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Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Jun 1955, p. 5

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r la ada ina. e gOvern. local dis. urces an4 91 -Inoura TEDAMLT TndS4AZEM, Putday, 3»em94.lUE tors wer-e not aole ta ne reserlt f h ana- ayados fCnd.d when the gr-oup photogr-aph ws %ultrie f h anen a es. Ons o Candai theisbi e taken. traice. afthe Ontarito Ladies- Col. Ilnlted States snd other coun- C wm'rwyv flgewblh durlng the uchool toi building. which was once INDL'STRIAL COMMION >'ear i T5owded with pupils frt>i' the residence of a prominent The nee<I for- a full-tUmendus- trial comlssioner ta make knaw 1 industries thse many advant-. WHITBnioY MAS ALWAYS MAI) A FINE BRASS BANDage of the town wss pressed bOntario Ladies' College DLU~UM.r R. G. Langfor-d and Mayor, 1%W picture of one of Wbitby3 oitthe older realdents of thse rm- tradition L% sil brtng malatain- H W. Jerrnvn Priîmarsly to thix braa and wIl r-ng munity. The tosin hai alwavç cd TINe band is drawn up si active wcrk belongs the credit forý bocek happy memorles for manv calibre of lis mtiican-ý and thîs - A H Allinas drug store. in Whibysgeids tnai ne-, o d 8 - e r R c r ___________________ -veiopment -On thse tiriaito Marcb. Eighty-three yeara &go an im- ling in do wlth thc church and ln- appoînted snd spactous assenibly 19S3-.-Mr- C H. Cbavto waa en- 1 portant event in the reaira oi rellg. ý ternational religious events whlch ýýha1 ad gm. tcrtàns ofic,' aged as Whlîbya inclustrili coin- .ous and secular education. musiciattract mnnltcrs sd laymen fr-os ~bai ad ym.secebrysofice xîsioner la Inch ftt wayears 'manv lands Tise College haî misa Dîst ict H ig Sc oolpr ut pals office and manY oliser of work. seven new industries were and culture lu thse Town of %Whitby, been freely given for snany cultur- e il%(fui and attractive features. The Necured altilougis nff ail built.'-as thse step taken in, establis b al and musical et-enta, greatly as- s<h1looi grounds caver acres, pro- LârIZet Of these successes was he i Ontario Ladirs' Col- sàing local service organizatlons. O ne 0f Finest In O nt rjo and future~ expansion. as well as multi-millon dollar planta Dow magniticcit residence of Sheriff board f ollegesatseoar ily Jil RMAO yeara in educational important* zuuod provision for ncrease and in cOmPleting On tIeil -âcre site ai N G, Reynolds. whicb for yearsi schools of thse United Cisurch Oft Plain a ipotat ol l tSE FRVED OVER A CENTIRi' the t-vent <of lire of any othrthe south ofuthtis own. was the was known as Trafalgar Cà-5tle Canada, but sttending ltfr-arnyeur Playing an erortant flteln the ctiirgt'lit yThe grounds arý h e t'ginnîng of a new Cers of develop-: This fine institution. whicb bas ta vear are students of many rellg-' cause of education in Wh:tvfo o tht hîjldintizorf iandscaped Trui%- s %erv ment Other- lvrg industries are made WIhiiby famrnaiuslinerv4îudnonala.A.foite over a centuiry has been the- Whit i.hc at~eras tuundo e iwtifui 1mixrnad sieli equipp- tîkelY lu be snnounced even beore every country ln thse wurîd, bas coUege have gosse many studcnts; hy Hîgh Sciioxl. in etirlier Yf'itx, tttthe Puiiiiric Shcbol l"i' tbci uudgu ttWub Darc this booklet la printed. idowsn through the years. gone on wbo hv a inusc a- bheC Uciuegiate Institute t-oit Cceihorne Street S( titail taslluuh Schrwi erec-tM d wththtie com Tht commisqion iUse-iflbcom- frotYl stengtis 1 strength and la- rer, or wiso have playei. per-apsj In this cenlennial year ofthtie ' n u,,t was 8added to and lm imtned financiairr-sources of thse pos'ed of N-o members of 11%tb day l1 are under way for tise à esIpotnt prt ti T'own et Whlby, that rote 1-s en -fAars e rm une a ieb tia traiuc '. meint nf the province of On. Chamber cof Commerce. Mr R ceto f amemorial chapel and humbler- walksoft lite, but ail p-oud~ more Important as the tovit and turem ýaineed iubînt171andstu arto. thse Town of Whtby snd tise Langford and Mr J.M Roblin sddltional clam" ronms in a suis- ut tisir alma Mater-. district expant Tise tuîw-n bouitîs tr ltS r'td a11 niT n-ship of Mhtbv it mlghl i e 'Uounty Regîstrar sand îwo mem- stantial new addition la bise rol- n thus centenial year tise Town proudiy of an ultra-mîuli-rn l r, f(r a turneonaiv 1%o tarwrn'(-ri te atird here tha thse* officual open- bers of Whitbv councIl. Ma *or lege fWitybkascwisprI.o roam Whilhy DIIstrict 1110, S-htxuil - i<r tr nur-u i ui ng tttok plate un Nîts mbr a%,th H W Jeninyn snd ilte-ve enf Back ln 18M. brouglibbheener- tht proud record of bise cailege and building. servîng tht nieds of tht- supinta nd-reaen ht 1Wnmbt NI CIl ( atnon. deput> . munis- Lee These members have ser--i-cgeteato fRetv.J FE Sander-, the part lil bas played in, Uic educa., îown and iownships oft Wbilby rt-p- ppl n echr tit the 1.-r of eduicuston. gtving'the ad. On lise-commnission $uce lisi *isotn. seps were taken to purchase .tional lite of thse municipality. resenting an investmvnt un btuiluing principalshup tof G F (opi iand ' (i rvs Frani-d portrait ut Her tlion Tise undutrial Conmlsso1 Trafalgar caible for thc purpose ot FOUNMKO IN 187,4 and equipmenl cif over $700000. tise tasiern %ng a iiuiîhd to tise "Ma )stY the Quten anti flag vere la localeci n the Library building.' establlsing a coUege bei-e for Uiet1 8 174. nt tise foundatimof aith STRII HTVVLAE building in 1927, provîdiniz a od -pres tfdby %Vscount Greenwa'ood WlitbY nt which addresl 411 ent- educatiôno f >oung "'omets Activecllege. Rev. Dr. j. . JHare wu! for maIrWH TBY 'VILLArsEbern gymnatium. a4hich s t f d on îisapt-r imperial Ortier Daugh- qulnlcs are recevod anddailt withpr-rsmotcru a-ti associ.ated tisem- s-lied to become prInclpip1 l Records kepl o ay er Ythe forth t-ast corn-er rf tht Pl"*ters tif thse Empire. un strict confidence. -st-swt rSadro sreUc .lteltasc atio swtbRe thse laie Dr. Chatles F M-<i z round.oi ansremosed and 'Uit-r !lanv bt-huant students stho have ______________ sev .aes x Hol. adern Wer the Se assor-ci.tion wiso sad ray, secretary -treastirer of thse building and gnrts moegnt- um is itoolprutiOt her Cultr. Jms HM n.Wilox e ES aonid oersono . wFor fi Board of Educalion. and by the ments made ant cit nf~< IaMte rlgt t $caYJ n(We RchrdH -ici. e-ar-uh. rtaed tisêiir r-ipalivt lata Col J EF. Frewell. KC . a This rmarked an important mtle- bonor Cine tisink cf men lik On hnzo e leSur oshut Rlcisar-dsin H B. Taylor,.! unUil thc retir-ement of Mr-. Sand rusîe for over 40 yesru, res-cal 5101e ln tise sciools .%historv Tht-n. Hamar Greenwoori. siho was àNtA Ils "e' .B Pwl.ad ao os.ýesn nI .whnDH that tise âhsachool was sarted ln under tise pricipalship Of Ar-thuir- mmbpir cf tisaBr-fth la o s nof ..eB. Poen lVisiron osirhte, ar-s oin t 18t9.twejntOr HogtC thse village of Whllby ini 1846 large- Archibald. wbo ta today public fonînona sand cabinet and heid an SAN-FRANCISCO IAP-A ecu- easled me bactiion.whandh Uiey wsapttdt ts on oa ly tisrotgh tlilberalily and tipuh-scisootlipe-tiîr for Souths Ontar- important Commnstnealbh p o st; spicusous figur * prfinle hlb -sai- tUi îet aî, ca d g or. a nd H e lic spir-it of Peter Pet-ry, and tariv lin. thelWilson cottage a as Pur- Chart- odi a-ou rahr lte, blre isy elahum teon hiby « coitheg In tise tedeon forU41 Rev. rankRe L sellier i hese parts. also Samruel cbased. rr-ttuiit anti eniarged nt a niauthor. wilsus ny book, -fre ieli o .E Pr-dl aeel h a fl.fr Cochrane and Ezra Anne%, promus oiofantt00,iiie st written ai Ralph Carunor ar-e iti1l t ofTrygve là@. tdu kt s c .l ubaolelwr st e-nt citizens ln tise ctlier days ît an agrîctuturai annex ln tht- years oua ns WENSnli -uK- e~-1Counta an pbiad a k nth!Yeanansd. following hlm wlti a wasestblihe a th e i r olo%%ng,&% urrcuum hane% Cdsisgulsbd record o-f miloary î was eslbllshe oas ti e the o r o made.inthas urilumng ca g.es ( -bt-illant lsssyer whu repre- Thers isd bees reports litie recall.s Uic addt o thetsabuilti- work in China. Was thse Rci. Dr att i1839for tht Provisins-is utclS 8sbo adfo dm1i1-ene mn 3-tat-s and also strvcd a oel or oan fd tise Fr-isiiMaaaey addition deatinfese ft the oIe efor 201 provicd fr th- esabiihrnint tf clssesleader ofthlie Liber-aI Party ln On- h'n4l neayba h l ot C- akddbY the gui otMiss Franci yeir-. a&d who Wlsa"estlgo g g r a m m e r scisools In Prros-ncial FINE NEW SCHOOI.. OPENED tario. and hua brother-, Rer- M. lu. Maaaey. Domwn ti tg he yearIto have wtth ma. 'h. presantt county bowxss Itltler bt-came thse Seiember tsf 1954 wîil auas Sinclair, a-ho sers- in thc pres. inferred sources sa»Wtd tsoviet eosuive alterllomu sMd improve- IprincIae -dWveofa Whitby High School, and itn 18M1 be temembercd by teachers and byterlan minlstry kM as ImsbdUR" prategtcd whels Lies marne ota haVe be« ltmade. si.Ã"s.m.I<D Û ,û il ai lse tauaut Cllgiae upls liewhe ieymau-cbedr-moderabor- and s» Maily othffs wua broubt UP la pretrinary *Ca SmKANT COUNTiES IDIt., te la mes 11k pur ud lme. ln&tte. lfowever, &fier 34 years I intlu lie brand new achiol willi Its a-liapassed tUiwogh lita u hoo lamiualgfor tise cee sM ue3-0> la a4d.am t ecaîei-ag. t u 10& - govctrament order Ii tise bigis r'qutpped tsop and dotmstieSclélce ibemselves andi rentier great 5cr- poe uCosan taats ~ 1t ai ieC i lim arehbabuttlgfRuvtaddti6 aciscolriink, sud tisus it bas retnain departments, ultra nmoderti t-seter- vice to tise ceunut*1 pesupersai S> e a-i u M ene br bs e eeda. is!pbaefr ed sie abu.aus ra ed ever since, cxpandlng witb thse la, ibrary. an exceptionally wcll alla,.' med ibis mm *vIru ti cti at. £emov dei ufuIveba- cap!am diltonalelaisa o~ ettlasSin lu ad bs mnualWray Court Festval Tlme-Gsutte Staff Photo 10 TEAIRS 0V Complete Custo mer Satis fa ction MR. L ORYANT In t4s past I10 years BRYANTS hava growsielncrensiagly Popular «i a ploce of loir dotigten-d complets customer matisfaction. T1%0 lin« s tt lwe sot end service rook *m"e tisebeit, ent-iosrice fft soal O ur m«o. Sa wShen youre in tfea morket for a new eor usod cor, fat-m implements of ltsucks, do om thousonds of Whitby ond district people *ré doirig, cWsk ORVANTS FIRSI *STUDEBAKER Sales and Srvice *FERSUSON TRAOTOIIS mmd FARM -EQUIPMENT I NTERNATINAL TRBKS, A heorty welcome to cil Centenniol viitors ond congrgtulatris to the Town cf WIsitby on thiss the occasion of its CentennioI.% DRY T ~U~4DA$ 'W. Serving MLR W. H. MARSHALL Whitby and Districte MS.u. c. 0 *b Tourhomonih.. (nxesiveIy end budIly) tes MeON y srprlulng how 4 limte poit a m Ipop.r somtum >ou home Intoe ahO»wploce of beouty. ,Coot 01e «Mil, "end 6Iabe.- Iutely no lnconvmnlenc, osm nt Jobe cmu b.e MOevpee ucl effkiently. AMd ly, for Othe finetuct M niv«W UMM t kW ve hff. the oevience te do tm e Jb belter«4 f«l forI. ot .& *w UFLEmmiETSSK SadOeaF LI. Ww *MN'a i* *m m 0 po1 I U t in owlsww qF iw te Pm m e.nsomU vfu~~ 1 -1 Tws.*t.-sîssymn *go OtOi. Mn.ouie 00,- wm t5 het t5550 lis.b4omm éhaym qtts lodor-1 eus .eytie14e o~0 thelmmtd0Ci*We #et%Atbv s&" 0,0* muid st fei oplS wopo mo.e%,eu& Ou, è ecnou»oe OCCASION OF ITS 1IOMO IR'HDAY. MERANTIL E BPUS ýN. witrrnY- ChaberHasi Served Weil WhitbY Chamber of commerce bau srved the town weJI through many years. At times stronger than otbers, it grew in the last two years, tram about 30 memnberu to about 150 at December 1954. IU iUl meach Me higest iver th" =ea -. around 200 members. ft asbec described by a Canadiau Chamber officiai as the Moust ac tive chamber h. knows. »mRCTOros FOR TRm CENTENNIAL TZAR T. M. Moore, presideut: IL G. langford. chah-man of board; vice- ~eIet.J. Gifford Beatai and V.I!tdsecretary. C. HL Chay- 1cr; treasurer. H. J. Hiscox: diree. tors: W. Porter. J. M. Roblin. R. Collina. J. R. Fr-ost, Mayor B. W. Jermyn. C. W. Stafford, C. F. Mesher, J. N. MeKone. C. Gartahore, W. H. Marshal. E. J. Bryat, T. R. Scotti.V R. HarrWs W. C, Soelgrove, . P3.Wilson. Unfortunulely mveral of the dirc- ITORIC ONTMRO LAD=E COLLG iWELCOME HOME! Sons and Daughters of WHITBY Colt lni and chot wlth ta JAM'ES SAWDON &-SONS 244 Imok St. S., wmrmsyi Ownirni MO 8-3524 n avers iL Ret.- k -lo sejt mn l. SINCE 1933

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