.1. "RJDV JU LY 299 1949 WHITBY, O; - -- -~~ rAOj JNTE 10 ,Whitby Modem Players ".,,,.. Active Cultural Group Is Popular in Whitby OYIf re& ied, pros- L he noed rvices or 1British lext acw- le course Dt*d spe- Eis unit rdoctors vices ini >Peration lnspcctor purpose. ýg1gnd. - ne coffln vn this but lackîflg talent for actin their place in the organ "îcrh build its own set.9 and Uip lighting effects, Thos.e flair for iýrection have an tunit y to learn theatre "bt ioder the eve or Mrs. R. ilhe capable director and m v P r There has been consîderFiL ri.OIof thei pomsibilily of irng tlie Whit by group In 00i n atilth) COLfpetitiOlis, and pears iliat the high cost of1 iion ind a dearth of maIe ai@. t sso obstacle.ç to be xurmi uth maie leads harder to fin ,nonev for t he product ion lii addcliori tor their r eh for t he pi<iducl ions, t he ni 111%p a ýt1Oflg social group, r o1we a muni h f'r cent ert ain me trîkilli iii sorne good playsf cîalnand training BIIGIIT THREAINý l)auplîin. Mari. 'CPi.-A 111 ofticials are taking xi, munhAt. potRto blight whic î'itackPd 1ro ri nthis Ë SpreaRd orf lie biight was aitti tri cool. damp nights. RIGGEST RURAL ELEVA FOam La.k#- . Sask. 'CPI. i00000-bllshel pool elevator.j b he large-st 1rural Pevatn of ihe COreat Laks, 18ir ecompletion ber>'. s. g have izeaion MRS. WES ROUTLEY Correspondent wnth a Ashburn, July 28.-Mr. and Mns. oppor- Frank Mitchell and son Murray, of usines' Deep River, sperît a few days last Wilson. week nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. prime Gordon Plsher, Mr. H. Doble, Jame4 and Flor- lle disr- enice Doble, MLs Fern Stephen, Mr. Senter- Anidrew Heron and Mr. Walter An- > of the dprson moteréd 10 Grav*enhurqt on it ap- Trh iray and visfted Mr. D. Par-' prodrîc- rott. jIl- Ve r ' Mr and *Mrf A. F Hines of To- oute, on0 rehoiidaying with relatives TIriIs Pictur cf Brdek Street Souti id than 10 w Iîîar~ tarie, tires a splendid Ide& oft MmToa Bri.ofTrno business blocks, wth attractive atc terasi., spendîng bis holidavsaet the ~ - _____ embe r,, home of Mr, and Mre P. Barrie. 'neetinig Mr and M rs Monerv andi Parrott. flt anid famîilv. who have moved into that Mr. and Mrs, Ed Batten of Osh- for ob- house recetl.- vacated by Mr. and a&wa. are holidaying at the home of Mr.\ J AIbl ag, are welcomed to their son, Mr. Ru&sell Batten., the>'commnrs. jLMr. a.nd SIrx. Maurice HarnilI and sMr and Mrst. Lexlie Oardhouse fakmilv, and Miss Myrtie HarnilI. of Uliul:- ofMelton, caîled fit the home of; Markham, were Sunday Lro~at PpIn tc0 Mr. Andrew Heron ohi Sundav Uthe Rouxley home. 11 has Mr and Mrx. Liarne Stainton andi Mrx. F. Todd of Gananfoqujeis lit rlk t daughiîer Lorraine, of Brook lin. '.isitIng et the Richardeori honme ribijted' were Stinday' guesîsrtç t the horne off Mr. anîd Mrs. James Burrotiwhr.s Mr. and Mrs. Russell Richardson. of Toronto atre spcndiiîg ther Mr. nnd Mrs. Leslie Crosa and holisys wiih Mr. and Mr.s. Frank TOR "-on, David. of Toronto, and Mrs.i ____ - A Robert Goosea of Whitby, calleci on- .%Faid to, Mr. Davidt Anderson on P'rlâay ofN r we.st la.%t week. nearIng Mrs. Jas. Mowat of Toronto. is -vLtng her aister Mr&. Robert Trop ys Grill Sugest: Giving- Mothor a Rosi "Fun Fosi Day", linWhihby- *ot out ot TOPS9GRIL 107 IROCK ST. S. PHONE S06 ire evp7 Healthy Summer Vacaîlo., MfdGY, M g&t , COUNTS SHOPPIN. nad Array of Business Places Feature of Whitby 0 h. running south from the Four Corners to Lake On- eounty town cet Ontario count-y, and a shopping rentre fora large an :d prosperous the stablitv of the. town of Wbltby. isweil-bullt rural and urbar populatIon The bulding wlth the. flag-poîe on top la the Whitby. Town tores of every description, enhance its prestige as the HaU and Counril Charnier.-Tm-OertafPo3 Lynde, Carol 1.ynde is iki îing at the home' of Mr âan Mri;.Wiliamn L' nde, Kedron. Mr and mis lt..w-re Dofble and Phl:li. of 'Wesîçon are arpend-; îng the' week with m., and Mrs. W Dob:r The Hiron fRiil v lbcld thrr an- nual re-nioiin on surndav. J111N 24 nt 1,vndbrook Pa rk. about 100 gatherrd Rand w tdown Io clinner. Altrrcr dnner Mrs. F. Htinter, of &arboro and Mrs. Fleet Beare of and Mrs. Greenibank took charte of a ulttle MMs Ken bui.%ne&,i for nexi vear and pre- Mr. Oeoi aenîed aIl the '.;hidrtn undser four Mis. Le Years with a little plasttic cup. Luimlew o Various other prirps were' given. W, Reync mich as t0 thé oldest member or Hamîlto>, the faniiy. Ilis was won by Mrsý of Toront W. Ciardiuer of Ashburn. Relâtiveýs'LiLtle N were present froni Maltôn. Scar- the, week boro, Myrtle. Ahburn. Oreenbank, and May Wick. Brookftn and Perguit. Kenneth Vistors during the week with Mr. spenci the E. lItron were Mr. and, iReynolda of Hagersville: rge TaYlor and mot her,1 of Oehawa. nrid Mms., )f Toronto; Mr 'and Mira.ý >lds and son Richard of 1 Mr. and Mms R. Cromie [o. lias Donna Crnmie xprnt ý wlth her cousins Faye, lleron. met urned week in D>oris, Mayi wlth them Toronto. FIRE TRUCK FIRES PRIDE Ville St. Michel, Que. ;CP.- R&,qidenta% of thLý town were w) happy about their new tire truck that t.hey spent. môçt of one Sunday celebratlng it.% arrivai. Thev plan- rîed a parade and benedîctIon. a banquet in the evenlng and fIre- works after the banquet. Want te buy. P'l or trade? A clasalttidad and thie decl lsmade CENTRE Whitby's ""Fun Fest"# BOWMAN& GIBSON believe in thse future of Whitby and believe thot Whitby offers the best in homes, businesses, school' and churches, police and f ire protection that con be obtà ined. BOWMAN -& * GIBSON (Lorated next to the Post Off ice> - OFFER THE BEST PROTECTION 0 FIRE 0*AUTO 0 ACCIDENT * BURGLARY I nsuraflce flOUSES, LOTS, FARMS FOR SALE To Serve You in a Priviiege 1 PHONE 521j TYLE'1 V»AL U-E! kQ QUAL SERV j i -I TY CE FoirEVERwY NE et the w1 FUI IF-EST Auge 1 itt h:SELECTIO! SATISFACTION OR«MNYRFUDD1 *.At Wib'sMsopula Shoppig entreFor Mn, Womeon And Ch"ldrnn. One of the most active of the cultural 'groups in Whitby is the "Modern Players" which has found favour with citi- zens since organized five years ago. Keenly interested in the production and presentation of good entertainiment. the organization is a member of the Ontario Drama League. The yearlry program for the group includes one comedy, one drama, one v'ariety show- one children's show and a con- cert party in great demand for fairs. From the start the public has keenly supported this organization and each pro- duction has been a seil-out with the S.R.O. %ign usually in evidence. Thie Whltby Modern Players la di- vided toto two groups, senior, with N ews Budget 0f 45 members and junior with over 100 active in ail phases of produc- Ashburn Area Persons interesteci 'n the theatre. I. ~cI Tay , 4 C ENTR, A U'L TÎMS tg Ë 9 Ir