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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1902, p. 8

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Boydston, Atclilson, l(sns.> Tbere's another hunger' '4than that of the stomach. flair hungerfor instance. Rlungryhalrneeds food neçds g ai r vlgor-Ay>s Thisis whywe'say that Ayer's Halr Vlgor always restores color, and"makes the hair groi* long an~d heavy. ',. ies.Al*ug&h if ypuw drugglut cannt supply you, tend un one dollar and ive wif express O~U a boUtle. Be aura and give the namn of ou mue xpress office. Addreàs, J. C.  RCO.. owell, MMs. AUCTION Saturdayi, DeC. s5ale o! furritufe. w 'lISd lby- public beaide Lh-Canadiai --uerce, Quen Street lollowi±ug valuable 1 Z sideboarcts, . 3 soît - nnrch iui, 1 courhI 2 kitcli2nhablas, 4 bedst-ads I unge, 1 bee live, 2stands, iËng cha-ir, 1 crothes aule-bina, I washing er, 1 cook stove anw ptove, wfndaw shade' p'icturtis aral[ tflie r *rèws- Lu minton.> sharp. T-crnis C LIazy Livers anti Wh1-'u hae rguîn! their proPýýIr fur-CLic cotuný.s oisom,ýed andi casec oMIDenee. Thi by kt-epng yol.r vit. rr mark, t4o bbod1 taking oniFerrozo, *ach 'm2,a!,Fer-rozo raiti action un thle, amti L% ertaînly the s>! rew! vituiiuig bi me-e. Morliig  Dizzin-ss, pain in t rozo-is utA ~Gel , Kc a0. t Druggists, c Co_, lîingstoli, Ont, PilUs cure Jilîuusnos $atunrday, Zuc ~t 'raluablt3 faim in ti WhiÉby. Tho subici inatecurtions from Mi sel by publio nci4 - IoLel, Whitby, on Eti - lis valuabLeU iim, - It s qute graif>'iag to noficethat ,î gooity nUm!býr r Uthe vinargers keep Lbo15snowcIoff aU-n beSidzwalrs'in &GUL t cfth l-t p erty, but quite a pr-mbar of t Ã"heîý neyer Uink of doing Ilow Hwmuch mbtter Lt would b. -in goiflg te L rÀ fi-am the3 post office, amrc i u th-2 chidren going to and 1frcm acico, v/hb sit with cold&- andi -wet £.et du ri£.g ccl ohurs.- Let al- tursu out. $t Jnow of no resident la th3 village if ùabl to do lt'theim-. selves, but wat coufd cet solne- one. Ilal th for -WNomn-a. '¶ew things are min-re-irortant -toa communitvý ,thaa ti.he ialth of its wcinen.. -If strong ta the frame of the mother says a proyerb, thge sous will give- lîaws, La the pcople."- Dr. Chase&~ Nerve Fool is ep%1yweman's 'mcdmed.,- icine. 13y it's aetiàn on the:blood and n.-rves iL gives sStreng"tb ard vigolr ho the édeliçate ferninine organs and en- sures tLi-r regular and hea-thful lune-Liori3- It -gives cojar to the palé, streri,,Lh,,to the ýveàk, anda rounded form to th--, tua and angular. Deatbs-In Oshawa, Graë1eBond, aged fen yersand-ten nionths, A maeting of çitizem, resulted, ini the koroetion of an' or -ý-zatiori tO' be, kn'DW'a as thei' OshiýivW- Fair As- socta-tion of wbicb Dr. UJaiser is President, F. E. -Ellie vic dtt,,and Luther Hall sec. treas. The :ým13Unt already subscribad is about 1300, of which isuin $200 -iill probably :leiiiu- ated in a xma;is fiir-_t ' lieheld,-by -ir4wissý- of the MeLaughlin Cai'ae Co., in their fiQw btuilding, on Moli- day,- the 22nd in:st. The annuiI Thank-offe ring servIce of the Sijnope Street Metliodist eliireb xvshe-1d. Dqr!in- the ýIjsIt fcw mtkn-. th.s therustee board huwvd placed a0--N, windowVS. la the Churcli, alâo n.ew furnabies, 1esides eiling varloïus other im..rovements, the cost o i tzrnntîng, Lo about $.0.On Sun- day, they esked that. -hée-Congrega-ý tioni give an"oflering of $1,000. The request was more L~ grantûd, -as the total collections fa-r h4j 4zaj nmounted Lo $1,200.- Th,ù concert in tue- 3attchuircl, under the anspi;ces of the 'yaunfg ePe1S U wnxas an eceediUngiy pleasing évent. A. large and - thor-. oughly appreciative audience Iistened -toi' a a ve ry înteresting prora 'or ~if4Ll4VD. muscal and'literary numbers furnish- Ozitheeveingo! masDay Hu-e-cd -by, the- choir of the WlitbyBap I SALES rah ! Bill, wlero e .. yoiix houid -for fist churcli, > ite b*M.:î1 M :~-such lias te? Oh! Tom, I mbounàd . PSitephenson, o Ohaa.The -sing- b: SeagravzeLO -tic xmas trte -e. [bo9y ikg o! the chair,- under. the able-leàd- alas v s-hjQl mst eT xship of Mr. B. W. Eyans, ivas gre't Theri unde1-rsIwoud r>gmssitlyenjoyed. There are- fourteen ,per- Th ndoine cr a cow. -Tom- And wliat are t hey" so n athe choir,- %who by their ai- auct ion or.,Sttur- 'ý4 t L b ave, the re, -pray? Bill - tention to time and expresiaiL have on the vacaret lot ighe'y ara -goi-g Lo bhave4 we1Sc LId, becomn-, one of the best amateur éhpirs a, Bank of o-, ign in abu'-tdanca,, dialojucs and IL lias lie-n ou- -p leasure ta listen to. t, i>ortd eferrtho cuj~ withiout rum1bur, andI Jo's The trio by Mr. -and IMrs. adMs béuehidefees-of i ictt ~.sYOIX ver s aw Evans, entitled "Jlessed Are They, 'as, 2 dozen din- aoeyiwe 'e a boy ur.3,If.1 guess was welîîtreceived, as were also - the 'GE,4aiOTaU S~aaî aus wiiU hav,_, oneofo! the cornat solos b>' Mr. Evans. dixnfg C-h)-it', ï lu.sict ies> tEat lie lias h* o il kitchen Chaitsý, à dn- -a y, and 'f voua want. &o give 1Iý bureau, 1JXC. ya>ur 2~stgirl a present, j'ât put iL bor3, 1 nu~uI0-n thii:.treoc with lier unmeun it, and -~ - mahn,1 rn" 1 4S aunt aClaus wjll.1» 'su re to give'1 Lasts a ,i ripese, 1 coal. <>O1 -it t th( -!riglit ane. Hu wil .not *T P s, ivindo'v sacnanjtka Tou-What *Time wiII it .zeire a ri clzs ico numn- cQec B-A 3 'clock min- Sale « ut 1.30 Ç\U.e-uai. Toni-APAd what do you. have That î s s pst what tbey say i.~ ~ Ge.-Jcko' a y for it 'al( ii-îg you are Of Vapo-Cresolene.- The -uier 12 >-ars old they wil lot yo'u V.-porizer is practicallyin Sluggisl Kidney.s. in for 10c., t if you, are ove-r 12 - destructible, and the Creso. i3 fait ho .erfornl years. then.-,you have ho pay ISa., lire ler.i s certai niyfo au.rfetic bandd ic b e.TmInaiois- 18, but jjý.ptnsive. This way of treat- suiferinge andedsce i li g.- ing affccfiong of -the throat i ms ta- ~Hu 'a.b vic lw the- Cocaine Habit Sta rts smt allty at bigh-wah- GnneriIy _frîCn 1usUif' aar 'uf cnrc-1,atds's'o, elti'. rich anti pure by and c- b atar sufseooicl ni as ns elcie ointmnta c n -gt113 depRdlyOur littie pÃŽCitre ilustrates lhonr it's ne Tablet aft'r~ IL j3 wrýt L rcmembcr That the used; You pu on reoeei ee lanamkid but eny dire-ct scientifie cuire for catarrh the vaporizer, F;ght larrnp' beneath ~ivr and kune> 3 s us atarrhozorui, Nwýlieî cures by the 'and then- rate tha - 9reaet pa- cc -1 .-M 1soothingt greates'wt 0 sueii i uaiD t mecac ir. .SinîlPly healin g vapor. For wheopirg-ccug'h OOdknun a n ibrithé, CaLta riozone, and it wil cure - irtx, laa ~fo>tmî sof Cata rrh, Bronchiis., Asth- and croup if's a perfect spccfic. a. tilt andnck, ugý rubs and -- i Vap-Cresle-e is snI1d liq, ruguisî. t-verywee w-lun erina -Lun Toubesand Def u*s.-A Vapo-Crcsolene ouffit, idin5 hVaponean a. EliC Rvery bre-ath u rm atarrhozo-ne Ini- IamP, wblhshoula lait a !fe-uine, and a boutleof t- t ho-day. Pri,ý h, - easanIreivo.Fe-Creso'ene,.comoplete, 81.5o; ezîra sujppli-s cf-Creso. ir . PIso & ilr .coteaI-aLsandreleve. Pr-lefle25 cents anà 50 cents Iilusrratede aooketontain- r N. C. klson & cure guaraUteed eVen tbo>u71Ing physcians' testimorals fre 11PO,~ e A * 1huItmàtns- rcpinÉdi4fairild Try Cita rL.CESOL"l<CO., 180 l'uitoa St., New Yôtk, U.S.A. ozeoac, p:ice f1.00 ; ismfallsi-ze 25% lr-Aï.5ita sale of Dra9gists, Or,- N. C. Polsorà &CO.,'-.~-- tcwLsuip olKi ýton Ont. Dr. Ilamilton's Pis - r.h1u~. ee t -- -jThe lIane-y place bas been re-nted ta or~,,ut te IfOO -~- anUxbridg-nma-n. -~ turd9y Der.2t,~-~riaeyu«ni~ -t J, 2SOme UL3C1 ness andcResiCyfonts iher donSou StmchDirhea T &A1 £Md O TO Lt.P il.â igauec ~~4~Ei7r157 EXACT Sour oRiAciaRr. -=~ -VA PPE~R 0F EVER B0~rTLE 0F Ctasis put up ln u iie-uxbottIos only.il l it-soidla. bulk. Doupt silio, sAiycmst noei ýyou auything else mu the ples or pr elz.th t h se j ust as'good" snd "wifl suwer e'ery pur. poEse." ce ibat vin cet - - YRI Tefus- miafi j~~ s/'0?"~~""""'li n "S' VTAPPS, '1 fh~ -~ o':. GO~W DU3T Cwias ~ ;j~;~ t1u3'k5' - 40' tes good, buifdine inrf air eonrition- fa 19gecrafly çlay 10u-M wi ~ çterdIruînedl, with ai orcbard L-l U& be-aring abaut 53 t rocs oorfirst-mlessý f.:Ult. Tihe fari a iO<'to Jrooklin station of G. T. R. an-V lays aiong- s ide of Lite Gravel Itoati,wie-Il gited 00 #<or a stock fa 'rm, and i l be*sold-aé asnsarifice, an- Mr4.UMeetlias piver, u, fara~ing r,'1i oviîng ta ToLtonto. Sale at 2 o'elock 11.m. L. Ft.irbazAm, aMnusé CaSio«*s slways beas i se Signature Gt Ch=a. iM. Fletcher. Wher11. raby sk we gavc 1-cr Castorla1. wben she -was à Cblld, shecried-for CastorWa Whtn aie bcamne Miss, abc cluug te Castoris. MIiss Maîy Smith is home f rom Tôr- A liti. more siaowiv oulti make- gooti s1eL'ghing. Weddi:ng. be-is arc ringing ovsu a'L High Point. Particulars later. -St:utllng Dferaenl opei M-i"m ear. and wart-, cures contah-. «uïtIM msg aoWa. but PutmanWs pair. »M, WrM snd WarttExtractor W <a-n- ff r vtabl. La »oompoion, nover àé«16 s aM lassure ta cure-. ~il uBth Gflrery, wrlo lisebèesu bmt rturffl têor, Buyî re04eaC~ 1 M,, m. ee-, ou Lbat- Sale-l- *i Wenesdy lat, wheia bis oEly .4augbt3r, Heýnri4etta, w~uniheti in miarLug to Mi'e. Fred.-W. -Gibsoji, o.' the.3sine sect-ion, by the ]Rev. Mr. Williaml.-It -Was a vcry qiuiet vied- din2c, iÏ the immediate relui- 0ytive-s le- ng prsen. The- ha ppy couple le! a. on, LIte-UfÏernonn train for the wosL. -Upon Lhoiur return tbey wil ' 1rieide up- ofi te UGluson hotuae,%eaid. NVe juin in wisfI.ingthie-m nany- happy years o! we-dded biiîs, and we are glati to know that they are- suit Loremniq i tizns of aur quiet burg. Tii, Day of Miracles ,I ~p!as t, but m-ny Who are cure-d af itcbing, bleed-. ing or protçuding p[iles by the use o! Dr. Chasea-O!,ntn-nt look upon their recovery al next tbiWg ta..miraculous. ILIS nul icommon for persans who haveunodergone -painful, riâky -and expensive operations in vain to be-~ finally oured by - tiswodruoit mnt. .It is the standard the worid ove-r andi the only guaranteed cure for piles. T1n,- followIng. la tbe sciool reporî. fGr INovemnbar, te îames' bein.- in or- -lcr el nxurit-h-P. Williams, L. Dis- ne-y, X, liroivu, O. Hogle. 4th- E. Wilson, F. Gleemon, W. Bayles, M. WVil- aéon, E. Stew,%art, W. Gleesonà,, R. Carl- ton, N. Wi!san, P. Brown', F. Byeri, T. Bayles. Scd-G. Joînstoil, B. 11i1- huly, F. Doiphin, P. William, C. Catherwoct, T. Tremble, S. Disne-y,; R. MoDonâld, IR. Conner, R. Hicks. 2nd-- A. ,ByecrsL;L.r.aw,, N. Gibson, W. Sadi- te-r, 9. CrL&on. lst-N. Radie, 'M. Glee- i son,- K. Devitt,ý J.' Carlton, P. Gibson, E. Johuston, W. Sxdler, G. Hapey, 'W BIrovn, M. Wilson, -A. -McDonald, A.* Cona-r, W..rnnàer,%W. Laîv, S. Byers, G. Txerabe,. nas Iept-- n.lnua oor$ for' -a ew Mi3ssoSpiia E;liiott, o! Orangevihe bas been renewing old açquaintLnces here. -- Puckrini Brous. havs-, as fi-ne a fl'lac of cot.swolds as is to li_ found- on a- siluilar cein. luOntaria. fWe exten9-aor- gooti wishes fo Miss- Eltta.Gae uppn ber un.;arriago té Mr. F W.Gitson, o!. Kinsàle. Mrs. Il. T. - Love lias bie-n confined Lte Lihouse thre-atened wvith a -para- lytie strokce. W. etrust she recovers. Diariton,,Wakus He ysteni, and. if ,not checked bècomes a chroic <on- dition. No. rennady compares with Nerviline,' W iich ta preparet! Sp.erilaîly for Stoauclianiboive-I-troubi2s. As an radical cura.Édr cramps, Colie, Gaa3 UCýtie S«ttmacli, Summer . Coinplaint,. Nerviline excels evervthinlg - in,-Lhe mAi-caàl lia, la an indIspensiblei house. hoid s tapie-, anti coats only 25c. Buy a bottl1Qtoaay. Try - Dr. [ta MiItoI'Sý Mand rate 1-ilils. - Ruin-r bas iL tha t'Mt. T. C. Osborne wiil b. a candidate for the- council this year, and il e-arefui and faïhhîful discharge ao: public duties ila the lead- ing quai. to t be desired, then ive are aura Mr. Oshorne -: wiil be a stroag in '%We hope h.lie 'iI1 se-e, ls8 way clear La rua. It is re-portet in some quarters that our pre-sent cou ncillor, Mr. Ja - n--a Mcflrady, Wilhl h a candid- ate -for thé re-eveshlp. No njatter where he stands we feeI sure that hoe i111i give a goot! accouat O! hinisci!. Mr. McBrat!y bas dos faithful work, and- han been laboring e-very week in se--ýnti part af this district towards inaking the- roadg -and! the, paor ln -bette-r condition. Kx of ..ni*-'e h ejiTou î'- There are three essential thlngs to consider when I Ruge-Qua1ity, _çnsuptlou1 of Iuel, and the Price. buylng a ara aqnrk. least important. 'A good Range- will last inany .years, and it saves ini fuel it pays;for its. selfe- while a èheap Range iq1 LUt1y a4dintg tO, its price la eXtra consumption of fuel. Th Iappy Thought" ange- Uightest fuel -consumer ha the woril d -dthe Most Perfect constructed. -it la a, peifet eoklng pratue. ~ht. BUCK dorn Oi"anJbwrddCOguc, R I ~u umu u uu'~ <BN qwau Are you a clava ta h ewôrk? lica cana moacthan anythùig else tVo emaricip ta omcn frmthe Pabrut tLIua house-pots, Pârns, dishes, -cloihes ai-id woodwork. a-vo tXue uiacyaii worry. Made oiyby THEZ .K.F RX ~ KC~P!Y Chicago. rio%# York,. Dostôn.- Moniteai. - -PRIN CE ÀLIERT. - Sýii-below zera an Sunday ,morning.' Mr. T. McCoy, o! Ce-dar Creek,, we aira sorry to lie-ar, is, no >ietter miss, Te-wskbury bas be-en te-on- gaged as princip'aI of our school. Our vil, age did nobly -for- the 'Pro._ hibition Act, gii- 40 vote-s for a-nd 17 agains L --4 - Mr. anti Mir. AnidrewSithsne ye-ars aga residents of this plaee, but no-tv 01 Michigan.hbave -bee-spentiing a f-ewy tiys Ioocing up qld. frienda. J-'mlns, Youngest son o! Mr. W., H. Park, o! Manilla, and formmrly t of Prince Albe-rt, passet!a 1way on ]iriday at the Asylumni luOéillia, where '-ho had beert unciergoing treatmotfi sonna Litne, i rmaints, Wer o ward-ad liera iror burial.in- thè iamily- W. congraturate 0Cr te-achers, Miss Tewskbury anti Miss Be-tird, o" th excelle-at and ligh standing ot: our se-bol, as -shoivu afLer a Jrecent ex- ainÉationC byL-te.Inspector, 'Wh 10Said aur àhbool vsone aorthtIc est arnong se-bols. The parents of!the chfldren have reaspo eI e-lproud. g S', E du. I 4 I PRINCE ALBERZ, .Robt. flutson iwent - to 'Tbronto t âo wek1ago, .,wherehis rab:y av ks e - iv'd hav Mis.Bertie- Bed«ord, 'whose teacli- -ing.tWernihas e 'xpiredv talks o! goinpg to tHie NormiaI. She id to té,'.sucoeeded- by miss Eva JPound.. 1902,1 Our MR. ARTHIUR TILLýis eLilu i South Afric, ad l O.K-,but Still have a -fine -stocekof! FURtNIT-' URE .in.aur oictstand. Ladies' Secretarie forXm .- Parlai! SeLLa for Xiuas. -B.d -rooru etts. F.ane-y Chairs, a11 kiuds. - Morris Chairs. U Childre-'schairs. Rtaitan chairs alnd tables. .BLSells. carpe-t Sweepers. -Pictures, frampne nd moultings. Mattressea. and aurlng ibeda and -christmai goocus too numerous to mention at pioS -chapeititan the e-heapest. Cal! au4see .WiM!ing aI! the. Complients of!sea- Son. - - . ~ kU~ WM#- TILLtgti BON. wood, -This -property iv for- sale subject ho a Te rnis-Ton per cent. 91 moaey. ta lie paid Co I to Lhe Ve-adar's- Solititû of sale, aad ithe, [Ïjlanc days LIereafte-r withou further particulars: Davidson, Paterson& laide Stre-et E~ast, To 4c Solicitors, or to Char e tioneer, Whitby. Date this«-Sixteentliday aof -MI LKI- WA Highest priées pai mik èlivered at ail s8 in 100 miles à.f Toront Farmers having muùi of in quaintities of fzc per day and upwardSt'-ý DI?! D~I~! sp ee. 0 Typewi . $30.00, $4 A According to tie st * de-sire : We can safel, S *buili tvpewrite-rsart *e market. We us.: *parts and employ me-n in the busît guaranteee-very tyl fo ne year. 45 Adeli jup zitF north- sji4ê.Càsslmir Porti, ?ery, Obeap, tôî m s.N. i)ehart, FOR SALE-Gpldet ,Suite, whte and gil rooni site, bookease- edi refrigerator, chai linoleulm1 al modemi new, and black fur -blanket, nw e GUARI3IANSEuP xuatter Of the Guaad fda Victoria Robson,-il Joha Rtaees *given tha t applicatii ta the Jutige-of-the ~cf the Counity of Onta crs, in the QOurtP14 of WhUg>y, after -hi * twenty days. frGom ion hercof, by Maltil son, inifant daughiter laeof thc o- ôwnshi LhelCountyf of Ontar Deceased, oa behalf o! - hesad-Towns] Bl3acksmih, fýr -aan tLhe sai ra nfis - Seot ..serid MaLilda Tictori 1002.- Dow & m Gili Mrfitby, Solicitors f( _32. KIJCTJON SALE 0 PROPER [Y IN TI WHITU-tindr -a a 'the pDwers of salec se-verali mortgages In-, f6r saleb le a-ù Amnvitrng ~I1iis, NYhitby, on Saturdan 19e3, a t the Ilour a1 the afternoon, ty CII: tioneer,,AI! and Sir 1oi~property situi O! eWhiLby,* bein- cc L&s1,14, 15 and I 1 lotà-._29, 30, 31 and3 ah in -i the ,second (fou wesLi o 9£heniy ,Strce Municipal iomry parq 'o! Nàrthl. Éall First Conucession aor Whitby by. Jolrn Shi lands being -bounde-d enyStr6et, Ota the- UN IIAC-41 -SIGNATUIRE

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