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Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Jun 1955, p. 15

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DAILT .uuuI4Aum'?u~ IPiJq, ~s g~ - Known throughout the district ai one oi thé beat vlunteor lire brigades n tiAs section ni the province, above art shon the enître membershlp wtt anc ex- ception. Tht Whtby Volunteer Ire Brigade, under command oi WHIBT EFIIEN 'OLâUNTERFMREBRIGADE WIrr Brsa". taie cokmmmice Fine Cht.f Brue Corne, oper- stes two ffre stations, onec up- townaiathUicTown alland Fîre Station No. 2.in la PrtWtitby, on Watson Street E. Shown above are the meraburs of the brigade, flef to rASAt, frcnt rnw. Albert Zdvard, Warren Watan, Jlm Corser, Bob Greene. Chief Cern- ar, W. (Bud) Brtnnlng, Warren Mowat. Harold'- Boys. roid Brown. bock ow, saine order, Erukine Canmpbell. Vernn- Bud Di«n. ffu corne. EuWood PrItchard. Harold Bonnetta, Pred Rsttb, Jamu (BudI Rean H ar- old -Mace. Alex- Museluan. Dffg. Allan. John Reard. Ev. Bryat Abset vas flieman Dave Roua. -Photo By Rebetm. ,Wbitby 1tlgbtroPe ,lanced on4 ternativcIY 1a ktheD u fl T T l fiattended Wei et the Cnic thoeUnpresencu of Ch* fire301 m MM M W h t y F r e a t e tH aS Chufch wshen that édif ice was t d . bebe by Council des - eofth re o Fireh tanonw (r cz ation £ <Iee icarded, but me ni Uic 10reees p li Ihat lame. Mr, Mowat some months la Lai Ah. pnast2aaina nithe Cham. Publie Beboota by uMm'Jacb, :fý na nterv-iew wlth the wrtter ber nf Commerce. and uoe e i ugW lg av en A Proud Record 0f Service Eary ayin Whity: mdtwll be cieaaed. rntintedan one of Whtby's very excellent, store lire at whlch -the bri&de ta tèrre».aw qtpeîutP*edA ore mntCooAuntl r l theorn services today is that rendered by idtd a good job and kepi Iherlm tht imt wasas good assehv metw.I wl lo e-e at&d sehoolu. Bok pràze rAie fire deparirnent. which bas a age down 1 t ay ibte mttrofdin 1Mmbered as he <b =ne o te ivcanually achols.PItft record which would bc hard ta COMPANY NAMEDi good job. only for ;he modern mn- electric siren now nwlt.ed on ttfun relent» mooarcb to equal. and through whose work the A bylIaw. flot dated. n th( ps- or driven tr-ucks. Mr. Mowat serv- town aDilroof which celle noui the choub e iý-fer mueotis] s town today enjoys a very low In- session of Warren blowat. tioa),s ed under severai frt chiefs. re- faîtblul when a tire breaks out, lA î- sÎ ar. a tt-eMU aUna nn sirance rate. Under Fire Chief secreiary-treasurer. sets forth thatt isrng a few yeara uigo aller a er- là erded an beins aatsietn Whitby DtrU-'t11bSh Bruce Corner, the departnwnt s'the name of the lire fighting unit toua operation mit mhbe nnted bere, &Wa that uwnm7 of studente navinu weIl organized and has the most -shall ho the Whiby Volunicer Fire TEAR DOWN OLD TOWER by agreement the departimn t~~isciiel modern motorAzed trucks and oth- Company, wîlh one and îwo romn- An ancien( Iandmark salog msrve& a portion 01titT. Tw r em oeis- afi eo er qupmet.Larerprmiçes s' pantes of 16 men each. There %as, assoctated wit the ifre de at-s i fWhtthy. App-zLney 4 o a one of the departmentas chic(l con- a Urne. however. when only one ment was tarai down last yeanri Ila Alui ceutennual year Whtby sie e u tt o sotdpermo cerns but thAs malter s under company was in existence. A rem. waa the ld iower ai the rear of bau reison te be proWd ieti voluai- Brilala. (&ptt adopWt consideratton au the Counchl plana pany s tsud to have orlgtnated ibe town hall la wblch the boue teer lire fighters. No tsk tua o tJaw m scl. the erection of a new town hall. Lainthbe mind of th laie Reeve AI- was dz-ted aller ever>, lire The'bard for Athe anad fthe, service The chapter were Ah. cestndi It ta a far rry from the days bert W. Jackson as the t(>%n grew. tower housed the bell whtch for 1 hey rentier, "e know. tg appre. nfth w. ucnMary c#rpet fo ni the nid hand pump ai theh. Iot unfortunate thai recorda on well over hall a ceIllury calltd out clilOed by the Conil and tht dAti- day. un eveet that wtll loig bu Wndsor Bay f now Port Whitby)t his matter are nat available. th11e brigade and wamned thc cià- Wle=. nmbered b) UMMauy w su harbor; Iocated n an nid ware- old. which took four muen ta loper- -- house. the aid Merryweather en- A hand pump, oaver a ccniury gine. horse druwh, tire mcli. and old, which tank four mcn t oaper-, auppljy of hose that coîld be speil-I aie. s stl n exiastence. stored n edi mitd ln capital Iciiers. Net, tbe garage of Rarry Watson et; hese were cons idered moder n t Port Whttby. lit wtUl lthly bu trot-1 thoto dnys, as they were the suc- ted out for th@ entennar,. Thcre cessera ta bucketa used by thelà sà name plate on t. b ut UIme Whttby Buckey Comnpany n the bai almost- erased ILA.TA wu uscd sarly days of Whtby's blstory. for years for the protection oi thc There arc few recorda of th. grain elevat-ors whlch dld a Lrlv- fnlie oinl abl ae ein pr- aa a busy «s wthepbarber, W e wish to extend .. fnte ollan cellabve. la fe- act. n àgbsineabwhcn thp1e.heo served. and they gve the names of pump. however. wau neyer brought many ilizens, man ai whorn have up town. but years &go was put andg avev alu ablea cmvi vce<ota i parade ht e Us ama f d Merr- O G A U T O S E T W S E sered an teygveth anso weather englne.CO G A U TI N an E W S S many citiens, maisy of whom have For yearu the town was wtll jolned th great majortt-mnen who aerved by thé oid Merryweatber ln their day, with theequipment an: ItIounfru A behat waa o t e n o and gave valualble service ta ihe' to s museuin ma"y yeams ugo, V town of Whlthy. The names of phould bu brought back. if poIssble. J1ohn Sîtnton, John Perry, Wi- for the centenailal parade. II ta' lisa Smith Heard and Bruce Cor- now ln theeposessLon of the York Mfr. êmlihwas s member nf the which sold t paAd n hc.d tethe brigade for 30 yeams and for many scriptural lnjuactian n o'Ymwve 5a a a. years was chief. The Town Counci not the aBenA lszdmark.' II grented hia tan honorariuan &fler OLDM TLIVUM 9K M o n l he retimed. The Whftby Chroal le Odt living frmer nmbethe ni 1858, two yearm beore Aucorpr. <ih.brigade la G«eore W h* o - tion, Aella ai a Brck treet joled lai 190U. The e ftrit e bu OSHAWA: RA 3.431fll II DOWMANVILLI zamrru io Canada's G ré ot est Gos Valut MLlE SUNOCO Aiosuiom wbcb aplay- Durtng tt e eomd w*idv can lmpotamsMd V" it ln »Chpeamoag otthnlgs. Cmè»sPd m<he commos- d vbfWtlOIns = 11tikdm ofvar and peace, to f- »LDuim lu Viscount Geemwood Chapter in- IODA va fuade, VbL, Brilh Pr- P"~S ONu rDa br fthe En>' soucisof wur ErlIs elidram hW ovMWla lAu 17tb yea tu Wh1A- eIothlsgblaaàet u,.sa22rsa0 bomber fond,0gam* cegalsii.Mareh1, M.byI, « gemcslbut. mm . 7.W. m M d mm Et fd~BTUS Bannllit Wei launebuiom Ls UMr- 5!POIbylut61CU vice curesnt àsbStoval ccii- aof osu h ti t1, muoa et tw.bainoff un late = ne . b.Chiperhpam" t or JidaILB. l.an&. Mn Colemasm beilhudWrters.#S m lie elmun bau dovntuo b ce S a.Ll-talW biu drea Yom s«Isrgd in horizonkeeplng <Sole vertment, s part et p"e"_vth<e dd sud &Mrau. CliiPt'S I eft pnmibiltlu n <h u=ranautnad linstuatassimadula thaeslt en'esto ftloeadCrei.he h Cbb w M te b po-by Vemr EfortCmsttee. b vIn"effin o bl txmm.tarin Be - àma t &W w.e &Mr reot. mm . i.W. Marsb-m i latter licu vu fit vlc.-rt8et; Mns. W. witbr. Th Entlaud for evacus Cardvefl ld viet-reent; Mns. . edru 5C7 p94I1MU09fD»W eoti Bailâeis mcretar7; lBUs.E. RL Adyc, »gw eut. T.,eulluted trurer; Mm. C. a. Cemeailea, f ini bU. 301 cmU ety1 huier, lMma.D. DnUil4y; tchoes TO srvie ibaiè 1os muec.ay, mmJ, ubegm, Mnf<fl . MtPliYwl cads, etc., Vr J. t»ng. Mis. J. Ai& Standard vas @Mt. MembemiuOdvu n pr-ueted t. the utvly fnmed stain a tteuffl blod mn eIiaPtby <h. Canulian Legon. les, lie<IMdpick bom eirst ta ub« tght baquet. it Wasmas.t. toetind usie men dedleated by tMe Legies haplain. <hekhiofli. cafl ions vu brides R«r. E. Ralph Ady.te Ià 5 -and cuarid0e3my nUis &W ti tA ai ... ' u. .,.i <CIau pariff lA fs omtrOit tiw w-ar eorwIth fb pàtulàar the phasia on loal vas-k. 4acc- I recentyruueID.a Utby vay luterssfd » itleahp a22 <hme wbo cem ro ~th la& Ave »oMelein our ast bau pr eutaV ithy ed a card o et g it to A ne ation CanaiAune ben grateci ht a re Canadlan cienshlp at the court arc houseby the county ludgc.Tb the chapter bu reamsotiAnbelie . ha who- About bave been vtrymatch *p- Uic prctated. 1lai Fr the pautfmo tn thecbp theters bas been lnterested lu a ma- war- jor prnject, tht operatimof ià sa=- mer camp for chilienoft123 y.a cela and under wbn have the advantae t» of mupervlssi camping. uvlmng à aM à semeraial round. heWîm~ holda. durlngtw. mcmntiorJuiy.ý --liTHIS US E Any hou,, r.uud the dlock milles ".vd by th. do.!1 Iii j L p CARR'FS 132 BtOCK ST. N. SUNOCO SERVICE STATION Pb.o.MO8.2m, DRINK LOTrS0F' MILK- Sa wevy, b. w*ry of Tdiph Ir« TroT.y. Tb.n.u.f lIse 54.. à*hu. .mp#Iê I~hw To ~EhEIIAL IEEI MALIII m m M -mm- - - mà The planteshows bere te au exact copy 0i the machine ued by Louis Bierlot n bis hlutnrc fl gltatcrosthe Englisubchaw fiel n 190. lA vaibulA et the Provincial intitute of Teol-W egy and Art, Calgary Ala, by seronautlcal studectsta A ns of w. cehauxlmai ro1e nm 25 te Trist. MAt le t o aid'r show taàl behg MWsti&sM ublsp et b. b1, f dooN -Ca.ualPM"es mo NEW PLANE CRLAMES ardfraJ."I Je l'a A IrOà Far Easat air forcee ody les oM of ia three new 1F-100 super. n» ms- Pilet fo Md Sabres-bxaetly- a weekait«r lUs *<'sde0f MW -21" i< * ~ Pie lie * ~btoi We Are Proud 0 a 0 to loin in the conteiw0ai tvlbits bo Whitby ond <o wlh out 'hmtw«" e future os rkh I ocNevnw* m Ils pâst hos- boun W.0' C. SELGRêVI 103Sroek St. S. SANES UP ýTO 34 AÀBALLON OVEI-OTIIEI PEEMIN BRAIE -SSOUNES- GIVES YOU: e High-test Poemium Quai fy e Unbntable Long Mileag. a Top Pâwer and Aeceroon I bd Wishs T. Tho Towne Of Whitby On tlWth Iilrthday FMR FAST. EFFICIENT SERVICE DURINGI CENtENNIAL WEEK (or **my w.sk) DE S URI AND SIR ... I1 >AURY MONTH We a u kw th.t U* Me FOR »IEIR CENi L REPUAT AIR FUT lii n ss~oeI sir~ i~. 8.2394

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