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Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Jun 1955, p. 7

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:YÀ b*;' ouae et the Bay and later wltb Mother denominations in the free I t q a e n a b R church uptown. Later the* Mechan- Ical Institute was the place of Wor ft ship. For many years prior to the The erection of the fine chur rh At Col- O f E a rrliInel-th s borneand CntreayslnWhitby ree wai dedcated September 7. 176, BY CHL ES R I CHAYTTOR l80 - Jabz Lynde was first age thec curcb building was that, now Wbitby bas. at varions pointa in setlUer la wbat la now the Town of supl used as a double dwelling on lisbistory, bad a number of Wbitby. CenreSteetno)>at ar. o~names. au follows: 1812 - Samuel Cochrane settled - througb the years the. cburchbuba Township H., Norwich, Windsor. in Wbitty on the farm on whicb -,grown and prospered and todav a Hamers Corners. Radical Corners Falrvlew Lodge now stands. new wing to>the church for Christ. and now the Town of WhltbY. COUD- 1818-Mr. StorM and Mr. Loi- tau education and otiier church ty town of the Connty of Ontario. le kept utnaU stores la Wbltby. pupss eplacing the present In 1615 Wbltby was firut vlsitedl Mr. Ezra Aunes. lter mayor of éSpday sehol lg abengeee-b>'white men. wben Chamulain Wbitby) was tbe clerk forlfr cd at the estlmnated ceaI Of $100., andi Oswe«o ubrona)> Whltby. 182 - James Dryden andi bis i 000. Minister làthie Rev. John 168-70-The first sebool ab hewdowed mother came te Wbitby. Smt.Province was catablisheti by Fene- 1- Mr. Warren opfeetia i~ ,'4;~AL L &&DM ANGLICAN CR CD Ion and Trouve, Suipiciai mission- POat office ai Hamersa Corners Thisbsatlll curc onDunas ios. at FrenchnmnasBay. (Iater on the Jerry Llek tarin). Tstre t etulî c115pre onD lchs î778.'>rtwhte siter ln the It was sld to bethuie ofly stor Street veCountt Iof Opiearlo, Benjamin Wil- aid post office at that lima bW can be sees for miles on a dlear n t s on f Onetltioa st Wbltby twme Toronto andi Port Hope. day. was an offsboof of St. John*S Twsl na i sawa bar. Aloi MePiierson openeti a post, at Port Whtby. Il was opened. our. Office at Mamers Corners when on Ail Saintsa day. November1 let. 1so1 - Fti-st rccorded "«Toua Warren Femnovedto thie Lick tari. 88 years ago, a nd that la owOi Meeting for chuslng the officera Wben It was suggested opening cburcb got its urne. Priorteta and other regulsUàons for the Touas anotber post Office et Oshawa and there vas a congregation which, of Whitby and i Pckering.- ai Pickering. Mcpberson oject- met n anolde buldin whibcd statlng that ie could handie ali the present lovely structure re plac-1 of thec business bimacif anti bave e d. The church baî a long and[ came In andi settiet i vthÎn Whltby pîenty Of lime ta spare. honorable history. ht possesses a, andi district, Services are held îas - Peter Penny, a mai of fine paris)> hall, andi down througb 1 eacli Sundny aftertiaca in the great energY andi abllity came to the y cars the church has grnwn1 Whitby United Chuncli througli the wbttby. The busness of the tovn 1 andi bas been weil maintalned- Thei courtesY of the cburch Officials. gravitatei t o w a r di s Hamer-s recor s te [ev . . Uahc~r'but sRome timo ago a lot vas pur- Corners(now Whtbys bus> fu A new Parish Hall is planneti. &Ws chaseti on the third concession Corners) andi the ares becamne the renovation of tie chiirýh. upon i ch a modern church build-1 known as Pem'a, corners, ing wl ho built. The rainister, WHIrrY BAPTIST CgtJRCR ordained hem.teat J une, ilathe The Baptist congreqation là, reck- Jao>Dkt. ence 78 years but the Whithy' FXANGFELIST. ROMAN W ib a Chronicie of October S. 1859. which CATI1OLIC T l. isa 96 years ago. carniet an adver-tbise tisement of thc opening of the This chureb vas ftIestab 500 Folk evRaptist Churcb in Whttbyv as a miqlqion sponsoreti by St. Gi-a FcIfayrecords of the orys Church. Oshawa. As th>e con- FehIWdf tal y acin gta~regtin gre, the assessamenl roill n1 chua> he pfet chuay reb edff tl1of 1861 recording 414 0f thc Romani vaxst epr s f hrom lb P ebvl e C thoilc faill I n a he lovn, a fine tans. Mlnister is the Rev. - rikohunhwa eec1t aTJhneTivillage of Whltby ln 1844. 1 Wad. aRtYes th rhrc ohser-sreet. wesl. but Uic twii ofthe il >yPars before Incorporation, had Wd as t aear c huchob erv- î.Ioî. ta be exact. Oie a PO'Pulation of 500, arcortiing to S T.JOHNS A GLIC N CH RCH AT P RT ~ ff~ Y cdils Bthaanlersay burnedto te egroundid SmitOis Canadian Gazebeer. pub- ST.JO N" A GLIAN CH RC ATPO T HIBYFAITR RAPTIST CHUECH andi nebuilt on the preserit site. S" lusbiet a few years lâter. It vas Constrîîcled 'of liîmeslonc. I ric St.John's Angliran Church emplifles Uic tradition passeti This congregauon vas organtuilriaOi e ca-ngregaiol run then caletiWnsr at atu brought 10 lthe area from the a(t Port> '4hv ,- l e d %%n through the )-car.;inJu»ne 1952. and firit held JtsUitat three masses ar e CSaYdstb- castcrn end of Lake Ontari, .his tour> gmany huîldincs stih hex- Tirrs ir% aetle Staff Photo meetingx a ic e lova Çounicilevel)' Suaday morniag andi the A village la Oie Township of _________Au_"___ng______ ,churce)> f illedti 1thOe doors each Wbîlby. situatqlon thceaastern setlei I twn ndditrit.man grwchame r a Ocnd a cl n e- The rical la charge for i-d. tva miles f rom Windsor Bay. y tv yan is the Rev D. V' anti about 31 miles from Toroto. C h rc e(P a o! em early worhippers In the building an Brock Street north vas; n e ta tearnedti s "Tepakrsi rmSuo ae C -r h s P a V ia o e hitorir church. of vwhtch mura bujît in 1954. andi vas openeti ant i Hckey ht .e I.e tn rlifrà> cgg ae miglit b. wrll'en dedicaleti juil a year ago. Thechurch ta no- beinit conal.dered. passes through Oie village. There[ congregalion plana la build à anew anti that funtis for it arec hoiagt is àcongregalional chtîrch Ia the S-. N'D§tF>W'S PRFSYSYTEIAN andi targer andi more modern bud- raiacd. ilg.pplation î&bof i Pn In T ow n's R eliglous Lif e '1VRîtil ig iabto t a c r anà Te v. E C. CorbctAMLOffc> postrry day. rfs4n Rn bu ear FanC. a hait Tem RLAIO RY andt raites: bye physicians andi Without exception, the cary, ' ayback in 1833. but the ic ztorirTcalîhe Pet erla itc aus8.33 ve*- w'tr la theSultb a sion Army 5-5 C0Y the0U strges. three d ruggits.oua oo pioncera of the' Christllan faîit à building a eko i oa a lgeainfrs jtI f B a Whtbo fy as ensrveti Ot'e uos. t lwo lawyrs. ntbo.h estnblished churches of VaIIr lot oee utl146 aahtsc bidnPo trr i i-in NTEÇONTAL CHUECEpoil from thc Arma starblet daYi1jseller andi latlonen. one valcb- <enomlnalittns in Wbllby overcetr g uitalîuI3 a o ha-ned< ou ntr8MIndor at hwhas bidn nstahusil i P es egaTh hucN ie lso in, ina Canada. Aconduflg taOie War:maker, oas brevery. iiree satdl- cenuryagobuit siriualy ad-ad no-w Port Whitbv 1>it rreroralsand il ssa@ prectedod by- a bild- 1945. whffl as amission, meetings, Cry 1 h e Arms offcaIorps t . e ns. Ivoncanin mri oie ar matcrialiy hetter than t her-knvo- Pd tht, early church of Yngiand i; sohi to the Whltby Baptîis s ere heiti in the Councti Chamber WhIlyvsOe2O op oh *kr n ann I)mkr Down through tht years toe devotees b<fore the Orhorrh v:awhîch Ia atilIlanuse aithouglien."As Oie congregatîoa grew a aew openeti afier Oie movoilit t as;[vo va gon rmakeri. one baker, who have followved in thetr foot- bulil, vorshippeti Goti Ln barna no, larged The 121%t annîsiersary o! cburch building beame a acces. establiheti la Canada. From the! ibree blacksmib. four abocmak- teh ve etbrîgoli ani sinlng ouht loaned by fri-ends The SI Andrewa vwas obrierveti laitst JY, ant inla1951 a bouse vas Pur.-cnthe rsi rcors evailable. ualýea. frourtaevllo.aboutaoie mi that oda religusb ayn h s. d o c urc-h Iodas a ou-o!mntrOctber The Fr" eChurch of ,cot -chaseti on John streat i mde be rS as oeetand h Ist pttem-ceatiemnthcled vis r a a st.a, that adayWhltb maybe s ltl ais ta earîv anti lat-r vorshppers ' landi andtihOe UnitediFree. Churcl i 11>10àa ealchurcb etilfire. %wltb brm.18.at i ii flerseteelcleiWnsrs. posses somceo!nite finest churches Ttrro oayl h tsAlbert' vers erg hnS nrsalvn uarterafor Ch. pester Now wa Captala W. Peste. The corps, nov knova as Ramera Corsen*'.1 ta be founti In any town of!lits 5izeFThemp Sverel monIs th ago Bvas buît ?atnlaStod sl ievingcbrc iQ Io 1niandi a huilt- vaseloacti tran> 188 l 182. but' _____________ anti langer. here are ten congre- ýfin e HmotieetrcogalRv.DvtiMnbaLl lot buS becspurchsed for aà today tt la WnJy active ulider Lieut. galions la town, al playing their 1 inenwHm m tcrcogn e.DvdMrhl.adU .N m OM h part lanbtheceepening anti trengîli.!waq tnstalled nt a cast of over nev cburch. IU 1 P&sterlaà B Mn. Ne Bocsrm C ouin alb enlng of the religlous lIfe o! bbc $4,.000, and t i lanow paiti Tt re- 1WHITDY UNTE» CHECI O. bMcPllrs. citad iO rck b uilding sWUbb. s cammunity iplaces an organ la use &Ince Uic This cbumcb bas itt- mots in thie MMNUAL aREoRmm»metibIck nebuidig te ArM t~ earl day Inconneclian wIlh lie'dis-s o! the eleYan etoi "31 ST. JOHN'$ ANGLICAN CHI.RCH church la Si .Johnas Churrh cerne- Chai-ch, anti If vas incamporatet Inletu, bas outposts la PCdiLEOk PORT WHITBY * ery, bard by te cliumch doors, the Bovaianvills circuit te 186il This growla og reatioas WUs L in, a tt. A»-" BrU9 mý M o n Il Waà9 a Et a b 1Il.8 b0cdl'1whenein rest many o e! l. arlyè1la cariler tiyd m necfl of e 1 .offl.sd Mai D tfamiiesa"nRuge li. __sa__jQ F 1 i wal Esuarch ZMp LCk From &utarctic OguTAmO. bEng. C) rcb visuel John Blscoeed oubtly aller ber ennual voy- îl e thc Aitarcilete deliver pilou and rêeremcu iemen -PROGRE5 It is o leasure to b. k a- »-lm AU? TlMES.QA Ird rday, .June ?, fUU bim uwor. It in oip.ctad 10 make 1953 Queen's Plate in Torouttp Uou on mr voyage beore belng placed third Monday in the $2,SSU r@placed by a dl«ese.eetrlc e e Dlstaff Handicap at Aqueduct race. Wlnner of the seven-furîong race CANADIAMA THERD» was OU painting, by 1% lengths- NEW yORK (Cp) - Ec. p. over God Chfid, wblch beat Cana« TaYlor. Camadiana, winner of theldiana byaàfleck for the place. iSING WITH WHITBY . located tion and -building expansion in th-e post few yea rs. W. are rounding district. in Whi tby with Its quickly growlng- populo- program thot has been steodily increasing proud ta be of service to our town and sur- Ai Types oPLUMBING *HEATING 1*0OUL BURNERS REPAIRS AND SERVICE Speciclizing ln TIMKEN & COLEMAN 011 BURNÉRS AND NH- ÂTERS eSALES AND EXPERT INSTALLATION e ALBERT RANDALI & soi PHONE MO 8.2991412 CHESTNIJT ST.j nis of Distinction j q c a a EXPERTLY CR-EATED BY SKI-LLED CRAkFTSMEIýI GRAINS -FEEDS-SEED-CAL. 3L?[L U9av2Ju .60 ?feaAa i it- î 17,11 Aoffwo#4seb is" For tbe.gsmotlons, our foimfy ,bson coetlig mwnu ho PSpboPff this dt*kt. WItI' our bockgrnofrdef perI.noewor*-"be W give you ry assstnce lti ltling a monumet OutYeu com, affordtbotwiII -b. o àtru expresion of your mebne W.o.hoppy9tony tim odCh~ ment. Somptes of Our work oie on dlsploy MEMM OS F CANADIAN Isaac Puckrin & Son are carrying on the long tradition of quolity and service f rom the some location where the business wos f irst establi shed .over 60 years ogo. au& bdk UId OfESTABLISHED OVER 160 YEMS ISAAC 141 BROCK ST., 'S. 'Y 1~

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