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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Apr 1912, p. 5

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~THE VOGUE in 'engai Nithlug is toc goodon - meaku oJ it is kid b semettuies i t statvisabl te buy is expensive a ringi one *puld-like. -Yeu will gt vhat ià correct here no mattc bey- expousivo. or isoxpensiN 1: may be. - *EFDIYIG RINGS-x8l In 4ualitYe-aucfall deigns-i V keep a large-assortuient at cannot help, but satisfy ycl Jewcie;- Optiin sets om the Iz-ererplaS -on DUùdn8tI. T mw nxiy rienul-ol Mrs. J..K lisr-,. P a.lis 8 oi lu~II vlth 1puumuzilaet lth ernoe 'of j t,-daughter lu Nertdz Bay, wil ï gi*d le know that dm h ontol dafr- ger and la împrovi ' ai..'. i WA"- BD. MeGillivray. '.Rgh ca4~lo in great 'arlety, mut up-to-dte in- tow-tb Ivic tus, Brandon, Siatir,, Rideau, ~i press. and, Bell,'the bust gooda, made, te bc had at MW'Collins,- J.P. Coate& post qalaity 200 yard speota in black, ,whlte ~aU "oirs. e 'for 25c.'aît 'W.'G. Waltera'. - 16ýttu-Senour d0 oent. pure palnt*coverî 400,, t 4ê.0 square«a of 'surface . pér galon, 2 coatÏ.:PrIu-. glleHadwr THZ !T#BERNAcLF 4~e Suday, April 28th. - bl ',ýheRe#. FauaJchùstou. viii as pteach moruilng and .venlng. aad aet AImta * Âr<la.luthe altrnoos. Both hers ýer su iAd-monds'collec6tions amdi sub- iv seriPtlouiË vil b .tke pr taie To- #1 Perwce ààd Moral_ Raorpi FUJI Ol k. our church. ?e Remember the. S. -S. sd. or&anIzed id fclasses at34. lu. ~ unday,- 'ýMaroh 5th, >vî be thie ltAlust Quarteriy meeting M thAe cm- fereoyear. SMiss Drinkwater vFill uing'n SUn- ti . f eer leavlng Whtby. nI lA - visses iv The newedt lu Ladlis, mis"es ad Chiltren', Boots, .Shoes sud- Pump» at Ppel's- Sshopeno -Two .-Vaum Clommtera bronts- 60 renta pur d ay.Ue. . ic.. e-veryý 1- to<r oi Reeve, rontoi kbly ýwmvn. m."etài ii-d nneit. ON AT ALL SAINTS! r VOB«lflg, AprilI25ta. kl, Rer. R. WaAbrW&4 wiUiih nduct as rc- ,byb lieRt, ROf..W saistaut BIshop et Te- Rem; .wiIl ùn#., * Id Mnx. J».- go The A. Y.: P. A* viii be. beld,1w Alj ,PIA140 FOR SALE, Saints' Schoolroom on- Tuesday - sweet -taned upelghli mfltumit ng,' àpr-I 8th. A selkenngpioforal -Ape tIS dO belugé arrangei for. Evorybody wei - VO ATD _____________ oôd generalcoek for EXou Ï4. - . Reug. ppiy te matren, mis*. 4.?, PICKERING.Lary-f eaumed a number of oulvertstbrough-1 out tha township to eb. ywasbed out. AfeW farmers begau plouablng lait ,week o spsd., T. M., McFmden bas begun prepax- atlons for' thieerectien 0e t te nov drug store on lte site adjolning thie barber shop. Lord Somers ilu giving bhWstase resi-dence on bis f arm a 1.horough renovatios. ._The carpenter work- la Ibeing dons by W. Wilson. Rport AllowaytWhbylsv- itlng at lthe home of bis parents, Ai- 'fred and.Mn. , Alloway, Elizabeth -treet. Hoefirecoveriug nioeiy frera theinjuries sustalse luan accient wbich befel him 'about, vo, mosýt4s. age0 in vhicli bis leg wus badly breken. .Owing telte . damage- dose to Pughla bridgeosn teBreak -road by the fleod& this sprisg, anu ltepr ftbillty tuai ddamage would lie offre- quent, -ccurrenice in the future. Were Ihe bridge te remain si,4t prsefft, 1h, Cnilsl I- asdaidt rOnlak.A l ___________________ i__ A *fia âmîerieàt, or iack and cr-"'"- , ored boss, and aa pecial » une bi .~ tflictiw M viiibe remeoved -t. silk at A.M. Roua'. d ocesion wvière anv I' 9...ý. is Theu contract forth e Local eo. L. Breuoi ,etport structure bas already beeu lot, snd Lo lianen igs .Arlàur, -pald a brief vldt te bis U510 tinte wlll be baut i getlig Il * - rOterMn.W.A Brngbon. ready for'publia travel. The clt viii T * "' 'Mn. Wbiflel 'e-be conslderable, but the Couilihave viii eo~ve Ara acted wlsely in coming ta titis dccii IPInOsIrepatrtng in tovn a I - LW* Thuraday ÜLMay andmtaaa hals Colis. * eaon OSHAWA. Nov w Balbnlggan uuderwear for MMs,'Dr. Reed'a. CushièU SOIe& fer com- There ditit in Oshawa on Friday,1 XIA .i 008à, *-fort ahoos. City priM~, $6.00, aur April 12, M Whot had been a residet 60 -4-A* pria. 8a.oo. m. W.. Coina' .ihoe 'bore for te last twenty years, lu taie -Tapostry.squares frem.84.90 1<> gtore. - person ot Mr. Audrew Knox. The de- IM *tW _.G_ -Wgtis . - -*-- *gentleman vas vell-kaown Sec D. Wilsou'a fMe assorîmalofeespecially in Orange crcles, as ho vs SoM-the geod assortuient i o otten Amerîi an d Cau4diai val papel. a moat devetoed nember of ltaI or-- veilei jad pooge-s sata A.M. Roi'. Dat djder, lHe vas a ConSrvaîvv lun poli- D ad AandComptas"'l A La Grace tics. The -laie Mr. Knox, Who vas 8&- Newstok Miz" Yubh8 ~ Corsets. Sizes 18 te 36. Prices SOÙc.'yearr aetlthe lime of bis dealt, Was ChirN rea -uiadii Ytwedsm a& te 85 per paie aI W.G".,WiI.rs'. -j hm utinFUnisktilien, Irelanti, andi came ChOden'aroay-mae ýteedsuit attu Canada at 16 years of ego. lHe W. Gq -Walter&'. % WILLLIS-KNOX. ilauded aI Montreal, andi immediately * ~~On lte eSenlug <bit Apeil 22, a <uO el nt onatil.Frlt miss Smith, e1 Ottawa, ta visitifl u esig eet 1kplc t b lat ietiy years lie has livedine ber parent4,' Judge. anti Mis. SmIth.- home of Mr. Peter Wllianw, WhibY, Oshlawa. in. - 1 ýI .. 0 ~ ~ ~ vhe Miss Mabel Knol, of Toronta,1Th .P.anteCNR.eg-b mi hevy worklng boots aa pe- > fem te le 0 M. George E. ocra are staking out thi Ime Pay ai u'&l. Iid son of-Mr. and Mns.:! WUfIan. jlb:ougb Oshawa ltes. days. The long V. *- Promptîy aI - &.,o'ciook tbe yaung expected la nov coming to pass. The AU atmes 'lu me's overalîs,- hclud- couple came rtok-the dra*iug recu Torontto Buterat agent, tdo, bas be- Isg vItits ~~t A. M. ROBS'. ~accompanied by Mr. Water WiLianii gunlieprhsetrgt.-ay ' 'andi Miss Lillian Thomjisoii, sud tue A delegation, consisting o.! Mayor ai LaIes Knitted Uudeîwear, Wata-' oremôiiy was pertoîmeti by the Boi. Gibson, BReeve Mitchell, Deputy Ueteve ft is's male at 10c. -ta 82 per gaîment if. B. Sexsedth. Only ltee an Slaoey, Counciler Vickery; Mi.- M. F. as W. -G. Walters'. friends weîe pissent. 'Af-tr the ox- Smithl, Prgesitient di the Board,-!ci - '~4"pression et01.-tearffty woni wibes Trade, andi Mr, Obappeil, Town EsU- Se.lit nw soc o!punsduouet hos pssetail wîre invited t eteri, spenI ail day Tuesday i Te-a plWatewan sd rajah suitings at A.M. te diniftg oom whers a Mnost templ- ronta, inspecting pavements. ing dinner, was aervéd Thte bride -4- vit~Wo Io oked vî prolly -in ber yod- ASBR Erge. i(RsvA. E. MIntyre anti ding gown, was thée recîpielit et- a Mia. Leppard, of Greenwood, spente hi t oono revsitgDr. numiir otbeaotîfl 'lasd -valabli Sunday witb Mis.;K~. Heron.1 Ers Aam. - t ursets. -The. happy ,y'o'ung oupla -Iut- Mr@. Dingi., ef Toronato, in vlsiillug tend realding. lu Regina, Saab. WO A. B. Fiuber. 1F1b#am s2 vas-ge il to sery hiapýfs5.- ' r. am& Mis. iIKey îcturned mis- >XIo 111h prices at, tbisstore. "W$ -sionaries fhem ,India, 'gave a Veny lm- koe qal~y p atiprceaawy dwn SPICIL er os da oi' duiàgIuS restlng talk on their vork, on Wed-q a -E .Collins'. - our 1l day rug -and i û sle. BeIStnesday afternoon sud evenilgin u ta * qu1~t? Enlla -fiOi~ICi0h5,le 1*,Pr8bytberaiichurcai. ~ j~i~ Vcum aretcimi- *~n 2yAds vde rul? risMs. Brown, of Port Perry, la 'vIs- or ý. 0.pet day. -DeilVeret am iià.i- 37je,,Saturday. Apnil, 17th11 gy25. ltlng iber sdater.- Mise. Brashbi ei fo. - -pen square yard; 20 Day l>tlwUt ir. Nlitsudoi&e, OfGreen River, - .eeicyrm.Suiin&blt fer lb. kitObsit, spenlts v6à sued vitit Mrs. A. M. Mr,. and Mrs. T. Desmonti, Whittby, batI'-'6rbedrtootsM ..Wils. 111 e nwouaneSthe engagement %.of tuter W-are Pleamsd to bear that Mi. L., dasheMirgaet A., te Lauroe '. AL0I*ER MItw ho .underweut an opera- ,bIsetze, cf ýDeIrit, the ,marriage Saturday, Ms? 4tIh, 1912.!- -kuCUU ion on- for appendiit1s, la improvlng a s & ,6 Wt OI ictiE' e4td 1taire place linDtroton the 301h 'sale - of a*eîui tl Ie.ou !Wl-veiB St ) iite. E, o et A^pnil--il SI. Maryla churlch. . - y herprykuv ste'Ai<Z Iiityie,,-vio accoupadedMm tute-*- - -- gtde Stllu nudes.. sale at 2 city, :buareturned home. 'Extra gooti values lu Wall Papers 6,'clock. W .m.a*~, _àMýtolr. - Mr. T.P. Griffth. bAs returned from aI D. -Wlson's, Dundas- S .....a o Iv o mntit? visit villi ws par- -- WH11JýBY fRESBYTERY. enita, lWre . M i mbreporte A Zeed range' et laies' -summer-un- ,_ýTg WhtbI Preaibytiy. mal -tu OÎÉ- thatlte "VIctorIas" an vblcb ho -derwea ro lnelulý4ni - sum-mer cmla- --TvWdy- last inlte PresbY- 811,4 d, bt Proceed very aiowiy- tios., at A. M. ,Ross'. nian. eltuncit. ?roet,,.Dt., Abnibam va-llelu thiceflids.-,,Heo alè&d - -4-- - J. . McKej , .. _ f hm Liverpool on April 121h, mai-aý fi'bo adjeurneti meeting o!f te 0u- gosAC.Carnetoll, -.Halgte.Mr riveil In Halifaxos the 2thz. - tarie 'Cednty Old Girls' AssocIation, W-MMire dei .. ke, f.J. P. Balfour*setSna .ywl i e teid -in lte CounciliCitasibo Peorbor.o; M.MclCay#,a! NeOMÏChl &U Uomidày,- April 201h, at 4 o'clock indtia, inutera, 'and Hi' Honor Judge Ja i *e &ftooon.- iltr.Msr.KIh rlha-I T~+~+ ~ f1 :. Ut- liant Mis. T. Desmond -asdti e daugitter, Mis. Urowelb, ni, VInnipeg,. vile- bas been visitlng .ber Parents- since betere'Eas-ý, lntend1 ieaving -tàe lait 0f tbbis eek ta attend',-hi - vddlngo! titeir.-daugiter, MarSaret; vbcila tb 14ok. plàce quletiy, fLaDe,. »out 40 toiso!f ikst-c1 Dot7 1la sl.moitly tlmothy.- Paèdee Bres Audléy, Bell phonle. 'WANTED. Meltw .amteti about Iay let, ta do teieral heusework. Si SmmIIY. GotS wagems'. Apply' te A. A. Atkin- son, Managr DotfbkmotBa*i, WbltY. FARM WANED-. Webave clients vwaltlng for ferIM 1 titidistrict. If you vlsh tes"Il write 1 u.. 'MUHOLLAND &C. McKmsô4n Building, Toronto- A mlduslàl tire or tour Wr.8 et ii,ta Whtor e-mu bi., Spot ildi 4ply dJobs x Neh u l. 1die, or bok O-Mt. FORBiALUe. Tberougbbrei ýWhlts Iaq$i whte eWymttFt ee m.IUq. A. luoy Ot. NOTICE TO O MEE puons, flavlug top, SiDP«- peàMFw TENDERS POR OL» BUILDING. Tendérs wvu be receLYMdlit blD ýwn Clerk's office uP 10 USM ApMil 912, fort thepurchamo o! tais old afdn djolnlng fl alm Purcliaser te reniêve MM o*tlm 0:days. JOSEPH BAICER, Cheirman Tovu 1rop&'W.P REAL ESTIATE. De MAISONM19GAF? IN Green St Brick house,8 $500~~ rooms, bath, closet and basin,: furnished ini hadweod, ~large el1ar,ýlaundry and tubs, electric ligbt- rig, oeien plumbing, htot watèr heating, bemutiful corner lot, large roomy barn, everyt4ing ini good condition, good value. $ 'Byron St., soli brick, de- 3 tuces, tes roems, bath, claset îand basin, open plumbhrigi hot air he*ting, bout state of repam', beauti- ful corner lot. Tenu.. a31 Dundas St., large brick 0l3> bouse in good- state of re- pair, ývith .11 modem convences, acre lt geed -orçhard, fine gardons, large stable and cOt buildings. CheaP. 0 2'OOBMr>"s$t.0 brick boume, 260 ý- th limodern convent- csini godrepair. ]Double- lot rerm~ arranged. I8do , goodter.f'ure acre lý-t. Seth. $60 .. ë- ci -ouig OUiM ie t* o ondition. Godgardea. Cheap.. $400 BUILDING LOTS:- Byron St., quarter smr-lot dll iu fruit. Bustlocatio. Byron St., Gos r1j6. 5115S" te.. $250 Byron St., corser lot eare. f Shade tises. t2@0 Dud St., .Osie lot, % acre BmélQ Br , Byron, Chestaut mnd Room J59 Dissous Buidint 4TTBACflV-ESTYLES' 1,- AprU, ~. v~ioe, S~,R oo-, A00. Heard's Bus, Lîné £wua. aiN Te aaiag. BluesM puracw«y glb "u ~,m tra". W f Néwp"en, v av-Oom - s, .ouTayst-ds.uzseySm e.soIm 'Phone o o 8 DseyBrs I Witby,-Pho no 9. Cà1lsby dayor -sight proîptly E., W. EVANS Fuimp Eanufatr.r Slip and lleuioes Dummiaatmd Tree Oors vott Wbtby IHoue. We areu rpaM," tauItul oe4 or Iroi ppu u «sort »o".eadu ettmd to ailRdk"à0otte- AUiIfotr« the Ontarlo WiI1à mmi. sie gagoline egins. md- the squa G«er.si Maet Oream Separator- PhotoeNo. 80 residence. _ 1 MONUMENTS oftsN DWulgnaad la tapt là Stock Il «lil147700 b oMU et mU W« ' " am ipasi for yureL- D.s'l bi Wé do~h V i Mit mi.lm p lyva on ueby prcal rem us. A GISoltl os Iti M imite 10. B E CA.IFF EH0. j Iinso«rto ohrCat. PrScaraton Ce oal" Viens, 1prght imd Driy. oGtale" 199, Stove. àa Lu Il dosn'tcool taymn tion*br- 1I~ soon be ail Àaroundy'Ou' and awiII n-eed a camera. 1-IE EN SIQN' iu ulidorbtedll? t1iý. st'rongeàt _,ed eàt.camera made... B* oneu and b. asoured ,f' pro r results. Ai lug other-advantagpin, buy. ýrm u s lethat *a cas gv you prope r' instructions as tc anti bow.ý ta work yen? camerà nake your,pictures. The Be st Supplies ali. wasoù hand. I1.' LWILSON -Wh 1 . - -Ontarlo. ro a "utnk. Brut i. M"s-mpesprilou mmd"à - fe.uom je H.a JAMES Whltby --On. urable Neat and Fshioabi We havle> a fuül-it hne of Mens, W** ils and Children's fine and hea'vy go he very l:atest ,designs. -A cati. solicited. A pleasure to show goods. Bhock stireete Sovtb, Whitbyl eOatario on hand 6 rowed SEED BARLEY. ýD OATSI. a smàll lot left. AL ALFA,,îhemnost productive 'and profitable varictyof- clover, Seed pure and of highest quality RISbICLOVER, NO. i Government Standard for puratyé. T14IOTHY, No. i Gov'ernment, Standard. GAR DIN SEEDS, in bulk and ini packets. SE e' BD POTATOES, early and late varieties. WH ITBY ,ONT ARM - 4-- W.~. h Rchiirdson ~ROCK 3MIý- -Wtt!] LEA DING 630jKq - &TA T/O Di LU of [r' su" SEl "--I -J -q i -ected le re.9- direct - fdi da, to Can- prîngýe

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