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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Apr 1912, p. 2

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workshop f4;r ~mcsi ieoyedonl 'l~e~snf.Heos r4dse i ~* however, and he te4 -liti tt titon tW the m anu- oke- cf boilenuê -and other 'mach- rfor shipg.* When_ a - reguhar LI was dnawn brp,'alter-.tbe hast 'y!th Franie'for the býjxIling navy, the fsrsh of Egelli.bocame mitjcI 1eomp , and undertook )id shies o &aIl desc-riptions. i79'tiseý ý' d of the Nonth Man stnct o0m- y,- created ai teeu- ycans previ- y, ene -p, chased sud in-, Mwe8. on anamtis scale. mu that date thl1 1902, -visn they ,e taken.over by the celebrated ïpp flnm,- they turned. eut moyen &él. fox the in eriai navy, with- neokoanig to peddô'beats fan ' many,' " Braz I; Turkey -sad Lij~&in,-- 4$k: anr number cf mer. ut ships, for., ariouroountries. 5 onedo boat ,G-21, launched in 5,attainod a 'ped '-f eighteen dos, a record cr e in thçêç days. 'he- ad vent of tl Krupp'company *Ie' astil ;mther -advance. ge aumns ,ve-ne mecriatehy spent a prietieilly n w plant, te- which nmous aclditiosis have since been A, LARGPâ STAF?. 1huncinedi b workmen -wene ofully -trained,f and, a keen be-k-'« W40s maintainjd. for mon with' i Weas'. - At mpeent lhe Ger- nila wanke may e ciae«darnong Smoast extensive and best eqqip- 1, îu exiotence. *They cover ,ai- ot,. M wres,-* he building docks are ight in nber, A ninth i. .projected ior p. '225 metdrs long by 40 xetens le.' - Voiw c! them are each in. èd inaà sort cf glass hall with an a frAmework, ýsô that woa* lu 1$è*n Lt .%ot iuteriruptccIby cod on0 sas- Tii. vo-kshoepsfor mm- - o'-:. sca eoppéremtho, turtes,. dpthe, engineeringand tinpiate dprmente- te foundnies, sud sq forth, ail dierpbaed eue above tise ether aud in lonig galienies, oxtend over 14,00b' square maes-rs-.., The electrie igting, bý means cf close ujiçn, 7,000 are and othes- lampa; thse tvehtilatîng contrivaneee,. and the fi re briki4e are asnong thse beet cf tlI'ir' kinùd. Tire. tiiousand six hitndred metera o! nanrov-'gaugo nilvay and 7,700 meters having tise --- ame gange as the Genman rail- nos-e mn*lé'ahi,,directions. -Per- sons 'vithi a mechouical turu cf niind nMy be'-iuter'esied ta earu that ne fever tIssu 150 ateas cranes are scattered about all part., sud that livo o! tiies e-one a mvwimming cr&ne~-are able-to ife -a bld o! 200 toqs oeis.. Tbfeviioie place pre- tenta ,e.weI-iight be-wildù~ing maus cf office6,wvonrkshope, fumnacea, hat-adimmeàse sheds and gal- leboi.. visence tisick clouda et amokè s.ebelchied forth day sud night. THE KRUPP COMPANY liaà thorolugh'u a I it taises lu heud. Noue, uude-rstan& bettes- that the. welfare of tiseir vcrkpeople is a val- ushie aimeS. Heicýe, ieir arrange- -mente 'fer the. heiath, comfore and - ~ ~ ~ g ' . ,iuoiet cf theïT 7,500 isandet keep pao. with tiseir otiser eff orts. ITvo - lundnrU' sud flfteeu dwelliuga, cou- tain1iug froni three ta, five rooma, are' provided fjor tise mamied mess. Biiiile'oues nsylive lu a roomy and (ýnmod.ions boaýdinS-house buili e ipre»Sly for thein. - t ' AIl tises. eiectins* form, a colenî which 'compriss co-openative - f ' stre., twa breakfast halls holding 1 100 personm, a bath-hanse vitis 4M ÉZovr bath, sud ïig t baisep. arate rocmà, r.sdng noama, « & tison roome, a gyinarstie hall, and a library vel stoc1sýd witis bocks oi àkinde. -For tlýo ler au o ,,r paid énsploye- 31 dvings art pped 'In sud aij nd Kiel. Attention hue ~n gi*u simca «xClusively te vrmiips sim. ýthi compauy é»»tener lto poueessian Prorn 102k tihi the beginniug o! tii peen yer te took ardena .foi 4q1ilvbattl 8sii fine amail cmuisi one artieiy neder, 33 torped'4 GIGAkTIO BLDING YARDS' exdetîng at- Hamburg, Brcznen,-_ Stettin, Dantzi*g, tElb,.ng, and otbér plceoonstitutea pr ~igious ad- vanez,, The <won-der be<ýme,3 eve.ný' groa/t4>r'.owing to the f act thât, witlh exceedingly. few excepton,, none být Gerrn labor, and Germai ma- toalare ~loyed..-- B.hip -onstru'ction, ,however, -is liable it o niderable fluctuationa, ýhiçh ccasion seribus loss of mon- ey. - USveral. years &go 'the Kruppý starting the manufacture of ou moZ tors for use on shore axLd afloat. When tlhe latter were yetin their tentative 1stage, tee Douüibilities they offered,,were fully grasped. No money or pain& were spared to'im- prove thein. They' have been made for more 1tixan three years,' and ýai- moat- Win&ibly with the most gra- tifying results: Nu .mbers of them have found their w ay into -the, im- perlinavy. Nor should the. achievements - of the Geninania *oü~s in theproduc- ticn of boilers. be èverlooked. In .ths rospeeà they o &Htnp i heir rivahe. in Germany. Varying cpmn- ione may bo held, rmga.ding their exact value in coniparison withý those nmade inother-countries. IU is ob~vions, nevertiieleas, that they' stand very high, msince they areth navy. L4RGEST DEPENDË>CY. Mongol!.une -an Area of àug2O00 . ' Square Miles. Mongolia la the largest. and most* thinlyyipopuIfted o! tise "depienden- cies 6!fii :Its ares. in, ,350,000 square niies, as against tise 1,532,- 000 of China praper; lis population is estimatod at about 3,,00,oSbut hafl.rece-atiy 'been ro;p.dly mceas- iss reer eon O tase uoth by Si- benia, oun the soûth byChina pro- per, and ou tise euest by Manchuria. Thet ares. of- Outer Mongolia: ln about ,000,000 -equare miles. It je parted t ram lune-r Morigolila by-tho- vast unexplorod waste of thse Dos- ent cof Gobi. Northwestern Mongaia in au im- mense takbleland, veil vatered vitbs numeoeous lakes. Ite mountains are caverçd with cedar, las-ch, and pino. There in good pasture. for cattie. The poiulation oonsiste of Mon- gale, tisose form*idable nomadi who oenturies ago oves-san Europe, Iu- dia, China, and centnal-Aina. They are kindned Wo the, Turks. They are a.vigarous peopýe, usua.hly living in tente clu the uphands and plains and subsiating by breeding cattle Thse 'Chuusese are -found in the« îowns, which 'are few anid email. Tliere ie itila lange'caravà;s trade. ! In December tise independenceo! the country wa.s proclaimecl, dated "the firet yoar cf' the W'hite Pig, sixteentii o! t.he " inter ine nti," and Chinese authorities were ne- quined ta withditaw trom Outen Mongolia. At the sanie tume '1%ussia unofficis.hly demanded thbe igbt to construct a railway f rqm Kialchta te- Urga., as tise first stage in lier loug-pnojected lin. fronmKiakista ta Pekin, and intiniated ber intention to rectify hon Sibenian frontier and taIre in thse southern isiopos of the mountains wiiich have iithe-nie formed tise boundary. ?hMon-- gels have never-made any'sé ret cf ttheir preferenice to Russian- U e as against the. domination of a Glinesq rRepublie. ,r. A receut British explorer ý)f Mon- goia,..Mr. Douglas Carrutiiera, dis- coveýed lu 1910 a hiitherto-ui*~nown -race, f forest-dwbhiers, probabhy a -rompant of tise race wiich, beford a the: cominrg o! tise Mongels, inhabi- ted this immense region. t e e r t- o -WHISIOA T.S. LAW. A lawyer has c omileted a&I'S o! lavas for cdd crimes, in tise différenit States,' sud a.aug tise. iatvsare J tise follovwing:tIii Risott Ialaxd it i.s a breacis of thse hai not, to pre-! vide good drinking water on, al '-e ' e eeks ilu a bakemyt1-iii- punisbe.c-l if instance Se o! certain -Air patiente (e *SfPS IRI NEYER LL OYD'S OFIL VESSELsi TIÂT TVA Thirt-y-tliree Leit Port« And Were Neyer E of Again. 'On t-hie dàY the. hip and- &11 -han e b'~re but thia ia firein ýCIank Russ ezample cf the- perfect style it la' pnobably u Éut Lloyd's oficial recoro smle announcement «l 14t year thirty-three s9 posted as nsissing, runs âays thbe Lon-don Stand somaztic suggestion of etatement ia almost infin cfesolation at home and s eamuaslie, bebind 15 c pot te dwell upon. We iinstead -of pos-sible joyful love&d, ones who -had gîv ever theirn lest voyagera ture Enoch As-dons tappi -Ninde)in luthbe night tin bay. Qr we can-make ý 1oun mies of lonely hulke tie Bar'gaseo Sen, or vý gine t4 vanishei ashi] through tise "foam of pe iiu fairy lands folorn," ing Bafe landfal1 at 'las beachea et the' Fortiu There, pcrbhaps, ail the riow le iu the. sunsh. f;ruits and drinki'ng strai :i¶hle dark..eycd maidens songe, in response to v oblige with a chorus-.Cf mzissing ships rmutst all a viiere. Tise ancient wor definite edges, over wl t ailiu'g too fan dropped o 1altogetiser, lias passed we kudw that this round atill contain ail the bal t-bis f a'(t lie thbe roman ffascination of the prois 8mucis poores- théeworki ewitisouft îts S.1anish gaihc eunken treagure ships-i 'ftie treasUre ; but bec diverti, and tise 'secre jt cl in blood, aud tise lttie ip witb neci blinda, where I oua saIt acheme.' danki: be boped tisat thse worli give up Ïte searcis for ti port oif thbe lest sijips. PORT 0F LOST S Lacst ycas- added gre tonnagc u'siug itbati port years rince &-Drzuany veu'ý e înt.atbi un lknowr twelérnotb'. St-rang4e MAKIN SAFEIIEMNT 81EASONCD TRUST AN! WELL.MANACED e' t:> ~</LOAN COMPANY SHARES COOD- Dut Aveold the New Ons and Theo Net Weil -Mansgod-HydreEI@otis MiPut Publie -Utifity Shain SadlY Out Oe Fause-Navlgatlon MharesDépend Large. ly en Ceed Portun,' a TlUng Inveetert de Ret"Count' es-What te de Wh.n Sasini Adviea ai It-he nmberth~ vet un~r ail Tise articles eounibutsd bv 'Inveito' thenubTIInM en- u ire for tbe sole purvise cf guIdivq pros -ii w IRn[ere precisely epual. There vere, . ectiie luveïLots. 091fpsibe c i-ç sixteen' of eaçh îend 'also one petro pjlaclng it lu I*wld-cat»* eaterpr.e&- ýTise motor achooue.r-t9--urely a - trange ilmpartial and! -reliable obareeter dl 5th@ LIST' 0F compau on 'fortise 'Fiyi'ng *Dustch= !u,rsatîcn iY ay lleA nce.- Tise j ierof tise..earticies and the pufflahir LNS. man t9-find on her beani! Mostly et tsspiper, bave, neô Morelletô te erve jthey -mslivesea eonuectionu vltlithi.s fftter o ther. tbs wero eEslsthat dieu")- tI etoftise veader. peared-r-coating schooners, httle Lait bear ýtrampWanad flshing snsack. The hargest f the deep sez, shilps on the tebai "nvuo) [Iead Ater ankstecks -the Causdau lves- [ad list o!fii, miasin ma teseor tor hem a long liestta cio.tosuefr Ç ayo Largo of! V25 tous. . h. set ln tise equntrr's bistarr, the vall'- man- eutduiisg A,1- it a ei ad trust cmane'am bai oPaii- ou. rig Afil- ýitha Iad f ;e.' sisarss bave beau eistlrely satiofat- ffeut dcOvn, ceaie froni Swansea t,> Tampicor, tory-far more ge tima banir abaep-anfl buti, -UP£t&WB lo ag iiithoghvery proftable; ,thougli pcMètbmeme" n<84M O tièr narrov manirat. tit tise dâagr o ail. -4s an tivo 6f hon vene fou a aking the mîstahe- sud burins- ahine. iu t ~some eftishe iui.nanaged an nov cempiuie nanistie stuaionwhic4, suggested that ,she, retenougt tsuaie It searcenWise1 .inequaled. had teundered a tshort 'time atten te give tieme a promitaîiplace. ,d, with its ber departure. "Tlshi Public utllity cosupanîe' ahanes vere et1 ýeamallet 'ship ne tima prime favorites wvh the cana-. sali during that vent dovu vas the tug Beau- dian luveutons but the compettion of thes vhi ero vieu, which vaàisied betweeun the Hydro-Electrie Commission cf Ontarioa ip se, CyeadLso.Wt a haz put -haga stoks oui f favor. "d,1 15 loe,"CldeandLiisn. it ~grOSS tndaed. an luvestor vas untortunat vhoia lard. Thé tonnage cf forty-nine, se msunage;d 'heid lar naie ti amllr conipaniés. sucsi1 athe London- Elaetric. lunviicis campa-4 tha.t b ald someho:w to have a net tonnage o! ti'ticu '1»'tise ýgovernment bas wvped oui ite. What pnecisely notuing. The ketch Atlas, about 90 var lient. cf the sisarea' value.1 Buffering at buit-in 1864, mais the oldeat saiing d,& te tocif lodo lei oue erefers veasel tisaS dîsappeared .and' tue Comupany soldas highi r 134, lu 1899. sund i97 lu 1904. Since then Ih has sold srotind can dream oldeststeamer vwas tise Cap Spartçl,I 15, sud it la doubtûl if one coisld gai 1rture 50 launcbed li 1883, uvhich dssappeanediuscismore fer t. 1I mcv oee idov uuntunate enougis te hava 25 oiares, ,en Up for in April during a. voyage f rOM vhlch cont hem about $3.000.00, nov vomtS ior. o! tu- Swansea to Palerme. "enty o! the but ltie more tian' $M1. No daubtie .n a ltte hrty-hc siplsteeBiis marcis et progreas justifiai this; but ve ing t litlethi thre ahps ost ereBritsh au feel« mcmv ion tise vlctlms-aud net se over tie -a moumunful testimony te 6uir' pre- lnvest 19 public seývice mianes ounseiveu. pictunes in dominance -on tise seas e tsevold4 Railvay sharea-and cf Ssesa realir Of té WOId-have bui C. P. BI. and 15. ubIdiary, s tossitng on Gernuany, France, Ru-ssia, Belgium Minneapolis, St. Pauli a SaulS Ste. Maria- re can ima- aud De-nmark had eseis on. missing oving toeier being deïlit lu chiefly ont- s ida Canada are toc speclative--not tnosi [ps driviug ship. NoXtway had four, Gr-ýeece point of view of security, but b.causeoia erilus eas woandBrazl to. heirgueuatrig arkt.O. P. R., for ex- niioa sul to, sndBrazl to -ample.' heu moved devu and upover '20 and reffih- DR~C' ZNL'V~O.pin.-a' esch 'waY asince.tise tali sud t _by etiEi. IT' ÉN5oa RÈG '"S.about theiame.o that au inventer k -xcet oe -f te mstbardened ort- nate Isles. The Waye Lu which ships vanishI wul b uteueaey. 01 course, tise bait sailors are mapiy. Salions villi tellfyoubhowY 'ield islev-mut 4 pen cent. on C. P. .- visen visile tise prospect ot' ppreclatle inu tise iiue, eatiug wenfàm ut se-a ln an almost co- i-louég mn. oay tan vearso.-l higis. These uge drinks, plete calm tbey bave vathhed a ves- are teatures-tisaSsould appeiouiy taý miles.tise waaltisy Investen visa -alane eau al- s ing t-hem sel s few mlsavay, snd then, fard te sacrifice eometising Su tise vay which tisey. witisout warning, have eudden-ly of safety and income for tie sa aie 'cf cnîin.y niaad i. ouudenng ndobtelyspecusîativd posîibilities. etiiyth ii. i.Fuidrn ndutdy Lake navigatiou n opanlan are proper- Lrive some- accounts for a large proportion o!fi1 divided itv o classes, tise pansenger -Id.vith is mssig ipaburingat ea or1Isd package freSgist lests, sud tise rldwit it misin shps,_buringat ea or'bulk' freigiters. Durng tisa pamt fev hicis aasip otisers. Some io!tbe ve2sacs posted lyearn tise lulir treigistero. tisosetisat carry )ffth eathatS-ods a nov be drifting On suris cargoan as grain. coal and ore. visicis if tse crtis Lloy'a mylh dusmped inta otise heid oss sud tmuss- awsy, and tise long and lanely voyage o! thse ported lu tise cheepest possible vay. halre W'es-d muet dei-clict, and we bave aIl heurd -done a veny usremnuenative luïiuets. Tiscre blien coupleuty et fralght, but t ships. lu atrange atonies o! mistinica, aeizurs-ecamptition han beau me ireen tisai in nom. ce. *and tise o! vessels at sea s om orn f t-boa. insanices tiay have ocarceiy sud. cx- penses. Tise passengen boato. ou tisa con-' .lem. Hov on bôamd, and a- subeequeut cas-cor tvary. have beau making nev records for woul be nderanotsernamela ilici pu-eaurninga esci year. Sisanesn iitise coin- 1 wuldbe nde anothr a m e eyinilépur-tapanies' entmo11ng these' vanoals are met aons and ita suite. -- But icevrshpa t partlicuiariy attractive ta thse careful. lu- not~ ~ ~ t beas ost ort "-ore time and Must yestor, as na mucis dependsoan gaad fer- becwse offe 0p tue Te lss f aboaS, tisougis covered auise. of!-tise then* show papes-s et sore sort, tisb Isnc,4e a o.seavy Joan et eairu- harts drawu opportunities tIhevos-Id off-ers for ienc 'paver nutil -1t la rep aced. and do, [juniessone a In uvery close teucis vitistise publicisouse such udventureým ncvad'ays arce adlY business tise tiares are on the visaI.' tise mysteri- eurtailed. Thsn, there la tise muchi- {ot'adesirable. invç_otme1t. At me, y i it la to belôved theoye 1 cgSiu a-bave Icen iigîy, proa.t'abeýaunvltuesu cl yull neyer gled in tise veede cf tise Sangasso tise mave lu Niagara Navigation., This SteunkovuSeasudthe~s aiing or vencoihpany, isavwevér, -ls a brillîsut exeep- roundk on Sa nd hrund. Tlise forpeition T eraeri . caan iaeivom o! he icaElBas, u 110,dieZt- tnvisici Su masS af tise instances above 3HIP. o th Mihae Saq, i igo, i, -given tisea'criticise do post apply. We HIPS. eAc by Sir John Murray, sud the looak up sanie tinas.ago- tisd cîletion' cf :atly te tise owfinGvrmet with tise preference saas, aud tise pretemeuce - olsi 9s1aneslu pi'açticsiiy aIl of tiseeclassuescf t. t- 5Xspecial' objeet etf exansining t-bis conipanleo sentioned-visere suici*soaes. ýeýs vaniis- strange tract o! the ocean, has ent exit-fenni veny dosîrable iuveotmeuto, i wihin - visen chamen vhs tiese me cane vitis i ithin a tisa story the- ýay o! &o many otiser vhIkh nue vould ehaana s bond. ' ciy enough ' romances. Wel muet locok elsewviere We wii next. dea1.- vithis hdustniqi d theme andc o stocks.' Wlc industnials, are n more, if frtheuuncwaRcrut. e, as snch. vortisy ef considenation' tistu mose of : tise classes conidered in>, tis arlIdo, tisane have been -go isaur uCess "era uuvarv inviéstao have puncisascd tiliem- unsley, and 50 niauy industrial àosubave ineued pretermed ahanes of: cjuite' W0ed sariS tisaStiey' vi-leg1 e FOUNPLA PD<. an art' ýto thisemeive 141vi 'gatied*froni tisa oregning ~, - tIsaSVt ý-*riter ddosanoS 'counider cai-- mo ia,. frpropez investmenitfon thae isaca e ot afford ta taire chances. On., C A P É f A C E - -h t g o fu rtis a ns d ssy "tisa S n e nu e ' WWaxsri"06 s fi bonici even maire, - - nvetniento-ï"bxcept coù tb9e'1nst. ex.: AL1,'-. ad'intoi'êstéd"tdviee.-,And virm se-ek-' - r dviee glve thse 'expert tise fdil>-t i.- VI RfGiI AN lnsathon «ai ta wlat ycaus- abject tis ln AWAY seklg . LýTocot âten a, broker- li aairad. ~C A '~b1 Tfo' ër tanautaàk lua 'good bu," vison fra npeculatar It Iu, imd for. a persan- cnt lunvestor t Is decîdedlr npt. Il you - - ni 4caut tn-nst yousr finauniaT ,adytuer viti ln- %~OITO<- ~formation about i yonnaelf, oertalnly dont ehim wlShybùsr-mnny. GeS aoutyen' AT ~M5~S - ' ""' u ' AlDr 00 TMMRWeua as -ne cm nthse fIrality,7 adcitedTonento al Cver- as an lustratieli Of a_ city which .id flot telerat lise 861oei. 1Néw ho found thatosta ten 28vas ntnse. Another Ainecan a péaker teok a& round ont -of thepre. Tsen tue aof tise news- aprbead Wasa t lowest ebli. In tisu h. vas qCi ikli'_ conrecied l v T routa, c!ï .Idrgy 'lsa Ybo sald ut wis h tee migis'b. thIlse,inèthu tise tea Stes tse.,citiclszh d d not aàpplinSToronito- On.ne eson w y-tise con-veiÏtiOilwas rat blfgen and iwhy h did nat croate à" bisser stm rW ta b. fo b n utisafacit bat wile -tise' var. .maj'o 'ty, of Toroutoniafll gym- patsize wanml>1with tiseendu aliiied.at, Véry few aiftlem. . Cane ta dhscuss tiO questions' in publie, is omne e,'euques- tion- tsç -deu14biiy, c f ý.bra&sa'band, nke- tisods tu a*canpaign cea! ti.bartr. TH UE 1 IMIG Connauglit tae x to taise 'place l meeting lunz Rayal Iffigsn es1i of hoe rnaci the levent tise 0a wbich is l iaccaqorl ô e .of a less Pl tireS sojouni'lui ai taire tise ra sud aissu par tl Whiie socleS3 ence cf, bis B sr etser quarters bi , la te v s i n c,ticism',,may j foril.langui gý quarter." i LOTS Apant tram B biiiy ip tie note: vaisa e ibis yean, Ot r na los than 11 ls I- 1 Woadblne. Duffenin Po r Hamilton Windsor Port Brie.. 'Landén '*ia laitivo l izqd. may noS tSis year.-bnt i taluties. eaeh 1 seven dayu tise sesc, us tva traeks, fenîn. a hall poor relation at tsin eat tiîte visole par clusalort ai on 1 the neit. In la iruowus TORONTO1 Tisere are p A.merics vian lng heasa si This gumbli ta the few weI le racing lunTy ns fostered b severai thous r 1*fclav tise In yes.r round. 4 close tends vb Snacks, but ths the Âmericau traut wits C a Sisree stete.Si permi!t gambli maryland bas Califorule. wvIli wintei' circuit.J1 go tisai nov tLIs winten betti on r It la not m, - ise tairscm owth, dreds of vaire day. even ail Deapite tiseY ciitieB are et Isleven e dSret wits all tise t. reute,. viîci enterprisifig tisaga reausltpsa thnougbout thi three minutasj iu nay -Ingres. about 15. NEW Hun Torneno's nm Hogpital, wvii of $3.500.000. 1 eto tise building la coinplatad. campleted, au la cnenned. tise wey. Thef ccupy tise b1j Colleta street Ji impragniva. TI .tleS lu' nixe. Nov tist CvI 1ihall million dl interegting di.. Althougis tise vas- $1,400,000 ' 1amouni nov ficIent, 'and ti îAnotiser odd f~ viii bavae van daion for -tie pitel, and it tg ing an gerarn lie reteln-ed au nev luattutiôil lic petients an ubon araedI0 lgraund tisaitth as modern as tisaS 'thse taini in-Anierlea is 1 raire for it. WORLD-1 Lnlng tieWooýdblne -race, lasi : *eek of May. -Hlni se au' enthuslistie Patron- sud> busattendance ai year lu xpected to'Maiel )t bnIlian trinthse, istorY ., b. 1 Ti e ttaumeilts îpany hi4 :e VpIsIS tare 1iýkeIY_ ublie naturs tissu où bis oronto i>etautumu. They ç.lunciseons. dinnere s. th privet, bouseB aud will ejoca 'St tise-pneu- al Higliesa there will. lin be cnhtilens af bisleundlug torse fraclur. -wih the pro- Mg eiement +bat la auge- Ândý it 'la mat, possible -iatla - eoncluded ,this fin& open expression in ré f rom mare -tiaen an p'HORSE RÂCING. nié Zxcelienoy'e anet- Litter. St lu119luterestËg'ti 'id borue iraclng -ncw au lii Province. lt5 the vo naw ràedut asudtlatione ria &len u à,ltk-eiy -te have mQonte . 14 dayo rk, Toronto ..- 14 days .~14 days .14 -dayo .~14 dayu .~14 day. morouco14 cdown smed, being sewijo organ- be tu sisspe te bol&Âmett the otiser fleures -are cor- racks holding two-véek i oInluthe Ifinit ballc1 'ailer inu tise second. No th tise exception cforDul- nier, wvièihi.tusasort cf a otise otiena'. vii lie operf ne, se tisai tise bons. and pliernalia viii, at tise con- meet simply move on te Voriing circles tise circuit te "Merry 'oRound." REE14q ON BETTING. )bably f1eW cities lu Nanti 'gamblip g on h sne ac- iger isoldan issluToronto. la by, ne means confiued *s esci s asau vien there ronta, tisaugis Do daulit It tise mesuS. Tiserearan id man lin'Toronto vis as" every, day. tise visaI eot oniy, do tiey keep In I tise enents on Canadien 7follow tisa'results ail over Dntineut. Bn strange con- ada there are only tva c' tise Commonwealth visici 19 on racinù, Kentucky and 9 tise chief f thes. Even c-h used ta furnisi the hait banisell itise pastîme, h etuii has te lay hie raeing in fr'wyMx, rely an academie inter'., iese- fer sway eveuts. e money on tisem, snd isus B are'-laid in Toronto even3 hnougis tiié inter menthe eilauce of tise law tise fa iand for tise bettiniz. Tiser t telegrap i w ire connectei 1 e ra ftrniphing *peed. -en beats tsat of the moi ' e f a s e d t a v a r i o n s o i n t Province. en tisat tve o 1after a lionne race in rut Mezico, Ontario, knowuae PITAL TAICES4 SHÂPE. ch ieralded new Gencri lai beîlns erectcd-a. a con nov taking shape. Or4 e.ts Pathological building i now inx une by classe 'slty. Several others ai fan -as tise, eterioir wor] knd ail tise oVisera are ci group cf buildings *hie] ideëcs on, tise sauts side., are alreudy loalcing qiî ree ite e M feet by 62 r- isaîfcf:tise tisree- andj Uars ha. beau spant. noni varies have iseen made original, estiruate cf ce' vallable *11i net ba 'sul cýt la tint tise inrtitutio 'littie, ince ascd actîcuitus 'nbleôv. -,tie nId lin t aught ttise aid buîl .street anfit ill have t4 an enst end hnnpital. Th, i il have 449 bedus for pub ni98 pnivate> beda. Madie sed 'teo criticire on tl bDnew ispital vili not 1 ýt augisi to bic. -They m, rtiat St vill be thse fines sa pretty stcep im an elaborate yteof-s-lstl -g rapis statlo )s-eupon Fs-cutis tes-i -tony througljoust thse vos-d. TI govemumentilt 1 us be enabicd 1 seud messag4a ta any point on'Il plbwithe4 depeudeue upbnreie I tin'g tel g aph-cables,' M ost,- whicaeh as-r'e d ç>,oircontrolled I foregncaitI.., Experts agnee thi' 12 staýtions' ill bes-fufcieiht ta i*1 sus'b thée' Uèc'jss efthtie projeet. TI startinoe-iint 'vould ho ' tise E it to ci tc zl w si tl t1 Sbrio er- - , e ~ r c t e » t o t h e " 3. liesedTheword transh1iate- "lsc"is thought-te corne frop a root word mçaniing great us t, 'sense of outward prosperitv' -earl-.cassicàl Gr;Dek it was ,app more, espeoiaIly- to the gods,w were, considered, great because. their power.and' dignîty rather-thaws becàuse. of theirgoodneFs or holi- ness. A. little later it was applied a so ix,_tho dead, espettially ta, lieroc ho. had died Li battie. The (ireelk philosophers from 'Socrates onwàrd use it- in a. sensae inchxdfng the moraLl çement, but ifiitho Bible ajoncela . the word lifted'in to the regwcn of the spiritual as diiýtiingu- isied froa tihe merely mnateriâl anid intellectual. ýEven in the OId Tes- tament usage -of the term the-re re' imis nie-ne of thýe sense of out' ward prosperity ':than in-.the Iew Testament . It ià interestlng to nota how this word '<pass.ed up juta iithe higiierregion of Christian thonght 'and was.stasnpe with the gospel signet, and ladeén with aUl the - rich- ness und significance oet .gospel bler- Poor in ispirit--Those cýonsci1-uS of ltheirdeep spiritual, néeds. j Luke adds toethis beatitude .the1 pi o- nouncemexit of waeaasë te rich: 'Woe unto vou thiat are ridsl; :for ye have. receied yolir cx.flsU-I- 4tion." .Thythat mourn, no.~S l0 higiny thée meaning of he.word "Mourun or -é-t esextenoç lin wihieh it omurs haewould limit this lphrase te those who mourn on ase- icunt of -the r ýirtuàl povety* Or 0' sinfuinesthoU ih le l- not ip1pro- Ps * able tâat resu had such- eýpecx.' ally in mind. Tie correspQvlding ~ woo recorded by uke reads.: "Woe unto youý, ye -that laugh now;- for- yq -shalliiaurn anid weep.' 5. Thse meek-We have herean- other word.whîoh Ohritianity bas lifted ta a higer Pls~~o e amgn. Iiterally tise wolrd xnae-ansiiiild *or genthe, but tequality o! ieek- 1 ness in human character waàs net ocoiisdered praiseworthy by Sheathen & philosopher. -Thus . rstt caihs w meekness "a mien =nlnn to a d cefect.7 Oý1.iistian xneeknç'ss isl .based on hur anitv. and la anù. ut. tgrowth . f Christian experience quite as mucis as a natural quality. 6. IRighteous»ess--Rightnéiss - b ife andcondùct, in. the. sight of God. Shall he-flled-Tie verb in the doriginal Is. Very- -strong, indicatingr- [t complote aatisfactbn of hunger ag ethirst. Luke a-dds, " Woe unto You, ýO 'ye that 'are fuir. now!1 for y. shah' nhunger." n- 8, Pure in hçart--Heart- here re-, fers ta inner sauI-life, eontrolling ýr the, entfre' personality (conmr bh A Gen. 42, 28; Psa. 19. 14; -Prov. 4ý. ml 23; Luke 12. 24). Le Shaîl -see Goci-The- development in of Christian character sub>seciueut., We thé cleansing. of Iife's motives te briings with it a graduat unveiling-, n- o! God, whose pow-er, hiolines, and love appear more and'more plainly- a. te thüs. who 'are pupre in -thQught' reand life. id ',9. Peacemakers-Primarily those t who heal dissensions,, but also thoseè to liee lives because of their punity r and loving service are a benediction ý '" to aîl about them, hninging, as it L wene, the. peace of God into, th-en- virnament in which they are spent. l Bons of God-Tho e mot akin te - et nthe divine nature, whose presence, 9- like that of God, brings peace and re" blessing 'foretold future evenats. Te pro- lie ' n .%e è nouncemnet.ofwo wîchLkne ho corda reads,: 1-Woe unto you', wheuii q I' en, shallspeak wcll of votw- For "x intme sanie manner did their fathens W the' luiase' Prophetsa." zt hë le niu cyy 'Oh, . ceim bith,1Ihad incisa; atrange de&nii s 4 't tTc this av Bons wexe life-boat.s Wh the ]Iiner's-SI4 lyt sÉuccuinb 4;Carpathia.. fnn- tiissing ~reported, ais dlëd in theF0 ta4sce f rom Saw lié nio ont bo-ar-d.w counts d-iex prevailed; 'c ordter boke a lmrnaniamal boat.TÉ at ber,9, as nep -co rmnaed by SENSA. giýe their nal Snpith hafl li talcen 'is Iifi - ains were 'sh t4 blati.; r b&confirmedi adendRnt. fip llipped f roi amîdhips- th oÈener.Sh biýard and n tis e forecastl<i Shortly bef irý two aba ft ai Site-disapi ter théexepù] e9xpltssons wk by the aurvýi nie â in'i-4-fl lýst, aundth- i of-tise s urývi s ea jurt thlri as hecarn f truck lié ,;Tes-e ias- made tisebu;a tine %isat ha t semcd st4' ki 'oves- tIseice.. -anc tliien I et ra othe bli-et 4huk ay th wemeghtyV hýýp. brcîkc'u î bs us'slsp. À1IIuînplcdÀi pkd'up liy neyeir - expcc Sv.-aitcd on k A young Eiq whic i Lad IYe th tie re* 'f s-t sae-1 -ile il t tehaselo steunîcrtiS uhit to'junp il -w ue r'e t ytiil i in ~ te raft. ed1 sn-p sttuig saii -Rfe ce-fIl together. In -were -short e! Lhe'di.rý-t-e4:sa e 'eh x-ai ade tirew lines co getiser. -tvo .1 uip.ed togeih( balck týo thée w one cf tise, 1,j psgekiug UP iSO jueeeç c,'îrbi eliapsibie' hou point olf sinkis 'gens aboa-d: r nie, t cloting. jud in lu ie nie] -onýlhie way t-6 f HOW'ICAP Geo. A.-Ba -lasn Smith'rme wàter. '-'.Hd- -dvs -l l aise. i h -'ng whr i n,! c - i axid irgiian~firit boats IC, elg]NG LADIq CIIED ý liltý11.111,ý e-lýla--,ý'Ilceliffl T)i " -

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