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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Apr 1912, p. 6

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épîgtiolubes, as heaçtaches, 'poor -appsÏite, weakueiss in 'te limbe1 -â weh1l as remoeve uuuigh'Vhf-plmples suýd eruptienas. ln*'fact tliey un- failitgly ,bring new healtit sudi streugtli 'o weak, 'iredi and'-depress- ed m~en, wouten :and, chiidren. - 8ld by-ail medicine dealers or bye mlai[ at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.5' from The Dr. 'Wil- lian î' Medicine Co., Brockillei -drea geoî time ïle q on e te - ad dîsar, A ONE-TOED RACE. - j R.. Cléument I8ucas ln an'-ad- ot 'he Royal Coliege cf Sur- s'p)redicd thot umen migltinl bEcgome a oe-tedi race-. "Thte to," < a id, o"ias already ~One of..ts extssr tendons, and gati'e au appreciable perceutage ýa.ucW obe f ita lxr edn bsauit aise. Ou t-ho otitor lanti #reat tSe las undorgone extra- li ary tev6dopnenut'becau.2e thte snids etof the foot. la the firat te0 the centre of grav'ity in traus- the 'VIe eiglit of the bodiy f rom ~ oot te the other iunualking. fe wcrîti goes on long enougit u5s eu ttr tees, belng les leis eniphoyedi, may gratiually T cre is probably more rasiy .1-tlu4.ti 'any other lin.. Ment of it rodlains large quantities of a lum. Tu - . -- T void te useC 'f this daugercus aaij, see that -AIl ingretiients are plaiily statut! lu Enghlihcrithe pa4 ag'e. The woris '"No -Aluin" 'r o lie package or lu an Ad. la nef' B tcp-Hcear your frient! wsnt iu- 'V tohtebec-bu4iness ast. summer. El1ert-H1e tii., Bacon-What lueit iEglert--Oh. juti s usual -- lucl$. He got stuîug. Eikacîl--Diti yoq !ever wunt'te ear4h i PoweIl-Yeý, ence, witen I wael fooi enouîgl toe lt a fellow take me ý" pI bis airslip. 1;0 Nf --Disorder-of 'hs dli- -gestivio a-pp -'tus shoulilbe tisaIt _ýWîtl ut once befoî'e acompications riÏe titut may li, difficuit te cope it. Thcea'u'rst remredyto tethis e nd anti one that is withit- rîeaeh cf aIl,' la Pa-nîlee's Vegetable Pilla, Lihest 'laxative anti se-dative oft thin nmarket. Do not delav, -but try - then 11oW. - Onue trial wiIl couvince -anyoue.'VInt tluey are the beasLt- maphi regulator tit eau lie get. econe cfcir big corporations 6e '>ing tu de someVli-ng for is cîti - illk ." "Goodi enougl! ' Witat. fo~ it take?" "Well, after a manlias been witii tIem twenty- ÎÏ4 yeama, tliey'me geing te give elm, a gold tripe on liasîcleve."1 Little Ones - - - . iters 1 Are your ittle ones sùfferiiig -from itching, burning C=enia s, or otler -tort uring, â 4sfiguring skin troublesp Are oU.. Yourself,.. worn eut' with M.rIng, ileepIess.,nights and cease-' 4ss auxity-in carinig for them ? TIczi you should- knowtvhàt, li 4iost casesa, a rm bt with - utiaira SOa Illo itarlêj Corelli. womsnù: '<Iargued andi wr.angled, aboit love mnatches with. lier - one 'wloeday. in her old-fashiened S'rtferd'homae, but site ratÉier got. the better of me, at the end, wîth afi epigroim 1"'-1She who marries for love,' Miss ocrelli said, 'entera heaven wth ,her eyes shut! Sho who mar- ries wVititut love entera hell witli tliem open.'" -1 RELIABLI IUDICINE FOR YOUNGl OILDREN Boiby's Own Toblets are a safe zneticinç for al lutthseues. They are guaranteeti by a gevemumient analyst te be absolutely free from-, opiates aud other itammful drug- that in wity so many motiers-will give their baby notliinâ'elsel'Vite way of medfile. Concerning them Mms. Jolin.Tliompson, Coutta, Alta., sys: uI have given my baby, when needed, Baby's Own Tabiets andi think f;ley aire thte best remedy fer- constipation I have ever us.ed. - 'I would net be witilout them lun'Vhe liuse." The Tablets are sohd by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box frein The Dr. WViliams' Medicine Ce., Bmckville, Ont. Noted for -Ris iLearning anti arul Work. Those who think they have-a great deal Vo do may profitably consider te facta that' Mr. Erice]Robertson, la ha "Wordsworth andthé'iteEng- liait -Lake Countryv," lia,% collccted cencerning. a clergyman who liveti more than a century uago. Peuple -f a fa-r bu-ier ake will net dispute Vjisma's rglit te -the titie of "wonderful," given hlm in Wes-t- morelanti, and i w-Il agrec wit-h bis fellow dahesmen- that lie -wà,. l- deedl, of the Sstrotiner fowk."ý The Rcv. Robeet Walker, wlio be- came minister afid sclieolmaster cf Buittermere, was ncted for long work and hard work. He wrote lis oîvn sermons, anti di-d duty twice every Sunday; on we-I.ek-tays hie rose between three ar-;d four. Besi.lcs keeping the -uholie plowed, plauted, sliep- herded -on the Fellsclippeti-or 'saived, mowet inluhay-time witli 1scythe. lu haru'eat-timne with eickle, al for lire. Iu the ainter everi:ngs le spun1 anti fashlonedi hie owu clethes,-knit- ted or mentiet is eau stockings, anti matiebils own boots f rom- bua- ther cf lis eau tanuing'; Whe.n leo fointi leisure fer a walk, lue isua.llyt came home withu stores'of acul gaul-E ered from t-ecs anti hetiges.1 Hewan doctor, laver sud îu-si-1 îess extpert te lis pariaIt,- for ho dt'ew p al ailla. -ccnveyauces anti1 otiter coven-auts, balanceti accounts. anti often accompaniedi furmers te market as general adiviser. . Frout Buttermeme. Walker went I 'o Tover, anti aftem lis niarriagelite* settieti ai Leathwaite. alieme, on a lerical endeawment of fi-e poundis a man, but lu alI- manner cf .culer capacities for suty-sevsu years. - There lbe taugi .t adliol in the churci, using 'Vhe communion table for t-he writing bassons, anti spin- ning as lie taugit. He aas-learnedi lu fossils and astrcnomy. collecteti butterfiies, sud studiedi the preper- ies cf the atut-osphere. Evemy Suindus-. upon the long table ai -ehichlile -las been diescrili- ed as sittîn)g'- itI a chuldi ou lis kuee., aeî'eseî'vstimesses of broth for~ the refresîmeut cf members 'i)f his 'congregaiion aho ca-me f rom a dist'inc'- andttok iacts a-s part )if hie hotischold. lie hati twelu e chil- dii-en, a-l cf whoinulit-settiet lu ife. Iin 180-2.' -u lis ninety-third year-, le t-iied-acnth twe thoisatpounidq. Ris goiti lcoine lad, never exceeti- cd forty pouuutis a Year. "He waas," s bidlis neiglibors, "'yan cf the nient stîctiner fowk as8 jyvver Jiveti-if le ledh't led te rbçrai se -,zain for a livin'." euCKLY StdoPSCOucNS. UNES 'COLDBS, WHAT HE DID. "M-friend," said 'te alend -man, "hbave you ever- doue aught '6make'te communit'y in -Which you ive 'te, btter for your- living in itil, i hâve, doue mucit, ir," -rêplied. the ;other itutbly," pr- fy the homieis cf my fellowbeinig." -"h"cou'inued 'Vite aoeiizi o 'with a pleased air, -"vou diitriuVe -tractst"!Noj I1eian copte?", f10é Cuianiged hue MIuuuu. x.tvvsiaau .ot4o d a coàtin cf ice.-, Tte paýht lead'g frodi'ite ,bara t* 'he* ai.td treacherýou-sily,; n eitier hand. On See aide of it was ýan old cehiar, where the hou». had -once etooti. Jones, wsscomting f rom te boimu, ofter - dolngz the -memning chores, witii a pairlof milk in eVeh hiad. He was juat oeposte 'te ceh- 'loir wlien-zzzt!i-eut fiew hi feet and down lie went on bis bàck.. .-Thte next instant he bac! sid in a sitower of mihk over the' edge of te- cehhar hohe, and land do te bottuni with a thuutp that f irly teck away his -ifreatit. H e looked oround in a dazed way 'for a moment; and then croiwhed te ie feet. Alter making reoisonoibhy sure ithat noue cf bis boues were broke-n, he climbed eut and went limpiàg- into 'te hense te tel -is wife. "Matilda! -Mitil<da?! he called. -"Comi-gut here l" >Obediently she came. "Why, Hi- ram, what itos hoippene.d? Are yeu -hurt?" aIt.exehaineti, stsrthed.. "Yens," oiswoied.Je-ne-s.'"I fell down tit old cellarwoiy. Ceme here and M'I show you." Mms. Joues fcllowed lier huabanti gingiriy. "See, Matilda4" he said, as lie reaclied thte spot andti tnned, 'IL stood rikht hem. ike tiIs when-"l Once morý' Joues's feàt flew up, and lui preci-sely the sanie manner as beforelie landeti in the bottom of the celloir. Silence reigued while Mrs. Joncs gazedi ot the spot wliere heïr ituaband- hRd etood. -Tlen _she eaw his head apýaa4g..ovger.théMp of te bonk. "iiriam," she aqiti, "yoii needn't -explain any further. I untierstapd exactly how it wa-s doue."- But Hiram'.s answer wois a thor- oughly ill-tezupereti grunt. TUEA AD COFFEE IURTS One in Three. Tt la difficult te makc people lie- lieve tînt tea and coffe. are a 'poi- son te at leant eue person eut 'of every thrse, but people are slowly fintiing it eut, ltîcugh thousantis cf titeu sufer terribly lier. they discover the fat. A New York itotel man soya: "Eaah time after tirinkiug colle. I became restless, nervous and ex- aitet, se tat I waV unable te 'it five minutes lu eue place, was aise inelinedt t vomit andi sufferet f rom bass cf sleep, whicli get- wemne anti worse. "A lady gaiti that penitapa coifée was 'te cause cf uty trouble, and suggested that I 'ry Postum. (Tea is just as harniful as coffes because t contains caifeine, 'te saute drug fountinlucafee). I laughed at the thougît that coffco hurt me, but site insistedi se hardititat' I fiually lad some Postuut made. 1 have been. usiug it lu place of cofee ever ince, -for I ucticedi 'Vat aIl my fer- mer norveusuens anti irritation dis- appeareti. I began 'Vo slecp perfect- ly. and 'hs Postuni tasteti as gooti cm better titan 'hse ldieof ee, se aitat waa 'Ve use of a'icking 'Vo a bevemage that aas iujuriug me?> "' One day on an excursion up 'Vhe country I remarke t t a young lady f risuti on lier greatiy improveti appeamalîce. She expluinedthaVît soute tume befere alie lad quit usiug ,coifee andi taken Pestum. Si. had gaineti a number cf poundis and hiem former palpitation cf thte leart, itumming lu the cars, trembling cf the hiants anti legs anti other dis- agesable feelings lad disappearedi. She recommendet i mete quit cof- feo anti take Postunu anti aus verv muel suu'prised te Lundi thut I itadi aleady matle the change. "She saiti lier brother lad alec eeived great benefits froîn le-tv- iný off eofee anti taking q,, Ptus- tus." "Tliere's a reason." . Sgwsr read thie abovs leter? A new ans- apper from imne tSa Sue. They ors csnuine, rue,,and.t cii et humen Inierest. A r)1SCOVEPY. 'What geeti do. '0u 'Suppose .thte duscovemy of the Seu-ilh Poloelias "I d'in'î know exactly. But off- itandi I shoulti say 'Viat Amuudsdn- l as ot!leant found* oe eplace, ihere the roasa aren"V foreirer temu- up,& rý_ repaimDA"-W- îtgrs,'-fdecided, : Dodd's K-idney -Pillais, and fter, taùg thirèe boxes, I wau as ill-as eve? I.was in- my lite. - I have,;had, no ýpain sncandi . dvise al MY f %,end whosuifer f rom ftkidney dis-: ease to -tàke D&lcd's -Kidney'Pills and be cured." - Mmr. Mallette's case shdws whaV neglected -kidney'disease wil1 resuit in and what splefidid results IDodd's Kidney PiýIS give. MYSTERY 0F BIRD-FLIGHT. A curioûs foit conier.ing birds is that the *iip of the- wing movea at prseticaly te samle speed in every opeci. .Thigss 5feet perrminute, or nearly 7y2 miles per'hour. Whe- ther it isa- ha tiny! wren, or the huge s'ork, the rule hoWs god, and even the. bee 7céme.s withiu it. Thus the bee hasa a wing only a quarter-inc' h long, the spariiow's wjfg is four incites, alnd'te storke t'wenty- seven. ftut t4~ bees wiug bea.t 11,400 tim a in a minute, the apar- row's 720ý2 and the stork'z cnly 105' times. If. You multiply together the leugth cof ÃŽhei wiigSud the number 1of beate ýýou willi get -almost exaetly the sanie ý-êsult ýn'te three case- nAniely, $tork., 2.835; bee, 2,850; sparrow, But if ever a ma- chine. is ms-de -te fly like a bird it will have ýo devtlop far more ener- gy than duese fig u rés stand f or. A bird'a etu7ergy f flight ia not so, great as îý aupp sed. Aitheu-gl such askilful flièrs whýn aloft,,,many hirds cannot ri4e f romt level gmound. WOM!H1E NEEÉD CIN PULLS». ~I ws oui~diPort Dufferin. N.48. wasoù14dwitb idcney . Diseaiee for seerl yeamsà. - My back was wéak. I had t ýeheadsches and aus Bnrest- les that Il couid btai seep ai nightL At lat s frie'd tld me about Gin 'Pilus. I. a t once. 1M a hobiW'sud after taklng tbem I feu hetjem-after three -boxes I wae cured. 11 W-rit usi 'ETI DALCOMBE." Wrten for free samele ,of Gin Pisf te try. Tien geL the regular size boxes at yonr deàler's o direc. frin us 00e. a box. 6 for 02.50. Itfoney refunded if Gin Pilla fail to cure. National Dmng & Chemiral Co. of Canada, Limited. Dept. W.L., Toropto. -REASON WHY. "Were you reas-ick crossing the ocean, tV 1 "Qi w'as turrible siçk,-comin' over, but nivvýr a qualm did'Oi hov go- ini' ack."P ' 4Éeallýr? Hojw do you account for that 1" "Sure 'and Qi nivver wint back, yure Hoýur.xy The Rýial Liver Pill-A torpici iver meaus- -a disordered system. mental depression, lassitude and ln the end, if -care lie net taken, a chronie state of -debility. The very best me4icine to areuse the iver te healthy àetion is Parmelee's Vege- table Pilîs. They'are compounded of purelyý vergetable substances of careful silection and no other pis have thèir fine- qualities. They do not gripp or pain and they are agreeablo to the most sensitive stoffiach.i Keep Ã"on the way, but net in the woiy. MInard's 1Liniment f or sais evsrywfters. When ýa womoin's hair begins te fail out at 50, she knoi*s it's be- icause al hem family begin te lose theirs Ibu young. TO C RE A COLO IN ON£ DAY TraeLAXTV ROOQiInàaee ED. 4 , xrWMd e osnî çà eangng cotOr)-. 1,ed ie suppoied to have la-purify- ingpqwer, and penha pe clearoithe This u'Viie-,origin of te J&aon- ese ouëtoni 'of .using wýhite costumes -it_1iddng ,b'tmuypup in - mhodem ,Japan do. -noV any- longer have 'time to' bother ýtheir, heàds with itheae questions- cf - color, 'aàd, aimply go ahead and marry oie- cording 'Vo 'te acScpted cnstomi, with no thought of wliat the. colors A WONDERFUL DISCOVERYS An eminent scientist, tii.otiier day, gave has opinion titatztite- -ost- wondeiful diséovery of recent- yeoirs was 'te dlncovery of Zoim- Buk. Juat'tint! As accu as a single thin layer of Zam-Buk le oip- plied t'o a wounld or a sore, such lu- jury is insuredi againat bhood poi- son! Net oee species of microbe. liea been fbnud titat Zoim-Buk dces, Mot kihi ! Tiien again.> As zoo-nas Zam- Btuk la applIedi te a Bore, or a, eut, or te skin disease, iV stops'te smaring. That la why children are sucit frientis cf Zoim-Buk. Mothers should neyer forget tuis. A'gain; As scen as Zamn-Buk Isa appliedti'o a wound or 'Vu a diseased part, te colis benbati thie. skiu's'I surface are 'se atimulatedth iat new healthy tissue 'l quic-khy . forned Titis forming cf fresit iealtty tissue f rom bèlow -l aru-Buk's secret cf lieuling. The tissue thus formed la worked up te Vlie surface and liter- ally casta off 'te çllseased tissue, aboeoit. That ilaçwhy Zam-Butl cures are permanent. Only, the other day Mm. Mursh, cf loi Delor imier *Ave., Meontreal, calleti upon'te Zam-Buk 0o. sud old tem that for ever tweuty-fiveI years lie hat been a martyr téo cc-1 zema. Ris haun were at eue time se covered with serea that lie lad te slep lu glevea. Four years ago Zamn- Buk was introtincedt i hm, anti in a few months it curet i hm. Te-day --over tliree years alter lis cure of a- disease lie liad for twenty-five years hla sstill perfectly cured.. Ail drnggists seli Zamn-Buk at 50c, box, or we will send free trial box if you seu'd titis ativertisementt anti a le. stamp (to pay 'eturn postage). Atidresa Zamn-fuk Ce., Toreîute. sUSPICIOUS. Bank President-"What's tii. matter 7" Bank Vice-Presitent-"I wasý justi tiiking. 1 sot next te cuir casher lu dhurci yeaterday, anti I dont quite like the way lie singa- 'Wil Titey Mina Me Wlen I m. Gene?'" STry Norine Eye Romely WFa5magtr(tlng-FesIo Fuse--Acte QnlcklY. T u sT17 lta: lid. Wek, Watery eMgo. Yo grr OmnlatdF.yellda Illuptteir aook n ah Pck-ego.MURtSS e' 1cas- £1 0 = udotbforOcle-ea"ratent SEam a lePractuce for mn 6beiie iusasy ucetyea5 DW~Wdedieated te the Publie aud salutb &IggtotWe'per battls. MarIE na e ys Sa-enluAsePSie l'ube,, Sic-Mf. 4Wz ý Marins Eye Remedy Ce., Chicago ONLY ONE OBSTACLE. < Benevolent Peson-"You have- been laid up for six moutha and un- able te get work! What was your cornplaint ?" Thte Man fromn Prison (moumuaful'- ly)-' Tit' wulls was toc 'igli, kinti lady." It le lu Dern;and.-So great la the demnandi fer Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 that a large factory is kept con- tinnaliy bisy making anti bcttling it.- To be lu demanti shows popular appreciation o 'hs preparatioîi, whicit stands ut the head -cf pro- prietary compounds as the leading 011 lu the market, anti it l gerier- alI4 adruitteti that'it la .l eserving of ths leîd. A girl's itisa cf an eligible mani is one who wauts, te marry hier. idin-oardsLiniment rCures Butrus tc. fflN CuI- CYRTA 1N DiNCO. Box 233 mentresg ziÀ 3TGiýmr Vrx ]tlàm 0RE05O2 a Proteot -proe1serve -Beautlfy, Samples sud Booklete on Application JAMS LNOMIR 00, Lmlted 18741 flothuret StreeÏ TORONTO IAction, imulet oui the ~OTTO HIGEL. Piano Action Befere you h.ýve finished th8n- world will do tosou one of thre thinga :-'It will mnale your heart> very soft, very hird, or else break it. No one escaPes. Only the uninformed endure the agony of corns. The knowing elles apply Hollow ay's' Corn Cu re and get relief. IRecognized as tihe leading speci- fie -for the destýIîctictn of werms, Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor has proved a boon to suffering- children everywhere. It seldom I consider 'MINiAD7S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment io use. I got my foot badlyý jamimed lately. I batbed it well witb MINARD'S LINIMENT. and il wae as well aà es-ar nem.' day. Yours; very truly. '1G. IMeMULLEN.. A high -and noble spirit will ma- nifest itself quite as clearly liv the way in W'hicli it -receives a faver as by the way in which it-.bestows one. PILES CURED I1H O TO 14 DAYS. Yourdregg*Il? wili ratund m,)ney i PAZO uIS4T- MVINT 'faits ta cure &nY calb Of LSurlind or au chasrge to auj' lady', who^Win ieil Ifty sets of our. , tdy ouo Graeting and otiier'post- osrds. ot le cents as set (six beautîful carde ln saok ' The. lock Là a perfect, tlsuskeeper, in beautitful aud artlstlo golit pla'e frame, Juaft lhe picture. Ib la aine juches tal, aud *111 trace the,'iarlér of any onfiendus aUwlut carde,-s011o aneaeily sarn a clock is few bonri, .$end us - vour name; and we -- wlli seatt yoen the .jç'rds. Wheu. -the7 are. -sold ;sH< drUirthe. mouey», afld we sond au tec1k , arefullIy packed, aniS Hom-er- ,Warn Co., H. W. DAWSON, ?4lnsty sborne Street, Toronte. F Nagara Rive.r, wel lanted. Revenus Ml1 nearly thirty per ceut. ou pries asked. 4 BEAUTIFIJL FAIM 0F TW0 HUN. dm4 sund -ninety acres on- St. Josephe LIsland, -*!th fine bouse. nP4o- date barn and ontbuldings.' Owuer wishes to devote hie lime to other busines. so wil, seli cbeap -for, quick gale. Full par- ticulare furnished ,ou application. I N DRED AID FIFT-Y.-SEVEN ACRES iu Norfolk County; six acres -fruit. up-to-datç bouse; ne ,w bank ban.n a' sery desirable -proper.t£ At a bargain. 1JUNDRED AND FIFTY ÂCRES-WITH -&ILgood bouse, twD barns, ten perea orchard; in County Pe-el. &A. eal snai). NEfflHUNDRED ACRES-GOOD HOUJSB Oand outbusldings: ,near Teeswater. A\ flret-ass farm worth the money. N IDEKÊ FAIM 0OF TWO HUNDREX> A acres ia County of Weillingtou. -ivitii fine brick bouse;, good outbuildings; cau be bougbt, ou easY, teçùms. 'L 0f 1sice wth Huudi'ed a c oofi Timber; W0 acres spple o rid; .ond- Frame Rouie; two Barns. Can be bougbi riglit. fi!WENTY-FIVE ACRE FRUIT PARMl- TNear St. Catharines; Brick Hlousa; Barn; tirenty acres, planted. Can bs bought very reason-able. O NE 0P TE IBEST FRUIT FARMS IN 0St. Catharines District-Fiftv acres. thlrty -of which are planted:- Elegant Hanse. aise Cottage und fine outhuildinra. Will b. sold on easy ternis. ORTY ACRES - Si' CATHARINES F Bungalo and Cottage sud good ont. buildings. Thirty- four - acres planted lu fruit, and a money- maker. The owner wishes to retire and anxionBt ste oel. IHAVE MANITOBA. ALBERTA. SAS. katchewau and, British Columbia lande. -.both improved and uniruoroved, la quar-ter. bal& or whole sections. aise ln larcer lots dn te. five Iiundred thonsand. acres. If thinking of investini, in> West. ern lands it ie te your interest toeconsulLt me. 'Phonos- Main 6991, Park 527. H. W. DAWSONf, ToFonte. '~ACRES-THIIEE MILES PROM LON. 0 don market, soil navelly Clay loam; two-story brk.ck bouse; frarne lianis barn; Z miles to High school; -bel! mile t-- Publie' school.- Will ekchange for larger farm. Western Real Eîtate. London, Out. 1 9 ACRES IN MIDDLESEX COTTNTY- Ssoul rieh cday loam: tac' dwel. linge. largebarn -and othor authuildinge:; 2 miles to gooci Market. Western - Real- EsZate, London Ont. an ACRES IN hPJ-CE COUNTy-,SIL ~P7heavY eday loam; 33 acres timber: frame bouse: harn and gr."narys: prie $1600. WilI exchange for rity.. town or village preperty. or for larger farm. Western Reaul Estate. London.- -MALE HELP WANTED. Bledigo Potradn;l'I~,luf e l dys ~1'EARN TO BE àA TELEGR.APII OR- NiStation Agent. Big demand for muen. Frep Book 18 exnl.qjnq work îund wages. HATE IT. JDominion ScbofTelegràphy. Toronto. "I hope yeu are.net binigin1îg- up MISCELLANEOUS. ycîtm children te svership utoiýey, AY.dFIM CLS. Wia. ilawk-.n," said Diltbhleigh. '11 Scale- ?JOrkl4. 9'i Es;i,mn'is ' 'tin'nuun "No, indeed,"- sigle-t Haakiqs. -1~ ANCER.- TUMO RS. W~MPS.- etc. In- "Wity, I)ubb, uty chiltiren despuse* C îernal. sud externý1. ctlrèd .vl-ýhout rnoney so muteluiitt thee minute a Main hy Our. home -trea-tmusot. wrIte uli- dollar comes their av the- get id Lzi.Ci joo ocd~a , Ont MdclO. cf it as f ast as -they eau.6 TON BCÂLE OGUAaA,'NTEE.D. Wliabon' - càle Works. 9 l'pasTe.orniâta Bickle's Anti-Consunuptive Symîîp - SedorFeBokivag fueeds nu ec-omncetlaion. To all IT fullp iuasof TRENCH'4 -Who are farniliar wlth it it spe'uks Iri~RËME-DY,,tbCeWoldfamntin firr~ ~ ~ ~ ~FT iaf. Y c us" * cure foýrufpileps.y and Tif-e. fo tef ears fus ni the i REo Simple, home îreatmt7ntý- cramn f ccldjp'uuci cougls antid lmn 25 yu'ars,' ic(t trementTcstimoi'ials (rom 9siL aIl affections cf 'VIe tiro-at ha-,, ln- U lCJparts of the-womid. Over 1.0G0 in nee -ar questheuably estallshed 115 îplae RNHSR'EIE U4T~l- arnong tlhe veî'y beat medicines for 107 St. James, Cliaxbers,. Torani;. ssl diseases. ' If yotî gis-c h a tial Youu aili -net regret it' You will - Lu.ndi lu25 cents well invstet!. NTWfl Pi uigl' M- A good friend te Vuiltiv.lte is your own conscience.- Mlaf in-mn.Rtee euaga IFOR ioME __ DYIN AN Ti'.V %eaWiiJLA. A ICTORIA LUISE R . %y M55)0Tans) 0 Ho ew' Terk Ne,. 12i 1912, FeemS&iFe'nciSoF*b.27 1913 saf. le mbdi(A là' hamod. M C . '.&i «pria-1- uiovez Constabýuhary_ ]y. .transfe'rred - ovrnznnt fter si -#ower la given hy the.IL h Poirliament to dm ansfer of the -cid age peu nourance Act te its ýCQhtr g a ycar's-notice te the The Irisht Parliametjt is rom altering thie: Hon4m the power4o appea1 tio Provision la made f cr t 1on qif religieus -eqha1ity a11.-1ndstipulatinig t-jiý. arhia*u, ent - cannot mak - r'oenidewsny religion,- o give ýà preference or p ýny eligion ýor to maje~ guc us ceremonY a condtic» oftyet ny emarragL. The.-4Lrd 'Lieuenant-of ta tq' hav -th<;,powe.r to-e tpend anýý-bill on the instr teImp'eýia1, Execuùti ve. Any questio'nregad'gt preVationt cf t-lie-HomeR te boesehe by appeal t >1 .YOug*oI TWQ 1PLAYO0I T is a story ab3out ai o - ived in 1a, amalil h4 eséaIlhore with lier f4, tlefand whe lia<- nc d-sidrs ef her cswij ama B er namew+ and bè4e se had neo 04 wi-th, siusedi te ,."àak-&l --Mab 's playhouse -s the plilyliouses e-1 other wajs onl the side qt a -led~ top cf 1he -eld behind- hé -house Site -"made -beli( teege was a ]ight; - 'thut sk was -the -keept light.;- An old -tin 1àntw eti t a bromstick, whi had pusii&1 well into a 'te ledTge, w-as the ligltt Mabel1 would say te 14 -she wa*s,'te igbthouse-kee *she kcPt a* 'watcliM 1eye"- that came _round. 'te Pol had 'a <oxrtable seat i~ formation cf te rocks,ý a, a.natural -armehair, - w- seat, so! broad that she h ler witele'lengtit on- la. - ,seat faeed the7bav. ýand i aboya it that the: light lb here Dinah, thei a4ssst4i house-keeper, generalv- r ý tDinali was a big, bLack k Mabel'sËiother had Madi - Ae ad -blue beads, forey~ -pink sil>r'nesel and agb- worsted y-ýneuth. .Herfîhar k'l;nky -afiga vaveled black -i cud malte it; audi ïas a làded blui càhco? emed bya browngihan The - assistant lighthols jssupsed te tend when Mabel .was not there!] ený sait-box g ave the assts n e ed sheter 'f romýýo box was a littlelsýort-fe, I- Jengtli, so that ier lieges doubledi under te get her~ IV lutte{ But Dinah dia Mabel hladTIoid hem'rf il -'~ ~ ~ ~~~o' igtos-eees vr aad Flors-. 1 MabeL shoot be r a ishouldn t like that Iuýnd i adIcduldx't.ast anv y te -tea. 1because' - th9ea# iitip, gir1g, for miles andi "'0dea'! P1.Ila 1*Ilisttr, and o ylyateit. "euinust New it wsmabel, s tuti tu prsed

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