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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Apr 1912, p. 6

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e -x~#~ of the E.edxaption when the beauti- k se A 1 ný - eC. -.Wliful, gardens. and bulig eel-81 UT DL cu G. rckilvad.d byte memlbers of a. show de-Ad uc Go pitjglife in' a Mrocau village. îéGo aieFw »OULE'Thon J itEIf ecame & harem It is'ýhard to, beHieeo-that, col DOUBE B EAK. where tealgdbeuisc ,wil. p ut a perEonin âuch aco "just sa'w unt u h k rea.t depoaed rulefcould b e, io-55i dd& o a rcfA pttYl~ad. What's fsute âwt n. Tecuche.eth om-Creek,0., (Te& isjta hm 41im, do you kzt0ow il tory of! the tribe of ArÏabs that daily ascçe becaue it onaic Coinonudfracure. / a'umd the ecrowds of pleasureseek- feine, -the smre drug ondm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~n or ol c p un i f a - u g P arisians and for ign aers w ho f0). * S h t sh o w a o y 1_ e'sbr0o, snd- MisRichley, MnY.troubkeansd frequenlyni À dibcovering ýth0 fâctý, broke hier en-. BACK TO TEFTELN.he t5 elIwudfo gagenint to hilü1l.: drinki'ng ite en -if it toÃ"L Myà * p g e m e nt atao hi m ." in T h o .- b u t I w a s a m i s ra b le i u ffe r ei- frc - -. Grma ~mgratm etuu n Thn.heart'trouble aned nervous. prr1t GIhEEK MET GREEK.' BandeI1 YearIy. tion for1 four yearà. 'GmeyourwatcDh andchain 1" Germsny, loohodf upon casually . "f I jys e sarcely ,able toi - zroui e.q4d theý train, robber. I roin abroad, ha&loug'seemed to >be At a1l. Hâd,.110 energy and: dd nù ')'Great SoottI" obbed the Pull. - oerflowing hber frontïere nci, 0w- care for auything.Ws ncatý mnnporter, . 'ain't there, ùno ïthics ing ate pressurefe o!population-, aud had scntn an4qnd în~urprfesio?"- a)e falIli'ng lecw what might. have hearb until i thought I couic ný bleau ber nuimber, ý ad power ha4 endure it. I fejIt as bhoughà 'I w' In its initial siài08,4a cold. àla-aber ite;itories beer4 wideiS Tt tliab!e 'ta die any time. airnneslydatwith. But 'wa.s ýUOeup to- a -gonerà.tion ago, "Frequèntly I,.ac! ner !ous ëhll mn e'éc;it aud t resit ins-Whe imirainfrom Germau and - the lé. xiectWou] Olten the development of distressing 8ata as rose abo>ve 200,000 annualy. drive- eIeep wy and any *itt Feizures of the bronchiai tubes and .dîmàti»ed, thse enterprieizig,' noie ewould. upeet me terrîbly. J#Ws ha rede lfemisralefor1~'L aVenturous,:without the_&olici- *as graduallygeétting %vorse.uni the uuhafpy victim. - zAs firat aid ationg . -~hstearnship agènt, :*nalJyone 'dày2ît -môoe m i ihee s nfhngin the handy medi- tgûst the Golden West. Thé Ilui- I asked Rne' 'vla i ie use " ,ileleinnem80certain i n curative re- perial. Ministry o arine,, in as- being sick &Hi thefime and buyiii aulm ~Biik1'5Aati-Cýousumpt* esembling reasous isý .1905 for. nayI' nmiie D htIcoi!id Syrup, the far-fssned remedy4or expansion, preiented fgufBie msetalucoffee î to1~land ou«hs .Prlisment soigta'2,.3"5,M0 "Bo I thought 1 i'ould' aeeif cfIÈth iad* bÉcome citizeus of could quit driukiugs coffee, aud g 1 'Did You teli the propýýiéetcf otherecountries. But w Jsêteyea.r smre 'stum' to hei.p mO;quit. the hOUtelthat thse water .leakod intp 1-81, ýwbe-n igration-rea<,1'ëd 22o'- mac!de s aStl ordin- teg 10 e yor omi NoIwam csrefs4 9P02, the number going Qvei eeseasfor txiÃ"aan1d I waut to -te11 Y-ou th*a not t,Jet hini knuw it. was a! rajigfrtune,,or îsocial. betterment fei toeothange,.was the -greate.st step i. mý ho would ch.asïe oransoe 983 ni8sd rose slightly jte life. It was ayt utcofféee-be. bat i 2 ,9 1 i 1 09 8 ran el fou hl ause I, had .the P cs um w hi h I, likî th& unimber of-immigrants who-av bb tr han I liked'tise old coffèee P h sp~ist in being impopec! up- beconie German ,subjecta.or perma- On. by -oue thse old troublesu Ieft, on by buying poorltrisy aluni bak- neut reidents has avei'aged during until now I amn in slpi sat îngpQwle i<~e vo eu jst s he ai fi'ten years 9,000 more a- nerve3 êteady, heart al4 -"right and wellbuy Ma'gie Baking Powder,-tise nually-than, thse emigranits. Every the pain al gone.' Neveuý have any heait sgving "No Aluln" biand-at year marn)e thousands Who leit lu more-nervou hilis o'-tk u the samie price? .-Sixteen ounces for their youth cuae back well-to-do ta medicine, cau do ail my housework, twenltY-five cents. AtM ail G]rocers. live again at homne. Other thou- -and have don-e s great'de >l1 besides. e -,and s fron al - countr.es of Europe "My ister-in-law, who, trigited îne -ý1wnimore saIary, rir, eettle there. to share - in# econôuio this eummer,, bac been an iuvalUd becus nI & -goihig taget mar- epportunities w<hich they tinka ê'r-. for sônme'trne, muei s-Ia.I ried."R~mpoyer." Bt Idcon% bho.many has over'their pwu co untries. 7got hler ta qutcfesddrn e li l unions' raising the Price of Th rsn ouainc ~ 000 Postum. She gainêd five pounds n lacreses hrough the- excess of three -çeeks, sud I neyer maw such- -births' over deaths bY 900,000 year- a change iu snyone's health." A plea8ant medicine foýr chiidren ly, -or at "abou-týhe, raite the popula- '-'Therem a reason."- is. Mûther- Gtaves' Worm Exterm- tion of the VJnîted States increases Ever reai the aboya latter? A, new. on@ ra, and- there is ngthing betterexcluding inýmigraton.-crjbner's.apar rm ret tme. The, &ré . foi drlng wurms f rom the systeni. s£gflnsrue, anid full of human intest. TaIk te. yolurself if you want an. BAI!V'S OWN TABLETS ESE ODIGEST TUAN BEEF appreciative auïdreuce. - - ~~~~Baby's Own Tablets are r~~ nm~~+n~ ~T~.W uoeardua Lumma "Whst. as- o! the yôun "W. sis au't next week.' si-pr, anti hi a.calls-hin Mle& j.uLnaen iiusl "ntn Ouroa *urnae. Eto. - men-ded bY - tiousands of tbiunkful motnetis sWho fiave user! tisen for ",.France. ,e tise Christian n*ames tijeis- littie onessu haefut Horseflehý is beinglgeyets g9 0ouple next 'doos- '" theni s safe t'sud sus-ecueus- for C nour in Paris, France, by invalida, be able iio find out till stipation. indi1gestion, Wos-ms, soZ f risa hav'e bee n odered t eti ~ ,Tbey've just been mas-- pie foyers and al - stoniqeisasd tiseis- metiical aittendants., Maisy e ýcali.s-ler Bhrdie anti bowel troubles. Coucerniug thin F"cidoct'ors isold. ,that hozsemeat s etie'Ms-s. Auguste, Blier,,St. Damase, is more uouriising, esler ta !digest, - -~- --ue., urites: "Please entim a-a-c fgreater recuperative value- - tUe*box -of. Baby's. OwnTablets. -o ôsm tiv ansu thor meat. i~~~~~î~y Di ki ,hv - eal ueithoinsand have 1 su) .raeleî, aion1 , cure for fouut semeiy' a s eàrly ai- N o d for ittle oes. I - ui-strobgly uraye .baoed nu a-iecfhssl mI l Nau oG% recomamend -'tiens ta ai stie-"1nurot caïes sincet vos-y fine snd T-be Tàblets a1re Rsoi ymeii es-ton ràw. nd Disflguring. Go! i dealer& or'b ala 25cns ~ Th-err-o! ýtise-rs ue- U ~a Soap an -Ont,. fs- om The- Dr. Wlinùs'. ,Mediclne 6ors' ASSo4at1on in th ise'o-etl-horae su Ws C.. rockvil1,e, Ã"nEsaskt: "1e.V.ugradqustre ,ImdWasCUNsl aris' dtdlared that ach one la luier ofese wt LD wÂ,R jI1N ýïç-D- xCHINA. ncre î y exam~n ni l sêtâd surmy as-m-, suffrd 6nrny-- at once st tise leaet fign cf 4igsease knçe , dewn. 1My as odes-n Dreaduenught Haffve Net or even cf, age., whicEs oult! 'makýe-;t 'fEue! sut Ikegthiern - fllspIaoea 3adàriw'm Crlafte, ufissal fr ua- ood, - "Tie _dm In &pittise l tve ' sud animal. we kil," he tai,"gs-e per- onhuI(aedas pecIISt. I pieo t c- nrduction- cf !fevtly bealtisy," awsd'h. oiteiut Medicine, as urelias au éer da o x!eIftChnPl 'sme! doegod. 'ft md-niia !uaraemoCiafsomnee',ine-lcokiug whiite W1alloon 1,tc Pro fac. thes-. are stili ' eevèira1ibuudred biss tiu Boa Th fisauro od.u"uss- tk" uhoe1"active - ma OeMdtos.mie ist.ni of theini -being ounet!, *înartt, LUniment Cures ftdSJuID. armet! ,y -tise higiser curs-d. I have sot the os-des- o! mandàrins, iiohepeitnsuts iEHES rObi.Ithinkît wouid ËËRES o>i3>1. I a !e e -fare flow r soui the îunastiseadi ou spes- 1 haîWe1n4 dece.nt word - h"ssd ot cial occas-io. - - 3 ttr- hi m TIse .junks, as-%'fs-ensthiity te Thatietspeet ciofieÃŽ~,Ii7 iù l eight3- foot long, egÏht to this-tylf e -- - Frice - -bttr' ot th ,dl think bac,.ad-àry.f5. furt ment ~ ' t i oves- -bas n ar rjsfu ,> - Il. . -Bdd 3 uitweve mzzl Joainggisimauy DS. 2 19 M«e. iof-wbicfi.as-e made o!f-wood, isu sosi cases bound with isoop irýon.-Eeach igan to fHealWih Firà. - jnk.ba' fren tu .to fie rmasof - differe nt. mies-ose-ppat ne ut~ur Ontmnt 1-'sôPing -foua n aft, euete itt gvda~-aa rb m» ! is týhea, vert;al , dleceeP., 1trieci TIeybae-vr s1spopti- 95504is but - atdd tes-us bein 'decrtj rtsessu ~~-tiie~~~~~ 'veoiatsta pleswuoore cauns u lukiosn 01.1 d o t r oa otn tsws-- s d ptrd s L .ria meatin utum bews. Tise planknW are pasnted Olntï-bave red 'and as-e fus-nishepi tn+, hl__ a v q c seased k d us- T e î ti~n vc i u r vnDh b ui l ' ebrý ter -the l yly- t ki yes. - h e aL:_ s 6 t;î ia, wo ad m aco 18 t e a setir ie St9m ,-ca 1o I w ys cre-the kidxseyB., a eiG-lc The owriem"wasud! nha.italts o bou *a~cesfu - ZA Mf B JI IN TE E HfO ME shanties on the wa l have been or- 4s1 du s st m larg n S U R N E S I N J A P N . - d e r e d t e so o v e ' t h e s a , a n df , - a y R ea 1 w IJ'Uà ful t Proired la. fènee , m 4týr1 1, etc.-, whiéjh would £ c ~ bsg, o b s s e ce 1t8-se Almot, W pri, &WaY by These W idely ifferot, Caes. impede the1 proqres f tIe:ý wô * hsi I J U I - el. os ný *Âfl u014tfof'A oterymi listhave bheén asepert- - EINDElARE-0fOUSZ &eei Rubig- Aflidet;L t Zar-Buk'd aitrongest point is i ts ed, ince th.eeheme h1154eh lmca 6~ o~ h oe' idipl "A ePk se ^tem ple i d déae : o eécetivene«s' u in deo~ m icim trongly o g db à the> "oatbui1d ngwortehth e te r. i e t e godess K w an o , ati y iM age Oos s and- n ur e ; Ju8 t t e h w e.1 *, A J D 4 P R < e& n th f i , .1 od b utt oà d s hafi~ h s excellent tis s. pescsns prýoved it lu -liff !. ntrest eems, to have been f5e brek h ss e o et u ls e au dA ti " w i ee ~ t av le thé'a s w [!ey dîffex4 nt.directions., rtused bythe w.rk, ven nàg . ~s b n a ~ ~ tô lî 2i, OR » Â]tZ CRES INi COUNTY o u r a c t t é t e m p e è. e I .Ï na.i.A . a - p e l i g u r a t e s , a t r i k i n g c h a n g e , , 1 A Ct: ~ n s e c r . G o greuuson ther ie o-ieEm !-ow aOn. rt6eý: "On. o! - Two o!fi ricplgao utise Iier ,t 20acres -arrj>e erohard: -ccd fed eue at. staknd lroi' ay eesw véry badiy blistered o!ty wall'o Mag.hoia'*e been- FraM Rouie; two' Bars,. %an hé bouilit I~~~~~~~~ I feru'loigfguegadn h by a Pair o! uew siôsce, suid!-tise. 4o-,--t ÇCont&n this RýpubW1iHt [uit sacreci preeluets. Hauging outide pioosdqfrom- m-,'stockinggo t eart vr ethamorer&a n , IEff lOIg AR plirUIT the. mandIr orathig use anmè fifo ts-ori e iZfa S..Catharinesi Ericic l«s- fe, da1 th . foir r thiu sae aif ube r fiiwo t a nd mde abad, ore . For ,v elgaton, È t.> ýthe -pop satlOn-End arni twenty acren planted. -Ca s -a r a - t t k e w a k s c ri e t s ' ish w 21 e e k , I c o u Ic! n o t .p u t , o n & a s h o , -'t ie n u m b r . ? 'h o u e sa l e p g th e W & l b o u i h t e " u.re a o n a b le . .s gs r usl d a n d u ff e re d g re a t p a in . Il a p p lie d n d e nt < u t d is e ty <l e o N E 0 1? T " , n 8 F t I P R B about.Escis-.wrhpper- 4ef'ore Zam-Buk, -and in'a few daysit Fi1asdeputed to thée work are to t.lryCa wth are pIste; ifsa the tmpleeallaat r 1 Wt t hi ae lte-Fifv- cre..il ring..ngtse epl -aal a--ssl haedtsewhu.' -- Ireot u a dntauthé sg.1mfEïueaioCotiadiIi.oubieiu lot, bùl!g ,dfter - coutributiug adc1t-_-Mrs. . Vir-gt, o! j o! ille hous' ssud rua dentî8, toge- Will be sot on eae)- termei. cd~mi anon, ashs i hnd udQondaga, ont., - rts Zu-tiser -w!th s cheme fer the demoli- f ORTY ACRES - T, CATHARINES- MY rinses hum mout's.- :. ungalo ,sad Oottage an~d ioot!ot tô -~ on!tis mi«msrneiss - ukheàld a bac!, eut ws~iIsi-taosn el the _e tirecit buildi-ngs. ~Tirty-our 1acres lantet!in- ,aslàre ,ws hrringaérÃŽs-fruit,rsud sa-meney melier,. Te owuer I8lreapertuie -in tise .fiç>6reovered tald -IwwshurvigSe-ms." ut te- #etlre -sfd ud in e.el yard tr1ewokf+1 euay wh len I siipped sa Yltis ~h e h aba aiuat-gi.- rtshaie rk, into- *hihts 'ie-y m ne trku for sonse of be ieple in-î.- ]Y -NEl~ 1~ET.8 I~ osh~ e esh issgift. Af______ ___ ___ _____'i __. ___ tebeau Bi -sh caumbia ic4 p xn i ats te a a e tr surp ilonew -At ie moment I ,.Iid - -anebt fird sd-utirv& le d" en or ut tài: ýhoýw bady ]I *a- - - 9q aer, hait or whoiesction. a1s tu.. leatrsttise attîton of isu ýlarer Iotâ uP ta Iv#qhuudret! th ousautd- Ikneels !but tie,-od, but I foundý I bad! a bad eut ,about aceres, If thlnkfug cft:iuvestlns [n West- - .praer -e oily r! wo ichéslon, edernl t la to your tntereet ta éèosuit fil W Visle e r o ulyebcie s rief. t o u h s l n , v s y j g e l a - !~Z a n U , ~ ~ H -' heeu jp e batised tise eut and t h e r e a n y o th e r s -u n d e r 'th é 'pladZ m - u . h s trpi - Ttws m t j m y e o l2r:ïfi s D W Oifar n . "Orne! f.tie atingvery quickly, sud su acrtiÃŽv.thot I lave used MINALEOS LINI- Aý Le "n hmn seill tree few days ut had isealecltise WoUuc!MENT mynelf as welI 1 8g r e3Lbed iî;îin, s87 'CRES. COt1TY F M )TBLzxE; *m y attention. -It w as m ate of lv<od 11Y o m pleteh'ly ."i -t t.*4 i d , 00 1 fe o a a M k t RalLway - d_, ýîî- - erd have seers faiot! ta et tfh" bdairret! ç toïau& Po t 0.. , ~ReceUwï or-s thru q,,teh i1grc swr ema Cuantred.-Mrs. Antoine Ar- offet., J .KIO L. ~ ÂsnMtbw.-Duii .0 I thr.5OU'I tse opsst.t rs- ng if.snuto aimie.P ~,o etr Ru a~.-od hss»twns " adeéeand vas un- - 1- the~~a0~tod- e u sû& -1r doýtor'a trestmnent for- turcyears ---LS OB -TLGAURO ess b4é............. 1tot[rEARN T - r - uih utay good resuit. I then 0B ýTLG AR R o ~~~~~~~'~~~~~J M O E N P I - t i d Z Stka d l Is n t-ation Atent. lg dem and for m en. - f iD R -pli SOP Hy. ured m B k a d n t e ,en t l ei% ook 18 explaina w r ae curédme."Doi nion School Tclegraphy, Tas-auto. S"'Whep a rici man Marries a pbor. ZamnBUk iS just as good for 1. e ay' your boiress at MSELNO gil ha is romance," writes a we. piles, bleOcl-poicu, festeriug sos-es,tirgs yoùr speech in open- UMOTSÂKTHWWNT M -n W lo neer was married anic!pimples, éruptions, cus, burs, m9uthecl amagement?" "tI tbughit this 8rn. tes frý 4.«0 fe w o.nevër r epe ts t a be. "W he uï a b u s u a d a l ski u injuries and -Po at f rst, "t replied M r. -T eejus,_ reit . eo madv d- asa 1 rich girl! marries a poor man, tha' a diseases. 50c. box ail druggists aud "but I -have liardtisa+, Most o!f-ta $30 per acre. Write commissioner. fictJol; wheu- àa ricis pair marryeeach stores, or post free for price f romi those f llo'wsl are-. accustemeti; Board o Tree Humboldt. t ot t a's ua te!uless; urien Zar-fuk 'C c., * Toronto. Try _ain- leep uitis theýir m outhe open." Ar, eut! PARUI S ALEs.& -Wlo~ QW %L T >g co s . cunry e s ch o wsher 3 ave t er aua w y o uis S - e -Work. 9 Uplanad. iToronto. s a i t ! ti s e r " G r a c e b e f e r e f a r i n e r s u d s t o c k - r a ine r s o u l d l1.e p s e l v e s . O R I Ã" a o, meat,"a$sd he imheiatelybeleotelu supply o! Dr. Titùsuias' Eoiectri mearcishoetora Z. 5 chlrn - -a- my lert-Ouou h end, not stesA aek ' e ieb u J d o d i i n . h ea s ' u s re a n ti c a tt e m eY 0 &o r Ie sed l sie " és s 1 .. J M E L N M U R A C R , t u ; . < whoJ - &~tm i eu cfsors ati nti cat i afet, e pbylie ithe fr et!J ones, ' i feu ont o! andr-solo ti es e g n e al d e re si s, tr s rp s e a Nythî 1g th t b 4 n e, s d t estio n w t t e rr - D Yc uEr I A H chmlesVgtbl ll.Te is - -e. Tebic. D' hve urn mEtrausit to.'*gh tIse' anih rae uatertç ise cton, cf a de-ut- - i e ly ei v b u h !8h pe hx~ tet et liv eac1raeyufe k erw arOne to-aud thise ifameyhd' migt b to! l mylif"s Hum7" ];.e sart ftews.Oe m as. t N -. oe u t i -sup e ry , a d y d Yo! a faiE t b a k ln c e. ' th o m p leon; " m t h a v e lle n tT7 r E N H t M O E I U E freinué aeiiae ieto s a se 'o mpean le" telSl.usmavChimbrs,- ten0 sip le ab b n heff ti. a p ll an beW,-i.1a'98M Q INNE" imane r a aidri e s theos es ed W RIdors ta Ju-e o te La rO a . Lis.' Ths- u i ac1 ! si e ai ts L he u 1V u i Lt!y's- et! a y potos our- tj s OrJ'~ -et n,-ai"Gac eoefarirad ttc-aiser-satuld te. Selves. la ii e sa l y ~a i wenilt- yinc : li-~ Éearc -o Wenihà er.!asuPpear o < Dr. fB wims' e tgs. T otaontidayd, ot o urrosua. - . - nLcEhu Uda I u4 ihtus. P roser Il " H s D n yC o byitC orn ca use niuch s ffes-ing, b -t ilhie60P a -u 'c-' nun. ebfas tianthe carels us t ac!hmate!andcrycommeu1,1Z1 o rdei gAloiinus-e à s o le buieebe4ome is in hlm tatose île!., re- re187ecally cin undei-to emisat for tweutyof-sor"s dyspnepsial sudettiseyctisey efareduc eAq - - follour-in itartiinl&uà Iae thi wcin iofA LS FaIdeE- CIIE. e. fu r' lie Fi T -E h ol -m .Fo Be- Tom ýD owa te Make Way- for - Nodere Impreve meats. The- decisien ,to demolisistise an- -cient ralsusrouÉding' Shangisai Cety lanau ltereating.aIgu c! tise ta3fes as ureli as tise preliminary to aun ambiticuls eiseme o! -develo)p.- meut. Sore o!-co<es w ese at uork .yostê-day, laye thse--'North China, yli as pie ti;ful i. te Sov."ls as4,e atas& vu ta give, you:-.a w.eekt ctc. x Do you--ap to bettes- yous-- so eactly t hat, 4 m Vsi.Im going -de SÉ1e- ieavýiy, o! the tiis Pol ridge, th t le was not. recognize tie instinct tol4- him tý loneti driver was, m Brett. o! course,1 beiug far in tise s-es "My friend," sait sn g jup-lu- tise suna le aning- againstlus-e 'ofeied'you tuenl eros-sed -tise eity q i.t it forty- fer' s th sa"e, -ace Thse cehiere tht lsa a lsOfvofs There was - an odd oft;en aassociaed- wn But ai-hdgivenl worde by;s coup-e' mo e emurmured, é -cre -to nualce thse - no, brute'i a finàýg érg - t animal feUl, -ne 'Ar driver off hls preIý. - "Mi hors. us :dpn - ius'" cried tIse 4,à m '1elouà tfat h -Cho! kIt is .a.Mn" DjuboisfelU> thàt-Js fý cly -aIiidrauce. a jacket, skirýt, isat -~s Bome--portion 'oýF;t -e-lothiug lýy, ou théea uiage,, but Dubois a akrirt -oveiiJus arm-A <Hre lCome jï;k i htlà. « H a*t ss utl po2ket of the mkrti s ùntil h. sad withc4iAw f rom i s fo1ds-Wherei - oe tisrew . aary-tic 4ishè -maddenmng rek to i hlm t he uunoa * Ï tun, and -florg4ttèî the, cartridgesý. Tisey -were in r~ srge coat, - tisecaOt - maise',le w're.- Sb4.ifl youiug .woman, hbat! beg reload tise revclv%r. - an' hichs she traàsfi - new- attire uhen, kt i mp, uboi mii es cehan -ge cf cci -gýas guard in tise Mot sne o! poblice i",nterferice For -, instante- j I-you a] to reli A ~ *n the c: L -

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