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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Apr 1912, p. 8

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~bunuom. roslq, la -I obberlin tailion are-expeits." They study'every p tof the garment fromà firat ta laut They are -brain- ,~tained shapers of cloth. .-We arc sole agents in this- *loýalîty for H obberl «in made-to-measure gaments. We- arý'noiv showing the new lines for Sumnmer wear in Tweeds, Blue and Black Serges and Cheviots. u W Au HOLLIDAY Ontarlo. s Sole AgTeney House of Hobberlin, -Llmited ~ Th~ Gazette and c hronoehaawek ly circulation-of 1.,600 copies$' i Pr1c6 Cash -FO0R- 1Vire eFenci.ng -p-At THE- aaving bought out Tringle and Manning, Hard- re business, of Brooklin, 1 have purchased a ý'ery qe quantity of AU~ No. 9, had steel wire, with nd lock, and -arn prepared ta meet ail competfitors in Ithi5 lune, The following is our lisi for quickde Iiyvry, freight prepaid to Oshawa, Boùanviiie, PUékering, Whitby, Myrtie, Manchester- or GeenbuinLvia G. T. R-. or C. N. R. 10Imbr fence, 50 iu. lalgh, ait No. 9 steel wirp Maya s61 le. spart Vc per ffd 51 "9 n22 a 4 92 -,Prices on other styles of farm- fenudng, -lýwn fetnc, poultry and hog fence, gates and al fence -SUýpIieà, aie sampie lock and size of wire, furnsli- cd onapplication. Order *eariy as prices May ýc1ng. Qasli or cheque must accompany orier. [will ereet any of this'fence in and a'round ýroôk- lit at, 5c per rod extra. 3tretchers' supp'Iiid at 25C , pe' day. Inde pendent or Bell phones. rih ones w a Ontario.- ------ ------ - --------------- j Accidents WiII Happen ta tbc best bicycles as well as te tIýç lcot rcgulated familicâ. But the bice accidenta, are flot irrpuirable, to! wc can make your whéeeiam( good 'as new. There is no;hint thatcan hap.- Ç. .*, I - - TO A BICYCLE tbat we cannai repair. We and take an old, broken wbeel eau m it up so it wi look ilike new. We don't sligbt as malt joby, cithzen. No malter bow- --- tile your wbeel needsfing <ot-us dogt.for you. Y b-ts il -get a ýfirat deass jobî atacs- A wili surprise yen by. its moderateness.. Hurry up job a speciaity. OPEN -REVNIN 'S9 I New-and Second ]laàd "Whoela For Sale' W.J. LUke &So WNITBY ONTARIO raltoo l0~Pl= e- ot tIi.roads have lbe syml ?ay o1 tý-* ay WSQUUy biaus niIOWK nons. gi çâsmuàLiIy. Miss Bessle ScetI, o! O9""v, spent 1 W. H.joncsbas guI iily settled Sd4ay VitIt ber petiOtS. ont.he H*nbtlim armn. Misas Jew4eBlggs, uf TorM1, vas w, i. . f»isnasuurobaed .avalu- with bier Parenté bere ovin tiebi- 'hable driVcý fSeinRobent Sadier, of, Misa Veina Dciong, of Toronto$ IMr.; Uni!b ,j'O' sbad abüsinesl8-trp v'ith Miss L, Delong. Ite B sut s k l. Misn Sophia Boyce sud triend, uof VH IirketI bas retnnned lu bis ' Toronto, vibis Mn. a'sd-Mn,. James duties oaî t 1S .R.aten su pllack Boyce. lof- la grippe. Mesans. 'James sud Chas. COIoll, is au àra Arbuckle sud Miss M. maid Mr. Peut, ef To rente, wltli Mn. Wer r ejin the -tti ver the hlàl.. Ind e. Coliii.lrdy 1 Mr. sud Mis. James Routley, o!f Roy Rédman called u (deuils Ma Scrborto, 'visltied at M~r. Thos. LIeutm jour bung IpI vek. ley's- this week. -ilro. -,ber . .-esodtu) 49.8Js. Hdson, yhu bas been'41u -Rochester for scierai veis ptrhm -Owlfg tôe .erécent Ihawa ;lt i uadi rclu~cdhum. ~are Ju an almost impassabie coiadi- "Our babiy cries for Chamberlalu's Ïiu.,hr )y-to'ab$nù rpt Cougli l-emedy,")àWn'ites Mat, T. B Rl54iO .0 uleatpl id Tonouto 1551 Saturday. Kenidnick, LRasaca, Us. "Il " John]BîiketI bas rentied thlb. ie butl cougb remedy un tue markotlfor pnopcnîy, rcetl zaue vagaat-by ceuglis, colda suad croup." For smle by theo death 61 lb. labo bIts.- LB. Jones. ail daler...-5. - Win. J abo ud vite bale guI Mr. Jas. - etecs, o! Rockvood, sttlied oi èEdvard'a tanin, We vislted over Suday villi Mr. a"udweloome 4cntpur midet. MNs..Wm.Oto. Violýon 4asàno sold a ivaliie Mnr.1Alez. Kebaben sud famlly' are borse lastiw'eeiand punchnsed nuol expeoted home f nom Otava shurtly. er ion W.!j P. Joues. Mn. Frank Viposd and Miss Véra Mi lyIwnntxsa PBY V!Pàud, o! Toréo, wvon wth tUir Miss Lll>â Irvit d amilCon thY'r parntsqve Buer.western trp.i .Miss Beatnice Muwat aâd Mn. Win. W,. y. WILft, A. E. sud H. Joues Love, o! Toronto, and MsEdith attende acivoirele mile rare, Shib Brown, of Whutby, speut EButer ab va. Lone4t~, ni luis Rivcrdaic Iloilen thie home o! Mr. Wm. Bruwsn. . Rini, Torouto,-on Wednesday lest. Mn. and Mns. Mubholaud, ut Toron- T- . la" snitiSlp ynict t0, vliied the latter's paresis, Mn. bave thbe alýop fltted Uap ta good sbspe sud* BIs. D. Holliday, uvon Buster. uhaeis -u* t.agd Misa -Gertie liannris, 0-1 Oshava, hla*smlIb; Who, isnpareÏd tuio l i speut Suuday ai home. in 5dBo u~ abis Ine. MiS Caîheant, out Tonento, speul Jaüms W4btôa, sud Allan Walker .Esèten vith Miss Hewdeft. are busy lbese timrnepatrnk t he Mr. 'Gordon Hall, of Napause, spent telephone pue and ilnstalling now Esater villi bis parents. Phonos.- Miss Nellie liaycna!I, et Osha <a, spent Sunday wlbh ber parent&. Miss Launa Hortop sudXn. Har- risun,- of Toronito, viied at Mn. Jo5. Hortolupsis "veci. Mr. Urlali Jonies is doimg a rushing business these days. 'Ple Suuday service lu St. Thoflias cisunclibad lu be vithdravaws vng to tho bad condition o!t tbe ruade, bhc reobor, Bei. G. Tylen,, vas unablo te, drive tnomi Pont Penny. Dr. L. J. Sobent, o! St. me",$l' Hospitai, Toronto, andsiMesHazei mît Alexudria Alguire, ci Lorette Abbey, Toonot,have been visiting Mn. and Mrn. O. Seet. MlTs. Richard Moore lias bcec visil- lug fnienda in .Toronto.- Mn. Doble, o! Toronto, spent Sun- day wii Mn. .ssnd.lMru. A.C. Elluit. Miss Butledge, o! Bovnsanllo, *bas been visitlng aI Mr. R. MuonWs.. Miss Jean Hdyersit bas takea Miss Launa Foles position -isk Mr. WA. Holiday's store. MUn. A.C. ElliotI 'tited lai Toron-- t0,reaeaily. TORDIPF-At Brooklin, on 'Fniday, Aprdl 59,1912j to Mrn. d Mm .Wili Tordff, a son. -T-hors wll b. twô servies ln St. Thomnaz' ciurcis next Sunday, ut il a.m. and'7 P.mn. Mr. and bis. <kordon -Aadenson and daugliter. uf Toronto. spmat lster 1hlday8 ita bth*pitOlt$. Lame shoulder is noarly always due lu rheunabuss o! lb. muscles, sud quicky -yioýds 10 lbthfruc, application uf Chamberltale' Liniment. -For sale by.alil dçabeis-4 Wm. Ledptt bas roved osto the t.arin latelyivaated by John Bini-elI. Mn.a. Jas. Wilson .1 visitiig tor a short lime-Wis inriend ansd relatives iu Toronto. VicoonJamiesuai as usporteci some Engliali labqrers 10 iselp hlm w(ttb is tarin vork.1 Aauier fron lie. luk advanlage of the obeip rates sud îlsited lte Qumc lîr4urlug tbe bolidays. Mrs. Jarvic 4s vlsitlng vith hler son George, utftibs place. - Robert Sailer bas dispused of his liackneydriier. Some "'Drý'S" vlsited W.H. Joues' maple groie a few nlgbls ugo snd took a cousýereable qtsaulity of uap. FEt1.L IN -A. FAINT. Ibon. Ed4Xd lMarIn, Ayer's Ciff, Quebea, v4tes: "Befor uiug Dr: Cbase's- Ner le Food 1 vas in a terri- ble condltioal. Dlzzy speils would corne- over aise sud 1 voui4 fullto1 the floor. 1I told tôt tweep withôut faLinting. Dr .Chaae's Neree- Food bas Bo tgtUli *ny systeain leu li wash, awl Io My Isousevuni. Yuur midicine cunled n»ewhm tdoctors liad YôullskNoMoey - Messrs. Jofos and Frank :Murply, ofi'0 OUR EPUATIN AD MNEYToronto, weke lin toulat eek on OURREPTAIONAN MOEYbusbiness o ticed vilh la >thiC 01e - ARE BACK OF THIS OFFER. terpopen6y luthe.Goyernumeat. We p~ fr al l. mdicne sed bIn. Penny, sund Miss L. 1'inry are during tise trial, if our renody fails edn b~Eee fley tt lu completely reieve you - of coatipa- friends in Troato sand viciniîy. lion. We take ail the risk. You ar Miss Pearn' Vauvakoubu-gl spent nol obîigated to us ini auy vay visat- the veek enoinl Trenton. ever, if you acoept our oSfer. Could Miss Ada ý4leep la visiîing f rieaids anylhing b. more fuir bu you ? la in Cheryvood snd 'Toronto. therp -any reason vby'you sbould besi- . Mrs.. E. N. l Grazager sud blîdren tat t pub our oSfer te a practical 'are speudissg Ï week at lb.elýome* of test? Mn. Jas. Sa ths. A most scieutific, common-sense Eae rslosa otWib ~r treatment*lo Rerall Orderlies, whieh -Miss EMM4 Go1dningt Mn ï nnot arelesten 11ik. andy. Tisey are very Glrnan4 Miss Holdsavortis, To- prononneeti, gentue and plessnt in routo, wftbjMr. sud Mn.. Richard3 Godr [ r. Jas. Lova-es, Troronto, iein d -va rt 'Phay do ualcase dMI .with Mn.- Jasi. Smith ;. M.Wm. GoId- rhoea, -uauseaf fatîulence, ppiug or rnia-g h0'isrme çMssS-deVaKre ollier iCàeleco. floal! OçderliesT- nuo laevadae ;Ms are partilciary g0o6 for chlldren, Tr. ou ,aiei . and ;M. Eresi Sjies f sged sud dklicate pensonfs. aTo-r.to,- aI brein. Westff o l-Joue We urge"you lu îny Reraib Ordenliele a i n. lt.Vu orbisWyL6ifs Cle-1 at our isk. 'Plree sizes, 1tOc., 25c. lg, 9 n. on- Ms li and SOc. Remember, you eau gel too ç IM. hs t Rexaîl Remodies irà Ibis communtyîr nsMisa Jesste WéIis, TorSo,r ofly a - uistoo.-'moat hune;16. CharoReld, Buvmau-f ~ville, atlsomè;- Mn.' Norman Souch, A-. H ~ ~ Toronto. wilh Mr. E.R. Blow. - BALSAM. - jINA Mn acksoàn ears aa mibe Ibese, Jalnes 'albds ansd L«ii Ldgetl Wu &ýtÉa boy. have! Iet, Osli*v aüsd are ou lisp- hume e ple 9aseci luteiieark amui bàsifor a.u1iýrt lime we uidesland, o~moue. -Mn. U.tfs, o! Mynle, ias, butl vi rteai1oOsa thop *for a tern. apbn entfo l nanolber lines.01 I'hh.' Womeu's¼Iosllitute met, at g,» home u CIMn. ou odluit ve. L é£odycompmuy vire promeut sud a, progolblu liÀmO S'pit In cases out rhiumatiam telle frein au aksîeep s&d test -pmssbIe- Tls may lie obtalncdby applýrlug gombrblasLiemut. Sold hy-ill MU. Joseph Tripp basm5 e îtle- unwell of. lateï, - but , a muaitoter- nxov. ler daughter, MN IlbelROr- ors lias been with ber. Harliron Brus., ÎWm. Sadiller, Rob. Plkey, - C.J. Stýven9So nd Clini Lawton. and otbeîýs shlpped - aIlle said h~opa atBrol'at week Al t-' celved go l fca -Wm. Saddler's mnuh"as ftbigm.. Going home t look àater bis -owu intereste. Wm. lwould give a good, man good va.asid a spIendtd-om, James Pengelly' bas-completed- his seasoui'. tbreshlng, üniuhing'%ttaib I. Carsons tilmothy laut'veek. C.J. Stevenson, purèhased anu r. ôellent young hon romà Bir. Edvsrd Redmnan. Iltak woeybgel goodN Jiorses now. C. L. Mackey * old a. good hotu 10 Mr.. Wm. Morrnisc for geood. monçy.. OWIflg ta the etate-otbè ronds snd 1 he rain ou Sabbath lait, Bei. Tueker dld net n.aob. Kinsale. -NezI Saliball inluthe evontng ho viii prese alosg missionary lUnos lu lhe W. M. 1S. AUl are velcome.-. Thle fariner. are busily engaged pl- tiug Iheir summçr .wood in readineos for the stove. The winter Beef Ring vilIi close -its operations sert week, killlng lis lait beed for the winter ring. ýTbhe summner ring is fully organized- and villi com- mence operations I he finIt or- second, *111in do the, killg. - Mr. John Birkçtt bas been Ibrougl our burg 'buying îcattle and hoge for- shipment. Ilis point of delivery is Dagmar. Look ont for the new flag station soutb o! lbe village Ibis summer on the C.N.R. Building lots in Kinsal. will advauce 30 per cent. 1 .I (Above luo laté for last issue.). Service vas' conducted lier. 1lut Sabbath by our pasler, givlng au ex- Icellent Easlertide sermon. Neit Sab- bath Mn. West will preach iniith. mi- ternoon. John Lawrence lias>leen quite ser- iously 111 for som. ime., His famlly, ver. borne on ' Surnday.- George, of Stratturd'; Mrs. Fairleas, oft S. Maines, and Mr. snd Mrs.->Lewis, of Toronto. We hope our old friend i'ill lie able b oglit off bis aliment. Mrs. Trippý hasbeen ,mder th. doc- tor'S care for tome time and is quite unweli yet. We hope for a speedy ne- covery. Constipation brings mauy aliment. lu its train and it the prlmary- cause o! mucb sickness. Keep your bowels regular madain, aud yon vili escape' many of thse ailments tu which vo- men are snbjec.t. Constipation Is a very simple Ihing, but like may simple thlngs,_ it :may lead to serlous conscquence8. Nature oltS en eosa littie assistance antd visn Chamber- lainIs Tablets are given at the firat Indication, rnuch distress ad suifer- ing may b. avoided. Sold by ai demi. Thle veather took a severe eold b"e on sabbath cocn. urely lbeo vosa- ther mn!nha%~ a rdgat un this wlnter, as ve llayï bad 3£ uioatrar ordinary ccld win, r. Spring is antiouulv looked- for amongst the farMners, as feed inS et- ,ing scarce. Mr. Frank Mo*bray speul ±'astet under the parental roof. mneure 'ýAgzainet - - - - 'Number of Seet rnd-Hand rows, md Wggonsal Carl lad cf Buggiescn .hand.' Co meéalong andg your choiïcê e . -Suggln wI4hope. or covered tops, and steel or rubbertlres. D. E»ISNE Y WhlItb 4 ~et ~ 1! DoMINI AM O! SAN Evoe on o f utBanking businewss la nnsacted by COIIleonspromptly rudeand mone reMittOdwtboutduly. -Adincsmde o Farmers' Ssii Notes.- Traivellerie Cfikoksahad Letterrof Cncdtissued. WIYAN ...............'-C. 0. 0GORDON, Manager. iL?~AWAB~5NCH.......................A. H. BLAC. Manager. Orillis Y.M.C.A.'ý bts-a ebsin lubox- awa, on Tuesday, vbere at imo o- hng, vbuel Idoorl basebali àabecoi- Cdock Requiem- Mass vas snng, and lug. a -populmar gamo, accurdlng 10 Thle tlienoe O sbawa Cathoio Cemetery, Paciet. vbere ber laIe bumband,, nother sud father are nintred. She leaves four -chuîldren, Ivo sons àud Ivo daoisgltens__ DEATH 0F MIlS. MURPHY. -- li of Toron-to. .- - on Sunay, Magch 318t, at St.1 MIpmsls 1sp1u1,Toronto, 1theý dea th oeorm dot Mr£...joanna Mur- plïy, aomoly &«etdeut -of Port Whtty, aud wldo* ut 1h. late mat- tbBw M(urphy. Deceame had lived in Toronto for thhela»t twelve or tour- teeui years. sue was seventy-one year ot age. lier'rematns were re. moved to St, Gregory's church, Osh- WH1TBY IÂRKETS Alaike clover, >er bus...J10.00 lu 11.00 whist, ted ....;........... 0.00 le 1.00 Wbeal,*bt............0m t0.85 Wha%, goob . ..... ...... o85100.90 Wvhutosprinte....'r......0.80, t0.86 Whist, fall. ..... .. ...... 0.90 b ( .95 Baileï .................... 0.80 oO8 »MOIS............ ........ 1.00 teo1.00 Bye .................. . .. ... 0.85 lu 0.85 EPukhat.. .. .......... 0.65100.70 oso....oý*........... 00.45 t0 0.50 Bed Co ..... .. ...... 10.00 tlim1.0 FLOUR 'AND FEED. Flou, pi cvi.. .. - te 1 3.00 Cboppod ftes ......1.5Otéo1.bO ruO mal.t..... ..... 200 te 2.0 Sratma per ton..... ....Ouetg95.00 MEAT. POULTRY AND PROD) JCE. BWel per t .. .. ....... 10.00 lu 11,00 <Jt*, Kv. welght ....5.50 lu 6m2 Malln, t ulbo.... ...... 0.00 0.09 1r imbé ech.......... .... 4.00 lu 5.50 Rap, &Tmm ..........8.50 to 40O HoC", 14Ah1 md fat.. . .5.75 lu 6.00 Rogue.1.1 .. .....8.00 t. 8.00 Vblçoksuper lbo44.00..6..0.10 tu 0.1 flu*s, per 1 ............... .lu 0o .16 gu, ropeon1 bft.l. 9 Io010.18 Tudoffl, dri. pair 1b. 0.182 lu 6.001 Butllo ,pu Ia,.. .oui@$.....oýo0.82J19-9.85j Eggs,- per dozen, uew laid 0 ..20 to 0.20 Pote, e Il ......1... .71o020 Poad, ptWrlbas... .... -.l75 o 20&~ APPles, put bare..i.1.50 to 8.00 Onloas,u p t ...... .'1.00 10 1.00 gay. pert on ..... ...-«... 14.00 tu 15.00 1 HIDES. Shilepslkil.......... ilomuklo, T-show. i.. ulemRlb. 4' - 0.11 te 0.13 0.12 b 0.18 0.70 to 1.25 8.00 t609.00 0.7s le 1.15 6.25 1o.70 1.50 t0 8.00 0.08 lu 0.08 Invisibue Lenses The one is for reading.. writing and other close range 1 urpos es, the other Ifor long range. F. E. LUKE, j ' 159 Yonge St.. TC RONTêr, HOME SEEKERS' AND SElIERS' EXCURSIONS TrO Western Canada, via Chiaigo APRIJ.. î6th, 23rd suld 301h and çvery seond -Tnesday, theieafter until September i7tb inclusive. Special traini wil leave ýToronto st 10.30 pým, on above date -or Edmon- ton and points in Manitoba-and Saskat- - chewan, via Chicagjo and St. Paul, carrying througla Coaches end 'uillman Tourist Sieepers. No CHANGE Wl CA1R - Fuil 'particula-,s (rom any Gwand Trunk Agent, or C. R. IvlCutcheon, Alberta Govem-ment A-gent, Palmner House Block, Toronici, Ont., THEMOSI POPULAR- ROUTE MONTREAL - BUFFALO NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA DETROIT CHICAGO is via Grand Trunk, the only Double Track Route. STEAMISHIP TICKETS ON SALE. VIA ALL LINE-S . STIEPRIENSbN Town Agent for Express,. Ticket an' Tclegraph -'Office, opposite Standarc, Rank, Whu;tby. Ont. 'www'wwVW-47.lýW 9 -ELECTR-I.CAL.-SUP*PLIES< Hsving opened up a store-for thé.- sâle of electrieal sup.- - plies, in-the tQwn 6f Wbitby, 'l wili b. pleased to- bave the public nali sud secm.i 'I I m -preaeéà te givo ostimates on il 'kinds of eleetriesi- - _supplies and wining, and guaranteo prompt and efficient vork. snes My pirs es Whourequliriug, voîk donoé. -4 Ji7-Ba PB.RIR.IrN -' -ed"or. nortb of Buirns'. SbuëStox B~0Sç 00 T. -'- -'J Mofey t Offce immni Ba?ýri&ter,- Etc d".8 nut, Tkriaoe, B.n No. 12 ~Ai, Bislwp, -in~ Su c or tý'!rs sud G.Rcbb, WhiÏ -~LICENSE AND - AlIkinso saîles at'the'Ga Bel anirj col *Repdirs, AIt kEarrkal - A r asirer of 1 ire ai-wWew aouselwii motors and i Ifyou vaz eiipense. Wei ffexeéd oî I Rarqh-, acuord ment ep e't -file wait hr. Cash for Yo12 Von éeand e W.-:(IýhaWj choice -poîtirons are -On O gaduùates radi Alexandelr Sts.- t- - -- lit i "~ I ~1xe&p I LUI -BWrooklIn, '1 .4 -4 A AL I& AL AL AL là. I9Lý& AL- --- - - - - - - - - - - 1 - ir à imi 11

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