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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Apr 1912, p. 7

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ia t0w moments. rUtR!NI TO 8111F J r u ble , q ujdc Icy eve lo p s squ u 1ad- ôften fatal dis-ý se. To ensurê.jgeed bealth, cure th.iat tYMPtoms ewithhDodd's.- Kidune r ila They neyer f ail. A COIlE QUICK5 GOIQUICK. "ryou p.y - yo.ur servanle by tihe -ve1ç or by thé monthi" ýý ! rc!How long do you thiuk ,ýthey tay,wi1X ual We have to pay t«nbythehoiur ~O,ot gir. yourfaiyfo pi, et *ith alunr, baldng powder. ~7oMaoic Jaking Powder. Costa no more than ,the ordinary hinds 9pgý*rùteed not -b conItalun atun. Ail ingredients are plainlyg 'Fited lon' eac ~package. .See ifi they, are du' the'brand you.1are now1 naing. A,11 up-t6-date.,Grocers eel 4 DVEXIST SOLDIER WON OUT speut Seven Vomrs ln Jail Rgmther Than Worli Saturilays. Th case .f ,thée Germsn aolsier Nawitann, swhose an Adventisk re- -~fiied tb work on- Saturdays andl ".spéxt seireral < a sin militar li- r<soninent je consequncem, bas ee thron - to shade ,by1tii. 'riticl, wbag«y f another *isol- * L'r named, Mugge, a-. oliower Of- Naiimann put in tht'..years in -îprison aud theon changed bis ýmmùd, ' a«reed 4<> work oen fSa.tdayaELi thritest of-iea ooorades and- là chU 28t~'D5Ijjile ap..Migge spent - isI ejon y'paWks in pron tdr lre fumai te obe-y endors and main- gs.ned:hi. attitude to the lait. No. arguments hlie le aileffech,-,-bie p sition was tioutMwher e .la. o Qed çoufietea -with the Lawa'of mon the. latter had t b dsr<arded. Mugg.like Naumanu, was eaM- inod as te bis sanity, but -tire docc- tors came te the conclusion that.he wus in full posseÉsion cf bis facul-. lies. There was every prospect of Lis remaîining in prison for tLe et *of.hfis life wheu a change iu bis it- cumtances led to* hie release. Re foll ilIi the doctors made. a micro- :àtiepcil sxamiPation of hie biood ti ' &finaiiy certifi.d that ho w-a un- Stt fgilitar-y service. 'Thie resuit i.a th eone merning Mugge uwas. sétet T-be*Kaise'r had exeviedj his, right oi pardon. * EARNINGS AND SPENDINGS-. Turcan b. littho deubt- but, wha the majority of us ougbt 10 b i a iitti. more- ayetem'to. bear uuithïe -outgcir4gS.It la et gol mu what a m~ai earne as 'what he n"a ~ i5thmýt cally count.- Kep ' i - or Intoine, if only -by e few centW, andàaU will b. wéll. Exceeti your durnings.by spendings, anud therp -wiIl be ne eud te the trouble 14ai wii lfollow. ..Perbape tthebeat ' ystm cf- a&l in te carefully sub- .di-vi4e oe's income, aflowancing it -Out in, definiÏte proportion. undor facl head of expeitre.- very Crisp, >Litt.e Flake ,Toa5tieés i1as -a flavour al Its o0p j 'Toasties" are made of ajSèlected.whitelndiau corn: fWst cooked. then rolled iîito, 'wafer-like, bits - and tp9sste4 tom an, appetmzing-. '-o1den, brgwn. - IA favorite foodfo b kfst. lujsch or -Supper n t. so thouaandsuo thou- 'I n'-of hom'es' where' -peope, are particular.- "TII. Pe lemoryLingers" Bo'loti by Groooss i ~ àd .' adby CLuamau Postum Crsai Co...Ltd. i Purs FèooSFactoras, The- LokalI Ànzeiger publishes an urgent .ppeal - o Germun soca-etY leaders to 'return ta- #'simple t: iig." Il st,tes that the >luxuryera in Gxernmay has.,eaused an extrava-t gance m ' dining wiicih threatens finaucial imnpovermahrnenh.and diges- tive ruin.:' ,Garlabad, IMarienbad, Kiseingen and ether, spas, wMhach cater t4> ,thenée«~ of ",penitentt gluttc'ns,'> are, es.ys't.he journal,Ç visited by .um-bers,, pnmaUy in- creaiu, wo g- thère in spring and é meto ak menda -for over-eatingMIud vr- riungin winter. "ik would be geun public servicoý,on. th pt6rt of lead-; igsceypersonagee iftiieywoula Igln by-pràoticai exkmple 10 wage Co th&eii.seeu.llu4 unso modern enteri4ining, am- fa.r as lie culinary end o! itla c>nrned.; OnIy y a -returzi - simple e.pd< sensib 0diniiers t'a we a.ver genu-_ irie economic-and P'bysicaeli" 1 IIOTDB.'S PUISE 'OF Mrs. Win. Sullivanï,,Main River,: e~ , sy:U t time my. baby was three montlis oldit,'cried 1 lried mzany thinàgs, but got no- thing*-10 help it untiV a &,neighbor adviged Baiby's. Own'Tabiets,-I ;gel a box of these a ndthere- waa a change almoit after the. Érst'dose and in s isho>rt lime th. child was in the. best of -health, and la now a big, -fat, good-inature#i baby. 1 am now neyver without tii. Tableta -in the. hi1n reconumend them'-to chter môthera2' VT.abt are sold by mediciùe dealers or by ,mail at 25 cents a box from'The Dr. William' Medielue do., B jrockville, ont. - - EBST :DO« DETECTIVESO' EnglIeh 'Expert -Pute the AIrecU1. Teerlu FViret .Pise.. Maj. RÇhgrdeon, a-Britiob ammy officer who lqves aI Hamriow,. Las Liad remarkabié sgueese lu raining dog- for7 police unI -war'purpehÉes. H. uses Airedale terriers exclusively, Lavin-g found th# i Ligame, hardy, wire-iaired bre,- the largest of th. terriers, is beit adapted for work wiich requires >pluck, aclivily and -a higli degre. , ofi ntelligence.,. Tii. Germnan - army is-trainiqg Airedales for outin c and finding deald wondd se i , *'aving abaudoued 0'.,;eff, ort Icitrain icng-haizqInaive' reedoe-lanàger aise. > - Tiihe at acliievelie nt' of, on. o!, Ma. . ichardson? 's Airedaies ha. beén» reported - f rom BlgApome. Jaçk, lie hero et th~e' exploit, was -bred ,and'traiiel b7 hilm sud sol le the. Singepore polic.- When thé eeetive station there oTt word that a Chineeserving a de setoeelunthé local prison h-ad escapel Jack wae assigùed -'le lhe case.. Lt n'as two Lours aftém thé Chinese Lad gelt away tiat Jack reached the, pison. Ëé tec;k up lte seent ai on~e and ran the -man dowu This nas a remarkable exhibition oSf seenting -powers for. a terrier, but tic Airedale enthusiaqta say thal Ihis bree4- can ýb. utilizél for, a greatl 'varielv- df fleil sports than axiiy offher ogt ' Ii-e Jack- son Noee eu nry in, Wyoming the ,-s a rack cf Airedales useld for hunt- ing beame, aud- in' the Soutieru- States thée redaIla iï, sed for -the .excihing ulil tspoetftreeing ti wary 'ceeo.Ilu~ been aîsert-ei eve laIt-b à dhemuakes a good bidodg. - j.This emamkab]e bm-e-d is a crossg h etween. the oterhound, Wa splondid -atemciog, aud the - ld-fnehioned Skye terr:ier. Béuee *rà Idnet recogrize,-tie. Airedale as a £-eparate breed : itil iwithin -Comparatvi reoent -year~suad liehéb eed wam pr"ctie.ally ýuniknown forty years Héis an euptIn ýIg, l.g-legge fellow, 'resentbling thi eh termile. lu conformation ii utmuc*h te-li su eaviera I ud'i distinguiihel hy a sadlle pr blanîret thal rms iii shd frmrzz e t-:b-lack and c" trasta strongiy witii the.- tan thal ceovers thei'eit of.tie body audJthe The Nen'ý York,-, police batve somi trmained Air<'-dal« , id poic, Qrman sud Auqtrian 7cities L1avi mal. purehases from'Mai. Ricliard. ton, a keinn. reeentiY.. 1"What, y;àu e. è tLat creaturi te Im. 'e I e -au t iag ine.1" e -a a iMrs; Dubbleigýh.. Why, siic's ïaI maie up 1 Ber hait' hem figure, hiie eômplexin-every bit cf hem la arti ficial il,-"Weil, WhAt,,of t I, me blood bnilder- is-Dr. ilim'Pink Pill. These pille. not . ýly banish apring weàkniý6s, but guard you againsat he mr sreAailments. hhat follo.w, such as ansemîa-, nerv-- eus 4debiity, indigest iioli, nieumas- hemin, and otiier diseases due ho b" blood. In prcéol of htes Mrs. Pmma- P)uck, Carleton Plvace, Ot., says; "I1 was greiltly troubiedl, witlx weak ousuese,, sud. did 'ot find anytIing te help ýme- ntil achting on i. d vice- of ;anaunt- I began li useOf Dr. -Williama' -PiÈnk Pilla. After using, five boxes -1, fouud niy health *fuliy reatored., and cheerfPily rew- oommend the. pillà fto.ethers!" If: yeu are, afing .Ibis * sping you.« canuot - afford, lu your own- inter- est, te overjook se valuable a ýmedi- cin. as" :Dr.' Williams' , Pink, Pis. Sl by ail medicine ýdeaieme or Iy mail at, 50, cents a boit -or six Àb xes for *$2.5<) from 'Tii. DÉ.Williame. Medicine Ce., .Brockville, Ont. ~COSTLY KITCHEN. Evemy saueepaai in ILe Shah-of Peraia'sa kftchen i- gi1ded -in side, and the . hes ÃŽhich âappear onthie' table 4,re cf selid gol, as weil as thi eoCuv, and fenks. The. h1andlea <of-îLe latter, moreover, are, orna.menedwith costiy atonýes, and someu te rwoth *6muci asu$400 escli. Iu prepariu'g lunch for the Shah 'none but silver spoons cau Lbe u»ed, and a.ny coyeriug uased fer keeping -cold meata iMut alla b. of 4ver thirtyels, and àlthogetÈier1 those empleyed in hiei kitchen zium- ber-ueariy 'ole hundred suad tweuty. Their wag eeamount1 te eg , 5OO.- week. k c h il I I t I i A Rhythmleal and Grateful. Chant A heac1her lu saTerfô Haute pub.-t lic elidol joins in the chorus: .-"Teaciing in a busincss-n'hicli e-' quires a grea4 dehi cf brain aud nerve ferèe. Uniese- this force. in reuewed 'se fast as- . -expeuded - the. teaclier ih ,xhaushed betore the cloué aof thieyear. Many resenlt te slimulating tonics for relief. "4For i2 yea.rs I struggildagainhl 'almeet complete exiiaustieii, gel- ing n'ialirelief I col £rom doc- tors' tonics. Tien in -tie apring o! '1903 1 had an attack of 'la grippe and m'alaria, which lefti me too weak te continue ni.y work. Medicine f ailed ,te- give. me laüy relief, a change cf climahe failéd4.- 1tieuglit I shoul neyer b. able 10 go back lu ecioci again. I ste enougi food, -(the ordin- smy meals--whute bread, vegelables, etc.) but n'as iungry afler mneals.-' : "I'1 happenel aI tue dine to eae au article giving lie experience of! anehher teacher , wiio laI ,becu helpel by Grape-Nule teod. I de-- clded te hry (7rape-Nuts sud cream, as an expernimenl. I n'as a de- lighhfui expérience, sud continue so after -a year and a Lai! cf con- stant use. - "Firel, I noticel liai I n'as net Lungry'-atter zmeals. "Iu a fen' laye hhat hiel feeling léfi ine;' and -I feit fresh -sud-briglit, inutead of duil anld SlIeepy.* "Iu tiireementhe, more than my usual ýstenglh- returnýd, sud I Lad- gained 15 peunde in .;weigit. 1-11 finishel îLhe year's work wilh- out a"y kinI o! tonic-n'ss net ab- sent f rom dûty even bal! a day. j"Arn stili 'in thé beet e! health, withiai) who know ime. wondeig st thé -iniprôvenient. 11Ibell.- theni- ail, 'Try - Ûmape-. Nuls ~"Name given bÃŽ -Canad,'an Poslum Co-., Windsor, Ont'. " Tieres a reason" - EWW r eai tuhovs lot tor? pusuo J wÂ,oars frou nt s m o te u. -Thoy,-ars U;genulo%.true. and l uis of lwman Inforel ' --4 -- Týhey-had--been engaged only 'a week. He lied kissél hem -fùul-y f<or- ly limes liaI e.vcning. When. Le 1 atcpped thé lears -came mb lier tleyes, sauJ ahe ssiI: "Dea&resl, yon Dhsve ceao4d te -love, me." "-No, _1, -haàveut,". ho repliel, "but I miuît A Pili Tist le Pized. -Tiers' have- been-'many piula put upen the markch suà,d prmesd upon public, attention,- but nope has endurel no' eon iormcl- 'witih se 0.mucli favdi" as' a Parmele's'-Vegetable.ýPilIs. -Wid'e- l spr6ad' use of! heinhashitestelý r hheir gteal value, snd tiiey need no -furtiier advertiscnxient tien tli.. a liberal5aip1e of euhb, wlttb 52-p; boofk ou Ih kn iUbe @entfieou appieationto., t'otter -Drug & £hema. Corp.. 54 Coiua Aro ilgstone galatomse.bard, Bmltxe(feel big whea otanding )n thir g ity-.1 Il' hs>unning e:xpefteýesthat k.epa, naY, man behind. A prof'" uiel peliticiaU is a man Whe> hane, .eandid -oplinions. ,If ,yQu ýwant other peokto look dou on -lu ook' up 10 hem.. ýTiçare times wien. a good bluff is as. effeetive as. great riches. . a --IL, e'ge.me ot hbearte, shena man is in doubtelie should lead dia- monde. - Dancing would be. awfully Lard work.if i i aen't for tLe fun,-cifthée bhins. .Every girl witL money looks like a get-rwh-quçk pooiin to morne No man euprofit, alWoetiier by the experien- of Others. Re muet muy nome çf Lis ewn. A man e.au remeniber te Lis dying day- ai&R th ngse. elearued ah coi- .ge-;-out" Ideistextbooks. If. a Màu la too proud ho, Leg amd. boo boneat l teat Le aloudd leavel politica te> those Who are fttted for A girl, is --awfully di&94)po4nted ehontly after, manage te> discover tihst îier hsbaâd s Merely au ordi- nary mali liii. her brôtber. h pm "i"I'm afraid I can'h let you iiarvel latI rug, sir." .Oua- tomer-l' !Wy notl Do I lok like a man -Wo would kil hianseif 1" Shopman2"WelI, I wouldn"t go so far-aaté1say liaI, air; but if I looked 11k. you'I would b, templ- «t. p, Fis That Have Benefitél Tion- sands.-]ýnowu tam sud nears a sure emedy, lu he treatmnet fil- dig estibn sud al derangemenha ot the. stomach, livér sud kiducys. Parmelee's Vegetable Pille have brougiit relief t10 hhensande wheu thier epecifica have tailel. Innuxu- erable testimoniale eau .Le produc- Cd to.establàhihi tc rtïio! thie as- -sertion. ' Once tried they will be fouud su perler ho ail chier -piis in tie treatmeut o! the. aliments for s-ici tliey are prescribél. TAXI*NG -NO CHANCES. "Why >on'l you put a 'n'.t paint' sign on your perds 1',' "Net zluch. II d hhatlast year anI al wnho passed 'rubbed Iheir flugersevéril ho &.6sif il reaily n'as. Tus yeà'! 'm taking no chance." 'Tefôly Trslwothiy"'le the ciaracter o!flBickle's Anti -Consnmp- live Syr;,up. jIl can b'. usel miih tLç utmost confidence liat il -wili doshat is claimed for il. Lt is sure lu ils ececta, as lhe ume o! il wl çiearly demonetrahe sud can be re- lied upon te Idrive s cold eut of tic s ystein more, effectiveiy tien any olier me,ýiicine. Tmv it sud be cou- vincel iaI il iswn'it ilis élaimed lo be. Love weuld lasI longer if. il were Sinarire 1L1luiintnfGuru mGaruff. -SURE -CURE. Qu* z-"Do yÃ"u - knon' of any good n*#y 10 ýkeep trousers from baggin stuthle knesV WËmz er-" Su re; tumm ' em fon sud wee'ibaékwat'ds on &Itl n ate4d s."~7'-- - tm and tues, nedoubt, la Dr. Yaff wýa's aotive' in proee"ing ag th-e exaltat ian of an .a.ct whial Chrishian- worlId regards, as a a -ous sIn - - TERRIBLE REBU.LT 0 F BLOOI> Afer -ihree Operations Zam-Buk Waa Tried and Proved«uceau. -If people -.would oniy use Zam- - Buk £or chrenié nores, blood-poieon, etc., before permitling an opera: lion, scores e01.-limbe weuld7 4 savéd. - Mr. Robt. Patterson of No*rh P- Lam, Welland Ce., Ont.,, writes: "My daughiter, Annie, had biood- poison -in lier finger. Tiie coctor operated twice'.ou tLe faigem, but did net 'cblain 'tL. desîr«t resuit, and a, bLirdi operation >wae cousid- e red >neceessary. - Three doclors -were preseut at tuis operation, but afler il lied bein- peformed thé wound didnet heal. Try as we would we dfould net gel auytiiing 10 close tii. weuud. - "We aI liset tried Zam-fluk, and it vas really wonderfui te satci diow this baim healed thé wound. Each day there Was a mariced im- provement. F'irst-the woundin tii plilm e!1 the baud closed, aud -tien the-.-luger whicii Lsd been ,bad 8.0 long- began, to- eai. Tii.. diseaed, flash seemed - 10- ise.eut o0ti bvoung sud lieu drop off, ahdnés bealtiiy j esh formel from hbelen', Vnïing off the diseasel tissue'.-lun-a short lime the. wound n'as comple- ly heaiel. -Had w. appiied' Zam- Buk ah firat we migiil have saved îLe-fige For chromie sores, bloold-poison, ulcers, abecesses, scalp.-sores, piles, etuptions, infiamed patches, ec- sema, cutos? burne, bruises, sud al skin injuries sud diseases Zam-Buk is witioul equal. bOC. box ail drug- gisha and stores, or post free from Zam-Buk Co.,. Toronto, for. pricd. Have you triel Zam-Buk Soap I 2u. tablet.. THOROUGHNESS. "Tic publicusually- forgetq any inju.diciouespeechee a man happéns te .mak,-,"t'emarked thé.-con~fideuh politician. .- - - S"Yesi" repliel Senater Sorgiium, - "but it aàmosl invariabiy f orgels the inualong 'iththem." Whon -Tour Ey.s Neêd- Car@- Trynurine EyelRce. o0mrtn -ei Fiue-Acte Qulckly. TyIt for e, 'ak WaterY"Eyansd Granulated Eelds. Ilmm. trati SBock lunah Pcag.Murine la compunés 1W UcuI atant teiit 5(5- ielu'- bdbu ulu shce SIfu1-hysc rao5- tic. for mauy y rer. Now dd ctt the Pnb- nic and sold b rugglSto-st 250 séand prBottie. Murlue Eye SLre in Aseptia Tlubes, .2ansd fIc. Murine Eye Çkemedy Co., Chicago Wihen opale are first taken -f rom lhe mine thcy are E»e set thlaI the-y au b.pickéd le piecS - thei Sweel sund palalabie, Môth4r Gravés' Worm Exterxinator is te._ ceptabie 10 chlîmen, suddit dee ils work surely sud, pro3iptily. Patience-"Sie h"_ ocri a bat Ihat juet suilel lier face." -Parice- "'Oh, n'as il sasplain -as thall" BUBBER FRON1 TIYRPENTINE. Physielet Announees the.- Invention of a Neýw Substitute. Th Tiinention o!'a nen' kinI cf frmChristianüia. lÇorn'ay. .A Gem- man'physician, Dr. 1Kurl Grosa, hasý pr!oueed 'frein ýturpenltine -aft, t. rien'rubier1ikésubstancewhich Leo Blink *(tI tray "- Giuk (IL. crIers in ci Blin1-"l -Gink-"O' the others, Th eme me .but Hollow ai îLe head suite, are C TR Firat Dnm wht4i.m th, are eatiug Secnd - know je tl iug fer." ý ,rdere did you gel yes- aalesman-"'I gel two the lel". Vhat swere theyi - ne. is tegel out, and soo tay.out."1 y -b.e other cern cures. as Coru Cure stands of! he liai Bo far as ne- ,ncérned. ~STING SOUL. or-I.îîHow do you -kn<ow il leehieer -rveai ycu iit'8 ehiek4n I'm psy- IosdemINARPD'8 LINUÏENT the 13EST L;irmnut ln; Use. I got my t001 badly Jammed la:tel..I bathed it we. 1 with MINÂRIS LINIMENT. anuit ilwas as "Il as ever nert .day. Tours very truly, T. 0. HMULLEN. COULD HAVE RAD HIM.. Mrs. Yongi (toi traxnip)- You alJW ys seom to . enjoy esting My food, -ut my huzband is neyer suited wî it.". Tram tAh, mum, .ain't it a- pity you didn't meet me first 1"~ Cheape4t of, Ail Oils.- Congîder- ing*the curative qualities, of Dbr. Thomas' lclIectric Oil it ls the cheâpegt <df ail preparations-, offýr- «t to the jubic. It ie 10. be found in eve-y dlug store in Canada f romi ,coast, to cgast and ail -oountry mer- chante k p. it- for sale. 9o, being easily pr u -râble and extremeiy nioderate u, price; no one should be withcut aibottie ci it. ,.Melser;of Parliament- ini Bel glum are ý ýaid $80 per month ýrhilst Parliamne t lasSitting. Ulnard'a,ýLI ilmint-'for sags mveuywlnr&r Marks "'.I know youri'wlfe dd' like it bqcause you jýoclkme home unexpect4dly to dinner laatýnight.."ý Parks -. «."Nonsense! Why, you" hadn't been goue.- two niaute b, foreshe remarked.th-at uhe.was glad it was, no one else 'but, yu.' roo~ ~sick Dui 0fmany fornai Of inoss and 'sf '-an ee iPkamouPit Of more,' FARMU FORl SALE. H. W. Dawson, Nln.ty Colborns 4,tr-ft. Toronto. - 'UNDRED. ACRES IN C(ALEDON, Couuty.of Peel. WO HUNDRXD ACRES IN; CALEDONf ÂORE AIES-OOOD BVMIDN;. .4,N IDEAL FÂRM 0OPF1TWQ HJNDEED' -aud'Niuety Acresli Towngbip of' Rtlton ;-ten minutes'. walk fro -m Post6eéë br lMarf; -Flue*Stoee lou-se und GmôiY Bank Baru sudOutbnildimg. Imnplements lneluded in the price. Bfluildingia kn ost nearly as mîmck as picesitaed. Itin AGood.. Buildings; -'well planted; ati , B ASNATCREWAN, E9IT las 0flum>ikansd Manitoba lands, lusafl or large blocks. W. W. 'Dawson, Ninety Coiborne Strmat0I Toronto. market;. sol, Clay loarn.. mmlior- obard;ý brick bouse;. barn. 'Price $220. Western iteal, Estate, London.' MÂEHELP WANTED.-. B ARN TO BE A TELEÃ"RAPIÏEIR OR Station Ageut. Big demanit for men. Prosei!ook 19 explatinâ work -aud wagsm. Dominion Sebool Tlgab~Toronto. RlATT eud" PARI SÃ"ALESI. IWlooW Re dl. Works. 9 ESpIanadf.. Tarent.. fiANCER. TUILORS. LPUPI. setc. In. 1' ternal -sud ,eiternai. eured witbout ain by,,our bie treatment. Write n before toc late. * Dr. Bllman Itedical Co..- -Limitie& . Oolin"iood. Out, Q Sos! Wrký 9Espaad& Tornto. DY EING Il. CLEANING 1 For the very 4e, %ndmoud or worl to0 66BRITISOU AMERICAN DYEING CLIP Look for agent in! jour town, orimnd direct MUnttreaàl. Torc nto. «QuVtala. I QÇuebe* WRIM FOR PUR F180 R OANERAND- TUMOR Omaia UrsoblPrserveBamurlghE it, io Muns. Z4 will gIve an as yote e postpaid wi "iHow tao1 F. L 61

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