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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Apr 1912, p. 4

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ie- àid seca ient of- i, bathplated rGLASS at pi $is.e0,ýand d set otir Fanc ýep camplete- y clockîsalio fjr i71- tb e a lio*"M 'a , o; e tr o.t o ! th Xaa boa 0 a,-- m1ià-,-.t,: TwedieBrthes = à I lm là On theear.th hallôt»-àthé'rPal.WEWiS ul-~ hdhttwy WhilyT 4 tMefcr"m ~ lrï. -H. ~.Wlox eutertsinui ta TAICE NOIC ttuuneas-oi@lOjwprtoth sale commencing ai 10 0br17 ncuv.TiceiswII lc, tend ta4Mhoe tr&a. eIlbsezproladunr L iol-htbotimgyam I~~A ~TII1IIA ~ ~ ~ STOCK. [ti. o~~~~~ àale on certain dates à _l ]tn e ii'Mli orsAt On k.hru oeorIsu4o SXaiT Co W. 11cmn 7 calte Il -hormes 8 pi», a mage ma à Northeril Navi9ptOn com treALÂDSNUA ioeual ecie sflo WUDWMWppMUU rh towtrainitIj ber-parent aid arisa ad tela.1 au - ip mi on, aboeedates 'lot 0& ptaine siut yn i ~g~Lfoto h adntC imouLli aiepesas"latoDAto. sai - FAilli FIIUI>UCE. i lsasktchewan, uitoppig a ailU >'ats NTICE-TO CREDITURS, tueof'tari, !Wrfb a Cu-onUcWs y eteSre -A Àty c"Ottrloa"of . oaeao!,E i y. Bron tree ai HOUE)ILD URNTURE. jii~e.Through coachles and pull Tedl adDavid Twoele. bth Q 8i h s oa oGadTukRi~a;t ~. Fii*apet -Basr a ~ ie NDSUIA inientCa. q Al o shl dS tr cbarg. Berheoma be ecureQI 'wnbof CaiwSolu.tor ig ee s Co., basie ftbedlon n, n 100rb ayltseue apet Este à. tu "?plas. lapindsor ae igyswihjïr aids on ine a]i 0E Apr aa alow r ater hs iraw Ntiagcis hrea gia #ep.Mtst !I~Ih DOi4iuo li aepe eo parcl N. 1 'iroalied1;nidmr apy Regatny offce ufor hefCount -Mias vWo-oA. 15 spoe,'ding a teinTon<sss Aieant ForeceB arcel ab Dg tu î7Uio! Apnilageo of the-t r cr 8 &'The,.-U . nd Jhn us e<Ië 'Ac>tI'P art a<ic tîîlda o!Ma daya la Toronito viiting her siswte. e aie sorr 4et report tha; i rs. ~~c~ tri Americau citles. No change or about lb. 23rd day o! April, 99 à lm#a~ft usai atcpry~n luie. m. ala ipen a aapsme.de lt k idcocesou eservntions - frin ey rand Agient, David Tweedle, who died on or about haigl.BýLn.ADTK OIE1 onMIr.pensy, li ashken a twdsW ryToap 0 elapIfse.e orwýite A. E. Dii, District Passea-thll.th day o! Februany, A.D., 1912, Sm uce 1' -00 aleikslesa. good'invesimont, ta Port Perryv triandl frein the centre of Whitsby, the tCouity ger 4.gent, Union Station, Toronto are noquired to aead by peut, prepaid, i minr. wmuNwot enobe ero ai~aydmo uIid nomes bouses in town te roui. Ms .M Bi i I5 lis arIor -deliver to -the Toronto Gemmril kvork -,wltb eylrepioaelinb esno uhep Mr1 A.M...lisandM-.-To- .v einii tint two -o! our fermnera Blle suAent 111e week Sdi.' ,uo-Tci od'tlu 'l'alunhall c. .- ,, ruteCopoaton Trotoanii d a . cM arigvn be uleme yetesm au hale boî4tfrtots -in tisouth irard ________ -Teel odaoe i a! irCuOSNtc.- minlatrators of the ., bv. ctalson good 1u§"e. udrindwtl i -a"'ai1intebuilding Lùereoni - How-8Ts ~~? . bricking bouae it !tae -kDSor before th thdaylo!May, 1912, A o si 4hdyo ac,11 Th '.li SPrlng, wlth nOW' sude, W. ofér'Ou. Huudred DoMars Reward for de;la, p 0!bi rB 501 I 'EESTATE 0F FIILIFTY uernîes, addreseoanad deacip- ver <llcuti Te y Soeuf Catagirh tàaLcanuot bc cuted by. stalsbesides trame stables and DCÂE.-tions, -and a ful atatemiut of!pal weaSuro abe.ecvnroî catch viib. e . .F . MPY~C.Toledo, Oi faig reek and 18 acres o irwo'P~satto the-trule.ct ulane o! their clae, su ad tb.e nature ý tuto. .O w ~ i . We the underulguedbave k.wu 1P. J. Il f th, I 1 daims. f'aybeîd Mnl-b fPul * '~'~ear o!_ 5 Belousfor the lmaiîyumro. sud bâaiî.. lm erfecty tirber Soitl irai-clans. cre4ltrsandohesavno!teseriyifb e. Ililium o01 Mn. J. L.'SMtth, and hope honorable ilu ailbuele tans UIadf FU O 16acretionto N. la.rnt Pul alrli tted~ i a er the nid Trfda Ve acfhU euicall ab1le o e nryet auy Obligations Matl i O .16 ce tllo dcTyor ae ô 4h - qili. »~~giI~ !arm~ No.1, i.o iii wsi. 'do on T tb-e 22ù4-Dedomber, 1911, a dstiurblesoi !ti.d. WbiBe ~ iJ0.~~> cooledamong 1the partie«suttiled ut 'uh e Monday aI tdlrectly upou the. blood àudtg esis mittiie badnvregaildt A... .a et rnAi andilefi t uesday for îe a m eeîunal et re rlee 7 shèband stables. 10 aare'pi12, to w>n by post, pnepaiddmaolhc hyus ieahv iit.C5t e o«1 odeby ildruusa.- e! standing-,Imber, prlo.cPaliy bard- ;or .d1 ivered. te t4ie - dersigned nulie- tie an shlnob--ibi£rte t #h ta look, fonely obil e beJ ase Woalleil lyPu frcu a acitera and -nover lo o Ms Ely alr ro oed s he W nab.ihal r'o mil FARM NO~~~~~~~~~. . Lot 29,.la in oii w i SdflrUuetac,' udEbana ié SHOLLTEAR RO fîi eutn o icwll9!beudd< Tweedie so distrtbuted oaypem M ONJ E .IISWibyPhe9. iay, uterther@sdo liheen foprlsGAiM ;j1y~ concession, 20Wacres. 18the etsd ii!aii5iddrsesidui of wilose. claliu tie maid -dùdnlatft- ".Yelrs iluhein places. "on1.thii cstns rt h of< 1 p Rgln.W.H.Ernt a Sohool"Il theiieves pnoud.;<>- od gazuaid stock at arin Rip rool o! secuitisansd the n- Itr abuoti. OsIbawa, Phoneos&à47 aid - ~~~T)_inaday- atternooiilastlat the co-barn, witu sste lsa, wmleeane-nua- turc1of the secuisca(if an)' heMb>'y4Cll b ayornglt r MYRTLB. ig literary lbelons Esl a le eretl xated. £0*acresà, malay tn;, aid take notice that alter thce JNO. E. VÂRZWMLL, 1* il pyyut v tion. Qit. a large number o e! nait- wçgi imber, geod cuanity of sald lisImentloned datethie siecu- wi<~i orks aid lei fr, tedd o hre o talb acors l Dmestie -S-:iecoe prograin. -Tepwn liy nqe igproes odmt i et ftue sadtesiator amoIig thelion, lie AdminlsiratonRot employ hieUsqitlyW a at tie McDonald .Coîlege, Gspi e ue blt bsporiOte <a good .spriug. Thisitarmi lathre perl netited thereto, liauzng ne- ?'1ibcyeylcctan ____________ 11crmany frriide are pleased te mel- Whlci irau Vie reading iuy ]Mr. Edgar ieslee paour co. [entt, amso mci¶ey ill ____________ CM ÎÏDfinormidst agu.wuci o i lcclPpr"FAilli NO. t. 82 acre'so t0 1, Sia'tbave bed'notice, sdtn i I s.b utIill rr s potand sn uupoR-pu- ànd, lbe south 50 acres -o! lot 32 i he .Moid pectoràsaI)not lie liabte tor à MnCas. Keelen, of Lindsay, apent pl !tcehoit, hc vt nsSdcncesionmimediatey et ~d assets on any part tiiere!,CaEoic'd.- bile haida+ with Mr, Jack Beamisi. bappl 'recemnsé. Anothen , -ü o.2.Geed li storel cr. s-a ,tnibuted te an>'pro fyOc u pcn> lin; meMs.- Campbell and idaugh- lune mas chlorus« bly tii. boys Ai casi housi aid Iitchen ; tang barn ,cIrIi l e> shah *net have hnd notice HIU 1 te _XîsMXarjory, of Tononto, yiSsu- wmilcioriginal niyales ersed u iisensalsudernatnd;dniv-aitzuee!acdsrbuonBEOfeadWcksPM ult ovt ciol 'arcon cncdtie. ing houae, ptg-peu aud pouttry hoilse. D bilhe 2nd day et Aprîl, 1912, O G AU SE *tiic\ holiday n ~Dw~> pupils apprecatedtiesentures more go esaid ciaternu aid a line 1E9ly Taylor,.-Frèd Hateh, C F. Opsit tanrdabWiyOiShpmdItldcDua Mn . ngg a l orno u-tha.u the visier.The prognain as sran osa arâe ltatanI I~ivralIDI, Executone, by L.. Superiar ta aller Ceai. WU log thie week. pree«tadfollema; wîicî lae 2j aitha tromToma o!fWit- T ncntibir go iitor.-43. Quality as the igest. Trsdeame !Wib lis.Wm aner o laeaonChorus (boys), -"The Witatio b.Snî unî> !sading tl1r~Peaain~~biW r rprdl aa :110.edWii.Prkrif lr nnStrand"; dialogue- "Hlning o! a ber Sudallauity ofriard.prtiniath e vatdwihlier eluten, lins. Thomas Muid"l; sole, Jean Johuston; reciba- Prarce mls ,2 ud 4are elfucd. Dl recetly. tion, Ralph lombra>';read arces , anattendel e edTh ailaia kindsigt ad ry ln. tius bas moved ta Balsam G-Iladys Johnuson'; dçlo, BenimceMegà go ol), dnVaiueaiu .g sui -TraninCen, l'rgh toy ud ry. * IORIFFBO. Ia up nCointc 'lbsre il miiruna aSyndicate black- druin; neading, Cannie Lawreace;Itorthern Ilaway Cse.Eg ~oesdNl usmrtCdhO. I .phlg 8 cIt hloiorthe -farinera of thatjiaper, Zdgar Sexamith;ai; , Miss TERMS AND CODIINSIl doesu't coat any more tbaii otie Cher c gn frbsOnal district. Qur shep icre 19 flow closed Anderson; instrumental duel, Misses Punchaaen te aigu agreemet for ftis'the Largeat good coul. J Fhee acxr cnd ige rei ea l athîg fanr,-uueclianic. Aithougli Mn- Oko aid Waram ; An Interview- .Mark purcilaso and iaea dpato 0per ieg i Dlvr aitcoysd rmt ïPoo o 0rsdne Titus' utay hene hus been ratier brI!,Tirain dû-es net altogetbei; apprccinle cent. ef purcila money, aid ay ______________________________ liehau, by his getlimanner, won .the cal) of a newapaper reporter; eueugh mithun tburt>' days tb maks uP Maités Sa*atohewan d Aberta 13BL W min>'fniede, wlo wsh ilpi eer>' chenus, (boys)-'"ParOdy." euî l edsemoe;blisWIBNTAltecohue uuccu laies nomundrtaklug. ed save tliKng. bro te b.secured !y stat.utery nuenigage e - I - q.-WITY, oe'Ref. M. B. SoZxsmitbhmade a oero eaid musrans"Iu'EIWkIS 'eePoe b Viorn. esBla and Ella-Ta edddre atb coelami i igh asapuyerofaie lundviesua th Nild'iai t Laogtord.a!walî, ud t téo! eip wis TII.ig> Capaybleinu ftonubezn Liesaeatwork inuin Vh oiayml ili oIo. 1'cotnpliment.d th upilsupon te e anainX#e uesaeA, le preg.ran. rd-, ofWhubylandaymenta mithI nterest at fly e g ~v'jce -they hav. the larset mil.i i cent. Farnis mifitbe - ered -suin- 1u auli, oktbwim iet, XM - MaWietts, om Havolck senm-lzic te . a rmer e ld. Vedon-sut- eee mwr wro île reat opportun i ~ ~ ~ a m NtI Ç'ý: !stigsdridiâu. Cure ta atreet- iloe. a I binresea 1ALLSN L ' 0 î~ hg, % o d dnot b>' mhupplng tlic onO to ,aré-.Agent S .soi, juse o! Dr..Chase's Kiney-Llver Pilla'PriL> & 1 valsyoun bain mruaI once a '%se $NK*LIITI neshn, 1hfÏ rethîe kidusys aqd mais yh-aaandamvatnlohi.ihiIQ iA&Ïè- e 4aW <> ont, " th.anm.l Bck*cile sudunian>dis- te àdded a*diuitil vo-, 0,ordnsblu dlsppear. OS ]FAL.LINQ HMAIR thmpe hauir once, a #*.k lh DETH0FCHS.SMT OR MONEY BACK pure osu i er. I »tom.ýDAH FCASeMIH PA&RISIAN 5GPCVdy oiIi, JTile deuIl ocurre Su4".y ____ru*bâng thoougbly, ab ntre low eIn me 49 I uanim 1as¶ pAISIAýN 'SAGE: 4 gParaatom eret ut o 47yèr', ftr lnpi1gbeA. H.-,Alli todeÎtroy,,dandltf im det-rdrii etoyer ae ysar. ýDeceased mas velsd orAadabls suna t i e n f a t na so n o n 1 eh tr m e'a sa s U U t c .i J T u 1 k m m u , d u ,i s ~ ~ 44',tp 1SM1, AC --'- 12 - - #p d -w - ýNorth by id. Trunk he iSouth aÎd First Town et sunemeuLt s6 pantalo- Bounded mcemsîou; t; ou lthe Ion lie of tic mid laids mment o! 3; portion Hospital Laud de- i parcelo iu tie Y"0of On- rab, 1912, t --Sc. 18 ul even>' )mpeusa- ropniabio lis- o? bile hb day o! le Inpdy, lerate. rer La .5tioet y-lasse. wbod or ne- 1nd 1111. Le square raton n pro- n Cari- ress a nd -sold by rboys, MyIC W THIE VOGUE in -V'mhent rings.0 v Noting i-o-'0 SQccasion îof tillak wsometinies it - Wnot- Ste buy as lexp'eziv'e yonelwould like. -You W w lihat -is correc t here-n W oir expensive or i w it nia>'be.' w WEDDIýN G RIN( W in qualit',i and ail des ww Iceep a a ?îgeassod;ti Wcannot help but -sat W upic'- niy, anid ' we ler O VI tb tLocal 11wD Neatest phed repnni aI M.W. Collis hoe T.o 3Vacuum C)eaiei ventseper- dayl .G-eo. -Ml 1hing in, hardwýare. Thé annùiua) -bazat dies of AU SaintI.' chu In tie music hall on-' inoan aid 'cvening, APý tWeaserve troam five- i fon 25 cents.-- 7ýTyPrngle's 'Vacuui an. p00 per day. Dell PrivaIs sale oef f ùn Sting as-go d as'new. -lmaid, 1 mahoègany dat' (4 pleures, -mahogany> qutre ot R. N., Bassett Tile Womau's- Institu tb.e à iultunnl roqmJ ternean, Apnil 19th, D)emonstrations wili- puddings. AIl women M.S. Thonipson, PresJ -Batemnn, Secretan>'*. - A new hlpmeut o creail sizes and- Ses -tic- silk and i ladies ut A.M. RoMW'. BAPTJST 'CI Services as usuai. -Suuday Scâioi aini Mornnln_- sèrvice-atl jeet.-lHeroeà o! Pal -Eveng servçe -7, -"'The -East&en bessaje viaî t ilMeéjut.'ý A-SsIs are fnee.- 84'001;-eOmot of thi andW olatt ne'. . 'Atlan houonar>' ume <hldt TIs Maplei omceu yf 5eiected- Pnesldent LiSAil Ho.Pe Mrs. S Rec. SecretaZy-'Ma - Co.-Sec. -aniori -Tneasurercrn.. $ Ail Interesàifg Ispa takeii up initie JUIU thie ' meeki>' Isewlld Àt Ibeir, regular i :Ystpdy ýPlath a - ý4hii'à beair w mr

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