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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Apr 1912, p. 8

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..... . Elobberlitn taiors aire experts. The,*,study evg rt of thée gamei)îfrom firutto l asý.,' Tya rébra Iuied ghapersof cloth. . Wè,are'sole agents win aIity for rHobberlin made-to-ngeasur è garments, nmow showing th4 newlincs,,forSfir wear .nwy chiots, Fancy Worsteds, Scotch TWeu sh Tweeds,- Blue and BlIack Sergçsý and Chevic W. . OLIA 'ooklln E Ontario.- Sole Agency Hcinseof -Hohiein, Limitoti digoetio ,,,shw t. " c toble leads Ic- isother. 4ye bl~pe ýthe-most 1famocs, an mb.m"t appred fa i ~eredy IW the, world. They are- knowu for-.their *.ouderffl mnd uarvaled power Ici cause regelari, murai tios pf 1th. They, are gentie, safb, but sure.Beha' PilHa bemefit c very organ of thc -body-birighten the iye, déear. the braiin, tojiçe ;the erves and lncreate vzi-bouetheY iReluv 1eFs as o Troluble JÎLÉ. Joseph, K,ýàg juos the Ga- Ici bave been 'purçbaaed by Keiap. zet n.Oronicle th*,he wna the Bros. We weere dbyIiold l4>1 on the north-west corner of Wlat th1e purchase bad. been made, b'el Bro Ik street ,and4 the base-1ine, whioh our informant;. evdeatly -M046 a slilab In. tese columna last week was maidmistakc. la locatioà. Faâher, Mothér, 'Sister, Brother, PTCVnIS Ail Shouli Use ParlsluiSuý IpteentsBaidhiess-Banishes vigorous i ih meansthat the hait IDandruff-Stops Faling pcrs raliant asd'beau"tful. ~iair nd ithing'Thousande are wastig lAme, I1084n l4 ad tcingScaip- hair and 1 wigbellibeCauae tiý.Y P*RISIAN SAGE la a farnly hair art u$ing auperfical tomica. W%%île tiý and dressing tuàt will do much t.bey- may dlean thé. calp andmi mI t £oo4 tu .every home; feot retresbedll they'do ot etl W lb T4e, man who uses çro ol il1.hatw PA1tISIAN SAGE~ il the :real dewtroyer 40f cmiy' oocasional y tllBACK hair, tbe. pernlolous ,aevér trow batd. Bald- dandruif germa,. "rVea meus ia caused by lit- DANDRUFF ~and xmultiplies. tuaij germa Whîch go T~ 1ry PA R 1 S 1ij do" n to the roots-o! R MOY - S A G E (or ail blt lb.ýe fhair î-devour .it& jtroubie; it me a a niourishment gjud cause -deatb t<i-- ti tlWeroot W týdie and the hair to full life W 1ahlait. -Iù ls id$thia. onùt. pleasant tW use and. se harmIms Uat >PARISAN SAGE i cenil W a eued by eveymeber -of halt remedy that, nt o'nly kÎllstshie-the family, (rom the, oldest:tq -the lit- -airf r ç m9, ut gives tbe hair tWètut. -etjueto<a nii nure gives -it. Yyou are not sat4afle4 "t tAi i ujdet ÈARISIAN-'SAGE first kilts -1tbe as igod as clatmed, your mprney bock g" ; tien nourishes tue weakened without any quibbliug.> Sok )dyA. haý root anti causes a - growth of! H. Alin andi'. dtuggis »evýeryhr. lçithy ha44Ï. GiFl with Aubu rn hairt on every-,car., his saine nourishment ,(PARIS, ton anbottle.. 1I SAGE) causes the tairtàIigrow - e~ il ring7 Ë on Or Boce 'N are man>' poit hil lacoustructiom andt aishci! Out new model 'are' auch as wtil sssuss 1sean>' days of pleasurit tthuirïrlMers. A lofftj pCm be tahàüwith- ot1rof<mululap. - W-havwe mmm>' -convceons' !felstë thatwil juteront von t". For sxpert repair wo% brlàg yomr Mr. Wmj. Otmlatou & Sous- soiti-a 8mbý gelting lot une aal le Myb-lu i Witby. -Revr. t.laiiholtiammrllsr vice in 1h. PStçsuren buchoit o U44>', l , n emory o! ie ciceu Mt. V., Wells bas just iroturnoti ro m *i tnpW ia Wst. >tr..W VJ. Ilsycrt luaway ltu- ie' ànortlb«lîapplng. Mina ote Yipond, who bas ben lueing ut Baluam shoat vas obliiged tW ive - np Ibot cirk about tires w"-ki elte nterow Iiï < $11 atiris conftued-tio e bol. quite sertonaly 11Ali. ruia ionda hiope tint aie mn>' bare. a The regular moutl>' Mesing o! libe WcimenuIntlu wilI be heiti lu iel lisneHall, Btooktiin* ou'Thutsda.y, Ma>' 2n,ùgaI2.30 ci'clock. A fuît at- lenaace la requested i a- tI is a le, imuiai business meetint, election cil ouicers, etc. Mrt. Jack Slater andi fsiaily bars r eeve tg 'oWhihhy -wiers lie>'wil Thli Effgecive Laxative.. sete it~Il . grer- A5OW1Mn, Otittondtihat a don*tion of V25.0 < prorau wll--h rodced.Addullc hoien-ho 1 MCildrn'â Aid Soeiety LadiesO ÀM ne tWednesdýy evemig Iit,- C'tfni cineib Miay lut. Special -ten and, progra'n. Stocks, moved tintý' bis Couneil ad- Eveyboiy elcxneo.tlie- open -railing-cIor Ilb. doyen lit. John' Bright - ia>planting a new,, bridges forEat Witby 'rTOWnip:% orciardtip ~aspriug, ecoMýiitingsof i- Carned. t~èi crs. . M. tocks, secoudeti bylMt. Clif-u - lord rnovçdý ý Ibe cogtF»dt fore A WI~IC IEAII, ~ liugto do eiment kidgesfor .Wlean' I.ie hartistaweak or irresulgr) u n1 dopllyib Wad et g. fi luaction, ýv#en 111e bluc itbitAn andiL.J.Lcohyat the pnice- statét inl watery, ' neberthe lehood-torMuing'bie tender" and- W mnludete .extra1 ualls Dr. Clsu -'aNeOM Foote i,'llig igueiby-hlm. Orrit andi b>'its, use flood lie_ sytem with . XMored by lit. KeLean onded -by - r!ci, terd I~ihai__ blocit. 'Ttisis r., MeKenzi thalu bis Cowicti np- nnatnre's ,W yof curlug -weakness anti1 point -.1cm ýRosa,_ overseer, Ici lgok disen3.*i i As tbe only way Ici ensurd':after lies. bridgeitprovied satisfs&; Iastiug beô~fts. 'tôt>' arrangements aa .à n>p d# an f ~ : Mvot by it.liçeazi,5'ecoded Mn.Fve~r, asludet ram Oehawa by Mr. Stocks, tinthée Cletk elu tok P1 !cvie bhne on Snnday -in stritcte tWatidvertise fIor lenders-1 olot Mrt. Se ~nth's absece. the sale 'Of Twenaty Tionsand- Dollars e Te dut Bible Class o! Ainimonde, teetrs tnesIi9o pnt n entcrtail ~t,1 rried people oft el 10fln, Inci.Crrei ngbborhood on Monday evening ah Moved by lin. Clifforti, secontetiby -Mv Wllo~ cGego's 'iey spnlit . Gillord, Ibat a donation 'of450 M1 Wl1e eVui rel.gaiesatimut. grautedth le Soti Ontetici Agrncul- Miss Edfti Scot pent Sundàa>' ahturat Society.. LosI. Ur. Wm. Diugman's. - Mr. -Clifford, -secwndedi '.hËr. - Weare.plesedIcilien tit l ts. ckslC, movedti Iat lie fou1owinS q4- H. Rernm r, wbo was taken q tic é ounts 11e lA!d' hci4j tqe, UndePrgo gan wrasînor ie & 0C.1 ms, ...... J.0 apeoîcîl, a i ic loey , .Snndden,, miss .. .........00 H. Dearboru, R.&B..38.26 TASTES LIKE AND IR EÀTEN' OSHAWA. LIKEÈ CANDY. ReyC. Johýn MoiGregor, wiio .bas beeu lu ont exporience i 1h. andling 0o! pastor of mauuf1 Oshawa- Baptistý drugu-,and medieines, we believe we hribsreagnti% n t aceptedi har uve bcipx~rence with any callto itibPas~.teof Sto6uffville,. tenýedy liai gave .saoh geZt agd wîl ove Ïotbt al4 ce shoftlyî faction to ouocustomers as dciRez- Rev. 'and 4ürs. idcertgot are retairnkt ail Orderlies.- Ths reme tg lu oL 1k. mliobir fIrom-Iiudia. lirs,' Mo- 'any other laxat1v4, or cwtcartie. It Gregor, 4ÇB wel selber liuaband, tA, conhalus* ail the. gooti Matures eti te highiy ecucated. Since coming to laxatives, butkxne«of t cii ioî faulte.. Osbawa, Me bas given' several..inter- Our own f atlAlu - Rexail Orderlies eOstluig leftes on lite lu India, dresu- is 80 setrong, liaf we ciller 11cm tu lug iu nýt1ve costpmue, and bas won you witi aur awin positive personal- a reputation bore as a lecturer, and = taenle, that ïf they do nolt ter- an enhertaie. ouhysaîisfy you, yau only eeod'teil A ineee~ng of the Lake Shore- Pres us'ý anti we will band back latoyon Cv-- Associti'n was hetti bere onl Frday ry penny youn palti us for tieni. Of tas.t ek Representatives of the fl»reîors, in :tryjng them- upou,, eur Press mce preRent as foiiows : Isase rec mueI i o lk - rî~Wilson aýid Thos. B. Làpp '.bor whitever.John Mnrkar, Pfckerlng-,. C. A. Gooti- Rezall Orderlies tsste îikeâant--are feîlO*, 1"'1itby-; Mossrs.'WiIs.m, G11-- eaten like candy. They do ual gripe, lies and.,I Robinson, Lindsay; ; Susuel cause. manGea, excessive lôcisemess, or Famer, 1Port Perry';:John [mii., aÉy cthet annoyênce. -They act go0 Secretarj Caziadian -Press Ar-socia- easily t.iat *they inay be taken at sny tion, PToý_onto, _and Messrs. Wntson, lime, day or nliul. The' are partic- MnndY_ and' lcLeese, of 0.hawa. ulàtly gooti for children, ageti or doli- Mayor Gibson gave th1e brethrou tbe cale persona-. Tbey are put up iu freed>m . Vie towu, andtihie local couivenent tablets in three sizes of publishers dti ail -in Veir pr#wÈt 10 pakages. Prices, 10c., 25c. anti Soc. entettain the visitors. A ;roitabie Remember, florall Remedies can 11e meeting 1was heid, alters of rouci ebtatuMdlaii ls comunity, only ah Intereut té1the craf I belng diac':iged. pur store-Tii e 411 Store. A. H. .-- AilIi, drugi4t. East Whitbv Council. - isMYRTLE STÂTION. Council met titisday. 'Al ie memi Gis . Jôbuston lu visiting 1riendts bers present. Reeve uGifford l in'te lu Toronti. S chair. Minutes reati anti adophedi -Sevral of ont young people enjoy- Commulicatlons were read (rom 64. tbemelves on Tuesday evening Iu Carlyle andi Bock, iMesars. Bowman aMri. L. G. !Brown»'s iles, anti-'Canner, Municipal Association. Ont-choir are invitedti l Manchester Mr. S*tP*kS, seco»ndod by Mr. Gifford lW Ring 7ai ht er auniversiiry servi ces moved to introduce a .by-law ho em- oni May 26tht power thie. Reeve anud Treasurer Ici TeS.O.T.,hilad Ofne nieétling on torrow - mneys .for Vie useo! Us -Tuimoday night -ligit. Five, More new munuclpatîty untilte recept -of tai- members were inltlated. Tus -,makes oés, atliaI 111e -hçsani e 1erend a first . -Ross R.55 K& B..,............SL IG. Hayes, R. & .... ..... -12.98' j .Wilson, R. &B ....... ....10.20 bliousIadach',mille soa KJd.* COY.'LV5I PlJ. Ë. uis., from "y"uig idltr, u nm ovr did me . 1h. sai1âsàno di -o sé Dr. Vaus- As-L ef ma.I c6uld neot, ssp *ue, and do m -work' III dd"o, Use, thonplsvsa-b rommed the' im a1.M "Dr. Chmso <, msdIebiu* u.boM - the i#Iy inO liai sains 151 fathoesboums *'or' 50 eaa %0 . ë% action on tbo livor. bmra&7 ed bowulaé,Àmil arseho b uo0 affeciets mms.bomM W dion. Somsaoï, lot &Ul douëe. aI djim- o WH1T BY MARKETS. Aisike çcvr, e u. 10 o 11.00 Whsat 900".... ... ....... cl.00o . IWlutt &Pris. ....... .... t 0O Wheat, uni."*......O* 10.950 .ale................. 0.81to 0.9 Pssa................. -8 as. .... ..... ... 00.4510 0.50 Red Clovr... .... .......10ê4o 11.,00 PLOUR AND PEED.' Poipo o.,.eu 87W-3.00 Chopsd e4,oui.. ....Lu to 1W*0 Shorts8 per 2m7..64tS MÇAT. POULTÉY AÂN» ?RPOD JOL Bos, porwt ... ..... .0 l e t11.00 Mtièto, etl .. ...00-1I 0.10 Ho, eros .........81.oo ý010 Chickema,- pet lb...-. 0.16 Ic 018 Gôoer - osu.....t ...é'. 110 10.1 T'urk«sys, dusej-pot lb.o 4.18 10 ë» Butter, petrl ........30 Ii 0.3 lilcilgmu Mb'hr h. i Ue.wici: pj.14. uarriU. ger agent, wîtn nenuquarseru -li1 Lpril 1t~. I - -cazoýR lçaving - t ity -tôi coins - -WMý PURVES, - roit' to - take np bis' neW duis TownM~ip_ Clerk. Wolfénene- was bom n uort,- HoPe, YEAI~NO(~RS.- -Ont.j, in -Match, ,18632, and was-eduica- ted 'i W)'îthy Ço1keg4it tý iti moüts 1waseo ad nd"is -a soli. oflirs. Col, ,Farewel. s 8lndigestLon tbat 1 cul,ad a e,-grada.te r&m ',Stephlff8Cl? ci! dooie. Nervos were seboot of te1egrapiy. -- e heart -)bjjt antiumolt-- scame on tilt I Iboughit; - -McDONNALD-MceMASTEtt h.. Doctora' treatznenljtaaAr 4-b'11,.b thga le use al -D. 'On ThursaAr'1 1t 9Q,-h Fo- ire lls, wbieh , marmlage ceremuy lot Mis aAia.'Me- y pree gciod. healtb. 1 Mastelr, ol Oatario LJ4diea' Collegç,'. oin m buseor ~1Withy, and daughter of .Mr. aud -liWu. 1>y of tn) W. liclaster, of Cauningtoik, Ici- li. J. S. MeDonald, cif Tessier, Sask.., eldest son o! -'lin andi Mrs. D. McDce. eIwAUDAFTEI 39l' aid, o! Greenbank, _- Ont., was. pot- RSP 1RVICE, Jôrmed býy the Rev. A. M. Iri . 1EL A., on acconnt of Vie unavoidabie ab- Srvice. lot!31 ytuits with lihe seuce of . v -John Hart, -of, loudon. n ette '»br ilis constilueult Ont., nee of lbe bride. Tiie oecs- Wofenden hn'om c otwsvyqueîowing to tue te.. ilts g enù-eraà,l passenger.cent sad b«eavement'-lihe death of nereti servioe lu1881, -thé4>ie'-onybither. lMr. andi ti ofite Ciicajô and West lits. $cDonald 'leit on the -evening nailay I Wodviietrain fot their borne'in the West.- 193 -k.. nA Aýp ,a. xT.P... ' .. 4 Rleiimonùd; 1883-1890 agent at Ben~- 'to- Hrb'nj;'180-1on-travelling pas- senget ageumi, 893-190 general,,bng- gage-UI aet Iof, 1héeame! rodnd thle. I)oww>t, 'L" ng & Nortieru lino. lIn 1900 lie- P*Mrutte -ratiton-tiwas Oritti'a Hospitl Board la appéalir'« for, 85,000 witth which to bnild ga, ew« bospitat. Ubile The Bascom HI-use, U - gba% been sold to Mur-. .James Peak ilîof k erlug. A Number of, Secontd'Hand, r s,,and-, Wag gons.- Car Ic id of buggies en hand. . Corne along amd'itjt your chc ice. Bu0àwltb oen or covered -tops, and steel or ruluber tires. J.BDISNEYti WitY, >1Office frsî JAMES RU -Mono> --Officei-mrat b- S' - jas. B -e iiue.Sucei For term a anti LICENSB ANDI 'XIkinis ofi sales a hGz J. HO)W Opposite "xý467 -Wf Ca' Crpenters, Bui 4Plans drawi; i - I 5~ ANON, ANCN e S18gDSOc4Iecà@g43cIl~3cFJ@@cia.JcucI0xnciyixiKi~xt.s.x.x.xuu......rn........ i ~isk 11erIle ic pon ews o! our new discovrr' opeIa~' Cua fr --Coasumptiom - ve au orSugaWod tSeein W, pcrgirtkuciws cfI leravages of! ths cluese; how'io ,ifeu, fil bread.wimcr:-oftic fnmily faits a yictim, èor a yo, g'ina - o yon g w an wit n o ise of, abnppy aud useful'ilfe la stick "" d&iwu .- We ccessfnlly tuengt ceusumiption, tuberculosis, etc. The- doctora sp& daynve aild ta affect n cure for, tus plàgue. We ba djý4 t, w.r? Then-if yon have na severe-or lingerinüg'cough, Wea luf ,bledino! the lungs, laryngitig or bronchitis. submit -your case te us Our.contnucd experimonts nnd trials witi the moït-ndvnnccd case 01l c usaàmption bave -pioven witiiouî.n daubt tie mamvelons quality' oItbis pr aration. " - - --' Peop are proviug daily everything we - daim of tuis Grent Con- sumption mcd>'. -<an yoe-niford te Jet ti.o'portunit>' slip ,b>' when yon aree uring unnecessnry suffrinÏ andi trouble'? Sold by N ' W Whltlpye COow.sting mýtRIm Oulu£ au b.pruetiMd uppen rqueut. - [da-, i

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