'i '-i N ~ ode 7mi ~ uNE is 1~fI7 COMMNONW1ÃŽ4LTfl AGENrS. 1' . V'AN ýALLAN, of Grrcenhau, T.oachl, Is our aiîthorized Agent fà tat section ofo i). O4KPBEILi Auctiôoneer, Townslîii. of PlI- demito ur authorized Azett TUE- IUNSETTrLEýD TE1UtITORY QFCNADA. la the flrst years of any natlion very litfle inerest attaches te the question of the lFa»jïilities of the country in shicb it bas foniad its' abode. Agriculture, in any coü»try civilizedienoughto foilow it, must eve. find ilufi cient room ceren under thie bleakeqt skies for the supply of the. wauts of, art ulmost nominal population. Wben, lioweveri, wealth bas increased, or when numb.ra'ave left noue of thie mest avail- able ispots n foitnew boules, it becomcs * a imattér of raye interest to learn what is the -rial, chaacter of parts litiirto over- iooke4 beca -se net neetted, and- te find am.. tem.dsticts to invite the lhardy setler and hoid oit te bim the promise of autatequate support. Preeisely such is theosition of Canada at this moment. Toiiling up the Sitint Lawrencee-fifrbt a etlers of thé Western Province passed the, lower shores and pressed ou otehie liakes> prefcrring <the solitude -(bat theu suutroustded themn te miugling witb the forcign v atiuality- that had already spread itseil \hgiCanada Ea*. The banks of the gyeat a laad sens, as tbey etteéred the fi-st letnptution s of rest and-eujoymetit, received thse carliest influx tif. population. As t1ine pa3âed, ireaïing uuinbers fourndilit uces- sary te pusb centînuaiiy fartlier into the wîfd b '.find an open anid iudisputed borne, t.11i,athe course of years, itl bas ue'v corne that the wbole avaitable soil of whlat we have itherlo knewn as Upper Canada, lias .been sVproprialed for cities, towns, villages aid farins. Il is ueeessary for us 10 .lo;ok bQod tbe districts already isettled,- and eXëiiore the capabâities of regionsans yet awaîting settlement, and effering- in their y-et soitary recesses a home for Iliose Whîo ha 've' not 'capital te purcliase fields alrcady e clcared and made fertile, but have strong arias <md willing beats te go forth andi cut eut frem tic bo3omi of the forests- otliers f,r tîrs laves Do e ay inferior, alter a trne, te those whicb bave rewarded in- 4ustry i the pat. In our last we laid bc-' fors our -readers an abstract. of soine lior- tiens of thé Rleport~ of tUe Cresvu Landâ tà ucli settlemnent, pa"'ing on from eue te an- othler li we reaced thîe notice- given Of tk. territory bordering thç River Saint' Maurice. The -size.of Canada <nay be better rea- lizetl (bhan il Iias hitherto been by many, when'(bey are bold Iliat the country await- in& immigration in t1b.t River alone is about a tenth larger thian the maitîlanti of Scot-.- Iandi and tleat il contains, about as itiucb- Co4vred tg lue net ouI>' et' ome value, but toluelti eut inducements certain te et tract, 'ýrelong, a lange population. Survcys un- deirlakea te uctirauce lumber rade bave sbjowa Ihualuot ouly is there an unlimibeti sugply ef valualule timben, but tUaI flic val- Iey of lthe River'coul aina probabl>' net les& - jlan tlwec mallw pno anti a Unît' acres et' lanti quh as we consitier godI o- settinent. Th~ isekti e iiures ubcp lsica1 Gee- grapby eof thé. Trritou-y ce, ssî'un the nipneroas lange, rivera anti Lak s by whiçh it la atereti, bUe extensive laterval et' aïlitrial lands exislmng. on bbc,. rivera anti lakes, lthe wide bita cf plie (chiefi>' whitec) -.very wheré fouti, lIte extensive béis et' bou or swà aai onà ore'cf' superoe quaIÉty, -and tflicabsence et' any elevations, whicli W light propcrhy lue cahleti unountains, -aflen pamilng a range close tp lIme St. Layr'rence. Thmquaiahy of tiahead 0 se .-eeraIly1 kuwn to be excellecnt tisat a road is ane »Cer penud tibrl an>' part by Govern- j,'c'ttba» jî in linedî brà ugbout by' setlersi. wbat amn eyery other description cf grain ýriâag abtndt Marv.,14- Thse climat. is -~ ~ t*~~1ttiStthe -marne as aI -- - rM.~ t. IAwrenfe. U Pluinbago for leati pencils, and leati ore is umef witlu on lhe Freneli River. Coppen anti nickel anc aise founitit varieus ýpoints, anmd in tlic neioghbourhiood of flue ion betis <bere ance*inineral spriuugs wliuchu alsready have a local celebnity for (lîcir -anitary No one onu denbt <al sucb a country musft ere long becoîne Vie borne of vast nurnbers. Lt ii a reason for sincere grati- fication tlîat Canada cen Uoast sucli vast stretelies of yet uuîoccuipied soi] for tlue crewds whto seek lier shoecs. Thie %vse pplicy of bile Goreroment in opcning rondi tirouglithe tenritery ishrotiuciîmg (lche e résults. If is ikely tliat the iunmuigration te t sviii for a <une e Ucpincipally Fnench Caîadian, ant i liat thus if ailI have feiven attractions for the imnmigrants 'roin fle Nlotlien Couuntry t han soune ether parts. But, wlîeeven 1wttle it, tueveaiffi olflice Province us increaseti, andti lus aIl ance t hcast iutirectiy 'benijiteti. Admirabiy watcrcti, anti intersec ted Uy inagnifucent rivons, ivithiforcsts et' pine, aiifernaîing %viul î nchutracts of lartwooti hanti, andîti ili thaI îîot valuable of minerais, mron ore, ini uuiiiiiteti quantifties, il uants but fuie hand- of min and tic course of a few, years ho iiake il e quaI"te fliheniost flourishiug parts if Canada. With lic he t. Maurice thîrengeti by a Uusy populati'n, andi thue Ottawa anti Rcd River counfriesoppcncd <e fuie multitudes whîo wouiti doubticas seck homes in IUem, wliat svilu îîot Canuada Uccoune in future generatiens. Wue are only 'hie uioncers of a future Empire. A và st dominion stretch- ing fromut Gaspe te Van Couvens Njanti will, un after <enerations, ejwn for its citizens in- dustrieus anti prosperous millions, andtihic once insignificant Coiony of Canada, tbeoughlilsverthy of hîardîy a pnssing tîought Uy ifs distant rlmers in Downing Street, wili Uccoîne a iniglity, anti,ive trust, a vin- bueus anti Uciiiaia empire. MWc arc tUe founticîs eof ve know net whnt. 'THE OVATION 'lO MAMMlýON.-- lu bancal -olti tiîns, Ucforc fhelhustrous prodigce cf California eufslîouîc tli produce of fliose deoper inîes cf iiîflelctual ne- scar cl), whîhdi evafcd anti civilizeti thue i- faînily of waiuikintflirouglih sages, phiian- fno1hists, and tiuariols-, disti nguislieti nienit reccivet i dstinguishet rcsvard in popular de- monstrations, tlirougîiouf eu-cry grade of social intercourse, fi-om <lue forum te tUe least. lutechicot is, Uowever, about being votei down-as a useless ivll-o-tlxe-wYispi, anti flue man of cents the oest ccît!sible inan, wlîetlîer (bey coîne Uy inlîcitance, or are the resuit of intc1Ii-cumte anti intiustry,-Uen- estly or dishoncstiy, if matters not,-fdelhy lucre s ail futie-hucre is-lucre. W'e have bcd a case in point in our fast grosving town, ast Monday evening. J. Il. Penny, Esq., is repute.d ricl,-and we boe Uc Is so. J. IL P'enny, Esq., is about goiùg tu vinit ibu LundoDj n utlwm 0o5Ler M;4u0 ofti great Sait Lake, ù> ses lthe Elepbant ; but before- bis debut in Cockneyioîn, Uc is tic- s.ireus of the edlat et' Uiug Iioilzeti et berne. Wbat was te Uc donc?1 TUe gen-i ieinan wbo useti te reccive bis sunile as a! comamanti on ail pneuieus occasions, bati ne- siagRet Lis office in tiisgust. A hiappy f hieuilit. liuever, pecefrate ti le -vcy top oi flic occipital nepesitory et' Mn. P., andl îîerinanently 1îrche lict(ure. TUe quauiduuu editon et'-flic W'hitby Fudldlcomctor (tue elitt le pigmy,"- as tlue Beaverf on ickl cahiet-iihiîn), uvas jis (lute nman te play flic jackall (o perfectuin ; thue Lope et' ultiîaate rewerd (Ilearin lielp Iiuan!) lad alrcati> lieti lîttle Fud. te his nterests, anti suhi> belinîf et' depnrting gneatîîess te ea distant lanti, anti oser a foainiimg sec pregunul î%vitli cvery tianger,excepf lcing turnuedtinolfen lave b>' the fiery tait et' our tcrrNe June visi- ton?1 A svink, a arile, acdti, tiess, a /iUilc consideral ioni, anti littIe FPud. hati lis coin- mission. Lest Thurstiey's Fuddleometor chironicd ft'eUte thUe astouadeti Wbitby- enians, iii flarming Capita1s, fIEat '« a Compli- muentar>' finner ivoultiuie -given- te J. H. Penny, Esq., on à londa>' cveaing next, tick- cts te Uc bati u thîe Book Storescut' fthe cemmif tee ;~ but 'viihb fle exception et' tUe becnefcny's (lit (le F ud.'s) came, tUe gentlemen efth te committce remaincti a nuysteny, as fan as tUaatidventiscient Coutti instmuct. Hemeven, tbc myster>' wassoon solved b>' neafh>' pinteti cineulers, ceaimu- nicaing-." free, gratis, for aothing " ticket& and tUe nemes oet'hebcoCmmîtte (rama>' -vaîte tu aI bonon mithoultbeir çonsent>î, aI bbc same tiras. Wel, :on Monda>' last lbe aide-malks et' WUhUy aclueti it b tUe sigor.ous stampetie et' tbc petiais anti amorti-cane et' Mr. Perry's energefie iîttle Dromia. 4" Anywhere.-- eu'erywbere".cuidth te Wliitc Hatl luenc, ati fnoek-cÂta peekets obese witb liecets aI- 10.. Our dcviil ad just enuengret freni bis sahutunu, wiuliface andt bac&ds et't celer df his owu relliera,. hen fbc faligueti skeleton cof Mynbeer Van Clan>, s Ie sup- peseti ffi ifs apparent haste, iras approaclu- îng hin. Ou lifting up the White -Rat, as itwas PassngP te s6 :what was undr il,. bis eans were greetet b>' a sert et' uneon- içlous solloqu>', thtms---A' I'.maeseif lImat eu do it. »idInt 1 big ; eut mien nobndwala" t i4à i. -and rün hiImin afi.. *k.- The lýegisiatuire liaiing refusedti telégal- ize flic Toiwn of w'uiitby By-iw andti th rnis-utc Stock Beoks, wilii uere eniginuiiy gelo up for flic purpobcet'f aitîng in flue con- structi onuo et'tl Pont XVIitby anti Lake Huron Ruiliva>, lins reindereti if neccssuny for thie %iîolo svonk te Ue donc over again, anti wshîcli mustnecessait>' tuke some liitie tinie. ITnder iluese cireumstanccs, tlie frinicui tiselcrond tidti ef<link il ativisable fer thie Count>' Council te take any action ivitli refènênce te our i-aiiwuy at ifs present session. Arrangements have, however, Ucen matie ft'e luholding et' e specini ses- sion te consuden <lie subjeot, se soon as tUe Townu-of MWhitby Sà bail have passeti qn*lier By-hawi, anti privafe stock te fthe ameunt et' £25000 shaîl Uavic been subscribeti. A meeting efthte Raihway lJinecfou-s as belti on Fuiday lat, et urhicli N. G. Uc>'- noitis, Esq., Sheriff eft' îis Counfy, was cecofet Presiient, Johin B. WVarren, Esq., 1ut' Oshuinsa, Vice-Presitieut, ant i.R. Il. Lawder, Esq, Secretar>'. A cominit tee bas been appointecd Uy tbe- Tlowvn Couneil te draft anothen By.h cm,- WIS10û a l ho uae ty<he.- VAnULaas»A subînittedti t the rate-payera at an carl>' day. TUe Pris'afe Stock Lin a isos being got up, anti we are told the mosi et' the late subsenibers bave determinedti l rein- ste .e fhucînsel res. Inacnet lien ceiumîîn uve publishi tUe Rail- ivuy Chanter as arnenieti, whîicl ire trust will give satisfacti 'on te flue 1Muîuliecipuities. Ncxt week w ire l hipublitI tlicisu!§Cs et' - i[e olti charfer which las been revivetib>' flic pi-eseuf Acf. StJmMEit AiIA.-GîMETS.-Tlue non- ning timuîcfet'r<ains ounflic Guanti Truiik is aaîuu alferuti. A îîeu (une halle ment imb effiect ou'Mentiay tUe 1sf insîtantî. 'lue "ate arranigemnît ivas flic very Uest <liet coulti Uc îmade fer tUe accomîmodation et' [The local train etPt l ope for flic rcst ut 6,55, a.î. 'fle* train noir icaves ut 5.55J a.uo.,(lit carlier aitd nfuch less con- vcnent limte. At 8.36, e.mn., tUe Mail train from AMomtreal gees up ; andtihli Express ut 6.32, p.m. TUe mail leeves Toronto for the East at 5.45, p.m. The nesuit eft (is arrangemient is, Ibat eue train roba another.- If ravellers risc carl>', ti e local wili rab bbc.mail on flic upwand trip, anti on tUe dewnvard passege-bere being huit anuebur's dîfference i<ihe et'f saet- ing-tne mail rabs the local. Yestentiay me caedtowu on tUe latter train, and founti tUe pesseugers sai feir <bat bbc reccipts couid net lhave Ucen sufficient te pa>' for tUe fuel consumed 'anti grease fer tUe ivbels. "lCharge is net aîwaïs referai," is a tant pre.among poitical bueka. Ih in truc nevertheless. Andt iil weuld le wmdl if those mUe are nîaking cexperients with Grand Trunk tiiae Tables weulti Uc go- vemnedti bbcsuggesýtionsitentains. The preseut arrangeaient must soon Uc givea up. Ant bb inliabitants of Port Ifop. anti Cobourg uvil Uc rvery -ireiphease tt have lthe hate tVue table re-e*stablisheti, 6,55, a.ai., la eaièhy enoagh for as te icear bbc Ilaiabeerti» et' Ceatictor Cook,,- .Port Hope Guide, June'13. We ftly endosent rn>'ord of car Co~- temzporar>'. Tiie arrangeaient be(fsre'lime firbI et' June mas lnfiiehy better. than usée prescat onei wbicli la eaif>' ne aîcomtmoda- tiont- e icpublic at ail, iadJeut& (the yery puhr andi civil Conduicîpr, Mr. Cook, la a ver>' ceaparatively uneprofitable enaple>'-. ment pn the RossI. A Petitions pm'esnted : 0cgg(sad 0f Wm. Stewart anti othuens, pTlay.ing Teqeto eugplio lcamcnd-; for aid i opmeaqtbb Towên hue bctwcn meut, <lie jeas 'anti nays ;were caHleti Lhnck nd bon,-'r. eDogaî. .anti takea down as, follows :-Yes--CurV The Special Couumittee appointe t te - rie, Farewell, GibUs, Gan2be, Gibbs, Ga r vise anti euuaize tIme asses =ments breugbt loway, Keller, Smith.-7 Nays--IEwers, in hèt rèort tgetlewith Scedue'cn- raazon, D.ydep, JJ-otgsoý Hwî taining an abstract slmeing thme a dseseti Douugll;Rîcbardsen, WidemoaWhite.t and eqalizeti valu!e Of landls in <h-9e]?ssdiaths7aîva Municpahii 1,;ueh 1a redThe question being again proposedt huat; Anti, on motiom of Mr. Gibbs, < eprtb uw eele by~~~~~ ~~~ Mn a-witeCuelwn i Mr. Smith moved ia amendaient tute eP Comrnittee tieréon ;- Mr. Brabagon l in jtmqestion, secoidèd by. lbtr. Galloway, tdat a chair. th-(le Report bé it reèeived, but thb' t it be Comnittec rose and reported thme report -eèrdbekt lbcmniteo c withoutt arnde<ulnt. * wbold, wlth inistructions te appor*ti & e1f Report rectived and adopted. sur of '£501 on thee Road leading frei Ep- n ~ ~ ~ tA, ik.~~r.i~si. ~ s sin te xbritdie, Mre Milnce( te- repei Co»i ~receive the netessary alterations prepara- tory to taking on board lier portion of thle Atlantic Telegrapli cable at Liverpool. The Biritish overnment biad readily loaned flic use of the dockyard ut that place. LIVERIPOOL i'MIAKETSde The Liverpool bread5tuifs market bad resumed a feature nf extreme duineçs, and to effect sales a slight decline had been subrnitted to on ail articles except corn,,1 ho prices of which ivere larely maintained.' The intervention of the holidays with the favorable ivoather for the 'crops, had been imainlp instrumental in tlîîs depresgion of <lie ntarkqt. The Liverpool provision markcet was quiet, and the prices nominally ivithout es- sential change since tlhe sailing of tlie for- -mer steamer. the bour. Mr. Bryan, as usual op such occasions) was lavisli in ailthie goodth lings cornetable in these latitudes, andi a proper parade of elegant decanters and baskets filet i viiii tbe îost rcckierclîe Tickldirain of every description. T1'le table groaned- . anti so diti vliat fcw of thie commiit tee svhî %were present, or Ilîcre misa wonde rful dis- play of empty Seats, besides little Fulddt'e announccd slyiy thit tfUere were 28 free guests, and only 12 paid tickets ! And Capt. llotwe, too, of the comîuittee was absent. WVlat cmdd Unbclie mater ? Are tlie viites of successful Towvn Lot specu- lations below par? fflý the fatily relative ulone ouglit to îiuster more than l) payin.e t i che ts! 1 Is dF AJ1L U 11EJn"said couisin B. Wliat.do you tliink." " Wby, l'Il a'gin twice-the cost of thîs llerle feeti if il liad neyer becn got up ah ail. Whiat will tlîe'Queen say wlien blie reatis tUe next Con»wnwcethli? 1'e a noti.ýn te re- noince tlic worid and the flesi,(bis very nigit cousin lB." "'There's f/i ut the other endi of tUe tab!e, Join . ' Our devii crept into tlie roonu betwcen tbe legs of tlic secre-tary, and toolc notes under tlie table. 1It is vrry possible Iliat the speeches, &c.,_ wiil bc reporteti in our next.Ile says iliat the infallibie test; was called for by the chîair at an early bour, wlin flic Fudtileoinutor ivas applied,anud indicatet ne li-lier <ban Ilfizl a' il round. Tie company then imizzlcd. At a later hour,' hovecr,' hie editor of the Chronic/e uvas d*scovered on ie bottom of a chair, with a' tuinhier of ýieryiookiîug iekie-brain inEne0 aud, and with flice thler holding the plate of Mr. Perry te lis tengue-the sword-eane nt rest ou the foor. OUR IRAIL WAY. COU TY OUNIL. Ilannam instead tiiereef. Lest on tUe r Th Couty ouncl trmintedits it-same division. Tb5 eny oni eriaei l i- Tue report was tiien recciveti anti adopt- t tings for tUe present session on Mondà y eti, and <le ielli as read a third time anîd last. wc gTive be low a continuato- renpssed, anti signed hly the Warden. our ast ssueof te poceeingsof tat Ir. llewitt, secondeti by Mr. Ewers, ourlas. ssu oftU preceii;s f tatmoved tliat il Uc an instruction te ilie body, andi hope in- our neit issue te have Finance Comrnittee te bring, in a By-iaW suficient space te give the remainder of ifs te raise a sum of îuoney by Debentures doings for thie present session. There wa sc-,cured.hy the Non-resideîît Land Funti of btlfis County, for the use of the Township notlîing of an unusual character brouglitMnipatisgrUy ilîUe ttt. before the attention of flic Council at tbe Carrild. 0 »preseut session, the Railuvay question having Thielheur of 12bhaving arrired tlie War- been deferreti in order to Uc consideriet iat ien Ieft lie Chair, until 1,30 p.m. la special meeting te be caileti for thaI pur- T: oni euud;<i adni M tlhe Chair. pose, wbich, it is expecteti, will take place Mr. Farevreli, seconiled by Mr. Dryden in the course of a few ueek-so soon aus moveti that tlhe Engineer examine flic the Town of Wbitby shali have passeti ueights ant i neasures oivned Uy Ailan another By-iaw takiug stock in flic roaci :- Lockhart, anti if lie funti the saine suitable te the use of flic County, to pay te Uim ithe SECOND DAY. original cost (luereof, antibaud (hein over Wednesday,. June 10, 1857. te the newvly appoirited lflspector, John The ounil nef tUeW"adcniiitUeGordon, andti lat, siionît saiti weiglits anti Chair. ineasiires net Uc founti suitalile, flice saiti 1\lebursaIl reset. lngineer shah pîtrebase a full anti complete MVembWate e ni presen feitefi set of the hest description, anti place flic Counîl lic o!lwingconrnuncatons samne inthe liantis of tbc Inspecter. FrniteinJongdomuiaions fr.ficAnth le question being proposeti, Mr. office of Inspecter of Weiglbhs anti Mca- Wutscueib r ltgomv sures for this County. in amentiment, tîtat ail affer thUe word 1-thaI" Report frein tUe '1'returcr of tUe Counhy Uc struck heet, ant te folouing inerno of Ontario, ini rererence te tUe financiai ntaiteef-"TeEgne nn state ef Ibis Counl'. c7 l urla e icweiglils andticna.ue * Ieet frein TUesi. C. Street, 'Esq., qf useti Uy Ailan Lockbart, thue late inspecter, Stamferti, te fUisCeunty, ef 39 acres, hein, but fliat lie jrnrcliase a new-sget. partef Lt N. 7,th Cncesionof ct Andtihte question Ueing put on flic amenti- prtro otNo 7 Coneion oer'Stt. cmilent, lie Councl tiivitied, anti tUe names colits ad , Iénýr3 or fcati- C urthin,, calleti for, tbey were taken down as House, &c. YA.Iogo niWie2 Petîionspresnfet Ž'AYS.-Brabazon, Currie, Dryden, 0f A. Wright and'ti lers, praying for a1 ues Frwl,'Cbs amble, Keller, grant of morey in Slincoc Street, antid c)igîî Ucir nSib Vte- Scomplaining of the niner flie appropriation mau-12. of flic Nenquion 11111 uvas expcudd.-Mr. * So it passeti in flic negafive. Brabazon. Of T. Cragg anti 49 otliers, prayingf for Tlemi0ueto bigptwspo the nipoyeien ofthe- Cntr Lod.-nounceti carrieti upon sanie division. <li inproenunt f fic Cenre loai.- 'l'lie Standing -Conîînitcc on Rloats andi Mr. wer. -Britîges lirougtrh up lîeir report, whiib 'as Of G. W. Cibsen anti 62 oluers, pray-red nuonmtnofM.Cr, ing fer the 'iraprovement of the Cenitre ra n] nmto fM.Cri I Road.-Mr. Ewers. secondeti ly Mr. I3ralazon, the Coujîcil 0f lHarrison Vernon anti 32 others, pray- uur inute Co aicro. ing for thîe iraprevemcîit of tUe Centre lrdniibcCar adCouimit tee roe, reorteti pregress, anti 0ff tiirs praing fo askcdleave tb sit again to-morrosv. 1U- aid in improvenient of tbheJ3reck Itoat.- otrcie Mr. Currie.- On motion of Mr. MeDougali, recontiet 0f GergjSticlcaudant 26 Uics, y Mr. llod«son, flic Council adjourneti. praying for aidin. theconstruction of a bridgeFID ,Jueltî across the Creà I on the County fine, near TUe Council met ; thie.XVardcu in the the Grand li'ttak Rairoad Station, nt Chair. Oshawa, -M47Gibbs. - Minutes of yestertiay reati andi approveti. 0f 'hues. Paxton and etîters,-praying for Mlembers ail hresent. tUe establisbr4xt of a Grammar Sehool at 'l'fie Council, acco rtiing te entier, went-- Boreia-Mri Gambie. again joto Commitee of the wboeen Mr. Gibbstecondeti by- Mr. Llodgsou, PRoats anti Bridges ; Drytien in flue Chair. moveti that e tender of resignatien hy Conîmittee rose.auid repertethefic-Re-_ Allen Loekbat Esq, of <the office of iu- pont, witlu certain amndments on flic ques- spector of %s gbts anti 1u'lasures for flie tien for thie recepf ion of flue report. County of 0' arie, Uc iiccepteti. Carried. Mr. GibUs, seeontied by Mvr. Currie, On motionà Mr. Brabazon, thUe Xar- moveti in amendînent te tUe question, (bat tien left bb c' until 3 p.m. 'e the Report Uc net receiveti, but Uc refer-1 TUe Cou . resumedthebb Wartiu in red back theicCuuaîittee of tUe whee flue Chair. with instructions te emendth te samne by The Wrend te the Council a cern- atiding tUe foilowifig therehe, after the Gtb Petitiens presenteti by leave e-of ie . w nId recaae Conucil and rend by thme Ceuncil: fofr the improvement éf ltme County fiue, 0f Pliilauder M. Clark, praying te lac between Ontario and Victoria,.- preu-ided appointi lInspecter of Weigbts anti Mca- (luat flue County of V'ictoria contribute a sures-Mr. Farewell. like sunu for thuat purpese, in accordance1 Of IHenry Hancm, praying <o Uc ap- uifl thie prayer of flic petitioners."ý peiuteti Inspecter of Weîglîcs anti Mca- Andtihli question beiuig put in flic amenti- sures.-Mlr. Smith. muent flic Cotuncil dividuti, anti thie names .Mr. Gibbs, secoaticti y Mr. Farewell, being calleti for, they uvere taken doîvu as moves for beave te iiitrotiuce a By-law te fo!loWs :-i*as-2urrie, l-)rydcn, 1E'vens, appoinitan Inspecter of V'i isanti Mea- Farewell, Gibbs, Gamnbie, [leiveit, Keller. sures fer thc Couîuty of Onetarie, anti ne- 1-8ý \'.y!,-lIiabazoni Gulloway, LIodzgz 'Tue Lentioni money market was witbout essentiai change aince <Uc depature et' tUe Vandanbilt antiNerftb Ameic"c on thie 3rd instant. Consols closei Ueal atcf83 7-S- te 9-1 fornioney. AG',RICULTUE- vs. TRADE. 'Tle condition of lun5iness in thic grenu unants of (lue Atlhiitic const continues te Uc qumite unsatisfactory, anti is dectareti te Uc duiler thuan in any spnsng fer thc hast seven- yeans. In flic western cities <lîcre uias beetu a temponary iînprovement wilhic tUe past tw 0cwes,coîsequurmtutpou ftUc n'seinftue ýriceof poduce and tisbursemcnt fa large umount et' meuey by tUe great nunuber 'Of eigignts nnniviuig <lucre. 'flue complaints. of flue present sensen are îîet causeti se mmdi iy fluetiefic'iêiicy of business as î> tuhe neiudidancy eft'tratiers, ante iecr-supply of nîantfctueed arti- oIes fuirnialiedth fle imnprevetimachiin.env uvhicli lias been brouit info openafio n uvthin e t'ew yenrs. 'fhescc are altogctu.,r dispro- portioiiu tcheie gricuitural preduefs eof (lie country. Whlit he ure is but iîhie danger et' ans' serionus Urakdosvn iunflue Rgereral business of the country, vre caucuot fail te have a' comparut ivehy hong penieti et'inceuvenience, di mSappointiunt. aund emn'arassrncnt, unfil flue relations eft'hle venieus intcrests et' <aber anti capital' gradiuiy bUccme adjustet I<o ecd et ber. lb is easy te induce men Io leave tUe isolateti hife anti sînal gains ' agnmcutlurue, for tUe excitement, flic atven-- (une, andth le dolosive bepes et' tratie anti cit-y life ; but steru anti long continueti ne- cessihy in need ticit induce themnute Jeave flue social excitement andtihfic peouhative businesofet'te cifies, wlieh are continualiy fernptiug (hem witU apparent oppentuîîities et' acqumriisg a fortune, tbough aIl these huave, Over anti over again, been pros'ctian ticlusive as the chances eof drewinug tUe bigluesf pnizes in a lettery.0 TUe spiunt cf enferpnise ini our people is5 stimulateti Uy fee instimutions anti an un- boundeti extent et' neir lan;theficprice cf vlimcb, for, the euvnemsbip' is onty c sinal per cenlage eft'he yeanly rent et' landis in tUe populous counîries et' Europe. Hence it is tbet Our enterpriâe tecks system anti regulatien, thet eur markets are se uneer- tain anti fluctuating, anti our intinstniai de- ,mense anti Unneè'essary %aste et' ufe anti We cannot look fer cny substantiel and parmament neaetion, tiI targer ameucats of capital, anti a grealer nuffiber ofet'cergetie yonng men are witlîdrà wn frem in ler pur- suifs, anti courent rateti upon -a2i'iulture. 'fime wIll effeef (lis ; bt it unît' Uc Shj * work ; for aumbition anti energy wuil net rea- tiily give up flue dreainset'f. mecîl anti lui- un>' witli wîicb Ilî e ~u<chciies. To thie man et' superi.w jotigeaieut anti grent enengy cf channeter$ agricuture- dees net ofier, e* ofCurs 11, se gçod ah epporunit', for tUe acquiîsition et' a- forfuue,-aS COM.~ meýrce, , mliuuctures, anti thec mechanie arts; bui t lene is a centainfy coi tUe acqui- ait ion -'feempetcsucy lu agri ulturat em- ployaient, anti an'uusiinited fiel Jfer is »ep-w rabions, se tbat not' eue ii.a undreti mUg embark iiit ued fait et'sue >ce w; wilinl eOtUer avocat ions, flic field- mil enly alur et' a lisaifeti number, anti isaI nays.likely té Uc se crowdteti mith cûmpetber thal in bb cudtie leconditionlot' the, greal' bodiy t'lime people tievoîtid te the >in is reveiseti, anti net more Ibau cee, la a lum ured ýsuccçssfoi, vbie tUe mqsonsty et lbem areidis:ippoirged, and slruggle'on, poor and unha py, in a pre. -carions anti perplang, busina , tlI deatb closes thb. scene., a a neraI ruIe, all basiness wbieh-oet- eraue1gperaaenb -einph huaet te ,ý.à Finarmips6e et'people, gives su ta to~ rat .ei nratou.mli 1 mcu dt-.: a ail Uc wauted ocnupin nqkoj accumiulites in perietis oet' Iopnices; buit thue bigli pnices; litIhive ruteti for s0 long a time bave brouglît tb market afagrae proportion of thbc barvebt of iast year than is othurwisc usuel. . lluuilwiy exlendîtu're in ilseif isa 3OUce et' prospenify fa ifie farmcu-s:* for costmer are Ureuiglatte flhem market, -cash un baud, ready . for purchiase. 'lule labour is th$~ clief expense eft he ailway contractor, e Ilat every impulse is given t e C 'uti0 tien of lande Uy the building et' raihrenttis Landi gaînbling does ne suclri f n .Ln1 are enly <bjus purcliaseti for Ille pirpose of ne-sale, luit lands guiinted te0 railreads are landis grauteti for production. Tu'le cultiva. ien of the landi ant I<lic builiding ofet'te rail. roati go on togrether. Tlhucre nnever was a finer time for tUe t'armer, if ic wiîî nl ouiaté-cutltivaîe ah1 he tan, andti efuny uvhit Uc cannot cultivate fully. 1104RIJBLE MIURDER BY A lVIANIAC,.. A mai nnet Jolun Bleckweli, a shoemaker, living eat Workingbam, lias recentîy ecii- biteti synxptorns et' aberation, et' mînd 'n tIme shape et' violent religieus delusicns, anti thue pariait etilcers lied deternuinct n remeT.r lic te 'a lunntic asrylunu. On Wedacstlay nighLa -man nameti Rance vras appoinied te alcep witbh him te preveuf mîscluief.... Rance agreeti with twre nen occnpyiug cottages on cithier aide ef J3îackwcU'si, tluat jf lie requireti assistance in tUe uight km shouiti knock loudly on tUe uvali. Son after miulnighuf eue of tife- neiglubors. was awoke by e louti -noise, lie wenltet Blackwvelh's cottageandul saw I3Iackweli 5tandingý over Rance, wtio was hyiuig on the floor quite dccci. leing friglteucti, lic went-into bis cuva- cottage, anti abat tise door, nt iwhich tUhe unaniac preuently knockcd, sayuuug, "- 1îhmve kifîcdtihte dcvii, anti 1 am. flic king et' kings." Binokuveli t len weaî asvayanti was not founti titi Tbunsdy înorning, whlen Uc u%-as seen kneeiiug in thse 'treet anti prayiuîg in an ineolmereat manner. Froui tUe appearance of Reace's Uody, il seemet i as if lie hîad Ieen firit kiuecked doswn, ant i <eu hati recciveti severai severe cuits inftue fluroat anîd iauti.. 'Élie maaiac's own accoiufft cofluhe nater before the magis- Irates wasas foîlouva :-That man orereti te Uc uny pret-ector, antisised me te sieep on. V/lien 1 bcd a certain 'évidence M» uay mind (huaIeternity was con*ing I aeli t; siecp.* Igot eut et' my*ued, but be pmà » [me back. -1-c saîi, 4You feel warmm;'1»d- I saiti, 'I1tiou't feel everlastingil wani».' 1 bath a presentimeut <bat b. wâs a d evit, andi.1 tetenuninedti tekili bim. 1 at iick hui- a bli w sicb alînost levelled ims, but-. <the, second diti quite. 1 f len .got a knit'k, j à 4st as lie menaged tot get the. door open, aim41 stuek hi in -flie urck. - TUe huit'. dido't cei, butI uanaged to bl;agnid jag away titi I huatidoue flice.job,." r41hemagistrat.- comritcd buja for triai at lthe assizea, auJd luo- %vs remov cd te flic counfy jait.-&Iù* bc<rgli Weefdy Ikrad. FIED.-The Fog lamiiy are a nimerons breeti. Cluarles Dickens locatedtb Jem i13 the purflens efCbaucery Lace Iat'fir frum tUe bauk oethUe Thanes. Doubtles t they were bri ani dragged uon thatsih bave enmicrated 'anti ikeahi offsbo9fg have shot a longa array up frein- the omigimal radiz. UW1 en a nysterv transpires amm us el tUe Fo s11 are Uoult to lItme work of enlicbfenin,, .be public nîjutiandti ie f esuls - is a sert et'farness visible.." At ýIirand inquisition as Coroner Connery cidhed îîè ive supposeti fluet <lure wcne soe ufeint glimmnerîigog t'a ay oetr' it but, that-va quickly dispehLd by tUe*be-fogies 'ef lb.e daily press.<'-.:Nexttbleafggsbgn fakg Y ~ --. TILE COMMONWEALTH, YIISDy s~; t~. 'i total hOS s se lus iîu'urarc l3e t iis isoil -' own uTerssêr Epwards ofet'e <lie enipoy t tiependeti upon- anti sulbssluce, et' tbcîr mean-, toun's bs - ina -we bava heurt fi om -$6,000 t cos-t $10,000. $6,000 in Et beliere, $2,0i actual loss <ir 000 or *$3I1,00 irisurance et' lu tbis 'rowi * instant, t te-- S. FullerEs wbitb E on the market irbicu Moveti o 500 bue4iels pei thIle weck aI pri 9.4d., foi' fait, actions ah (bis P fore, enîy oii Fancy, $7 te e8 per barreilî Iu edier aut The scbebut- port on Thars uitit à cargo od heauletiagaiu w aise shippeti by TO0 f, IS5 7- lWntEÂT, of 500bush.] prices, tlue rang Ss.8 dk-per buil off, ai 9s 6d. eomppetîlion ai -le Ebour i anueunt ôaelxuL perfiae-à t $6 $7 25. Extra AnsXY, Jum priçes-noething~ Neqîustatioez ni -.5.Comeduil r S oJu4 for red anaisl and White- $2 25 a$2,50 p fer superfinsIZS8 à $887 fr exro 1 --ý 1- - -1; T-T NE 18.