"4 ~ -' r 'i. i, il 'i i stef i. r. t What abot sowlig saiton, the lan.d ths ssonQO M pfay fNo.. 1 coase usalulump rock sai. ' 19--Ciw, D" W!-51UL. 9,Nsm mil 8 US ULe.~5 CR* d *8 Te' OuIltNI las _________________________________________ -Mis .LIzzie Martin, 'toroieto, 'nt BROOKLIN. Mr. IMorsces Mucus. wheo West !ronlMr'. E, Mti l; Ms. J. Mayaard aitent laut sil heie to Toronto about two years Mr.ý,P6tey Jû1hsou hussilt the hc4I. with rieuds in Toronto. ago, sas been scriously fil.. Ie un- day wite hiearte lv aotre Mi. 'Jack Hortopi o Totrontis, dewet au operation autheisaWestcrea Johson splissbthe bildayà t home. lospital isetWLeck and illprOvexueni. Wuarc pleasesi te, teporiltisai Mdà Mr. Piecce andi tapuily, o Toronto, In* bis condition lias incebu r1e- D. liosesud amuly kà *ve osoved i nlo ;vjitcd aut Mr. Ucslwill's this week. Pottesi. Ocr vlllagq W weltooue tisniemhuei- kMss Lillian iBrownu W55 oufiniedto es-ily, eand wlsh tUssthuey bave thesa tl tAc Mflusa s awm-btimig bu ilînesa. ASHBIURN. Of BUccOassin thele acew livecy hui- e' Miss Vera Viiiond, ci '10151.4). Mms. Harris, of Broakliun ad Mis. css sM ent thsa holldà ywitb ber parnta pearion. or tPort ?crry, visited siM. Secd orn nda lt R4e Sccd for sale here. Win. Basshovert lb holiday , at J.E. BessuS & son ab Mra. Norman Colwill spent a lew Mr., afid .Ms. A. M.. EL'lis à à u' tais- Soule of osr boys apet thie holldusY1 sisys wth trieusin s hawca titislly epet Sunday:in Orson Hilver. 15'oot,'wlcoiesvialtei Lx- woee. Mr. andi M. Skiane, of Lindsay, bridge spring tal., Ois. E. L. Patterson and ehlisiare vivitesi there daugiter Mers. A. estur llon udaoblea s5<ni Meora vlsitiiig with relatives ut Ginse- Kslght on Sabirdiy. eotroeSsd1 st.Alrpr bridge. Ms. J. Waddiagisasu andi lier sttnitirs'allis e beast 1silgit ltasee lse uaibyaiCaliori~agrandsun -are viitisg Ms . ses . 'Lgil sýaud lel, pu frit ut10lc. snd lOir. pe l. W.A. Oglvis. Satarday is ieao liallidsy. Miss G. Savage visited Mliss Bl- i "eûwll lie seeal new inme5 Mr. Doble and i MeJuhmitsiis, n1 toue for a tew dayî., otishb os ine n s'jiesrs- Tsronto, speuiL.Sunday with Mr. snd Misa Garduer upest tise holiday duy seçnins net. Mc. A. C. Elliott. wth fieiîds in Sonyn. M.1Vne fOhwsea tn M. JaMes "Knit bas borenufu- Miss Walter, orC ljaremOiîtý visitesi day ut Me. L. Vanests'. 1. cd to bis bouse tocr twO weses by a bier brother, M: Wm, Walker, Ist lgist presepaisi fo butter and. haiatiari of C acla. . wcek. egga at ieeork .5Sui'a, ,Cash or, Mr. sud Me._ G. Andersons and A tew young people utteuded ils trade. daughter, ot Toroatot, apeuttheilsi- Faie at Uxbridge on tise l4tis. Dont torget tbse chaunge of iaso day wibh thici parents. hiss l'autos, uf Southisawsa, table on lise L'... cooOssQosg on Ms. Somtervile andi Miss Tille will give au asidresu on Mission Band usday, Jaune !4d. Itobson apet several das is ut week work lu Mrn' eburchon .Frtisay Ait inds oC lleeceackees 'ûd> lire- wibteleitti nda l Wtby. evening ut eigbt olork. Ail are works at J .E. Meock di&leSons.. Mie..FranS ;cottI, cosTorsisto, andi welcone.-- Miss Bsis Scott, o Osiawa, spelt Mr. andi Mes. Wotten atteniiesian AUDLEY. tbc holiday wihcibbes irarcuks. enteetaiaent at Enalisillen 15t Misa Masiden apet tise holiday at. Ms. MaX. Rose, of Mexico, la ex.- week. home. pectesi>home shortly, for a viit wlbli M. sud Ms. J. Leasairvlisitd Mes. Misa Chapesas, oi Use Toronto liecftbler, M. A. lc.ee. Masden on Victoria Day. Publc Sohool staff, W"shomotfor a M. litali marshail,asforiser resi- bQuite s namber rous Ashbuewure ces e iy. dent ut tirooklin, was in lawu thilaut the concert lu lirooblit' Oie 'rues- Misses Nellie snd Verna Lyneawe scecicierouwsongolsi uqualotanees. day eeug. sder tise parental cool aier the 54f; M. 1red Bit. scisose ilîilsa vau M. MeCuilougis. ofCGuelh, vîsitesi un.U enbas liniahesi bis teris, reportd l isnOue ast lsun i thse ps- Mr. Asisiousau Vitoria Day. aend bas ougaged lethS. Puclîia tot per, is not hsproing vry rapidly. We ire aorey tauear fleuri Stut- thcesmosr. Mss Laura Faloy li&unt o u I aa.y erlord lae ntder tise dio '5 a re. Messrs. Mercer'ajed I'ucrin bavc emulaiig tur the West, vberc aitec atîs M. . Valentino se unluIthica, N.Y. piastosi s large nIiseoaher u meabe a leuLgthy clit v itisrelatives. attoodisig tbbctintrai ai bis alatel, p.sies tocs tisisapelsand Mr. sud Ais. Thos. 1loutiey sore Miss J. Valeetylle. tir. ansi Mes. Joant one sud souý is Uhathans Ulis week attenuieg tac Mr, J. Gres, agent for tise tindie sprat a tew daya vlaîtlag R.GUstiee luterai of hIs. toutieyt sietr, lMis. Medicineo C., bas bJu ise orDuîrhameîand Iamily. Bail. outy. Jus, Ilacrosa vas tabouasedely 'iheplacard for sarlet lever bas TisePicikering aud Marthiaî, tIare- il visile wockisg at W. Orvis, ou le=e remsveod tram Mr. Iloley 'a dose, ment sud Asisisua 'ieilillolis cu'ii- Satsrday, bat we are pleasesi 10 aay tLsi child hlaisg reoserèsi risesthse ianies bave aosslgaîiutsli. ie "Ope was aile te" lbe removed hme~ u diseuase. lise btter services. lânsys aisbiuance. Mr. J.C. Alilesi bas hasi a ceosent Mer. W. Buros, Whbo liais beeu viit- Ed. Llinser la prendofthtie way the louadatiisn pst tsiIe is harueis isg Mr. J. Davidsi, lbas letslue the esc .hp. gasoline engine adsu ase ehop, sud la makîag otisor improve- West. dotsa lis work. lie inteuils piitting i motifs. Deesunu Tasrselay, May 23, bwiu a geais gr iader souri. suceèsa t'O Miss Lasîn Iliirtvp, suis bas buoseduigis eof!Mr. ansi Ms. A. Var- Im. lun'Toronto flise seresi îoths, hbas cS. Informent wsut Salems. 'lisemhsçlswacd weel.tisor oflate lbas Lai tu rouis humo berasse ociiMince onpanig u ihfv healtis. . iindee tcocuitions tnw, bi ill etv M. Thos. RJItloy vsitei triendu IIAS Réfr igg oaeb le coofttisnose, bmar e t i Flecurboover the 24th. Whle s. DIIif ii ave pt. tblu unatc e tiseaho met an nid riesei wMtCure. gout cp. - h CP.. s whombuo lsworkcd maley yeara agis. rAller anch Suyarie nC.P.wR. 'la M. Enutley vasi very aclepleatiesi-caly ndMe r sswa a i avctMus, as huitni sees hlm lac A. M. ALUIN GUAIIANTZ'EES VAR- eaeset. Tisey bave eerel teute uearly fitty year. 1ISAN MAGE FUIt DANBjRa.'Cjl( puisohit os tis aamsspropery,'sad Ms. 'r. J. Mlllday 44 ~rebaruesi ANI) PALLINQ 1ItR. lise stixt gan5g ave teire onthe a romtaNortha Carnttiu, whre sa iss as Dstroy bbé,saduinegersus iats etOfJohnu Bell, o est tieldwu<. omiea to tuci abe ten niosseO!splendid iorses are boeen tarthse hit ye, aecîspauiilsltise uuey lsnowu vWay t di hauing gravelfotohUe btmeiita t. hy lber siagiter, Ms. j.p. Rsoger. daudruiCansd Farisian Sage cutaisa Ushe ceosaînga sa tise 41)1con. ad 'ihey sere bec tise a escdapa Iat IjstthflingreesiiîbaUt viil eariy other paceas;. Tise taribouses are week 2Lüd are nom lu Toeonton, maS- gereses. 1attxdtAeums ihbad lut prépaeationntor tise moving.nI iia5sdruff causes lallisg haie andsi a il cri te Uui stus ofvilianiurd Mes. iiolisslay'a bousebolsi gonds bui batiduesa bossuas the ltbte iaiesruti e1e, hlsmasudeasttaan will nccupy asoute old biousesands .hhitby, seere abie etl sow ceide, germa ruh tise balte cnthe bbonce- teute Altogçther tise West end Jusst 'lhe <ath accurres inluTioto on tlabuscait that aboutîi go l u lppiy 50w *is ail excitesent. Satueday, May 2bUs, ot Ms. leeeieile luiit1er sud igar tes Use baîr.. fur mauy yeasaa resisiest o Brook- PAOISIAN SAGE coula but 60r. lu. Ms. 1'besie licol viblne e- aiot . M.AlIas andi P tao aa 'i bandi ad lsluily heb or iemany yoaes giste evrywi-es. Ilasguarantei andsi as wil aud îsvoeably lova. ttuaisis daudruff, stop allos'a blaier___ l'or lse past tvelce yeeabise bas or scalp Iitai, or mossoy ak.ise May Isquiries, bave ieen ceVe lissel wi eul ativssineToronto. liec girl sîtis Use Auburn haie i a lev- et the Agriesltural office In Wistisy, lunueat'boaS place frous bue Juoctios ery bottie. It a a mosi, deligleblal witisrrspecit to eelUng vitis tise o- Station, Wibhy, to St. Jisiosa . sud dsinaby perluineit dreibsisaI ht toti calsier. Tise lellowisg sellise C. cbsecis, visero service wsia elsi; quicly iscigneabes. lise scalp. wcibben by Prof. J.M. Hewit, Q. A. iSscerfis bie LC. bueyiieg geonal "My baie v& as lUlsgouit sd17C. Guelphs, bas bçecs leaed t tes nu li: inierest. until i began the use o! PAIIISIAN by tise Whtbby office fee publication, 'hls Fiiu Liieaey,,Cissect, post- SAGE, but Il ooknie n noW. My and ehoulsi proveoof litere es tassa- pasesifrti bie peeveous, seek hecause baie wssagetting veCrybisil, but titi 1 rs aIfabai veatise, vas belsiona Tues- gettiug tbîek ansi vy.-.Ellzs Arcis- M. .T. Guasow, butaumnl»DSa-. day evouîag, ussier conditions evea c, 60 b.hsech St., fasttord, Conul.; tls Experianental P.Faru, Ottawa, essre ulavorable tisan prevailesi on J use 5isu aîressiy, truÃb r" al Use irst date. lu epiteofoLtsa, isere cd attention tes hia moat destructive waa a goosi abbessasce, wirb vwoulsi PORT WIîTBY. poist e leasutUe geeat daneger ceetaiuiy bave iîcreoasod by lity per Mr.Percy Alla bas retuen#d frteus9o!it beng labeoduced inito Canada sent. bail tise veatbor beca fine. As lquemn's Univesity, Kingston. - iimiportei seesl potatesa.. OUn1ac- liasihoteo xpeclei. ilte cslrtansent Mra M M.HokSe ctureostu ber coltet tiseserbes l fues 40 tisa Iseaishodsi v iîuelî sjoye, sol tise boutelest week, atee apendieig Use larmiesreto!Osbatie, ibisejhé iesr- reputationu oItue accoraI arisaIs was vînter itb relatives lu Toronto. diction orthUeo otetes canker . seisi Wol sustaluci M. J. IL. Caîîran, Mr.NeilVanstoae leort this veclicause, lbl i uisOt Of P18est Ist». aae Whso is nov one o! tise vtrans a! bis for Toronto tn take a positio us te WaO'5 51 IIAteresdinlispotatO POV9o. proession, s jut an gousia s sOey C. P. R.offices tisere. isg tolionotisa atfer tepotato toler as o! yore, but Uose wbo bail M.s ua, trno il' ccu- dsuela tiese aed ottS.A4arè- houaed filCusbeloe are o!fileîoapineon Uatliîe bas passod bis test ass a oog- pyusg s cottasge aifleydeusabnre Park ________________ ster, thougisfie must tl) ho cout- for tise sussoor. ei~ cil sssug the fst-eîasa artists. Miss Mr. sud Mes. Jos. Pisdar, Tor- ilcm ;lca i Broscuscisuh, tise eicuionilsl, cap-onto MenTithea. Finda thhont tivated bler audience by bier vinailg o r hs idr perssuaîîîy, asndtise ressiuion ofliber Récrent clitoca t Port Whiiby sti-were Mr. lEnest andi Miss Emasa COUNTY OF 1ONTARIO. vrioas si'i,'ti,>ss, bilforis, patrie-Goldring, and Miss erelt, Toonoe, 1912 tic sud deablte. TiseInstîrumental tM toadGodig ia S sumiscris ly Dr. lHarvey Ituist, rossesitM.RcadOldig is'S niîucheisotiusiasm. i.îe is certaisîly Van itseeaiu, sith M. MeCori. Me.r. WMTBY-4-lIok, 391-S B. L. à [@> tse bot planlt tisat bas bosn heard Ernest andi Miss Toesa SCop, od To- 45101, - Whltby-~Jaie. là , rab. sé her. A te fnie01wriingths r- on te, at bouse rMr. 'Win old inilg mut& 4 Ayr"l8. Nai 2, Jms liss. t be bnieo!wrsisglai reasd Miss Ethel (ioldring, ut M. F. J4]il8.809Mt - 1 W4..Si V.2, port the financial stabeestblint1.7Ja.lM bifeic oipîcte-s, but it liis hoie bat Gisdrigs ;Mr. asnd Mes. (lT. Rboks DesCI .Aa. *4**. 0wde'ct if'Cauy, ell i' susalil ansi M. ansi Ms. CAIIIHouke, Toc-. OSMAWA... e 1 NI pI _____osto, vitis Mes. M.Honte; Miss a ,sieli, tb - 4I ,4~ Cody, Toronoiu t ber homo; Mr. à Si 15 t-a 'W 't Saudn an su. illidusy ansi Miss Feel $ePt- d o t fl. il bia- 0 S ound S ellilliday, at M. IB.RIl d'a ;M. Jan-. 14, 1918, is usualy supoaslble tte lise seiua Sieldisu Watson, at luisis, Mis's M. S. BIIOUOUAZ.c.ClI L ,N. mus Butbeeeusnse eeds-ndheal- A.Philp, M. W.Ll.sud Miss Edits Gsueood au. 17, Nar* 6.Nsy aches, sour stemach, indigestion go IRouchl.heyvoad, wviilMiss AR,. SiJoâl'6SS 9000L V U Je. -eben lise boelsrre regslaod and 'Sieep; Mies Jessie Wilis. Toironto, 111, liii. tis I ccandidsoystssseltedl et hlis ;Mrsme. ASwaniandsueiis, 3.polT pSERy-C(nukp JW.aa thelierandkines timlaeS Toriseto, at "liavs do" , Me.ans itna r F tt ry'-J». M4 à gà . ,7., Mîis Veos Deonig'as Me ir. ii Van- Xliai-7, Jely t, BSt t% »« 1no Mo lai.ÉLolons.mMe s -a.lo Lo - . UXB rdson, J ]leuselis î;lgalsre of Why We Ende W. hlave Cisemuet- mode m, tise maset prrCcaead tbF boist equippesi scisool ln Esaersi Ontario- Tise casses are tisorougisaud fcinatiog. An catireli canil suamaPeecdure tor e U ic lieg atie asaleleous Young p éloaIofsOurcooisCo; l Oa1s10.Grad tes areauccesatul. Askis a anisio e x-stu. dent. Tho are ose bout ailverClsemesat. MimeLtudy Cots iuiigS DInWtIuuq Single Fare for Round Trnp lielwecis Ail Stations in Canada Qood going May 31, j une 1, 2, 3. Retuen Litait )June 5, 1912. (Minimum charoge 25c) FastIgNuakesia Exprasi - Leavea Tronto si5 sun. d5117, excepe Ssii. daymsaking direccne uection atMus- i a fer ocMeneuSe Lake points. HOUEEkEW EXCIJISIOU TO lise Es and 25, Jali' 9 andi23, and eeyscMTueuday tieooaftler siatil toa ad retirE$42Tickeots g- jor Suxt7 days. 1S1,ecWtrsains-il] Ceuse rûmtO us.3o P-os. On aboye a dis aeylgTlieagle Coachsand Pullmsas ~aeiigCasa NO CHANGE 0F CARS' TCcbes swili ailes osausale vaaSarlis and Nouteib aNav.igatiClO ausaY- Full Istorasation âa i ketI ~s ron Te« Aegettes EMpeU, r- TeeroOie, p5 site S»& COY C14TT'ZL-OfTY ONTAtRIO, Tise Jane steetling ofthe CO Couriiell is!the corporabiona est County o! Ontario,' for tUsa 7051I suCj,îý ho isîs, Dusast, 'to-silo seat, aitisa Court lMongel'a' Towsaoft Wtsiiy. on TueselsY, 41.1 day af JOi sS ttise hou ose o'clock la bsealternoone. Aillceousabetoise lad etors Comeail ahoulé ltoeeardsýd tes <Jeci properly certifies, et l tire sisys ietors tise meting et WlH!TBy MAR] allks loe, pe uu ..*J Wvbs4, Whie ........ *mua, sprin..... . . . Dade, u................ Bal....... . .... B u&... ..... .... .. .....vu ......... 1.. 2 WEU, a sual>i Clark. ZETS 0".- P'614p arbusent, .A. ation and rc- sisoslt any suga atd antii aaie see eeiced.