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Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Jun 1955, p. 9

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lut or An- t1, ofs euit ml Injuries. iraffie of. vesday, in. [ng convlc. ta licence neciduce a ther minor ail since tlillboards Nays muat of 1955. f s~ ~ 40~i. - ow:7 àTHE PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVES TH Loccateti on Uic north ide o!f demanda matie ut-on It b ItLs tkatias street. a blot-k vist ut r-sters Thousanîls f fictiont andi tise "Iour Corners., the Whitby refercare ssorkî i, i ut, (A t.ý Public Library supplies the many I clcies% anti the b-ard mattîs Whitby Public Library r., -WHITBY Marked Centennial In 1952 On. o! Whàtby's grcctesf as- day as tfee tînt rhatrrn (fh s In lia horearit ul iture anti ics bird ntupt tiat aduationn lathe Publiîc I crary. lb %as LIce sut s t(if nh it wm- Whithy Womeni Iinstitut I Second Oldest In The World anS lb er gnW iti-( BI bMIS. FRANIK ROBERTS lutes and to whom the Institute t, ed flower boxes ta the postoffice Wa pay trIbut. today to the!lfldebted for -the design of orIn_ windows andi othur local buildings, founders of the organitation of the 1 stitute pin whîch ths or s ovbangdn.byUi Woanen'c InstItute, to Mns. John itram a signet ring woru by Miss Gar-ten Club. It presenteti a play w Hootiless wbose uatiring energy Rose.- The Motto chbsen was "For in (the towa hall, proceeda amouat- a and vital enthusîamu was largety h orne and country" iag to over M40 were useti to erpctp resiponsile for thie lauaching of our' Mise Blanche Maddock. O)ntarlo gales anti llts et thse Town Park. Institut. movement. when on Feb- Agriulture College. Guelph. was Il purehaseti a piano anti placeti b ruai-y 121h, 1897 was organizeti thel aise a speaker at the meeting. Ap- It la Uic Council chambers for use tl tirst Womnena institut.. ta the propriate musical numbers were, of ail organizations m e e tlag c' worla. rendereti. ant i wcter window Br. (bohre; sponsoreti a musical festival Itlaflti.. n lirs to denlng was dlacruseed by M~chli. btyaho spek o th londlg o WlîIty1 K. Mer'ne. Miss Rose, à dalry ex chiltiren taking part.The. latest ~ 1 .~ Braacho! thse Women'c lastllute Pert. spoke on "Bread andi Butter Poe- aa me m. A qctd uat which was organizeti on J1ua. 2th MakLnig. ' whtle Miss Maddock Of articles hav enclelt jus for nonissater icdealt brlefly wlth becterie s he we cannot flnd a aultable -place f"tiJstitute.LI( Thus Stoney Creek, affect the homne t,)(115p18y tiem. A few are eoe- Amn h edeuo h ai-tie aacupboarti la the Coun- WMhy the i.ti-t local branchin, tute who titi murh Ici make the cil Chambers. t nete c ~ho province, service effective we mention Mrs., The T#nes-Gazett. altibe On June 29ti. t1897. a meetig o! Ni. S Thompron. 1Mrt Joseph Flet. tri Mrs. Fi-anks Roberts for the. Sthse vomen of South Untarîo isas cher, Mrs. Ci. A. Ro.sa. Miss F . Iinformnation Inlatis article.-Eti. -- conveneti by the. lite Mirs. J A.« Smith for (the purpose of organi- in£ Womea's Institute The ftînt presidern was Mrs. Sanforti Browno, Mris Wi. Andierson wias secretarys andi Mn. J.B. Mitchell treasurer. H T Y C E N R 1t Mr&. Laurt Rose..TBYeCLEANERSt tawa. who organized W îtby branch w.as speaker at lheu- 301h anniver.____________________ - Teby a îni le pas mlarkat For Fast Efficient Service Hesdenshcîre pari sîhen 125 mcm- E coin~uirr'r bers anti visitora &at dowva b sup- 1 COMMUNITYpe The 351h anriversary a esu'ry etfiui bI mert tbe testes held lt the tova pari. anti thePh n of e," he ostfasidinis eàd ý5t t the Anglican partah hall o! e-nTimes maetteIaffhooi ed- sabout tlie <ear 11121>. sîen <r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ a Tn- attStfPh tI nstigation of Mrs F Rob- -- te-rvical-vemntr-M 0 8m2345 %%hi(h are nidont, anti a well quesUn.g that acsa sanltary mens- tuiperd rcza-1îng iusoî Last )>e4r ure a.il breati nffered for sae a erjit ofmn -asÀsra.should ble wrappe. 'Mais wvas ar îreazn .h o! ma n enîsa rs-bruught betore lte Legîslature hy v a tsc iox îtt~of!à p thbe provincial srtretary anti soon ji cnitîirri. à iorcîr> in the roon a-r.aRsinetrglto -cd f--O mans starç as more or Wafl dow ,nmnlhubt-ha euars b Te PrsieI (-Si(of a c-.tre f -r cornrnuitty ldw truhte pr h ttetingi t;<iscrnrmt'nt inspectora' Womn'ns Inatrute has been ac- hâuv Ie,-1-aro-t dt-, 1cr(oneifof Uic ast tivety cngagcti in commnunîty work- tic-y~ haea<nfr f fwfc.cs ew c! which might b. muni-, ior &I. Ioa L 1 *r f» hrý ýtioaod. Back l in1912 il maintained £À%ý àoo The centennary of titis ittitution sers' t<fre ind atî<r a %%as la r reues thsfobefthelong cd- waa observed on Ocfuber 25. 1952 tiàkLn 144 5tbrit thé,t. i t %su harcv f d.nov r, rs m es hâ eor.lon - lenice offarmera, their vives and! The Institution 8 ecedft he Mc'- the huîîiii t , t t itî',i tidf r ae l îb A1br r rad eq ud ofamîblea coming to town (o dispose, chanica' Institute, îof v.hic h ther c future inaiitri usnc ati ra necn ne bildngof their produce andi do thet.r shopp-' le no complete record a\il atale ru iras officiai' îî,N e un April 19.nFOR à e R build Cting N ta.For mom tha"40.,ea la- day, but which, IL lc i kn, l.wra;1914, taitb Col J .1 E aieclilK(' FOXI Board carnnuohaMNNe mv- bu neral lm Whtby's earlier secirsnoit ,niv off iriatiniz Ilthelie si tf Ch Bord chàtr191 aniudah Lybave T. -dte IS01 the eOU(7 hS»a. I O w a libary wll strkiý( withbookc. hâ\ ý,ere,! he w% ed ineés1911 aliu': LLodge. ta rt Chrlges e C a anuw i a lbrav wll lorcd tfhbcMlt i i ri te'. -f ttc lQtrs fiîarlà fiDrHorace », .lm . >,MeU t.< he Lotge wth e but âlno n public fî!t în ruTélate niitn':rari s tisx Minnie Straît- seph B Mttcbel1, A. B. , oa.l ati A.tbM.,tthlr open Rev. A.ManseclIrmsn. of Wftitfy. aron, sho %Ai ainta ff:(r efor 40 Nyears HssRobert Thompson. R. A. & tbee herof trt a church bookici published ifntias librarian. The late %Ir% T A lutchi&un. C A Bryant. J. B a M16 on the oraqi Innof the I1niiedm ii %ra s s é)[son f the staicormi3tort. 1I)aid Cuddy. QCB. H. On October IMt te Bru =Mc- Churclu cenîtennary ancf juftilee, re- wsis of theo icrary cause. a nd Ilt Gc.ode, George Humphriee andi WU- it u belti la tho e unil chima fers to the f act that Methodist cor- was her Ides tbat lit ehruld be lirn ;avidoon. The latter. a fSe- b«. The late Dr. J. J. EBar-s.. pta vices werc held b ic heIititute the centre of readlng and social and, mer mayor, bas bemc" htrusa ciplecg IM he t@$o Ldiu Co-t prlor to thé 2rd of Marrh. 185.4.'cultural actlvitiées wo ypars andi lsà5w cm his thh'd e1.016 o. -f44Tvle*th.é mamie on which date site for s church NE vCOMMUbglN!Ty ,-i-a- w oee ded ta kr moeocl wag rChemed. Col, J. EFarse i l ilînteresting la Dot# ota i.iCn.ollT8 imuscS i hom wm a well .~C.. ila abook o tro fîcUowing motion wa* pasad oY tbe B ca a r me: Wil-la evidma.àbm. ibahp wvsIt. rountyt history publlshed In 1907, EIar1lntrisMa, 1911 '-1hait havlng chsirman. Mrs B Br&cy librar- wrîeWIIy e hd oo Phconsidered ise quetion of thse tan, Mrs.'C . RCarccafea IL . s m» co *1w Mr ie.- lic librar for the Isat 65 yearc. neecis of the cornunity ln coniaec- C E 1owmam n.lraYak ore.pae hm gotu atig-i It was chrried on tirst by the tion with the em-ectlon cni the public Mr, sled l iipa. Mi J O b ani galrw cil WomteemmsS Whîtîy Lhrer Ascclein antI brary building. thee Roard là of! Laikin. Mr N Cormack, Mr Ru-__________ -_____ the Mlechanics' Institufe. andi under 1 th-opinion that the . 1TbrrY aho-I ltad A"*.1H1. Worsh1p ayS IL the Publie Library Art. b. in à measure a centre for the w. JennyM.in. R oy Towl ai-M EXTARLISR NEW UBMART sciai, traym M artistia 1110ci ,.e thé obfldrua Bar4. Later history shows thai clap@1e i people. Band (bt thes building l ulwo e LWlwrMii = were taken ln 1911 téo etabliah a shoud bedeaignied with a vev to ad* ft baotp ci ptibilfclibritry ln the town o ! W hIt fulflilg social oueds andi oter li' I b h uto Ã" e u t . h,, and,. sufitthe aid o! SS.t)Odont- han (the mere bouting of the. 11h- taft« e îaaecan e e <'i fîx the tiittnivrof Orntario f01(1rary whfrh. la a te"v omew-het v.ryanu f;îtls A-sîccîttîmn, for the purchfi-se burderenod wlth debt, rannot other- jobTj* Yioee a »UIWW dcit» if a site 44n sshich te prescrit tit)ie ie h.pris ide-tiBWSd.__ rs-tiittii att itudrîs unît iByroin I.IRARY 11% GROWNG Forme r Ia --b hv Strv-ctn tuturnuimnev firriieîl h%,l)<twn through the years the 1h- sauvoi he, Nugli Tior. N10 thc, \nirg-%x Carniegie Trus.,t Fund rary ha& growa andi today ft bas Hatti*le m.ie ,bsduugb1w. I M» aîndr (ount ils of Whi(by andtrionrî l o oy theleareut mcnsbership Miaule Stridto. tm a IlM rotint v, ca new lihrarv building was 'on record but à larguat seleetion Bout asMd Mis. Bribe«. i tidei Thi, i[ tirrs %%tr- htiiltt tif hc>ok. andi perindirakls. graia-, has.becu ha-e _» yeaa-s istl fou \jsi-il 1911,v. th Lynian lT Bar-'phone records of taheheil typ7 e My. anucks Nold Fistfight [n W. Germn herhall DETMOLD, WeotG e r m àny [Reuterc)-Oue Canaikan mita-y poeeman andi ceveral Germas TM DAMlT TKMH8-GAZET'fFrIdaw, 3@» 1, I Sae Two Mon Af te-: DAEINLLEBRITISE q15i atEplsin100,000 Immigrants tu New Zea- uésravavas lati la recent years, 80,000 wore PORT DALEOUSIE (CP)-Twe from Britaia. Immigration miaister lvii.1 R . Wn nUAUU unid hpr A @'To npa cvlpoliCe TiUjured in a flt t nd.ntifled men, drlftlng on Lake porýtion is four to one In favor of ltia &bout 30 Canadien boidiers In 1Bitan ewl epI tta. àbeerbali near ber. at mIdigit, On~taio about flve miles from here Bîan ewi epI tta. police sald Monday. tht, weekend were recctird by PHILIPPEVILLE, Algeria (CPP They sald "a barrage of beer, members of the Port Credif Yacht Seven bombs explocled bore Fr1- boUIes andi pleces of wood" greeteti Club atter the motor in thtlr 25- nay night, kiling one European b.e police wbcn tbey arriveti to'fn alotepoesti and wounding two. A terrorlst was- gtop aà otslba explode. settig the aiso killed In à gun battie witii Five of the oidiers were de- salis alire. Botb men suffered. fa- police as he waa heling to place tained andi two were helti. cil and band burni. a bomb. e0 HIÂRTI[t. HELYHIER LIVING e MORE P 9 À CIPUL REPRESHINO SLEEPING 0 M<OIRE REFINED, rv T ENTER~. TAININO 0 MORE EFFICIENT, ACCURATE WOR'KkrG ore ail gours if Yom airoedition your home or off ice »'W! ROON AIR COMMTUN Hesc oob*ed b«uty, 'quelity and pr rm one@ date those compact Roem Air Inî8*de rc out, Oeery poinituk'flg effort ho, baci boeulsele.eMdosevie . l itle bége ort« effmil. céama Maclfe. 8aie -vithouf weblêela chesuuu anmd Expd tRepairs c0wfva OPulO mati, mee e cvieolae« "0w"ygun. has te glu.e .glO d ue« mpostd omme MWirepaie. Gu.*Wme For Compleft AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE Col.. WHITBY AUTOMATIC HEATINO IROK -LI MITEFD lIAI Of 149 R KNORTHI * WHITIY - HONI Mo 8-3"23 WHITBY MOTORS LTD. Estabîishe4 1917 I 1 PROUD of the PAST.. (x»4iQnL~duLFUTURE I NCORPORATUD 1942 Vve the % tf cf î//ILLIAMs J ANDERS-ON po.n wMt e,- er , ir) o 5.oiule b WHITBY on ?his the occasion ci 1 t'%Cf trEN NiA L Wtt ne pniud of aur oc cornpfîs.- rPcnti n the Post? and cçflfidCflt of oui futube in th#$ grit-*n<j Community. William J. Anderson CaoLîd os honored to have, beeri oxiostd wrrff$ Whitby's industriol lit@ sinco 1942. Sic. t4'. .tcbltt>iMoe.tof mg plon here, our products have become extremnely voil kreswv and occeqeutb.- cause of the fine workmanship and ïImogîiein ttd kio thuet We have grown wih Whtb-y, ond con therfore Moin wsth teonac very reol sense in celebrating the ýCenenril Wl.:i comos ai r IhepuChesa pc To the ovetoge pet-son the cor you purchm Is obou t4he cond torges~t fsnc rofi îrtIve'snt ln >ourti.fetlme. Woudnt you think therefoe thot you wauld mocka thîs purchoi froes aofirm Otot s tel ioble, orssd ornethiang to goifi by c gînoyo.0ao fir dsot orsd most unpoflont "SERVICE attet the so"'. WHITY MOT- ORS Lit) hcs bn .stoblisfied LII WhOtwic» 1917 "n during tirs Pmth touicnds of Wh.tby c i-id d rosids'itshavecm» mn contoatwîh thtr CUSTOMER SATISFACTION POUCV of PONTIC foie' doolinga aiSd serie fter soe Our experlenoed servie Staff' S-d ourorstcapable soles dept. are et hSid aol cl tii-es for any-4 Infomxiolme or problem you may hav. Sa wu nyou purchate your nsKtco u Whitby Mo tet d., first.. You wor<t be, wory. As o long t*biiihd firm In Whltby we loin. with overy- cm ln wlshIng the Town of Whîtby 0*e boit on thi occasion Of - BWCUC - GMC SALES & mvucm... "SINCE 1917" WlILLIAM je ANDERSON COMPANY LTDO RUCLID AVE. wHte, 101 UAS S1ET SWOr Tou la Sur en vu,. I i TEE .5 t -- ý- 1 1

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