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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Apr 1912, p. 3

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counts ciiagrea widely. -Somxe maintain that a. compaiave calm Order broke eut and that there wias 'a- -n; isèruggle for -the. hf.- b0ats. That the, liner atruck !an ce- Ierg, as -riepote y -îees a confirmed by ail. rSENSATIONAL RUMORS. . Sensational rumors told hy lyys- - ericl asengerawo would n*>t give their naàme,said that Cuptain -SmitJi lad killed ',himscîf on ii. brdg ;tat t-h. chie! engineer .had taken -us i!., and tiiat, thrçe, Ital- lans were shot in the. .struggle for ,the, boats, These rumoýI3 çouW n 4 L conflrmed in-the eanly Confusion -attendant upe-n the landing of th. * aurvivors. *llipped from stem te enigine-toomi - - by tI. great maaa o! b. ah. struck ýamid8hipa the Tita'icd'asîade ..wa 'laid ope.n as- if by a. gigantic cap- o(pener.. -She quickly istecute star- 'bourd 'and ashower 1'o~e, c-fell to Ïhe--forecastIe deck."* 1 TITAN-b -ËROKE I1W TWO. Short-Iy before sh. sank aIhe broki% in twc abaft thé enginieý room, apdr aî sh. 4-APpeard - beneêth the. wa-4j h ter tbe e expul ion o! air 'cuused t1wo. tuvvosrey-. were las-t, andi theîr cries, were pitiabte. :ftnema cf - 5ht of G~cd. erb in the - inchicatiiig hungerani4 3 unte vou, )ir ye ah -: rt hene- ne (compate -Prov.4. LI u veillng olinuess, and oretpliuly intiought îarily tise. sti ai*o those. tisein purnlty -bened.ictioni - uig'sg, 'as it into the en- y are asent. - nost akin te Re pré4sence, s Peace'--and - Sîteosrss' T -ne effort- iis- worid la [or thut or - ad 'ridi - b.persec i k. l e face Visat at amk- «evily Il proportion tMicnt; only )eon s person isa, when thie, cnt, is tien. thc rejoici-ng vere, befor Sud - unoana GRAPHIC S-TORY. - E. Z. Taylor, o! Phladeiphia, oe o! tise survivons, jumpDed into thé "ea' ust thrceminutes befor. tise boit sasîk. Ro told a graphie storyý as he -came f!rom'*the Curpathia.- "I was. eating when i the boit struck - the. iceberg," ý-1h., said. 'There was an awfui ebick- thati '"made tIc bout tremnble f nom st-em te stei-n." I did not realize for some time what lad ha.pp-eect'Noeu scéeid le know the extent, o! lhe le'ccident.' Wî were teld that an iceberg hati been: stnuck. by tic slip, I feit tie bout rise, and iti seeînc.d te -me that. ah. was 'ridiug -over t-le ice. 1 ran, out 'on' de.ck and,, then I Cold o! iç. be', ..andtheii boat waa rockingover it.' I shoulda ay tînt parts <>! 'the iceberg weî'e cighty feoct - higi, b ut it had been- broken ie s ectièns, probubly by ou(.ship. . I umped- uSe the occan and wa-a pck-ed up by eone o! the- boatz: 1 neyer expectedti t see. land agaïn! I v-àitedon bourd the boat until the. figîts ¶ent out. It seeme t t me Y'tint île discipline on board was h wonctr!ul.pl out, BE1IOI1C CÃ"NDUCT' A young'English woman, -who ne- queEtiA t-lut 1cr name b. omitted., rtojdaW thrilling sSci-y of 1er expeni- ece in-eue o! 'thec coilapsible bouts] 'whili 'lînti been usauneti by cight -o! - the crew f rein te Titanic. 'Tic Liat ia.s in cortnant of thie fftil siav(ec1.tlc lives' o! pan y pe ople. Befere the'-lifeboat -was launcicti, h. passeti aieng tii part 4eek of tic- steamenr, com.ning' hie - people net ta ýitump in teÃŽ bonis> and <>thet- ýwiesc rçtraining them fofi swamp-ý iug the craft i cn thie c'oIlapsible 0aù fiunched, Officer Lowe sucee.- ed, iu-phxiLtiug. up, a. m'ach andiaai al sail. H. colOiCtie4 île' otiherbouta were Short o! accq uatW crews, anid, be dilreçted aunociange by *hich, > ecl was aeîncymannse&i.nH ':r.w- inca cSnnectiin t4g .bouts te- setIeé, -two by two, antialltus mov. te ether, - Lgter on le weut b-uek'to tie ws-eck with te C-re-w o! ofté of .thebouasand iuccefded-iii pickiýýg up soe-te ose .who *'lad jximnpýd overboard, aqd wr wi miug :about. On', Its way bnack .te -the- C grptissle pasrfd onef thie co9WpibI b 1whic'Tlwas îon te pointid, iniint l tiutirty passec- aýýrxaboardI 1 mostof tlem ini scant "-- - .t l]tbung. They we.re eesdtted-' 'jûst-in the-Dick eofie. 8ine die'd -o .<>n4ý'W&Y te tIc Carpathia; SOw -CAPT. SMITH DI ED. A '. A.Brayden toiti o! lowv cap-z S-ýàa n - Sihwiile I w-us, - le.-e N ~;s e wat -standing n th -ceç al iose Oncc. b was4Wpt dOwn by a wsve. but mi&aieed -f- leven nmontiie' old son of Mr. B J. AllimÃ"n. GEO. E. GRAHAM, LOST. A deapatois fontToroito say& 'A eriyate wire f rom New,-York o. Thursday -night ,f rom ý Mr. Hir Me., of the ¶t. Eton- Comnpf ny étaated that Mr. %3porge B.* Graham buye.r' for thée'T. Eatdn CoQmTpaniy wu~ not on tLheCarpa'bhia., 'sud1 wa to b. numberéd .aïlinogt' thoa drown.ed. The.wordwaa eece ve byth ti.lat. Mn.i. 'iahia'<brotherz whb liv.. la Tor<'to.' In thse lit o auii4vçrs as reMeved -by wirelas Mn.- Graham-,waa mentioned a among1 those savtd OFIOIATïIQURY New York,. Ar1! .Ti fii Gbvernnien inq ziry into the wrrecl of,.the-Titanie b 1gan-this afternxooi at the Waldonfstoria, with'S-ena;î tor William AIlnSmith' cf Michi gah.ý as..Chairma-n o! the' Un"t StateB. commi 6~ condycting th4 injuiry. The. flrst einss ca led was J Bruce Ismay, ýPiesident -o! the lu tennational Meir<jatil.; Marine. 4 Wa sèaverrely. iîîýerrogàted by 'thi rmembers -of! the. Investigating Cern xnittee. .Thougil obviouàly. 111, hl ýaùswered eovery questiocn succinctiy 'H. said h..alwa±s acmaidb companly's lineins on their ma4der Vo~yages« . Rewauin bWdwbend"*f1 -collision took plsee a;nd did n&t uee thet iceberg. "How long did you r.ean or' tiie inj'ur.d slip? I" ha waa ,askced. "That would be bard Co estif mate," h. respon4ed. "Almost un- til Bh. sank. Probably an houx and a quarter."1 .Describing howî hoeloft the ýri- tanic, Mr. Ismaylsaid he only look- ed round once.' The boat waa afloat at that tin*e "I did flot ent te see hen go down. -I was r4wing in thei. hf.- boat al! the tînMe until we were picked Up," lie cdntinued. Mn. Ismay saidi there was no ex- plosion on boar4. lie esti!gated the:-spýeed o! thé ship. when shc stnruck st twentyr4ne knots. If' the ship lad struck ead--on she'« would h-ave fioated. ýCapt. Rostron 'of thée Carpathia1. 9s'aid that when they found the Ti- tanic's boats they woe hi thc ice- field. "By the time I got- the- boats aboard day ',was breaking. On ai aides o! ýus -were icebergs, some twenty were 150 te 200 feet higli and 'there were numerous smaîl icebergs or ý 'growle rs.' Wreckage was strewn about us," he said. Thec cmmittee is. seeking te pi'ove that the Titanic's boats beionged tic another vessel. AskeA concern- ixng tuis, Capt. Rostron said they were. towed awayý last night; whcre lie did not knôw - "Whiat was'thc ]lastînlessagc"you got früom the Titanic?7" asked a "Ti-.at messag ws,'Engine- room uearly full ýf water.' " In discussing th!e strehgth'o t th ET.arpathi.-'s w.irele-s, CaptainRos3- ý on' said the Capathia "was only l_ùoy-eight'-miles Irom .thé- .Titanic rIen the, cilh fori helpo came..', rcsentative..Iflgh4s, no longer-ahi. o .control us cidotion.ý _"Pirovideîtial,"; repeated 'the Captain, "the wI4olé thing. Our. w'ireless . operator Was flot, on duty, h. apparatus. te1 lia eu,. Tw - i1 s'eu laanotable i'the course' E. I 1- I thE Shipping' casualties of ail nation-, a-tiesi a.st y-ea.r '1total4 .'108v- ï.15, Iwith.& tc>nnege of1423. Th -Brîtish ',GoverD.moit' in- nôunees that it wýiill o bIdize a, icabler une botweeni England and- There is a. shori age of hickory.fo the sbiafts o! golf clubsa, and prices havé r Ë<one up forT ýthe -ra.wmateriaîl. -'-Within the squÀre mile which con- etitutes the Cityj' of1 London the- yield f rom the. inq'ome itax ia nearly -Thé poor ýo! Loiidopn, wh.o buy théir Coal in il4qiantities f 7 lb, have been paying ýly&d 'for 7 lb., or. 'at the. rate f£;. d a ton. Great Britai. hag.now 2e, Dresad- noughts in the w4err *0 Ge-rmany's fifteen, of whieh ýotalè1ý 15 andc-9 re- spectively are In ful 'mmission. One ýcf the, English railway com- pa sha. 'coustricted .twî6cars forè C4n1iJids, with -adjp&t4ble couches and ,berths, electrie heaters, and servants,' quartiers%. "Whether in -ba~ng, .cricket, football,'liteérature,,o 'poetry -Bni- tain was nover -so effic ent, 80 muchi to& the fronit, '"- a.he ia Lord! ery Be' 'è M Een Royly felt4& pineh of the The Kim' Que.., eeonc>my ahoudhiIï,ered 'a tii heatingof Buckiffgham Palace. A-t Sunbury-on-T-ha"s a military bau.dl fr ladies only, Éith-reed and brasa instrumea-ts, is îbeiug.fonmed to plaýy-ut up-river reattas and nivers.de-functiona in tithesummer. Tii. Board ' of thÏe Lôidon & S-uti- esenRailwayý have elected thei RigtT Hon. 'Sir Ge >nge HIrert Murray,>'K.C.B., a dinecter e!ftthe comparsy, lin-place, o! Mr. William Grant,' deceased. Mr. John 11, Shooi gthe statia ti'Cilan, Msays ht. tit i s qit Iky' th'at if ail 1-ossua cou d -b. traeed and mneasured the total ]cas by thse receut- ceai atnike woujld b. some- what near £50,00,000, Ã"! tI. 40 football galies to. data Scotlànd has won 17, Eugland 12, an-d'il have beeti clýnau.' The lb- rex disaster Match in! 1902 waa de- clared' unofficial.- Scôtland's goal record stands at 8i, a-nd England's a-t, 72. "AX frieud oC Lonlon University, who de-sires tOr remai,iunuknowin, has intimated fe Sir 'Frauda Tyn- 000 towards tIe purchsse o! the site on the Duke, ef. Bedfond's es-tate, north o! the British M'UEeum. AltI ough the officiai mourniug for the lat. Duke o! Fi!. las long been ut an end, the members o! the royal. family, anc stili in private moùrn- ing. Thc King and Queen have nei- bier dined eut ner visited the thea- bre.s si-nce the deathéo! the 'luke,- -Tfle wili of tihe, ate Lord Lister, the di4coverer o!fthé auti5eptic a.va- tem ef treatment in'surgery, dis- poses of an estatç vahued at 83,308,- 330.' It gives $50,000 each ta the Royal Soeiety, tle Ring-.Edwand Rsitaland tîle 1ortlb London Ifni vers ty College Hpiao condition thut bis n"me should be s~ociated ,.with -thc bequesta. Thcre isi ai-eo a bequest of $100,0-00 eo the .Lister InS 1titut. for Pr.even.- ;ive, , e:c:i*e.. Tic Geýnex-al Con nittee of tle Einx Zd ard Mcrn4al -Fundme atî'tI Man sien .HeuoùýW'London, on the 2lst u1t,, ami .,approved the me.- del o! the mmenu àlte le erected in thé Green Park., lt*'1w;-!I'take four years t> erect and !4 te co&t £2o,- 000. Tic mettoniali i wtbe o! Port;r su"d tone, 43 feet hiigh, and will be surmounîed by brorize gops-e preaentiing St. George andi the dra- Odn. The figire of Ring Edward .8 bo be. olr týhesrjuth scco! the cen- ral pede-atal.' "U FO BAÙGY TROUSERS. inýressing-- touýëe't," snidm hIe creases à to--take, eut tise luggines;s ubth t-cl ees. '-Tod?'>this yQSi tuirn .h tro ins side, -ut, and s preea easci. 10 ontise iroeiîng houard,, 40b, as -you lay them i topressa te creuse,' but exsçtythe üther way5-J cnoswise ' front ieâm e e5.0 an t-henu on. lsv.'en'lwdam Uonh and P>re'mier'- Asquith 'and bis illustrions Ewart, Gladstonie. IjND'iGESTIO;.' Ii.stoomakch is- a Patient organ; it usually déesitsduty,,*ithonit coin- plainit, even- when -Noutrageously abused. --But once' its pýatience * a tried too far, 'and itacqufres.the queruius-habit, no amounûb of pla- 'ain Iluit it. No patient-ia so ~readed by the doctor as,,the ehroniedYipeptid. .In ýthe firati place, he does flot -alwvays find it easy to 'determine juat -where the fault lies. On the one.hand, the symptôma may Dot suggest iomach trouble ai al; the. patient may be oonvinced'that his he&iît àa t fault, and ven the. doctôr may -be deceiv- oi a t firzt--mw 'the'-saine belief by although' thegb.'are not infrequent aBigus -of a -neb4lious stomiaeh. On' the other: han4 th. symptoamu o! in- digestion may be due ixot to any fanît in the -stomach- itself, but, to a; reflex àisturbtrnce excited by eye- 9train, spinal diseâse, or âblme other trouble in a part remote' f rom the. digestive apparatus.- In a case of chronic -indigestio:î, the firat thing to.co is to meke sure that it.is not due ÃŽo any of- thesei cases. 'The, nexti thing is tic deter- mine whether there is serious dis- on turner. lu mesS cases <4 "heurt- humn"'or -1'acidity," SIer. la he or- ganie tnoubie-merely a failure on -the paLrt 'o! tie stomaeh te eibipty itself pnrmpthy, snd pernhaps a de- fect in thé. gastnie juice tint alâws tle contenta o! t-h. stomucli te fer- ment. 1.- Veny simple measures 9ften a-fu!- fiee te give relief, sueda s -,the aip- ~ng9f a.gia;sao! water bal! anlhour ose after meula, on a. gentie rub- bing o! the abdomen. jut'- beiow' the ribs on the. ieft ide,-wh.icl caus- es tic stoniaci te contact, and omp- 'ty ita contents jute tIe'iutestînes. Tii. diet slould le t'eguiated, Ifo oda lhard te digest siiouid le avoided,' and the meals aloii,- b. taken at thesanme time cacl day, aud ut net tee fréquent intenvals. Of course' constipation, if presen:t shouid le. corrected, und soeeSim- phe stomachie rnay be eceaasary. But if the leanîbundees net yield tO tic treat-ment. 'suggeated, the plysicianliîad letter le eonsstlted, for île conditioni may le serious.z- YoutW's Companion. THE STARCH-EATING HABITif A nmédical man cahs- attention.- te the. fact tlai tle practice O! "euta- iigi etand timiprov e zi uplex- io0n" las s5till a Considérable vogue amongat .nctory and ' Workroom hunda, and also0 shop and office. girls. The belief, commoji. Amongst. this 'ciass o! peuple, tint eat-ing stand produees a paie anti wekenýý like eompiýexiop is a very ocM stand- ing eune. It has, passed doivii f nom generations te 'generation, lut tie chie!, effect o! starcl-eatin*- is te cause indigéstion andi .thetsnîe-l- tlypalIer o! the consumptive pati- lent. Ticheaèt reelpe for :'. gooti, natural, 'hcaltiy cornpiexio,;i b, plen ty e1 f real f ruit and - air, ýàud a. libéral diet-of vegetalles andiiik. eEPORT-FRON THEL ADINA TR*DE - CENW9RE#,OF; A5RIA Pra, atI if, raIn, Ch es@ and, Other UiVodu0*. lt I4omeýand Abroad. BREÂDSTUPPS-Toroitto, ApnII 23.-PlFourn-i~'nterwhoalI 90 er etPatents, $3.90a eba4 sud at $4.00 for homÏe. on-oumption. Man* _oba flomrý---ibt 'Patents, '15.60; -'secon< Patents, $5.10; snd sîrong bakers*, $84.f onl tr'ack; ToronDto. -, 1 Mnitoba Wheat-No. 1 Northern, Si. and No. 3 atS $1.07 1-2, Bay ports,,. '2e wheat, ail-rail, '76c.-2 ht ' d Ontario WheaÈ-No. 2 , ried a mixed, *S1.00 outoide. Peas-No. 2 uhDPpiug* peau, 01.25, outsiaal Oats-CYar lots of No. 2 Ontario, 49 54 491-2c, and of No. 3 ai 47 b o48c, outaidel No. 2 Ontario, 52 te 52 1-2c, oh Snack, Té ronte. No. 1 extra W. C. feed, 52c, and Na. -1. 5ic, Bay pentu. Barley--4 lbo. at 88 .te 90c. outslde.. Cern-No,' 3 Amarican eellow. 86c;T ronte 'freigbt, and, kilu-dried- at ..Ti brad*6.in baga, Tu' 1ýento f neight. - Shorts, 8,27.50 te $28., COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apffies-$3.50 te $4â50ver, barrai. > Beans-Smaiî lots of hasdpicked quotai at $2.40 -te $2.6à par bushei H<Sey-Extrarted in 'tiss, *il te 12o pei lb. 0ombs. $2.60 ta $2.75.- Baîrd Ray-No. 1 at,816 te $16.50, oi truck, and No. 2 at $14 to $15; ire( ulover, $11 te $12.I Baled traw-$9 te $10, on traek, T Potatoes-Mar lots of Ontails. lu bage $1.70 te , 1.75 a d D ela vares a t 81.85. Ou l Poultry-Wholeaale priceu et choieI dressed peultry.;-Chleke.ns,- 15 te 17e Pe' lb.; fowl, 10 ta Ili; duckmi 13 te 15c; ur keys, zi te 22e, Livé poultry. about, 2 iower than the aboya.' BT EROS. CHEESE. flutter-Dairy. 6haice. 29 te 30e;, bakers, luferior. 25 'te 26e: éeamery. 33 te 34e for~ rails and 32, taeMe for*solyidi;. IEat--Ve-lid 22 toe 2 per dozeà, iu Chees--Large auoted aS 16 3-4 te 17c, and. twins at 17 t p11 e,'pr-lb.. HOG PRODUCT9. Bacon-Long chear. 13 te 131.2c, par lb.. in casa lots. Park. short eut, $22.50 ta $Z3.00; do., mens, $19.50 te 820O. Hamu- Meédium teï light. 17 ta 171-2c; .heavv. 16 ta6 151-2c; relis,,_12. te 12.4e; 'breakfast bacon 17 to 18e; hacka, 19 to,20o. Lard-Tierces, 1314p; tubs, 131-2c; paiis, MONTREÂL MARKETS. Meutreai. Aprtl 23.-Oats---tanadin Western, No. 2, 54 te 541-2e; de.,ý No. 3, _501-2e;* do.. extra NO. i feed, Si 1-2c ;- do., NO. 2 local white, 501-2c; do., No. 3, 491-2c; do.do. 4, 481-2c. Biinlay--Mau, feed, Ste; d o, matiug. 1.05 tà 1.10. Euckwheat. Wo. 2, 74 ta 75C. Fleur-Man. Spring wherit ps-tenta, fi-glu, $8,80; do'., aecondu, $5.30; do., strnug. bakaru', 85.10; do., Winter patents,' choice. $5.10 te $5.35; doa.,str:xight relier,, $4.65 te * 4.75; de., bags, $2 15 te *2.2,5. Ralied oats-Barréls. $5.35-, do.,' baga, 90o -iba., $2.55. Bi-an-*25.00. Shk)rts-$21. Middiings, $29. Mouillie-*30 te -$34. Ray -No. 2, per Son, car lots. $14,50 ta $15. Cheese-Fines. westerns, 14f-4 Se 141-2e. Butter, -eboicest ereaxnery'. 31. te 31 1.2c; do., seconds, 30 te 301-2c. Eggg-Fnesls, P.3 Se 23 i-2e, Potates, per bag, c-an lots, $1. . UNITED STitTES MARKETS. Minneapolis, 'April . 23.-Wheat-Maiy -et.. 07 1-2; July, » $1.08 7;8 te *.0; eptembIeî, 81.57.:No. f liard, Si1101-2; -No.-IýNorîl,-- e-n. ,ie09 1-2 ta $1.10. No. -2 de.. 81.07 i-2 tu *1.08; No, 3. whea, * 1.05 1-2 te- $106. 0Cm6 - No. *3 yeloôw, 90c. Oàts-SO. 3 white, 63 ta 54 1-2c. 2-eN . 2,88 1"-2 té >P1.2e i rau- $24> te F$X50..- Flourm-l9rat patents, '$5_ te *5.30. second patenits, *$4.65 'ta' *4.90; Si-st èiears ,*3.40 'te $3.75, secondilde'.,,*. BUfale Apnil 23.-WIVer, NO. Z2 red.. *1.13;7 No. 3 -> ted, - 81,11'; lieN.- 2 wita, '$1.12. COo--No. .3 Nolw ii~TS. 4 ,eliow., 823-4c; No. 3 cern, 821-4. to U83.e:No. 4 cern, 801-.t6i 8e, ail on tr-iick, through billed. ýOnts-No. 2 wbite. 61-0;No3 Whitî,611l4e; Ne. 4ýhIC,601-4e,' -' LVBR'IhT1'R{MISET8 a auog the welýe .iargest ports, 'repuIng 'St. 'John, N. B.,- whichr has-b nforeed,'out o! tiie nunû'ing. a -The". comparative statemeu ,t fol- Gr lows, the -finsti ,mentiored figures of dr-es eacii City being-those for. i910-191 -pi( ana the ,secon-d for.19l-1912 -' st Winnipeg.....6,478163.'03 Vanora, 5499,736.66 Hlteuir. 2,141923.26 HaIifaâ . . 1,772964.09 Windsor.....4476i1- - VI e sr - '1,539,575.87 5Cal&arý,y....... FTort Wïiliam. .... *Not amnoug.the) i-ut twelve. - 7FI TBOYS-. HOME..' Superlitendent's8Itesideuce anld-a 'NewBa'r-Én estroyed. A CI spateh fnom Shawbridgè, que., spys: -Tii- Sh'awbridge Beys", Farm àlnd.-Home-.hene, the Protest-- sut. 'Rkormnatory of tise diitnicf7 erinteùdent, Mn, G. M. Mar,shall,' and the new -barn destroyed. The k ' s is ' 5,000,.pàrtly eovered- bylu. surance. Tii. boys turned eut aud 'fougît the fine, pneveuting it from, sprea.nïg to other buildings. *Al the lit, stock was savéd fromthe' 8,057.927.43, 7,221,682.16' 1.'759.,%7.18 1,549,712.64 MR. WAIýNWRIGH-T IN CHARGE Succeeeds Lat. Mr. Rays ,i:-Man- agement of G. T. B. A Adéapatch fi-rn Montile al aays: By direction o! the louýrd o! dire- tors o!"tise Grnd-Truiik und Grand Tnunk'Pacifie Companies, cabled-on -Fniduy :afternoon frontLIdndoù, Enj1and, Mn'. W. Wainýwright, ýîrie- presidenht o! tIe Grand- Tnuuk Rail- way, iîIl le'in lteîfnpon'ary charge e! the 'àairs co! that iem pany- aud .Mn. E. J. Citumbenhain, vice-presi- dent, 'o! th.e Grand Trtink - Pacifie llailw4ay, wil be lun tenip'ôary charge ýo! the affaira o the latter Company.- OCCID.ENT RIT BERýG. Steameî Was Buh liuto Shal Water A despatic111 - from . -Fiensblurg; iPu8ssia, Baya: Tii. steaimer Occi-' Ident colided 'withan icebèrg in t-he IBulticSea -off _Biga. ,Ie'r entire bew was shattered, -but* her ati rnanagedi te run 1er juite aloal wntcr hefore ah. ýbegan 'ta sink, anti' iei 'passeugers and cre"w were sa!ely taken off. r oenable for 1.V iolet ve l gaeeful hai Onaceful ire large crown.- Panniers- loubtedly b lie futu-re. lhe tailoi ceptable te 'er -plain, et Bnocaded- but in the ures., are ta c t 'c 'f i -I note or colo- ast -Iae ýcorâaetT' Long lines of 8ma'1 Caprckmug boiv. are placed on skirts ýancf-bo- dices*. Velvet ribbon, satin or dlk are 'employed -for; these, with a buckle-or butten in the-center.- Tie aillen vioping and disgnising bell -shapes in' hats havve giveii pl aSe te other hatà,of entirely differernt form,' the, broad, flat, piètUresq tie hat-bei.ng undeniably popular. Ti-ssue_. eponige, or' Turkish towel - ing, now appears in m'any colors, but its chiel use is in'whité summxer suits, and it WM lto some 'extent supplant serge and fiannel. for T In tuhs sesn's silks we, find no- 'ticeabie the: combination of p1aii with" 'changeable, ,flowered withi 'stripes,- bordered effectadi with plain 'and sjeottýed Panels- with one -tons A-Mong the leadin-_g colors are th-e various shadegs" o! tan, inchiding champagne, hazel and straw, a&lso, nut and wood browns., Lose, inài- an reLd,_ opal, limogles 'biffe, shiirn and melon,-ink are thie.high rhades. Ruffles a'd fioiùncesà appear êv- erywhere on frocks for cvery occa- ïion, narrow " 'edged with lace, o'r deep, or gradu.ated, ,or pointed, or scloewithrrposi1! and pert rnb- -bon borws tucking tem up here and AIL. of t1fe new 'askirts are cut wid-, er, and yet 'rùany- do not neasure ilny more in width than those thatr 'f have- been spiart this season., Ther,'-r is'a little more fulines-s aroun thje- upper part, and no g,6dd kït- draws in around the knees. -2_' PÂTLI 9 Narly Five-,Hundred Miles INOpeOned' -A, despatciif rom Ottaws1 &"Ys: fwiich -portion Èejween the. eastern and western-I iug sIeulti - be 'endsao e! t.Grand Truaik Pacifie o!f thismon-th. Riiilway,-'so fiir esr teti, -thte thipre are-tÏon1i * ~ 1 ~ gp ctar iskupon, is1% gpof49 Miles upon. whjli et, éc!4hi EeinMenuiemso! -One on Titanie. A despatch front - 1 John SegeÇ who Caine frù --Saskatchewan thu OCd Tes. there r' tg te note' injto thé' sthougit, h. gospel sapel bIef dh ai 0- .1% iniver

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