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Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Jun 1955, p. 4

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Whitby K.nmen Initiated 1Severa Commnty Projeet aih* Ihn..Ihaihav aaw ~ m "ME? ir 1-4AUM. TM>,i&. » usm away, heres In 1 that E hlsPo ture l'un h Tru inltec.n g lthe otto of leved. Its l la sW rested l lnthe tbuSgnizff '«teCom munlt;'s enterprise wblch bas proven to ortites Ned",Wbtby Kinsiàm e à asucess. Club bas rendered à very vainable PROMOTE SAVETV serv4<S to the Town of Whlty, FOR KIDDIES . er moki, a my fllu aMd rich contrt- The Kinsmen Club sponIsors ncw1 butions. the safety campaign ln the sehools g ooo Organlzqden Apei 2. 19M3 by knowu as Limer the Saiety le-Th ClffgrdGartsboret the club ru- phiant. What t»i means towards area. etve lts charter on May 15 of teachlng schooT children the fund- oX that yuur et the district convention ameutais of safety not only ou our- In Oshawa. Flrst preuident was crowdcd streets and hlghWay but Barry Curtis, wbo was regarded ln the home and elsewbere would, as a uman dynamo as bework- be bard W determlne. The citi- I~ ed eariy and latu to place the club zens, we feu!, know ail lhe details on a solid foundation. In thus task of tais very worthy and uefu' bu was greatly asslsted by th, campalga and thcy are rernlndcd; firat secretary. ClHEf Gartsliore, and of it ns they pass the scbools and a lUv. group of officers and mem- sec the flag symbolic of It ln the bers. Echooi flag palies. MILE FOR BRTTAIN PURCHASES ABENA 1,The Clubs ftrst venture ln the. When it appeared a few years fhld of public service was te make ago that Whitby would b. wlth- ~ a contllon te Canadn's war out an arena. as tih. oid Bour s ! effort. A dress bail was held at Arenà was glatcd ta be tôrn dOwn. t the Wbltby Hlgh Srhool to ralse the Kînsmen Club purcbased it and funds for Milk for Brltaîn. It was operated i t for twa years. Much held ln May of the Charter year money waa spent on improviag tac aud proved to bu a bis succea, structure, and the members put, aid It was one projeet aloag wlth la many long hours ofl lbor free of, AERIAL Y" O F FARVIEW' LODGE HOM FOR THE AG;E others until 1946. charge. Later. as a mv « Rcplaclng the old buildin, at residents of Ontario count? for town. near Highmway No 2 W . e prvice ln torv i udt. Kin hs o f;ul adnew tpieic ctien itclb pprlf wi poie a. m erFive og e elce property. wihch wast dlsposed of Uic old arena and lt_ - uperleI wlc roid a- an casFlrie ode - 0f~o f th bstet lu knd l b.eTmes-Gazette Staff Photo à- commodatio for the aged, needy cated lu tac west end of the or o clsf of -an eyesore, in tac assets ta tac Conutty Amena ' O nt ri H sp tanGr att en~c d of tetown, forpa B ard.The: cM structure was tara àHvlIldaylgaole worklngothe towii. was erected by acm be one of the tincat pralecta of lista..h hospital, most of -taem becanse gîven good attentio nad play- =esuUy_ opcated. Every citizen kind ln North America. th.y weru rucovered, or xuch im. grud.leupmet buasbeeunprav- of Whiby kaows the story of the EvI e there ia mucb te bu proved. seven bundred aid seven- lded for ta. childrea, of whlch the ucw arena wblch appears in detail A ss t T Th Co m un ty oneandthemedical aid surgical te»n patients, leavlng us wltb fewer latter tke full advantage.. Child- elsuwhere ln IbIsis las" Members Rv DR.D. R. FLETCHER the mouth of Lyndes Creck on the1 plan, ta not yet undertakea. Ncver t4an we bad at the beglning urusno no heeupet'pralse of the valuable assistance Abmit the turn of the century west. You may b. ure that some te-es t u ar o a tt ut e ae ouhy îgtaihu-ai tcwlé o tahpe s i u teyrcevu ro lt Knse th r xwas a great rebirth of inter- lof tbe aid settiers were reluctant! by bas, ia thc Ontario Hoapital, vd~ ptents k ryeidhee uac. w pat.h~e tabloens aeisa avofthe he rClubfO teKumn;f1 tt ln the rare and tretento agv pterhlig.adI great buxaniterian sud curative bunidred aid slxty.lx on trial vlsits able *an sevural suais. The park The club bas asslsted la ailier ýin- nenta!l.v ill. Prevlously It had looak alot cf persuasion to gel them ri laWt cf whlch ever>' citizen Ci and onu huadreti aid mxysvno a eoeee ae plretmrssl h en bti-n hc eonsd e htco mm uf oa- o see the neeesalty. but la 191.3 lb. ,Whitby my wcll b. proud. ourout-patient pruject ini homes since thc location o! the swmtug caiteniai weck celehratiottwiB uo, hnhha bcoeunitfowork was begun. IIUIERINTENDENT 7 YEARS in Ontario Coualy and vklnîty. pool ler. laite part la the service day pro-',ý- pri.-oners was good enough for the, The bospital wa& laid Out la mach Dr J Forttr remained ass up. The hospitai bas aîwavs been THE SMOMNG POOL gramin laca-operation wluh ocher miniily inI. and foliowinsZ that la man'r that, flot oui>' werc there ernaleadent for sevea years and à trainlng centre for ycuag phyui. Thie Kinsmen Club dld mucb for clubs,. thcre wert- a sertes of buildings 'no wallx or barred windows, but Stevenson. wbo subsequenti> bel- clans. for nurses and studenta tae establlshmnt of ta. swlrn- The ceatenial year officers cf(- CI temhh were, in appear- frorn ever>' building on thc grouands,'came presîdeat cf tac Americai ai nurshfg, for attendats aid Min.g pool. provldlag the site, the club are as follcws: pait presi- iinrc, at leatt, almost cntlreiy Cus- -(.ne could see a vista of green Psycbiatnc Association, and whbo nurse aides, for accupational tacra- wbile tes meuibers laborcd hard dent. Claire Rlch; presidcnt. Reg. x t dia!, and calteti asylumsu n~lua- trees, lawns. flowers and wals-r s now ta charge of a res.arch plats. and aima for varlous craMtsand long on construction womk and McGahey; secretary, Don Cour.j t, s, asylums for idiots, lotc. mTis was the first hosptal. namn- project for University of Britlhand tratica required for mainten- contributed moncy. The club ucrer tice: treasurer. Jerr HIlI: reffis- in te f irst years of the cen- cd as such, la Ontario, for the cou-e Columbia.Hc was succeeddla ente. falled lulils support of the pool trar. Bob Herca: dîrectors, Hrol fin'v te late Dr. .1ý M Rorçter, and treatmrent of the mentalill 1 ffl 4 by Dr R. Fletcher. the pres- Fo ueooresadon vnl h dy nI perdBnet-JmsRu and olds btrarie-possessed of thé idea that Iail befm-e it had ben a-,ytums for etspr Fnet hroina eom ic s.ndpolauevi- e olu a d s whc Il &pe. i llinetsam esRsaad:og a hosffital for the mentati' l 'y itecacre and custody of peoplete ~The frsl -superlatendent ci dents cf lte town aand ils environs .shouhi be built. whle h wuld et- ffhcted. aid 1 Uulak that one may 1 urse»e was MIss G. Bryau. welU wbo cain beir livelhhood l ien inmnate almast entîrel>' the custo farly say that the Ontario 10-kont hty i ~ ei cplJadtecllcnleal dial fealures, and retain Ihose pîtal at Whltby was an outward dent bere. wbo st.arted the. Nurses' ~o u Ilo olraa- w idh had ho do wlththie healtag ' manifestation of & new cra of hope Training Scbool n thenwtabdgtwih ep kc H orne a u ~ I ia sc U c of the sick. for those people who are cul ofgreal succesa for saune years. Siceoom of our towu. Af ter his braln-cblld took some barmon>' wtth their enviroament. was followed by Miss blettie Fidie. btete aeM . .Hanna, who Tpeapi ronal as bcf Uiic cauu suMiss eal ae, Mi" A.MBusch R un O n Fine W hitby T rack : w, te lae Mr. W. J. 1anna ' whoTpe o spltmal hart obee cousn-dabnd Mu sserM arMion ss.Ber uc nchar e of al such matters. Most cf the South American Re- üÏSu imncrgvo e sett th-prrvcalectryaa ty.er> utetaUc ni. b'isa seentL kUb Whil t mi' ul eb. g oelall he e c ftranotaIt lot adey t-y tled agt saine length and publics, and nuneraus people frein bolds office. kioipatcar. te is.alaeoddtatlvsa<rady tiie r-utwaha r ose Europe end Australla. Th îtBra a r on £ E Jltae youmger geacration. ltla nev- for local merelasats vbeu o vas sent te the continent ta sec If WAS MLIARY HOSPITAL MSot dlknw amn aertacles s fiel 1h51 la early years, ve-re hcld hr.Pre f$0 h- coulul tind anythiag like theful- I Lnforunauely the fin-t great var'this district. u'ho là ai present la' PORTLAND. Eng. <AP) - Thr Whîtby was a noted 'race normeI dowawards wcre big inone>'ink inment of hts dreain. lie returned af 1914.19 lntervened sud the hos- Brockv'l1lc. lic vms lollowed by sunicea ubinarine Sidon. with the centre. aid ai anc lime tae historc; these days. Col. George Ham. s .nd uilhle he had seen aotblng that pitl was guven over ta the miii- Mir. J. J. Kernan. who bs e- bodies o! 13 of ls crew. lnciudtug vQueens Plate. stîlil a present: noted citizen here for smre years aproxumated te wbatlihe wanted. ary, b>' whom Il vas used until cenly ret'ed. Heienlu ura, va1 ont Canadien. vas braught te tac day ractng classîc. vas rua off wbo startled his career as a rM he dmid have turne la crystalize bis' 1920On januar>' 1. 1920, il wvas ollowedbMr. C. J. Astrop. n" Surface oday aid Made fasttetal.hre . There was s mile track up porter, aid r-ose 10 pmlaene Mdeas ta saine extenl. Whon b. luraed back te the provncial gav. ci Toroato, folowed b>' ibe prument nier sblp Maldslofc. LyngIe»s creck west ofthie hava. wtth tac CPR, la bis bok. -i. t-nusulted Mr. liannan again the laI.. trament and opeutd wlta Dr. J. M. liâcujbeiit. Mr. Wm. Mcintyru. The Canadien '-Ictini vas Petti' which attracted k*sems cf tae sport minces of a Rtancur". tuelale t-,r called la Mr. James Govan, Forster as tac supcrintendcnt.- Among tiie chie! atteidats Officer Laverne D. McLeod of cdo!k1ngs f romn mac>' parft he acsports la lova for race days should art-h uùdt, who llslened lalcntly, The hospital orlginally conslst.d there bave been sevoral vel-. Darpjmuh. N. a., Md Stratford. couatry. Nat RIaeandthi. Rau assemble at Nat Res livedi' te and nt the conclusion af the con- af a diagnostic rentre, a centre for kiown figures: the laie Mr. John Ont," a Caadian ui serving as boys of Wbitby, won gverai raes play' poker." ln the sprtng cf 1870 f. rence anuouced that h. wi5. lieue wbo reqlulrcd -bcd care Carson. who cpcned th. baspihal s volunlefr-traînce aboard thie suIt- aid operated a livery stable lilte Qh e a':n Pl4ht vas run off bore, ahiete laput the dreain on Pauper, and tray service on accoui of viii Dr. Forster, lie lie Hugb marine, lovm, vere tie leadlag sr ame atracting aes rec"w. RS. and he was as good as hi& word. their mental condition. and a cet- Robinson. end te i ipuet Chief Floodligtits froim bal! - a - doS nse u is field- WUby nevnspprs cd Baadtlel MaEDoaMg ald Ontaà r I1o Dr. Forster smw, la the archi- tage centre forthie.who vere Attendant, Mr. LouIs Dcvsbw-y. Royal Navy salvsgt shlp giated the tarW ecilisu M of <ruai days Premier. vas apeut - t wuv as s tectas plans. what he vas oaklag sufficletly convalescent ho go out GREAT CRANGES aM the cil> barbe watersas lie in Whttbyvbu tien races ver-e tlb. sse lads>', »eof lie semer- for. and Mr. Hanna alse ai 0P- t hir irmuais adtake part ln the There bav re s e eut eas MGdc's Posiselansd titen ltsbel. otisv«el-w aI M an4 tal e aveui, portunty for liii"pet projet" of varlous actlvlies cf1 hie luspital. tu tltIe laMUbl! tWy VINS belSrctm ebmb be .mfi atMm~ai bd U, ashI gtvlng boaltbiul oudoor occupation This lia om te a td.d until patieats u » mialUdb> der the pM et im' 'uauels-id. ho Young. minor ofcnders againat tiers aire cottages for tiose vbo warranit a"dbyeslte »nV <liet -- Mysney cyltis.Ddawuon c biss ttou r edEaBaol An masoiet an the law, ln the building of thc requlre noecustodi' vhalever, but nearly bail c!tame1 nevounar- Io viole &Wlpwu vlWls dal .0f9eo «dCMvawu si> selr. 026«114 li iU.mam new haspîtal. 1sta, staider lte boueur systenu. Il presoal tiioere sklag foi FOUNDED RN 112 Inla103vs staried oui r-cal tout. bep Admission by Warrant la Se, in 1911.thié seaich for a site patient group and viti ithe co- a rarlty. A grelot muai patients was begun. and s great demI o! c rarilon of ehluches and smre Pub. remala oui>' à feu veeku.soume. this country vas gone over on foot ilie splrited. Christian wornen of llmeft oly a few days and thec and with a horse and buggy, and ithe commuaily ve vere able ta transter tb ur cut-pailest depari- the present sitc vas eveutually, provide home cars for à grop of ment and comu k oraliy Î&~ chaon, with Lake Ontario o n the!people vho ruqulrtd suci c=r un- trualment( ih u n sauta, Whitby Bay' on th ast asn sd 1der expert psychlatrtc guidance.mLut yer thi re -eod4te 1.o IILQ C1II3m -01 JItQ JO W> IPl/ WltLb On behaif of the. Citizens of the County of Ontario I wish to extend to you congrofu lotion$ oh One Hundred Years of Progress. The Townî of Whit-. by hos served weiI the County of Ontario os tfw County Town and the relâtionshipi between the two municipolities throughout thes yeors have, been very cordial. I wis- your town succss oand prospeuîty An the yeors to corne. W. Harry Peel, Io WhiIby Cenlonnial Colobrallons We are hoppy to odd our congratulations to the now being extended ta the Town of Whitby ln this CENTENNIAL VEAR, ï, hose rcing attractions mlgbt hfve been retlae. paaslng. It mlght b. noted Ex-Mayor Ed Bowman bas ln mssssion a very excellent pic. of the Queen*s plate belng ln Wbitby. DEEP GAS. WELL RACHI (CPI-The Pakistan oleuze Company aunounced a naturat-gas weII struck gas at feet at Ucb ln Baluchistai. wcil, one of several in that wilIb. contlnu.d down to » feet in search of oUl. Demands Death Penalty Report 300,000 People For U.S. Dope Peddlers Are Facing Starvation TRIPOLI, Libym (AP --o,, WASHIGTOi, (AP - A biU ernmeni mules a 300,000 Peopis provldlag the dcath penalty for la Lîbya needfamie relIef allfer persons convted of selling nar- tiree barveut failures sud a-a jor Icut nvs>li. The gavera. cotîcs te mluors wlil bu lutroduced ment will buy grain for lacal dis- b>' Representative Heur>' Latbam tribu iinf romn forcigi sources and (Rep. N.Y.). -We know wbat thie estimales 5,006)tans a. mont vii Llndberg law dîd to kldnapplag," b. needed. Litham said la a statemneut. "Lt us do the sanie UiIug to these -A new ardu bridge stretches 9M0 humna veria wui are sellhng feed across the mouth cf Inaura narcotics to minora." ba>' la Nagasaki, Japan. WHITBY y 0 U O 8 1 00" II À D y .Xtuy f4ie rsi Oeeah end fr.ress use strrit 14al Aas made VIttti7 a tèripito teami a tusy trave( centre conuinu e lO nspire end trobh.h. furtier deve(olumi iàhrn1A sk yeors tote.m GRAY COACH LIMES wOINO -OINO wOA ~iiI:IU<* We amIrO lndu pd t. b. port of thé Whltby CtnerviïI NonorlNg this tow en Its lOOth y.or. PNqIudetTift àeh..sf.. 0v10% ofel fe.o tuw v.Mn"d bo w n e t"o Whl, Coe.I Wk. ROTARY pmsuwN entot - Imm SHOT GUNSI' sq> W lois .Constituent Muncipaiîties of 11w Courty #f Ontor TrOWN$ AJAX UXURIOGI wlHmSy TONSHIPS mocWi'Wm VILLAGES RUEVRTON CANNINSMO PICKERING TI DAI 1-~, Thia pi uirW br baek hmp Diat One 17 Playlng cause of over a ce: hy Higb 1 the Colci In tais Town of more inr district e: proudiy < room 'Wlui building, town muid resenting and cquip -8-rARTS : Recarda the laIe 1 ray. secr Board of lats Col. truste. fc thît tasi the villagi ly Uiroug lic spirit setler lu Cochrane ent cîtize wms ési Coant>' G act of 18 provided couahy is Whltby 1 It bad t! govkrniâ aschoot ra ied ever ~.1 t g t I I t s I 'f I I COUR ý othS edam lkat ba" »ý - imorqw ff %om a 0 a

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