Prepares Cbistmaa Treat for The=;- London despatcb says :-It is ISS that Qucen Alexandra ln- la to mnark ber sympatiy for the res lu tic reccxut Southl African 1 y givlng a, Cinistuians dinnor dit the widows andi chilien new oendom of tiese wio tell in tic . 'Flie dinner- wilHI. egiven on isber 27tb et thc Alexandra ât Restauranit, -o! which thç ,4 in jèresldent, and wliic wa!ý idec! inluMarch, 1900, .by, Sir mna Lipton, for' the benect of tie r. f4rThomnag Lipton -us chanrge A -tic arrangements for tic din- ln the proclamation anriouncing. intontion, Quecn Alexandra. wîll te ait the widows and cildren- ho soltiiere andi sailors belonging lie Inîpçria1 andi colonial forces lout Lbetr lives ln South Africa lied froni the efteets o! tieCcamn- -. 8ie addts t- UrMales.y Cle- i ia the coronatian yuar- toecx- a fier heartfeît. syiinpathiy, with e who have sutlered the, cruel bel- memt of witr, aiid te wlsli that dbitu anti carnfort îiay, with on blesulng, -bc theirs in tue oonm- yoar. " lier -iaje4ty -will. de!nay Ltme t raveling expeuses of lier ONTARIO SHiPYriARD. J. Hfili anti Canadi&n Patifie Dack of Enterpnisçq. Chicago despatch sayet James [lt[, president .o! «tic Gteat -ten JluiIway, arrivet Inluthe un Frlduiy rugit. and witb hlm. jim euloi-owficial anniouncement nbit-louas platns conteniplateti by rhouit Noýtern systeni, net tic ,Iuelng tic construction o! a i floeL of Modern vesela for thie carrying tra.de. This meve Is emplatcd, IL le atateti, for tic amao of p'tting the KortiornPa- On aparlty wltb tic Lehili, Vie ýt Northerm, anti other systema ke transpçrtatlan. Tralie east west between tihe big centera le [Ing more anid more toward part and a, part lake service, anti ac- Lmmly the. railroati systema of NIrthwfflt lu the future mu8t b. tii comipoe on Water as well as aM4 If they expeet ta keep thelr ings. It flae stateti that the reeldence in this.city at 11.17 e 'dock' an Sunday ulgit. -Deati was due to hoart faiture, Mme. Grant havingz suffereti for saine yMer frem valvular dlkeaseof the. beart, whicb was -aggravated by -as evere"attack e! bronchutis. -lier ago- preventeti hër -frein rallying froni Vheattacks. H daugiter, Nelliâ Granit Santois, .w as Vie anly ane ! of he hidron witi hor 'at tic bour o!flier deatb, her tirce - sons, -who had been sunnotid bore, ail being eut o! tue city. BIELLS AT- CROSSINGSO This Method of Protection Would Preveint Accidents., A T'ononto deqpatch sa.ys: CiVy> E ngincer fluet thinke eomcthing coulti andi shoulti be donc te -'end tic appalling liat o! level crossing f atal!- tics.. Hp -otii not favor'tic pro- pos.aI te provide atitomatie, gat-es at crôssings, 1%a hu snts uretliey woulId bc praicticab]e. . re is ne reason." said lie, "1why level croiss- mngs eb-Ould noV -b. providcd with alarin bella, ivhici woulti-ring automaticaîly ut the a pproaci ofa! ' train. This- mcothod of warÉing lias 'already been tnieti succcaafully' at cros;ing.s luci-inanti k voulti work at country crassinga just as ASKS'FOR ARBITRATION. Nakes Roquest ThroughtUnited SEta-tes inster. A, Washington despatchi sayat A. cablegraineceived at thc Statço De- partinent, on .Friday frani Minaster l3oweu, at Caracas, qtates that' tic Venezuela GerenmEîa b as requesteti hlm te r:-repose Vo Great Dritain à.nd G ermany tbat thc ditficulties arising eut o! tiec daim for alcgéd damn- ages anti injuries Vo Britishi anti (lernian subjeteq, during -tie" Civil War, b.. subiied te -arbitr-ation. Tic olTci* was réferred ta Vhe, British anti GernianEruba-,sics, anti by theni transmitteti ta their - respective Ccov- erniients t LÂNDMARK DESTROYED* Ilouse Bult by Fur Traders Over .100 yTears Ago., A Sault'St. Marie,, Ont., clespatcb saye. The@residence, ei ex-lu-diaon' Agent - Nilliani Van Abbott, With J entire contents, . was burneti on Thursaday morulng about 4 oclack. This remnoves anc o! the -old lanti- marks und'tic oldegt frame building In tawn, it having beeri built A n part upWards of ane huildred, yers the ' liai tiai . -or -the use af cuitivaters. -The- scarcity Ã"o! water causeti by - a loir., Nue wlll be aveideti anti a great lu-, ci;case.,luntic agricuitural resaurces o! Egypt willl -be brouglit about. KENSIT'S SLAYER.- Âýcquitted o! Charge Âmid Tiinul- tuous Scenes. A London despatch says: -Tic trial o! John MeKeever, wio was, chargeti wlti kiihing John KensitP' tic unti-Ritualistic leader, at Binken- heati, nded on'- Tiurstiay Ãœl aný acquittal o! Vile accused. Wbeu tic verdict was arinouricedti heÉe was a sceneofo!tumultucus exultation lu tie court. MeKeever dancet inl the -dock, anti was seexciteti with joy tiat wardcrs hadti o hold i hm "hile Vhe jftdge foi-mally diacharged i hm. Tu-h j)eople proenýeit clîcereti vocifer- ousl3îanid wavcd their bats. Wben MeKeever appeaneti out&ide Vhe court- rooni Vihe crewd tlîat h-ad assembleti iltet i union ÀIkicir>s.houlders anti paradt iumjWaîtywitbhM. Keriait iras struck on the beati witl a chisel duning.a rnet arising eut o! ils ani-Ritualistie, camnpaigr, anti dieti froni bis.injuxies. NEW> LINES IN THE WEST. C. P. R. ]Pursuing an Active Policy Says Engincer., A Montreal tiespatch z-mys: Mi-. Mc- Henry, ti c cil.! cuginceror e,-C. P. R., has returneti froni a tnip whlci i-as - inclu-deti the ,western' bound-ary ' o!, Manitoba. .Ini regard ta te new linos -wicbhati been plauned, *anîd upon whici a certain amnouîît of woÏrk had alneady been doue, lie saId- tiat tic. C. P. R. was carrying out a vigonous poiicy lu ei %Vest, and tVint a corisiderable. amount e! work anti a. lange outlay would. be innodiatoty ilu order. Tie lines wliich arc being projected west o! Wininipeg ill ceat, al Vold, -ilu the- neigiborhood o! $1010001000. -1 Thene hati aire-ady bean a. certain numnber o! brancih ine& builtitnluthre North-West, but Manitoba need:ed, anti was receiving, earffst attention at tie handa o! Vi.coinpany. PASSENGERS IN BOND. 1Ilegu1latioËs Laid Domm Wiil Nomw_ .:,Be rPnforced.-j An Ottawa doespateli r4vs: There ar'c certain-,regulations -whicb are laid tdown to.'govcrn the transit lu ýbond tinougi- Canada o! baggage cf- rai lWay' passengers. Ticse. regula- tiens haývenot, IVis-i,.,learneti, been- strictlycrifoneec o!late, 1azntias a consequerice thVe autionltiese! Vhe Customs ,Dcpartmnent have been lu ceriference iwith thie railway- officiais as Va tuie best means-'of aecuing bot- Ver observaince -for the - future. i- Is understoti that -iWabs have -beeni suiggested anti -that tics. regulations v;111 b. fully enforceti frein Vhis out. aýnt sp ita, continue slow at 12e te lie. Lineti are selling a.t 18c. 1>otatoes.. - The higter Pricms o! tuie paet, day or Vwoa re due entirely te Vie change lu the. weather, neces' sitating better care lu the transport- aVion o! the supplieà. Car lots . on' track ber. are qUoted at 85e ta 90c per bag, and. potatees 'out o! store at $1 .ta I10. . oultry - The market is well cleaned up, anti some hunes, particu- larly, the choiebirds, -are. searoe. Turkeys arc, quoted at 91c Vo 101%c per .pound, and good one brinig more. thickens- are -firmer at *35e ta 45e for aId 'birds and 40e te -60e for y ounig. Cees., are iu ligbt sup- ply at 7c Vo 7jc, -with- 8e askedl anti paiti for good -samples. Dueke. are firmen. andi higilen at 65e Vo 9.0e -per pair. . Ilaleti Hay -Market «has an easy toue, but prices are no lower. Ca r lots -o! No. 1 timothy on track liera are quoteti at $9 ta 39-.50 per tan. .Baled Straw - Market quilet, .witi prices 9teady. - Car lots on trackI hene are (luoted at $5 ta, $5.50 per ton. -.BUFFALO GRAIN MARKETS. Buffalo, Dec. 16. -"rileur. steady. Wieat - Spring dull; No.- 1 hard. spot, 93kc; winter, flrm; No'.12 red, 7Dc. Cern - _ Steady; No.. 3 yehlow. 58c; No. e corn, .55e. Gats'- Offer- ings light; No. 3 white, 36l-c-,N.. 2 mixed, 34jc.- Baa'ley - 48c Vo 63e. Rye -No. 1 ilustor, SOle c-asked. EUrlOPkAN GRAIN- MARKETS. Lond-n, Dec. - 16. - MarkLIane Miller Market - Wheat, -foreigu firmn at an advance o! 3d; English firm. Corn - Amaerican, -Irnegular. anti Danubian steady. Flaur-American,. firni anti ratier -dearer and English paris, Dec. 16. -Close N, Wheat, steady at 2"1-$20c for Deceniber anti 21f 60e for* blay. andi August. Flour -Steady at 28f - ' 20c for December Antwerp, Dec. 16.- No. 2 red1 LIVE SOKMARKET$. Tis is'à dtiath rate for the woulig penlcdd 'of- lufe amer than that o! , ny other country -in. thW wanld, ancl? shiows Viat after ah O*tlarlo ¶s aboùt- as god a place te live lu as can be' founti. IMPORTATION 0F HIDES. The' Rogulation Changed Regard;- - îng Them. An Ottawa 'despatel stays: - The Goverument. bas tiecidedti Vaamend tereguation Prohibitiug .thec.cntry- -a!f bIhes frein. the Unitedi States, so as te permit Vile -importati.on e! bides and ekins, provided Vhcy do net originate' lu any o!fthe. six New Engianti States, -anti »ancr accoixi pianieti by a centificate sllowin-g tint Vhey titi net onig irato lu thc infect- cd distnlcdts. MANY FROZEN -TO DEATH. Coid:-Weather a.nd Hard Times ln -Goermany. -A ]3erlnr desPâteh says:- The cx- rcmely çol wcaVher, prevailiig in Génmany, lu conneetion - with Vhe bard tues, la iscausiug miucil sulrý irig._ Man'iy pensoýns-, bave hbe r rz en t d.a.th i l ii.-western: industrial provinces aud aise lunVile narteast- cru- provinces. - GOOD'ýYEAR F9R LC.R. l Recoipta - -f or -Pasgt Five Ndnths -ýSho7w $320,000 Increas. An -Ottawa tiespatch says: --Foi- tie five niontis ,ýentirg November.30',' Vhe linterclonial *Railway receipts shlow an -incmeaÉe-' !$820000 bo vers Viesaie in.c etyear. -Ti.year hue býeen -an. exceodingly gooti eue,« andtie cembargo .on Vth. shipmeit o!' 1 Canatian cattie,-by Vie-CanadianPa- cificd -inoughi Mairie Vo st. John wili add.te the:,receipts o! Vite IntercO-- lerniuiil 'fer Vie next few montlis- Funieu s s .nowstorms continue Vo swcp the Newfouiflanti. coast;-- Tarante, Dec. - -16. -,T.he rececp ts jisreto s rRn01 i S at thé Wes9tern cattle -rnarket Vils utwspoio o!CiLIChn mnorning -NWere 86 carlduds -'o! -veIBy !agrceÈcnt Biiïtain wiIl builti. stock. 'Pliere uns fairly ooidetrailway tbmnugh Abyssiniia, connectr màud to-'Jay; 'a-small amout !irg tue - outan mitil UgandiVer- Chnbistmaa cattle came lu. anti >aiti it6ry --- --- as high as 5*c per- pounti. A feir ex- - Authority - has been gilven forà port cattle change - 6hantis at -anounti largé lncrease i- u-the quantity of Gje per peunII; buteher cattié W a bamérmunition issuedt thVe arm-Y. Mdaiyat unchanged; .sbeep are noV The subsenriptiona rcceivcd-ý or Plro wautect; lanibsi are firm, a nti ogs nîîsei tawrtis -the érection o! a flC uucliangcd. !nlnal- lu EXeter ahtra e M - There -is practicafly no export IR'P lc<nn, I-ato trate at titis market at prescrit; anti "Lorna Doorie,". amiountedti o> over wbat %veoitd, lu ordinary cireura- 00 stances, b. sblpping..catVle,. la' bought Tii. Board -af- lalth o! Passajie, for the local trad:e7 For al the bcst New Jersey, bias discover4 Viaol butcier, cattie - thei'e ias a gcad de- diphtherla. las. becu spreq. in Vhe mand .Gaa4 to dhoicd cattie sold tib~Iliç sehools by theé pupils, placîng at traom 3 tê e cper pounti, - mithti eiWm-héir niuths- - ptind tic selectioris as Jiigh.. as-,44e per pounti. otken pupils . gétting -'thec uazne pen- M.edium cattle iras teady at - irbinc ils 'in- anui ct, r- a y's distribution, 3j ta 31lc per-pouild; commozn stuff anti wettimg 'Vhetips'un their-mouti: iras uncihiflgtd.- Bulle, feeders, andI also.- ie L,- -As a,- -esult o! subscripti amoaunti n1gta $15,000. tilere tvill -érecteti at Liverpool a -nemon ial the Kiug's Li-verpool Regiment. he ii. asgow Iron Works, oee à-ie largest -foun-diy -. éstabi.ghiu in Seotland, bas anrieunceti that soups will be closeti- daim - for Quecu Alexandra - will giNv( Christmnas -dinhric- o .-widow,9 orphe.nS -residt inluLondon ao- th ivho feu lu n*tie- South Ailan wu addê States - - -The NËiational fleview's stonyt the Gernian Iniperor, turing his iîent tour of Norway anti mile bourd an - American 'yacht, refer disparagingly -ote eBritish Ki -lias received an official deil -UNITED, STKPETrS. Hundreda o! -infecteti cattieAir State -o! ,Vermout il -b. slaugli The Massachusetts . -State Ta, Bureau haliasfoun'd a lierd- -in StO men the Jludsýon hune, -badly- irifer wlth foot andi niouVb disease. -Two Rtussian - iinuig-ranits, - lieing rescuiec fro rfcezlig in -strects a! Boston, blew out tic in a-roin provideti by tIreir ben« tors, -ani- wcre found deadi Wedi The Aniènican Secretary of Agrit turc bag senit instructions>te- Salmion of tii. -Bureau o! Animal dustr-y, 'île oi-s personally ErUItE tendiug tié wo rk e!f fFg,htiug the:f anti iouth -disease cpidemi niel Englane, ta dostr*oy al aninnisl ,Wcteti. - E. Hl. Power, of Mlississippi, selti nuie ainis lunVte -Dewey gn o! - golti mins linItodman Bay, asa together wit-b sixty sV: mnilg, equippeti with mater-ec anti ciectr;.clty. andi seven miles railroad, fer £2'97,50lJ toa n J JWsh conipany, known ai't&1Ua1 Jiadran 13ay Company, o! .wh Mr.ý .George B. Huson,, .P- GEIÇERAL. Arrangemients are being made a Shakospeare memorial' Tic -number o! visitons to, Dcli àJnury,*inel-uchig tVii. troopa, Jiiý, --bc lese Vlan a nlhlion. - Thec swamp aV 1Yùndtih, A tjlffiia, bas tinieti up. This bas nE

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