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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Apr 1912, p. 4

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UneUs BASE LINE WEST. 1.Donald Çamerou'a sale epasdo O uOifuily. He is mioving tiis- WeoS la tii.SotiWard ïwîth isi umol. Jimmie. iÛ.' jobDsStlrtevant bas. moved on -b Prapir faim, and wil W_ rk - for thé G IiLnt.- Mi. 5Yunk Mackeyand Dr. MeNoeiy 810 commiss4oned, ta purchase 15 bar- maou for thr.Asylum 7farms. - ie raina have 'tiaken thie frast oui, afntmua»-'wilibe- onSthe land n H.'Cokehmandi Art. ud - Ie llmove to Oshawe lu a f ew *~The>. my finds ai Mr. J. L. Smith wiii bo pleamed to hear that he le very minCi utt r,. 10that one of thi, nurses li-zÏluÛed .l hieobuty th.o F"is- au bnrrou at, the Tweedis- Uh~They are ourlas of old ploneer ,-T 4bOA, -CoAwili aa bigpui çhaseu et-tock at "ltroad5ole" an Tussday., Ho basrected the . Mrs. ýW. Hood i armn for pashure. Auimense, crowd attended the TI'WOO& ale on Tuesday. Tue aua-t #SoaoX -Sot thiaugb wtha lot 01ai ýt- t U hwîs -bard on bis voice be- §Prée1alght -closed clown the .sale. SLde'24-mo 'id ~1Giove8s, lublack - an 'wit.Iegular -U, special 5*.prica 12.49 ah W.G. Walers' pi't fai tohatatend W.G. Walters' ap Mla sl, pril 20th ta May 4hh.- 4us rfflvéd 25 pteces new LinaI- aunsad- Oilcloti -direct from Glas- Bootla.nd. «Gei a supply whlo «re orte4ng them at reduoed - for twô, weeks at WG at 7Reileve Your Stomach. - JE WILL HELP YOU DO IT. RF DD j-- -OUR GUAPLUNTPIE.. ! DYspopsia may b. aomploely erad- Qe S l1 properly treated. We sell a pFmedy tint w. posltivoly guamantee, '"1 Oomplehely rellevo indigestion or *yupsis, or the medicino used dur- -Tu could sâoui ~Dyp at the grý'o- ws'simple an«' impres- sive. Regpresentativei -o!th anl iOrder f rom.- Cobourg ud -Smlths. Fals, wbere ho hadtbeý position ai prinipal la inte publc; aÉchools, snd we.s much Lppreciàted, accompauîed the -remains, ta hie inst resting place. T1UI TABERhýÂCLE. Siiuday, Ap-ril 21. Morning- subjet-"'Dolug His WiI,» Evening subject-"G lod cailà ia4 Professions." .e VOTE ON GHU1LCH UNION. Total memborship 351. f1or, Against OfficiaIs .....- f 3 Mebers over 18 ... . ..-..9 Mombers under 18 .... Adiierents over 18.... -2 0, Tbtal .............Z1 Maiamiiy for Ui.. 242 Weoffer One "fundred Dollars Reward for auy case ot Gatarrh that cannai be cured by- all'& Catarrh Cure. P.>J. QiNEY CO., T81edo, 0. We the uuderulgned bave kuown P. J. Chee forthe 1Mai îs7ra ud bulleve hlm perfectl lianorable l i usestransactions and'Su aucl1 able ta, carry ont auy obligations mado Wholssale lJruglsta vT5120, e Hall'a Catarrh Cure 1m Iakea luternafly>aCtj dleciyups heblodammosu MUu ame the systexu. etînouiliautirce.. PricesT cents per houe. Isold by i dhggteê..' Take Hallu Faildy 14ls for constipation. BAPI7IST CH-URCH-. Sunday, April 2lst. §ervices as usuil. Momniug service il e'olock. SubJeet -«"Heroes ai- Faih. Noab."1 Eveni%> service 17 o'clock. SUbwýc -"&Uniqueneso! .Got." Ten minute Sioug service at bogilu- nlng of evenling service. -Don'i forget the Sunday School and Bible Clasfss t 10 a.m. All welcome. CASTOR NA F1Iuat u hlldro Ibo Klnd Yom Have Mlwals hg' kt tte tial wlli coatt hé User nalli- - Bena t la remedy bas been nanuîd Regali Signature of spot. Tablets. Certaiuly no offer ______ 1 --be 'more faim, and aur affer I fi. proof- positive that' Rezali AEREITR 'opu Tableho are a -dependablo AE EIS«L - Saturday, May 4th, 191- Auctioni ismUci as tic medicine Wm lcos es f wlng in the .Town o! Wit- nohln~ifIt doe- ot eneitby. the Property kno"n as the Aiex- UrgeYOU ho le sffe ander Smithh residence.; Sale at 2 w ure yo viaare uffring o'clock. Wm. Maw, auMonee ndigestion or dyspepsia ta, try OS . il "Dymepula Tableta. A 2-cent 'Saturday, April 2Q.-uaiIff 's sale of ottlaenougi meOeie for 15 good homm.es, Ibe property ef Albert il i- let. 'For cîronîce cases, W. Short, lot 4, cou. 4ý Township o1 rnave lwo larger mises, 50 cents and C Ene Whitby. Tra~ah .F à. j Remember,- you eau ObiebahCm elbil. *U Romedies only at aur store- -Re«al Store. A. H.. Allun, dru&- WgIfDING CbELEBRATION. * The homeofaiMm. and Mrs. John i _____________slelghtbolm, -Whltby, wns theý scene * ASEBUEN.-- o! a genuine surprise to, them on Tues- -Wm. Reutley, wbo han been an-, 4vlhth Raf Ward, of llalsam, for somamer, 'has-gaie tahis i'ew Ne .sAre au A. Brooks, e! Myrtle and Mis EXhè,Uat"d Vilsoa, o! Claremont, visitedMrs. Wilson on~ Monday. are sorry ta li.ar -ofthe ilines And ftovhus irostràtl.n or . paguas Fr' -Jas. intbeson, or.IS OWplflg tedIyýuPus Vu s . .Swincon, o! Toronto, Lta Yu liSi etpooplesudnvfIum .lg ta lie'b& matilmosathere was soe aiorgé cf paaI1s ut VbM Mlirg,an athendance as Usual ouPt h.t» o h. -moettln, allie-Guhltiheld an M <au ~1ng ioM reonon ~s m .vaiulgleivL , a. A.B. 1 rsber speut a. faw dayu ssom- tangusn tmmg u aroito kaf vok<i hudsé" Dgation h. si. 0 suy rindma"'m John bave bos M lba UIJ -wera greatly aiecked- to eaon[Sud Ws$Os &&» Sud haveum W pupI4ks deat4u. Almot %vithioutli .âtn I" ý*àri»g-hoasmm i ld t ~amt~m*arluelievascalederue oa i writea:- ",or years i uüered Ia sort of eczenlà on, tit. headl. l ie~Ld tour- 4Ûureont* doctora, slvmhg eoui a fal trial, butthieaslrw lreaat aread>ti ta y am O i :~s' OQiutmnt, #an,ti U bs on&rs cureu u&I ive youmy name becausel waat other sufferers tâ knaw ahc4ut INDEPENDENT PIN Nanager Âlph. Roover, .of the Inde- pondeùt TeCWPRIOPOOO. ta utowutbis week., Ho-reporta te mterta luLas arrlved taôput up the lino tram Wit,- by ý-te Brooklin àd Port Perry. Côn- struction --begina as qulckly as- WASi possible te dig tihe lest. NçW phones ha've , lat" ee bo& placèdas tollow :Mr. W.E. Vaustôio, butclier .shop Dundai: St. wusL,'and inures.idence on7 Kent Ste; Mr. ') Eâlnson,. rsîenQe Who keep themselves in lineo ph 1,condition. -Regular boës-active -kiducys, and. liver, ý,good .digestion,. and ai greater. -natural vi or follow di, timùeiy use .of ieýlabIe BELISM' Mottgage Sale of Dweling ilouse in Town.,ot Whitby Unclor and by virtue of the pawors of sale conItained in certain mortgage which . wiii be produced at the. Ume of sale, there will be oflered for baie by publie auctian on Saturday, the fourti day of May, 1912, at the hour of two o'clock in tiho gttcruoou aithe premises in the Town of Whitby, the foUlowing property, namely: Lots iiumkers SEVEIN and EIGHT ln BlockIl "C"'on the veut aide 0f. awck Street, and Lot Nu. EIGUlT in saad Block "C"' on the east side aI William Street, according tu, a plan ai lots laid out, on 96e south-east quar- tor of lot -Nô. 27 in the lit conces- sion. of t4 Township ef0 WhitbY, now Town ai Whitby, macle by laie J ohn Shuer, P.L.S., known as lladenhurat's blacks being tue Alexander Sith On the premises Id a iew brick voneered dwelliug houie wlth t urnace, modern convenienà*s aud wired for electitallght , a shôrt distance Irom the G.T.R. Junction station. Tho properiy will be offered sublect ta a reserved bld. TEMS20 per cent of purchaso rnoney tobo paid down at urne of sale; balance in 30 days. For l1urthor partolculeLrs and condi- tions ai sale apj'ly ta Whltby, -Ontario, ~William Maw, Mrtgaee'sSlio NOTICE TO ORaEDITU1I inathe.liatter o! thé-. Estat. tfJohin Tw.odle and Davld'Tw.dl, both late of_.tîe Townsilp of Witby, Notice la hereby givon, pursuant ta I Geo. V. Chap. 26, &co. M, cntitled, "The, Trustee Act," that ail 1persona iiavlng dalims againàt the suInte af the uaid John Tweedio who dlod on or, about the! 23rd -day o! Aprl, 1909 and against the estate o! l.esaid, Davidi Tweedle, wb o dien o'or about -the lôth day of. Pebtuary, AMD., 1912, aie requlred le und by po0l, prepaid, or -el"ver tôth leToronto <keral Truste Corportio, oronte, h l mlnltrators of the. -aboya -ostate, -an or betgre .tho Mt. day 91 May,> 1912p theur namo, addrosses aud descitp.- tuons, sd uil stutement C! pautio- utara of! hçIr claflms,-and the nature et tsheeuriîty -if ahy,7 hoeld 'by tisem, ruIy erhiMid, al thabal mter ïh. sald, day, ieadnitrators wiUi-roceed. ta, dlStrIbute -,'-thesbets of tii. de ceasd aomgtbtartles umltted thereto, -iavlng retard oii to -l'te clalma of whieh theyo44hilthea hale notice, sud a9ualRotet le Mfor he prooeda et tho satatà àsie oas fiae sald .Tahi Twaml d Tal 0N, ACEOUNT -of Dockers and Coal Strikes ln OId Country our dl ' hawe eon very tate -Ingettlng hereé. Comnmencing, Saturday, ,Ma4th-"ýý elif'offeei9g Ba rgains Uln LinoleumsE, 011-4Cioths, -Carp CutIn~drect rmithe manufacture ii. Un 0- Couaty Agi newý plenty t~ eec lo ent- fMi there , and fiastlng- tili r'ose Goods, Lace- fest pattergis and Japanèse Rugs and Mats TaetyadPuh~usEglhPlush Rugs ~peIaIPries pecal n Geen an ~Fawn Green and -Brown .1I 1 <, 3 x z4/- PlUsh R-,ugs, special $190 Mat élîze 2 X5,secial 1 9 34Tpsr us pcâ $~0 3x3 ls us pca 99 Mat~~~~~~~~ýx3 aie 6e 7, peia 3e gs .9 3x iluh ug, peia 2.9 Rug4 sieTx ,seca p,9 x «fJ~ry90Ruga, specîpei L-199 Rgsze 3 x 7, special 198 3 x34 TpestrY Rgs speial6-890 3 x4 luh Rug,,speciai 79 Rùgsie X , peial1.9 X ~ Tpstry uà'Rugs, specia.9JueRg Wood Fibre Mlats, size 30x6O, îa x 4 Tapestry Rugs-4. special. ',10.90é 3X3oly, with fringe dgs:3.50 WdFire Mats, size 567,175 'j4x *+fTapestiry, special J, 13.50-3 x 3oly xtra hayqaiy5O 3 .3__ ______ _ _____t__-5,00. Wet4vêail sizes Un Rugs mte h bv rcsa4 rm$~t 3-es-than -ourw regular Scotch Linoleums Samples of-t at Reduced Prices W to ' Linoleums,ý yard wide,15 Linol eums, iyarFdswide 341o nderwe rw a nd ffosier o-,X' Linoleums, g;- ~r4u wide 41v - Two -Ft 1Sets'of Saxr pies ot -Watson's th reranI~oîr o~fin ~LÀitum~fi ars ie 9 otmen ad hi1drcn. AhI light weight godéàf Comnbiations o'U Si k'"m LipcFleUMS, 2 yrswide - 74e Wooi and Balbriggan.'Ail colors. Rangin-g inprice .from*"-ý Lint!leums,h 3 yards widie $16 Linoleum s,' 4 yards wide 2.09 10 e o $350J per Garmwent SPECIAL ISPECIALS luq Dresa Goods, Men's Print ShIrts and SprIng Overcoatse Al 60. Dress Goods, 49c'; Men's Puint Shirts, regular $..oo for, 89c; Ladies' Black and White Lisie Gloves, 2o inches long, .regu a 5,fur 24c, Men's bprirng Overcoats, made rmPanEgih weLgtadDrk Golors, regular value $ [2 00, $ýaje Price $7.90 DO0N'"t FAIL to visit our store xiuring APRII. 20 to MAY 4@ Special Iow 'prjes on Unes of goods flot ment ionied above,. Bell PhQnes 27a, 27b IndePenýient Phone 62 W.6 W ALT R Byron St,. mort..h; and Mr. A. H. Greenwood ý ýresidQnce, Dundas St. east. In addtion new subscribems lu Pickering an4 Whitby Townships are E. anti F. TflipT.P. Robine, Rev. A.L. MacFadyn, Liiner Bras., Peter Dalb>y, Jas. nderson, Rev. W. Moore, * OME 8EEKERS' -AMD. SETTLERS', EXCURSIONS TO Westerq Canada, via Chicago APRI Ç z6th, 231rd and 30111 and every seco.nd Tuesday there-after until Sejitember qtî inclusive. Special train. wiII beave Toronto at 10.30 p..m. -4n above'.dates for Edmon- tan and poir ts in Manitoba.and Saskat-. chewan, vie Chicago and- St. Paul, carrying through 1iandi.. and Pullman Tauriat Slee jers. No NO HANGE 0F CARS Full- parficulars' fram afly Grand -Tunk Age t, r, arC. R., MçÇutcheôn> Alberta Gcvernmént Agenlt Éalmer House Bloicl Toronto, Ont. TH4E MO T POPULAR ROU-TE MONTREAIL T BUfFÀO . - 149WWYORK - DETROIT 4 lavia rand HICAG6, isvaGadTu kthe -only- biublî - IMrack Route. - 9. MadhhI, D. Russell, W. Middleton, Jas. Harmbron, Wm. Mayne; and Jas. A's k t h Stephenson. Besides these are many more an the Mamkham and Scambomo - -_ _ linos tiat bave been added as a direct resuit a! the Independent coming ia I thé caunty town. CRIKAM-EUNSà BRA ND CAKE IMÂKERS FREX- SHORTS OATS-' QAT tHOP COR '~CHOP CaRY, CRACKEDn Feed WholWo in Ton Lots. J.L. PJDI LIM TID I -- -I a I - it'neighbor to subsoribe.. Ail theý cloth used in pro- ducing is shipped frM ouf English' Deput ai Bradford where ail the. fi-nest woollens are made. T'he patterns' are s'elec. d by'Mr. Leeds Nelson, the,/es- ident -uyer, iwho -buys 4rc f-rom the. m'i1ls, saving the wholesaler's Profits. We makè thèse .fine g<od3 into clothing at our wobrk-' shops in Montteai, Ç ana4a to your- measure inl 7 days. 400Selling Agejnts ini Can-~ &0E--We. dean, press and- repair aI Clothing sold .by - us- at sPecial ratés. we are now- selling BlIqe's Wearbetter ,Sqits for -boys, madeto Qd n'Wany style.f w W-menti rings. W w Nthing isto W occasion af itus W sametimes ily.s no W - dbuy as expzsi ~Vone would lik . Y: W what iS correct7-here Whow. expensive-ar-i j - ~< WEDDING RI1 W'in quality, and all di wkeep an large ssor W e-weleir4 -W- WHY SHE ýJOIE Mirs. Florenoe b i gate to the*w tram Ohmc, toidý;e version to thetçmp. t-àr years, of!nikr "'When Î frst 1,seril tbe canipaigu ag iiust fieïl"7 ;said Mirs. 1 Licha]: perace, speakesrsmidi s ide. -Men, ithpir po, dragged ouf- thàt oah jwemneu being.t~dn Mon the, sturdj ak-s 7 Saw So) mauy of 1theo tbe gutter, andi0o-m~ ing to the- wasl4boart macle up- my rn id t 16, do somethingr h- ConsidernbleiIealiési handa lin-Whitby ii Moa's heavy Èvoýu %at t Peel Mt. Dew, of! WI be - Incearge o! chUWýh dàrffiÎg 01 Sa Neatest ntioe rep4ri aI M. W. Coilinis' 4 - TheaýnUa1là-ne 1*9 Old GirW s ocal ln tie Council Ch~~ day-afternoon Aprî The Ruttau1 amiJy E. Starr's house oetI -Mr.. J. J. Lynde cupy their owr houïe See thie sînd . - ~ ladies aI, A.M. RO24 Miss-Rutan bs makinè parloirs.,~ ¶ -munïd Stair,-whck î from the. former pgi A new bn ARCF 10 Pièces White- Embroidery Flouucing, .45 inç hes' wide. lRegular 75c. Special Sale.'Prices 49c 1 1

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