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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Apr 1912, p. 2

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OF sir-" aùepw.no good. Tnen a îenda nrgÏe eto'try Dr.'Williams' Pink ~1~ilrn ~ -m~utprieI soon netie- 'ted. MY appetite lmproving, a-nd fsomT ,,tha-n on I 'improved. rapidly unlilI . enàîng tewto! health,and lX havî not. been troubleçi with -These piisw are eoid by alt medi- ,oine -dealerfior ca-m b. iba by mil at 50 cents - box orsix boxesfor' $2.50 f rom Tise Dr, Wîiliams' Me- dilcine Ã"io., àîochville, Ont. PAPAS CONSENT, She--tn't it lovely 1Z Pâpa con- She+"Ysë,HRe-wa-nted ta know, -wh You' Wei-, ànd II laid hum tsa-t '79u -Kere- tàa0eclerk at Scirinp & Ço',and 1ha ueezned - realle He-'-"! amI delighted." àhe---' Yes, andt he said we could -be maýrried ju't as soon.as you were takau-ninto th 'firm' - -EN14LESS TASK. -Kueagg-"dAt woman'-s 'work is lirwork oces sts in trying to make a ma-n o!lier husband. Uwu n C01mp.-Exkplorers, sur- #,yr,.proop tors' and hunteru 'will fi4dDr. hiomas' Eclectrîc Oil very uselul ip camp. When tise feet anld legs 4re wet and cold il je iveil ta rub Vlem freely with tii. 011 'ad tise r4§uW will b. the. pro- 'ventionoô£ pai ls intihe mulscles, and shonld a-cul, or - contusioA, or Bpraîn bh.oui ained, nothing could hé. better a-sidressing or lotion. JIOLITE. "1What d4irty ha-ndiý yqu have, Johnu e!" saïf h is teacher. "WViat -would yen saf4 if I ca-me te scliool "I twouldn'sa-y nôthin'," replied Johnie.41'&lIc tee polite."1 Thée ingredi Powdcr are p' paç.kagè'Tise o.'aabin bak tisis, 'but thýey priit the '-wo their labels. r- -it is fra-ui. ents are stil minars Linimi "sh! Take -pakcf the -nts o! Magie ainlv printed. makers of the .ng pwdere u ,ha-v-cbeen 1i rdi "N - Ali This is ne gu Sec thâat al Il ReilevOs Nei ýD MEMORY vaf! your ha-tN kEe ince wa hea lltt il 'roun r cnsand -then- geai tramneadto born .u1 whkJh la fanc o' ui ur bathu ~ ~ro, 'lnd j - thé treatmier ularI>' as -,e lnth toiý M f 1l *Pd"s ted veryr badly. peo voun d tdctorWal bgtý"rijl . Vap ent, -romn the oruinary zits ofgreen- atone,. masit t. tranalucent, even -in isoderately .thikpiocu, -a-nd pérme- ated In' some css with irreguhar' cloudy wa-ves. The îr Inasry grèeI- gtonq iu almout opaue and traiis- luceoniy n eryhn icos. Oid Maa.ri 'lgendi tel o!f the loueâ of."thé origi n iiwai,'iupply by huriaI in a- land9 ide auinewbere on tise .8opçoso!fAnits Bey.T> sieté of tise present. discovery 'corre- spondu aocurateiy, j-itis 1the fefor- onces ma-de to t L is e ç>d nativé: stonies..;Ma-ny sampleso! -t1e atone ta-keu f romtieewbdhaeee ta-hon toCtAuck land, an d the. Ma-oria declare it to-e b.tise real "quëee of greenstones," va-lued bef oreil others f£or its, beauty a-ad ,quaity. BABY'8 LITTLEILLS, -Baby's littie illu ýre! ma-ny -and need close --atteèntiPn. Worms'are amonsithd rmoat cemmon o! these ýilment-, there beipg searéeIýr aichild who is net a-ff licted by itisem- at sanie time or other. Tise, tisougli, ca-n: h -readily' -'ban- sshied Ibyeti efrequett-ue oel rimedy sold under tise gùa-r- anee of agovernâmt apalyst- to conta-lune ýoýopiate or o6tier - barni! ni drug. Co n crn i à g thena- Mrs. Jas. Da-ig1le Ste Perpetue,,iQue., writes :-"M baby wa-s troubled, with, Worms; ho wias nerývcus a-ld, isaod no appetite. ILgavebi- Baby's Own Ta-ble and ho wa-s soon 'veIl again." The Ta-blets are uoid by medicine dealer's or by 'mail at 25 cents a-!box from Tse Dr. Willîa-ms Mefficino Co., -Brockvillei, Ont. RETURN 0F- THE CANERONS. Sceottish liegUnsent HÙome Alter After Seventee!n-Ycars Absence. .eS.Urei cure. wi ni gi -r' cil te 5< ai t Ai 'w ci f24 t' e s i lon ca-ch After a-n absence of over 'seven- e nurner- -enyasfrmSol 'thist inown te. Foot, have a-t la-t realcd home, lum on a-nd are now stationed a- Gla-sgow. ua-teI t ila thirty-fve -yeans sine tise re- ingredi- giment wa-s «. în~t~naa the rýgiment is eule o! temetfni ons fghting anits in the Britisis luraigla. a-ny. Only five o!fthose whe leIt with tise ba-1taiin on foreign se1r- vie a-ne new -senvng with tise col- r'e busi, are.; - ; The batta-lion ha-s speciivl privil- when y oueges pot permitted ta any other ne- giment; oee f- wbich1 is.t1a-t ca-ch ma-si carnies his, own Bil1h. o --ing ta churcis. Instea4 cf the "Last Post" soùndé4. at niehtfall in tise ba-racks a-n eld - SçettiSh Pesalmn -- tune is played. the Cani~eronia-ns ll - never have banit canlert onS-un-. day afternoons, tlIy'onIý -pla-y in- churcli, a-nd bugle -ca-liearé ale6 ne- - duccd ln nurhbem on that day. Tise ttle'oai Cam-creia-n is taken PU E - from- Richard Cameraýn, the Çev- WIU ena-ter. 'irise a-s killed at Aird- merhltye iss. A aumber oe! isoiàf¶wçrs athmlrtnas formed wisat became rccanizeçl as a-me u - tie "Ca-menonian Guard." Thcy as caly and- lad ma-ny battler, and skïinishes in lus a re yniiC and d tund Glasgow", but dlimnbe. î1 after tise oventhr .ow o! the 1 Stuants, smothcrcd tise, Guard wa-s disbanded in Ic8s, foot. 1irws Leamngton, In* the following yeasý, isweVer, nous tor lils te. ir !A acletthem up sand puiup tetar fAgscîl eue -wud again, whcen soidiers wer e-waated afterftaklg for 'the Duteis 'iars. la Jone day a-Id.- the oves ,000 imen eniisted, ibut bef ore Id long ega uregu taking foreign service, th'ey stipu- stal ndcd thé, lated that'they must have a- chap- yo1iWllSes lain, - and thein QWfl regimentai a fair trial. Bibles, one U e a-eh Inn.This wa-s sy case. My mn ,A dactor thee engin o! 'tise- privileg whicis Ida Il. ndM till bouts j.6d Idany good. eirfiret Uniorm ÃŽuas tise ta-ileit' re, toin-m red ceat, duck tronsers anad thre e- tise Utb»i1 crnere ha- tith tise bla-ck cock- mercmnia-e " is ouet of Oranue. r- ýiin e dua-lly tise dresu chanlgéd, ànd wbhen, utz5nissa, ' a arifle battalion, .thse lregnin ~a IYemS5-adtfo givo lupîis olons, tisesewer to the ski. piaced la Gl0agow Cthedral, ~el ued r, i where the.Y still bang. 1,,. raa$ouncled, Tise amereians wii l e houeed itise famçtiu Maryhilbara-cks, and thein reeeption< in .'l'Glagow wilI r be the ca-use o!f z cnù iccteen a-nd interest. try tA The nPopulatio!o- îndià La oVer or mhore ofMr your kides r Ridney Pillie are rhem Sgprug 1 y the Police Theýy' Catch, Everer Creature. Althoujgh -th9 euir ox'c bulée -ambucade 'knwil as a, ousetrap. fias had 'its highest de- ion iii Rusia, writes.George .- tan ii th. Century, if did not r- naein that cotuntry, inor' cid it' ~ c i e t h e r 6 i t s r k n g y p r - riate appellation. ith wae xmported f rozn ,Fra4ýce a- entury .or- more -81o, and tii. ýaMel bâ-t it bears- waa- givèn t<q' it by lexandre Dumas in 1829. Tdds nguihed FYeneh atorytellerl des- ribed it 'in"The Three Muské- eera" ai f*oo: . -11 The invention cf the- mou.setrap, les net -date -f rpimour days,. Ag' on 4&s Sieties. in-.process of fôrm- ion created police, the -police i heir turn invented mousetr"pb.- Ls. our readers masy sot be famâiliar vith the elang' o! tii. Rue de 'Jeru-, ilem, and ,'" it La fifteeà ~er inoe we applied thisterm for'tise Lrat time ýte 'the ,thing, w. ina b dlo'wed pêrhâ ,pa ýt6.explain to îthèm bhat a mouae trap ie. Whess in a banse of any kind a 3erson, suîpeçtedý of crime is a-rrçat-- ci the arree"t la keptsecret ; fourî or ve med~ are placed in ambuscàde in efiret apartment, tAhe door î pened to all Who knock, it às then [osed-after them, and tbey are air- rested,; so that at the. end of tWo or. âree days the police have in their potir ail the ýpersons wbo are. ac- lu;tomèd to visit thse place. And ;at is a mousetrap. Dumas de not explain, tlat tihe rap is set and thefirst arrest made at a. late hour -of 'tb, night, gener- ll1y between one and three o'clock %.m., so that thse mice' wiII not be- 3qMe aware, of it and avoid the dan- gerous locaiity. You may cail upgn a" politically ùntrustworthy" f rieud n 'the evening, drink. tes with him, liscuss the e tate, o! the country, and go home at m-idnight without baving seen -or heard anything ta, excite suspicion or suggest peril; but- if you. retur'n te the sa-mo house or apartment-early the nelrt iorning you are'liable to fail into a mouse- trap. ' The trap, moreýover, catch-es and hoids every pçrson who enters it, regardiess of ùiationality, dress, so- cial position 'or officiai. Tank. R us- sa-fr revolutionists are accustomed to assuwe alf sorts of disguises, from -the blue f rock coat and wrink- ced top boots of the gendarmie ta the sword, epaulettes and golden corda of the general staff;, and if thse Czar bimself, ini the uniform of the Preo-. brazhenski Guayds,- shouid, visit in- cognito. a bou-se ini which a ttrap had been« set,. he would -ho arrested promptly and eent te the nearest precinct station house forý identifi- cation. No -dîscretîonary powext o f -a.uy (~empt- ng, I - Treat- Post with cream Crisp, fluffy bits of white, ad* n: c;coked, rolled inito flakeàl" and toasted to a 'golden -brown. Ready to', erve direct from the package. Delightful«faor Thoroughly w holesomne!f '514br Groos»i omlbi ü~Id kl4ktne t4AeY iMiet go, îý-thé st tiOà i hua. for exaM 1na-ý_ tion andjjudgment. ln -eVry large lUusèlan cWty tii poice k4op au lpbabetiec i-ab l 01-o al11 peraé4ns who are believed.tôo M, yM tbwith the. rev-o}utionary imo,#ovet or w,%ho fori noicmn or .another- aie regarded, as _0oitioa1l untru.sý"thY. - Sob 1peranisare hiablie to;ýbe .arrested-on, aspiion atL âny tim0ý, alla are &1mçat sure t6el, eIeniIO dtôdy àafter tise a8sas .ina-tion 101~f ah i ffiiai wbtentier. policeéInpe to Pgel de*by à drag-ý net syitë,m of> arreat and, inveastiÉaý- -At azuclitims a;hundred, arrestî. or more.i-are. ofteumade in i& hingle- -niglit, apd ini lshe bouses or a.pare, mont.eo0 penhaei hàltthé ' Priboiira ,miueeVbripas are cet t<> catchéh1 -Corn-' ers. f.Police in charge o!tis trapu 4<r4e -EticUenjo 2ined, to seQd .t tho-,neaWseat precùsïet 4-titLOn. bbousee ery pesnaught, 'no mat: ter, wh -h., Mar- loh ýlike, anadne malter *hat,,plausible aoount. ho Ma;y gi ùVf himselt Rovolulionists. id n a m who doao ia ho il ýa cClOMlo! endàrmes or evena geneçraàl f divison May really b. a danSero 9 -conspirator'in disgise. The 'In «Fuctions given'-te the trap ten4e»rs re malways ïimplicitl'y Obey- c d, . am dh1féy sometimes bring about résulta <f "aau xtraorinary and Lepîeu, the absconding ctashier of the Suez Canal CoMpanY, who di- appeared f ront Paris ïn Oclober af- teir embézzling $400.000. W-as arrest- ed in . Turki;h- bathiIa.t Liii., Frane, jt!ke other day. Lepreiix, a- fat, joily-laQkng man, coneive the ides that the. best way te dias e himself would :lbe te turn b*Irnef4 W a thin zman. ~crig lyhoèwJ" to, Lille in No=,br n set about bis task. Everyiday.at 2 p.m. ho àrrived aI the Turisal bath, -and a-fter passing t.hrough'the varions heat rooms was given elaborate massage. ,Thon lhe drapk A bottie of claret a-bd went to &1eeý in the divan ro00m until seven ocIock. As a reauit o! this vigoroui treatment in three and a 1ia1 m6nths he reduced his weight b;y for4y-four pounds, and the change un bis appearaace *as sucb tist the detectives wben they sa* humwere unable a-t first ta recog- nize. thê eomfortabIse. joiiy cashier cf the police photograpin utis emaciatied looking-indi-vidual with sunkenJcheeks. Ris face was deeply furrowed. His erstwhile rotundity had vanisised and a ragged gray bea-rd h-a-d. ta-en the, place of his neat bil'ack moustache. He declared that lie bad lest al the m4fley he hait stoien except $12,000 lin speculations. oUIcx Wi TOP6 0008110é CURES C-OLOS. MMEALS TH TSridAT AND LUNOS. 26CNTI Wife i.(complaning)-"You're noi like -Mij KneÉg. Tisey've been mar- Fried tw4ntyf years, anýd Mers. Kuagp saye hýr hueba-ndis iea-atender." Husbaznd -"Tender!1 Well, lh< ouglit tiY be, alter beifl - in li kwater ail that time." 1 Nonet Tee Haniteame Lecturer - III shah1 intraduce un rny lecture ta-j night, ladies and gentlemen, sorne entirei4' new features." Voice from the G-1llery (iternniptig)-"If aud introduce an entinelyî aew fac idu'd d o b ette-." Wanijs will rendes -tise pretticit ha-n-de insightly. Cle-ar thse caxcres- AV ien Ç UMV UC ba&L'@5- L%--- a-at sit'up in bed, -nor këep mnYthing- on my stomacis.: My doctor, aud a consumption .specialist o!foToronto sl id Ih~ the wor.t form of!. Con- lmump -ti, bat uotbing ,could ,be dcii.p tfoÙr me, -ad gave me'cnly eight or ton <ladya t. lve. Aiter t~kngtwobptl~g!your cure My -appetite improved, -,nd 'tiat weak-ý efigperbpiration itoppe; o-a I~i ea*ir and stropger tissa 1 have bee- or ýars. lihIanswer apy correspoaece. 'ibigyen every ucceso. David Wernock, Street Car Cenductor, !220 Silver Rirois Avenue," Eve rv day - receive te6timonial4 lîke tise' abôve from peruoa give" up bdoctorsanda-* ho havetried a i r hr niédcines', but afle tkn"; cure;,-are :speedili, recoverug- Manyv.olaimi.to1b. cured. Aa cure. ,for Censumpt«o, 'wak *or bleeding luûngie,1 ingri p og1sand -broun. 'chiLis ïtiLas- x 1bd It acte on the stomacli .as a stimulating tonic. Mention nearest- Express offrce when ordêring. $l1 peS boetie; six foýr $5- Soldonly by WVm. R. Cope-_ý lande,511_ Pape. Avenue, Toronto. At' THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE- ci arn looking fo'r a.man-wbho Misn do -the chores, sweep, help clýàp the, room, b. polite, and -nevejj b.' impudent." '<S-ymiausyouee e-looki' for ahaan. wua-oey Tu j " fionmua emul.4 bo as' OIR ats-'o.a0"PasnSMs Such la the deatiny of great mon that their superior genius alwa-ys éxposes them ta b. tise: butt of thse envenamed darta o! calumny and envy. Complete in iteelf, !other Graves Worm Exter'mina-tor; does net re- quire thse assistance l of, a-ny other xnedicine ta make it)leffective. It does not fail ta do ita1 work., UMe who attribute a-l thei? fail- ures ta fate nover think their suc- cesses ma-y be due ta the sa-me cause.- PILIES OURIED IN 8 TO 14 OAY5. yeurdrugg1nt will retuïnCmey If PAZO OINT-' MENT ta-ls te 0" &nY al* as01cftclàtll3' SImd, Blesiuz or ProtritiigPilis in u8Stai14 dlà- M0 La-st year 443,531 alien passengens landet ln the United Kingdom. filnardle LlnrM$nt Cures SUrfiS. Eto. Y OUR PART."- comes you r w ay and don't werry a-bout a-Il tisé big wonk e! the wanld b.ing donc before yen get around te ta-ckle it. 1 Sleepl essaess.-Sleep le tise great restorer a-nd ta be deprived .-f it is vital bass. Wisatever ua-y Letise d'ause o! iL,. indigestion, -nerv iuse ideraugemeut er mental «verny, -i y a -courise-o! --Pa-rmelee'e Vegetable Pil.-B-regulating the a-cien eof tise stamaci where tise troubl:e-lies, they. will, restore nortia-l, condition:s- a-nd hea-thini sleep will fellow. They exent a sedative fance upon tise nervýes and wisere tisere is> un*- rest fhey bring sest. THE RIFFEJIENCE. "'I nevcn saved a dollar until wasmaic. '"And now?7' "Now 1 neyer have unc that 1 lel tisa-t I ca-n afford te spenýd." Cern ¶Ini., which. acts tioroughly Nea-rly sixteén a-nd a- ha-If million a-nil pasinlessly. tons wa-s tise Weld's pncdiuction Oi - -sugar for 191L A-gjldl watch dhaine t noces- Saily agn 4utward and visible aigri o! thel'pretence o! a gold watch at tIse piket end;.' Beca-use a- nia-ntn reairs jgoed clothes. t tesesrot in- e'vitab y follow 'thal b. is on goo4 tenmsrith lis ta-ilor. "MÂr. enypck, I corne ta, ask you f ;ryonr- dugstçr. Ilve- Mr. Wennypeck-That's al mnght; yen '4a-y haveher.. ;And-er-I doa't uppose y-ou ca-n p osibly soc your way. clea.n te ta-ke yourmotiser, îu-, 4fyo u V- El - imes-fer- sais very"ISlO Nin -ninç miles.stise total Ieflg cf thse Suez'- a1. ,audna ait; or; RER ONE..WISH. 11 know- a: y.ung and, beautilful woman who. xarried -au eiderly' banker fort l ý oney. 1 met hle r downtown's 4ppIflg the Qther diay. "ArentI't i ehedp 1 sa1 fi - app3 "NoI'mn i ot," isaid she. h frwid ndldded, "lGeorge, told, me if I inarr* dh.im my 'every wýish widuld b. gra$ýifid." "Wèl, islt tLook at yogur peais; yi motor cars, your sabes! I't your every wish' "N, aid she.- Iws. hsddt marriè d?'- A Safe «Pi1 -for Sufferers.-Thère ,are pis that violently purge and: fil! the àtornach and intestines With -are.mild and ëffective. They -are purely veget4ble, no minerai 'pur- gafive enferixg ntother 0o pS,~ tion and thiei -çfect is çoothing'and beneficial. Tý,y them 'and'be con- vu»ced. Tiiouàands can attest tlieir S-thousands OW "' tbeirhéalth "àd strength to ti'ne1y use of tis most excellentmedýicine. EASY. 'What idid you learni at school ta- day, Bobby " "I learned how to spel 'expedi- ency' with.fLýIve letters." "Let's heaÈr how you do it." "X P D NC" A fetci-s - azn orh.the mney' A -ID BAL FPA3 OT H I) ... acres non5-fWliSn.it fue brick houes, god 9ôntbttiidiure;eau bo bduhton s7Yt rp- LOUR HUNDD bAchES INi OOUXTT F2 or Simca., wtth Hndre&-Àcres (G004 Tituber;2W acre apple oeba-rd; - -aad prame rouie; twre 3arns. Oa -bu bought AME CE 1'FPRITPARU- .Tw Nxeais»Tyt; atbaxinuz*; Brick IMouse Barn; twenty acres p MLted. (Ian be boucht-venr reasbsa-bie. NE P,0 F TEEBEST MFRUT FRMts le S3t. Cl-Iatharnes Districrt-Viftir acres. thirty of which - are pla-nted; -Elegant _Wiii be s.l1 ou easy1 te"p. F OTY éRis,- -ST. C?TmINES - , Bngijoand Cottage* and gaod ont- balintoi Thirtyfour acres plautea- in fruit,.sud a money maker. The oiwuet wie;es _w retire' and- anius 10 sel]. T-HAVE- MAI4ITÃ"A. ALBERTA. SAR. katéhewàrýandastBritish Columbia lana-s. both fimprovd du nimsroved. lu quarter, ha-if.or irisais'section&smisa l larger lots- np ta -fies hndred thsousand- acres. If tlslukint ot -iueestinsi.lunWest- ern lande Ihie to your. Interest ta o uat, me- ,phnes8 u de M pàrk iM. - #L W. &roc n,ïA-ent <, ult dmauhs ior*mn 18 ersilains wo*rk., a-ndliragem. MiSCELLAuE"J8 C «àiER.- TUMOR S, LUMPS. etc. lu- ternai sud external, eured wi.hout, vain by our bote-treatment. Write us, betore too istAe. 'Dr. Bellim'an Medical Coe.. iTON- SCALR, GUARSANTEED. Wtfin*u îiM IueWorka. 9,Emplanade. 'TOron. tible eos ian oe ssctr-t ting t denangemonso!the pcnlraa- in eran ronts oigtheatulmcases orhes Irould a lwayshae t a-ad a-es batleo! lckale's aeti-Cn tivê Syrupof tlje prsent day sover- cigéup emed f4reengst artsovnd inlammation pf iuse lng. twlan effeat a ceure use Matter how sevére- tise cold mra-y i ho.-You ,capvýot a- ford to be whhet »a 'rée'nedy like Bicklc's, for it is the best. "Dae younlhusband even bace hie temnper 7" '-'Net a-ny marc. Ho lost it permaniently a-haut two yea-rs alter our mar ;niage." OnIy One *IDROMO QUININE." Tlhat Iff-LAXATIýE BROMO QUINI.NE. L'uok for the signature o!fE. W. GRavE. Uaed she îvorid aven ta, Cure a Cara lu Onse Day. 25c. Germa-n Coloniali possessions have an area ai one million square miles. Utnurds LInlm~istCures Dana-luff. A WELL-BR]ED CUSTOMER. In.u tise priwýacy e!oflia home tise village butchp' wVa-s telling bis wife o! -tise aTrivý-l O! a new a!u;lmeoË residonut.,- "Bshe a-me in e-day,»hoSa-id, with enthnaiasm, "'nd 1 ca-n tell- -yen she's: a"rea-l lady, brongist-np .select a-nd ecniv7 BS e - on't know eue cuti o' meat froin anotiser, -ner veal .fro Mtimutto-n.î' Ip Es CURED Wrs gfom op the B ., ?r-O *with bes-gpesTh anisso *bd at1t isat culd brlyak LI decideiqud orgaanoratias, Ea-dwentto-hacrod Rar sitali -Po poaa oroteyprodni 3oporation. -or 1a ime Iirasceutaill Ibotter, -but thi ielvomonts thse piles es ' painful a-a ever. 15 tnied -t bot poulli-cos, vazoual 'pile '1~A ndeed everytfhin'g 1 coula si would b likey te do a-ny I g-oat, bu t tiR I contiaued to suifWer, a-n-tise iootiugi bunnug, sbeinginge n.tise dul, acbing, 'wornoul'I e1 lng ths b tie diseuecass o- Itinneilàas asever. '<-oh. y -I ea-about Zan-Buk sd thon t!.woladtry t. Tisefr54 ane or t, o boxes gave -use more eSse tisa-na-n àgelse Iisad ted,mo1 iront owthtieea- t' ent. ,la- shr 1bgute 1feel 51t05]ti q - CL - &APTERI-X "Do*-yen mcaf -Jean and the TIu] ccl bis fïôm li4 'Cla-y 1i le them. Tiie'-ha te they ctie - - keckédsense -i9~' B-rtt a-n Tai entrance o! thé -was being carr the servants- "Did ye-n( -the officiai gr; stnyed thére *'w, àient. 'the -,e cried lier, br-et the barister 4 "Yes, but n< - - She lias ;been, doctors are n( ,Who shot-In say9.geIy "The per-son the -arbaryoý lsa àtd tat rea-llv aàtthis, ,heard al thie -ried tOthe Thé two W-i Tiey ran upst whehcontan stan;ding -silcii tienless grot "Whattri - -pisýed 1" Brel - vMiss Ta-lhc v 'as Mr. Win -We hopei the doctoes ment. Tbey - efore th. door o!'E6r la-emrge.-ue liistl. th - 1ta-t el~,t àkte ma-I tbnIs the j THE, FORCE 0F ARGUMENT I iras cnred Wi Acute Bronchitis y MINARDS LINIMIENT. i Briitget-"ýThis papep- says tiiero Bay ot Islanude J. M. CAMPBELÉI do bo sermons in stones. Phwa-t d' y - s uelp ailNeuralgia y ?bavýtht MINÂRDS LINIMENT.yetika-ts-t" springhîli, N. ;S. WM. DANIELII. at--"Oi dunno about-the -ser- 1(aur 3o hronic Rheumatiam f>y omou, btm-ya'gotagmn MINRDI LnMENT.. M btmn 'odagmn Albert Co., N., B. GEO. TINGLEt. haS'ecoom ont ov a brick, Oi'm thnk- THOUGHTFJL. "Sec isere, I wrote a-ui asked you when you wc:re geing to pay that old.account, anid inclosed starnp, but- you neyer a-nswered." "My dear sir, wouldn't it have been a. mean ý,rick to',use your. owna stamp te dis4ppoint yon 7" 1 ,% 1Rq.lrinir-1 A reil Co.,,,Ltd. rWies 9 canada.

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