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Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Jun 1955, p. 10

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- DAU~Y TIMES-OAEETVD. 1',4day, ha. N. l POST OFF'ICE DOMINATES THE BUSINES SECTON Contructed son aler tht turnn expansion in population. Tbin l te ear futur-c on à arger o! tse ctntury thé WhltyPot upprr aLoi-cv et oue lime hotsed building suih ould provide -Office lu one o! the osus huiest a busy customs affice. Cltirem tImmediale service. centrem. parblcularivstore lhe- are hope-fui a tart yul b. made lmes-Gazette Staff Photo -Whitby Chronicle Comment su unmlghli affair. being fer 1on highIt Rt ides barrtsters almost entirey frnmtiche iev a!flte apt- Il in apparent fi-cm thiispara rpht tthe cuclue h On CouUUL7 Counc1i E1ection roomwi-. aIR court ses.sions wcre Raprittd from Timcs-Ga2Cte la.ta inferred, isas a toy is mnst. hoe Ti ot bave the os da. "Early Days la WbuLby' britant &et after assuzning Office ad her dld f odar. iemosev Couny cuncl rpresntave fatw4V tamake a tart inaugural ad-ad hradao!mem iro. Couny conci repesenaties a, ,ment& were penhaps thmîî-d Il the session held In Whitby was a idress of merit. the paper said. The,~ ciebb oo-adbik Iliv subject 65 years aga pipe rtcrdti .pre. an-,t<a It la apparent fronn the Whitby nter paper of taIt day. for savîng wr e oa Chroncle files that prior InIB t at38 eWadn88lrin a tie basts-of represeiition waa the Scott Art vtcton Thitiart ilt mav LONG ANJ NARROW number of votera on the as;sess. .b. explained, was a provincial lem- Chie.. wth ant average %%îdllt of ment roll of any municipaiity Then prnemnue uiO 1 ie.bsanaiîeo 40 the aw as haned wichmad, ln"s oi tbe tater. and much debat. mtileson the paëlic. litelawwa~ciagedwhih m d u Canada Temperance Art The - te nuimbfr o! voters the represeflt' Chrnleasobrvsi nec ation hassResuit was that Pick- I on itcle lso orvsli of ane- ering andi Port Perry were ecdTi r could b. no bgget pîm .of r ut out of one deputy retire. Tb@ neiela ! lclt a tnwn of Whltby lied a reeve an e -ee 10 or 15 lImes la ueeuualoe deputy. as in te case todzy. Inn the. hope thht h. may gel i Ser sln l . the case of Scoti lowsnship laitt vear wre oetm ntefgr it was rlghtly agreed that oly. sardeit ornee timae lthetiin thue. owners, tenants andi fariner s son«;prîn onî -oaesilsn joint owners with their hushand ' down for miercv sait. on tie sard d ant in o amer'as#.-&isho ai wrre fpree&" $unTi ho atr t ent er yte sesrnot te acc-ouut o!f(its excusei PAPER ARCASIC 1n future ' PAPER SAP1ATTis i ndîito dotsm ol calaite Commenting on the change madei any great extt toilay. bt t K t la 1888, the. Whltby Chronicie has niait. "Afler hotirig tihe cases o! seet re-el.cton for a yesr or hmO Pickering and Port Perr' se have at lesat. sîli lthe sarde's chair not heard how many others will b. in vies After tliii honor han item mlsslng In te next council but It doesnt malter if nîne or 10 arts left,acevdrtenutlsmeits tha nuberwil bebeter banin order t do. oct mena ristit tiat umbe w11Rb. btter titnLat a gocd man should be lost go IV'CL NVELVthe. public service because h.bas A perusal of County CouIIcti Prom << Upr i. chr ceedihgs prior ta the change- note<t County Councit chanief latt *rev cals that with 37 members thtIeartisr days a Ws 00 te odnO< *body was îomewhat tunuieldir per. place Atlu stoday. and ltai appiles haps iheylook thlir business more &19setate i.qulee *scriously rr those day% titan Catin- R iee1ina sarcastie tom'e e- ty legîsiators of today-. for tic Chronîclred«iter berves *W _k *discussions were flot only heated commnd ta the. faicraile a -but long drawn out. Therc appears stleratlofa!the Couardl lte soom on tihe surface ta have been a keen o! rerpovtSig lie pi-teet ardet s rivalry between North and South scaffot4 s&M lAing il hi. us"dje! *membet-4 somethîng that ii not te aIl yard for haaglog pUr-1 new today --poses RIf the. fat- r csal ad ON POLITICA.LIUNES time fromt mermrilt 10 Pm a Rn the elertion o! siarden (or, short paragrapli und« ttu* bead. 1889 te cotincil divided on noltîcal tie Ngt court udte. ii.e oy Rnes the fitronlt-le se~s Tl* Ke di uge Oie sardes. and adl othc tor remarks Our grit friends dàd occupants i o*te breiIt * Id cie -the gencrous act in sottng for: t a gi-cal favor Tii. <dockt unesi f Warden Larke - Tite Warden. t piMrts la case rd W<eltuy aMlW Hom S6hoo01 ociaon Valuable Aid To Education Maklng iraluable contributions ta vith tht e peatof members tbt cause o! educitn. lu promet- cf te leacltgst asd parents. ngabelter understninlg aud Tien. whtn tite uew Hilirest clouererlatlonshlp betweeit par- Scitoci vas erected l inte motti entLs sud leachers. sud providing yard, su Association vas erganfred masy educational aids net gener- ltere aud 117 proved a very valuble alIy incel a si-bcdboardsup- nid te the uçw seat o! eirnlng, ly llats, arethtn Home sud Scicol viAhî. lcidentally lid an ln- Assocatios. ease lu sie population aimait Ru Whitby titre art five a! titese fi-ou the ime It vas oened. four lunte public si-liols sud one, As aiready noted. tht four assoc- lhe most recent, lu tht Wbitby Dis-lattonshaveC doe much to help lte t-IeI Negit Sio. Sehool boards nr fPtIpis Of te pubicl have always been appreciative off si-hools. Visual aida, radios, spotst the vont of Ihese organîzations andt equipusett. provision ai prizea for field day evenas. Ltrips te lie bave seught La glvc titi- every 1Museum et Taranto, prises of encouragement . various kinds In1heLicacioola. TIE FM" IASSOCIATION 1titese and flot a 1ev oLliers have Firt years befare thse Second; beesi piovded tiu-ough tient, toi Warld War. tie first Home and 1LOY uotig of te influence tey1 Si-bcd- Association sas organized: have exerted amang lte cildren. in Dundas street public school.l AT TRIE RIGH SCBOOL w it.b Mr. Fr-sui Wells as president iThe Home and Scioel Asriicition In war years K dld oct functien sas arganiztd et t Whllby arnw as there vas so muc i-ail for s-ont District Higit Scitool iu tht spring pertaialng ln Cauadas van effort. io! 1953 whit classes vere belug Ater te van hree associations i eld intce building su-lt Is mois- icame luto beiag as te result o Colborne Street Scial . 1T i fIt' lt child stsidy course promoted president sas Mrs. Art. Crawford.: by te Whllby Rccrtation Associa- vito still relaîns liait office. The, lion under Director Gordon Mc-! Association seeks Le proutote a bet-, Malien. suddi-aaucted by Dr. Bain-1 ter understandiug and cleser i-e-, -hart. These associations were aillatiauahip between tachers and King. Bnoc- and Dundis Street! pupils and gls'es prtIes aually Scitools. and fer ytariç thes' car- f or prcflcitncy lu grade 12 a!fte iled on a very excellent vert, achoal. Plnnn Board Ras DonMe A Macmifin lob For Whitby liv JOHN R. FEOSl.T once. lhe Town Planning Board Townt Planning luntce Toeitlias doue a tremendous amount of Wiby vas constdcred many o! vont. and bas been instrumental yeana befre Uhé passiug o! the in praducing te Zoniltg Byv-lav. Planning ArtI livtUi Provincial Le- ITitis ptece of legislation t o -ci- «Is1ature. lunlte vear 1935, Fred -six ycars to formulale. and vas, kowe. Waler Thomison and other approved by lie Ontario Municipal intercstcd cILlas-ns fermer titem Board aI a meeting lseld oit Feb- "Ilves miet a gi-oup for lise pur- ruai-y 24. 19M5, siititout aiteratton. poue o! advîsing the Council on The (as-ourable commeuts o! lie te orderty gi--t o! tise Tosi n chairman of t.r Ontario Municipal Tht* Community Planning A r t Board si-ne a sourte o! great sabîs- vras passed by the Proviital Leg- faction In those whie md laboured isature ID 1945. and in 19-46 the long and arduouislv Lirotigieut', Counci appointed the hi--t official many 3-cars to produce tic by-law Town Planning Board It %%-as coin - At pr-esent, the Board is headed iîsed o! Mesqrs Wý A Thns-on. bhy Chaù-nian Robert CG Lang- T J Brant and Warren MowâtaI ord. who is sers-îng bis ftfti yeir Miayor Robe-rt Devereil and Cotn- inta t acpicity cillai- Fred Twist vier-e the appoint- The, planIng b--liv. approved e"s f rom lie Townt Counril Walter iv lté Ontario MunicIpal Boa-rd Thom.sen sas peected te f irst àa!t'r ils adopLion iy the. Couni-il. chatrmnuo! lhe Board and John îs now a vaiuaisie css-lc ordînance R'- FrostaI i-ed as mfrellca ry 1t is nissys subject tAo amendusent . ,iftheCoaci g1&-isLA Faces Serious Charge; DETROR? 18 PI Argn t Rad Wrong Horoscope DEhf ritoiCP s -dAntargumierns PHOENIX. Artr, 1 t 1- police epen an-en dOorled bMonday nigit anset'ed an Se'-Ye&r-Old min stzug-'te Ute deati of aà68-ye&r-old Min- gllng itt a vomis lu a dcw su---ter. Rev. R B. Brooks, a roomer' les-m alley thîs veekend sud at a eutend boume. s'as f atally booked hlm for luvestigLicnoe!al--; slasicd viit aài-axer vitea b. tennPted rapt I-n is pochet ws a' c ciied aàai-i-en dciSitlcli bad s'crp O! piBper sîti -a predtiia becs left optn a ssettug (les ïmb apparetly copled frous a bore- Lihe hansý enoce sald. They siope 'O(pposiete sx wviii i-ca-c t d uro«s Tyrone, e0, iti warmly 1*, adiranees - wr Whitby 8-3,;oos B72 - Police Depi. Keeps Pacp,.WiI Town s.Growth In te yar 951theadmlniWat tIon of tht Police Department, whlch had growu for a number of years preious, was dtlegated te ï Police Commission under pi-ovin, cial legislatlea. Sfnce tint time Il, bas had charge of lte towu's lawi officers. Tht force numbers six ta. day, with Chief Charles Fletchet as hea&k Rt is a far cry fram the dayi whtn thetotwn had a ont-ma# force, lten another was engaged and for years the town- had ons day and one night constable. 4< famillar figure lu town for cirer a quarter eof a centitry was - te laté John Thtomas, utght constable, ac- Dm F , 19DW OMS arRM UPcompauled by is huge police deg. MAN FIE, ODEI OME SPINGUPCalling tht roil o! those t Stuc. World War Il thet bsn Ier-s muy ew sudivisious havte subdivisions whlch 11ow occtipy have served lte town as chlef con. af Whttby bas exptrlenced mark- been opeued and huadreda of Isi-at otily a few years ago was stables. names like William Caver- td growth ia an industrial stase. nes beomes have been erected. m'urket garden aitd farus land. ley -who rau a harness shop but To provtde housing for th. soi-k- tThtis là a section of ont cf the Times-Gazttte Staff Photo La whose place ail who required po lice service weut; Thomas Bell. aiffl e Affl 1% da %»ociatton attended Ceuncil meet- Levery, Herbert Gunsan,. Harold fi at pulers aâfflo au a& lle( ings, and sere ablet te akt ck te W. Quantrili inow with te provin- fellow mtrnbers fiports ou what cial police-), William Elliott, Ron- the council dld. aid Love. and the present ief, t Charles Fletcher. Titre were ot. Figh For Sew r Ex ensi nsThe Association la still wcli or- ers who served for shorttr per- gaulzed, and ille f ewtr meetings ioda. A valuable ad rateil ediue f$I000 wbvhh as aehlteeeuiv are n Tdyteplc oc sbte ofnimpott c ivte tht faied y anood m Jorl- cf any lime to play ths arne rmît as law. Is equpment inludes mod- o! mpotan cvicafflr luWhl- the ratepayers Il lu a projectl it dld An its early yeurs wienerrni wenpons. a radio equipped by bas betu made by lte WhlLby which blas made. among otier, the occasion arises. i-uiser witi n police radio system Ratepaytrs Association. thingu much o! the present Indus- TtI la nteresting ln note titan of lte most modén type in oper-a- Tihis organisation vas organnlztd triai aud houslug development ii wien flest organlzed il called Itseif ion at police hendquarters; -a re- lu the spiluzo! 1949 nt a lime when! thet Lev possible. and (rom a'ite underprls-ilegcd asseclation. cent addition, thc moLor bike, and many ciîircs li thLie utlytng sec- healh standpolut suR b. a valu-, but.- later il ws made a gen- last, but flot least, better accom- ions o! thet tesn wert clam-oring able asset lu years bo comne eral ratepayers organlzatldn wlLh modation titan thc town has ever for sanitary sewer service ici The AssociatIons fit-st president; Lie affaira of all who pîy taxes had. althougit stRil f ar from being titey dld not enloy, but visich they vas Harold Wlckett, who holdit that, tLiei chie! conccnn. adequnte. We haLe tb mention it, had been payig tovar-ds for yeaî-s. office 'today. sud these ecretary but titre is also te speed trap The asaciation for fîve ytars Look vas Fred Dent vito served welll j CAisUCK MISSISSppI ici catches mflny speeders un- up the cudgels foir those who wagtd for seirtral ytars. sud wsic treas- 1f sawares, and icipi Lo regulate tic Lie figit for the sewers, and iti-an urer today. Secretary taday 13 Ontario-;Mississippi riverflu traffle ln tie towu, from tht point rightly b. sid tat, Itlholte James Smythe. 105 mllesfr omP'rntenaccountyto of safety. initiatlie. lu brlngitg lte question Ilit police sud ocher clvlc nffars l 105 miles from Frontenac county to Tie towu lu aRso fortutiate lu lo, the fore. W"lthLie election of Ithe. Association tah an' active in- the Ottawa river i-loy Arnprlor. iinving a weil-equlpped nnd effici- !tarry .ermnyn as maYor, more terest, aud, furtier. ncted on be t-uet provincial police detaciment ntei-est sas aroused s iih ayor - lai!of not a few citizens sic mdd Kingston-en-Tharnes it Surrey, here. Tis force woi-ks hand ln lok a atrU-nS stand An tairiof the complaints snd santcd them near London. vas tht corouation iand wiiticth local force, and, of sewer extension program yul-h brougil before the Councila atten- place for tie suclent Saxon' kings course, the towu aud dlstrlcb b«ne- toa-y ln a realtty. afier su ex- Uapn. For tmre lime afler its or-lai England. fit. I THE o CES FOR YOURCONVENIENCE m .195 Quality Footwear Ini 1872, MotlwCo9iehs od 0 om mir o Stock Street Soutbw+wre h. moniufoctured osd sod fWsseboot &Aond s$ on.N.was joir*d by his tiephw, Mothios Colëns, who, in 1892, opewd up kis own-t soe ot tise presert locotion, 119 StockStee sthSut. Mr R 8 Cc4hns, tepicent owner, took offl the buitnessini 1933, Hot son, Bob Collîn, W. or* prc>ud of bein <h.oleit estobllsb .d business m te Towns of Whitby . . Ond or* 011.0 Piud <o bu carrytng on <hi sitoeîdords of sigesest quelir t l. ci-wi p-cu0 &0 4y lietOundr- J ~~ALLAH expért' 'tfON us o aMM4' IL a. COWNS OWwm MENI SHOES WOMaiN L SALESItèIEN leu- wu"9 '(ouý ART. PATIlERSON OwM Mtd TakIue Dockst Yuse bpl.w l *w Md o0shmm oe Gocio CHILDUW$ LUIGGAGEý L..pa*.soie. 1-limes I SERVICE- D#oT 107 Cobom. St. W. WHITSY. Phosw MO 147 4 For Of t meuLa Pu Publ, Witby operati lty col a mes overco: prblei le T c ter auj greatt tovu's briefly the pri give e missao tovn c setits of cproý lion vi Water the fa] dorsed lime., systen privaLi boli t Witbi lng sy also tt vas the W crr-wl Me" -1; Blow, The ebueu bad, J 310ài tomher Mud pi Pria. lerai-a trom Ferefi - ed in During the 10 yeà" of its-exist- r 0 sennS

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