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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Apr 1912, p. 2

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atIbitiipre and the. *n Oeuneri Before Tou 'CANADA. 'terl etimates -reaci .Me Laroque cd vflIIe r10hi~i4th year. R. R. Gamey,.- M. P. P a . cqunrnion te inspe 3ne'w land, - - sf ithe Arva mili: Ontario Go#rnment W, foî fuk .r sary o! anawa.y clr i a collif il ,]e XS.,,kiléd two me d annmbèr cf cthers. id Laird," a student a h Agiricâilîural Coll e cd and seriouily injurec A depàte frým 1aopey aya: ThI~at -h:anthraitVe cperatora are- ýpreparing for a long period of £41.- nss - Bsown by the. fut ;thst'at severa.l ôo! the-larget oclliéries in Wo-rId this section prepalrotiou8 are :bèiiig' macle tehowsitthé mules te su'- - face. This is' neyer clone ublesa riodcf dieeas ~cveringsevera -mmths,ja e xpectcd. A prominent- ýh ne4ir- operator. told the correspondent on, -Thursda* that the. situation was <one ied at. lhab.'evidentiy culdiioct bo *ork.4 Oùt in any wTay exoept by 'a test of ,,will e ndurance. "W. -simply, cannot et On-I comply with the ddemandscf -the Imen for I'néreaeLidcompensation,' snear hesaid, '-and we will net recogn.ize adthe. union' andp~tcly~e u its membe.rship, iomiýthirng that itoi i-i give !Qwn officers hove ,failed te dob *6,000 colleeting tic union duei« at'. he mines.-U'nder the -ircp3stan<le iery awhat are >wè te doe ciept lose ep and clown thé mines and patiaI--go otcf busineàss or the.tie liik." at tii. *, as INFLUVX O 0,P, BNT. d. by a[ t4gUefe Banville 'daf found guilty of, u1toting Mr. Djudley Causton at Riliuski, Que., an& sefiienoed to M4an Dorothy Rugêrs, the Winni'I. eeg 1 rlW'hô -married Mr. Cixarles Wa~o foir a joke., will applyr Le Prlutiehfnto bi.ave the marriage -WinP Bo3v:Scots have 'unt h an;Lai lag, presented te the Ï~roops ba.vig the largest per- £~~ 4Kin'sScouts in ils GREAT flRITAIN. T4l suffragette movemnent met 'wtl5-arevere by -the léfest or the co~a~atenbill in 'the House of SPax*lhuret a nd pthe.r leaders of] the -ýùw m~. meent- charged 'wth.[ conhpiray were returned for ýT al.iÈ*cal jliners' minimum _" * pgji1 aed ipto làw. Tii. la- bi>rlgwders couns4lled the mecn te *'rtiâri> o Work ýothwith,. - dJ>ITED STATES. The 'leaders o! the, anthracite. miners reqîîemited, aiurthier confer- Cànaidiarde'gtÎended'at Washing- Ao-tn and troested as-ainst the low- eriig 1 theI 1 ia.o le el of lhe lakes by the. * bcï Dra'11 (jCanal. A Verdict ôi"i t guilty was re- tturned by the jury in th. trial of i .the jen Chillngo packers, for viola- tien cf the Sberma.n dutl-tru t. law. MvI. Themà,e. Mckenzic succe<'ded Sir hé eph ýWr4 as Premier of Ný* Zealand. k "I ishàuld 'think," said tie woman of -the houieî eyo woull have toc umuh.set-1espécttâ6inake your Iiv- Sin# by begïing." Lady," protest- .44id f Wrats,- traighteninÉ hi up "rneilf-respeck is wot ails- I wouùldn't dd-this for no otier n ~rhuI ~W -' f -Tie sum of Who -wè,eo ýI lc of.tbe1)b re procui ikicg. :ýIQwi xô norbhrestr Slevcu Thousaad feached MeNoti-al - o nd-y-. - A -espalci f rom-Menir-a-l 'says:* Ia îthe neigiberbhoot i cf11,000 immi-î grants from sevYen- boats, wiose fimes cf,,arrivai. happen toceoineide lirougi theur regviar lime tables -binsginterfereti- wti by thé Brilti -coal trike. -wene, brought ite leth Canadian Pacifie Raiiway statiens on Monday, -and tic afîthdrities -heve wcre lie husieft men in the city unti1 tiey gel 111cm -.transbin- peti for ie WeÏt, Thore wnill le 6,550 steerage pas.se iérs, ;mosfy bIound J.or West o! ý inn1peg, 3,000- firsI-clasa passengors. PHYSICIAN FOUND DEID.- -'Sutiden Déath of Dr. E. Pearson lames, of G all. A desràtci frbm GaIt uays:Dr E. Pearson Jameg, agedi .thirty-, tii-e, was feunti n . We"iuesay night deati in bIs éffice on NVateer streeti norti. lb wai noticedt laIt tic usual ligit was niot ie 1h. siur- geryanti when lith ie , ohad iteený neljfi2d , 'eneedti ifoind tie body stretcheti igid o i floor. Coroner Dr. Tardon stated tiat deti was die te heaký-disoaeè; tic cnd being lik&ly brougil ou byý a &udden convulsion. -- SMALLIPOX I A SCHOOL. Outbrcak 1Negleb'd. ami oi There are 25 àise$l A deepa.tch f rop tnxefms Word received 'o'n'.TIir4day from i St. Agapit, in Lotbinieré county, atites that a éase -of smalIpoxc was discovered - in a school ther4, the victim being- a- nun., On invetiga- ti'in being miacle by the health ait-,, thlorite,. it was found that the one case had bee-n neglected, and thati there were now twerity-five,.cases in the sehool. Trhe achool authorities took no stepq in the matti-r, and the, rcaise waa jdiscovered byv accident.. The Provincial Board of 1Health are. 4nw, In cbarge ýof .the, school. ~OÂ~eioau ettiers; BropghtAbout uuutuvv u 0-1is uountry tom .Wsio This, ini brie!,_ià tic argument thn $l2,0OO0 ~ was uset on Wcdnesday in ýbéhalf by 125,OqO Amen2e bihl passed by tie Housè, go'v,- ýt&cjdtoý ,ernung thip'_. f i pulic do- Liatt 'vaIrions main in the United Stales. -The exinion by )ends measur.,, wiieihbas alread , psac« sci -practically -or the Boucle, wil 00E lie subeti' and.ticr Stites le 1he President for, approval. *Il declinecb iipopu- was framnd ,by; .wcsternz uiembers5 ashow norma! 'iii- an4 i eu0.4qchc i lof aàeý beîýWeen 1900 emîigration fro mie ýUnited Stafeà ,ro nue*beA o-t Ond The bhWin a;aràgo mea4 Iitio ~ ~ ï.s ceaaîs îsreJi, puterxredafterIh.aao îg fl pasi Of 4uceu the rêsidnc rqivedothle in the Dé iluion. -moiean homestead frôm fAve te ion of the norti- thi-ce yeara. Beozi, il permitS an or faigo n ntryman an&i hi 4emiiy. tq ho ah- lion 4f Canada -i. seul f<rom a' homeésteai for ive 'UgI ItO01 i. Montha-during -aci jyear c! lie resi- g on tbis country douce period. -- )pulation and: tie - 1.was pointédtiuIin the*epont 1Of t e bordîr n iho biiihtat st o! th~e dé"Ïble !oaîn hbo aird jpublic la-ndl, 1te Unîtetitaté.. 3attracted te the have'ahIreay béeeursý wed a dtint egr'efl.in patent in.ordrto à* anat ho 1 estcadlers il pro,-and- on hbheom ecssîy- sot"tenhe 'r .le othervise. rigO>r o! the -Amenican land Iars., uIC QflDCDQTITIAUQ 1' ,ML UIIJj-RQL i.U R "BL ALB FA îng nxe a *và h I'mn; owvr e me IL IJBlL UUILIWIIII1U -to.e how tial. life, tieugi --xtiot cen Eîcu 11zess, IýrèMoincd for a season. - LIGUT-. ~iw~ oi~ The'?newl veio~n-vindicatei tiche ER UPT-CLIR GA As1R.' hie husùie fer the1blunder restsenCSOS waa cpnfined te lie attempt t10 di- Lottes' of lord Cardigan ' idireet lie b igade. o ts l true oh-Whieg Mines Close Do wn- for a Day cates liomorje ot èapfa *ji O~-~crebilecf:.Lord, Rag- -me arY à4nl là n is 4nte'rF%ingashoigtt thebfîle cormi,tted wà.s recog- - Rgtlad Teits .zn),d av.a -.'Tiereare many quaint anid curi-- z9tle publishça an in;ereslnng e4tale- bus customs a.nd superstitions cxr- ~eêrit.ub :od a4ia frGEETNXA GIMEN'MARitIAGE8. isting among miners Which are re- Skra.0NorontIi'. well4known ýau- - -speoed by e.vcry m£ne-ewýner, 1aa'.y tiores,,. which -thi-ows an, ehtireIy Famous Register t« Be. Ofcrcd For L-ondon Ansivers.is-odet- nwligit on... le ircumatlnes Siale laiq Uiln. ut &Mle.t ic mnes- in, theý wbc.ldup; lie efamQius charge.e-in h cf he-igh Brgad. t EBlacinva. Therglina1 ertificates of mar- Norti oÉ! ngLand and= ouiWaîes L-ord. adgn > ngscIebrate,.d at- Gretna -Green t is ona.mn o n da bTic jàde,4wofisudldenly .rdered bét*een 18èà,andw1854, signed bytie when a maivl is kille4,.in i lie work- to out. ponhc 1eýtraeing part*es, and the-Gretna ilid te ~ ~ ~ a monopnwio .ikne. cf' 'Ç'. .ings. In CMii.nnes thLu,eçoing a.y ~te ids~e~am .te-recounoitre. Ha iMariage, RegiseItr, wil be s61d1aater a. fatal aêccident.ls the day of ekroùnd. Lo»rd Luc.an thencame ýat Sothel4's, says the Lo-don the funeral, but more.ueulil is in frn 1m riaeads id:~mes. The, rein'the autograph ti ayatrtc.cict~ "Lo4 ar5gnyoiiwiil attack !Jh iiôn yo~ ioI il Wien a.,new, andis taken on> at thc Unpsens .iii Lie battery.' thI marr4ages- 'were celebrated,and i:aWy g-dw e8aid; 7,ùeitaiàly, My lod; bt-,&. io, i&ei being confidentialss with tiche 1 fandnye vt l 'm'e to point ouIte ô'yo.u lietaIvnIte irJames Grillam at Ng~til LrI betit g ope tbereiî4a'battery,în. f rot,,%- bat- erbyHall,: invested his savings in of new' -hands aI 'a Yorkshire mine ery , on eÉ, fa4, Ijd,.thakt he the purchiýe of Gretua Hall, whici Wcni clown with lie fir shift. groun ,d lis Oevecl.ith R 1 anho tiiedinle an inn. - intemngrdsoeeits z l~èn"Lor4 Iucaý n anweTed: S is house became the mosI 20Pu ho .at once sent clown- te iecall tice "Èlncîhs »tgt- tiveoder lr at- <Jrtna for eloping couples, tonw a ,and did 'not:let 4_g, zid, wiile Lintohad-umany rivi e aallaId. Brigade îi s te atack vihe- enemy," in the 1)."' lessM i registers are be The- next daythbey went cloWn wti' -Pol wic -o.ordtre lie,..111h, lieve t tebp- tie mcst lmpqrtanî in th6lâst Sbl-ft. H'uauar*, back, t-«ùv îi.* t Ifli xistence& There are betweexx 1,100 -n, < emxts t scorieed an Lancers.-41c advaiking,,about MG anid ,200 eiificates. - cien -of E-lucýk foir a. miner to, carry yaid.a Eci' !Il.*tn e ,, 01jy The-nio -nol0 'h etrtihil is lanternin bs lfIhand; and in horte's fect, and Capt. Nolan, who regssler.ir-fnh T c Erd I te ,-unosy-eegh, il is re- *-as r.-ding aeross lie front, retiurn- Wakefield t E» c Trer.on arch gsrdedai un1lucky to-carry tic ion- è.cl wývii bisarm iW tirough -the jn 8, 1826, cf ~lecrlificate bas tera n tii.ight baud. te1a0cfih rigadi oud een - lest. ,Mise Turner *was an CORSADTEMN in arrivif;l»e baltry, witiout, .e _ cly yrpf a oau ecls, w~o~<t .cy miu cîie~dtis hblénar im peed-heon, leàviiij tie deseent Cage- aI ~eilit ya1~'f tià hatte.nvin"t-hat rhèr- eowph'ance Was necegxt le'foot: > te"sàI fi er ~ihn,..Vsary -tom" save ber. latier from ruin . ago, inuoee<d tle. Cambrian mines, -B1Y THE HES&VY-FIRE.- Hie wa.s, subsequefliy" tid for ab*- îwo mipers istumbIeti: andi fell0OÙ -I. led into.1.1e batter - iiai -ductiOn. antd aentenced te lhnee& leiving- tic, cageeoe mosning. Tic thr4igh the.dsingun1,139 1e'rears ,ilp isonulent,thie, mÉrniaqereâltien poéint-b.la.nk- refused te go carags. xi-1amxunûonwapùbeiýnà,an~nleéd by a peeial Act o<.te work ih&t dyand they weré al futh le rear;* I rode within twéfily Pial * enîî, taken up' te lie pit s-mouih aan jards e i lin. cf Rixss1afi'caVýLlry Ot!May , 1836; Prince Carie îhéy were afterwarès interviewed l'asattcke bytwoCitai~s jFerdinande orhone, younger br- anager, and1 finaily côpi- *sgtlY woiinctéd « by their lances'er of nor19usKn Fî.i seuted te go te work,oniecn- ndwith' diffectlty gel away frorn nandII1., illte Two s:oiiie-, waS, lion liat the - wonmen wbo hati thmtiyîy~ e uruc u.mrade rta aIl tô'Penlop&stumbied 'were not t6 be alloe-t On"rniing aIli hnl<~y; hïoghCaroline Sünt, of -Wal-erford,- Ire- 'go clown liaI day_. wh-*ch I bad led, 1- folind ne -part of - - iionLi ositretng One of lie oldest customs among thé rigde~-. . - cfticchir aiges, the certifi- mnçrs i. tint known- as "part-ing." -i~~~~~~~~~ «oeso4yptebh n eI e ! W ' re -present, is1 that' ýVhen a baîci o! miners gel le werk- en 4. ' - - - te im -of Cpt. 0harles Panke Ilbàoio eù'Scarletl: 1 said teui fC -ess na new seant. or cutting, -for the "Wlat o yu link Geera- oe,< Lady Adela, Corisande Maut i Vl- irst tinte, lhe fi-at miner te stnike -, after ".- u ', an o d~tel., - -iirs,'-dsug ier s-f- Ban ,oLJer'- teca wt i iek- -leaves -a .hit brogi t ]fS -ikilî~ esîoytisev, on Noeiember 6, 1845. cf 'the clothes he is wearing at tic ;the Ligit Br ide I -heofficer ricing ln makink a run-eway niatri Lady place wbere hée "tniker> the irst- ga,,,gAdela wvaa following thc examlPle Of~ blow. A miner always tears -a bit te tie 'rear and scireaining hie - -a f womanl"- - Sir -John - Scarlett -ne- lier granduiother. -Misýs Sarah uChild, out of his coat or tro.users for tuia plid-:"D ne sa ay mre orclaugiter o! tie foundèr of Child's puirpoEe. and in mining districtis I hiave nridtien-cover -bils b-ody." -1, Bank, whd wasntarried aI Gretna whe.rc tus customt prevail-s yen may Lord Lucan -wsis presentî- aI the 0Green te 4)rd Westmnoreland. Tic- sec manv wearers8 of clogs going eoversaionI tien rode t» lihe storvPl ! jr pursuit by the ngny about witi -several loin patciesi plae ro -,hich-we iad tunned, offbanker,'w ave u h.caeoly thei ciotiing. îelling oft-le num- andf qnd ilmybigaleliee, udafter one cof tie herses in us coach ber o! times theyhbave fulfilIed the anpoqndnvng hmrcgenle îjianehad -been . shot iv his prospective customt of parling in tic mine. Il uere 193 intedmcxi uto! 670. son-in-law, lascrie, cf thc mosl fam- is consid rd un] uckv le have such I irnmediately- rcde t'O Lard Raglan eus in li.e 4xnais o! Gretua Green. rents in clloties m-ended. to tuiake my report; w-hîe said in aw ETIQUETTE B-ELOW GROUND. veny.axgry-way -~Wia do 'oullE[ÂIN FOND.Every miner,. on taking on work Sen ir, by attacking a batlcry t -ie eeve ader in ýfront,.contrai-y t al lie usagesPoieBeiv Fariner Was Victimatamnrcisacado.- of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q wafr1» i uso flc-- FOUI play. Icaf, cntaining tie regulations pre- va*rng at that particular mine, sevie" -Adespft4 I f ront- Densil, Sask., wic he muât -scruPulously Ob- Upn whiici Isaid: >"My lord, i isays: -Firci was discovered on Fni- serve.. It is conside.red anunlucky hope. you->will not- blante me. -e a by nei ibors cf Fr-ank Ras- îîing for a ininer-toloc this ad received mny orexnties teattack f no-,meri6], livin norti of lie towne n nmnymnr'homes you May- nty iuporocr in, frontof i,.te -tr'OOPE."Upon seanci being macle of lie -cbS rgitn-card aningo -tnnarr-al-eti wia.liat cl one ae~iis ! î au usmethle. hdy l e wi n-A n-rame. - - dcecribed aboye.-- :w- a-f-n len g with li -h mîn'Wen1ta 1.17ae aknilona Trbe-çi.arge of tic Ligilbrigî ïade cf, his four",herses. Tic Mountec in- t cniylaetd l~ntyminues. Police are. inverztizatingr as te lie mn;tey are always accuntpauiecl u~drs.aclig ha 'cpetr1, Od -pensions iis £12,200,000,. as -cen- {.areslie~otoftic bigae -ndW~u i -osptai fer Weeks, and pareti - wiçth 1k 150 -lasI -year siig e s.f-~î.eodcda Tic. expeaises cf Peinsien -Commit- I~~~~~~~~~ to'dl ier hmt t .rIu ~ y aeIpoi - teel siput at 65,000, lcaving £12,- I hectvwic:aiI~rgt ak A.dsa~u rmToronto uses: 13,0 eo actuial pension..iFor ?t tic Rusas.H as i. eeBigFo i hinese boy wio bsauperàû'n'uýàtin-«and rétited aikow-7 ,înstantaneously killed ;,but»t ti h- been lai >at tht, Genral Hospi-ances -tie, amount 6juired i fen4 -~us1eskel hnf n- i, laiformone weeks tuuffrin'g. r 778,253--an. increase of -£3,490) au, 1- hor4e, -ýnd -ho rodei, a de»At' man-,'au iO0rientil',4iseaae, whièh the decO'- jfor -avings-bank"and fWeui4ty tliougi the.rnkeo!ât1o si'4etenu have ' t yfdig .sebuti Isocieties' dfceiistc ,on it -whbis swojd arm Upif ted asLord whichi ismupposed to, h IeproiYi, -required. is £î,2 -.decrease cof I Crdian de~nihs. 416rd-irdi- wilL be depdrtéëd. - , hotismp-erm eating on could b. given tl -emendoul enthusi.l ad over' h hl 'twdy go, the moveet!a aspread untl i ow' it includes eVÏlry eeéion o!_ the.commxun 3.A rat impl)êus hàîsheien given by. '1e prompt' responsecf lie Paris- -r $8 headed by- Le Matin, wlich of *i0$l'O, !ollowed b Le Jor "' Petit -Journal, - *a-ti LeF Pa isien, ach iitueribing a aii The Paris -Press AsEocciation ieI fQlming a. National IExecutive Ce itts whicih'i te ergaânize, e camipaign, a . part,.ot-,which 1is0 e arrangemnt of aviation meeti, ail over ,France, the prcceedsa eOf which, will --be hindcd overintact' to the War,.,Ministry.! French ao- plane manufacturers are -iendL$xg. 1 e.pane . iaglving -1the servi ma o! "àviators fre cf ail charge.- 1 1 The proinoters of!thee cheéme let present are' almoat --unable te c4e with, the uÛniversal'activity evo4l le' their appeal, and titis il ist d~f cuIt te obtain an accurale êStim t 'noun4ed, however, thal *100,000 Was been -raiýeâ fil two ýdays, and t eat sùscribers-are hourly increaiin lin volumiei-.:Every day c1 ou~s communes, clubs and other org4i zation;s of eery kind arè adop ~~g by acclamùatioýn retelut-iona ,te grnt-rom-theýir funda-lothe - eraL.subscription or to open 'ea - ~s,-4M;secnd patentl; 8LUj~udstx baera. *.90. on- track. Msnfobà v t-o. inortern,*8149k, Esy orts No.northera, *1.10, -and No. 3. sty rte'611NoBaiports.Teed$wheat, ail-ra il, 75 12to 76C -Ontario wbea No. 2 white, red and, mix - ed. 95 to - 96, o tide. SPeau-AGood alppidg, peau, $1.W0,te $1.25, opitslde. Oats-Car lô cf NO. 2 Ontario, 46 te 47e, and of No. 3,a 45 tQ- 45 1-2c, cutsiS.: No. 2_ 49, te50e, en t ackwToronto,.-No. 1 extra S fe e andlIo. , 49, Byprts Bide. Àceru-No. 3 erican yelw. 77.-2e, To- vnofeigl$s sd il-dried at 8 1.2e. o.kwes- outaide.- Bràn-Maniib'i- bran,, SU. In bars. Te- ronte freigbt. Short3, M 7t.o l28.. Co Y PRODUCE. Âpules-$3 *4 per barre]. len-~e ots of band-Ïiicked,.35 le $140, per büsh 1. 1 Roney-Extr aIeS, in tins, il te lue por lb. 1-Onmbs, to-$275, BaIed HNÉ-e.1Iat 816 le $16.50 on traek, an No. 2 at $14 to S14-50; mixeS élover, Beled, traW 89 te $10, on track, Toronto. petts - la lts et 'Octarins.iita bau, *15;anSd el warep. at *1L65 te $1.70. -Ont-,<, Pouitre lesale prices, of chie dreseed,-Peul -Chýickevs, 15 te 17e pe por' lb'; owl, 1 ,o ôIle; ,ducks, 13 te 5c lg=ker. 21 te 22e, -Liv. poultry, about 2e' lWrthan t eabov.e., Butter-ý-Dafi . ehoice, lin iappers, 30 t0 32é; ia~ ris 0;anS inferior. l -,20-ý te 22e. Crepl .cry quoe lat 36 to , 37o for relis, 34 te 3 for 1oid, Mrl. E g-Nce-1 1d, 2 li 25pr - 5,do laI case .lots. cheese-La .1 e1e. and twins. at 17 to 17 1-4e07 r'b.I Baco, log clar,191-4 te 121-2c, per lb, ln case-loto. Pùrk--hort, eut. 82L50., de., mess, $19.50 te820., Hams-MIedium telilght. -16 ta 16 1-2c -; eavy, 14 ta- 14 1-2c; rals,3 103--4, te llc;bres as-t bacon, 16-to 17c; baoks, the- natQlithat is.pot .açitve1y:f 0 Al i 8RTS hinug or ie urpse ! peçû ~M eur Dr.pu 2.--Oats--anadian West- bining for e r- ho ee alti cruNeW. 1t52 1-2 teo53e; do., -No, 3. 50e; ex- inig acioplaneës- o,ý hirbeodtna No. 1 f Sic; No. 2 local w*hite. 50e; - -- - I S.. o. . 90;d.,No. 4. 48e. Banley M1lanitoba f S. 63e; maiïig. 81.05 te $1.10. A TcanialAvatonLeguej Bnckwhegt. o. 2. 72 te 73c. Fleur. Mani- nwbting formedi, tel, whici ail t o1ba -suming weal Patents, lftmn.s, 85.70; do,-ewn#s. $5.20; do.,* sîreno- bakers. 8$5; leading icatres«- w-il esiortly jilveIwin"r patet. eoie. 8810 te - 85.3; spécial malinees. ,Il - has-Ifl . 5traith< rollens. 84.65 te *4.75; do., bagas. 82.15 te 82.25 BeRlleS Oato-Parrels, 85.05; Sar-ah Bernhardt aud, kMeunct-S Y ly ,bats, 90 flb. *2.40- Brakn.-825. ,Shorts, as Fnsdents, anti wlI pre h Mdins.29Nuîi,80te$. ClheeeFint- westerns. 161-4 te 161-2c; severa monopaue~ ~easi,-N.2,r144 to1car lot*1.te *15.i naines o! the principal, Firen -d . csters 4- e1e utnCee e e" 361.2 te 6:discns lors and adtresses. --341-2 tId 3Me. Vri--Preal. 26 te 27e. Pota- ArN-ong ocher combinains for etees, pén b car lots, 81M55te 1U70. support, pf acrial i nie a J DSTT4 MRKT mInentiiudtic schieci îcren may, 11.07i Ari2.Oe,- bave cpenpd a oe-cent- fun& - setetubeo7.i si' 'z; - hàr 81.0 ; . he tahes;le in8surance k. Ml- Northern, $ 8105-8 a$1.874; No. à Northà- panies, tihecinpieyees ini large t'4îsierna, $1»65U tâ l106 74; ,ýNo. 3 wheat, chanta wlio will, gve an aerop' Sne 88C. Pi-an- te *U5.50. Tlrour-Finst Pitt- calle the i --ia,85àta 8.30, do.. saeconda. 4.65- te$4 90; cale icDamàont, whiie sbeot ig, t 9lR~claa 3.40 te 83.75; do., secondis. fisiing anti lunting clubs arc" Ir- jVA220 te$2.7 rý-igto e c-represenIel' hy l. Büe Ne . A nil 2. - Spiniwwheat-Eany-; trtng-No.g * o liera.canlosds store, 81.20; acropianes calleti, rosýpectjveI1y. ýhe Winter-lirm; No. 2 whi*e,81.03. Crn- -' Manksman,- Tie Fisherman anti !Irhe hilerýýNo. yeUow, _75e; No.-4 -sheow. i --nd e72 3e - No. ern, 73l.ý te 733.4e; No. 3 1Huntsmam. - - i crn, 71 te?- ail on track, thrnogh blled. Ticvauieus broulîson nx~-0O ta-Stron er;. No. 2 white. 58 1-2e; No.-. wbiieý. 58n. 4 whiio. 57c. Farner-malt. dis&emntus o! paris- arc opexn ig, s1.24 e1.37- separate funtis, anti subscription&- LTETOK ÂR TS aàpourîng in ah tie Mayora' - n TC AKT ans. It is sugge-sted te eaiu me 'h- Mntre-al, &PriJ-,2..-Top <qualiti-steers ce',e-lS as h *a.7.25 rodaI from 8$6 iues tinste ir bonwht "Tic ThIrdSI ad o n tram ,84.50 to $5 50-per cnt. i Y he r d 1 cws a.9fair»atfro -83.50 of Paris" or "Tie Ninti of Par i, " te 85.7,5. an bu11R brougit faim $3,50 te accor-ding to. tie nunîiber of thé < m- *5SM5ver civ - Sales of saleeted lots were made At Ir m $9 te *9.25. se in somne tnibuting arrondissements. r ameg as hi h os 89.50 wag »aid fonkamali .1miè er c . weighed Off cars. Calves lead . ad itfrim *2 ',o $5eaeli, as te EXCEPT. } Z4 andSci aliti.hetslSt845 e Thee ws a Iishian who îied e cwt. -Lamb ivere ftnmaàt $7.25 in $7.50 ver up ils faiy of' seven- giga t~icI Toronto. ani . - ('olce fat aers sons, and invibel his cailen te 1 ok weiwhingir . Iba. sud up. sold from $7.20 t) *&58.00 dto chance buts-her j cattle jat theiù. r.piegd fr0 $61 te *i ltIi--mcdli" cAt- "'Ain'btiC%' tic fine beys VI"n- lie sellinir f o~5b~5j.Cmnnctl quireti tic faîber. î i~La4 u troni--at êe*,o -; The, arc.>' agret thcvisitoi - lo eawr erdd, u~a '-V.a.y<t-8. '0 te. 81.40; "ThJ ýfineat in li oiiI x-Cneasif 2t 3 tor a claieti Anti~ - e edera oetàa ythlniw lk&e-ka dqûaîf'ty,*w lia;nMte fatien, An I rura sure sale al 9$5.1s te 5o -M1~'oa laid výiolent liands'ou any of' th were aboutteadv >at $40'le 465.. Yearlin- excpî iisei-deene." - -1] laxuba -oiS aeshir- as *8,60.;aaqd-. - - - -. - -- I~ *aronn-$6. 110 -déresill - enuitâ ii GN.RWork This Yrear Wil' -ment tý" 25,10OO The Canadian Nortieru Hia. ay finues anti 17raihvay i ' àdifferent, parts 01- ¶an. ùnî;;bê- ~~~-Swc c ii oy tac r 25,000 men, accerding tea a stte- Total'mil ment màde' on Tbursday -nighi 'by -Tiec'ni Sir Donald -ann, Vice-President o! emuployed lie big--railway. Ineluded in itus censtructi ,big programme will ho lie, comP]lý- 14,030. tieno! tiroughI nes fr-oitMon real summerof î,o-Otawa,- anti <rom Svdenha- te peets Io~ DE TRÀVK Gi-vo £ynpI~iy~ Mon - 1- o 44 N. extensions i11 Aberta and'- 7 is;Sydeuxil-ami, x!î~'-é80mles; ean nai tlie C.N.R. i200 iles.y mber'- of men a present ori i11 e -leDominion s Aith tie commencemenýt ef peration's tieomipaiy -ex- ýave 9-5,000 mcii emàpinycti. il the comean'y expects t'-, 978*lmuleecsrO!-omi 1 cern-- '- Trànsèontinentalli. , inlds3{>mlsf rei -- "rine aciden4 -f ' "u t - f I s 0 * , * 1 05andt w i4t -gasoline. fumes. I British Navy. 1Ti 'been taking gr îug- il-in-u' the 'tan] -ard, -prelninary Nearly -two hoiurs fhngth& tÀa-n 'while, 'the crew îm ÈubmÉLrine Up fir' A VIOLSNKTý tek-pla<!e wîtii explosion*-lIed lie t - mca. Because 4bft --,Pl p-cilstilli _h- thle me-n lehhi tht clean ier eut,- as -gines-,,and Ihu - ýdra gh. T4 star -electrîc.-*molir: wai 'apd the sparlring bri t er ignitedti l -lai cf air ý and ýgasoliie ton1s1of gasolite ;n 4nd lhe,,vessel;,wMs fire inside. _ Yet JO are'sc rewpromËtlyv nrescue serV!ce, lu in - deÎth,. ad, iby tleï nesbrougilt eut 0 tic men stillin hei lhelp t!lernselves_ British submarin 1-the A has ave - forlullate. Tic Lii 1&, 190ý4, -when the - : Castsank - - _eleven mea were Ic -sien.- Then came t <Queepstjw n -H- a re 1905, i wii2i six anti1-twe-1.e injured. -lober fifteeii lives ---English -.aubmarne menti, acter a -g"s -Thxe .essel1 wa-s sun water eat thiitplatc were su pposed t8 ha drowned. but subseq ed in ýsignalling lh Alive. - ,-The a!ftèrn,6 dent a îcavy ýexplk ,over thc p6sitioxpw] sak. The dLslster I practice, -accomnpani, submarinç, -and -a ton Nevember. 1905, * 'THE THIRi) 1' ltg a submanin e of1h; Placé., 'îuen the, A: mànoëtivres. at.Por crew was remet ad lie.utenant-aci l th killed by an eiipxpsi ouf tice. suimarine C làter lie C-IA das- steantsiip- Eddvystone ough iliihip. near laird. Tiirt- e 1e. sEel's crew wenl-trt ber. A floti]16 'f.0ei was procerding in a lien'wh~lie R I d'1 among -lhe vessels 'a- Cil.. -ie suimanine. mieaiately. The secç f lie Ar orcunreti 6 Audguýst, 1911, wlien t t ve m:ýu were dangi hy an explosion e! p Short'y alter tie fi marine accide*n -,.th4 was v*-îiteti :by adi divýe-boutDelftu tan 'lngs n the Noeva, noe bu!rg. Ti-aaceiden êians 9.4 livés. Anlo asutimarine at lis place ini June, l9$J9; bala waa iunk-in ih ing jnanoeuvrés; 4 flotilia - was Condu1 et -nigil attaeks ý gain - squadrn. DUr1ng -course a -nti swung--a of a. ia ttiesljip- Tb and tie- smalrer -ba - tey . -Tic cicers -»en o! the çreW Pec 60l,, 1U i

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