for aMdlarreftol. WO.M woek. lADY ,IME4Amm lm loU NIg lu eldand lntbebuh. .here ver. hardships terrible . ardahips sufferings slcknesa and lonselinuas:. and dangers on every aand as well. But these _pioneers were borne buiUders, andI belonged to the hero cdass. They did nlot permit theaelves _bow ta -he prose of poverty ind toil", lnstead they set t"er courage to the poetry of daybreak i% pporotites. v'il the glowing ret. uliess af the . efhig skies. They a boured; thry were weary; but hcy rested through the darkness, -intI witb refreshed ambition look- 'tI out upon the suarise. They destroyea not ane dey the pleas. ire of the next." îIVONDSmP WJia INDIAN FriendIy association with the ln- jians was of great assistance ini arious ways. The~ Indien guide, *who kncw the bush as the sea- mian kuowu the sea" saved eUera -nanà mile by bis pointlng outinknown trails for the traveller. NMany reedievai herba knowu to the natives afforded remedy toj nervous settiers fer f rom a"y physi- clan. Any how nuumrous herbi be- came standards for varlous cern- mounphysical troubles. For à cold- bonemet. coltsfoot and horebound. .~ tor tramps, viltI turuip t'and 1its hot). For sore throat, goldthread. 4"'~~'~~0' ' -~~'/v. For b1lood condition Burdock etc. lit' Dy th e ir in d ustry a d t r f . i were erected, barns built, sehoolà and churches established. Nieanwhile.i Windsor Bay, Port tvhitby had grcn mb ao re3l ià .pping port. the fincst on the .'cf13!îlt There i rr' e r: Pl:-cc% of bu3înrýs in full actli. und risny borrthl ne.,, and as smrli log schoolý Ever-yihing ' 's,&ypre..prrûuç ln ;7t1J tie c,. aît-linc Indian trail ~ tri .~c'rv'd lto a mltii'r% rd rm Kn:'"oi 1,nTn.ont-1 zind rnsbgin Io extrnd Io- iard tl%- harbour for lake train FROM THS TOWN CA ML WHITBY'IS NAM ii affectetI rxpe name ni thiOnatirtodurnntothenoerN I)urllg the itar of 1812 this road ()ie ý,*ied ssih the lt.the nreof i t%' hown bour h epet& thrt' Ifî di igth t e' was heavily travelled by our mîlltia 1o<î. f Wîîh, nlarl.i'.s Wh it abos e s a photo o a i h)'% ronî'ratulatii.s ftr"m M b' ance (.1the C(ntnnial sae 'h, ngland, irons i r r an<Oe wih qas à ba-Egln, iibccrnn a ' :coaches. The hendquarters of these and %flvr à a(ferret debate the 'towfll w iere et thecrt onsex .t o r(o rne- ttonvof the County Build weitofniRou~berTy Hill in the Tp I aiir y F or er Pa s orth I7l n April 4th of The' Lytidehoumreon the western 1854 the: were opencd Thry hav e ege of th rekbul L F14 -tore been enlarged, upper wing; X5 s, a m -iaY post for ti i. added sème service. The engraved rocL R ecails E arly H istory Beforet onshibp sias openedit the corner of the lot ls interest- à or artilnsent si %vas ,urve)-ed ltnta F K O OTwr <)ne of the besi and îssost inter- tailizing bulAark n of onering%%flule ed. sv.ePt. sthirled ii Lidlt u vare ai, htsl iers ButLb. Kin%,bou ogsoon bei esliflg refCl( > opn ieiegiatelmlstru esc e revaniing uair c otid be located snd deeds proper- gan 10 show 'igns of fils tInupnc tory of Whith v and part of the' auâa and rearîng therr najlcstic miîtinï1v. 1) madie out. and rcgtstcred upon Part Whilby andi the lake coujntrv is eontacned in ais addre's buiiilbies a aiit tihe rînud., or Thim i% A bit of %%bal Champlain In case of Whitb>. a base line am Upon htb tokco tcliverl , everal >earx aigic lv thet' trcmking inie thse honron lse à au sa nd hcard ai ouT lak- front sas %tirr>ed trom caNt 1 .(S fratfe towamers Cornors. ontmt laI fi'.A. ansl raI. A tasis wal.posîng~ aî~that autUflin da r' l' jusl north of the broken front ofetofurfurcnrs.îbr )j J), minister of Whilbv Cniic<l break to slter thîe hîîrnblcr and Dlue bu thse hostile Iroquois. thettisl% orThii ba,%e fine ta the scry early a store andi a post office Cîturtis lic tire ira,and prît i r. ;fo)Onels fhisTechdauil ci cinzttl iM ocia o c.lne Anotherr vetopened. îs2. bbe onlv Po in that (if King Street Chi fi n lhe regitonao(Pi hepolar idorii 1sîork 1Honeser thev madle ainial isilar lin(- 14 mallesnorth, andbetwen Yrk and Port lHope. e' 0sla%%a Il aNis ~ 'iAt A gAther las r nom in n i 0 descihe Adr %,ettlpiiicnt ai Franc atis Baie. siherr paralilf inca i& the Tînt Conces. jcnt bouses andt%%lo batelas %cre 1mw hrld nt tht' cintRrin t auies uiler the rmait!;%*eneas and tise Sulitmcn priests. Frnelon and i son> Tise Concessions art tht buiît The name Warrcti axssor- <:ofî"îlp Andtis t4elv.tiI orlh harns <of ibis tict'rp Trosine, opened Ascshool for tise banda of -land belen such funes atmIelîf vitis lis hamlet in mer- Iin t (its eperial centenfltal e<Il %nulet US go atisoretundrr tihe Scuela Indiens in 1670 Trading The concesson lineis &la alvayDnxt chandlset lion giiiance <of our Indîsinf iend 'saho poils vert butit at strategir pnt-. aouth of any concession. But in 1838Prter Perrv carne Whth. tualeti about the kncsî 'i tise bush as th. ears antà in@usof ,trong forts iutlated DIVID)Eg 10 .0,UptrmAdlgiLOCTSd etu id(lhtletif th'isortîl tsone of Iake knimsatht sesa-As our craut nears 10 link French (c~a istis Lui. Eacis concession in Whtibby storekrepiii< where Allas Ds-ug« Qntar+0 ssas flrsb t eu ,d bv white tîhe santis on tise b'sch. every Inel ana bY nay of I)etrOfi anm ttTownship vas dîvidcd ilabo 35 Iotas Store now stands t 1948' The place mnan fis 1615, whsî'rtChanmpliîn %us lb 5 acen, alie sslh almoit ever> Mississippi. Tiserefore England and aninumbered frein the East. vas calicti PeiYs Corners and: bis flotilla of babeauix and ciinors kind oi usaterfo%4l. Of course the France found bhmselv"ea t uar. When WblthY Township vas divid- also "Radical Corners~ by reason coasted ors irons the etitt aisada gnose s not there, for andi Quebec andi Canada feil to cd tht tilvlding Ulne *as set be. of the radical am'bitions of Msr Forove eubtyy crstise Trench thse Irostz of tudsons Bay 'bave the. English ta 1759.Ienlt1 nIlt1. hra cr iaî batil een lit co:sbrîîl ofi ontreal. rot )et turneti bis isonkîng'*"V'1A1v era le.htBstnnoi'th and sostb. along tht castern F.ventualîv. b>' tessnof etlocrs and tise ottawa River, but they osuigraltons soutissard But ever> *'Tes Party" brotîght on thi revoit edge of Mount Lawa Cemetery, lbt ien sud pro.iilty te the barbour. wert prcventt't sccr'cingthebb St tbing f rom tise grebe Io the stater- ai bbc American colonies., resulting cuti the No 2 highway et thet "Perrt Cerners0 becarne t Nê Lawrence, as the poverful I roquiîts hen, from bise maflard in the but-iln bbe Independence of tise .13, western ceti of the reiiing on th eart of thse Tea of Whltby andI saddled thst river, and were isol;-er-batil, tramtleise awbfUIo the tes a1 7" Tisi.turncd many Hi buavw s e r ald in1855. Note- fil. Tis orcd tse ambîtiouslo iaîtti h lure divîng anti feedIng Britisbei'u freinthe Unitedi s4tats Ub ('7aii stands belveec s 11» T tÎfr« teccv.OftWhitby TOwn ChamiaTis to t d ther oueand splnashng about. hMtiediaburis- 1 t tCanada U E. Loyallts. Many t I& 19vias James Seamaaof Porft Whit- Champlain totto a W Temsbp JaW5I3yIBedttroutem~ Hscened the Ottawa, witb fit\td by our movemnts. camne ts ppr ab"&a dgreceiV- aa» tawiI5O£w&s t fjîreby. T"t tiras flpulW laROM va ata; uset tise waters of bise tho menuu. utterlag hlms eamln.g Ne MtSSê do»fà >laîaa s araspssible. anti, challenge, es bis bresti. slow-gear. TME F11M GOVI iUl eareNaar> 4h e* V 68?UOG V Uh porbagetiloto Lake 1Nîpîssiîng, and, cd sines carry hlm otut of rearis Sir John Graves Sîmcoe ai the ment he-adquartera. about 1Ik.*a d Ros svue ire throeghthtlor pasetd awn the Frenchs river lto rie ih bis long. Iean legs neatiy fir't Govtrnor ei Upper Canada settled just tant o sa& e h ot a rv- GerinBy hnferreting hi ýpirallecid iit bg-is bail. making Tht seal og Geverameut beîng at bar. on lot No. S, Hebrugit iaed setliers Pua" fur1-. Caoay Ien It(' 0 h'hm oti i lg sif the Newark l%agarai. anti afiersarâs aiong bis quota of goveber laboptht vildoines&- 8a1 ti15 10 angthd slansoo 1r cles lok, l bisflrrnrhi be loebei am nouithern shore. ise cntered lise 'pilot potle- trt in reverse-but 1 Y ork. Sur%"ey sock vas car.pilies. end toot up bis abatetpothn h'SvruHvr ea> htsiercislimi r dea à a.- it.m vru i lote b'r Ibougîsofthe Sevrrnssivloto a,ýit a tre ntch it on.smenclr t ied onb1itby Uo-irse sttlr-tds- rnchud home *< <a t eBer o xin * re.Ab m. ian ed 1ae N p isfi , and paxed itteln a or i n g as in attention., andI ov erment look t rganîrcd Fie long the Idians aidd cbis so el . Pffl P ery » dý 4Lnicoc e ar ie Na'rrow c 11 ti aese t bi L ong. ise bcaern anti I ta heiagara u i msicTiseonnir. &eiseept hîs oatr, lhe Vinmri pottt iice shareni Lite Smcoevas sbuti - brits a hlmbarmn>' vtb tse ahneee LW4 Purent trm isa 'rclntieIn ps.hrshlm 11 tammtrketiaIin15f u ,9UuS Drmp et titre ff I cuth iiutiiitiz cenc- a, inbnt)ItitsIîof tise tori liii" L*sbridge -- saoerom i'td <'C atid amare dwârtba.d lc« "WaabY questiy »M WW so 0*e b ,A£, firIin ir his titi aifleet n i' rahc h> smeatciRe*rh AMNticuJoS TbIsa, Ps *tltjld> *mtht raiee tieI "mU M utWMyt e- ,jcaart". egîninted Aot tupon the i hk theitti mb tise 'aler Moe tisa. re<'.-c APa 'et epiUtt is 'is aîg a a h-iMWa oie s Isdi tise laite thal atîmtmn day 'sr în it h sIr t e sa-'rW Il M<ri iit a<- r itt ~ ~ urs> n, '"t he> A ls if youthave cicr pu nspeti&a1), the muni endtihbise rana. ts>p~eus-W f bthel r" s-eu w i * 4à ù, wg*-ttffvue 1i. tawmouses ism cyl ro sintoWhtby. Yeu neyefr go fiahtnt The) labeur <'e Petr Taylor. deVshîî- OaIuau -S4U-W kti . »MN aas- e have fot forgotteli the hilsî an a nd uthei r oti te hr iml s 1hu1 Te To(*t cg, WbUb'. imites s. ., m v.a e etu 1t ý,ieys of that rolting i-aci Novat nceeaerhia Tat i lMY'as bu te ise indu=ns eeuue trimey aMtCm bcar in minci. those Saniesifope3' 00ntise lgiter ktrihaimhere thse <.5poMig4q ta>'pçw lanmtm tua z*1 M, Iî w <U'17P« -6 --endtrying îîndtîlabinns 'eret lbire fut tr"-s gnon. tise hl* ict e-arJms loue 'sasait. flisrs rer- fýg lle *i*avff -M"ski 61MW .-%%,len ('hainplait utaInlupon lb-'.uith hbis brighb berady >' e)t and J Jams Dfled..&,**as tht 11 W sie chU or Roe, » b..w5bl-- e uci e laite, vlewing the landi of dîmeoven- mnsnntht humus for late-cisdeputy 80(et t-a as ia"t ito- 4'tbst otfo. a~< 91d a~t bt h Dcoisquesb Remnember sîso. that fluba, or teuring s1 dC)U rlpart >IM'i*hI*f M Ss.amia: C -on& Met *' me Xu4 d5bom lefareit(f evels csriformt'd te tise timbers, et upturhill 'in twta>' t0437 ut» A IJ. 'sastu ik*ae m&v s dw.s.6 'surface aobbfîthi cr inti* bisctarehfor nutiam anti le mgr-grmwadâ*OAWStW Ca* ý1~M.U e O -Belore hii etrebched. test anti, urubu for dtisr JaMy pb raveMd i 1e NIasseu »"MO sec t a -at bii, forcit oa I sr t the sane -Uie tb' squirlr-- ry-dsare mgrand datmM iAtei.. «'~> ~i 551 h i tnga bTise inn tSar ecitaI:tse ,«»eul gm ~te tremy I "M pDrido. eh. w-si btsu _ s5in oudibte pt9 *Wa *W of Ihose billowy tlands vertclati tbiset, andi thequarrelsoussredti omtsuher meutW m s. i, %M10 SSMOM __lu -ia mounliig varlctY o ca i*uous art c«einptm ta their eflorta ab-gM f«,&rmesAUseasr»lié c b -m Irees anti shrubs, iingitd - isck' a mnOt ltht hasef bse*.. a*M la j s t W teimiorJ&MOs = 1FW!'0<~4 h4~ lessly together, but aentlasee& ber. thse uteroutt Ire. chu). swisî M te *s ft___ 0-kIbons 1's.4 8180< 1» 0 -anti there, by a bib>' white Pluie. ýpaztrldgesare. fcaaeagltut etoçis I stsi"ty »MY ,Ja-rCqW- m t1t ý m»»MWS d Ml0* l .l 'Iowering majtstlcally aven att. or loi lce-boabed bsb tie. yet - ;VnmAsbet DOVU Jq MU. 8 =M y@W *5 a iIiitem -a f ew sombre siruce puahinst bisir j usared b>' lat.-wowa bW». x«& c..e, taom'« <i ~te *W b505U.1 4MorÙM t jiersîstent leaders tomardu bbc lobes t ad ail <. la.tb» ttMY C.yet(hirl clouda: or someaernail etuattrcdetchfPmsaskcatsg bt Ismm! us- a.m. w» sason u te 5 Md< olneshapol>' baissais tMecb- suipes **for cala"' meamp lerMi bb MMs OM>en Ing fat gbov e te ret leecl:or andt re. depostbX du tht to et a ts o ws.o Wbâybaba » fil ;B -t groupi cf bush>' hcrnockm 'suih ils boigiig cheiks l bs -uS'M 4 tueur soIt. comornattst's. W evr lage. j La.C4 PVSt»s o u tteM«wiff l wu . . .._.._ - u~ ,,ffering cmcrgency slter to a»Y The 51tt1L"WW sI*5smbIelotit etDW C UqMSus. W S M -aîeedy creatur.s. l tIV mb i MIoo'Èd *0h W ~ lu -THIE fEMAND VALLEW1 ht uuu fxparis meau hm nt We have spoheset of . bitta. oevet. btthe MM lI MeO N «Mbsd» -Now, lta à guce et tht salicy. siAk" s@od m o60 sbà a'y Mary X9400001 blé811 r> d tt rvins.leadlag dom-m te bras.h -eshba md. taS .Jbe take. Every vieaU.'W&ldthici Tise ed do. te. mlbis W-1ep 17OW -ultauds af tamare' denat taufflcd cedu*#g s67 M »dMs 's*40 It .e'ml eqttfl t ObCom jredw amps; and vldeulai Ueae. fwezbgcrs, ad1s00iPfsv- c, t ~ -or ns>doWs. Ilqe s"s. IsmMd 6t*sLtaht. msscader through thte marhs. ¶mcof tht *IV~tS. lft Utmýus bule M*et e hOM 0< Md_ ou*_ MW atai! their passas, thronO te et eum uuW otht ke MotY l as- 11i - srswarplaidsan sd Suf Otbufr mt igitmom ee=j n Siffluly *him *«os over tise b mo *ro rosis. M, la IuuoI a WmY *thlmabo; <eh!!*ab du* 03c~~.slasOh s -1otd wtl3owby t11»sOrs, dao atb. tlà $sMm* UmmusI. uîm a s 4«M sro s I or wboa* WWidemme oe'* devý" Umm *,L's *W -»MofMth mmt t udetlaumm 1%M IL -r Buli eu «sMfroubiWM la le t* 1et t mom .fie e Wab MMO f ompoal grasdar. amiW U 1ra oi~-t ihorUs. foet« lii r - I' C -n. isttb', fi i~; s stnsbcr i-I C n-t.-'- 'n 'i bis-s îî ah s tise cxcii ,tve iii' CH1AMBER 0F COMMERCE RERCHE TOP MMBERSHIP 1 1.3 19 ) us 9 ti m ber nio"f saeC e. Tereace M . o re-ec e ar ' W alter Port el a -- te Sii:clIct tarîpl ae reaune ChntsCbytor: Mayor H&rr Wilson andI - r 1; i I sI I - ,'u ' lîs cx . V iae - p resîi en . W e rr n ; sta n d in g . l eft te rlg hb V.V >~-i lu i R. lodd past Presîientt arc Tdîre tora, Charles Staffortid, ert -csni t"e Ro: G. I.angforcf, Presideat Tom Scott. Hudson Marshsal, -limes-1 er, Vernlifarria .Pmt John R Froit, Tou-s %-Gaette, Staff Photo COUNCIL FACED WIR EPION PROBLEMS, Whit u T ownir Counfl. under sidtwalbs ad ~le utitie for ir e bies atmbers of th@ $tan Martin. Uceve Kennetis Les th#e lsa e hip cd Mayor Harry nais subdlvlalâ" % saU g m lm l.8.8 W Uft t ht *M-ni CounclUana Sturt Robibi. W. Jer D a this SAS e *U tlea ir t " lieprvisfo O bet e I e J l 8 roi tv rIt a stri wila te ln sen lsils lO-year' hI.,. tom-n ail fsav k edt héDo oua â i Ia ffl Jvs>' anI Councilor pilles in charge eto ranglag "toryl IE ung < e ti s bdIej. mibs ro b nn~ turf f-fat 1 £1in. OSupst ag ila th@u"sai ns Ç m eun ek hero. - sMns. durt iaîg fr(eet' e stre bta, 14 t bacs è corniad i rd oise.«& ar, lojty_ __-Tmes-Gasîte StadPhoto A «wufe bkb b*5 14 It w.e t I1A.Wdet Ibo Ir smamip UcoCupefftyW Dois meei otWit *sai MB t7 SSIwAuOB a rn iwi no wok «W #NlIMW s - 0> stouDg. hack irderChar-os ChsY* lu. MIoiaa rf sOme BlPl mi medle Wbt I I I I I 10.3 11.1 THI! DRA 1-