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Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Jun 1955, p. 14

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DALT T!MES-GAZETI'E, TMay lu.. 94 1891 1,~ i ~4acéi~oe ~ ~; ?, HARBOR AT THE LAKEFRONT CRADU ALLY RE-AI Once a centre of mur-h nctiut 'Y iîed lte strepts of the towun. 1 wheu wagons loacid wth grain 'Whth Hanrbor q raduali>' re- from u,.%far norrth aut Sunderland i s akeunnrand hopes are hiei H arbor Early As Is An Important tAttan the' Tovn <of Whthy %a9 lncorporau-d IIX? " 'at aro î thoîrc i aijlhîrit i n coinc il and ti'thr ;dmintîtrn t i c hoords pinneci t hc-î luith on tef vlcvi-m-nb rt -c -- A r tit u-llh the advcnt lAwrencc SeavaY It bc- the port of cuti nt the st. wll again for 1 irge !Toda>', the Ivo gi-est t-mut-on-' se t i O io " i O Y1 tntairailways pas hrougli W.hitby sud, w hile ovIug 10utff competitionuf rom truc-%hansd cars Fact r To ay heli- business us greatly cLraled. Factor Today hey belp mu-h asu te u-n forges harbar. and counted ii of prime ahead '<at. the' barbai-. iahich lu imnpornnr- The ratl«,a>, t tai rrernt ycars ha% been match ïm- tirna- hantI moi adc- their adveanb prord its-the goierumeut. sud antd lhh, h,r-r\c-'in n ire rar uwn u hic h a large turne is ache- I\ da-, r. ais a husiy place dulH inbte spent tis >ear. i% still HISTORIC CANNONS GRACE COURT HOUSE LMV ee lluk vhlch WMihy i ad offlees. TIs ittleur«m suoaimev «Sd to te .laftter bo it the' past blthetw tu e trannons vîli tierecosat>' ie- h t~usa«eeected lait yesr altc-ent cannons on the iawu in front of te couni>' couthfouse We corry 0 comnpteftufine of builé- oni end ccntroctors tuppltes. PEG BOARD and HANGERS for Kitchefi ond Workshop Desup tho. t.r.d Wells end pu* wazt* &poco te w@nit w.tit"l pcrieoreNd panui en d *tet- changnoble bocks, thot wil~v Yoeu e p eotioqs minqtmnt i *uiy r3om ln veuf home.. PANU 4* * V PA NELI 4' 3' L#0Von 0 ty hI roni i .5- *180 t .1 hmng.rs sasd 1< iae try office tu tic baktroud. l iture vs» tak« eore tie Tlmes-Gartt staff Photo la LIDICE, Czechoslovalda (CPI- Whity H bor as irstMOBA garden planted ivith thousandi WhtyHrbrRzPlayed oFirum MOR ibutd by32 coun- VtlRois In Town'a History Apppinted thie Nazis 13 years ago. Dr ar. là 3y CRAIES RAYOR rled on the *'company". (JmsUAIlament, led a British delegatioi Imporant es- owe eeare th N*tof 21 to, hie openlng eremonY. s tures contrlbutlng to thie early of the Town of Whltby la'1=8U5.»>InR 18-9- growth and succesa of Whltby was In 1852, the. Whltby. 1Là". Scu- and te Witby Harbour. prevlously gog, Simcoe and Huron Road Com- Prior te the year WTS, thers ap. known as Windsor Harbour. It ia pany bought the harbor and rond pears t. have been no provisloi one of the best natural harbours thereto (Brock Street) and spent made-for the regulatien of Publfc on Lake Ontario snd, lu the days large suma sou furtici- improve- Healtb. gSue by, 1h us fot an unusual. ment&, withh e building of the On Fabruary 1. 1,iM. lu record- slh t 0seas many as thirty uhlps Grand Trunk Railwy, the Com- ed fiat Mr. Alex Pringle b. ap- usina the Harbour cilerIcoadling 'pauy test business snd falied.1 pointcd Reulth Inspecter, and be or sbclterlng thereli>,j A long line lu 1863 flic road and Harbour appcars te have servcd ln liii. of vehicles haklug grain lu the port were »Wl by lhc Saudfieid Mac- CaPaeltY, vihhout salar, until of Wbitby oftcu uftrcchcd bock donald Government te Messrs. Jos- 18%4. from the Harbour beyond what eph Gould and Chester Draper but OnbSar , 1894, Dr. Bogart lu now kuovu us the Four Corners thesc twa parîncri dlvided wo185. ,s appoited Medical Off icer of Ln the centre of the town. Drapr t aking the Harbor and Health, aid uerved uulil 1907 wlti- This flue harbour bas flot becu Gould the rond. Mr. Draper did out ualary. fully uacd mince those deys but lun187. Dr. Y. Warren was the next modem industries ar-e once more Because of lnabity to mee Medîcai Officer of Bealtb. He was reallzlng Its worth sud uc shah .competition, la cemmon ulti mauy uappoluted lu the.year 1908. aid agalu see bustliug actlvity la the other undertakinga of this type et served lhe towa faitifufly for four Aearly as1833. M.John W:iub espcially antep poo foreaur brokeadoeut salad yr. wsy for shlpplng wheat and flour Utceliortieru parts ofthfe County, the sum of $150 te cars, for the -whieh vas doue la scows-belug luterest lante arbour flagged amaflPOX patienta. WAKEouN'NGth md ndwelI for tome decades. la JGWry 193, r. haes . w - byondthe repio be shlppinAK g aidLudStRy haeObeua elied ti. ar 1938.edMem tesWork etiniprovemclit vas doue ln the paut te-w 'ears. hoveve. cal Offîcer. aid he served untîl he, r e ~i<w~ ere bullt and cousiderable uums to take aiotber aud cdouer look ai Dr. Frederlck A. Cuddy o u r vere spent lu Improvemeut arouud Wbltby aid Wbltby Harlieur and pâetMdia fi e auf R U lb. Harbour. what they have "een aid f01suw a Ppoluted te uucced Dr. Me-, R U important, more o. perbapu, on Iu 1842 tie Wiedsor Varehosehas induced tieru to bulld la Whlt- GillivraY la lb. year 193. acxunt eftthe developmeul ofthic wa built by lb. compauy 0f Ibis by and use Ibis great natural phys- The teun's population may b.: St. Lawrence Scuway. snd because nameinesd formed by Messrs. ical advantage. sald to have beeu alnoat doubled- FEATU RING: several uew industries may make Perry. Chockrane. Camnpbell, Nlch- Il la perbapa. appropriai*. liaI since Dr. Cuddy took over. Au lu- use of the harbor facilities. Today oh sund Mitchell. lu fils, Whtbyes Centennil Year. tcresting fuel lu that for a great O DOROTHY GRAY C0 large oit shl prents cone "lu. andi Mr John Watson. graudfaiier extra impietus toe icretatnsd mauY Yearu now. Ihere hau becu. beorc long theha lu i expectcd'of the John Watson uho retlred growlag luterestIn la W byH 1> ar- no major epidemnic lu th. towu. o JENNY LINO CA? to be hutler than ever.i as Harbour-master here tant year. bour he suppllcd by thc fact that. lu Dr. Bogart's DaY vell baby The harbor han long Iteen recog- tlÎke Mr. Welsh sud à number et affer fruutratlng delays the Great elifnle. aud other elinical which are- e RUST CRAFT nized as belufi one of the bes o other early WbItby men. came St. Lawrence Scaway Projeet lsàu -feguard in healli. particularty Uie gi-at laktes. Mach drepdglug from Ireland arouud thîs tUme. Ne nov resU>' tander vay Wlten Whll- for ehlidren. vere unknowu. Thr Prescriptions Accur needa bo be donc le sHlow the jar- terved lu varlous exerutive capoc- by Harbour lakea ber place au a Vieloton Oder of Nurfses u-orkm ger vessels b o rne la bere, sud'illes wlth the Windsor Wàrehouse hàbaihur lu Ibis projert. the pe-ualbaud lu hand vlh ithte MOI sud te docks sud otiier farilitles are Company for nome seven yeara vision et those men of a buudi-cd Uie Board of Health. lu necd of repair. but. as aîreaây Afler complellon of tie building yeara or no ugo wii have con- - ç O U R Dotdmuc o ths orkma beý f he ies. r Waso jong 1trihuted largely to elb suecesu PRINCMTN. N.J. _AP)- Ger- notedMr. mucshoandJames -orremayereof nhd H.lemith.M4. Watsionnjoof td donc thîs summer, as it vasi.s as wltb cr Wels sud1Jaes Rouetiereof aId H mlth 4. resln ' o! the nouce lst ea tstthesu o '"8P8l Rwe" I àroman! us éPHARqin uoucedhat >eartht lte uicf ftyeame Rwe uand ompih anu JusI autcCotaPLn> et PO-rloNewYrk mgacd ihu over $300000 hâd been plard tved ian ou u e.vlbibs*EAE LET*PO< n t-cet snd Smith Publi- DON COURTICI tire- ~ ~ ~ ~ di vsîaes td~ery succesfurabusiness for!GRESS on tq Cresl, go perbaps cations. lue., dled et bis home 17SOKN lhe esime rl dyai i-lusu isu'years vltb the varcioums!s lgbt Whltby Harbour bave chou-- 17O C . WH I üte ecads a rpe yi te>' bulli sud rentcd for ulpu en - RESPI CE FlNEM'« 4look ebvbenrogtvhulalie etie mechadlac va auppe y riposes et Whltby'liai-heur. The the eun& or pai-aliled the Ceuni>' io write the ulory of the corn-! bout frein Whtby harbor. The his- bauiness vau always under lte viti - PERSMSTNCF. - PERtSPI- pletion Of 1h. next 100 years! tory of tisearly actîvit>' lu veli mauagcrship of John Watsou uboiCACITY - PROSPERITY' . knova inmostof)our c-it-eus. an curv-lv-d hbita parluers and utili car- Wbat astanulhint changea Witt, it han been puhlished more thoan - ____---__ -.----- -___ once iu recs-ut yeai-s lu the - Earlv ____________________________ Days lu Wbltby" ubîcit - _____________________________ veekly llu TiefInit>' TlmesGa- 1 cite. lin tact, Il la referred te lu sme otier articles appearlng lua I mm Amok ________________là_aMM 1h la potalcd out liaI vli hie rercu lilnking o ettic Ie iaihvays for uwirhing purposes 10 serve presieul sud prospective industries. thie barber ba»s ained uc-w prom- 'shîpruenta comlns te b>' uster eould be qukalki tranported tlu theu- destinations, sud. hy lic saie teken. faciltles for shippiug b>' boat front railwa>' cars coud, b. isnproved lhaluta àmalter tirat la recuilv*f caretuli -tudy> freintic Counctl and te Indutr-- aiccnumlasiou. cEitm IC WDOACTIUM8 NEW YORKflDk Pi-i,-e,.Milet George Jeu. Nalia. 71 &ate- rosa J"il fiydout. 4S. have been wauied allera- &tueraraa- MMI Ms 17"m 1 4 aafGwthsf Md'meewa.Tbe, wddm,'asw - Sula Rasa drlng the wceu Salua-day niit. BOWMAN & ýGI BSON YA»rDLE PLASTIC Hnu Wobtthe.pt*B, vq4 "M oseestu 50fo«t .$7.5O 23Sfole $415 GODYA .UU ..ÎFgm so fIê»e 0* .@ $640 IP 1 4 IAKESOKRLS IJ re MM I Lais Am. fwe 1 0#9M mo104mk IAL -»»M 1*A f j"ESTABL'SHED OVER 33 YEARSO" INTEGRITY -SERVICE e Fire Insurance 1 INCLUDING WIND AND ADOITIONAL PERILS AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY, MARINE Twenty Componi@s Coverlng EveÈy Conceivable Risk. ea o -EstatsfrSl HOUSES 4mFARMS-L» op~ -ACREAGE TISItiOffl nouW, STOCKEHOLM (sEates's) - Alla. uùndberg set a world t1gbtr.l record Sunday as ho balanced on a rope for 34 houri,-altuu.tVelT gtandlugadd ulttlng os 0@ he& ifOOL idly I.D.A. STORE )SMETICS MNDIES GREETING CARDS rotely Compouttded ITICE ,MACY 'E, Phm 13., Prop. Phone MO 8.2394 1TSay MAYOR HARRY W. JERMYN %rrr'flns unt Wi4tcmI tt WlIt*y I o ivry Iargeowr, but s s agrot TOWa. The "Cours.,' ld by "comoin"' James Rowe--fîrst MOyoP oif the lown of Whirby, luit 100 yeor, ago0-was a gOon&ors Th~s astti "hIm'in ii uCceodîia vears. held stecdfostl IOf igorg wau rugborild the SPray dimmed, briefly, ti, dis-fon hoi-i,, the ci-y of "Kmp to youf couru. helmîman" wc4 #ot mnàd. golf wtir or foui, tr'the boi-t nautical traditiosq Oif COMOPI nJat Cook of WIiitby (Yorkshiîre, Englond), the woro asrmo nvigptot, Whitby hmos siled" sÏ@adily oad. Swiotnirt th. pleosont m.topltor, If is My horir new te kfflOthhE of "W#pon Ifs-Cours.. Lt Isoahoor ond o Pt.e"fo« MY forbrt, faoî -slid the S.s.Whitby la o 1 WMpy "s*w twh ood ond copabi. 'offksrs-" and.a Iusty' <"W Mm* nu*rIgMN 0thon 7# 1M. I. .lsea MIpteour* to Wolcomw you 41 "oboordeoarid.. bc"y .~ yà q ursvt T4lb."Offleers"d'crew" anti1t grt >yu wtt «W wiué1ycu bmvoftogon the com Wbkh -toi$ is Wfna y tte grwt- ovt yond thef tnt Mlon ln OihopWw "*poasogoof this eontury It us.roý- thot uhoSmpas Heov.* Nmvigtot hwip tntgord uw on, aur j - MRS. P. R. McLEOO HARDWARS. PAINitS9,M 11 St8OCK ST. 14 M DM brigades province euh-re n -~ceptioff. ire Brlg Wh AI1 One of services' fie fi-e record v -equal, an town tod garance Bruce C well orgi modern er equlpi cerns bi cousideri Illu is oftIhe c Windsor barbor;' "bouse, hi gie, bot those da: cessors- Whlhby1 early da fire cen o nly the scrved, a mny CH andg av uerved, a mrnycl jened tbt lu thiru ah fleur sud gav towu of John i Hain Sm uer àappe Mrsrai br1aàd Il ycars vu 09 V958, 1 tien, t k ~ Anoth bas wit HOTEL ROYAL "Many years a part of Whitby" Extends every good wish to the Town of Whitby on the occasion of ,t's Centenniol. A#luminum LAWN CIAIRS mob FN*«smoa.% bi lsf au v~- c"o<e itd huma O~ 9'Wft iPS'~~w 0s5~ @~ gnoafnuott4e rÀ r iw;, ejRý ,

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