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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Apr 1912, p. 1

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t.8 lai». - I. [rCô,etfo be 'a 4ri 4pite of: the 'a people look, icns4' of evil', e *ô th-rew a ý,taiieu' glass Churcx, Whit- w lq the soutll, man o Aken -dawn.0 'he doctors ague. Wc ring cotigh, :lbnrlUyour mtadvenced' os.., »u~ -N,.~ the ply toslf or te TOR- omptly attrded a be made fi a- e ach yeai itoet ýýa .1111 ~'i1l ~ s f Wheî oeemid o a total vreck a±al1 Iilow, rty years - s, ir, the world.- - ._ _Î- 7 - _ aiSty bouse closets' were alse ibttêd, 'sud a wlndow. ent for n botli tvenings the hall was weli ,eo weea number u ofnvlug 'pic- b éesilown. Ailicutres 1usd a rig upon. Vhe subject of heal th. Sillustrated tile old * ndl- the new bods *et conducting a dairy. An- r picturéê 1the propagation anid riftilu of -the house fiy, ëhowing k-ofth Viedangers f rom Ibis _ peslt. bthez picture portrayed-e, case o!t umPxntlou, uluowing unsanitary siir- idings, and what cculd lie _done lntelgent effort Vo' improve-con-i "Muàei b.t"the. optaiwl'ad,- As lover uan1k the lher. Tie . eoulduet of tluut nubbl man Couid ueer -bave lises-lier. The. loasawere--quiekly f*11.4, sir, Tho' tiiere vas acmun delay, Wiiea coble wlv-us rebed toquit Whsn their iuhu dus ad ta ta. But soon'tAie beats hsd lf s -Aad oui at >bpe hua gene, 'And'w ew ev tii.Urewehad lai t grand sbut a" qu e green shaded stree tt 0 the flowsrs ,',il n siouh<; vban, eripîoyes. rn es aÇ^ý lvo and't-i vues sucil foi] iriafalgar and, enWted, b inii times enter"al 4but, nas, 'ý Ni onsa ill lt lu~at the t . rna a. nt- DECISION IN;WIND-7 - The-,-Lis -Commissiosera Soutil OstirIo, met ithée- Co ,,,,.iC-jhainber on Monday. Tiie item i si g k f iiîet iirest biisore Vhem. vas 1h11 MA)ymatter' e-ofa-1license for thie WIII -jpit la ~ House.. An,,applicatilon had 1 made ly gr. McCheyùe,.tii. purli talde, glovaws ueuee franwlcne nry sprlng, ofthehKezl fr e cne McKnithe preseat liossas hol and -gèt Dr tires, 7- hitby. Manag:r. ff iteais, L.WAY Uberta aes eaèh- i and'-Aberta, - Oat Lands of 'owf open for i lieet land to b11- aftared. Ouerl Pag. -~ ly >expoui 'J Si US Wor.e oeeil or gradua.. d Maroh, aeording Vo derlui tesD."'t file-.YOD never vai, Tieughjrpraton na mure.iniioiate roti -C"I-or yen. Gs free- cati to.day. 'Central Business Ci veogeandl Ueirrgrd-Sti.,, Tp Sh B Baw realident. VMe babies ii Vii. ameulits-ta 6,80m yearIy. At. lent 23,500ofthèise dra*thS are .avoidAle. _____- . HEALTHGRAMS.! - SvaVVile fiy. 5 Kîlil eAles ýor-tiiey ma.kili yeu-. me,,fiyswatted la ý-yseav'es a mil- les lion av1 at . là-AÀ gust." -- ,Gettifig nid pt'fileés t uh~s riai, and, sexpèn$ivo 4than gttîng fr14 ef te t.yphid. Allew filee te swar m' iu.ýyeuri store car. and ffour.trade wvA l y ra y.- Net -very 'fty vilicil cernes -a*nig is -u.u cdry diseuse gera, but muny et tiln ae, sd ypou can'L Voel vlcli <s ilck.Ta5e e i-noch» e-at all.* No spit--no cou% oupViozu. - 'rebilvi1 vur,-klled 205,700 in four -- yeas-consuMnption kilsi 800,000 in * hiis coetiry ( iS) atour years. I3k, *f variiiell-wilat, la consumption' - -Cossumùpion is a dlrty ait disems., Pure air sut sunâiine are ta worst irl~g eneniles. - a [k ' it Vi t e fre sil air habit and you ll ith 9i1nllht siaifresil air kfll eerma -Toaslnw. b«by to e t V Iugcl s oi Thi on isfer irea.auug; .ý writing sud other ,ýoloeI - r a n g 1 r p aiig o . ' 'û l è F. Et LUKE, vacation udug ugJiy emd l-, be large and populhr Ont.. do-m mot. Stiiet d- rut Agrk 'Cruetraimn',gfer illoas are lnvlîerd ta write for M"i. Xâ1eF ubw If you Cat. r eW ow kis moUe ~luatlen, tii. nearer'w8--giit te 9 save Viousais'on tAie ace. A' po-ltted tfaâil fi nidefac badge et Ignorance Don't weariiiat bedge.- BABY DONT'$.-- At lut bw.Ia.o&bcetc0". last -pinge' WAtt ber,-ibréùjng ihumasutre*gti (3aUIng for. hslp tat Until it'vWÜ" tee late. I "oud mys«ifluthe vater, air,. Wl 1th oets ufa -imue. But iim weter wus 'y !0* -Tha ome by oey 14 Tiie séddenly 1 Sa*va rat, Àüd a Ballot on il .14d, l'Hoid out a'nuluute -longer, mt, Tiien h6grabbed ie by tii. 4S& Wordu oenmot tell tlijoy,,I -feit- To, be uWved frein thie 'stey AleeP, But nov va1 tvsUtint iit I chaider ilumy "ep, And tAies amacame uviMmigI> y,ý - It's'urut k1ppr," *thi, sallor"1,. "oLend hlm ahandr and Pull hàm' But 11h. Captai atuook -i e "Nne My ms"he noblysid, "«Do't zry ta rescue mne, I'm gonsg to tollov My Ship that's To -the bottom of thie-usa." Tbonebch. tbrev up bis bandsavqdd unk, air, la a@b deptila oft t ste cold sa. Thus euded the. lite c! ii. braWest mn= lu, -ail the-. uhli's Comupaniy» W. drlthd about for butin and hers, -TuE tme Paà se e 1 a g 'lowo That uianygave ùp hope&>d 8uk -Toei liwalery grave,'eoê- And theu thirê-out tii. g8o1001 tre on. solltari lfght. Amid we1ui.vw,îàboa-I - wttclue band'- - , '~~'*'i f Il J-Dos't forget baby nee a ter to d n, e I oiî'f. - - Dont gîe tics vutr. * Do5't. give -bor it a coféeor te. Don't glive î dndy or fruit.' Donit chel -w ay's food for tt., Do't alev"li te Suolitts.thuun..- -Don't malce à plàything of At. AEJbOGYAMS. G t a ro~ ir ,habit. Closed witdows arce pes avenues oekulu ý e*,f air M-lî aItuews ràekus ceks andý îie--os. racmingw stucu e , sub»i ie s zr- ,Iromn out ilgil position, lookhig uersn by Mr. ýChrîsbian, wGuiê mle particularly. at the' townu, taie star.t iasc ~pi Lades Coleefc>mely k~o~ S large uum, for -the--good-wULD-;»tsmi-- Trà,faIgar <Jastie, -stands- out clear iol 1 1 ýw e eut'-agamèt Aile sky and -surrouudins A -deputation was preêSentfrenom0*- lss»scape ;- an imposiag whits .lii ick lv oetaantti ae e bulý"ig, cohsidered by ttie_,puplisr d o oves some .of Vthe own's folk, to be. -'Hla4or l in ht tavu by bouse- te hous the pride of Ontario, if noV heDo- solcitation *sad taie délivery' .vithii mule»o.Te br'ight dome et -thisCourt. thé town ta consumera by brevettes. sh it teo~les of-svrlc ce, The Board gave the delegatiios te t itrocof!oVilhedrill slXad, Vi , ientMtitthyculhoecn vilie rune o Pery's asta sho iag l tthe V ii.fng ef orders Bont te out- ;C,,.,rly tiirougil tii.dark greuies ~ ad loeae and -tii.' cluster of houmasa wa î;;. large Union cemetery,, sud --tilsmain.A iI~ a a » ro44 VoVils east are al pelint e1 in- f f l I& 5 teirest. For lant it ini the to'.* faixr____ andl elovtsloa trials Vilni the. lêteti The le 014Girls' AssoCiation conter- of Vths town <s aken. Are net V1Ie red upon Vile play lovera cf Whtby a. grounds about the. ruine eoftthe old reai pleasure whes they arrssged to caitie Vile best Place ia tVho '0" t1 have Vile Dickens Fellowsip Players [bid a picc 'for thec cildren,* and of Toronto present Vile comedy, Out ao~ net ile cometty c,iîLaistilç Mutual Friend, lu Vfilatavu.' Tb,@. bonored romains of Vthe greÇatosV uf tle, very large audience which greeted 'the [toývn1S citizens? 1compauy showed bow, muci tie- peo- aaeassing down Vile-illlwe tit8thVie ple sppreciated viiet tii. 014 Girls' tê¶v about seven o'cloe&c. How fretb arp .daing, and tise vas, a complimnent tUi air 16, and how hirigltt and -beau- toe-i.amateur actera whe aucceuîful-, t1týIl the wide streets, witil the -tal w aented-the play. To tha .ener- pié'pes almost meetinig tdOVhOad in a osîty e1 Miss Mary -Bengougui, herseu inise of green grandOur ; but 110W a Wa1Vby 014 Girl, is due tii. ipsfit 0 , ly ? NoV a person, in Vo -b. smens tue ie ree Library, for Vhs players J wI.11taiVle exception et a solttary dé- came wiVhout. expe#se Vo. the-01 î4usta looklng man witil a stièk Girls, as Miss 'Béncu&h's coutribu- ovr bis rigilt sioulder on_,whléil ilstioi t ltei brary.- eabreandle.. wrapped ln a >red ba- ri, Te -eiit characçtera us is pln ndstuaii, f r ttownu lsa-ahavesfotrhllled' Lii.-dïtâclutt âlge 4 to ta~ps each in _£ _very. accurate aid -perfect <lVe passa-on titougil the. mafliettet mauer, andl 011000111(1we1 imaine- ~sfjhe -Vowu on ltilr aie a e veitint lit. Dtekens must bave 1usd ini huâEt stores suàd hotel.la number et hiàmlud' y uts eilpoiosfor wvleol are, occupled. ; len' ve- corne hscilaracters. Tii. four, acta 'woee ta!&e two'llvely places cf the 'towii, ail excellently carrled eut., t"_ stg-. tW backe-Cacto - sud tannery. ;Hei:e-ing iielng vTery Wll,,»dons irith taie ___________________ ______cosvèleùýScelit. hss. TÉ&- audie * - ~ ' * tîeougby etered ""t- the à Jrit o _____________________tic la -"aiu&,gave mn Iuteoke"tc - I ~tilir l"isanovmat. - - "Il ýheart) ra. *t r~I' Strong, is 0F CANADA MONEY ORDEMS FORI,-SMAL Safiety convenienceànd Iow cét uie MoueY Oircs issued- by tbis Bank a moùst n wayodfM& stomm anypafof Canada 10$5..c $IOtào$30 ... 1< $t$O.6r»- $3O-to $5O... 15 Draftsa saued for larerlamounts. Savimge Bank)Dpa riment at EveryBr *UAWA 3. P. OWENS, Newa nd * Nsw MaPis *FirÊt of the season, 40e qt $1 Hous-1 eaning. Dubafe, the floor-cleane.r OIdDut'4' the dirt rembover la sOc' r'ec - tue acts ettive et , ni.mbers otAiers linte-- fanes, sund su IL beha afootball e Phoine, 4. MAR mAtIT

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