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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Apr 1912, p. 5

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THE _VOGUE -in -engagé,- menut rings. -Nblthing ii, to good on au "occasion CE this lclnd, _but -~sonietinies it is not ativisable- - jteby as expensi'e* a ring' as on eewouldIlike. 'd'ou wi111 geL wwhâtis -correct- bore no matter ..how expenaivé or'Inexpensivb V it may lie. - WED DING RINGS-asi. in quxaliey,-aaid aIl designo. We* loeep a. large ýaasormetand canùot ,hclp .'but, smtisfy -you. - no, u ppe only sd tbiat te tacked on -Wedneàcay. .-'.- "Our Mutual Frlend" ,wIll. be play- ed by,,tb. Dlckeàsa'1 Dra tie Club 'mi thie umîc hall,>T Ted5Àpril 23. Elxtr, good vales li Wall Papers aI D WileIoWrs ' das St. Thingà are busy aL the-Asylumn fanm, purchases of tairee teains. of hàrSee~, ad feed therefor, have beno made. 'qi"e Draper 'house is the heâd- quarterso! the workmei. Stmped' trýy-cIothg, cet'--pee,i cases,'and -Rushion tops aI Ai- M. Mis$s-Amy Kéan la s eudlng a- wee --Ie .Býrr, came, down frn Toronto o DEL say o -attend AiU train -for Liiâsàty. Mr.- Sainel- Platteji,r, hnsold hMs cottage,.on --Kiugg -to a- býoo'man, and Mr. Platten .lias pur- chaaed 1fr. Wrn. Brown's bhous oui year. Mwr. Mobean' made reference te 4ay. th. good Work doniýy -thé -aie D.O. Mi8s dith~iiso4,- o Tornto t Crosly i elascmt local. option Caïn- lling lerparents, MÉ. and Mais. D.- ,paigi'n <NbWhtby, 4aud pelc ta Wison. If os thé net occasion the temper- IVise ElliotI - was confiacd to, her 40 . ance ý.forces .iad, the."-eneit - cf au e>- l 1 -seve*>-al dQuiêt e ihuïdasîýlo leader, sucli as Rev. MA. E. lImn.- ureg ~esf~,victory- mlgb - reasonàbly -Mis* à zÀnie. >Jôlisthe returned te lie -expected. U~e woulq do ail one- ter -scbool duties in- Feaelosj Fallu on- man çouid to- win if a vote waa ÈaLurday.H brought on. -- Mi's. Miller, of Toronto, -,visited lait, Ifeek witbi ber sisters,- Ire. Ard andi -TWEEDIE BALE.-Mhe.Jenalag. - Col- - Over one tosrl.eoi tedd Miss nIiozupson, o! BelivleC tai auction sale of tii. proPerty o!f t lhe I , s v 18 Rig ber parents, 1fr. andi Tweede - 'estate on Tuesday. 1'srxoei 1 ra. Robt. 'Thonipson.- No., 8, 200,-acres,'lot 29, 6mn z,3, was If Roà Fr'aser, formerly of B4s- ror soldtLe Thon. - Puckr-ln for 810,.100e sêt'81s ew 1r store, but late -of Mat- ftv ParcêlÏ one and two were witlidrswn t4IWa, l IS yOWU thIb*Is ek. and aud wonld - le offeredthé Ioliowing 1Mr. Caeo oertrnt eNw o day. 'Th ough cattle were <* »Mlu. c til o iSunday l"alter a ten days' pairs to expedite thie sale,- lier. eie leý lidsy ~ihlsprnslee se, many --,articles thht -the -cbattles N1fr. Nayor, -who fh-asbeen. ia theI. oV wee noQt .completoti .-on Tuegaday.:n. S. Itandard i Bank bere for. some lime, pîIç ]Puckibrin says liereoelved su estbmate bas be rnscrdt-Bator. 01 -Ibat the tiniber ýn the farm le pur- 'Mr. GEÈ. Gibbard was again in Fi chaaed :i worth .more thaa the -prce tPwn on iTuesday and-Wednesday at-.- he p ald. Thé, serv te,,g o! îunci a5,the t ixg thé sale o! -thé Tweedie prop- sale wâsa &-big, task, thi,'é rowd-waa ewty. - so large. Tihen' ie u ~*te W. A. P'raser, labe n 0a1gr !the I were buytagA-icketsfrs.,ob L ltiyPotudry,-Ieft ' ITucbdyvi mach sd ôthuiîrbi o lnc . .l. dCbI cago for ,Po well, Wy- handed nu In gthir ito- - -luln:â east Pturobaser teow remove mmn JOSPHBAKER, Chanihn TwnPyoj jeu wml LAIïs undoubtedlr ther siion~ ~yy.-om j jj eard'sBu Ln lince punchsalagtlth -Dés Lim )m Mn. WM. Néowporî,, we bave been roed witha veny large Patr-onag d we fMol we aregiving tI.lle iloders fortalnfurniture ring, cantageo!f0g1 ,vana for maure Parties, :etc., v -wlliýecelve, Moy booit tttolL. 'Phonoq No, 89 >5. EARD Q ON I Il Dsu~es trnera madue.- -,6 eadvàutsgo in. bpy- ing--freux us is ta.we can ,five yQU proper instructions * sto how te work yonr'cameéra and make yout pictures., rhe Best Supplies ài waysjOn hanid. GEOs L WILSONRý I v i ï -- à à i 0 7 - .Y MIuselcty« am pf qkf superlor quality. eî ford Ruta wit doubt, the best rai rZoofing «,oe mus hm."> BBiitf" C- not 'a OakeseaBMi.D roftôo. Cafer i - ok l.esPlo u nand teresting fli Sp-m Whithy - fe-rG W » el , I ùO WHY ý%ls JOINED TRE,1 W.C.-T.U. jjMn. 1lerecoe 1D. Richards,« a-dcle- gate te-tthe.- W. -C. T. U. conv enion !rom OSlo, bld ihe story o! -ber con- vesion te- taie temperace cause, ! ter years -of! rIndifference. "When. Iflinal WioÙÎiy -conaldered tCe campal a agsliie - the, lîquor Ira!- alc ad- MnsiRio"ardsI awltem- perauce, speakers - nidicued on every -side. Mes n isin epelitic4al speeches, draglKed eut lItI old saying >about -womeu leing bbe clling -ine ah& '-the . ule try ca.;Bpt wbeh saw- 5sa many of *the' oàai. rostrate #in t-he gulten> and -so.ninyines cliflg- in& toe ,bewaaboard for support, 1I ualde up ,my mm.d liahi-Il w4s l'ime to 'do somehing." -Michigan "Union. Considerable rouI estate Ia cha.ngiag- bhands In Whtbyý this sprlnz. Menla hsavy"worklng boots i spec- .1aity at Ptl'a. Mr. Dew, o! iVyclffe VCollege, willi be ln charge o! St, John's Anglican cllurcb durlng the sunimer mionths. Neatest. sboe iepalrig l tosu donc at M. W. Collins',~o store. The annual hetlàsg o! thic-Ont. CO. 01<1 Girls' ýAssocatIoù, 'Iill be held ln the CoUncil - Clambet -tliis TIlurs- day atternmon, -ApFiI 89 ai 4.o'clock.1 The Ruttan !amiy have -moved toi E. Starr's bouse'on Dundas St., west.i Mr. J.J. Lyndp sudanily wil' oc-- cupy. their own bouse' jiust vocated. >Y Mr" RttaL'. Se., tie ailk -sud slk-ýkit tief- or ladies ai Â&x. Ros'. Miss Ruttaù'> bas " mvdlier dresse- raking parlors neit t6 1Mr.'I E E d- Mun Starrt, w",eh lu g sèven doors weet trom the forin-er place on: Dundas ,S. - A-new ahIpwent O' o! ug sd uetar- c ~~ail sizesansd pnies ai À. Id.j [r. Ly'nc.h; - of Toronto, 1wl11 il0t - Jof' (a)cucll LyApril 21sL, sud -uitl - md- commuannaftr lFe felose 0of uiporbeti. tbh4 Kecep 13; tassed thé. lots on the.- nortl- mer, of fBrook anti Victoiaà Roa ne) la>,sd lntedt b cet. ep hercon'fonr mtal.- -- gle'.' Hardware store,"-I ifld w M 1r. Màsily, R.C.A4x, -tu * .~.... - -. huv is residence ln-Whihy fr the, means you will àlwaysý use IL. Sold tnt stdents thrýee daysa's week etofibs by ýGeo. M. Rice.: limd la ouldoor sketicg ansd- pit 64 .. -- Ilng. This wil give local Art m-su Mn. R. L. Huggard represente thé~ dents,-a rare opportumity of! seciutng Whi-ty Boad of ducaton a i[nstruction snd inspiration iom s. meeting -o! bbe Ontario Educational cee pcsft pl I1wCl Association in Torouto ou Aprîl 9, e frem. 10 ndll ,ALL SAINTS' BAZAAR. WANTED. The annual bazaar sud sale o! work Maid wauted.$ Appiy b 1frs. Dr. held in -the music hall on Tuesday un- McGllivray den tic auspices of the Parisb Guild o! Ahl Saints' Churcli, was as usuai a Two acuu~Cianer -t ren 50grand success, bothinlaaacially -and cetspe ay. Gelfe M toRie F 50 otberwlse. The faucy work tables o! ceints puerdarÇe.M e. Fvrraprons, etc., and the home-made thih in àr.dare.tables were well patronized. Ab wss ais e Ie ecreace sud candy liooth. NO1ICE; -TUi.flali pond hlits usuai àttrac- The person wbo leftthe ýgbld4iMded. ton - for the. chiltiren.- Tes was serv- parasol at Broadfield wlille attendilig. od roce 5 te 8 o'clock, consisling :o! the funer-al o! thie late Davidi Tweedie,1 coîd meats, salads, plain sud !ancy xnay bave camne by paying for thi5-15j(. tarts, pies, etc. There is a-lot ad vt. Apply to' J.-J.-Lynde, -corner. ef work in counection, wlth these ha- Dundas and Kent St. zaars, sd the good- ladies o!Alil I T - .'siuts' chunci are tu bc congratulat- Try PimIges.Vscuumn carpet cmca -ed upon t ibm splendid sueoess'. or. 90c.- per day. Uelivered aud cmii- ed for.- <. OOTBALL., NOTICE. Notice ls bereby gi ven that I wUllý tnt ha resnonsih1ti ofter thîn -date for The annuai meeting o! theo ilaiid !e coutracted by my wile, Maudis Association Football-L&ague il ho b g beltinl the-.Y.M.C.A. building, Peler- :ai JOHN CRAIG. boro, Saturday, Aprîl 271b, at 1.30 Wbltby, Apnil 15, 1912. p.m. Ail clubi. wUghing t0 enter thc Imtemediate or Junior Sgenles. are ne- THE DEMONSTRATION POULTRY1 q uested ti te *sedtwo tepreSentati 'ves *HOUSE. tô aboie meeting, 'or write SeCretary ,-The rural. neadens of-Ibis paper viii W. A. .Milburn, 27.1 William St-., Èeter- be interested,-in taie succes' of thie lioro. From uprcsnt. outlook District Dm« rtiotPoultry House,,ma- 1- wilil e cornPosedgo! teaces fronim o ato WhlbyOshWa - t3io.mulio aged - by lIre. S.L. Brown, -of- Whîtby, probaly Broklîu - - ati supervisedi by tlie Whitby office o! - kgrnlcuftre. Il was Lheb. letf of tjhe BIGOR~ft <ORFAR IMLE-Deparîment -ha1 the erection o! n.ucli - MENS.. . a s ouse, asud theienagement 'ofhbe- - dockil.cotafned-acordig tb lte Mr. J. F.": lisney iastweéek reoelveietmeiouknewn, Wbuldi crate s; an grder f rom:'lb. Provinciti Goveniu' bet mlerst a lthpu-ryetr ment fortbue larmu implementa requfr ri~se, show te thoue in lhe neigbbor-- cd by 1h.- Asylumu farïm. Tii. b ooti a -gooti ' type of! poultryl boIse, anieuntetite ýbetween -two and the 5 sd ý-demonstrateýsila svery practical lhousaud dollars. -This o&der dome manuner ibe apa agemen ! iokin: no-t~~~~~~~ F__d al b.ieloe r qui uci ,a .way as to secure a large pro- èd, but ouW '.hIbe an.instalinent. '4 duction o! winten eggs, -- Mrs. Brown, - - - - rporta 1h51 lb. number o! eggs laid $T. J'OHN%'S V EST-RY. - -twy -lii dock-dur.iug thie wluter moiibs« The regular -Eister -V '%eslry meetin ! ee--, auayan 1.bnay o! lb. St. ,Jôhni.Angbiloan church Swu .813 ne whlci ry ad reveue o! held du Monday u-iglit,,Alenli8th. The,$00wsraîei'Tsl net wearunds teotet ave aîl satery very creditabie sitowing, and les agreat year - nd he flancal tatmneimprovement - on tieresuhis uecuréd showed a'balance of _826.50 ou, hndfroc e i verage farce dock. - Dgs elth -no liabillties, çTiihe olo iit o-isfcblug froce liii Rock are being officers were elect«41 fer lb. "ensulng seidti t members o! -hie -Egg Olnd.e- tetn;- W arde4is,- Ït Blo'w, T1o%0 " ai SOcpet doz.; te otb4ns-aI. 40c.- Pex -tisn;.Vestry- Clenki' James dM .. Trotter, -. W 4Von..J alu, 'i-Pickering wlll 'scarcely,,peahr te ,ho lit1o ; ~lgateo, te Synod Bnougiim ëon Whitby o.vor, tae- ýteler -J.D. Hlowdepý Dr.. Adamî, Thos. Y. phon eaf -er Ils ileti' residents Atkinson ,E.Rý Blow.- Afier. iseuse-LrdHd- u iod mers, gài set- ing -the Çeders' recefved, for reliuuidlng lied down sud enter Itbe-thé social' bbc c,.astwal o! thie church, .accordlng 11ftéooftthe villae-Stdr. le newju-lans at a -coul of'bot 0,- imin ,!Pm, 1 W 8f- 1 iArparente nere. 1 Sherliff Pittoii jeIt lest wee lot' 5cs co4ieced wlth tbie Farm, rs' Go- oerattve i arvet.n Machine' Go..,' M.r. andi Mrs. D., McDerimid, sud Archie McD&rmld le! t iast week" for loreburn, Sask. Mrs. McDermid lu, t%é Youngest daughter'of Mgrs. Rlb- ard Collines, Centre Street. Mr. AVery Brown, of Se}by, lias tp.ken a positbion te -Mfr. W.M. Pria- gle's -har4ware store, and Mr. Ruisel 1Waram lias gone to Toronto to tale a: position ln a -Wholesale houme. ,Mr. -Walter fBunn left on Tuesday en rÃ"ute toý Cranbrook, B.C., where he expeckts o spend a couple of months. WIalter lias been a - resident of Whl *tby Igi three or four years, 'and bas made .nýany warm friends. R EAL ESTATE. D, WATSON MZEIAF FlN $ 0 Green St. Brick house, 8 $ 0 0rooms, bath, closet and basin, (urnished.-in hardwood, large cdellar, làundry and tubs, electric light- ing, open plumbing, bhot water heating, beautiful cornér lot, 'large roomny barn, ëverything in good condition, goid value. 38 0 Byron St., solid brick, de- P38.0 tcd, ten room's, bath, êloset and basin, open plumbing, -hot air heatdng, best state of repair, beauti.- Èu I corner lot. Tertns. SDund4s St., large brick W3500- bouse in good state of re-1 ~ir, w¶th all modem -conveniences, - acre i<>ý, good ocad, ie dn1 i ,arge stýble and out buildings. Cheap .2 a Byron St.,' brick' houtie, ~'"'with al 1moae ft"coiveni- buc es, in good-d repaii'. Double ýlot ýem ranged. - oo-Brick-_bouse, 7 roomns.*large lot.cellàr, good repair. Quarter. 6àoxr Byron- St, brick- and rough caat bouse, 5 roonis,- in good ondition. Good'gàrdén., Cheap. - BUILDINC LOTS. ý4OO' Byron- St., quarter acre lot al in fruit. Beat location. - 350, Byron St., 6o x 1 1 . Shade- trdes. $250j. Byron St., corner lot, X acre. Shade -trees.. *20 Dundas St., fine lot,;3 acre of!-fruit. 10Brock9, -_Y'Bon, Chesïtïut- and KigStrets." Eoom 5, Dlneen ilGdiug- * ~ .TOONTO Ph nes e-58 Whùtbyi.Pfi0ne 9ï. Raglan,, W. i. Brent, agent Oshawa, Phonee 47 and sig. Caîls by day. or nlght proniptly attended to. Charges nioderate. AMBULENO! IN CONNEOTION En Wu EVANS, Puimp Manufactu rer Stior sud I<esldenc., Dundas Streetý WIIITBV Three -doora west ot-ý Wýiltby Flouse. We are prepaped to Inatai wood or hro; up on short notice, iso a tte eail kinda of re- Agent for the Ontario Wlnd Miii alzo gasoline englues and the squar Geared Magnet Cream -Sepirator. Phone, No. 50 residenco. MONUMENTS ofsaoDeugs nd iateulail ept ln Stock ht wil pary yenta cMUiat out works and inpec fer. youraei. float --ho lIed by a&eais. Wo do »ot emàploy.,tkem, comsqueintly *e mS ad do'allow the agSnt'% commission, lé per eut, whlch'you wlll cetaWil save by purchaalng from us. O anc sd W pis Opposite Standard Bank, Whltby, ont aiSuceuro to Cody Bros. *PRAÃ"itIOAL UINDERTA<ERS- Charges Noderate. ii$coranton-Coal"ý l . OUT apeoialty BEC AU SE. Bupeior-td other Coal, Quality is ýtha 'higeat. urable, Neat Our Spring Stock s owcmplets We have Wa- f uit une of.M e,W' men 's and Children!,%-fine and -heavy goods of the very latest desi gns. A cati solicited. - -A pleasure 'to show goods. PEE-L ,SHOE tLEOIIINO 11-0. iýBrodk Street SouiL, Whitby, Ontario - Sugar! Sait I 'Potatooes I Se ai JUST RECEIVED i aload XXX Graaulated Sugar. car!sf Windsor laIt, finest and purest la the world-.cmp..difM a and table use, .rdiam yfor amoiral "ésean4 Ne. s oer» e oms éit, We for packiag pork. s car ickoiewkite petateos. sultabie for .ed sud forc table use. AÀsupoly o! lo"alreva clevèr and Tlu.otky Tae.dan.l'h.. foui výeed. We payh'ighest prie. ln cash fUr choice yoang, fat ,cattîs, Iambe and, ml -t" We séli the'ehojosat higl grade Manitoba patent fieurs, such ai s R g Quaker. Oux pastry brands are Particularly choice for -pies and oum. 011 BIROCK ST. L-E-A DING. ;JI4-TIONEF? j- j j i-t. - :1 À ) t e' cf I - in- pro. eiècred ýhe res- direct g the gcods work- ada, ta- - Can- asand, ,Id hy f - - 1- J -- qi T-. .1 0-1 - 1

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