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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Apr 1912, p. 7

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THIE 11OUSE IN THE RUE. BARBIaTTE N ACRES ras. frultt i a- yen r Tesmwater. IN* C'OITNt 1 4rres ýGoOd haret; onod mn b. boucht, 7IT) Al- rk i Tolises. Fitty acres# J; , XIARant utbuildinge.. nRtd, in. Colunibia nroved4.. ina l'sa in i onuand gjn Wpmt. to-eonoult urDLnEX;. good build- atilway 5.. fleit P. o.. idoro. N. WANTg 4,aOO fres ing terri. frm s $15 etc. leb d withoixe Write us Wilson%~ Torito. INQ 11h the mir taeufl 'fon rid. OYer r 1 Z7,1913 011, 1sio, flot#, Java, -j -4-' - h st QIne wOrd before you le- ,M caýfln Pl&'y 'at-the garm. of aa TM--s lyur . ,wnpistoi. -It by 1 o0 1-v inode.- ta tue wiscom c± aàalWâ nietl.5- ta . à pr.....'.. i d uas rci&mrageY VL X5V t bUt riez WS nique-- »I-n. rrtt trb xxx ié - - b ~ ~ ~ ~ een pizyed, on hüum wax now 4n the. pier was merely tIe o!t- Te vi entiy bisred Irle è ts ta close coUle'- a qare-betwe-en sanie Spot s bs hr~ ~ t hi-e. gi,teXcated sailors. . i owWho is pursuing me M~1ay,nt 2Qh .d.i.d ~ - !r~ppaecI-o.tetiv6e atte di- Qugl h.City and e b. -armed, sud'l can terroise Doth, e ii liufe - 9 Pl l~>mn-fo~tiW4 WBdteined te C84rn it. ~le~mste close ,quatr u~uninsh l- ...Or?. . ,u, ProrCu odrcj1ieýiv Oit'tafn,-hicy 1raohedthe Oohi'f Eocoe4 this: &,Ùpekfa't4i le w ~o lu a il~ ver ancI over 1et=t',kd.-h , bt decli"id h tafii,àero ihcanes tii ef cnre o ul J tgtl fsen aeh ,other onýý rpzd--'teg O xn4 e ,the l kffered .asi tance. -ai tr-cýrosng [h iiw. z&ýpe- e on hewita ot oti-8nvng a hoke the life ont co!ishie e eniy pnisonér of intorst'- Pd try ~~ ~ ~'ing diamonds -wôrth over à& million. i 9t ing the, magnifioexDt conventf o! Sari sterling. Snhacitrwa opponaent, the other .»elking îî rend h4'oéEiplaintéd, "neceived such- .-e Y: f Frnciso d Sal-th hos ' worth' fighting for."hltli wt etr n al.vere tinjuries . duning. the. etruggle rais Jabon cing heavily., notwithstanding ktbook contained ample funds fo r om he'nihng onusie 1hc .broqugten ie lftat b the efforts o! the cabman. 8 eesre. rbde, Iocked together in a diéad-. i lb ui.uab lt e moved o~ ail immediate ncsais tintr It was et tus po><int, when mount- on -eee !theewoodDuois gge, uddenly-there oaane a for sývera1 dlays. Ris igiit arm i~ s_9 i.ng. the. bridge, that Dubois- knew hlIîteid tre ehe ssr na. h",'Fienèhman'a brok4n, anad his fâce lias beeî. re- .PieO fo eti b. as fôlowed. T esur ntatyh rcgredT ig'ht arm va bokn ie- the duc4ý tta-a. puip. There j astnt-li.] - hundr&ls ' y#rds behind, hé - saw botac o i~{~a ie- wist Fecinnnmed .Beaucaiye., -&4d theQ 1 Talbot whipping an equaîîy unwil: ' -Tien Talbot proceeded to& wreak, 'three Turks vho ;accompanied him, *S Il ling, 'but better-con.ditioned , te.d cteerêsasno fa stuk'tpnhie -veÈgt'ano.on. hlm. Unq-'wNhom I 'recommeind te your sae Tc Fnenchman'ýs' heant. ... In tii. qÛeS7î than 'thatwhich carried' bis o ougEng1siin"h.rcon dtii. an y hwould have S# ,ëu 'itodi. We brin g' no a aret!ub iotns tteisac etemnhad not Brett.interfere4 ' a"n.t them,, but it'wouid be.as longi -ft eort n e t h eii. d is an e b u < i , o i n n w ~ a a s o a e fo r vith h i e le t h a n d h hi tc 4 'w ll ttc k e e P th e n i u n d e r Io ckin t i t o d i .t t, L * o n u o s " t r a , w i s v l t i b y t n a o h v e i f a e m . H A 4ond divr wasan ney. t uiclyrecveéd bs nrv. rgh- le ndeviusdî'(T%) be.,continued.) ena] vf'ore as flot visible, " i is ycu who fllw eatu*.,,B4,ptebrioteP-e' - "Mrein-l ar. loely" . cri. G after-life vas cheered by bis ability 9M ned,'ei Dbfstand- frie."'i This time I viiinôttfile Yos deteuaiso!tu- om ih --ing, np in the emal'- carniage a.nd anea bcd. Yon are ecominofdth t Rom- + iea11ing against the. driver's seat, eois orik ~ ~ * e'a lgit-pùlled 'thé youn man fip "I "1ffered you. twentyv francs if you Andi with. these word.' h. ievéied from'off his insensible foc. 5uEH Ã" erossed the city qnickiy.- 1 4y'l -t revolver at Talbot's breast, :!or -TMbot haie iesfeet. Pan-t- Peusai make it, forty for anothe 'mUe u u &trwsnv vti lt n.vt exertiani,h. gla.red "don I * thesanie pace?," ,lIt vil! kili iiyyar caii utJe'w n t tiiprostrate frnbtBrett,. » . TIC kille yossgnrn. ad of hi.' du t ck. was , being practical-'stluded, knelt by per iToeesibIy. 1- viii buy yen an- ,snccessful chs,.' &nd goer1kib-theFrenchîan's -side, tare ' pen CpCerEOS. ' The. acchier, thought- t' t tii.e eov hthi er rasb~ udufse. h rc~ Beauregard Egge.-lil liard one cf t] ttattesiionld 'not escape-.him. u~.t .t!" ho murmured. egg gor eaoh *persan ta -bé erved viii wass ad o sragemâne.'DuWos reeied ;a. 'emual-;forade Tlierèe'vas _an .-tixbr -in hei.,' tong os zbeore -, >co, e- -eering' into 'ane. of thé.pocketrand inake ane piece of toast ~r1a > i.,anote of domination. not '.ddthathie "ruths awe"s by the. way o! its -huiging lieeachi inaking ailowance, -6! course, oyer oftèn ass)ciated. vith -the fairse.vssi csatlsiees-' thougtwol contain the."Im for É'equësis 'for -more. For each W But se. had, given earnest 'cflie tpeifrti attn eovdperial- diaxnond,"'lie i ooked up7 at four ieggs mk tacpfi c u wods.b a ouléo* fod,-ièe aTalbot withrthe vords-- ' - oru sue.-Puttis nitunleon mer en b *u plr! ml ieeutohv dn ib tig nia 'L "ow Jack ve - are even vt ti lo uttened toast' and pness besl shomnnrdaprayer te: uS tiig businès9,c>npce atid for eli7 Tai' eyth-h o favq rite saint that th,, hors, night fbt2& 1itd. Ã"ttn~~c 'u ~ - -~the. 'iks cf the eggs aven tui.s. 5b14 - -no 'ieunilte igt omnt' 4from him. -Re 'feit tliat -lie'hadi. tva êfrttheeh. h"df >,-' answt arlyadsre p Now it hecame evident thut the Frecna ths"ery n uredes abtb hefmla nd-' M Sai.p-ntu-c.th" bntt v 'idg- hev. thlzipdh.4wishly--ta' Christian -name. -Tii. very sounûd avn' r* k is1ta b. uhed foi- tUseçal- vt leadixig hanase eouid t hï *ashlyte sa P a~~dg ôtitiiiàhi bfae &e cgz b~i rougIit back- .the other iman ta 10-P, ,nd'this meAns a 4igtnDts- N the. anhu"n neffort-of the- ccohi-cmat. * - . - , nseaix-stt. !hiseiùnnounüais. sow*gthn- od. hé e d vai çe, toaie the. most af-tiie POOl'-i "This time, Henri Duboist-" 'e~ i h esin ntn. gret tukiY. Me* at- -opsho1d wt- -' brute". failing: energieis. At, iaet: atci Iaa o rggd- weaknssclp ver him, fan tii .md.ai lk, ortetnà- tiianial fU, eanl puîingtii'1 '~O~terkible evertians. o! -tii. paat fewo'Kýe las on' ha'nd 'oesta a very.- theânial elF n'erly pllig te trapp;ea helpiéssiytea Y drivera~ hieperoh knov ii>' I in. ~e~f~mlinutes had utterîy exhausted extey:sîve degree'-VîshaH b. ùaedjr him. -. . - !- -ca z I hi ae.ru "My 'horse je don. for sa-' à', e eaeg-tes4ua e a otae ~h h clo.I hecs-rat is"cried the çabman. "It is thectcd ona-Yyorepiltaion and utthank yeun.for pQ'rkapple -ac- n ,brovri- 'ým tveoustha'heýCopo Bue 'the same tue ta rever the. dia- ]I-ata dort, up.- 'unt I owe # iail ta gravy. siouid b.' on hand te use. chat1 It le- a man 1" monda î'iicl yu' obtained b>' sub - và, aold man.- If it, had no enMx ýhè emeut with hal! the quan-- fDlbais felt that bis feminine trap- térfuge -and murder."-fo'ewsoinvehaefudtt fbedrubsdadvh- pmige vere ,no, longer a diaguise, The Frenciimap vas quit. coliM." ever 1lgr'lvy wasi1eft over. 'Grease'i f ony a indraz'e. ~e m teu of letedi maner.- tt's rave face vninkled in a h baking di-ah~ and fil wiith alter- ouyahnao. -8 enoïletdi ane.l ml «lyr fmeat and a.pple jacke, 'einit hat -ad"I urde-redjpo ane"h-le answer- t, il~,"h i, r vnsauct 'having tii. meat layer-thick, , Som pr~In o the car- "' c-l ol.hipti.bia n-nthatscre. If youhdn- o-1i i il ac ae pread lgt> --clothing la>' oh thé seatof teca-ig of otier ,ecple. I lwe uracl i mghae.est.fo- o the If tiisaaioploersno-t em nage, -'but Dubois had liirovnteýDynt 0Wè.h8rga0 I h cl-pde o em ç kitoehe am lti'gretily comjpte takili 2you ta -da itl'ot atrortO-c * - "Hre!Coe bck!"day, it is yauirwn, fanit. .1- -cPdetti iisa4m>. nd ost d iti ot tnor, wth--i H wbuldnover have recovered firom mate; juice. Caver'-tiih tpvih - Itahan.~'Wht aout h~ nlv ctlg 1»sei-defnce- -k. Howcver, go sud si g9reus.dbreadcrumbs and bakelain my eadhrs, outpaymeut for shall we fight?" hc calmi>'d & ad~ ôWn f~a'nin4te ,or tvoan mraainfo hrt iuts - ut uble.paid îti r-ocdA'Y"> o'îcyvlax. ÃŽ lBqn. Pull yourself toget-her. Scallôps are better if bakëd in am hi m. «He vas fnmbiing vith the. Asmn»te- mn»if yon are able. , -- .r imnngainec osi er0daiadth evnrmv pocket o! the skirt as lie rau No-t 'If o, as dog te tieg,. for I am onns. - - - 'd .llngeag bfras.vn n-àtii he bhac! withýravn a revolver gigt r n ii-' "Be good enongh, t e rnain qui-te te brpwn ., e top. This, keepe themu going tstili M.dflubais," said Brett .soh- from gett1ng' todry and bard. ~fonite fole-vhereûpon h. R B ut yeni are probably armned,1 ng f"ei hv onethrev ava>' the garment-~did whrasIar-deeceesM n-e reacied' the'end H44'seradish Sauce.-Mix four themadein nemebrnc lme ovna o asntia' ùlte nU ope, and we do not even table poonfuis o! grated horserad-,. ,th hm a-ii. uulomae th e ovea'a-- cd." Ws nt lahntie 1e."ish uith the same ameunt Qf.fine t t te aid ef some handiier- breaclcrumbs, one-haif teaspoonful pan niorta ti. Cstdm exaina- "We re qaintatrPed chief's and a couple ef saplings cut Of Powr dered sugan, two tablespoon- tion, and hid foýgotten ta reinsert if in no ether," retorted Taio. >.h tla h aae egl'fis~a ettasnn ie-r,. - ckecrnige.Ancviofle11 pbtisrei'tbnd-thfacure m. hnpincii, of sait and a littie paprika. They er. a l~e poaet a hiea9 an' llid face. lHe Pull,,' Out'lie assisted Dubeis ta his feeft. Ce~nadul olro vrh- sergeact -tiei. at ,iiicii Made- is kilife w-ithiia flourish and hisse Cam,"h ad «eaer-wae ni hrÙhyht d moiseile-wore, 8h., 1k. a'prudent -"Then die yourself, you fool ~ - e"h ad w r e ae ni urull'bt d Youn womn, ad ben arefl t gr;etfuliý cempeik4d to brin gvou Olne -hklf eupful o! ho-t cream and -~ yungveanha ben areuita He advanced tapon Jack withii s. bck te town, -bu-t we wili encIcàvor cooki until the mixtûjre i. thick neload.the tvolven she carried, munderoug look iu hie face. ,Talbot. nu4 ýsrv it amnon'h and wiich ahe t insferred to her awaited hini, and he, to, -sxnled.' omke 'tue journey as comfortable nuht ev ihason h Zia as. possible fur you. In any event, s8auc,,elis served -botii bat and cold, new t re vi e3t the exla t he ed!"Yau ae airad ead the herses wiil net travel se. fast." (%eese Sauce.-]&eit tvo table- j mqt, ubos s~ggeted th cx th en!" h cned.- . Inl the roadway they found t1. poorýfuls çf butter, add tvo table- chinge o! clothing ,as a final gas!- At tira i nstantt a celd, dean volce. angswate a etten speonfuls 1ef fleur and stir un-tii t~guard lint %e moat unexpectcd event- rang ouit ameng the trees, -close be- hlm he odîigcelir mt n ieogiyvl okd - o poic inerenecevît tuurhin te te ien Iwene"exchanging opinions, as t the Ad eue cupfil -of viiite stock, if -; andnj. "ait'!"- it 'cnied. a behaviour 'of the foreigners. 'Fksiýa1e; if it- is no-t tea4b- had. -uiqe -For an instant ho, wax tempted Bath men invoiuntarily paused -Be'at h recaa ne-mik l nd ceokntil tii. sauce tiik- rett adothe - i n e tr e-o-tiso m'pc rcr n '~~ - g shesld - '~ -, - CUA.TER XXII. :agh hee-paiit ~'b ; vr'4 yn'rc.dSu u et Isen in tefleS afe do J orwbnwi .. M"'r ol4q~ abl*pe lu-r ~*'ina 'sia Pei errtife rffiat; ca <>iC1Lfjibil'o!ýCl-eam*, add c - bave wskth ainena rsbelui .and art tri d!andi Prove hud fraiod, m.mneti-lstrevininiadap 1 Is ugird ati ;abj.1, ta Coug *', ool, MAthua. exh nt kaa O b bàtig epo en attlaapitched battie t îYdisô'd; take theni fronith Ernbitia. or Lun wea noe. Thon. tract.,ktý ;i s nr* séMiuasafl relief Isoay- ua une ee'-tIe-wayCc hao Io Asitaa Tu se»J cottake oéurian the etreete, for Macphierson a'd ire, t add eueecuPful of hpe this mgane, or ta Is't l ff- whms w«dfa i WRpforVSU t ii yîjàidorihad us'dn eti - ix'-well and stand away ta lmuian.fnt aeutthat ta ta nely osnl.t lob.' n-oo at ites ldeèfllY au4. ICreamU caria Ii s na ive powsnu af Shilob-v'r aft seot. wilh e0«ver s atg mGst ~é ros Jean anti the ci,- hveglighlti'. itiivanillae., Cure-i.dpndbafati bei efE*YbI i li ss.Turls,'whilsli t he crew o! the Beleiac-»g pnio'sitaadbgna-- - Coghs Cots, earsne s, t-Saurs ,vould no-t b. in a fit state tfe~.As sen -asthe cream- be-; Fer Crup, Whéplug ougb, fb go e ses1or. mn>'y- igins; ta free add w cpuse- A'excited inôb -of people sur- ce -caee-peinl BI'onehltlo,laIthrgSa andLungWeakmes inYtur* F.alth t htl br rta~s~ivtati,'h e revcam.iie t 8H L H'"'OUR"O rlhUe$~ alot a.r iewith:-their .von)nded !freein'g, p k'd'le- tn ai prisançr. Foi'tun itely tile Chie! o! ittê time befere --serving. Tuai ' etwt et a 5e. on $1, Btti. and guard'4iBguI.SS$Police' ame -in en o a scertai vi.bcervd'ihal-srse-* -, runalng ont ct a *P;m of-,..-- >.cia!4l thii turmocli , The fnui.sthat have,,a îyrupvai theài, twith tn so1 tand' nicn ameus direcEl- wa.ter wouid net, extract tiié sait9 'a)s wouldio the 7 eA oftepid'water si b où nickel cover were emp1oyed.y tàllciw and ali ow' vièe days, 'théîf'rub JAP-AN'S HAýNDMAEbE 'PAPER. - réd rôttén 5.flB. Haumae.papek is produced in Y, J trong âmmonia Japan principaly bhy- fa.rmers as a l With, eiéai watai'. s ndary occupation, whieh. they adr vx.,eggs-or Can* purâue in S sawhen there -- se-tne ise»aie e .ýititîe o uurn.;- ., prevent the - heel -Platei cf Idren's -she.es ,wearingý and ýcnt- g through their rubbers, glu- in oes of feit. or thick- flannel in tihe -i ýwhere the. wear cornes, aýàd rùbb.-rs- wiIl - iast- three' tine r' ail stuffering from -ringworm- the p'pùt with vinegar that, on- e haveé been picIled in. I-t,-bias, rer, failed to cwe ,the, orst . cai- but, must b. rubbed with, it sert. I timlè a_. day. The. flavor, of rnons -kilis ýthé. germ. Ê simple- dessert and a mostý ex- lnt "On. e S nade with one cup à ra, n u sugar, ofie-half >strong 'acfe.; have .cream and à lai àould, packinmnow, and or, c foerahhOl»-5à-, ýcool -an Il n AË wiie1,*«no >p the. door shut, *put:lu iù .dm of the. aven flue, andý, if -tii.", m Js. still taohot,' remoôve oGne the rings of the hot plate. 'This, reduce the. temperature qickl- withoýit'àdmitting coid -ar ta tîhe Vhen boýIed bacon 'l'ata b. cat-. hot ita Most suitable acconpani- ntIs.boid beans., -They ,..are .t -boiled, eeparatéiy'; it jeimpos- le tW beil tiiem togetie Witiout îln n.o hem. Parsley and ber.isauce ehouldb. s9ervedalàùg- a ,thë bïéane., Zéifher ,sait fish nonrnackerelý 17r S-te4 dlMeuE 2h. ulmif LL~ssd -firmy b&uand tosather1 ,Cioh eusdba--rockcbor bs hlilkr ai 'voJus.j - -:--_i&Ï b #liecs' of rotor. whel I l ott. tnt..iý mlséM ti BRat in onder to be, abs id.." lai otiter 0 IIl proporMonu aro. correéCL a Cf hat' birda. îb is ae-,'pnrele e! lrmliy toge 'ther ahonit Mead for -the, book UAT TEE r.Y u ai-CAN DO fliVTILVON( un,«ul dIrectIoins Pr mfxla4g Concrets. for ail pta J.bua#dredsof way lu whlch iC6ocrete niay. h. une be. 'm6re eouvenItt, moae rs oiltabie and nier uanti us-yonr Bnmau antdtdrea--in a l ettes' or tihe book ,wlll'te geutto - n y etramail tri emesBÇeopssm L- - 305 keMrn lo ua 'Lve enit a Iugh mdérn standard.' Iheê ' '"F'e"lt«ý disrics wier~ ts paper :Σ made -1 >u g»o'bu there 'are experiment ., bureaus yon ead to us for ci equippd - w!ith -up-to-date' initru- - M.S. &SB. C mente and apparatuis .for, tetinàg an&,selecting the varicons kinids of- raw maeaii lt <onihy frini noue *Japaniese pIýznte, but also lm- portedfibres j" A d1uey Safe ý6Z 'Winvetmýn iz LhFimstMorgae onds f Pice Brs.& Comxay6erenn ive- ment--eeurody f nt'qrtgage on one cf thi est pper ille andlaven four millon acres of the best -pulp and timber land in. Amierlcar-nsred with lo Qd, ofLondon, Egl aalnt J.-offier :a moa t attractive investusent. e pneïent-net enfgs of thComany- are sufficlent to pay the bond interest twloce aven. ,Ale groýwb -demn for pu]p-ood leanli1resigthe'value of tue Comipany'speroper'ues. These bond haveubeen purchased by 'the:best înforped flnanciens la. both lCanada and England. At their present price Ihey yield 6 per cent inteet. L -Considerin'g eecurity, 'ean4gsssets, and the likelibooôd of appreclatiaxi lu value, Puce Bras. & Compai -,,bonds constitute an excepuonal W*sle or funaidsupulon ao!thèe bonds. IBAMK-0F MONTREAL B5 a -1 ONEAH? ROT Marna..,LONOON IENG.) 'atitbest- 1~" Xour love d'-IR cleanllness- and -- purlty wll be -gratified by this 5 1-! 't Kui*Sealed Package ofi F~fra '-U~vn~I1mt.r1 qniiwe,' - It's*Canada's flneýt sugar, -fresh from ftie Refinryvr1- 1untouched. by human hands.' Each Package - -éôntaIns 5 full potinds ofsugrYoDur Grocer' can supply you. I C.]nd Sugar RePdna 1 Cmany, nted, 9- t i I - f 4- Concrete.imxing i. Easily Lc~rncd a wltia -lb - 1 P. .

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